RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#69: Silvermoon changes

Bleached hair Giant Ape both hands fierce thump chest, wild aura erupts immediately, close yellow cloud great array also tumbles fiercely. 金毛巨猿双手猛一捶胸膛,一股狂暴之极的气息顿时爆发开来,近在咫尺的黄云大阵也随之一阵剧烈翻滚起来。 In the heaven-shaking peak main hall, Boundary Origin Dao Temple everyone including Daoist He Shan by the yellow cloud light screen, witnesses so monster different fearsome Giant Ape, is startled. 惊天峰大殿内,包括阖山道人在内的境元观诸人透过黄云光幕,目睹如此妖异可怖的巨猿,均是一惊。 The Daoist He Shan forehead appears some sweat stains faintly, both hands toward surrounding jade column void even/including chose/point, in the mouth urgently read aloud the incantation sound that read one. 阖山道人额头隐隐现出一些汗渍,双手朝着周围的玉柱一阵虚空连点,口中诵念的咒语声一急。 All jade column surface yellow glow hold, the yellow light screen outside peak the accumulation one/1st level/layer, became the congealing reality suddenly even more. 所有玉柱表面黄芒一盛,峰外的黄色光幕骤然间又增厚了一层,变得愈加凝实。 After golden hair Giant Ape raises a long and loud cry, under a furry fist round, toward flushing the front attacks fiercely. 金毛巨猿扬首一声长啸后,一只毛绒绒的拳头一轮下,朝冲前方猛击而出。 The dazzling golden light erupts from the great fist, the entire only fist has the extremely heavy potential to delimit void, starts payment for shares misty hurricane, ruthlessly bombardment above yellow cloud light screen. 耀眼金光从巨拳上爆发,整只拳头带着万钧之势划过虚空,掀起一股金濛濛的飓风,狠狠轰击在了黄云光幕之上。 A loud sound of everything may become vulnerable! 一声地动山摇的巨响! The golden yellow two color rays erupt suddenly, as if gold/metal yellow two rounds of scorching sun are colliding intensely, emanation lets the ray that the person does not dare to look straight ahead. 金黄两色的光芒陡然爆发而出,仿佛一金一黄两轮骄阳在激烈碰撞,发出让人根本不敢直视的光芒。 Under the light screen surface shock, hit place Shenao gets down, spreads Pī Li Pā Lā the sound of tearing, the surroundings appear like the spider web crack, and rapid spreads to go toward the surroundings. 光幕表面剧震下,被击中的地方深凹下去,传出噼里啪啦的撕裂之声,周围浮现出一道道如蜘蛛网般的裂纹,并且迅速朝着周围蔓延而去。 In the heaven-shaking peak main hall, the three/3rd level jade stages and periphery all jade columns shiver fiercely, the jade stage ray trembles crazily, the stair place even appears some cracks traces. 惊天峰大殿内,三层玉台和周围的所有玉柱剧烈颤抖,玉台光芒狂颤下,台阶处甚至浮现出一些龟裂的痕迹。 Around branch all Integration cultivator only think that the dantian shook with the jade stage fiercely, the opens the mouth puts out a blood, on the face is unable to maintain the calm color again. 分处四周的所有合体修士只觉丹田随着玉台剧烈震荡了一下,纷纷张口吐出一口鲜血,脸上再无法保持镇定之色了。 Covers the heaven-shaking peak the day Kui thick earth does not know many years ago, in the sect several Master array under the Old Ancestor Jing Ming direction, spent under the entire hundred years of arrange/cloth, was almost just routed a fist unexpectedly. 笼罩惊天峰的这处天魁厚土阵乃是不知多少年前,宗内数名阵法宗师在净明老祖指点下,花了整整百年时间布下,刚刚竟然差点被人一拳击溃。 The Daoist He Shan body shakes, some facial features slightly distortions. 阖山道人身躯一震,面容微微有些扭曲。 Stands firm to me!” “都给我稳住!” After his flurried color flashes past, actually clenches teeth , the opens the mouth spouts an essence and blood fiercely, changes into one group of blood cloud to integrate in nearby jade column, simultaneously two pinch finger joints with the thumb fast, within the body magical power swarms pours into jade platform center. 他目中慌乱之色一闪而过后,却一咬牙下,张口猛地喷出一口精血,化为一团血云融入附近的玉柱中,同时两手飞快掐诀,体内法力蜂拥注入玉台中。 Surrounding several Integration cultivator see with own eyes this scenery, follows hastily. 周围几名合体修士眼见此景,连忙同样跟着施法。 In great array dozens giant light beams fiercely one bright, appears layer upon layer scaled yellow cloud, is started to recover by the crack that golden hair Giant Ape makes rapidly. 大阵中数十道巨大光柱猛地一亮,浮现出层层鳞片状的黄云,被金毛巨猿打出的裂纹迅速开始复原。 Bleached hair Giant Ape sends out cold snort/hum, another long arms same golden light greatly hold, then ruthlessly bombardment under. 金毛巨猿发出一声冷哼,另一只猿臂同样金光大盛,然后狠狠轰击而下。 Bang! 轰隆! The giant golden fist, fell before the same position, since golden air waves leapt from the fist, the strong winds went toward all around crazy volume, as if can swallow all. 巨大的金色拳头,落在了之前相同的位置,一圈圈金色气浪从拳头上腾起,狂风般朝着四周狂卷而去,似乎能将一切吞噬进去。 The great array strenuous vibration, superficial yellow cloud tumbles fiercely, leaps yellow air columns, chaotic explodes toward the surroundings shoots to go. 大阵剧烈震动,表面黄云剧烈翻滚,腾起一道道黄色气柱,混乱的朝着周围爆射而去。 On the array light screen hollow deeply one time, the crack spread toward the surroundings suddenly again, and is getting deeper and deeper. 阵法光幕上凹陷陡然深了一倍,裂纹再次朝着周围蔓延,而且越来越深。 Finally bang, entire great array thorough disruption collapse. 终于“砰”的一声,整个大阵彻底碎裂崩溃。 The heaven-shaking peak main hall rocks violently, on the three/3rd level jade stage Kā chā, appears a giant crack, divides into two entire jade stage. 惊天峰大殿猛烈晃动一下,三层玉台上咔嚓一声,浮现出一道巨大裂缝,将整个玉台一分为二。 The ground in main hall also disrupts, appears a 7 - 8 giant crack. 大殿的地面也碎裂开来,浮现出七八道巨大裂缝。 All Integration cultivator this bodies like shake chaff shiver, shook to fall from the jade stage directly directly, in the mouth spurted several blood continually, the body aura deteriorated rapidly. 所有合体修士这一次身体如筛糠般颤抖,直接从玉台上直接震落了下去,口中连喷数口鲜血,身上气息迅速衰败下去。 The Daoist He Shan complexion is also one white, stood suddenly. 阖山道人脸色也是一白,豁然站了起来。 He is just about to make anything, a loud sound, reinforced the array restriction main hall roof to reappear the innumerable cracks, then loudly disruption collapse. 他正要做什么,一声巨响,加固了阵法禁制的大殿屋顶浮现出无数裂纹,然后轰然碎裂倒塌。 A golden fist shadow of house size drops from the clouds, strikes toward the Daoist He Shan overhead. 一个房屋大小的金色拳影从天而降,朝着阖山道人当头击下。 Humming sound the trembling whining noise resounds! 嗡嗡颤鸣声响起! Daoist He Shan turns the hand wielding silver to whisk, under wields, the innumerable silver threads fly to shoot. 阖山道人翻手祭出一个银色拂尘,一挥之下,无数银丝飞射而出。 His single-handed law pinches definitely, everywhere silver thread gathered one immediately, changed into silver Qilin virtual image, hit with the golden fist shadow in one. 他单手法决一掐,漫天银丝顿时汇聚到了一起,化为一头银色麒麟虚影,和金色拳影撞在了一起。 The heaven-shaking loud sound spreads, the golden light silver light interwines, forms a direct impact horizon the strong winds, rumble goes toward all around crazy volume. 惊天巨响传出,金光银光交织在一起,形成一股直冲天际的狂风,轰隆隆朝着四周狂卷而去。 The entire main hall is thorough, these Integration cultivator were also curled to fly upside down by the strong winds, they responded luckily is extremely quick, various crazy wielding magical treasure, protected the whole body, actually not by too big wound. 整个大殿彻底支离破碎,那些合体修士也被狂风卷得倒飞出去,幸好他们反应都是极快,一个个疯狂祭出各种法宝,护住了全身,倒是并未受太大的伤。 Together some staggering of plump form from storm but actually shoots, is Daoist He Shan, in his hand grabs the half to whisk, the look deep place flashes through alarmed and afraid, in the mouth shouts hastily: 一道肥硕身影从暴风中有些踉跄的倒射而出,正是阖山道人,其手中抓着半截拂尘,眼神深处闪过一丝惊惧,口中连忙喊道: Fellow Daoist Han holds on a minute......” 韩道友且慢……” Finally its words have not said, gold/metal shadow flashes, golden hair Giant Ape huge body figure ghost-like appears before the Daoist He Shan body, the golden giant palm of house size pats under. 结果其话还未说完,金影一闪,金毛巨猿的庞大身形鬼魅般出现在阖山道人身前,房屋般大小的金色巨掌一拍而下。 When giant palm slow anxious, the fearsome great strength that entire will as if grind void but loudly, sends out the fulmination void. 巨掌似缓时急,一股似乎将整个虚空碾碎的可怖巨力轰然而至,虚空发出连珠炮般的爆鸣。 Daoist He Shan startles greatly, mouth, puts out one group of white lights, is actually side black ancient Yan. 阖山道人大骇,嘴巴一张,吐出一团白光,却是一方黑色古砚。 This inkstone surface has sparkling stone light streams to move faintly, looks is firm, and grade not low treasure. 此砚表面隐隐有莹光流动,一看便是是件坚固,且品阶不低的宝物。 The ancient inkstone turning round revolution, rises against the wind in a big way, innumerable rune appear, but the thick black light beam runs out simultaneously together, resisted that golden giant palm unexpectedly. 古砚滴溜溜一转,迎风涨大,无数符文从中浮现而出同时一道粗大黑色光柱从中冲出,竟然抵住了那金色巨掌。 The body figure seizes the chance to shoot, sharply escapes to go toward the distant place, simultaneously in the hand the white light neglects, had/left white jade ornament. 身形趁机倒射而出,朝着远方急遁而去,同时手中白光一闪下,多出了一柄白玉如意 A golden hair Giant Ape low roar, by palm five fingers one that the black light beam withstands, the palm is reappeared golden spirit marks. 金毛巨猿一声低吼,被黑色光柱顶住的手掌五指一张,掌心浮现出一道道金色灵纹。 In an instant, erupted from the giant palm compared with previously the powerful 2-3 times of strengths suddenly, easily the black light beam crumb, then holds that black ancient Yan, makes an effort to grasp. 刹那间,一股比先前强大2-3倍的力量陡然从巨掌爆发而出,轻易将黑色光柱捏碎,然后一把将那黑色古砚抓住,用力一握。 ancient inkstone unexpectedly bang was pinched to explode! 古砚竟“砰”的一声被生生捏爆! After its body is fuzzy, immediately the strange appearance in Daoist He Shan not far away, golden wool like lightning searches behind, the superficial golden color spirit mark greatly is suddenly bright, immediately a golden air wave goes to front one volume. 随后其身躯一个模糊后,当即诡异的出现在阖山道人身后不远处,一只金色毛手闪电般的一探而出,表面金色灵纹骤然大亮,当即一股金色气浪向前方一卷而去。 Daoist He Shan turns around suddenly, the arm wields ruthlessly. 阖山道人骤然一个转身,手臂狠狠一挥。 The white light flashes, white jade ornament its one was thrown, the surface is red, under the yellow, blue tricolor multi-colored sunlight circulation, a tricolor mixed spirit flame shoots up to the sky one after another, one concentrates toward the middle, in an instant changes into more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) tricolor phoenix, welcomed Giant Ape this fist to throw. 白光一闪,白玉如意被其一抛而起,表面红,黄,蓝三色霞光轮番流转下,一股三色混杂的灵焰冲天而起,往中间一凝下,转眼间化为一只十余丈大小的三色凤凰,迎着巨猿这一拳扑去。 Dazzling incomparable tricolor ray shrinks erupts from the hot phoenix, brightened the most backdrop, at this moment, the surrounding all, are overshadowed. 耀眼无比的三色光芒一张一缩的从火凤身上爆发而出,照亮了大半个天幕,这一刻,周围的一切,都黯然失色。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound spreads from the midair, shortly will resound through entire Boundary Origin Dao Temple, causes all in views that wears the Daoist robe the disciple has a big shock departs from each construction, under a tumult, all the look varies looks distantly in the heaven-shaking peak direction. 惊天动地的巨响从半空传出,顷刻间响彻了整个境元观,引得所有身穿道袍的观内弟子纷纷大惊失色的从各个建筑中飞出,一阵骚动下,全都神色各异的朝着惊天峰方向遥遥望来。 At this moment, the trim backdrop divides into two, side is the golden ray, another side is the red yellow blue tricolor multi-colored sunlight, loud sound that each other impact , to continue to send out stuffy thunder -like. 这一刻,整片天幕一分为二,一边是金色光芒,另一边是红黄蓝三色霞光,彼此冲击,持续发出一声声闷雷般的巨响。 The heaven-shaking peak also has the ground in surrounding surrounding area thousand li (500 km) fiercely to shake, the hurricanes of direct impact highest heaven emerge out of thin air, spreads to go toward the surroundings. 惊天峰还有周围方圆千里的地面都为之剧烈一震,一道道直冲九霄的飓风凭空出现,朝着周围扩散而去。 heaven-shaking peak nearby trees were eradicated all, some giant stones were also whirled away by the strong winds, the ground was almost ripped one/1st level/layer, stirred smashing. 惊天峰附近的树木被尽数连根拔起,一些巨石也被狂风卷走,地面几乎被剥去了一层,搅的粉碎。 The confrontation of two fearsome strengths, only continued several breath, the golden ray then crushed another side tricolor miraculous glow rapidly, easily accomplished stirred thoroughly broken it. 两股可怖力量的交锋,只持续了几个呼吸,金色光芒便迅速压倒了另一边的三色灵光,摧枯拉朽般将其彻底搅碎。 The tricolor hot phoenixes send out a wail, body figure are crashed by the golden light impressively, is defeated and dispersed thoroughly. 三色火凤发出一声哀鸣,身形赫然被金光压垮,彻底溃散。 The Daoist He Shan body under one volume flies upside down in the astonishing air wave, in hand emerald green pleasant also bang, explodes. 阖山道人身躯在惊人气浪一卷下倒飞而出,手中的翠绿如意也砰的一声,爆裂开来。 He non-stop flew several li (0.5 km) far, hit ruthlessly on a mountain peak, later with everywhere crushed stone from midair crash ground. 他直飞出了数里之远,狠狠撞在一座山峰上,随后随着漫天碎石从半空坠落地面。 Bang! 轰! Bleached hair Giant Ape huge body figure drops from the clouds, falls on Daoist He Shan front not far away, the ground rocks fiercely, the crushed stone splash, great was trod two big holes by one pair fully. 金毛巨猿巨大的身形从天而降,落在阖山道人前方不远处,地面剧烈晃动,碎石飞溅,被一对巨足踏出了两个大坑。 A Giant Ape head low, ice-cold golden color pupil looks at the ground the plump form. 巨猿头颅一低,冰冷的金色瞳孔看着地上的肥硕身影。 Fellow Daoist Han, not...... Senior Han, but also please listen to explain below, matter is not you wants such!” 韩道友,不……韩前辈,还请听在下解释,事情并非你所想那样!” Daoist He Shan frightens the soul to fly beyond the Heavens, sees Giant Ape not immediately under the killer, the busy opens the mouth said. 阖山道人吓得魂飞天外,见巨猿没有立刻下杀手,忙开口道。 In his heart of this time regretted, the one had only known, he escapes after paradise, this/should immediately flees Boundary Origin Dao Temple, perhaps such also has a vitality. 此时的他心中后悔不已,早知如此,他从洞天中逃出来后,就该立刻逃离境元观的,那样或许还有一丝生机。 At this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在此刻,异变突生 The consecutively several bangs in the air rumble transmit from the distant place, impressively is the Star-Gathering Platform direction. 连续数声巨响从远处空中隆隆传来,赫然是聚星台方向。 Bleached hair Giant Ape eyebrow raise, turned the head to look. 金毛巨猿眉头一挑,转头看了过去。 In the Daoist He Shan heart quickly grasps the meaning of something, is busy at looking toward Star-Gathering Platform there. 阖山道人心中一个激灵,也忙朝着聚星台那里望去。 Sees only the eight mountain peaks near Star-Gathering Platform rumble to rock, eight light beams that the peak direct rupturing avalanche, above leaps dodge vanish. 只见聚星台附近的八座山峰隆隆晃动,峰顶直接爆裂崩塌,上面腾起的八道光柱一闪消失。 Covered around the Star-Gathering Platform giant array light screen to shine fiercely, then collapsed impressively. 笼罩聚星台周围的巨大阵法光幕猛地亮了一下,然后赫然崩溃开来。 However, sky over Star-Gathering Platform that round of huge Silvermoon has not actually not only vanished, instead blooms also to want the dazzling ray compared with Sun, and towering shake. 不过,聚星台上空的那一轮巨大银月却不仅没有消失,反而绽放出比太阳还要耀眼的光芒,并突兀的震荡起来。 Invisible air waves toward sweep across in all directions, surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) void surges again, tree burst, mountain peak avalanche. 一股股无形气浪朝四面八方席卷而下,方圆数百里的虚空再次激荡起来,树木碎裂,山峰崩塌。 Then, the ray of Silvermoon surface sending out toward the middle gathering, and a revolution, changes into a huge incomparable vortex fiercely, the peripheral region turns from time to time scarlet, from time to time turns into the deep blue, assorted ray appears one after another, even several rays interweave the twinkle, sends out the intense vibration void. 接着,银月表面散发的光芒朝中间一汇聚,并猛地一转下,化为一个巨大无比的漩涡,周围区域时而变成赤红,时而变成碧蓝,各色光芒轮番出现,甚至数种光芒交织闪烁,虚空散发出激烈的震动。 Surrounding Boundary Origin Dao Temple disciple dumbfounded is looking at the phenomenon of sky, is completely silent. 周围的境元观弟子一个个目瞪口呆的望着天空的异象,鸦雀无声起来。 Bleached hair Giant Ape is looking at the huge vortex of midair, in the eye the blue glow twinkle, waving suddenly grasps, sends out a huge suction. 金毛巨猿望着半空的巨大漩涡,眼中蓝芒闪烁,忽的挥手一抓,发出一股庞大吸力。 Forgives......” “饶命……” Daoist He Shan loudly calls out, wants to struggle, but does not have the strength of resistance was easily attracted by Giant Ape to the palm, grasps. 阖山道人大叫一声,想要挣扎,不过还是毫无反抗之力的被巨猿轻易吸到掌中,一把握住。 The Giant Ape opens the mouth spurts, silver fire bird flies to shoot, is Flame Essence Fire Bird, flashes changes into a silver flame rope, twined several body of Daoist He Shan like lightning. 巨猿张口一喷,一只银色火鸟飞射而出,正是精炎火鸟,一闪化为一条银焰绳索,闪电般将阖山道人的身体缠绕了几圈。 Afterward it wields conveniently, threw Daoist He Shan, and turns around to look again to the space vortex of midair, on the face appears the dignified color. 随后其随手一挥,将阖山道人扔了出去,并再次转身看向半空的空间漩涡,脸上浮现出凝重之色。 Daoist He Shan was pounded to fall the ground layer on layer/heavily, suddenly feels array eye to brave Venus. 阖山道人被重重砸落地面,顿觉一阵眼冒金星。 He feels the strength of fearsome flame in the silver flame rope contains, in heart one cold, but also has obediently to lie down in the one side, does not dare to move slightly, the provoking anger opposite party in province. 他感受着银焰绳索中蕴含的可怖火焰之力,心中一凛,但也只得乖乖躺在一旁,不敢动弹丝毫,省的惹怒对方。
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