RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#72: Chapter 72 subdues Great Ascension

Immortal World, Black Water City inner city, somewhere above open rooftop. 仙界,黑水城内城,某处开阔的天台之上。 Rogue Master Gu Yan and Daoist Master Jing Ming two people stand shoulder to shoulder, do not say a word. 骨焰散人净明真人二人并肩而立,一言不发。 The former on the withered wax yellow face, two eyebrows twisted the lump at this time, vicious tendencies come up in great numbers and from all sides, want the evil spirit appearance that selects the person to bite. 前者本就枯槁蜡黄的面孔上,此时两道眉毛拧成了疙瘩,一副戾气横生,想要择人而噬的凶煞模样。 Where the latter look does not have to go attractively, after long time, said slowly: Does not know that this person where is actually sacred, not only my spirit Ying Fujian cannot do to him, Brother Yan you also......” 后者神色也没好看到哪儿去,半晌后,才缓缓说道:“也不知此人究竟何方神圣,不仅我的灵婴符剑奈何不得他,就连阎兄你也……” At this point, he sighed, has not continued again. 说到这里,他叹息一声,没有再继续说下去。 I have never thought that the yellow turbans say/way of my strength approximate Profound Immortal level, will be defeated by only exiled immortal unexpectedly!” Rogue Master Gu Yan first is the whole face distressed color, then clenches jaws. “真没想到,我这实力近似玄仙层次的黄巾道将,竟会被区区一个谪仙击败!”骨焰散人先是满脸痛心之色,接着又咬牙切齿起来。 This time he does not hesitate to break open the space strength, opens passageway to deliver next mother bean forcefully temporarily, finally in a while then lost the contact with this bean, almost deeply regrets must spit blood. 此次他不惜破开空间界力,强行临时打开通道送下一枚母豆,结果没过多久便失去了与此豆的联系,几乎痛惜的要吐血了。 So, if not the Ten Regions Pavilion news contains errors, was this Han Li had what special chance, thus restored the strength. Then, your I in lower realm two feared that must trouble, must find the way to be good as soon as possible.” The Daoist Master Jing Ming vision twinkle, hesitates was saying. “如此看来,若非十方楼的消息有误,就是这韩立有了什么特别机缘,从而恢复了实力。只是如此一来,你我在下界的两宗怕是要有麻烦了,得尽快想办法才行。”净明真人目光闪烁,沉吟着说道。 Snort, this matter will not give up!” The Rogue Master Gu Yan look is even more cloudy. “哼,此事绝不会就这么善罢甘休!”骨焰散人眼神愈加阴沉。 ...... …… Spirit Domain World, in Boundary Origin Dao Temple. 灵寰界,境元观中。 Daoist He Shan looks that unemotionally to Han Li that oneself walk step by step, the body cannot help but one tight, whole body fat some shiver slightly. 阖山道人看着正面无表情向自己一步一步走来的韩立,身子不由得一紧,浑身肥肉都有些微微颤抖起来。 If not for were surrounded by restriction, he perhaps already and these elder disciples made a getaway generally, even, walks them is quicker. 若不是被禁制困住,他或许早就和那些长老弟子一般逃之夭夭了,甚至,比他们走的更快。 Han Li stops before his body, unemotional stared at him to look at a while, the arm lifted suddenly, directly and referred to selecting toward its forehead. 韩立在他身前停下,面无表情的盯着他看了一会儿,手臂忽然一抬,径直并指朝其眉心处点去。 Senior Han, forgives! All these younger generations are ordered to handle affairs, is really has no alternative.” Daoist He Shan conducts the back the cold sweat to be dripping, language fast calling out fast. 韩前辈,饶命啊!这一切晚辈都只是奉命行事,实在是不得已而为之啊。”阖山道人背上冷汗淋漓,语速飞快的叫道。 „? And you said that whose order presents?” Han Li eyebrow raise, stops the movement on hand, asked pale with a smile. “哦?你且说说是奉谁的命令?”韩立眉头一挑,停下手上的动作,淡笑着问道。 Matter, is presents the upper realm founder to command the behavior, where otherwise the younger generation dares line of this big counter actions.” Replying that hastily Daoist He Shan wants not to think. “此间之事,皆是奉上界祖师谕令所为,否则晚辈哪敢行此大逆之举。”阖山道人想也不想的连忙答道。 Why under your Boundary Origin Dao Temple old ancestor want such order, is it possible that does he know me?” Han Li continues to ask. “你们的境元观老祖为何要下此等命令,莫非他认识我?”韩立继续问道。 This...... according to the founder, Immortal World has a secret huge organization, issued Senior your posting a reward command, the monetary reward high is not my grade of lower realm small cultivator can imagine. After Heavenly Ghost Sect Old Ancestor Gu Yan receives posts a reward to make, then lobbies tempts with the promise of gain our old ancestor, therefore had this time...... the impolite action.” Daoist He Shan eyeball turning round revolution, hurried replying so. “这……据祖师所说,仙界有一隐秘的庞大组织,发布了前辈您的悬赏令,赏金之高绝非我这等下界修士所能想象。天鬼宗骨焰老祖收到悬赏令后,便来游说利诱我们老祖,故而才有了这次的……无礼之举。”阖山道人眼珠滴溜溜一转,急忙这般的答道。 Impolite action? You said but actually dexterous! Rogue Master Gu Yan received posted a reward the command, your Boundary Origin Dao Temple hasn't Daoist Master Jing Ming received?” Han Li sneers immediately, the ridicule said. “无礼之举?你说的倒轻巧!骨焰散人收到了悬赏令,你们境元观净明真人就没有收到?”韩立当即冷笑一声,讥讽道。 Daoist He Shan complexion one stiff, actually was still cautious replying: Strategy that perhaps two old ancestor set together, I in detail as its later generation disciple really not clear. But old ancestor has the life, in the younger generation heart, even if not willing you to oppose with Senior, still can only , helpless complies with.” 阖山道人脸色一僵,却仍是小心翼翼的答道:“许是两个老祖共同定下的计策,我身为其后辈门人实在不清楚个中细节。而老祖有命,晚辈心中即便不愿与前辈您作对,也只能无奈遵从。” Han Li hears word, has not said anything again much, after hesitation moment, in the heart has guessed indistinctly. 韩立闻言,却并未再多说些什么,沉吟片刻后,心中已隐约有所猜测了。 Daoist He Shan sees Han Li is quite a while silent, thinks that he in hesitates whether must take the life, in the heart dreads, clenches teeth saying: 阖山道人韩立半天沉默不语,以为他在犹豫是否要取自己性命,心中畏惧更甚,一咬牙道: „The Senior magical powers are unparalleled, my whole mountain is willing to present Senior for the lord from now on, all material medicine pill may contribute to Senior, later entire Boundary Origin Dao Temple will also take you as to revere, whatever urges......” 前辈神通盖世,我阖山从今往后愿奉前辈为主,所有的材料丹药都可贡献给前辈,以后整座境元观也都将以你为尊,任凭驱使……” Presents me to understand what has to be done for lord...... you actually.” Han Li stares slightly, somewhat cannot help laughing at heart. “奉我为主……你倒是识时务。”韩立微微一愣,心里不禁有些哑然失笑起来。 With his character, matter, since to this step, his had not planned to leave behind the opposite party life, finally his make a move soul searching, the opposite party had not confessed all honestly, now also presents itself voluntarily is a lord, then, poured can also save many troubles. 以他的性格,事情既然到了这一步,他本没打算留下对方性命,结果他还未动手搜魂,对方就老老实实的交代了一切,如今还自愿奉自己为主,如此一来,倒也可以省了不少麻烦了。 After all his original intention do not arouse the too big disturbance in this small Spirit Domain World. 毕竟他的本意也并非要在这小小的灵寰界引起太大的风波。 However, he in Spirit World also calculates that in the past has met many Great Ascension, but such as this Daoist He Shan so, simply has not actually seen at present, this reminded him of a old friend Sun Ergou. 不过话说回来,他以往在灵界也算遇到过不少大乘了,但如眼前这阖山道人这般的,却是根本没有见过,这不禁让他想起了一个故人“孙二狗”来。 Many thanks Senior obligation!” Daoist He Shan sees Han Li not to reject, immediately respectful sound called out. “多谢前辈大恩!”阖山道人韩立没有拒绝,立即恭声叫道。 I have no interest in your Boundary Origin Dao Temple, is disinclined to make that dove to occupy the matter of magpie nest, in the future you only need listen to me to tell, handles something for me then. However before then, I must first exert some restriction to be good to you.” Han Li beckons with the hand to say. “我对你的境元观没什么兴趣,也懒得做那鸠占鹊巢之事,日后你只需听我吩咐,替我做些事情即可。不过在此之前,我要先对你施加些禁制才行。”韩立摆了摆手说道。 Then, he raises up a palm, in the mouth recites several silently, five fingers refer to the end all shining a ray, fine fine crystal silk, extend from the fingertip place, such as the water plant, in in the air flutters leisurely. 说罢,他竖起一只手掌,口中默默吟诵几声,五根手指指端就全都亮起一阵光芒,一根根纤细晶丝,从指尖处延伸而出,如水草般,在空中悠悠飘荡。 But with a Han Li finger slightly bends, these crystal silk immediately becomes straight exceptionally. 而随着韩立手指微微一屈,那些晶丝立即变得笔直异常。 Daoist He Shan sees this, the body trembles immediately slightly, the complexion becomes somewhat is also pale, but still exhibited the stance, whatever handling. 阖山道人看到这一幕,身子顿时微微一颤,脸色也变得有些苍白起来,但仍摆出了一副任由处置的姿态。 In the Han Li eye flashes through some colors of satisfaction, the palm searches, five crystal silk then immediately ejection, straight thrust to his head. 韩立眼中闪过些许满意之色,手掌一探,五道晶丝便立即弹射而出,直刺向其头颅。 Enters the instance of body in the crystal silk, Daoist He Shan only felt in sea of consciousness a needle grips the stabbing pain, in the mouth cannot bear send out low and grating wailing, the complexion also instantaneously becomes pallid. 在晶丝入体的瞬间,阖山道人只觉得识海中一阵针扎般的刺痛,口中忍不住发出一声低哑的哀嚎,脸色也瞬间变得煞白。 But from beginning to end, he has not revolted and struggled. 但自始至终,他都没有丝毫反抗和挣扎。 These crystal silk are my divine thought, has infixed in your divine soul, if in the future you dare to have the least bit disloyalty, I read, can make you be frightened out of one's wits, can you understand?” Han Li waves, will exert in his silver flame withdraws, said slowly. “这些晶丝乃我神念所化,已经深植于你神魂之中,日后你若敢有半点异心,我一念间,就能让你魂飞魄散,你可明白?”韩立一挥手,将之前施加在他身上的银焰撤去,缓缓说道。 Younger generation understands, in the future will decide however serves strongly, does not dare to be not loyal again!” Daoist He Shan stands up from the ground, the low eyebrow lowers the head should say. “晚辈明白,日后定然竭力侍奉,绝不敢再有二心!”阖山道人从地上站起身,低眉垂首的应道。 Table loyal words are not no need to say again, and you told me, in the view Immortal World with array that did communicate where?” Han Li simple asking. “表忠心的话就不必再说了,你且告诉我,观内与仙界沟通的阵法在何处?”韩立干脆的问道。 „The Respect Heaven Peak back side of the mountain and on high Shanfeng have one respectively, my brings Senior to go.” Daoist He Shan not hesitant replying. 敬天峰后山与隗山峰上各有一处,我这就带前辈去。”阖山道人没有犹豫的答道。 In the upper air, two rainbow light graze, in tandem flies toward the distant place. 高空之中,两道虹光飞掠而起,一前一后的朝远处飞去。 Soon, had restored in the silent Boundary Origin Dao Temple district of jurisdiction the sudden two bellows to resound, cannot be separated the an incense stick of time time. 不多时,本已恢复寂静的境元观辖境内突然两声轰鸣声响起,前后间隔不到一炷香的时间。 This, stirred up much just returned to the sect still the still shaken elder disciple, was frightened again, when discovered that besides these two, after other exceptionally, poured also felt at ease several points. 这一幕,惹得不少刚刚返回宗内仍惊魂未定的长老弟子,再次惊惶起来,不过当发现除了这两声之外,并没有其他异常发生后,倒也安心了几分。 After all among that night, happening were too meddlesome, the entire Boundary Origin Dao Temple nearly 1/3 places change beyond all recognition, supreme great elder is missing, what strange is unlikely. 毕竟这一夜之间,发生了太多事,整个境元观近乎有三分之一的地方面目全非,太上大长老下落不明,还是什么怪事是不可能发生的呢。 Roughly after half double-hour, on a Boundary Origin Dao Temple deep place mountain peak, fat thin two person's shadows from the distant place grazes, but, and directly entered in a main hall. 约莫半个时辰之后,境元观深处一座山峰上,一胖一瘦两道人影从远处飞掠而至,并直接进入了一座大殿之中。 In the palace the midpoint, is a white jade platform, above inscribes complex engraved inscriptions, just like magical array. 殿内正中央,是一座白玉平台,上面铭刻着一圈圈的复杂铭文,俨然是一座法阵 This then leads to Heavenly Ghost Sect transmission array?” Han Li has not turned head, looks at magical array before body, asked. “这便是通往天鬼宗传送阵?”韩立没有回头,看着身前的法阵,问道。 Yes. Here and Heavenly Ghost Sect black dusk peak is connected, although cannot directly enter their core regions, but has also been in the entrance.” Daoist He Shan replied immediately. “是。此处与天鬼宗黑暝峰相连,虽不能直接进入他们的核心区域,但也已经处在山门之内了。”阖山道人立即答道。 Happen, you accompany me to walk.” Han Li hears word said with a smile. “正好,你就陪我走一趟。”韩立闻言一笑道。 Yes!” “是!” Then, two people step into magical array, in the ground also raises immediately one dazzling white rays, instantaneously two people engulf. 说罢,两人踏入法阵之中,地面上也随即升起一片耀眼的白色光芒,瞬间就将两人吞没了进去。 ...... …… Heavenly Ghost Sect, offers a sacrifice to the quiet peak. 天鬼宗,祭幽峰。 In a deep and dark main hall, above the seat of honor, sits a middle-aged man who wears the red brocade long gown, is living a pair of peach blossom pupil, the cheeks line is gentle, snow white of some flesh morbid states, look has the supple beauty. 一座幽深大殿中,主位之上,坐着一名身着红色锦缎长袍的中年男子,生着一双桃花眸子,脸颊线条柔和,肌肤有些病态的雪白,看起来颇有阴柔之美。 However, the look on his moment face is actually ugly incomparable, a hand is gripping tightly under the body the chair hand, sound low and grating say/way: Half other day, Si Hundian ** two supreme great elder soul signs that present disrupted, has not responded through the secret technique relation. Regarding this matter, how do you see?” 不过,他此刻脸上的神色却是难看无比,一只手紧握着身下椅子的把手,声音低哑道:“半日前,司魂殿**奉的两位太上大长老的魂牌先后碎裂,通过秘术联系也没有丝毫回应。对于此事,你们怎么看?” Under big palace left and right, although sits ten several people, uniform Integration Stage cultivation base, at this moment actually is grave expression, did not say a word. 大殿堂下左右两侧,虽然坐着十数人,清一色的合体期修为,此刻却全都是神色凝重,一言不发。 In palace completely silent, falls into a deathly stillness. 殿内鸦雀无声,陷入一片死寂。 After quiet long time, finally dragon beard big guy being unable to bear stood, said: sect master, is the soul sign has certainly problems, but Great Elder Tong Spirit Domain World Number One Cultivator, in this, who can let his fallen?” 沉寂良久之后,终于有一虬髯大汉忍不住站了起来,说道:“宗主,一定是魂牌出了问题,童大长老可是灵寰界第一修士,在这一界中,又有谁能让他陨落?” Right, certainly where made a mistake......” in palace some people to approve the person of same belief immediately. “对啊,一定是哪里搞错了……”殿中立即有人赞同道。 Elder Fu, the soul sign by cultivator wisp of divide soul and an essence and blood, supplements with the secret technique refinement, can these for several tens of thousands years once make a mistake?” Wears the red gauze skirt, the appearance beautiful female stands up, deeply frowns is asking. 付长老,魂牌是以修士一缕分魂和一份精血,辅以秘术炼制,这数万年来可曾出过错?”一名身着红色纱裙,容貌美艳的女子站起身来,眉头紧锁着反问道。 dragon beard big guy hears word stagnated, opens the opens the mouth to refute, actually does not know that said anything. 虬髯大汉闻言一滞,张了张口想要反驳,却不知说什么。 Soul sign cannot make a mistake, but the Great Elder Tong two people are impossible easily fallen, what special array can by be surrounded, cut off the contact with soul sign?” In the elders a humpbacked old man also says. “魂牌不会出错,但童大长老二人也绝不可能轻易陨落,会不会是被什么特殊阵法困住,切断了与魂牌的联系?”众长老中一名驼背老者也开口说道。 sect master, no matter had/left what condition, two supreme great elder went to Boundary Origin Dao Temple, now disappears without a word, to provide against contingencies, I and others must all defend restriction to open the sect in all, and relates upper realm old ancestor as soon as possible is.” Facial features are upright, under the jaw lives a middle-aged man of purple short fine beard to stand up, on the red robe man to seat of honor said. 宗主,不管出了什么状况,两位太上大长老去了境元观,现在音讯全无,为了以防万一,我等应当将宗内所有防御禁制尽数打开,并尽快联系上界老祖才是。”一名面容方正,颌下生着一圈紫色短髯的中年男子站起身来,对主位上的红袍男子说道。 The men loosen rub to pinch the hand of forehead, said: I am also having this intent, opens the restriction incident you to do by Elder Lu on the junction, old ancestor I can......” 男子松开揉捏眉心的手,说道:“我也正有此意,开启禁制一事就交由卢长老你去做吧,老祖这边我会……” The words have not said, hears bang a loud sound, the entire main hall also vibrates suddenly. 其话还没说完,就听到“轰隆”一声巨响,整个大殿都随之猛然震动起来。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The people all are one startled, ten several rainbow light plunder simultaneously, went to the square outside main hall directly. 众人皆是一惊,十数道虹光同时一掠,径直来到了大殿外的广场上。 At this time, in the sky outside palace, appears one/1st level/layer to cover the surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) black light screen, is Heavenly Ghost Sect sect protection great array. 此时,殿外的天空之中,浮现着一层覆盖方圆数百里的黑色光幕,正是天鬼宗的一座护宗大阵 Under the light screen are covering dozens mountain peaks, is the entire Heavenly Ghost Sect core region, almost sect all critical places, on these mountain peaks. 光幕下方笼罩着的数十座山峰,乃是整个天鬼宗的核心区域,几乎宗门所有的紧要之处,都在这些山峰上。 Sees only on this time black light screen, the dim light fluctuates everywhere, rune shivers all over, appearing is extremely unstable. 只见此时的黑色光幕上,到处幽光浮动,符文乱颤,显得极不稳固。 But beside light screen, then height dozens zhang (3.33 m) golden hair Giant Ape, the orthometric height brandishes the arm high, strikes an attitude to toward some black light screens of creakying on pound. 而在光幕之外,则还有一头身高数十丈的金毛巨猿,正高高抡起手臂,作势就要朝着已经有些摇摇欲坠的黑色光幕上砸去。
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