RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#68: Chasing down

The Daoist He Shan great happiness, in the hand magical formula changes, simultaneously the opens the mouth spouts an essence and blood, flashes integrates in the Silvermoon chart that passes. 阖山道人大喜,手中法诀一变,同时张口喷出一口精血,一闪即逝的融入银月图中。 In the Silvermoon design, complements in in Yunyin that round of silver moon to curl silver red clouds ascended volumes suddenly, turning round interweaves under the winding, transforms a silver light shining vortex. 银月图案中,掩映于氲氤中的那轮银色月亮中蓦然卷一道道银霞飞卷而出,滴溜溜的一阵交织缠绕下,幻化出一个银光灿灿的漩涡。 The strength of intermittent space fluctuates to send out from inside, the stuffy thunder -like sound same place, vortex most deep place can see a white light indistinctly. 阵阵的空间之力波动从里面散发而出,闷雷般的声响一起,漩涡最深处隐约能看到一点白光。 Space passageway opens the previous quarter, hundred items of Heavenly Ghost and Han Li melted Thunder Roc to solicit however to look simultaneously, former look one happy, in latter pupil blue glow twinkle. 空间通道开启前一刻,百目天鬼韩立所化雷鹏募然同时望了过来,前者神色一喜,后者瞳目中蓝芒闪烁。 Finally the Daoist He Shan vision one on hundred items of Heavenly Ghost sweeps, immediately fell on Thunder Roc, under the heart trembled, if unexpectedly rabbit fierce turned around, one sneaked into the silver vortex. 结果阖山道人目光只是在百目天鬼身上一扫而过,马上落在了雷鹏身上,心中一哆嗦下,竟如兔子般的猛一转身,一下窜入了银色漩涡中。 Then in vortex fluctuation same place, if immediately the bubble is defeated and dispersed shatter, changed into the silver light, flashes without a trace. 接着漩涡中波动一起,随即如泡沫般破碎溃散开来,化为了点点银光,一闪的无影无踪了。 Void, only stays behind some light spaces to fluctuate. 虚空中,只留下些许淡淡的空间波动。 Opens from space passageway closed, less than a time of breath. 从空间通道开启到闭合,前后不到一个呼吸的工夫。 Whole mountain old Daoist!” “阖山老道!” Hundred items of Heavenly Ghost see Daoist He Shan not only to escape alone, but also closed space passageway, flies into a rage. 百目天鬼阖山道人不仅独自逃生,还关闭了空间通道,不禁勃然大怒起来。 But Han Li melts the Thunder Roc pupil goal blue glow to collect, in the eye reveals several colors looking pensive. 韩立所化雷鹏瞳目的蓝芒一敛,目中流露出几丝若有所思之色来。 In a just now short breath, he has opened the closed all changes to catch all the space vortex. 就在方才的这短暂的一息内,他已然将空间漩涡开启闭合的所有变化尽数捕捉到了。 Fellow Daoist Tong, here only has your me now, this is also good, first criticizes with the your sect gratitude and grudges.” After Thunder Roc takes back the vision, coldly said. 童道友,如今这里只剩下你我了,这样也好,与贵宗的恩怨就先清算一下吧。”雷鹏收回目光后,冷冷说道。 The voice falls, its silver electric light is actually suddenly one bright, a thunderclap loud sound, the huge form from disappears without the trace same place. 话音一落,其身上银色电光却是陡然一亮,一声霹雳巨响,巨大身影从原地消失无踪。 In hundred items of Heavenly Ghost hearts, cannot attend to resenting Daoist He Shan in great surprise, the pupil shrinks, two pinch finger joints with the thumb fiercely, the innumerable viscous black air/Qi gush out from its within the body, change into more than ten thick tentacles, at body week dance. 百目天鬼心中大惊下,顾不得愤恨阖山道人,瞳孔一缩,两手猛地掐诀,无数粘稠的黑气从其体内涌出,化为十几根粗大触手,在身周狂舞。 It thunderous, under silver light flashes, the Thunder Roc form appears behind, a two great claw fuzziness, change into two fuzzy remnant shades, rapid incomparable grasping to its back of the body. 其身后一声雷鸣,银光一闪下,雷鹏身影浮现而出,两只巨爪一个模糊,化为两道模糊残影,迅疾无比的抓向其后心。 Finally Heavenly Ghost these black tentacle responses unexpectedly also are extremely after death quick, one volume, one ties down Thunder Roc like lightning unexpectedly. 结果天鬼身后那些黑色触手反应竟然也极快,闪电般一卷,竟然一下将雷鹏缠住。 In the Thunder Roc eye appears a accident/surprise, immediately body week silver electric arc hold, around the electric arc is appears greatly many silver rune. 雷鹏眼中浮现出一丝意外,随即身周银色电弧大盛,电弧周围更是浮现出许多银色符文 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! rune explodes in abundance, the innumerable silver ejection, touches the private seal became tattered and torn to be defeated and dispersed the black, changes into the innumerable black air/Qi, vanishes in thunder light without the trace thoroughly. 符文纷纷爆裂开来,无数银色雷丝弹射而出,将黑色触手戳成了千疮百孔的溃散开来,化为无数黑气,在雷光中彻底消失无踪。 Hundred items of Heavenly Ghost backs were also affected by the silver thunder and lightning, the waist was hit by a thick electric arc, the above 7 - 8 only eye disrupts all, black blood long class/flow. 百目天鬼后背也被银色雷电波及,后腰被一条粗大电弧击中,上面的七八只眼睛尽数碎裂开来,黑血长流。 He stuffy snort/hum, body figure in a flash, shoots to go toward the front illness/quick hastily. 他闷哼一声,身形一晃之下,连忙朝着前方疾射而去。 Rumble a loud sound transmits from it behind. “轰隆隆”一声巨响从其身后传来。 Thunder Roc pair of claws void grasps, the body week silver electric arc gathering, unifies two silver thunder ball impressively again. 雷鹏双爪虚空一抓,身周银色电弧汇聚,赫然再次凝聚成两个银色雷球。 It pair of claws raises, two thunder ball shoots up to the sky impressively, submerges in half being bounced cloud. 它双爪一扬,两个雷球赫然冲天而起,没入半空灰云之中。 In the cloud layer has the heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound immediately, the dazzling incomparable silver electric light tears the grey cloud, under the projection the dazzling incomparable silver light. 云层中立刻发出惊天动地的巨响,耀眼无比的银色电光撕裂灰云,投射下刺目无比的银光。 Two thick incomparable silver thunder columns the electricity from the cloud layer shoot suddenly, the surroundings are twining innumerable silver rune, rapid incomparable toward in fleeing hundred items of Heavenly Ghost chops. 两道粗大无比的银色雷柱骤然从云层中电射而出,周围缠绕着无数银色符文,迅疾无比的朝着遁逃中的百目天鬼劈下。 Heavenly Ghost startles greatly, body black light one bright, the surrounding eye opens the eyes reluctantly again greatly, in pupil black light twinkle, then must display Space Principle. 天鬼大骇,身上黑光一亮,周围的眼睛勉强再次大睁,瞳孔中黑光闪烁,便要施展空间法则 At this moment, ice-cold piercing cold snort/hum resounds in the ears of hundred items of Heavenly Ghost suddenly! 就在此刻,一声冰冷刺骨的冷哼骤然在百目天鬼的耳中响起! Then in his mind of bang, imitates, if were used the pointed cone to grip ruthlessly, the severe pain that tears divine soul flares up suddenly. 然后他的脑海中轰的一声,仿若被人用尖锥狠狠扎了一下,一股撕裂神魂的剧痛骤然爆发。 Heavenly Ghost both hands hold the head suddenly sends out a pitiful yell, on the face the seven orifices flows out the black blood. 天鬼蓦然双手抱头的发出一声惨叫,脸上七窍都流出黑色鲜血。 His body week the black light disorder in about hundred eye, dissipate. 他身周的近百只眼睛中的黑光一阵紊乱,消散开来。 In is deafening in your thunderous sound, two silver thunder columns fell loudly, hit the bodies of hundred items of Heavenly Ghost. 在震耳欲聋你的雷鸣声中,两道银色雷柱轰然落下,击中了百目天鬼的身体。 A loud sound of heaven-shaking motionless place! 一声惊天不动地的巨响! The sad and shrill pitiful yell sends out from hundred items of Heavenly Ghost mouths, its body was pierced two large cave/hole by thunder pillar immediately, large cave/hole impressively in his chest. 凄厉的惨叫从百目天鬼口中发出,其身躯顿时被雷柱洞穿了两个大洞,其中一个大洞赫然在其胸口。 The Heavenly Ghost body almost made into two sections, the black red blood swarms, the remnant body dropped from the midair layer on layer/heavily, pounds in the ground. 天鬼的身躯几乎被打成两截,黑红色的鲜血蜂拥而出,残躯从半空重重跌落,砸在了地面上。 Ka ka a dull thumping sound, hundred items of Heavenly Ghost bodies reduce fast, in an instant changes into a diminutive baldheaded old man appearance, the lower abdomen and chest has large cave/hole that respectively passes through the body, the injury is quite serious. “咔咔”一阵闷响,百目天鬼身躯飞快缩小,转眼间化为一个矮小秃顶老者模样,小腹和胸口各有一个贯穿身躯的大洞,伤势极为严重。 The large share blood gushes out from the Tong Rene mouth, its complexion is frightened, in the eye the appearance is actually gloomy incomparable. 大股鲜血从童人垩口中涌出,其脸色惊惶,眼中神采却是暗淡无比。 But next moment, on his face the ferocious color flashes, both hands pinch the law to decide fiercely. 下一刻,其脸上狞色一闪,双手猛地一掐法决。 The body surface black crystal light streams transfer the uncertain, thin and small body unexpectedly crazy inflation suddenly. 其体表骤然间一圈圈的黑色晶光流转不定,瘦小身躯竟疯狂的膨胀而起。 From exploding!” “自爆!” In the midair, in the Thunder Roc mouth muttered one, the underbelly claw wields, above appeared again the dazzling incomparable silver electric arc, then gathered rolling, suddenly changed into silver thunder ball, and fell rapidly. 半空之中,雷鹏口中喃喃一声,腹下爪子一挥,上面再次浮现出耀眼无比的银色电弧,然后滚滚一聚,眨眼间化为一个银色雷球,并急速落下。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Tong Rene unexpectedly first step from exploding to open, nearby the violent fluctuation causes to be torn void, gushes out shiny black black light, making silver thunder ball also for the potential of falling it shakes one slow. 童人垩竟抢先一步的自爆而开,剧烈的波动引得附近虚空被撕裂开来,从中涌出黑黝黝的黑光,使得银色雷球也为之震的下坠之势一缓。 Whiz, several cuns (2.5 cm) high Nascent Soul flashes flickering that passes to move from black light, suddenly arrived at void dozens zhang (3.33 m) away, then protects the body miraculous glow to flash crazily, changes into black light together must pass on again. “嗖”的一声,一只数寸高元婴从黑光中一闪即逝的瞬移而出,眨眼间就到了数十丈外的虚空,然后护体灵光狂闪,化为一道黑光的就要再次传走。 In a twinkling, silver thunder ball explodes suddenly, changes into one group of huge incomparable silver scorching sun, and toward spreads to open immediately in all directions fast, shortly will submerge Tong Rene Nascent Soul. 说时迟那时快,银色雷球陡然爆裂开来,化为一团巨大无比的银色骄阳,并立刻朝四面八方飞快扩散而开,顷刻间淹没了童人垩元婴 Whiz, light/only flies to project a thing from the silver, under flashes, flew to above Thunder Roc. “嗖”的一声,从银光中飞射出一物,一闪之下,就飞向了上方的雷鹏 A moment later, the silver scorching sun dissipates slowly, the ground reveals a paint Hei Da pit. 片刻之后,银色骄阳缓缓消散,地面露出一个漆黑大坑。 Tong Rene vanishes without the trace thoroughly, a trace has not stayed behind. 童人垩彻底消失无踪,一丝痕迹也没有留下。 The silver electricity glow flashes, Thunder Roc vanishes, appears the Han Li form, grabs a red bag single-handed, is sending out the light red glow. 银色电芒一闪,雷鹏消失,现出韩立的身影,单手抓着一只红色袋子,散发着淡淡的红芒。 Changes under the body fierce combat one after another, causes his complexion at this moment is also pale exceptionally, in the dantian magical power has bottomed. 接连变身激战之下,使得他此刻的脸色也是苍白异常,丹田内法力已然见底。 He receives the red bag in hand, later took out one millennium Cloud Crane Grass to take, later looked up to void, under the mouth mumbled, the sleeve robe shook. 他将手中的红袋子一收,随后取出一根千年云鹤草服了下去,随后抬头望向虚空,口中念念有词之下,袖袍一抖。 Seven fly to shoot black light, stops in the midair, was he before with even-numbered earthly branche stone refinement seven Star Moon Treasure Mirror, deferred to the shape arrangement of Big Dipper to open faintly. 七道黑光飞射而出,在半空中停下,正是他之前用阴辰石炼制的七面星月宝镜,隐隐按照北斗七星的形状排列而开。 Han Li two pinch finger joints with the thumb, rays fall on seven valuable mirrors. 韩立两手掐诀,一道道光芒落在七面宝镜上。 Star Moon Treasure Mirror rotates immediately turning round, sends out the dazzling stars ray, many black rune fly to shoot, jumps in the star light. 星月宝镜顿时滴溜溜转动起来,散发出耀眼的星辰光芒,许多黑色符文从中飞射而出,在星光中跳跃。 In his hand magical formula fluctuates, Star Moon Treasure Mirror sends out humming sound howls lowly, the ray that sends out is getting more and more bright, but actually shivers to continue, moreover is more and more unstable. 他手中法诀变幻,星月宝镜发出嗡嗡的低啸,散发出的光芒越来越亮,但却颤抖不止,而且越来越不稳定。 Explodes!” “爆!” In the Han Li mouth lightly shouted, in the hand magical formula urges. 韩立口中一声轻喝,手中法诀一催。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Seven valuable mirror rays fiercely one bright, explodes all, changes into seven giant light groups. 七面宝镜光芒猛地一亮,尽数爆裂开来,化为七个巨大光团。 Han Li complexion one tight, two wheels pinch finger joints with the thumb. 韩立脸色一紧,两手车轮般掐诀。 Under his magical formula stimulation of movement, seven cluster light condense fast, after the moment, changes into seven giant stars virtual image, seems like impressively Big Dipper. 在他法诀催动下,七团星光飞快凝聚,片刻后化为七颗巨大星辰虚影,看起来赫然正是北斗七星。 Han Li sees this situation, in the hand magical formula suddenly changes. 韩立见此情形,手中法诀蓦然一变。 Seven stars virtual image rays, each other connection in one, composed stars great array suddenly faintly. 七颗星辰虚影的光芒,骤然彼此连接在了一起,隐隐组成了一个星辰大阵 Han Li lightly shouted, two have an unusual hand imprint. 韩立轻喝一声,两手结出一个奇特手印。 Chī la! 嗤啦 Stars great array suddenly one bright, then just like by two big hands is pulled, opens toward both sides tearing, has together the jet black crack, sends out the deep dark ray. 星辰大阵骤然一亮,接着犹如被两只大手拉扯般,朝两侧撕裂而开,出现一道漆黑裂缝,散发出深沉的黑暗光芒。 However that darkness most deep place, can see indistinctly luminously. 但是那黑暗最深处,隐约能看到一点光亮。 ...... …… Sky over Boundary Origin Dao Temple Star-Gathering Platform, the huge Silvermoon drastic fluctuation, the middle splits a space crack somewhere suddenly, a azure person's shadow flies to shoot, hangs in the midair, is Han Li. 境元观聚星台上空,巨大银月剧烈波动,中间某处陡然裂开一条空间裂缝,一个青色人影从中飞射而出,悬于半空,正是韩立 At this time, is centered on Star-Gathering Platform covers surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) broad that array restriction also , the bright silver rosy cloud that above huge Silvermoon sprinkles, with covering all around seven color light screens enhances one another's beauty, among space will shine a grotesque and gaudy world. 此时,以聚星台为中心覆盖方圆百里之广的那个阵法禁制还在,上方的巨大银月中洒下的明亮银霞,与笼罩四周的七彩光幕交相辉映,将其内的空间照射成一个光怪陆离的世界。 But Daoist He Shan that before has run away, is actually missing. 而之前已经逃出来的阖山道人,却不见了踪影。 The Han Li body figure in a flash appearance in front of light screen, the first even/including three boxing leaves, rumbles a hole the light screen, later jumps to fly to shoot, arrives at beside the light screen. 韩立身形一晃的出现在一处光幕前,一连三拳击出,将光幕轰出一个洞,随后纵身从中飞射而出,来到光幕之外。 Outside Boundary Origin Dao Temple all quiet, submerges in the dim light of night, does not have any abnormal change. 外面境元观一切静悄悄的,淹没在夜色中,没有任何异变 Under the Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, emits divine sense to sweep, turns the head suddenly, vision ice-cold looks to the heaven-shaking peak of distant place. 韩立眉头微皱,放出神识一扫之下,豁然转头,目光冰冷的看向远处的惊天峰。 next moment, its body figure changes into together azure rainbow, quick as lightning flies to shoot to go to there. 下一刻,其身形化为一道青虹,快似闪电的向那里飞射而去。 In the meantime, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在此时,异变突生 The heaven-shaking peak surroundings ground shakes suddenly, dozens thick yellow light beams emit from the ground, each has a 4 - 5 zhang (3.33 m) thickness, reaches to the sky. 惊天峰周围地面陡然一震,数十道粗大黄色光柱从地面冒出,每一根都有四五丈粗细,高耸入云。 On the light beam full is the brown spirit mark, sends out the vast spirit strength fluctuation. 光柱上满是土黄色的灵纹,散发出浩瀚的灵力波动。 Light beam suddenly simultaneously one bright, sends out heavy/thick yellow glow, each other is linked to each other, forms thick brown light screen, looks from afar, as if gigantic incomparable thick yellow cloud, covered the entire heaven-shaking peak below. 光柱陡然同时一亮,散发出厚重的黄芒,彼此连在一起,形成一个厚厚的土黄色光幕,远远望去,就仿佛一朵硕大无比的厚厚黄云,将整个惊天峰笼罩在了下面。 In heaven-shaking peak main hall, three/3rd level jade stage, all over the body with a clear yellow crystal stone casting. 惊天峰大殿内,有一座三层玉台,通体用一种晶莹的黄色晶石铸造而成。 The area reduces from bottom to top in turn, bottommost one/1st level/layer has several feet surrounding area fully, most top layer only then 2-3 zhang (3.33 m), above quarter completely yellow rune. 由下往上面积依次减小,最下面一层足有十几丈方圆,最顶层只有2-3丈大小,上面刻满了黄色符文 Around jade stage, towers these dozens seat earth yellow jade columns, above also dense and numerous inscribes innumerable rune. 玉台周围,耸立这数十根土黄色玉柱,上面也密密麻麻的铭刻着无数符文 Daoist He Shan here, sits cross-legged to sit in jade stage level 3 impressively, although the complexion is tranquil, but of eyeground deep place was frightened actually betrayed his true idea. 阖山道人赫然在此,盘膝坐在玉台第三层,脸色虽然平静,但是眼底深处的那一丝惊惶却出卖了他的真实想法。 In his mouth mumbled, the both hands ten fingers like the wheel change, made magical formula fast. 他口中念念有词,双手十指如车轮般变化,飞快打出一道道法诀 The three/3rd level jade stages and periphery dozens jade columns are glittering immediately the bright brown ray, coordinates with each other across a great distance with outside great array. 三层玉台和周围的数十根玉柱顿时不停的闪烁着明亮的土黄色光芒,和外面的大阵遥相呼应。 Boundary Origin Dao Temple 7 - 8 Integration cultivator, sits cross-legged to sit in jade stage level 2 at this moment, in the mouth mumbles similarly, within the body magical power pours into jade stage. 境元观七八合体修士,此刻也盘膝坐在玉台第二层,口中同样念念有词,体内法力注入玉台内。 Beyond heaven-shaking peak, together azure rainbow but under air-splitting, flashes, stopped outside great array, appears the Han Li form. 惊天峰外,一道青虹破空而至,一闪之下,在大阵外停了下来,现出韩立的身影。 He looks to cover the entire mountain peak at present the brown ray, the eye narrows the eyes slightly, deeply inspires, within the body spreads the Pī Li Pā Lā sound, body figure rises rapidly in a big way, the body surface appears the golden monkey wool, in an instant changed into a several feet high Mountain Giant Ape shape. 他望着眼前笼罩整座山峰的土黄色光芒,眼睛微微眯起,深吸一口气,体内传出噼里啪啦的声音,身形迅速涨大,体表浮现出金色猴毛,转眼间化为了一只十几丈高的山岳巨猿形态。
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