RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#74: Had an accident

Rising Cloud Peak half way up the mountain locates in a cave mansion. 出云峰山腰处一座洞府内。 Night, the chilly moonlight by the window corner, leaks in the room, shines wins the snow in flesh, on the appearance elegant palace clothing young girl. 夜里,清冷的月光透过窗棱,漏进房间,映照在一名肌肤胜雪,容貌秀美的宫装少女身上。 At this time, she is relying on sits the gum border in room, on the fine cheek is hanging the Qianqian (shallow) happy expression, two lines of clear tears, actually silent flow following the cheeks under. 此时,她正倚坐在房内的牙床边沿,精致的脸蛋上挂着浅浅笑意,两行晶莹的泪水,却是顺着脸颊无声地流淌而下。 Father, Elder Brother, Heavenly Ghost Sect...... Big Brother Han had been exterminated by Han, Abundance Nation has also belonged to Cold Flame Sect to run, our Yu Family big enmity the thorough report, the clansman the migration return native land, your soul in heaven, has soon been able to rest.” Young girl wiping the face cheek tears, in a low voice telling. “父亲,哥哥,天鬼宗已经被韩……韩大哥剿灭了,丰国也已重新归于冷焰宗掌管,我们余家的大仇已经彻底报了,族人不日即将迁徙回归故土,你们在天之灵,可以安息了。”少女擦了擦脸颊泪水,低声诉说着。 This young girl naturally is Yu Menghan, at this moment she must report because of the big enmity weeps, but in the mind actually cannot bear appear that big youth form, mood all sort of feeling is mixed. 这名少女自然就是余梦寒,此刻她正因大仇得报喜极而泣,可脑海中却忍不住浮现出那个高大的青年身影,心情百感交杂。 Big Brother Han......” she muttered. 韩大哥……”她不禁喃喃道。 ...... …… Less than half month later, on Boundary Origin Dao Temple Nine Palaces Peak. 小半个月后,境元观九宫峰上。 Han Li of azure clothes, is bending down finally together in the wash star stone inserting ground. 一袭青衣的韩立,正俯身将最后一块浣星石嵌入地面中。 With ka a light sound. 伴随着“咔”的一声轻响。 Entire Star-Gathering Platform greatly is suddenly bright, one dim silver light from the in the air landing, are common like the fog, covered the entire stage. 整个聚星台骤然大亮,一片朦胧银光从空中降落,如同雾霭一般,将整个高台笼罩了进去。 All celestial charts in this moment, were all lightened. 所有星图在这一刻,悉数被点亮。 Han Li raises head looked at a stars densely covered nighttime sky, the look tranquil lifts starts along the stair, gradually walks toward Star-Gathering Platform on. 韩立仰头望了一眼繁星密布的夜空,神色平静的抬起脚沿着台阶,缓步朝着聚星台上走去。 ...... …… Immortal World. 仙界 Near not a well-known boundless sea area, there is together a giant cliff of thousand zhang (3.33 m) surplus, highlights like the falcon sharp beak in the sea level generally. 一片不知名无垠海域边,有一道千丈余高的巨大悬崖,如同鹰隼尖喙一般突出于海面。 The cliff peak, is standing and waiting for a long time an area extremely broad grand city. 悬崖顶端,伫立着一座占地面积极广的雄伟城池。 The city surrounding enceinte passes the hundred zhang (333 m) high, by the essence the rock casting, all over the body was just dark, fuses together with the entire cliff. 城池外围城廓高逾百丈,以精刚岩石铸造,通体暗黑,与整个山崖融为一体。 It close to one side of sea, above the wall body has the motley corroded trace, that is when the storm arrives, thousand zhang (3.33 m) monstrous waves that in the sea curls up strike, trace that year and year out later, stays behind. 其靠近大海的一侧,墙身之上多有斑驳侵蚀痕迹,那是每当风暴降临之时,海中卷起的千丈巨浪拍击,经年累月之后,所留下的痕迹。 In city, besides distributing four straight Great Dao, but also spreads across is distributing many narrow tracks, store shops big or small, live together with different nationalities are one of them. 城池之内,除了分布有四条笔直大道之外,还纵横交错地分布着不少狭窄小道,一座座或大或小的商铺市肆,就杂处在其中。 In the city residents are really many, above Great Dao heavy traffic, the place of alley is also bustling, is very lively. 城中居民人数实在不少,大道之上车水马龙,小街之处也是熙熙攘攘,十分热闹。 Southwest the city, the blue stone narrow street, inside restaurant store banister tile-roofed house has everything expected to find, by the path is fluttering everywhere various type flags pretences, crowded unceasingly, seems somewhat noisy. 在城池西南,有一条青石窄街,里面酒楼商铺勾栏瓦舍应有尽有,道路两侧到处都飘着各式旌旗幌子,人来人往不断,显得有些嘈杂。 Azure Yang Shu beside in blue stone outskirt, constructs common three/3rd level little building, the blue brick builds the wall red wood is a column, the octagonal upturned eave grey tile coping, outside faces the street to hang a azure streamer flag, submits a written statement to one medicine character, looks very ordinary. 在青石街尾的一棵青杨树旁,建有一座毫不起眼的三层小楼,青砖筑墙红木为柱,八角飞檐青瓦盖顶,外面临街挂着一杆青色幡旗,上书一个“药”字,看起来十分普通。 In the building in the great hall, several cotton garment waiters are back and forth busy, are entertaining comes to purchase spirit medicine business guest, but some small number of guests under the influence of shop manager, along staircase to 2nd floor. 楼内大堂中,几个布衣伙计来回忙碌,招待着前来购置灵药的商客,而有少数客人则在掌柜的引领下,沿着楼梯去往二楼 But to the 2nd floor stairway place upward, has the azure wooden door together, separated little building three/3rd level. 而通往二楼再往上的楼梯口处,却加有一道青色木门,将小楼三层隔了起来。 At this time, in a reception room in 3rd floor, suspends a soft cot, on the cot is laying aside a purple tea table, above is having the curling sandalwood to raise, the fragrance entangles the houseful. 此时,三楼内的一间客室之中,摆有一张软榻,榻上放置着一张紫色茶几,上面正有袅袅檀香升起,香萦满屋。 By that tea table, then two forms, the hand holds the scented tea, sits facing each other. 在那茶几两侧,则有两道身影,手捧香茗,相对而坐。 One of them youth appearance, wears the black vigor attire, the appearance is handsome, on the face is distinctive, actually Fang Pan. 其中一人青年模样,身着黑色劲装,容貌俊朗,脸上棱角分明,却正是方磐 But another person of roughly 40 - 50 year, body slightly fat, wears money dye printing silk fabrics, the double handwarmer sleeve, in the surface has the genial happy expression, seems like an appearance of common rich merchant. 而另一人约莫四五十岁,身体微胖,身着金钱印花绸缎,双手笼袖,面上带着和煦笑意,看起来一副寻常富商的模样。 Fang Pan sized up around a room, sees the surrounding sparkling stone glittering, has the one/1st level/layer pale golden restriction light screen to cover, says: 方磐打量了一眼房间四周,见周围莹光闪烁,有一层淡金色的禁制光幕笼罩着,开口说道: In the city, the expensive/noble building will divide the building to suppose in the city bustling streets that the person of this common custom lives greatly faintly, pours also some meanings.” “正所谓大隐隐于市,贵楼将分楼设于这种世俗之人聚居的城池闹市,倒也有些意思。” Haha...... on Ten Regions Pavilion after all everywhere anything sect big faction, dry/does is the job of whispering, naturally cannot set up in unvisited celestial mountain blessed land.” The middle-aged man said with a smile. “哈哈……十方楼毕竟比比上什么宗门大派,干的就是交头接耳的营生,自然不能设立在人迹罕至的仙山福地了。”中年男子笑着说道。 Previously your transmit/message came, said that had that person of news, did this words take seriously?” Fang Pan thread of conversation revolution of asking. “先前你们传讯过来,说是有那人消息了,此话当真?”方磐话锋一转的问道。 That is natural, we make you run this, for completes this transaction.” The middle-aged man smiles, said. “那是自然,我们让您跑这一趟,为的就是完成这笔交易。”中年男子笑了笑,说道。 Fang Pan hears the word, without delay, the wrist/skill turns, takes out azure storage bag that rouses the drum, placed on the table. 方磐闻言,二话不说,手腕一翻,取出一只鼓鼓的青色储物袋,放在了桌上。 The middle-aged man takes up storage bag, divine sense sweeps slightly, on the face the happy expression was thicker several points, the nod said: That person that you must find, is in Spirit Domain World now.” 中年男子拿起储物袋,神识微微一扫,脸上笑意更浓了几分,点头说道:“您要找的那人,如今正在灵寰界。” Then, his palm wields, the purple gold round earthen bowl that is filled with the clear water, appeared above the tea table. 说罢,其手掌一挥,一只盛满清水的紫金圆钵,就出现在了茶几之上。 The middle-aged man lifts a finger, knocks along in the earthen bowl gently. 中年男子抬起一根手指,在钵沿上轻轻一敲。 Thump......” “咚……” In the earthen bowl the clear water swings ripples immediately, after the azure light flash crosses together, Giant Ape and yellow turbans giant battle picture, appeared intensely immediately. 钵中清水顿时荡开一阵涟漪,一道青光闪过之后,一副巨猿与黄巾巨人激烈的交战画面,就立即浮现在了其中。 Fang Pan saw that size such as mountain golden Giant Ape, the vision congealed immediately, in the eye bone-chilling cold murderous aura to reveal without doubt. 方磐一眼就看到了那头体型如山的金色巨猿,目光顿时一凝,眼中凛冽杀气显露无疑。 The middle-aged person of rich merchant appearance sees that in the surface does not have the unusual look, as before is an appearance of modest smile. 富商模样的中年人见状,面上全无异样神色,依旧是一副温和微笑的模样。 A moment later, his palm wipes on the purple gold earthen bowl gently, in earthen bowl ray immediately one dark, the picture also vanishes immediately. 片刻之后,其手掌轻轻在紫金钵上一抹,钵内光芒顿时一暗,画面也随即消失。 This person still in Spirit Domain World named Boundary Origin Dao Temple sect, should not leave nowadays for a short time.” The middle-aged man said slowly. “此人现如今还在灵寰界的一个名为境元观宗门中,一时半会儿应该还不会离开。”中年男子缓缓说道。 Had Lao Guilou.” “有劳贵楼了。” Fang Pan expressed gratitude, in the heart has actually been calculating, how to Spirit Domain World. 方磐道谢一声,心中却已经盘算着,如何去往灵寰界了。 No need, the causing difficulties for others wealth, makes things convenient for others. In the future if also has the need, do not forget to come to the building again is.” The middle-aged man happy expression wins, said submissively. “不必,拿人钱财,予人方便罢了。日后若还有需要,别忘再来楼中便是。”中年男子笑意更胜,拱手说道。 Fang Pan is just about to start talking, waist pan suddenly has golden light appear, a slow anxious ceaselessness glitters. 方磐正要开口说话,腰袢忽然有金光亮起,一缓一急的不断闪烁起来。 That middle-aged man sees that immediately stands up, said respectfully: Here isolates restriction not to have the issue certainly, the honored guest may take a short break in this greatly, does not disturb below.” 那中年男子见状,随即站起身来,恭敬说道:“此处隔绝禁制绝无问题,贵客大可在此稍事休息,在下就不打扰了。” Then, it slightly salutes, then does not return withdrew from the room. 说罢,其略一施礼,便头也不回的退出了房间。 After it walks, Fang Pan waves to wipe in the waist, in the palm has come out at the same time the decorative design in a utensil gorgeous golden color token. 待其走后,方磐挥手在腰间一抹,掌心之中就已经多出来一面纹饰华美至极的金色令牌。 It looks on the token is glittering the golden light, after the look hesitation moment, both eyes shut, invested in divine sense the token. 其望着令牌上闪烁着的金光,神色犹疑片刻后,还是双目一闭,将神识投入了令牌之中。 , His form appeared in a resplendent in gold and jade green main hall suddenly, in the palace almost does not have any arrangement, was only above four walls, hollowed-out work many fine gorgeous flower-and-bird traces. 恍然之间,他的身影出现在了一座金碧辉煌的大殿之中,殿内几乎没有任何陈设,只是在四壁之上,镂空雕刻着许多精致华美的花鸟纹路。 Dead ahead the main hall, is standing a palace clothing female who wears the duplicate white fine gauze, its one sees the black clothes youth, says: 大殿正前方,站着一位身着面覆白色轻纱的宫装女子,其一见黑衣青年,就开口说道: Fang Pan, recently in Yunfu, erupted the hidden beast tide of chance of a lifetime, in has several hundred cities to be slaughtered miserably, dozens sect exterminated an entire family miserably. Presently made you go Yunfu processing this matter.” 方磐,近日云浮界中,爆发了千年一遇的隐兽大潮,界内已有数百城池惨被屠杀,数十宗派惨被灭门。现特令你前去云浮界处理此事。” Black clothes youth hears word, the complexion somewhat is immediately stiff, its hesitant a moment later, says: 黑衣青年闻言,脸色顿时有些僵硬,其犹豫片刻之后,还是开口说道: immortal envoy, hidden beast tide , to subside completely, at least needs to spend for several years the time, but some subordinate also critical matters, have to process immediately, may I ask whether to change one person to carry out this assignment in addition?” 仙使,隐兽大潮要想完全平息,至少需要花费数年时间,而属下还有一些紧要之事,不得不立即去处理,敢问能否另换一人执行此次任务?” Under me several other people have assignment respectively, and no one unemployed, only then you after completing previous assignment, had not received new assignment.” The white clothing fairy maiden shakes the head to say. “我下面的其他几人都各有任务,并无一人赋闲,只有你自完成上次任务之后,就一直没有接取新的任务。”白衣仙子摇了摇头说道。 immortal envoy, but......” 仙使,可……” Fang Pan, don't forget oneself responsibility and Immortal Palace custom?” Fang Pan also wants to argue, but the words told only half, was broken by the white clothing fairy maiden. 方磐,你可别忘了自己职责和仙宫的规矩?”方磐还想辩解,可话说到一半,就被白衣仙子打断了。 Does not dare, Fang Pan meets the command.” Although in the Fang Pan heart has does not hope, has helpless replied. “不敢,方磐接令。”方磐心中虽有万般不愿,也只得无奈答道。 He also takes back divine sense after the token, the complexion is gloomy, clenches teeth to say secretly: Calculates that your boy is in luck, makes you live again for several years.” 他随之从令牌中收回神识之后,脸色阴沉,暗自咬牙道:“算你小子走运,就让你再多活几年。” ...... …… Three years later, Boundary Origin Dao Temple. 三年之后,境元观 At night, on Nine Palaces Peak the silver light shines, just likes the daytime. 夜晚,九宫峰上银光照耀,恍若白昼。 Entire Star-Gathering Platform, covers in seven Dodge thick incomparable giant silver white light beams, share of giant dragon scroll who becomes by the power of stars collection, encircles beside the light beam, seems like giant fence that is unable to overstep together. 整个聚星台,都笼罩在七道奇粗无比的巨大银白光柱之中,一股由星辰之力汇集而成的巨大龙卷,围在光柱之外,看起来就像一道无法逾越的巨大围墙。 At this moment, above the stage, Han Li is sitting cross-legged to sit in central, the body seemed fulled floaded operation by the star light, the whole person shines insightfully, is nearly transparent. 此刻,在高台之上,韩立正盘膝坐在中央,身体仿佛被星光灌满,整个人通透发亮,近乎透明。 In its chest and belly place, six blue luminous spots distribute like the ladle generally, are glittering brightly brilliance, but in the scoop tail place's seventh blue color luminous spot, although somewhat is dim, is vivid. 在其胸腹处,六颗蓝色光点如同勺子一般分布,闪烁着熠熠光辉,而在杓尾处第七颗蓝色光点虽还有些朦胧,却也已经是呼之欲出了。 At this time, the Han Li eyelash shivered several, the eyes opened the eyes suddenly, in its magical formula received, covers seven light beams immediately ray powder around Star-Gathering Platform, gradually vanished. 这时,韩立睫毛颤动几下,双眼忽然睁了开来,其手上法诀一收,笼罩在聚星台周围的七道光柱顿时光芒一散,逐渐消失。 In the midair seven circle in flight black light, but, changes to seven Star Moon Treasure Mirror to fall into the Han Li hand, was received conveniently by it. 半空中七道黑光飞旋而至,化作七面星月宝镜落入韩立手中,被其随手收起。 Initially in Boundary Origin Dao Temple, for worked loose from the mystical place, he once the original valuable mirror from exploding, then came him to seize a lot of even-numbered earthly branche stones in Heavenly Ghost Sect, then sacrificial refining left again seven. 当初在境元观中,为了从秘境中挣脱,他曾将原先的宝镜自爆,而后来他在天鬼宗内又缴获了大量阴辰石,便又重新祭炼出了七面。 In his surface shows a happy expression, muttered: Finally soon condensed seventh profound aperture.” 他面上露出一丝笑意,喃喃自语道:“终于快要凝聚出第七玄窍了。” Regarding Profound Immortal, his originally not too many direct feels, but since three years ago and after that yellow turbans giant wars, in addition his present cultivation Little Dipper Essence Technique feeling/reflection, time had some more accurate understanding of this level/layer on the contrary. 对于玄仙,他原本并没有太多直观感受,但自从三年前和那黄巾巨人一战之后,再加上他如今修炼小北斗星元功感悟,反倒对这一层次有了些更确切的认识。 He believes that when the body of his achievement true pole, if meets yellow turbans giant opponent again, perhaps does not need to use Sacred True Demon Technique again, the only mortal body strength suppressed the opposite party sufficiently. 他相信,等他成就真极之躯时,若再遇上黄巾巨人这种对手,或许就不需要再动用梵圣真魔功了,单凭肉身力量就足以压制对方了。 Thinks of here, he recalls the incident to come suddenly, the wrist/skill turns, in the palm on are many a walnut size the yellow bean. 想到这里,他忽然记起一事来,手腕一翻,掌心中就多出一颗核桃大小的黄色豆子。 At that time that took out from the yellow turbans giant chest cavity. 正是当时从黄巾巨人胸腔中取出的那枚。 Since knew that Immortal World has a secret organization to post a reward after him, Han Li has been busy with cultivation, the promotion strength, today examines this bean for the first time carefully. 自从得知仙界有一隐秘组织悬赏于他后,韩立就一直忙于修炼,提升实力,今天还是第一次仔细查看此豆。 He its handful in the palm, the observation moment, discovery this bean except for size compared with on general soybean big several times, other then had no unique element with rapt attention again. 他将其捧在手心,凝神观察片刻,就发现此豆除了体型比一般黄豆大上数倍,其余便再无任何特殊之处了。 However, when he searches into divine sense the soybean, immediately is startled. 然而,当他将神识探入黄豆中时,顿时一惊。 Sees only in this bean, is flooding a rich azure ray, if not personally sees, but is the close eyes feeling words, Han Li even thinks before own body, is having a broad forest, inside is full of the surprising vigorous vitality/angry. 只见此豆之内,充斥着一股浓郁的青色光芒,若非亲眼所见,而是闭目感受的话,韩立甚至以为自己身前正有一片宽广森林,里面充满着令人惊讶的勃勃生气。 This thing has so copious incomparable vitality unexpectedly, if is really out of the ordinary.” After Han Li opens the eyes, to praise sighed. “此物竟有如此沛然无比的生命力,果真非同凡响。”韩立睁开双眼后,不禁赞叹道。 This yellow big bean, he sees is only used to unify the yellow turbans giant, actually did not know how to drive to use, vitality that but contains by this thing, could not say that in the future will have big using. 这颗黄色大豆子,他只见被用来凝聚黄巾巨人,却并不晓得如何驱用,但以此物所蕴含的生机来看,说不得日后就会有大用。 After hesitation moment, his wrist/skill wields, received mother bean, immediately stands up, near the stone steps along Star-Gathering Platform, walks downward. 沉吟片刻后,他手腕一挥,将母豆收了起来,随即站起身来,沿着聚星台边的石阶,向下走去。 At this time, in the horizon curtain of night suddenly had together the thick bright, flew to rapidly, fell before his body. 这时,天边夜幕中忽然有一道粗大亮光,急速飞至,落在了他的身前。 Sees only face anxious color Daoist He Shan, appears body figure from the escaping light, salutes to Han Li hastily, said: 只见一脸焦急之色的阖山道人,从遁光中现出身形,连忙向韩立施了一礼,说道: Senior Han, had an accident.” 韩前辈,出事了。”
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