RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#66: Spirit Ying Jianfu

In the upper air, the golden light great sword whole body golden light shivers all over, after having flown upside down more than hundred zhang (3.33 m), stabilizes. 高空之中,金光巨剑浑身金光乱颤,一直倒飞出去百余丈后,才重新稳定下来。 But has not waited for Daoist He Shan to stimulate to movement what law to decide, this sword spiritual intelligence general body surface rune shine suddenly greatly, sword blade golden light again sudden rise ruler, plunders to come toward Giant Ape again anxiously, momentum compared with it just now a sword also even better. 但未等阖山道人催动什么法决,此剑通灵一般的体表符文骤然一圈圈的大亮起来,剑身金光重新暴涨尺许,再度朝着巨猿急掠而来,声势比之方才一剑还更胜一筹。 As a result of the reduction of surrounding yellow turbans person of great strength number, Han Li melts the golden hair Giant Ape pressure on quickly wane, his body slightly sways from side to side, welcomed directly to the great sword, an inspiration, the chest one blew up suddenly high, a big mouth opened suddenly, in eye blue glow suddenly one bright, sent out roaring of acoustic shock penetrating Heaven and Earth. 由于周围黄巾力士数量的减少,韩立所化金毛巨猿压力骤减,其身子略一扭动,正面迎向巨剑,猛然一吸气,胸膛一下高高鼓起,一张血盆大口蓦然张开,眼中蓝芒骤然一亮,发出一声震彻天地的咆哮。 " Áo " “嗷” Visible transparent wave spurts from the Giant Ape mouth, wells up rolling toward slanting above. 一股肉眼可见的透明波浪从巨猿口中一喷而出,向着斜上方滚滚涌去。 During the above is void a distortion, probably is been immediately ordinary by the ground that the meteorite pounds into, went in hollowly more than ten zhang (3.33 m) depth, nearby all sceneries become slurred. 上方虚空之中一阵扭曲,顿时像是被陨石砸入的地面一般,凹陷进去了十余丈之深,附近一切景物变得模糊不清。 This roar is not common, is Han Li changes another big magical powers after body Mountain Giant Ape Vajra Roar, is power big to not unimaginable sound wave cultivation technique, displays under by the strength of his present mortal body, has the shatter void energy fully. 这一吼并非寻常,乃是韩立变身山岳巨猿后的另外一种大神通“金刚吼”,是一种威能大到无法想象的音波功法,以他如今的肉身之力施展之下,足有破碎虚空之能。 Bang “轰隆” Also is a loud sound, the golden great sword pounded into this transparent wave by the extremely heavy potential suddenly, immediately stagnated vibrated fiercely, is unable to have the appearance of little advance unexpectedly again. 又是一声巨响,金色巨剑以万钧之势猛然砸入了这股透明波浪之中,顿时一滞的剧烈地抖动了起来,竟无法再有寸进的样子。 With the continued shake of sound wave, ka ka sound erupted, the intensely bright golden sword light glassy surface disrupts generally, but above great sword surface, gradually slightly raised, appears intermittently an old face, from the facial features appearance, is beforehand Daoist Master Jing Ming. 随着音波的持续震荡,“咔咔”之声大作,耀眼夺目的金色剑光如镜面一般碎裂开来,而巨剑表面之上,也逐渐微凸,隐现出一张苍老面孔,从五官样貌上来看,正是之前的净明真人 Above the sword blade starts to reappear to make a debut a close crack, quick in one clang clang in the sound, an cuns (2.5 cm) break, changes into a dissipation of flake gold light. 紧接着剑身之上开始浮现出道道细密裂纹,很快就在一阵“锵锵”之声中,寸寸断裂,化为一片金光的消散开来。 All these is a long story, but is the instant time. 这一切说来话长,但不过是刹那的工夫。 Daoist Master Jing Ming Nascent Soul virtual image flashes from within the golden light, appeared in in the air. 净明真人元婴虚影从金光中一闪而出,重新浮现在了空中。 The ray is somewhat dim, on the small face appears several points of astonished color, without delay shifts to the float in the air scroll paintings, under flashes, vanishes to disappear. 其身上光芒有些黯淡,小脸上显出几分惊愕之色,二话不说的转向悬浮空中的画轴,一个闪动之下,就消失不见了。 But almost simultaneously, in the foreheads of golden Giant Ape, splits the long and narrow bloodstain suddenly, the pitch dark air/Qi is flowed together, transformed gigantic jet black monster eye instantaneously, may pierce void Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye. 而几乎同时,金色巨猿的眉宇间,突然裂开一道狭长血痕,一团乌黑气从中一涌而出,瞬间幻化出了一只硕大的漆黑妖目,正是可洞穿虚空的“破灭法目”。 Sees only black monster eye to stand erect, spouts together the black gassed thread suddenly, flashes to pass, submerges void is missing. 只见黑色妖目竖立而起,从中猛然喷出一道黑色光丝,一闪即逝下,没入虚空中不见了踪影。 Bang! “嘭”的一声! In the midair from the place of plain scroll one pace, that black gassed thread flashes before merely suddenly, strikes ruthlessly, in had reappeared, but on Nascent Soul virtual image. 半空中距离古朴卷轴仅仅一步之遥的地方,那道黑色光丝突然闪现而出,狠狠击在了已经重新浮现而出的元婴虚影上。 Nascent Soul virtual image immediately a wail changes to one group of golden light to dissipate, but that scroll also leaping, ignited the flaming flame, is reduced to ashes. 元婴虚影顿时一声哀鸣的化作一团金光消散开来,而那副卷轴也随之“腾”的一下,燃起了熊熊火焰,化为灰烬。 This is...... Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye!” Tong Rene sees that complexion drastic change. “这是……破灭法目!”童人垩见状,脸色剧变。 Duan Renli sees Boundary Origin Dao Temple immortal old ancestor the treasure of bestowing to be melted great Ape 3 two to eradicate by Han Li unexpectedly, even contains nascent divinity that also to be exterminated, the complexion also becomes pale. 段人离境元观仙人老祖所赐之宝竟被韩立所化巨猿三两下破除,甚至其中蕴藏的一丝元神也被剿灭,脸色也变得铁青起来。 What! Does this person have unexpectedly such may broken flicker the magical powers of technique of moving specially?” Daoist He Shan has timid intent immediately, could not have attended to loving dearly magical treasure that old ancestor bestows, the complexion becomes extremely ugly. “什么!此人竟还有此等可专破瞬移之术的神通?”阖山道人顿时心生怯意,已经顾不上心疼老祖赐下的法宝,脸色变得极其难看。 But in the meantime, made several people of souls fly beyond the Heavens to happen! 而就在此时,更让几人魂飞天外的一幕发生了! Han Li Giant Ape whole body silver light flashes, the big piece silver flame distributed to well up from the fuzz suddenly, wrapped the entire body. 韩立所化的巨猿周身银光一闪,大片银色火焰突然从茸毛发下涌了出来,将整个身子都包裹了进去。 Sees only a yellow smoke to brave on Giant Ape, these closely twine in its are unable collapse broken the yellow and black rope, gradually melts in the silver flame of steaming combustion unexpectedly, break. 只见道道黄烟在巨猿身上冒起,那些紧紧缠绕在其身上无法崩断的玄黄绳索,在腾腾燃烧的银焰之中竟逐渐熔化,根根断裂开来。 Withdraws the fetter golden Giant Ape, after two thump protothoraxes, the tumbling, the body silver flame vanishes does not see, displacing is actually the silver electric arcs of innumerable recklessly ejection. 脱开束缚的金色巨猿,两手一捶前胸后,就地一个翻滚,身上银色火焰消失不见,取而代之的却是无数肆意弹射的银色电弧。 Sees only the innumerable silver arcs to wind around, more than ten zhang (3.33 m) silver giant birds spread the wings to depart suddenly, its feather like steel, pair of claws like hook, in True Spirit Roc with hearsay is very unexpectedly similar. 只见无数银弧缭绕中,一只十余丈长的银色巨鸟骤然展翅飞出,其羽翎如钢,双爪如钩,竟与传闻中的真灵鲲鹏十分相似。 Another True Spirit change in Insects Awakening Twelve Transformation, Thunder Roc. 正是惊蛰十二变中的又一种真灵变化,雷鹏 „Not good......” Tong Rene to shout lowly, in the hand magical formula pinched fast. “不好……”童人垩一声低呼,手上法诀快速掐动。 The yellow and black token turning round crazy rotation, the ground air/Qi of yellow and black, gushes out again crazily, goes in the winding toward Thunder Roc again. 玄黄令牌滴溜溜疯狂转动,地面上的玄黄之气,再次疯狂涌出,重新朝着雷鹏所在缠绕而去。 Duan Renli also transforms magical formula immediately, the yellow bean that in in the air yellow great bottle-gourd sprays, after changing to the yellow turbans person of great strength, no longer flies into array, but is the plunging giant bird of blotting out the sky. 段人离也是立即变换法诀,空中黄色巨葫中喷洒的黄色豆子,化作黄巾力士之后不再飞入阵法,而是铺天盖地的扑向巨鸟。 However, the giant bird is only the both wings shakes, changes into together the silver hurricane, from vanishes suddenly same place, lets the rope and person of great strength all comes up empty-handed. 然而,巨鸟仅是双翅一抖,就化为一道银色飓风,骤然从原地消失,让绳索与力士全都扑了个空。 Has not waited for three Great Ascension cultivator to respond, in the sky the silver electric light flashes through suddenly together, the silver Thunder Roc form appeared suddenly sky over yellow great bottle-gourd, two talons searched, grasped it in the claw heart. 未等三名大乘修士反应过来,天空中忽然一道银色电光闪过,银色雷鹏的身影突然浮现在了黄色巨葫上空,两只钩爪一探,就将其抓在了爪心。 Sees only the in the air ray to glitter, size of Thunder Roc and bottle gourd all also reduces. 只见空中一阵光芒闪烁,雷鹏与葫芦的体型俱是同时缩小。 However in a minute, Han Li changed the human form, in the hand also held one one foot to come the high clear yellow bottle gourd. 不过片刻,韩立就重新变回了人形,手中还捧着一个一尺来高的澄黄葫芦。 Sees this thoroughly, the Daoist He Shan look one gloomy, clenching teeth to say sound we are not his opponent, walks quickly, the lunch first escaping light together changing flowing light, walks toward distant place fly together. 看到这一幕,阖山道人神色彻底一黯,咬牙说了声“我们不是其对手,快走”,便当先遁光一起的化作一道流光,朝远处飞遁而走。 Tong Rene two people do not have slightly hesitant, immediately urges following of escaping light to go, the in the air yellow and black token does not manage. 童人垩两人也是丝毫犹豫没有,立即一催遁光的追随而去,连空中的玄黄令牌都不管了。 After Han Li sized up in the hand bottle gourd, in the hand shines a piece of azure suddenly light/only, makes an effort to rub in its surface, engraved golden rune on bottle gourd, immediately becomes slurred, then he lifts the hand to wipe again, these rune traces, completely gloomy disappearance disappears. 韩立打量了手中葫芦一眼后,手中突然亮起一片青光,在其表面用力一搓,原本镌刻在葫芦上的金色符文,立即变得模糊不清起来,接着他再抬手一抹,那些符文的痕迹,就完全一黯的消失不见了。 But almost simultaneously, regardless in the ground distributes array, the yellow turbans person of great strength who the forward Han Li rush comes, all takes off/escapes the strength to be common probably suddenly collectively, falls down, then whole body yellow light flashes changed into everywhere yellow bean. 而几乎同时,不论地面上排布阵法,还是正向韩立冲杀而来的黄巾力士,全都像是突然集体脱力一般,纷纷瘫倒在地,接着周身黄光一闪的化为了遍地黄色豆粒 Yellow great array that its comprised, naturally also disintegrates instantaneously, vanishes into thin air. 由其所组成的黄色大阵,自然也是瞬间土崩瓦解,烟消云散。 His palm turns, receives the bottle gourd, shot a look at one three people that runs away toward the upper air, sneers, body silver electric light Chī la a sound, changes to Thunder Roc, the both wings shake, then from vanishes same place. 他手掌一翻,将葫芦收起,瞥了一眼正在朝高空中遁去的三人,冷笑一声,身上银色电光“哧啦”一响,重新化作一只雷鹏,双翅一抖下,便从原地消失。 At this time, Duan Renli that is fleeing desperately, only feels the throat to become rough, in heart depressed. 此时,正在拼命逃离的段人离,只觉得喉咙发涩,心中苦闷。 Previously he because of control bottle gourd and yellow turbans Dao soldiers, so that within the body magical power consumption was extremely serious, this moment flying speed obviously was less than the whole mountain and Tong Rene two people, was thrown by them by far after behind. 先前他因操控葫芦和黄巾道兵,以致体内法力消耗极其严重,此刻遁速明显不及阖山与童人垩二人,被他们远远抛在了身后。 But when he complained constantly, the ear bank suddenly had to incite the sound to make noise. 而就在他叫苦不迭之时,耳畔忽然有“滋滋”之声作响。 He thought of anything suddenly, immediately such as the falling icehouse, felt all over the body lives coldly. 他忽然想到了什么,顿时如坠冰窖,感到遍体生寒。 In the meantime, its top of the head above insufficient hundred zhang (333 m) from the place, the fluctuation same place, the silver electric light appears suddenly, pair of giant sharp talons find out suddenly air-splitting. 就在此时,其头顶上方不足百丈距离处,波动一起,银色电光骤然浮现,一对巨大的锋利钩爪蓦然破空探出。 The innumerable slender silver arc ejection, circles erratically regarding the talons, in astonishing thunder light, forms a giant circular electrical network gradually, covered toward his overhead. 无数纤细银弧弹射,围绕着钩爪盘旋不定,在惊人雷光中,渐渐形成一个巨大的圆形电网,朝他当头笼罩了下来。 Duan Renli can cultivate/repair the Great Ascension boundary, from is not the generation of being easy, has him of preparation early, the body appears suddenly the big piece blood light/only, the opens the mouth spits, that several cuns (2.5 cm) high blood red mini ancient Fan flies to shoot immediately, changed into a zhang (3.33 m) permits tall great streamer instantaneously. 段人离能够修到大乘境,自绝非易于之辈,早有准备的他,身上陡然浮现出大片血光,张口一吐,那杆数寸高的血红色迷你古幡立即飞射而出,瞬间就化为了一杆丈许高的巨幡。 On the streamer the blood light streams revolutions, the fishy smell wind writings, the innumerable blood fog fill the air, changed to piece of huge blood cloud to cover its form. 幡上血光流转,腥风大作,无数血雾弥漫而出,化作一片巨大血云将其身影笼罩了进去。 However, does not wait for its body figure to be hidden completely, the above silver light flash moves, reappearing of Thunder Roc whole body electricity glow writings, and pair of claws receives like a meteorite dive, pounds into blood cloud instantaneously. 然而,不等其身形完全隐没,上方银光闪动下,雷鹏浑身电芒大作的浮现而出,并双爪一收如同一颗陨石般俯冲而下,瞬间砸入血云之中。 Rumble a fulmination! 轰隆隆一阵爆鸣! In blood cloud the silver electric light writings, turn to well up fiercely. 血云之中银色电光大作,剧烈翻涌起来。 Only listens to one to whistle resonantly resounds, the Thunder Roc form trim blood cloud tearing two halves, puts on directly, flew. 只听一声嘹亮啸鸣响起,雷鹏的身影径直将整片血云撕裂两半,从中一穿而出,飞了出来。 But in his under pair of sharp talons, grabs a person's shadow unexpectedly, is similar to the larva aculeata to struggle to sway from side to side general fiercely, its on facial expression is panic-stricken, in the seven orifices all has the black blood to flow out, seemingly pitiful incomparable. 而其下方一对尖利钩爪之中,竟还抓着一道人影,正如同毛虫一般剧烈地挣扎扭动着,其面上神情惊恐无比,七窍之中皆有黑色血液流出,看起来凄惨无比。 At this time, the silver Thunder Roc sudden mouth spat the criticism/human language, the sound such as the thunderous say/way: 这时,银色雷鹏突然口吐人言,声如雷鸣道: Fellow Daoist Duan, this Han showed mercy to you before, does not want to invite the trouble, never expected that you so do not know the immensity of heaven and earth. In view of this, that do not blame me being under brutal.” 段道友,之前韩某对你手下留情,是不想招惹事端,没想到你如此不知天高地厚。既如此,那就别怪我手下无情了。” Then, his talons tighten suddenly, in the claw heart shines one group of dazzling silver light immediately, the innumerable electricity silk blast open loudly. 说罢,其钩爪骤然收紧,爪心之中顿时亮起一团耀眼银光,无数电丝轰然炸裂。 Duan Renli shouted one miserably, half body in the silver electric light, disrupted. 段人离惨呼一声,半个身躯就在银色电光中,碎裂开来。 Look panic-stricken dark-red villain/tiny person, the look flashes from its remnant body panic-stricken, has not escaped with enough time, was spluttered to hit by silver together, changes into light smoke instantaneously, shouted including one miserably not and sends out, then the dissipation did not see. 紧接着,一个神色惊恐的暗红色小人,神色惊恐地从其残躯中一闪而出,还未来得及远遁,就被一道银色雷丝溅射击中,瞬间化为一股青烟,连一声惨呼都未及发出,便消散不见。 Controls the forces of nature in Spirit Domain World does not know that many ten thousand years of Great Ascension Stage cultivator, divine soul entirely to extinguish, has not left the tiny bit trace in world. 一名在灵寰界呼风唤雨不知多少万年的大乘期修士,就此神魂俱灭,在世间没有留下一丝一毫的痕迹。 Melts Thunder Roc to come from Han Li, to striking to kill Duan Renli, this series of movements like the electric light flint, are only the things of several breath. 韩立所化雷鹏现身,到击杀段人离,这一连串动作如同电光火石般,只是几个呼吸的事情。 Tong Rene and Daoist He Shan had not planned helps obviously to their companions, at this moment has run away does not know the trace. 童人垩阖山道人显然没打算对他们这位同伴施以援手,此刻早已逃得不知所踪了。 ...... …… Immortal World, Black Water City inner city. 仙界,黑水城内城。 Daoist Master Jing Ming and Rogue Master Gu Yan still judged tea the chat in double-eaved roof garret three/3rd level, but the topic, has shifted to exchange in the cultivation attainment. 净明真人骨焰散人仍在重檐阁楼三层内品茶闲谈,不过话题不知不觉间,已经转移到了交流修炼心得上。 Enjoying oneself to the full that two people are saying, Daoist Master Jing Ming complexion one white , the opens the mouth spouted one group of bright red essence and blood, as if the vitality one is damaged heavily. 两人正说的尽兴,净明真人脸色一白下,张口喷出了一团鲜红精血,似乎元气一下受损不轻。 Jingmingdao friend, how?” Rogue Master Gu Yan eyebrow raise, is busy at asking. “净明道友,怎么了?”骨焰散人眉头一挑,忙问道。 I grant lower realm that spirit together Ying Jianfu, was broken!” Daoist Master Jing Ming complexion gloomy as water, saying every single word or phrase. “我赐予下界的那一道灵婴剑符,被人破了!”净明真人脸色阴沉似水,一字一句的说道。 Is impossible, how to have this matter! Your spirit Ying Jianfu may be equivalent to your full power to strike, even I do not dare to face directly the point, moreover under there is my yellow turbans Dao soldiers to succeed one another, hasn't been able to kill this person unexpectedly?” Rogue Master Gu Yan hears word, is moved. “不可能,怎么会有这种事情!你的灵婴剑符可相当于你的全力一击,即便是我也不敢直面锋芒,况且有我的黄巾道兵相辅下,难道竟还没能杀了此人?”骨焰散人闻言,也为之动容起来。 The Daoist Master Jing Ming complexion is ugly, without speech. 净明真人脸色难看,没有说话。 ( Forgets the language to tell fellow daoist one. Not unexpected words, this book in the February 1 official on the shelf, will also have one month of free period!) (忘语告诉诸位道友一声。没有意外的话,本书将会在2月1日正式上架,还会有一个多月的免费期哦!)
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