RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#71: Chapter 71 Nirvana sacred body

A deafening bellow transmits! 一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声传来! Under the golden light winds around, a several mu big or small yellow giant palm drops from the clouds, unrestrained/no trace of politeness pats together to the fuzzy azure shadow, but the azure shadow is rapid, strange turns, danger dangerous flies to shoot from the giant palm. 金光缭绕下,一只数亩大小的黄色巨掌从天而降,毫不客气的冲一道模糊青影拍去,不过青影迅疾无比,诡异之极的一扭,险之又险的从巨掌旁飞射而出。 Bang! 轰! The giant palm like withstand great pressure pounds above a mountain peak. 巨掌如泰山压顶般砸在一座山峰之上。 After an earth-shattering loud sound, entire mountain peak thorough rupturing avalanche. 一声天崩地裂般的巨响后,整座山峰彻底的爆裂崩塌。 The azure shadow flashes, the twinkling spaced winding to with the giant palm connected yellow turbans giant right arm behind, top of the head feather hat azure brilliant hold, the body week sent out the dazzling incomparable azure ray, and gathers on pair of sharp claws instantaneously all, ruthlessly wields downward. 青影一闪,瞬息间绕到了与巨掌相连的黄巾巨人右臂背后,头顶羽冠青光大盛,身周散发出耀眼无比的青色光芒,并瞬间尽数汇聚到一对利爪上,狠狠的往下一挥。 Chī chī sound air-splitting spreads! 嗤嗤”的破空声传出! Dozens azure claw glow compose a azure big net, grasps to the giant right arm, the place visited, void was easily cut, appears spreading across jet black traces. 数十道青色爪芒组成一张青色大网,抓向巨人右臂,所过之处,虚空轻易被切割开来,浮现出一道道纵横交错的漆黑痕迹。 The yellow turbans giant head raises, but the right arm still in the reclamation process, as if fended radically without enough time. 黄巾巨人头颅一扬,但右臂仍在收回过程中,似乎根本来不及闪避了。 The series of metal hit bangs, lead two color rays suddenly erupt between the azure claw nets and giant right arms, but flashes passes, claw glow slightly, golden light like paper scraps tearing. 一连串金属撞击般的巨响,青金两色光芒骤然间在青色爪网与巨人右臂之间爆发而出,但只是一闪即逝,爪芒只是略微一顿,就将金光如纸屑般撕裂开来。 „After Pū chī, the tofu of giant right arm before the azure claw net seems to be common, was easily cut unexpectedly. 噗嗤”一声后,巨人右臂在青色爪网前仿佛豆腐一般,竟轻易被切了下来。 Han Li melts in the Azure Luan eye one happy, but at this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 韩立所化青鸾眼中一喜,可就在这时,异变突生 Giant arm surface golden color spirit mark rays that section breaks put suddenly greatly, and explodes to open instantaneously, the big piece profound yellow mist spreads loudly, one changes into one group to cover dozens mu giant profound yellow cloud cluster. 那截断裂下来的巨臂突然间表面一道道金色灵纹光芒大放,并瞬间爆裂而开,大片玄黄色雾气轰然扩散,一下化为一团覆盖数十亩的巨大玄黄色云团。 Although Azure Luan was discovering turning around that the earliest possible time both wings of something is not right inspire escapes, but this cloud cluster is extremely really giant, still one was wrapped. 青鸾虽在发现不对劲的第一时间双翅一振的转身就逃,但怎奈这云团实在太过巨大,仍被一下包裹其中。 It only thinks surrounding air suddenly one tight, body figure immediately becomes sluggish incomparable. 它只觉周围空气忽的一紧,身形顿时变得迟滞无比。 Sees only floods in all around profound yellow mist, the yellow filaments, tied up its body four limbs impressively. 只见充斥四周的玄黄色雾气中,赫然有一道道黄色细丝,捆住了它的身体四肢。 In the Azure Luan mouth a clear cry, will flutter to struggle, yellow trace/strand trembles gently, immediately innumerable yellow rune well up crazily. 青鸾口中一声清鸣,正要振翅挣扎,黄丝只是轻轻一颤,立刻无数黄色符文从中狂涌而出。 It felt immediately periphery void sinks again, the entire body as if lived by a great peak voltage, moving is quite difficult. 它顿时感觉周围虚空再次一沉,整个身体似乎被一座巨峰压住,动弹一下都颇为困难。 But next moment, its whole body big piece silver flame jumps out suddenly, wraps in which the whole body. 下一刻,其周身大片银色火焰猛然窜出,将全身包裹其中。 in sound, these yellow filaments were melted unceasingly, are defeated and dispersed, but still had the countless yellow filament to come in swarms in all directions, advancing uninterruptedly ties up it again firmly. “滋滋”声中,那些黄色细丝不断被熔化,溃散,但四面八方却仍有数之不尽的黄色细丝蜂拥而至,前赴后继的将其再次牢牢捆住。 However then, Azure Luan, in these filaments is defeated and dispersed in unceasingly the polymerization, obtained opportunity of the activity eventually. 不过如此一来,青鸾在这些细丝的不断溃散聚合中,终究获得了一丝活动之机。 Flashes when its both eyes blue glow, wants tries to discover an escaping road, all around void suddenly one gloomy, simultaneously an invisible strength cover under. 就在其双目蓝芒闪动,想要设法找出一条逃生之路时,四周虚空蓦的一黯,同时一股无形之力一罩而下。 „It is not good!” In the Han Li heart shouted one secretly. “不好!”韩立心中暗叫一声。 A giant incomparable palm unexpectedly strange appearance in all around, close, almost can see thick lines on the hand on palm, and five fingers without delay grasp toward the middle. 紧接着,一只巨大无比的手掌竟诡异的出现在四周,近在咫尺,几乎可以看到手掌上的一道道粗大掌纹,并二话不说的五指朝中间握来。 Han Li desperate, whole body golden light flashes, will change into whole body golden hair Mountain Giant Ape shortly. 韩立情急之下,周身金光一闪,顷刻间化为了浑身金毛的山岳巨猿 Bang! “轰”的一声! The great hand five fingers gather suddenly, grasped it in the palm. 巨手五指猛然一合,一把将其抓在了手心。 Bleached hair Giant Ape looks fierce, only thinks that an intermittent invisible great strength like goes all out to extrude to come to the body momentously, to exude ka-beng the loud sound sound, fortunately its mortal body is powerful , can still support at once. 金毛巨猿一阵龇牙咧嘴,只觉一阵阵无形巨力如排山倒海般拼命向身上挤压而来,发出嘎嘣的巨响声,所幸其肉身强悍,一时之间还尚能支撑。 But the one who made in his heart with amazement was, the fine flame silver flame did not have the effect on this giant palm unexpectedly. 而令其心中骇然的是,精炎银焰对这巨掌竟丝毫没有效果。 At this time, fills the air tumbles in the surrounding profound yellow mist loudly is rewinding to return, not far away revealed huge body figure of yellow turbans giant, on the face the wax yellow face revealed one to grin fiendishly, the left hand is grabbing the Giant Ape body firmly. 此时,弥漫在周围的玄黄色雾气轰然翻滚着倒卷而回,不远处露出了黄巾巨人的庞大身形,脸上蜡黄人脸露出一丝狞笑,左手正牢牢抓着巨猿身躯。 Saw only the giant chest place a little dazzling yellow light to flash several, then astonishing appeared. 只见巨人胸膛处有一点刺目黄光闪动了几下,接着惊人的一幕出现了。 These profound yellow mist go toward its right arm break wound place gathering in abundance, interweaves under the tumbling, a brand-new arm immediately restores such as beginning, and without delay lifts, the five fingers make a fist, just like a hill, pounds down toward the head of Giant Ape ruthlessly. 那些玄黄色雾气纷纷往其右臂断裂伤口处汇聚而去,一阵交织翻滚下,一条崭新的手臂马上恢复如初,并二话不说的一抬而起,五指握拳,犹如一座小山般,朝着巨猿的头颅狠狠砸下。 Has not fallen, the fearful great strength that on the great fist contains has made nearby surrounding area near hundred zhang (333 m) thunder void, suddenly twisted hollowly. 尚未落下,巨拳上蕴含的可怕巨力已经让附近方圆近百丈虚空轰鸣一声,蓦然凹陷扭曲了起来。 Han Li melts Giant Ape to see this, in the heart complained of hardship secretly. 韩立所化巨猿见此,心中暗暗叫苦。 Even if oneself mortal body excessively is powerful, was pounded by such a great fist directly on the head, even if not die, still results in the severe wound is not possible. 即便自己肉身再过强大,被这么一只巨拳直接砸在脑袋上,即便不死,也得重伤不可。 Only can so!” “只能如此了!” Han Li muttered, heart during technique urge definitely, the body the purple light puts suddenly greatly. 韩立喃喃自语了一句,心中法决一催,身上蓦然间紫光大放起来。 Bang! “砰”的一声! The yellow turbans giant left fist falls loudly, but next moment, on his face actually flashes through a surprise. 黄巾巨人左拳轰然落下,但下一刻,其脸上却闪过一丝诧异。 His left fist like expectation such, has not only tapped the head of under that Giant Ape broken, instead on back of the hand bang, was pierced by the purple rainbow light together directly, another right palm is also the five fingers counter- volume, like breaking off generally. 其左拳并未如预料般那样,将下方那只巨猿的脑袋拍碎,反而手背上“砰”的一声,被一道紫色虹光直接洞穿而出,另一只右手掌也是五指反卷,如同折断了一般。 The purple ray in a not far away tumbling, the ray collects, revealed one to have 2-3 hundred zhang (333 m) high golden color Giant Ape fully. 紫色光芒在不远处一个翻滚,光芒敛去,露出了一只足有2-3百丈高的金色巨猿 What was different from before, on this Giant Ape was covered by the innumerable purple gold color scale, the top of the head is growing a azure alone corner/horn, the shoulder both sides and rib regions is also growing two Giant Ape heads and four furry purple gold long arms respectively. 与之前不同的是,这巨猿身上被无数紫金色鳞片覆盖,头顶长着一根青色独角,肩头两侧和肋部还分别长着两个巨猿头颅和四条毛茸茸的紫金长臂。 Han Li displayed oneself trump card magical powers impressively Nirvana sacred body! 韩立赫然施展出了自己压箱底神通“涅槃圣体”! The yellow turbans giant looks at front six arm Giant Ape, grave expression is getting up, both hands injury closes instantaneously such as beginning, and buzzes. 黄巾巨人望着面前的六臂巨猿,面色凝重起来,双手伤势瞬间弥合如初,并嗡嗡作响起来。 But sees on his two fists to emerge the one/1st level/layer yellow halo, inside flies to project several huge golden rune, the turning round revolution, then flashes integrates in the fist, making it inflate time in an instant, a volcano fearsome great strength fermented, although has not erupted, but nearby the complementary waves have caused void one humming sound to tremble. 但见其两只拳头上涌现出一层黄色光晕,里面飞射出几个巨大金色符文,滴溜溜一转,然后一闪融入拳头中,使之刹那间膨胀了倍许,一股火山般的可怖巨力在其中酝酿而出,虽然还没有爆发开来,但是余波已经引得附近虚空一阵嗡嗡震颤。 Changes behind six arm Giant Ape to witness this scenery, in the mouth cries loud and long loudly, under the thigh steps, before arriving yellow turbans great person who one breaks down the number hundred zhang (333 m) horizontally, whistling two fists pound, on the fist the purple gold ray puts greatly. 变身后的六臂巨猿目睹此景,口中放声长啸,大腿一迈之下,一下横垮数百丈的来到黄巾巨人身前,“呼呼”两拳捣出,拳头上紫金光芒大放。 The yellow turbans giant sees this, shaking the fist move forward to meet without hesitation. 黄巾巨人见此,毫不犹豫的挥拳迎了上去 Bang! 轰隆! Four fists bump into loudly, have a heaven-shaking loud sound, the nearby humming sound the big sound, an enormous and powerful distance ripples void immediately immediately! 四只拳头轰然相撞,发出一声惊天巨响,附近虚空顿时嗡嗡大响,一股浩荡距离顿时荡漾开来! This time, six arm Giant Ape body figure stand one's ground steadfastly, flying upside down of yellow turbans giant actually body big quake. 这一次,六臂巨猿身形岿然不动,黄巾巨人却身躯大震的倒飞了出去。 Moreover, his two fist surface one covered with blood, two arms are curving from a strange angle, has broken off unexpectedly thoroughly. 不仅如此,他两只拳头表面一片血肉模糊,两条手臂更是以一个诡异的角度弯曲着,竟已彻底折断。 In the great person eyes full is the incredible ray, the huge body flies upside down the number hundred zhang (333 m), hits ruthlessly above a mountain peak. 巨人眼中满是不可置信的光芒,巨大身躯倒飞出数百丈,狠狠撞在一座山峰之上。 Bang! 轰隆! The mountain peak such as the paper sticks is hit to collapse generally directly. 山峰如纸糊一般直接被撞塌。 The potential of yellow turbans giant flying upside down non-stop slightly , to continue to fly in the future, knocked down several mountain peaks one after another, this stands firm body figure reluctantly reluctantly. 黄巾巨人倒飞之势丝毫不停,继续往后飞去,接连撞倒了数座山峰,这才勉强勉强稳住身形 But in the meantime, the purple gold ray flashes, six arm Giant Ape already such as shadow accompanying pursued. 但就在此时,紫金光芒一闪,六臂巨猿已如影随行的追了过来。 Yellow turbans giant one startled, but not flurried, the chest gushes out big piece yellow glow continuously, spreads to rapidly breaking on the both arms, restore there injury, the right leg sweeps away rapidly simultaneously, like a great blade, cuts to the Giant Ape waist. 黄巾巨人一惊,但并未慌乱,胸口源源不断涌出大片黄芒,迅速蔓延到断裂双臂上,急速修复那里的伤势,同时右腿横扫而出,如同一柄巨刀,斩向巨猿腰间。 The turbulent great strength rushes the incomparable craziness to well up, flies high to raise together the thick white air wave. 汹涌的巨力澎湃无比的狂涌而出,凌空掀起一道粗大白色气浪。 Six arm Giant Ape body figure suddenly one short, an extremely ugly lazy interest on interest, evaded giant foot, then body figure immediately ejection, arbitrary incomparable hit fiercely on the giant, most below two purple gold arms embraced ruthlessly, grasped the giant body stubbornly, hit to fly his body again. 六臂巨猿身形突然一矮,一个极为难看的懒驴打滚,躲过了巨人这一脚,然后身形立刻弹射而出,蛮横无比的猛地撞在了巨人身上,最下方的两只紫金手臂狠狠一揽,死死抱住巨人身体,再次将其身体撞飞。 The yellow turbans giant complexion in great surprise, whole body yellow Mangda puts, the arm that has not repaired lifts, wants to struggle furiously. 黄巾巨人脸色大惊,全身黄芒大放,还没有修复完毕的手臂抬起,想要奋力挣扎出来。 Finally among Giant Ape two arms search, as if the steel hoop holds the giant both arms, and Kā chā breaks off again, simultaneously the most above two arm purple gold rays dodge, appears impressively the one/1st level/layer metallic luster, pounded ruthlessly to the giant chest. 结果巨猿中间两只手臂一探,仿佛钢箍般将巨人双臂抓住,并咔嚓一声再次折断,同时最上方两条手臂紫金光芒一闪,赫然浮现出一层金属光泽,狠狠捣向了巨人胸口。 Pū chī! 噗嗤 Two arms passed through the giant body impressively, and a agitation, the movement of yellow turbans giant stops immediately, in the eye the appearance gets down rapidly gloomily, the both arms restore the potential also to stop. 两条手臂赫然贯穿了巨人身体,并一阵搅动,黄巾巨人的动作顿时停住,眼中神采迅速之极的暗淡下去,双臂恢复之势也随之一停。 That wax yellow face virtual image on his face appears the wild with rage color, immediately "Pā", the disruption vanishes. 他脸上的那个蜡黄人脸虚影浮现出狂怒之色,随即“啪”的一声,碎裂消失。 The Han Li two arms shake, pulled out from the yellow turbans giant body, in a hand, is grasping a yellow bean impressively, sends out the dazzling ray. 韩立两条手臂一抖,从黄巾巨人身体里抽了出来,其中一只手中,赫然握着一枚黄色豆子,散发出耀眼的光芒。 The yellow turbans giant body trembles, as the Han Li arm extracts, all golden light dissipate all, after both feet retroceded subconsciously several, thousand zhang (3.33 m) high giant body surface appears the innumerable cracks, then disrupts quickly, changed into big group yellow smog, scatters with the wind. 黄巾巨人身躯一颤,随着韩立手臂抽出,身上的所有金光尽数消散,双足下意识的后退了几步后,千丈高的巨大身躯表面浮现出无数裂纹,然后很快碎裂开来,化为了一大团黄色烟雾,随风飘散。 Almost is at the same time, six arm Giant Ape imposing manner straight lines fly to fall, the body purple gold ray flashes, changed into the human form, pale in the extreme. 几乎是同一时间,六臂巨猿身上的气势直线飞降,身上紫金光芒一闪,重新化为了人形,脸色苍白的无以复加。 He hurries to turn the hand to take out Cloud Crane Grass, swallowed, the complexion was then more attractive. 他赶紧翻手取出一株云鹤草,吞服了下去,脸色这才好看了一些。 Looks at the yellow smog of dissipation, Han Li exhale a long breath, in the eye flashes through one to rejoice at present gradually. 看着眼前渐渐消散的黄色烟雾,韩立长出了一口气,眼中闪过一丝庆幸。 Although this yellow turbans giant not Tongshen magic arts, but the mortal body is powerful, perhaps a great strength compares to so-called Profound Immortal, has no time to let, if not he displays the Nirvana to change the body, at all is not an opponent. 这黄巾巨人虽然不通什么法术,但肉身强大之极,一身巨力恐怕比起所谓的玄仙,也不遑多让的,若非他施展涅槃变身,根本不是对手。 But this magical powers not only need the powerful mortal body, needs to consume huge magical power, by his present magical power, was not enough to support. 但此神通不仅需要强悍的肉身,同时也需要消耗巨大的法力,以他如今的法力,本来根本不足以支撑。 Then, this must be lucky after Little Dipper Essence Technique six/6th level great accomplishment, needs to absorb massive Heaven and Earth spiritual energies to display five conceals of effect on hammer the elementary work to restore some power only then unexpectedly, enabling in his five main internal organs (entrails) also to save some magical power. 说起来,这还得多亏小北斗星元功六层大成后,本需要吸纳大量天地灵气方可发挥功效的五藏锻元功竟恢复了些许威能,使其五脏六腑内也可以存储部分法力 Although this act needs to consume dozens times of innate auspicious signs, is not cost-effective, but he after discovering the Boundary Origin Dao Temple unusual action, without hesitation almost all Cloud Crane Grass will swallow. 虽然此举需要耗费数十倍的先天紫气,不怎么划算,但他在发现境元观的反常举动后,还是毫不犹豫的将身上几乎所有的云鹤草都吞服了下去。 Even so, only enough supports several breath time reluctantly, and power is unable to achieve Peak. 即便如此,也仅够勉强支撑几息时间而已,且威能仍无法达到巅峰 This yellow turbans giant cannot respond luckily, if the opposite party sees him to change the body, immediately turns around to run away, so long as wins time slightly, this moment fallen was he. 幸好这黄巾巨人没能反应过来,若是对方一见他变身,立刻转身逃走,只要稍许争取一点时间,此刻陨落的就是他了。 With the efficacy transformation of Cloud Crane Grass was magical power, the Han Li complexion quickly gets back continuously, looks at yellow bean one in hand, the brow tip selected slightly, turns the hand to receive it. 随着云鹤草的药力源源不断转化为法力,韩立脸色迅速恢复过来,看了手中的黄色豆子一眼,眉梢微微一挑,翻手将其收了起来。
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