RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#65: The rope of yellow and black

A fist five fingers point that in the Han Li heart a thought revolution, just wielded, changes the fist to grasp unexpectedly one raised the body previous yellow turbans person of great strength fiercely, and threw toward the yellow turbans person of great strength group of surrounding. 韩立心中念头一转,刚刚挥出的一拳五指一分,竟变拳为抓的将身前一名黄巾力士猛地一把提起,并朝着外围的黄巾力士群中掷去。 Bang! “砰”的一声! A surrounding stood the motionless person of great strength to be pounded, both were defeated and dispersed, the invisible air wave that under a great strength impact raised it behind several yellow turbans puppet one volumes fell down. 一名外围站立不动的力士被砸了个正着,在一股巨力冲击下双双溃散,掀起的无形气浪将其身后数只黄巾傀儡一卷的摔倒在地。 Then the sound is from out of the blue big! 接着破空声大起! Han Li body figure walks randomly erratically, under both hands brandish, the yellow turbans people of great strength of near body do not have the strength of resistance its one was mentioned, and throws to fly, from the sky draws arcs, just right crash arrive in the peripheral person of great strength group. 韩立身形游走不定,双手挥舞下,一个个近身的黄巾力士毫无反抗之力的被其一把提起,并抛飞出去,在空中划出一道道弧线,恰到好处的坠落到外围力士群中。 As for dark gray lightning and Monster Bird attack that is unable to dodge, was disregarded by it simply directly. 至于无法闪避掉的灰黑闪电及怪鸟攻击,则干脆被其直接无视了。 So 2-3 breath times, the yellow turbans person of great strength army in surrounding immediately lying this way and that drops down a piece, falls into a confusion. 如此不过2-3个呼吸工夫,外围的黄巾力士大军顿时横七竖八的倒下一片,陷入一阵混乱。 Do not wait again, fights a battle to force a quick decision!” The Tong Rene complexion sinks, cold sound shouted. “不要再等了,速战速决!”童人垩面色一沉,冷声喝道。 Said after this words, he turns the hand to take out together the seemingly rusty profound yellow token immediately, another hand pinches some strange magical formula, in the mouth mumbles fast, the token surface appears immediately dazzling incomparable yellow glow. 说完此话后,他当即翻手取出一块看似锈迹斑斑的玄黄色令牌,另一只手掐动某个古怪法诀,口中飞快念念有词,令牌表面顿时浮现耀眼无比的黄芒。 The Han Li head one, the vision shrinks suddenly! 韩立头颅一偏,目光猛然一缩! Although he does not know that what this token is, but when old man wielding this thing, had several to divert attention unexpectedly baseless the feeling of being startled. 虽然他不知道这令牌为何物,但在老者祭出此物时,竟凭空有了几分心惊之感。 However does not wait for him to make anything, in the Tong Rene hand the yellow and black token lets go to depart immediately, changes into dazzling yellow glow falling in the Han Li crest elevation vacancy, revolves turning round, profound yellow strange spirit mark shine. 不过不等他做什么,童人垩手中玄黄令牌顿时脱手飞出,化为一道耀眼黄芒的落在韩立头顶高空处,滴溜溜旋转起来,玄黄色古怪灵纹一圈圈的亮起。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! Sees only the surrounding to stand firm the motionless several thousand yellow turbans people of great strength both hands to lift up high simultaneously excessively, makes an overlapping posture, as if lit the fire seed general, the body bloomed suddenly the dazzling yellow ray, and shooting up to the sky of rapid incomparable gathering to arm infall. 只见外围所有站定不动的数千黄巾力士同时双手高举过头,做出一个交叉姿势,仿佛点燃了火种一般,身上陡然绽放出耀眼之极的黄色光芒,并迅疾无比的汇聚至手臂交叉处的冲天而起。 All dazzling yellow light in in the air each other connect and fill the expansion, just like the one/1st level/layer yellow light screen, shortly will cover thousand zhang (3.33 m) region centered on Han Li. 所有刺目黄光在空中彼此连接并弥漫扩大,犹如一层黄色光幕,顷刻间覆盖了以韩立为中心的千丈区域。 In the instance of yellow glow complex, Han Li only thinks that the body sinks suddenly, just like is lived by ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) great peak voltage, body figure one becomes the sluggish several points. 在黄芒覆体的瞬间,韩立只觉身体陡然一沉,恍如被万丈巨峰压住,身形一下变得迟滞几分。 In the meantime, pū pū sound continuously! 就在此时,“噗噗”之声此起彼伏! By ground that in the yellow glow covers, continuously profound yellow mist from underground braving, interweaves under the winding, changes into yellow and black ropes, such as the spirit snake flies toward him, under a winding, entangled a solidity his body instantaneously. 被黄芒覆盖的地面上,一缕缕玄黄色雾气从地下冒起,彼此之间交织缠绕下,化为一条条玄黄绳索,如灵蛇般朝着他飞去,纷纷一个缠绕下,瞬间将其身体缠了个结结实实。 Almost is in a flash, the Han Li waist, and even the arm and both legs tied up respectively, closely fetters in the ground, making his least bit unable to move. 几乎是弹指一挥间,韩立腰身,乃至手臂和双腿都被分别捆绑,紧紧束缚在地面上,令他半点也动弹不得。 Han Li did not shout secretly well, within the body urged Little Dipper Essence Technique magical formula, chest and belly section six groups of blue light to neglect crazily crazily, within the body supernatural power erupted, the body turned, the both arms pulled suddenly. 韩立暗叫不好,体内狂催小北斗星元功法诀,胸腹部六团蓝光狂闪下,体内神力爆发而出,身躯一扭,双臂猛然扯动。 These windings in its yellow and black rope, were pulled immediately tie tight, middle thinnest several, are the tremor, although was still tying up him, is actually not able to limit his movement completely. 那些缠绕在其身上的玄黄绳索,顿时被扯得紧绷,当中最细的数根,更是颤动不已,虽然仍旧捆绑着他,却无法完全限制他的动作了。 Meanwhile, originally by Duan Renli holds the yellow bottle gourd, does not know when has flown to its top of the head sky over, float motionless. 与此同时,原本被段人离捧着的黄色葫芦,不知何时已飞至其头顶上空,悬浮不动。 A Duan Renli opens the mouth, several essence and blood spurted above, in the mouth spread the low and deep incantation sound simultaneously. 段人离一张口,数口精血喷到了其上,口中同时传出低沉咒语声。 Bottle gourd surface Hwang Gwang-il in midair is abundant, rises to the house size against the wind crazily, the bottle-gourd mouth spot winds around golden rune that flutters also to become the palm of the hand size, and sends out eye-catching gold/metal. 半空中的葫芦表面黄光一盛,迎风狂涨至房屋般大小,葫口部位缭绕飘动的金色符文随之变得巴掌大小,并散发出夺目金芒。 Hū lā 呼啦啦” The innumerable yellow beans spurt from the bottle-gourd mouth crazily, falls like the bursting a dike Yellow River generally under. 无数黄色豆子从葫口狂喷而出,如同决堤的黄河一般倾洒而下。 But these new students the yellow turbans person of great strength, after slightly moves, then stands firm motionless, similarly both hands have lifted the top of the head alternately, the release the dazzling yellow light, converges in the above yellow light screen. 这些新生而出的黄巾力士,略一跑动后便站定不动,同样双手交叉举过头顶,释放出耀眼黄光,汇入上方的黄色光幕之中。 The Han Li double fist grips tightly, under pulling of yellow and black rope, still pounded the number fist one after another, explodes the person of great strength Monster Bird one by one/each bang before body, but the movement is even more slow. 韩立双拳紧握,在玄黄绳索的拉扯下,仍是接连砸出数拳,将身前的力士怪鸟一一轰爆,但动作愈发迟缓起来。 As if always a person of great strength, can cause above light screen congealing reality one, simultaneously makes the yellow and black mist that the ground emits many. 似乎每多一名力士,便可使得上方光幕更凝实一丝,同时使得地面冒出的玄黄雾气多出一丝。 Then, the air/Qi of yellow and black in the ground emits are getting more and more, is getting more and more thick, causes the winding in his rope, really concentrates more and more firm. 如此一来,地面上冒出的玄黄之气越来越多,越来越浓,使得缠绕在他身上的绳索,也越来越凝实坚固。 He only thought that the body becomes incomparably heavy, as if above the both arms is taking on several mountains general, is getting more and more difficult to wield, but these yellow and black ropes tighten unceasingly, forces mark that depth inlay outside its clothing. 他只觉得身躯变得无比沉重,仿佛双臂之上正担着数座大山一般,越来越难挥动,而那些玄黄绳索更是不断收紧,在其衣衫外勒出一条条深嵌下去的勒痕。 Suddenly, its body surface golden light flashes, in the mouth under low roar, golden hair give birth from the flesh, transforms golden hair Giant Ape in a flash, the body also rises to be big crazily. 突然间,其体表一阵金光闪动,口中一声低喝下,一根根金毛从肌肤中生出,转瞬间幻化成一只金毛巨猿,身躯也疯狂涨大起来。 He displays Jingzhe to decide impressively again, incarnation Mountain Giant Ape! 他赫然再次施展惊蛰决,化身山岳巨猿 Tong Rene and Daoist He Shan see rise suddenly to more than ten zhang (3.33 m) Giant Ape at present, is startled slightly. 童人垩阖山道人看到眼前暴涨至十余丈大小的巨猿,都是微微一怔。 Although they have known Han Li the strange secret technique from the Duan Renli mouth, but after witnessing, the fearful aura that was lent by his body shocked. 他们虽然早就从段人离口中得知韩立的这种诡异秘术,但亲眼目睹后,还是被其身上散发的可怕气息震惊到了。 Fellow Daoist He Shan, but also is staring doing?” Tong Rene low roar, before body , the ancient book receives, stimulation of movement that later concentrates on under great array. 阖山道友,还愣着干什么?”童人垩低喝一声,将身前古书一收,随后全神贯注的催动起下方大阵 Daoist He Shan immediately recover his wits, no longer the stimulation of movement gray-black falls the thunder, in the grave expression mouth mumbled, simultaneously two pinched finger joints with the thumb unceasingly, body surface dense and numerous golden color strange rune welled up suddenly crazily, body one/1st level/layer Jin Xia put. 阖山道人立刻回过神来,也不再催动灰黑色落雷,神色凝重的口中念念有词,同时两手掐诀不断,体表骤然间密密麻麻的金色诡异符文狂涌而出,随之身躯一层金霞大放起来。 At this time, melts the Giant Ape surrounding yellow turbans person of great strength to cross ten thousand situated in Han Li impressively. 此时,位于韩立所化巨猿周围的黄巾力士赫然已经过万。 The air/Qi of inexhaustible yellow and black gushes out from the ground, converges the winding in golden hair Giant Ape yellow and black rope, making it sturdier solid, sign that unexpectedly slightly do not break. 无穷无尽的玄黄之气从地面涌出,汇入缠绕在金毛巨猿身上的玄黄绳索中,使之变得更加粗壮结实,竟丝毫没有要断裂开来的迹象。 Roar soars to the heavens angrily roars to resound! “吼”一声冲天怒吼响起! Giant Ape within the body parched beans Pī pā chaotic sound, the whole body muscle gasification ballooning gets up, the whole body golden color fuzz becomes equally is very hard like the steel needle, set upright, body figure rises suddenly unexpectedly again one time, was more than 30 zhang (3.33 m). 巨猿体内一阵爆豆似的“噼啪”乱响,浑身肌肉充气般鼓胀起来,浑身金色茸毛变得如同钢针一样坚硬无比,根根倒竖起来,身形竟然再度暴涨一倍,达到了三十余丈。 However, under twines in its yellow and black rope also yellow light flashes unexpectedly also rises suddenly fast, becomes sturdier tenacious, is tying up him as before firmly. 然而,缠绕在其身上的玄黄绳索竟然也黄光闪动下随之飞快暴涨,变得更加粗壮坚韧,依旧牢牢地捆绑着他。 At this moment, on Giant Ape suddenly ray one bright, size reduces suddenly, retracted ten zhang (3.33 m) high. 就在这时,巨猿身上又忽然光芒一亮,体型又急剧缩小,又缩回了十来丈高。 But is almost simultaneously, that yellow and black rope also such as the maggot of tarsal bone changes unexpectedly, reduces. 可几乎就是同时,那玄黄绳索竟也如跗骨之蛆般发生变化,随之缩小下来。 Whatever Giant Ape increases changes is small, the rope can always the fetter, look like will just customize for him simply momentarily general, making it unable to work loose. 任凭巨猿变大变小,绳索总能刚好将之束缚,简直就像是随时为他量身定做一般,令其始终都无法挣脱。 Now also wants to work loose, simply is the wishful thinking!” Duan Renli witnesses this scenery, in the mouth laughs wildly one. “现在还想挣脱,简直是痴心妄想!”段人离目睹此景,口中不禁狂笑一声。 Fellow Daoist He Shan, not does make a move, when treat?” Tong Rene looks to Daoist He Shan of not far away, knits the brows to shout. 阖山道友,还不动手,更待何时?”童人垩望向不远处的阖山道人,皱眉喝道。 The latter has not replied, the golden robe big sleeve wields, the golden light electricity shoots together, flies sky over the golden Giant Ape top of the head, appears a bluish gray plain scroll. 后者没有答话,金袍大袖一挥,一道金光从中电射而出,飞到金色巨猿头顶上空,现出一副青灰色的古朴卷轴。 Daoist He Shan refers to scroll distant one finger/refers, loudly shouts: 阖山道人并指冲卷轴遥遥一指,大喝一声: Illness “疾” His Jinxia immediately from referring to the end jumps to shoot, changes to together gold/metal rainbow, flew into the plain scroll all, on the scroll the azure light flashes, immediately about rocks several, Hū lā one spread out all over. 其身上金霞立即从指端迸射而出,化作一道金虹,尽数飞入了古朴卷轴中,卷轴上青光一闪,立即左右晃动几下,“呼啦”一下铺展了开来。 Sees only dazzling golden light, is bright since the scroll surface, 5 - 6 inch golden color Nascent Soul virtual image flew together. 只见一片璀璨夺目的金光,从卷轴表面亮起,一道五六寸大小的金色元婴虚影从中飞了出来。 It wears the lotus flower treasure crown, wears the reddish yellow Daoist robe, the appearance is old, the look is tranquil, impressively is quite unexpectedly similar to Boundary Origin Dao Temple old ancestor only bright Daoist. 其头戴莲花宝冠,身着赭黄道袍,容貌苍老,神色平静,竟赫然与境元观老祖净明道人颇为相似。 Meanwhile, in the Daoist He Shan mouth recited unceasingly, on that opened scroll the golden light sparkle continued, the golden ancient seal character departed continuously, broke in that Nascent Soul virtual image in abundance. 与此同时,阖山道人口中吟诵不断,那副已经打开的卷轴上金光闪耀不止,一个个金色古篆字符接连不断从中飞出,纷纷冲入那元婴虚影之中。 The body of golden villain/tiny person suddenly by the golden light package, and elongates the distortion, changed into a ten zhang (3.33 m) odd/surplus Chang golden light great sword unexpectedly. 金色小人的身体骤然被金光包裹,并一阵拉长变形,竟化为了一柄十丈余长的金光巨剑。 The sword blade engraved to fill strange golden rune, wound around by rune all over the body, spread makes the terrifying of person palpitation fluctuate intermittently. 剑身镌刻满了一道道奇异的金色符文,通体被一圈圈的符文缭绕,从中传出阵阵令人心悸的恐怖波动。 Tong Rene and Duan Renli two people were seeing instance that the golden light great sword appears, looks at one mutually, saw a color with amazement from the opposite party eyes. 童人垩段人离二人在见到金光巨剑浮现的瞬间,也是不禁互望一眼,均从对方眼中看到了一丝骇然之色。 Han Li melts the Giant Ape great big head skull to lift fiercely, raises head to look upwardly. 韩立所化巨猿大头颅猛地一抬,仰头向上望去。 His double fist gets hold of suddenly, the chest and belly locates six groups of giant blue light groups to shine simultaneously, on arm muscle ballooning, furiously before the body takes back, wants to meet the approaching enemy the above great sword. 他双拳骤然握紧,胸腹处六团巨大的蓝色光团同时亮起,手臂上肌肉鼓胀,奋力向身前收回,想要迎击上方的巨剑。 But the yellow and black rope of winding on his arm, brilliant rays erupted, ties tight immediately like the steel great lance, actually as if somewhat could not fetter, was pulled back the chest front by him the arm little. 但缠绕在其手臂上的玄黄绳索,顿时光芒大作,紧绷得如同钢铁巨矛,却仍似乎有些束缚不住,被他将手臂一点点拉回胸前来。 „It is not good, quickly!” Duan Renli a loud shout. “不好,快!”段人离一声大喝 The Tong Rene complexion is somewhat pale, ten fingers have revolved rapidly like the wheel, makes magical formula unceasingly. 童人垩脸色有些苍白,十指早已经如车轮般飞转,不断地打出一道道法诀 The profound yellow token velocity of whirl in midair increases suddenly! 半空中的玄黄色令牌旋转速度骤然大增! Yellow luminescence also hold who on the under more than 10,000 yellow turbans people of great strength exudes, the air/Qi of more yellow and black emit from the ground greatly, cause to tie up in golden hair Giant Ape yellow and black rope to tighten again, the strength of pulling. 下方一万余名黄巾力士身上泛起的黄光也随之大盛,更多的玄黄之气从地面冒出,使得捆缚在金毛巨猿身上的玄黄绳索再次收紧,拉扯之力更甚。 The Giant Ape body trembles suddenly, it takes back to the chest front arm, immediately by drawing. 巨猿身子猛然一颤,其才堪堪收回到胸前的手臂,立即又被拉了回去。 Illness “疾” Daoist He Shan finished finally, in the mouth loudly shouts. 阖山道人终于施法完毕,口中大喝一声。 That hangs to shake in the in the air golden light great sword all over the body loudly, changes into together the golden bolt of white silk toward the golden hair Giant Ape overhead chops. 那柄悬于空中的金光巨剑通体轰然一震,化为一道金色匹练的朝着金毛巨猿当头劈下。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” The golden light great sword cuts the dross level to be void, sends out intermittent startling thunderclap thundering, the place visited, slender incomparable iron grey crevasses dodge pass, spreads the intermittent intense space to fluctuate. 金光巨剑斩碎层层虚空,发出阵阵惊雷般的轰鸣,所过之处,一道道纤细无比的灰白色裂隙一闪即逝,从中传出阵阵强烈的空间波动。 By the region that the sword light/only covers, the ray is twisted, becomes fuzzy one piece, its above cloud layer some dislocations distort, circled above 200-300 ghost head Monster Bird is gives way to traffic, direct annihilation of wail, changes into the nihility. 被剑光所覆盖的区域,光线扭曲,变得模糊一片,就连其上方的云层都有些错位变形,原本盘旋于上空的200-300只鬼首怪鸟更是避让不及下,一声哀鸣的直接溃灭,化为虚无。 This time golden hair Giant Ape body is unable to shake off the yellow and black rope fetter, evades not to be possible radically to evade. 此时的金毛巨猿身躯无法挣脱玄黄绳索束缚,根本避无可避。 At a crucial moment, Giant Ape raises one of the head to roar suddenly, the whole body the golden light puts immediately greatly, golden scale reappearing whole bodies, the top of the head also has a azure alone corner/horn in an instant. 千钧一发之际,巨猿猛然扬首的一声咆哮,浑身顿时金光大放,一枚枚金色鳞片浮现全身,头顶也刹那间生出一根青色独角来。 In in the wink of an eye, the Giant Ape body that the great sword falls leans slightly backward, a neck stem, hit by the head unexpectedly suddenly upwardly. 就在巨剑落下的瞬息之间,巨猿身子略微向后一倾,脖子一梗,竟猛然以头颅向上撞了过去。 Bang a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound! “轰隆”一声惊天动地的巨响! The golden great sword peak, arrived layer on layer/heavily above Giant Ape forehead that azure alone corner/horn, the complete sword light that the sword blade sent out blasted open unexpectedly instantaneously, changes to the everywhere gold/metal rain four to sprinkle. 金色巨剑尖峰,重重抵在了巨猿额头那根青色独角之上,剑身所散发出来的全部剑光竟瞬间炸裂,化作漫天金雨四下洒落。 Almost the trim shakes void crazily, nearby the light sword presented dozens grayish white crevasses, flashes passes, is centered on Giant Ape, the yellow turbans person of great strength weak body of near hundred zhang (333 m) range is also defeated and dispersed in abundance loudly. 几乎整片虚空都疯狂摇动起来,光剑附近出现了数十道灰白裂隙,一闪即逝,以巨猿为中心,近百丈范围的黄巾力士也纷纷不支的身躯轰然溃散。 In a radiant ray, the gold/metal sword sword blade shivers fiercely, bends a huge curve that made one be flabbergasted, under a ball, was instead collapsed unexpectedly. 一片璀璨光芒之中,金剑剑身剧烈颤动,弯出一个令人咋舌的巨大弧度,一弹之下,竟然被反崩了出去。 But golden Giant Ape was actually only body figure shook in a flash, along with even returned to the original condition, the body did not see slightly the appearance of damage. 而金色巨猿却只是身形晃了一晃,随即便恢复了原状,身上更是不见丝毫损伤的样子。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Daoist He Shan sees that loses one's voice to call out in alarm. 阖山道人见状,不由失声惊呼。 Tong Rene and Duan Renli two people are also the whole face shock, is opening mouth unable to speak. 童人垩段人离两人也是满脸震惊,微张着嘴说不出话来。
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