RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#67: Hundred items of Heavenly Ghost

In gray space. 灰色空间中。 Tong Rene and Daoist He Shan are changing into two virtual image fly air-splitting with lightning speed. 童人垩阖山道人正化为两道虚影风驰电掣的破空飞遁着。 By two people of cultivation base fly, will span ten thousand li (0.5 km) away full power shortly. 以二人修为全力飞遁下,顷刻间就跨越了万里之遥。 Without a trace that especially after the Duan Renli aura vanishes suddenly, two people do not hesitate to consume the vitality greatly the stimulation of movement secret technique, flying speed increase. 尤其是在段人离的气息眨眼间消失的无影无踪后,二人更是不惜大耗元气的催动秘术,遁速大增。 This soul flies the feeling of beyond the Heavens, they do not know many ten thousand years not , entire Spirit Domain World, cultivation base is also before then few with the person of their being on par, but to their levels, will not naturally spar at will. 这种魂飞天外之感,他们可是不知多少万年没有过了,要知道,在此之前整个灵寰界,修为与他们比肩之人也是屈指可数的,而到了他们这个层次,自然也不会随意斗法。 Fellow Daoist He Shan, takes advantage of the present! Quick opens space passageway, does not leave this paradise, both of us eventually are the dead ends!” Tong Rene looked at one toward the rear area, in the mouth rapid saying. 阖山道友,就趁现在!快施法打开空间通道,不离开这处洞天,我俩终究是死路一条!”童人垩朝后方望了一眼,口中急促的说道。 Good!” “好!” A Daoist He Shan nod, turns single-handed, a palm of the hand big silver disc appeared in the hand, on another palm the azure light flashed, being without hesitation struck toward the disc on gently, in the mouth mumbled. 阖山道人一点头,单手一翻,一块巴掌大的银色圆盘出现在了手中,另一只手掌上青光一闪,毫不迟疑的往圆盘上轻轻一击,口中念念有词起来。 One group of silver glow bloom immediately from the disc, and in the incantation sound, is gradually dazzling, dense and numerous silver rune appear. 一团银芒顿时从圆盘上绽放开来,并在咒语声中,渐渐耀眼起来,密密麻麻的银色符文浮现而出。 next moment, more than ten silver light rosy clouds spray from the silver light simultaneously, gathers to interweave under void before two person, transforms a fuzzy silver misty design gradually, sends out a space to fluctuate. 下一刻,十几道银色光霞同时从银光中喷射而出,在二人身前的虚空中汇聚交织下,渐渐幻化成一副模糊的银濛濛图案,散发出一丝空间波动。 At this moment, one fuzzy thunderous after two people transmits. 就在此刻,一声模糊的雷鸣从二人身后传来。 Two people of hears sound, the complexion immediately changes. 二人闻声,脸色顿时一变。 Sees only a silver light to glitter to pursue one after another from behind, is being flashed increases unceasingly, quick by far second people speed. 只见一点银光接连闪烁着从后面追来,在闪动中不断变大,速度之快远胜二人。 How long also wants?” Tong Rene drinks to ask in a low voice. “还要多久?”童人垩低声喝问道。 Ten breaths...... not, eight breaths!” In the Daoist He Shan hand pinches finger joints with the thumb non-stop, quickly replied. “十息……不,八息!”阖山道人手中掐诀不停,急忙答道。 I block him, you as soon as possible!” The Tong Rene look fluctuates, clenches teeth to say. “我来挡住他,你尽快!”童人垩眼神变幻,一咬牙说道。 The voice falls, in his mouth spread the low and deep incantation sound, simultaneously waves to tear black robe, reveals the naked upper body. 话音一落,他口中传出了低沉的咒语声,同时一挥手撕扯掉身上的黑袍,露出赤裸的上身。 Above he seemingly emaciated chest, the inscription is printing a dark-red ghost creature design impressively, is sending out to flash on and off the uncertain blood red ray, seems a wild living creature is keeping struggling general. 他看似瘦弱的胸膛之上,赫然铭印着一个暗红色的鬼物图案,正散发出明灭不定的血红光芒,仿佛是一个狂暴的活物在不停挣扎一般。 On ghost creature has several white things, sends out the light white light, suppresses faintly stubbornly this blood light. 鬼物身上有几个白色的东西,散发出淡淡的白光,隐隐将这股血光死死压制住。 Tong Rene deeply inspires, two first pinch finger joints with the thumb, however the back-up finger/refers the even/including on that several white things selects like lightning several. 童人垩深吸一口气,两手先一掐诀,然后手指闪电般在那几个白色事物上连点几下。 Since the bunch dazzling white light is bright from these white things, and appears not well-known white rune, is shivering pū pū several ejections in abundance, impressively is actually the entire 13 white bone nails. 一团团耀眼白光从这些白色事物上亮起,并浮现出一个个不知名的白色符文,然后颤抖着“噗噗”的几声的纷纷弹射而出,赫然却是整整十三颗白色骨钉。 The bone nail is separated, the blood red ghost creature design sends out exciting roaring suddenly, as if fearful devil shook off the shackles finally. 骨钉一脱离,血红鬼物图案陡然发出一声兴奋的咆哮,仿佛可怕的恶魔终于挣脱了枷锁。 The dazzling incomparable blood light erupted from the Tong Rene chest, covered his body, formed more than ten thick incomparable blood-color light beams, the fearsome strength rippled, caused nearby also void surges for it one. 耀眼无比的血光从童人垩胸口爆发,笼罩了他的身体,形成十几道粗大无比的血色光柱,可怖的力量从中荡漾开来,引得附近虚空也为之一阵激荡。 In the blood light, Tong Rene looks the color of pain, stuffy snort/hum. 血光之中,童人垩面露痛苦之色,闷哼了一声。 His within the body spreading suddenly ka ka the sound of making noise, under the muscle living creature creeping motion, the body rises to be big fast. 他体内蓦的传出“咔咔”作响之声,肌肉活物般蠕动下,身躯飞快涨大起来。 In an instant, his whole person changes into a hundred zhang (333 m) to be high unexpectedly, huge ghost creature of fiendish features. 转眼间,其整个人竟化为一头百丈高,青面獠牙的巨大鬼物 This ghost creature, is somewhat similar to scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost that Duan Renli called initially, just like another Heavenly Ghost, but fearsomer. 鬼物,和段人离当初唤出的赤血天鬼有些相似,俨然是另一具天鬼,但更加可怖。 The body surface appears the dense and numerous black red two color mysterious traces, what is stranger, in chest and belly, on arm, even on the both legs and even the instep, were covered with eyes impressively, over a hundred, keep winking fully, sends out spookily black light, making one look absolutely terrifiedly unconsciously. 其体表浮现出密密麻麻的黑红两色的神秘纹路,更诡异的是,在胸腹,手臂上,甚至双腿乃至脚背上,都赫然长满了一只只眼睛,足有上百个,不停眨动下,散发出幽幽黑光,令人望之不觉毛骨悚然。 Especially his forehead vertical eye, is especially giant, pushed the one side the following eye eyebrow, seemed like obviously fierce. 尤其他眉心处的一只竖眼,尤其巨大,将下面的眼睛眉毛都挤到了一旁,看起来更显狰狞。 However this eye is actually shutting tightly. 不过这只眼睛却是紧闭着。 Hundred items of Heavenly Ghost sides come, by far previous huge aura sends out from the body, causes the surrounding void fluctuation. 百目天鬼方一现身,一股远胜先前的庞大气息从身上散发开来,使得周围虚空一阵波动。 In the meantime, silver thunder light flashes! 就在此时,银色雷光一闪! More than ten zhang (3.33 m) silver Thunder Roc in two people front one dodge, but presently, sees Tong Rene hundred items of Heavenly Ghost, in the eye flash through surprised. 十余丈大小的银色雷鹏在两人前方一闪而现,看到童人垩所化的百目天鬼,目中似闪过一丝惊讶。 Thunder Roc a both wings show/unfolds, a body thunderous sound sound, the body surface emerges the innumerable silver thunder and lightning immediately, a Péng claw one grasps toward the front suddenly. 雷鹏随即双翅一展,身上雷鸣声一响,体表涌现出无数银色雷电,一只鹏爪猛然往前方一抓。 Hū lā! 呼啦”一声! One mu the big or small fearful thunder and lightning great claw emerges out of thin air, grasps toward hundred items of Heavenly Ghost overheads. 一只亩许大小的可怕雷电巨爪凭空出现,朝着百目天鬼当头抓下。 The great claw has not fallen, a fearsome great strength already but loudly, nearby void immediately one tight. 巨爪未落下,一股可怖巨力已经轰然而至,附近虚空顿时一紧。 Facing so attacks, on hundred items of Heavenly Ghost faces does not have to dread slightly, two pinch finger joints with the thumb, body about half eyes simultaneously one bright, projects black rays. 面对如此攻击,百目天鬼脸上没有丝毫畏惧,两手掐诀,身上近半数眼睛同时一亮,射出一道道黑色光芒。 Dozens rays interwine, forms a black light net, hit with the thunder and lightning great claw in one. 数十道光芒交织在一起,形成一张黑色光网,和雷电巨爪撞在了一起。 In the instance that the two collide, a weak principle fluctuation emerges from the black light net. 就在二者碰撞的瞬间,一股微弱的法则波动从黑色光网涌现而出。 The thunder and lightning great claw in a flash, from vanishes impressively same place, then such as flickered unexpectedly move to appears outside the number hundred zhang (333 m). 雷电巨爪一晃,赫然从原地消失,接着竟如瞬移般出现在了数百丈外。 Bang a huge dull thumping sound, the thunder and lightning great claw strikes the bombardment in the void place, the innumerable silver thunder and lightning explode, making a nearby space tumbling surge. “砰”的一声巨大闷响,雷电巨爪击轰击在虚空处,无数银色雷电爆裂开来,使得附近的空间一阵翻滚激荡。 Well!” “咦!” In the Thunder Roc eye being astonished color flashes, then the both wings tremble again. 雷鹏眼中讶色一闪,然后双翅再次一颤。 Electricity of two fan-shaped silver thunder and lightning from the wing shoot, lightens now by Heavenly Ghost, converging attack one on the left and other on the right under. 两道扇形银色雷电从翅膀上电射而出,一闪出现在天鬼两侧,一左一右的夹击而下。 On hundred items of Heavenly Ghost eye again one bright, projects black light, welcomed one on the left and other on the right to two fan-shaped lightnings. 百目天鬼身上眼睛再次一亮,射出一道道黑光,一左一右迎向两道扇形闪电。 The light principle fluctuates again the same place, two fan-shaped lightnings also vanish baseless, then outside counting the hundred zhang (333 m) appears, each other hits in together, disrupts. 淡淡法则波动再次一起,两道扇形闪电也凭空消失,然后在数百丈外出现,彼此撞击在一起,碎裂开来。 Not far away, Daoist He Shan sees this scenery, immediately in heart one happy. 不远处,阖山道人见此此景,顿时心中一喜。 At this time before the distance, only passes the time of 2-3 breaths, under it, the silver misty design in midair becomes the congealing reality full power gradually. 此时距离之前仅过去2-3息的时间,在其全力施法下,半空中的银濛濛图案渐渐变得凝实。 Han Li melts the stopping attack that the Thunder Roc both wings receive, turns a blind eye to the Daoist He Shan action, spits saying of criticism/human language to front hundred items of Heavenly Ghost mouths: 韩立所化雷鹏双翅一收的停下攻击,对阖山道人的举动视若无睹,冲面前的百目天鬼口吐人言的说道: Cannot think in this Spirit Domain World, can see that can urge to cause the person of strength of space, poured also takes in this first Great Ascension given name.” “想不到在这灵寰界中,也能看到能催使空间之力之人,倒也担得上此界第一大乘的名号了。” Fellow Daoist Han, actually your my does not have the enmity without the injustice, does not need so to hit make a move greatly. This matter origin upper realm, I and others are also ordered to handle affairs, now Duan Renli has died, your excellency should also give vent to indignation. Even if you are all-resourceful, if really stirs earth-shakingly Spirit Domain World, upper realm will not appease.” Hundred items of Heavenly Ghost looks are vigilant, with partly threatens the tone of half summation to say. 韩道友,其实你我本无冤无仇,本不必如此大打出手。此事缘起上界,我等也是奉命行事,如今段人离已死,阁下也该泄愤了。你纵然神通广大,若真将灵寰界搅得天翻地覆,上界也绝不会姑息的。”百目天鬼神色警惕,用半威胁半求和的语气说道。 Hehe, it seems like that this matter, is really related with you two old ancestor. However they in Immortal World, now regarding here matter, but was beyond control.” Thunder Roc coldly smiles. “嘿嘿,看来此事,果然和你们两宗的老祖有关。不过他们远在仙界,如今对于这里之事,可是鞭长莫及了。”雷鹏冷冷一笑。 You dare......” hundred items of Heavenly Ghost to be startled. “你竟敢……”百目天鬼一怔。 Has not waited for its words saying that Thunder Roc raising head suddenly, sends out resounding sharp sounding. 未等它话说完,雷鹏蓦的一仰头,发出一声高亢的尖锐鸣叫。 The silver electric arc of its body week again one bright, toward the pair of claws gathering comes, to send out astonishing silver thunder light, forms a giant circular electrical network. 它身周的银色电弧再次一亮,朝着双爪汇聚而来,散发出惊人的银色雷光,形成一个巨大的圆形电网。 Meanwhile, strange rune that is flashing the silver light, departs from pair of claws, submerges in the electrical network in abundance. 与此同时,一个个闪着银光的奇异符文,从双爪中飞出,纷纷没入电网中。 The electric arc on silver electrical network, suddenly all as if bubble the silent disruption, erupts one group of eye-catching silver to be luminous, then concentrates fiercely, changes into two silver shining thunder ball. 银色电网上的电弧,忽然间全都仿佛泡沫般的无声碎裂,从中爆发出一团夺目的银色光亮,然后猛地一凝,化为两颗银灿灿的雷球。 The thunder ball outer face distribution one/1st level/layer silver rune, the surroundings are accompanied by the faint trace silver electricity silk splash winding, low and deep rumble the bellow spreads, sends out one to destroy all fearsome aura. 雷球表面分布着一层银色符文,周围伴有丝丝银色电丝飞溅缠绕,低沉的隆隆轰鸣声从中传出,散发出一股毁灭一切的可怖气息。 Offers a sacrifice to the technique of thunder! 正是祭雷之术! This bead thunder and lightning, is Thunder Roc the strength of silver thunder and lightning, thunder orb that therefore congealed with Exorcise Evil Spirits Divine Thunder with him in the past is not completely same. 此珠所用雷电,乃是雷鹏的银色雷电之力,故而与他以往用辟邪神雷所凝的雷珠并不完全相同。 Hundred items of Heavenly Ghost lower roars, the whole body reddish black pattern blooms all , body more than hundred eyes simultaneously fiercely one bright. 百目天鬼低吼一声,全身红黑花纹尽数绽放,紧接着,身上百余只眼睛同时猛地一亮。 Thunder Roc pair of claws raises, two silver thunder ball fly to shoot immediately, rapid incomparable flying shoots before the Heavenly Ghost body, immediately explodes to open. 雷鹏双爪一扬,两颗银色雷球立刻飞射而出,迅疾无比的飞射至天鬼身前,立刻爆裂而开。 Bang! “轰”的一声! Under the midair, appears suddenly two rounds of silver scorching sun, the silver light surges fiercely the rapid expansion, the electricity silk flies to shoot everywhere, above the scorching sun appears impressively innumerable silver rune, lends the destroy Heaven and Earth fearful aura, rumble depresses. 半空之中,陡然浮现出两轮银色骄阳,银光剧烈激荡下飞速扩大,电丝四处飞射,骄阳之上赫然浮现出无数银色符文,散发出毁天灭地的可怕气息,隆隆压下。 Although Tong Rene this strikes the might to expect to Han Li early, at this moment under witnesses, still complexion big change. 童人垩虽对韩立这一击威力早有所预料,此刻亲眼目睹下,仍脸色大变。 He melts Heavenly Ghost rave one, the eye of whole body opens suddenly fiercely, the corner of the eye somewhat splits faintly, in the pupil appears to make a debut a blood threads. 他所化天鬼狂吼一声,全身的眼睛陡然猛地睁大,眼角隐隐都有些裂开,瞳孔中浮现出道道血丝。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Was thicker than a moment ago nearly one time flies to shoot black light, interweaves a giant black net. 一道道比刚才粗大了近乎一倍的黑光飞射而出,交织成一道巨大黑网。 Meanwhile, vertical eye of its forehead opens suddenly, reveals one jet black such as giant eye of black ink. 与此同时,其额头的竖目陡然睁开,露出一只漆黑如墨的巨目 Whiz! 嗖! Flies to shoot together thickly black light, submerges in the black big net. 一道粗大黑光飞射而出,没入黑色大网中。 Black big net fiercely one bright, transforming is the one/1st level/layer black light screen, his camouflaged from head to foot below. 黑色大网猛地一亮,幻化为一层黑色光幕,将其自身从头到脚遮蔽在了下面。 Two rounds of silver scorching sun fierce falling, shell on the black light screen. 两轮银色骄阳猛的落下,轰击在黑色光幕上。 The black light screen the ray puts immediately greatly, sends out the intense principle fluctuation. 黑色光幕立刻光芒大放,散发出强烈的法则波动。 Two rounds of scorching sun about half rays concentrate immediately, seemed frozen generally, the silver light of other half is actually affected, under bang sound erupted , to continue to attack to go toward below. 两轮骄阳近半光芒顿时一凝,仿佛被冻结了一般,不过另一半的银光却没有受到影响,在轰隆之声大作下,继续朝着下面冲击而去。 The black light screen humming sound shivers, the superficial ray flashes crazily, but is not the dissipation. 黑色光幕嗡嗡颤抖,表面的光芒狂闪,不过并非消散。 both sides each other present a rubber the situation. 双方彼此呈现出一种胶着态势。 At this moment, one bellows from the black light screen spreads, the black light screen rises suddenly, the surface appears innumerable black rune. 就在此刻,一声大吼从黑色光幕中传出,黑色光幕陡然一涨,表面浮现出无数黑色符文 Two rounds of silver scorching sun dodge, from vanishes suddenly same place, the appearance that then flashes is void in the distant place. 两轮银色骄阳一闪,骤然从原地消失,而后一闪的出现在远处虚空。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Two scorching sun explode thoroughly, changes into two to hold up the heavenly thunder column, shoots up to the sky, easily pierces the grey cloud of midair, the lower end also deeply submerges the ground, makes two large cave/hole. 两个骄阳彻底爆裂开来,化为两个擎天雷柱,冲天而起,轻易将半空的灰云洞穿,下端也深深没入地面,打出两个大洞 The huge strength fluctuation sends out from the giant thunder column, in dozens li (0.5 km) starts shooting up to the sky hurricanes in the surrounding area. 巨大的力量波动从巨大雷柱上散发开来,在方圆数十里内掀起一股股冲天而起的飓风。 In the meantime, the black light screen also flashes is defeated and dispersed, appeared hundred items of Heavenly Ghost forms. 就在此时,黑色光幕也一闪的溃散开来,现出了百目天鬼的身影。 However it at this moment looks extremely bad, in the mouth the respite continues, more than hundred eyes of whole body partly open the semi-closure, the black dim light that sends out is also quite gloomy, appearance that a vitality damages severely. 然而其此刻看起来极为糟糕,口中喘息不止,全身上下的百余只眼睛半睁半闭,散发出的黑色幽光也极为暗淡,一副元气大伤的样子。 Saw this, the Daoist He Shan complexion with amazement, his also arrived at the final moment obviously. 看到这一幕,阖山道人脸色骇然,不过他的施法显然也到了最后关头。 As his first even/including number magic arts hit definitely, the void silver misty design ray puts suddenly greatly, under collects becomes condenses true body clear, is Silvermoon reflects the spatial chart impressively. 随着他一连数道法决打了出去,虚空中的银濛濛图案骤然间光芒大放,一敛之下变得凝聚实体般的清晰,赫然是一副银月映空图。
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