RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#70: Chapter 70 beyond the Heavens flying bean

In sky, silver great moon/month surface vortex before compared has expanded had one time fully. 天空中,银色巨月表面的漩涡与之前相比已扩大了足有一倍。 In vortex most deep place, can see the one/1st level/layer translucent crystal wall indistinctly, behind is white one piece, seems another unknown world. 在漩涡最深处,隐约能看到有一层半透明的晶壁,后面是白茫茫一片,仿佛是另一个未知的世界。 Suddenly, that one/1st level/layer crystal wall ray flashes, seemed hit one by from another side anything. 突然间,那一层晶壁光芒一闪,似乎被来自另一边的什么东西撞了一下般。 Bang! 轰隆! The silver great moon/month trembles slightly, that layer crystals wall surface in vortex tears a slit unexpectedly. 银色巨月微微一颤下,漩涡中的那层晶壁表面竟撕裂开一道缝隙。 Whiz. “嗖”的一声。 One group of dazzling yellow glow fly to shoot, rapid incomparable crash under. 一团刺目黄芒从中飞射而出,迅疾无比的坠落而下。 That layer crystals wall closes instantaneously such as beginning, and with vortex suddenly starts to reduce, but is unable to see again. 那层晶壁则瞬间弥合如初,并随着漩涡的突然开始缩小,而再也无法看到了。 That is......” “那是……” Han Li melts the golden hair Giant Ape both eyes blue glow to flash, immediately looks at the thing in yellow glow package was clear. 韩立所化金毛巨猿双目蓝芒一闪,顿时将黄芒包裹中的东西看的真真切切了。 That impressively is a bright yellow bean, the appearance and previously Duan Renli these small soybeans that released from the bottle gourd child very similar, but was bigger, and superficial inscription was printed with innumerable mysterious rune. 那赫然是一颗黄澄澄的豆子,模样和先前段人离从葫芦中释放出来的那些小黄豆子十分相似,不过却大了许多,并且表面铭印有无数的玄奥符文 This big bean in midair sudden, and turning round revolution, innumerable golden rune wells up immediately crazily, winds around uncertain, innumerable yellow misty multi-colored sunlight flying around the bean shoots, in the nearby more than ten zhang (3.33 m) scopes becomes the golden light to be shining immediately, the distortion is uncertain, just like hanging woof Jinse Pond in midair. 这颗大豆子在半空突然一顿,并滴溜溜一转下,当即无数金色符文狂涌而出,在豆子周围缭绕不定,无数的黄濛濛霞光从中一圈圈的飞射而出,附近十余丈的范围内顿时变得金光灿灿,扭曲不定,宛若悬于半空中的一汪金色池塘。 Ka a resounding, the bean such as takes root to germinate, inflates fast at the inconceivable speed, and grew the head and four limbs. 紧接着“咔”的一声脆响,豆子如生根发芽般,以不可思议的速度飞快膨胀起来,并长出了头颅和四肢。 One zhang (3.33 m), ten zhang (3.33 m), 50 zhang (3.33 m), a hundred zhang (333 m)...... 一丈,十丈,五十丈,一百丈…… Almost time between a breath, the yellow bean of walnut size, changed into one to have more than 200 zhang (3.33 m) high yellow turbans giants unexpectedly fully, sends out one group all over the body , if there is essence several feet high golden light. 几乎一个呼吸间的工夫,原本不过核桃大小的黄色豆子,竟化为了一个足有两百余丈高的黄巾巨人,通体散发出一团如有实质般的数丈高金光。 This giant looks with beforehand yellow turbans person of great strength almost/the same, the upper part is naked, valuables conducted the person yellow turbans, unarmed, but on the arm thigh the muscle panel, the dragon muscle reveals completely, as if fine steel casts general, an extremely strong constriction. 这巨人看着和之前的黄巾力士差不多,上半身赤裸,腰缠黄巾,赤手空拳,但手臂大腿上肌肉凸鼓,虬筋毕露,仿佛精钢铸就一般,给人一种极强的压迫感。 next moment, the Silvermoon surface trembles again, the innumerable yellow points start dense and numerous spraying, unexpectedly before impressively, these were lost the soybean in paradise magical treasure, such as the rainstorm sprinkles under. 下一刻,银月表面再次一颤,无数黄点开始从中密密麻麻的喷射而出,竟赫然正是之前那些被遗落在洞天法宝中的黄豆,如暴雨般洒落而下。 Strange appeared. 诡异的一幕出现了。 All yellow bean sides touch the golden light that the yellow turbans giant whole body sends out, then under some suction, takes away as many things as possible toward his body. 所有黄色豆子方一触及黄巾巨人周身散发的金光,便在某种吸力下,纷纷往其身上席卷而去。 Each grain of bean falls on the giant body surface, then silent submerges, making the giant body raise an appearance again. 每一粒豆子落在巨人体表,便无声无息的没入进去,使得巨人身躯再次拔高一丝的样子。 Finally when tens of thousands of soybeans all by the giant body absorption, its body also rose suddenly to roughly thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, it stands erect in Heaven and Earth, lets nearby palatial mountain, as if reduced several points. 结果当数以万计的黄豆悉数被巨人身体吸收,其身躯也随之一路暴涨至约莫千丈高,其屹立于天地之间,让附近的巍峨山岳,都仿佛缩小了几分。 The huge aura that is unable to explain sends out from his body, toward sweeps across to open in all directions. 一股无法言喻的庞大气息从其身上散发开来,朝着四面八方席卷而开。 „! This...... what is this thing?” “啊!这……这是什么东西?” This was also too huge!” “这也太巨大了吧!” „The future is bad, I just noticed that probably the supreme great elder sect lost to that golden hair Giant Ape, how to brave this suddenly......” “来者不善啊,我刚好像看到太上大长老宗败给了那只金毛巨猿,怎么又突然冒出来这个……” Now said that these have what using, hurries to escape importantly!” “现在说这些还有何用,赶紧逃命要紧!” The surroundings are widely separated by more than thousand li (0.5 km) these Boundary Origin Dao Temple disciples to witness this scenery, was naturally frightened is frightened out of one's wits, immediately then many people cannot attend to again other escapes in abundance up the same place, dispersing instantly toward flees and becomes separated to go in all directions. 周围远隔千余里的那些境元观弟子目睹此景,自然被吓得魂飞魄散,当即便有不少人再也顾不得其他的纷纷遁光一起,一哄而散的朝四面八方逃散而去。 But many person practicing moderation are also brave, and thinks that waits and sees no danger distantly, thus remained, nature by some Void Refinement Stage, and even Integration Stage high rank cultivator for lord, but on the face the look varies. 但也有不少人自持胆大,并认为遥遥观望没什么危险,从而留了下来,其中自然以一些炼虚期,乃至合体期高阶修士为主,但脸上神色各异。 At this time, in the midair that wheel giant Silvermoon silvers light/only neglect continually, start to reduce fast, a while time, changed into more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) dim galactic disk, then this galactic disk is similar to posts silver-white picture roll flaking in starry sky, falls gently , and flaming self-ignition gets up on the way. 此时,半空中那轮巨大银月光连闪下,开始飞快缩小起来,一会儿工夫,就化为了一个十余丈大小的黯淡银盘,接着这银盘就如同一张贴在星空中的银白色图卷般剥落下来,飘落而下,并在途中熊熊自燃起来。 The surroundings originally camouflaged all over the sky star light is delivered from oppression, flashes unceasingly. 周围原本被遮蔽的满天星光重见天日,不断闪动起来。 Bleached hair Giant Ape has not paid attention to the change of silver great moon/month, from beginning to end, the vision has stared is standing the yellow turbans giant in midair, both eyes none twinkle. 金毛巨猿没有理会银色巨月的变化,自始至终,目光一直盯着站在半空中的黄巾巨人,双目精光闪烁。 If he guesses right, that soybean of this incarnation yellow turbans giant, is very likely to come from Immortal World. 若他猜的没错,这化身黄巾巨人的那颗黄豆,极有可能来自仙界 Even, cannot withdraw the relations with Heavenly Ghost Sect that three True Immortal old ancestor. 甚至,和天鬼宗的那三位真仙老祖脱不开关系。 This may somewhat be thought-provoking. 这可就有些耐人寻味了。 In the Han Li heart the train of thought surges, like sea tide tumbling. 韩立心中思绪激荡,如同海潮般翻滚。 In the meantime, on the yellow turbans great face a slightly fluctuation, appears indistinctly complexion wax yellow face virtual image, look ice-cold looking to golden hair Giant Ape, huge body figure dashes to come like the meteorite immediately, before dodging then arrived at the Giant Ape body, the right arm fiercely lifts, the gigantic golden fist destroys. 就在此时,黄巾巨人脸上微一波动,隐约浮现出一张面色蜡黄的人脸虚影,眼神冰冷的望向金毛巨猿,巨大身形顿时如陨石般直扑而来,一闪便到了巨猿身前,右臂猛地一抬,硕大的金色拳头直捣而来。 The yellow air wave as if mighty waves spread to go toward all around together, air wave place visited, surroundings mountain peak trees as if bubble disruption. 一道黄色气浪仿佛波涛般朝着四周扩散而去,气浪所过之处,周围山峰树木都仿佛泡沫般碎裂开来。 In the golden hair Giant Ape mouth a loud shout, the body rises suddenly to the hundred zhang (333 m) fast, on the both arms the silver light blooms, the innumerable silver spirit marks appear, gathers layer upon layer silver pigment figure, covers entirely the entire arm, a fearsome great strength sends out suddenly. 金毛巨猿口中一声大喝,身躯飞快暴涨至百丈,双臂上银光绽放,无数银色灵纹浮现而出,汇聚成一层层的银色纹阵,布满整个手臂,一股可怖巨力猛然散发而出。 In the total a loud shout, the same fist rumbles. 其口中总一声大喝,同样一拳轰出。 Together silver misty crazy volume of hurricane from arm! 一道银濛濛的飓风从手臂上狂卷而出! The one silver and one gold two sizes differ the giant fist to bump into loudly. 一银一金两只大小相差巨大的拳头轰然相撞。 A heaven-shaking loud sound! 一声惊天巨响! Golden yellow two color ray hold, then explode suddenly greatly, the nearby void distortion trembles, makes humming sound the sound. 金黄两色光芒骤然大盛,然后爆裂开来,附近虚空一阵扭曲震颤,发出嗡嗡的声音。 The golden hair Giant Ape body big quake, the silver light on arm disrupts loudly, hundred zhang (333 m) body unexpectedly struck in the future will fly upside down, torn to pieces that bang bang several, the 3 - 4 place small mountain peak will pound directly along the way, and hit finally in more than a thousand zhang (3.33 m) great peak half way up the mountain position, the body enough thorough mountain wall ten several feet, this stopped reluctantly. 金毛巨猿身躯大震,手臂上的银光轰然碎裂,百丈身躯竟被击的往后倒飞出去,“砰砰”数声,直接将沿途三四座小山峰砸的支离破碎,并最终撞在了一座千余丈巨峰的山腰位置,身躯足足深入山壁十数丈,这才勉强停下。 The great peak shivers fiercely, the innumerable crushed stones such as the rain falls, almost one was hit to collapse, as for mountain peak and half way up the mountain these pavilions, and even cave mansion medicine garden, then changed into one pile of remnants of destroyed building under a great strength directly. 巨峰剧烈颤抖,无数碎石如雨落下,几乎被一下撞塌,至于山峰及山腰的那些亭台楼阁,乃至洞府药园,则是直接在一股巨力下化为了一堆断壁残垣。 Bleached hair Giant Ape in a flash hollow departed from the mountain wall, shrugged off dust, it did not have the tiny bit scar from top to bottom unexpectedly, but in the eye actually flashed through one with amazement. 金毛巨猿一晃的从山壁凹陷中飞出,抖去了身上的尘土,其浑身上下竟没有一丝一毫的伤痕,但眼中却闪过一丝骇然。 Although he, because within the body magical power is superficial, is unable to display the Mountain Giant Ape complete strength completely, but at present the strength of this yellow turbans giant really fearsome, even he has to plant unable unexpectedly to be a worthy opponent the feeling. 虽然他因为体内法力浅薄,无法完全发挥出山岳巨猿的全部力量,不过眼前这黄巾巨人的力量实在可怖之极,竟连他都有种无法匹敌之感。 Bang! “轰”的一声! Beyond more than ten li (0.5 km), potential of yellow turbans giant swooping, both feet numerous falling below ground, caused land one to thunder. 十余里外,黄巾巨人飞扑之势一顿,双足重重的落在了下方地面上,引得大地一阵轰鸣。 Then its single knee slightly body, after a body slightly bow . 接着其单膝微微一躯,身子微微一躬后。 Bang! “轰”的一声! Has a blast open loud sound void, naked eye obvious ripple spread, the yellow turbans giant such as the meteor dashes to golden hair Giant Ape to go unexpectedly together, in an instant then arrived at its top of the head, two golden light great hands grasp suddenly. 虚空发出一声炸裂般的巨响,一圈圈肉眼可见的波纹扩散开来,黄巾巨人竟如一道流星般直扑金毛巨猿而去,转眼间便到了其头顶,两只金光巨手猛然抓下。 Han Li melts Giant Ape, although some surprise in fast of opposite party speed, but the flustered, big piece azure light has not actually reappeared from the body suddenly, body figure rolls, changes into 40 - 50 zhang (3.33 m) god handsome azure bird impressively. 韩立所化巨猿虽有些诧异于对方速度之迅捷,不过却并未慌张,大片青光突然从身上浮现而出,身形就地一滚,赫然化为一头四五十丈大小的神俊青禽。 The top of the head phoenix coronet, the azure long-tail, is Azure Luan Body Transformation! 头顶凤冠,青色长尾,正是青鸾变身 A Azure Luan both wings show/unfolds, from vanishes without the trace baseless same place, making the yellow turbans giant come up empty-handed. 青鸾双翅一展,凭空从原地消失无踪,让黄巾巨人扑了个空。 Rumble a loud sound that resounds through Heaven and Earth transmits! “轰隆隆”一阵响彻天地的巨响传来! The giants receive the potential less, two golden light great hands one grasped above Giant Ape original position behind that thousand zhang (3.33 m) great peaks, apportioned to slice from half way up the mountain by upside the great peak unexpectedly forcefully. 巨人收势不及,两只金光巨手一把抓在了巨猿本来位置身后的那座千丈巨峰之上,竟硬生生将巨峰自山腰以上部分给切去了。 That section of number hundred zhang (333 m) rock that breaks pounds to fall, rear area another two mountain peaks will crash directly, causes a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) everything may become vulnerable again. 断下的那截数百丈山石砸落下去,直接将后方另两座山峰压垮,再次引得方圆数百里一阵地动山摇。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! The giants the azure shadow dodge behind, Azure Luan body figure emerges out of thin air, above two giant sharp claws is twining a azure light, grasps ruthlessly above its back. 巨人身后青影一闪,青鸾身形凭空出现,两只巨大利爪之上缠绕着道道青光,狠狠抓在其背脊之上。 Chī la! 嗤啦 Behind the yellow turbans giant was stressed several long scars immediately, but is not deep, regarding the so huge body, almost can ignore. 黄巾巨人背后顿时被抓出几道长长伤痕,不过并不深,对于其如此巨大的身躯来说,几乎可以忽略不计。 The giant slow reality anxious backhand wields. 巨人似缓实急的反手一挥。 Moves mountains the wild great strength sweeps away, sends out void crack. 一股排山倒海般的狂暴巨力横扫而出,虚空发出连珠炮般的炸响。 The Azure Luan both wings move, body figure changes into one group of azure shades to vanish again, next moment appears its dead ahead, a wing ruthlessly leaf. 青鸾双翅一动,身形化为一团青影再次消失,下一刻出现其正前方,翅膀狠狠一扇。 Several hundred feathers fly to shoot impressively, the turning round revolution, changes into several feet azure wind edges, each wind blade edge is glittering the sharp glow, rapid incomparable cutting on giant. 数百根羽毛赫然飞射而出,滴溜溜一转,化为一枚枚十几丈大小的青色风刃,每一道风刃边缘都闪烁着锐芒,迅疾无比的斩在巨人身上。 Chī la! 嗤啦 Above the yellow turbans giant chest and belly was cut scars, immediately is angry, turns the head rapidly, arm toward front dance, but actually only pounded the Azure Luan remnant shadow, caused the intermittent invisible air wave. 黄巾巨人胸腹之上被斩出一道道伤痕,顿时大怒,迅疾转过头来,手臂朝前方狂舞,不过却只砸中了青鸾的残影,引起了阵阵无形气浪。 In the Azure Luan eye under the twinkle ray, body figure makes fuzzy remnant shades immediately imaginary, surrounds the giant in the middle, seeks the opportunity of again starting. 青鸾眼中闪烁光芒下,身形顿时幻做一道道模糊残影,将巨人环绕在中间,寻找着再次下手的机会。 This yellow turbans giant great strength is simply unthinkable, the defense is not luckily outstanding, the attack of Azure Luan can wound the opposite party, although the injury seems somewhat insignificant, but many a little makes a mickle, can always threaten the opposite party. 这黄巾巨人一身巨力简直匪夷所思,幸好防御并不出众,青鸾的攻击还是能击伤对方,伤势虽然看似有些微不足道,不过积少成多,总能威胁到对方。 At this moment, yellow turbans giant chest suddenly flashes, yellow and black colored light glow appear, spreads rapidly the whole body. 就在此刻,黄巾巨人胸口忽的一闪,一道道玄黄色光芒浮现而出,迅速蔓延到全身。 His back and chest heal in yellow glow fast, several breath then vanish do not see. 他后背和前胸在黄芒中飞快愈合,几个呼吸便消失不见。 Azure Luan sees with own eyes this scenery, immediately one dull. 青鸾眼见此景,顿时一呆。 Immediately his eye narrows the eyes, expresses a sharp cry, the speed promotes the pinnacle, dances in the air regarding the yellow turbans giant up and down, often sends out swift and fierce incomparable wind attribute attacks. 随即其眼睛一眯,发出一声尖鸣,速度提升到极致,围绕着黄巾巨人上下飞舞,不时发出一道道凌厉无比的风属性攻击。 Although the yellow turbans giant the strength is greatly infinite, but the speed is actually well below Azure Luan this by existence that the speed sees to call, both hands brandish crazily, even Shadow of opposite party cannot trace, actually makes the surrounding area the mountain peak within hundred li (0.5 km) meet with a disaster, more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) small mountain peaks were treadonned by it directly crush, high mountain peak by his fist , is also the direct avalanche. 黄巾巨人虽然力大无穷,但是速度却远远不及青鸾这等以速度见称的存在,双手疯狂挥舞,连对方的影子也摸不到,却使得方圆百里内的山峰遭了殃,百余丈的小山峰被其直接一脚踏得粉碎,高一些的山峰被其一拳之下,也是直接崩塌。 The azure shadow circles around the yellow turbans giant body together rapidly, hits its body quickly cut and bruised. 一道青影在黄巾巨人身体四周飞速盘旋,很快将其身躯打得遍体鳞伤。 However the giant chest appears faint trace yellow glow, no matter what scar, can several breath recover. 不过巨人胸口浮现出丝丝黄芒,不管什么样的伤痕,都能几个呼吸痊愈。 Moreover, the yellow turbans giant acts to be gradually keen, as if grasped the Azure Luan rapid movement technique path, can catch up with the Azure Luan ghost-like speed gradually. 不仅如此,黄巾巨人动作逐渐灵敏起来,似乎掌握了青鸾迅疾身法的轨迹,渐渐能追上了青鸾鬼魅般的速度。 Two people shift the battlefield unceasingly, mountain peaks in Boundary Origin Dao Temple cave , the innumerable constructions collapse loudly. 两人不断转移战场,境元观内的一座座山峰塌陷,无数建筑轰然倒塌。 Suddenly, in Boundary Origin Dao Temple the bellow continuously, the mist and dust rose from all directions, making these high rank cultivator that gave way to traffic by far see this, frightened courage entirely cracks, does not immediately dare to stop scattered in all directions to flee. 一时间,境元观内轰鸣声此起彼伏,烟尘四起,让早已远远避让开来的那些高阶修士见此,也不禁吓得肝胆俱裂,当即不敢多做停留的四散逃离。 Daoist He Shan lies down on the ground, looks helplessly big sect becomes the blind sores in an instant, the heart has the feeling of drop blood. 阖山道人躺在地上,眼睁睁看着偌大一个宗门转眼间变得盲目疮痍,心头不禁有种滴血的感觉。 This way, 1 million years of base industry must be destroyed in a moment may not! 照这样下去,百万年基业非得毁于一旦不可! But when he raised the head, when is looking at present big small two colossi, is actually the mute eats the Chinese goldthread rhizome, can only smile bitterly. 但当他一抬头,望着眼前一大一小两只庞然大物时,却是哑巴吃黄连,只能苦笑不已了。
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