RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#73: Chapter 73 exterminates an entire family

Rumbling two bangs. “轰轰”的两声巨响。 As the golden hair Giant Ape great fist pounds down, a black light screen ripple ripples, had two obvious Shenao by the stroking place, even made squeak squeak grating sound. 随着金毛巨猿巨拳砸下,黑色光幕一阵波纹荡漾,被击打处有两个明显的深凹,甚至发出了“吱吱”的刺耳声响。 Evil livestock where comes, good terrifying strength!” “哪里来的孽畜,好恐怖的力气!” This liao as if True Spirit Mountain Giant Ape in hearsay is quite similar, is it possible that......” “此獠似乎和传闻中的真灵山岳巨猿颇为相似,莫非……” No matter how said, this bold evildoer/monstrous talent dare to come my solemn Heavenly Ghost Sect to act unruly, will take it inevitably, warns others against following a bad example!” “不管怎么说,这大胆妖孽敢来我堂堂天鬼宗撒野,势必将其拿下,以儆效尤!” 7 - 8 Integration cultivator headed by dragon beard big guy Elder Fu sees golden hair Giant Ape outside great array, is first startled, after the guess that subsequently a look varies, offers a sacrifice to magical treasure to graze to go toward Giant Ape. 虬髯大汉付长老为首的七八合体修士看到大阵外的金毛巨猿,先是一怔,继而一番神色各异的猜测后,纷纷祭起法宝朝着巨猿飞掠而去。 Elder Lu is just about flying figure to go forward, in the eye flashed through unusual look suddenly, body figure stopped, if he has not sent out generally, besides Heavenly Ghost Sect sect master, a humpbacked old man, a beautiful female and a one-eyed great man (Han). 卢长老正要飞身上前,眼中忽然闪过一丝异色,身形一顿的停了下来,而如他一般没有出动的,除了天鬼宗宗主外,还有一名驼背老者,一位美艳女子和一个独眼巨汉。 These four people, were on the same day in the demon flame valley, directed nine Heavenly demon flame to deal with the person of Han Li jointly, at this moment looked at each other one mutually, saw a shock from the opposite party eyes. 这四人,正是当日在魔焰谷中,联手引九天魔焰对付韩立之人,此刻相互对视了一眼,都从对方眼中看到了一丝震惊。 Meanwhile, various some Heavenly Ghost Sect mountain peak all a lot of escaping light flash before, almost all elder disciples depart from various mansions, fall in the nearby peak or the square, the doubts wait and see. 与此同时,天鬼宗各处山峰皆有大量遁光闪现,几乎所有长老弟子都从各处府邸飞出,落在附近峰顶或是广场上,疑惑观望起来。 Bleached hair Giant Ape regarding flushing the person turns a blind eye, not only has not stopped, instead in the mouth angrily roars, under the double fist golden light flashes crazily, is shaking the fist to strike to black light screen one crazily. 金毛巨猿对于冲来之人视若无睹,不仅没有停下,反而口中一声怒吼,双拳金光狂闪之下,对着黑色光幕一阵挥拳狂击。 Rumble a heaven-shaking loud sound! “轰隆隆”一阵惊天巨响! Black light screen shivers fiercely, the sound of emanation tearing the twist deformation, and is unable to withstand the load immediately, cuns (2.5 cm) disrupt. 黑色光幕一阵剧烈颤抖,扭曲变形,并马上不堪重负的发出撕裂之声,寸寸碎裂起来。 Giant Ape huge body figure passes through the place of great array breaking suddenly, crashes to go toward a mountain peak peak, but from offering a sacrifice to the quiet peak to/clashes that several Integration Stage elders, at this time had also welcomed directly. 巨猿庞大身形蓦然穿过大阵破碎之处,朝着一座山峰峰顶坠落而去,而从祭幽峰冲过来的那几名合体期长老,此时也已正面迎了上来。 Clash/To angrily roars before most Elder Fu one, the whole body gushes out the billowing scarlet blood fog immediately, covered his whole person, swiftly unified a 50 - 60 zhang (3.33 m) high blood armor great ghost. 冲在最前的付长老一声怒吼,周身顿时涌出滚滚猩红血雾,将他整个人笼罩了进去,迅速凝聚成了一个五六十丈高的血甲巨鬼。 His both hands are grasping a dripping with blood quarrying a mountain great axe, chops to the Giant Ape overhead. 其双手握着一柄鲜血淋漓的开山巨斧,冲着巨猿当头劈下。 The great axe cutting edge mistake, both sides appear out of thin air has blood-color vortex, spreads strength of the intermittent powerful attraction, as if may pull the surrounding all thing attractions to the axe blade under. 巨斧锋刃过处,两侧凭空浮现出一道道血色漩涡,从中传出一阵阵强大的吸引之力,似乎可将周围一切事物吸引拉扯至斧刃之下。 But after following closely the blood-color giant, several colors vary, variously shaped Ghost Dao magical treasure, or with billowing black fog, either raises together great waves blood river, camouflaged the most backdrop, threatens toward Giant Ape throws. 而紧随血色巨人之后,数道颜色各异,形状不同的鬼道法宝,或携滚滚黑雾,或掀起一道涛涛血河,遮蔽了大半个天幕,朝着巨猿气势汹汹的扑来。 Instantly, in the sky the cold wind roars, the courage vigor is strong, just like ten thousand ghost crying numbers, the sound of soul rope life continuously, making nearby number hundred zhang (333 m) temperature in the aerospace drop suddenly. 刹时间,天空中阴风怒号,血气浓重,犹如万鬼哭号,阴魂索命之声此起彼伏,让附近数百丈空间温度骤然下降。 In the golden hair Giant Ape nose exudes one to scoff lowly, the potential of falling does not reduce, an arm lifts high, to below blood river ghost fog palm of the hand slapped across. 金毛巨猿鼻中发出一声低嗤,下坠之势不减,一只手臂高高抬起,冲着下方的血河鬼雾一巴掌扇了过去 Hū lā! 呼啦”一声! Powerful air wave that is unable to explain, is ordinary like a hundred zhang (333 m) tall wall, advances toward under by the easily accomplished potential. 一股无法言喻的强大气浪,如同一堵百丈高墙一般,以摧枯拉朽之势朝着下方推进下来。 Elder Fu melts the blood armor giant to bear the brunt, the blood-color great axe pounds loudly in this air wave, without the least bit is sluggish, direct disintegration. 付长老所化血甲巨人首当其冲,血色巨斧轰然砸在这股气浪之中,没有半点迟滞,直接崩碎了开来。 Its huge body looked like hits above the giant stone, first was the half body caves, then the whole person changed to one group of blood light, ruptured directly. 紧接着,其巨大身躯就像是撞在了巨石之上,先是半边身子塌陷下去,而后整个人都化作一团血光,直接爆裂开来。 In its rear dark clouds blood fog, has not contacted the air wave, was swayed dispersing by invisible great strength most, concealment bone sword, skeleton, blood link and other magical treasure, without exception, all are ordinary bang bang blasting open like the firecracker, changed into the smashing. 在其后方的阴云血雾,尚未接触气浪,便被一股股无形巨力吹拂得散开大半,隐匿其中的骨剑、骷髅、血环等法宝,无一例外,全都如同爆竹一般“砰砰”炸裂,化为了粉碎。 Under the midair continuously, transmits a wail, life source magical treasure is destroyed, have several in the person shadow mouth the blood blowout, falls from the midair. 半空中连续不断,传来声声哀鸣,本命法宝被毁之下,有数道人影口中鲜血喷出,从半空中掉落下来。 Others , is immediately in great surprise, under hurries to flee to go toward the rear area. 其余之人,也是顿时大惊,慌忙之下朝后方逃离而去。 next moment, the golden Giant Ape huge body such as a meteorite drops down from the high place, pounds to fall above a mountain peak layer on layer/heavily, the surroundings land shakes suddenly, the billowing mist and dust ascends, half mountain peak collapses immediately. 下一刻,金色巨猿庞大身躯如一颗陨石般从高处直落而下,重重砸落在一座山峰之上,周围大地猛然一震,滚滚烟尘升腾而起,半座山峰随即坍塌。 From mountain peak near place, the sound of calling out in alarm is unceasing, several hundred streams light/only plunder, goes to fly rapidly in all directions. 距离山峰较近之处,惊呼之声不断,数百道流光掠起,急速向四面八方飞遁而去。 At this time, in the midair a piece of chaotic blood light/only , a several cuns (2.5 cm) high Nascent Soul tiny person sudden illness/quick shot, its appearance was very similar to that Elder Fu, the complexion facial expression was actually panic-stricken extremely, struck an attitude to toward the distant place flee. 这时,半空中一片混乱的血光内,一个数寸高的元婴小人突然疾射而出,其容貌与那付长老十分相似,脸色神情却是惊恐万分,作势就要朝远方遁走。 However, his body shines the ray, the side has together plump form silent reappearing, impressively is Daoist He Shan! 然而,其身上才堪堪亮起光芒,身旁就有一道肥硕身影无声无息的浮现而出,赫然是阖山道人 His palm patted unemotionally, that Nascent Soul tiny person suddenly feels all around air one tight, then wails including one has not sent out with enough time, changes to one group of red light, blasts open with a crash. 他面无表情地一掌拍了下去,那元婴小人顿觉四周空气一紧,接着连一声哀嚎也没来得及发出,就化作一团红光,砰然炸裂开来。 Offers a sacrifice to the quiet peak, Heavenly Ghost Sect sect master saw that the 7 - 8 Integration Stage elder strikes jointly, was actually broken by a that Giant Ape palm of the hand, the mind had shaken greatly, at this moment sees sudden Daoist He Shan again, the complexion immediately becomes ugly exceptionally. 祭幽峰上,天鬼宗宗主看到七八合体期长老联手一击,却被那巨猿一巴掌破开,本就已心神巨震了,此刻再看到突然出现的阖山道人,脸色顿时变得难看异常。 Senior He Shan, what are you making?” His self-stabilization, the speaker asked. 阖山前辈,你这是在做什么?”他强自镇定,扬声问道。 Daoist He Shan looked at golden hair Giant Ape distantly, later turns the head, saying of shaking the head skull: Sect Master Shi, frankly, your sect both Great Ascension elders have died in the Senior Han hand. Heavenly Ghost Sect, ended.” 阖山道人遥遥望了一眼金毛巨猿,随后才转过头来,摇了摇头颅的说道:“石宗主,实不相瞒,贵宗的两位大乘长老都已死在了韩前辈手中。天鬼宗,完了。” The sound is not loud, but listens in Heavenly Ghost Sect sect master and surrounding Integration Stage cultivator ear, just like bolt from the blue general shock. 声音不大,但听在天鬼宗宗主及周围合体期修士耳中,犹如晴天霹雳一般的震撼。 Elder Lu and other in the people of surface reveals the grieved color immediately. 卢长老等四人面上顿时露出惨然之色。 Just now they on Giant Ape, sense/telepathy to familiar aura, have now listened to a Daoist He Shan such saying, confirmed that aggressive such as antiquity True Spirit golden hair Giant Ape was Han Li, naturally also knows that its said non- empty. 方才他们就已在巨猿身上,感应到了一股熟悉气息,现在听阖山道人这么一说,确认那凶悍如上古真灵的金毛巨猿就是韩立,自然也就知道其所言非虚了。 Elder Lu deeply inspires, the lip opening and closing, actually gets up to Sect Master Shi voice transmission slightly. 卢长老深吸了一口气,嘴唇微微翕动,却是向石宗主传音起来。 In the Sect Master Shi surface first reveals some colors of struggling, finally clenches teeth secretly, in Daoist He Shan to midair salutes respectfully, says: 石宗主面上先是露出些许挣扎之色,最后还是暗自一咬牙,冲半空中的阖山道人恭敬施了一礼,开口说道: Senior He Shan, since Heavenly Ghost Sect has been doomed unable to preserve, I and others go to vain with it, might as well surrender, in the future is willing for Senior Han effect serve somebody faithfully.” 阖山前辈,既然天鬼宗已注定无法留存,我等与其白白赴死,不如就此归降,日后愿意为韩前辈效犬马之劳。” Hehe, works for the incident, having my Boundary Origin Dao Temple was enough. As for the Senior Han anger, is withstood by your Heavenly Ghost Sect well.” A Daoist He Shan eye of reveal strange color, hehe a sound said. “嘿嘿,效力一事,有我境元观就足够了。至于韩前辈的怒火,就由你们天鬼宗来好好承受吧。”阖山道人目露一丝古怪之色,嘿嘿一声道。 Then, its sleeve robe shakes, peach wooden ancient sword flies, under trembles to soar to fly, rises against the wind crazily is more than ten zhang (3.33 m) giant light swords, superficial innumerable mysterious rune winds around, erupts one group of dazzling gold/metal all over the body. 说罢,其袖袍一抖,一口桃木古剑一飞而出,一颤之下腾空飞起,迎风狂涨为一柄十余丈长的巨大光剑,表面无数玄奥符文一阵缭绕,通体爆发出一团刺目金芒来。 Then, the great sword changes into together gold/metal rainbow, cuts to go toward Sect Master Shi et al . 接着,巨剑化为一道金虹,朝着石宗主等人一斩而去。 Surroundings void shake, unexpectedly forcefully was cut strange Chang a jet black crack! 周围虚空一阵震荡,竟硬生生的被斩出一条奇长的漆黑裂缝来! When Sect Master Shi and other people immediately in great surprise, body figure toward several directions shoot, the body assorted ray in abundance shines, waves, then wielding many defensive measures. 石宗主等五人顿时大惊,身形朝数个方向倒射之余,身上各色光芒纷纷亮起,挥手之间,便祭出了不少防御手段。 In several people spoke, appearance that golden Giant Ape body figure has leapt before a great peak, in the mouth roared, raised the double fist high, like beating a drum pounded generally layer on layer/heavily to the mountain wall. 在几人说话间,金色巨猿身形一跃的出现在一座巨峰之前,口中一声咆哮,高高扬起双拳,如同擂鼓一般重重砸向山壁。 Only listens to bang a loud sound! 只听“轰隆”一声巨响! The surface precipice an cuns (2.5 cm) crack, spreads immediately a piece like the spider web crowded crevice. 地表山岩顿时寸寸龟裂,蔓延起一片如同蛛网般的密集裂隙。 The entire mountain peak shakes suddenly, immediately caves in loudly, raise like the Yellow Dragon mist and dust rolling. 紧接着,整座山峰猛然一震,随即轰然塌陷下去,一道道如同黄龙般的烟尘从中滚滚升起。 At this time, a big person's shadow flashed from the mist and dust suddenly, hovering in midair, restored Han Li of human form. 这时,一道高大人影忽然从烟尘中一闪而出,悬停在了半空中,正是恢复了人形的韩立 His vision sweeps to all around fast, seeing only to escape to be luminous everywhere, almost all Heavenly Ghost Sect elder and disciple, are scattering in all directions to flee from here. 他目光向四周飞快一扫,只见到处都有遁光亮起,几乎所有天鬼宗长老和弟子,都在四散逃离这里。 But in the sacrifice quiet peak of distant place, is the ray frequent flash fulmination is more unceasing, Daoist He Shan as if with Heavenly Ghost Sect sect master and other Integration cultivator in fierce disputes, an accomplishing a task with ease appearance. 而远处的祭幽峰上,更是光芒频闪爆鸣不断,阖山道人似乎正与天鬼宗宗主等数名合体修士在激烈交锋,一副游刃有余的样子。 Han Li both eyes narrow the eyes, in the mouth muttered one, the opens the mouth spurts suddenly. 韩立双目微眯,口中喃喃了一句,猛然张口一喷。 One group of silver fireballs immediately lasing, , transformed ruler permits big silver fire bird. 一团银色火球立即激射而出,“噗”的一声,幻化成了一只尺许大的银色火鸟 At this time, on Han Li magical formula pinched, and referred to a fire bird point goes. 这时,韩立手上法诀一掐,并指冲火鸟一点而去。 Silver fire bird raises the head fiercely, expressed a clear cry, the body rises crazily at the inconceivable speed, in an instant changed into the hill to be huge, the both wings raised, charged into below intense construction. 银色火鸟猛地扬首,发出一声清鸣,身躯以不可思议的速度狂涨起来,转眼间化为了小山般巨大,双翅一扬下,冲向了下方一片密集建筑。 A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound! 一声惊天动地的巨响! Huge fire bird bangs into the center of construction community directly, rupturing opens, immediately changes to a sea of fire, engulf. 巨大火鸟径直撞入建筑群落的中心处,爆裂而开,顿时化作一片火海,将之吞没了进去。 Han Li sees this, a body figure revolution suddenly, inside and outside another mountain peak direction toward several hundreds flew. 韩立见此,身形忽的一转,朝着数百里外的另一座山峰方向飞了过去。 He had learned from Daoist He Shan there that peak named conceals quiet peak, is one of the Heavenly Ghost Sect most important several mountain peaks, Scriptures Pavilion and pill palace is situated above. 他早已从阖山道人那里得知,那座峰名为藏幽峰,乃是天鬼宗最重要的几座山峰之一,藏经阁和丹器殿正是坐落在其上。 ...... …… After several days . 数日后。 Cold Flame Sect, in the courtyard in Holy Fire Peak back side of the mountain purple bamboo forest within the four seas. 冷焰宗,圣火峰后山紫竹林海内的院落中。 In the Sima Jingming forehand is grasping together transmit/message magical disk, is walking slowly and aimlessly back and forth the step in the room, on the face full is the joyful color. 司马镜明正手中握着一块传讯法盘,在屋内来回踱着步子,脸上满是欣喜之色。 Has at his cultivation endless years cultivates vital energy the time, originally should not have such performance, but he actually really somewhat cannot repress at this time. 以他修行无尽岁月才有的养气功夫,本来不应有如此表现,但他此时却是实在有些按捺不住。 At this time, before its, on the wall is hanging the scroll paintings, suddenly had the ray to shine, the Old Ancestor Leng Yan form appeared. 这时,其身前墙壁上挂着画轴,忽然有光芒亮起,冷焰老祖的身影浮现而出。 Welcomed old ancestor.” Sima Jingming sees that immediately receives the foot, bows to it does obeisance. “恭迎老祖。”司马镜明见状,立即收住脚,冲其躬身一拜。 What's wrong, did that matter have the result?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan asked indifferently. “怎么,那件事有结果了?”冷焰老祖淡然问道。 Opens reports old ancestor, has a huge celebration.” In the Sima Jingming eye is sending out Yi Yi brilliance, immediately said. “启禀老祖,是有一桩天大的喜事。”司马镜明眼中散发着奕奕光彩,立即说道。 Old Ancestor Leng Yan hears word, a brow bunch, has not actually started talking slightly. 冷焰老祖闻言,眉头微微一簇,却没有开口说话。 Sima Jingming understands immediately, oneself is delighted beyond measure, was somewhat rude. 司马镜明立即明白过来,自己喜不自胜,有些失态了。 He asked for mercy hastily, sincere say/way: old ancestor forgives, today, that Senior Han transmit/message comes suddenly, said that Heavenly Ghost Sect has removed from Spirit Domain World, before letting our sect takes over control, by some border and sect of influence Heavenly Ghost Sect control, said that compensates the beforehand sect ancient book destroyed loss.” 他连忙告罪一声,正色道:“老祖恕罪,就在今日,那位韩前辈突然传讯过来,说天鬼宗已从灵寰界除名,让本宗去接管之前被天鬼宗掌控的部分国境和宗门势力,说算是补偿之前宗门典籍被毁的损失。” Part...... that Boundary Origin Dao Temple?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan hears word, on the face does not have the obvious happy expression, but asked calmly. “部分……那境元观呢?”冷焰老祖闻言,脸上却没有明显喜色,而是冷静问道。 This Senior Han has not mentioned, but according to passing on the news looked, although Boundary Origin Dao Temple the buckle is heavy, but such as Heavenly Ghost Sect does not seem ordinary, encounters the calamity of extermination.” After Sima Jingming consideration moment, replied. “这个韩前辈倒没有提及,不过根据传回来的消息看,境元观虽然折损不轻,但似乎并没有如天鬼宗一般,遭遇灭门之祸。”司马镜明思量片刻后答道。 The Old Ancestor Leng Yan hear, the brow is slightly pressed, after hesitating long time, muttered: 冷焰老祖听罢,眉头微微蹙起,沉吟良久后才喃喃道: Thinks that he can spell dies, making two big sect suffer the heavy loss, has not actually thought that he only relies on one's effort unexpectedly, not only caused heavy losses to Boundary Origin Dao Temple, quelled Heavenly Ghost Sect unexpectedly, it seems like before , underestimated him.” “原以为他能拼得一死,令两大宗门蒙受巨大损失,却没想到他竟仅凭借一己之力,不仅重创了境元观,竟还一口气荡平了天鬼宗,看来之前还是低估他了。” old ancestor, after this incident, our Cold Flame Sect can feel proud and elated surely, becomes Spirit Domain World first sect.” Sima Jingming cannot bear say. 老祖,经此一事后,我们冷焰宗定能扬眉吐气,一跃成为灵寰界第一宗门了。”司马镜明忍不住说道。 Cannot let success go to the head, watch out for the Boundary Origin Dao Temple trend. Right, I remember that this person also younger sister in our sect, must give favored treatment in the future quite, cannot neglect slightly. Moreover, in the gate all with his related person, must incline the resources to support, is on good terms as far as possible.” Old Ancestor Leng Yan reminded. “切不可得意忘形,密切注意境元观动向。对了,我记得此人还有一个妹妹在我们宗门,日后一定要好生优待,不可怠慢丝毫。另外,门内所有与他相关之人,都要倾斜资源加以扶持,尽量交好。”冷焰老祖如此提醒道。
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