RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#64: Simultaneously make a move

So that's how it is. That Han Li mortal body is powerful, the common method is really parlous. Make these yellow turbans Dao soldiers as offensive, first consumes its physical strength massively, this act is really wonderful!” Daoist He Shan nods, said. “原来如此。那韩立肉身强悍,寻常手段还真不易对付。让这些黄巾道兵作为先手,先大量消耗其气力,此举甚妙!”阖山道人点了点头,称赞道。 Coordinates Fellow Daoist He Shan this paradise treasure expedient measure. Now although this 1st step became, but really wants this child to suffer extreme penalty, could not say also to I and others of make a move.” Tong Rene hesitates was saying. “只是配合阖山道友这件洞天之宝的权宜之计罢了。如今这第一步虽然成了,但真要此子伏诛,说不得还须我等三人一齐出手的。”童人垩沉吟着说道。 Time almost/the same, Fellow Daoist He Shan whether to make us have a look at the following situation?” In the Duan Renli mouth the incantation sound stopped, turns the head to look. “时候差不多了,阖山道友能否让我们看看下面的情形?”段人离口中咒语声一停,转头看了过来。 Daoist He Shan nods, the hand raises, the silver light departs from the hand together, inside has a silver round bead of egg size faintly. 阖山道人点点头,手一扬,一道银光从手中飞出,里面隐隐有一颗鸡蛋大小的银色圆珠。 Round bead turning round revolution slightly circles, then appears in void before three person. 圆珠滴溜溜一转的略一盘旋下,便出现在三人身前的虚空中。 , the round bead explodes, under one group of silver hazy, condenses a 7 - 8 zhang (3.33 m) silver mirror surface, after above is fuzzy, clear transforms a picture. “噗”的一声,圆珠爆裂开来,一团银色烟雾弥漫之下,凝聚成一个七八丈大小的银色镜面,上面一阵模糊后,清晰的幻化出一幅画面。 The result three people see clearly the situation in picture, the complexion immediately changes. 结果三人一看清画面中的情况,脸色顿时一变。 Sees only in the picture, the yellow turbans people of great strength drop from the clouds, from throws in all directions tidal toward the middle big youth. 只见画面之中,一个个黄巾力士从天而降,从四面八方潮水般朝着中间高大青年扑去。 Big youth body figure organizes, not too many movements, actually the fist shades shell toward all around. 高大青年身形腾挪,并无太多动作,却有一道道拳影朝着四周轰击而出。 The surrounding yellow turbans person of great strength scarecrow seems to be common, bumps into the fist shadow then to fly high to strike to fly, the yellow light explodes blasting open that shoots, is unable to approach his whole body ten zhang (3.33 m) range. 周围黄巾力士仿佛稻草人一般,一碰到拳影便被凌空击飞,黄光爆射的炸裂开来,根本无法靠近他周身十丈范围。 The times of several breath, then have 70 - 80 yellow turbans person of great strength Dao soldiers to be destroyed to strike by it fully to fly. 前后不过几个呼吸的功夫,便足有七八十个黄巾力士道兵被其打碎击飞。 The youth look is calm, movement not slightly slow, as if will destroy these Dao soldiers not to spend many strengths general. 青年神色从容,动作没有丝毫迟缓过,似乎打碎这些道兵根本不会花费多少力气一般。 At this moment, throws one, a silver mirror surface distortion is defeated and dispersed, changed into the dissipation of big piece smog. 就在这时,“扑哧”一声,银色镜面一阵扭曲的溃散开来,重新化为大片烟雾的消散了。 This...... this is how possible!” The Duan Renli complexion is somewhat ugly. “这……这怎么可能!”段人离脸色有些难看。 These yellow turbans Dao soldiers, although does not understand any secret technique cultivation technique, but each one mortal bodies are intrepid, endures to compare high rank strength cultivator. Even if I and others were sphered the big feeling is still thorny by over a hundred, but this Han Li so goes hand to hand, obviously we underestimated him.” Tong Rene frowns. “这些黄巾道兵虽然不懂任何秘术功法,但个个肉身强悍,堪比高阶力修。就算是我等被上百个围住也会大感棘手,可这韩立如此应付自如,可见我们还是低估他了。”童人垩眉头一蹙。 Is it possible that his injury has restored?” The Daoist He Shan sinking sound said, somewhat beats a drum at heart. “莫非他的伤势已经恢复?”阖山道人沉声说道,心里不禁有些打鼓。 If can be so easy to recover, why this person leaves Immortal World, arrives at this Spirit Domain World? Things have gotten to this point, for a penny and for a pound, according to before discussed that was our personally make a move, in order to avoid a long delay usually means many problems.” Tong Rene sound one cold. “若能如此容易复原,此人又何必离开仙界,来到这灵寰界?事已至此,一不做二不休,按照之前商议好的,还是我们三人亲自动手,以免夜长梦多。”童人垩声音一寒。 ...... …… In paradise space. 洞天空间中。 Han Li avoided the converging attack of several yellow turbans people of great strength in a flash, the right arm slightly one fuzzily, the 7 - 8 fist shadow appears, each fist accurate bang on a person of great strength head. 韩立一晃的避开了数名黄巾力士的夹击,右臂略一模糊,七八道拳影浮现而出,每一拳都准确无误的轰在了一名力士脑袋上。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! The 7 - 8 famous person of great strength head explodes, the body flies horizontally, , changes into yellow mist. 七八名力士脑袋爆裂开来,身子横飞出去,“噗”的一声,化为一蓬黄雾。 The entire process like passing clouds and flowing water neat, about 20 people of great strength was then routed suddenly. 整个过程如行云流水般的干净利落,瞬息间便有近二十名力士被击溃。 Experienced some time dogfight, now these yellow turbans people of great strength in his eyes nothing to be worried, emerges the speed of person of great strength in all directions, does not have the homicide quickly. 经历了一段时间的缠斗,如今这些黄巾力士在其眼中已不足为虑,四面八方涌现力士的速度,已没有他杀得快了。 As after the surrounding person of great strength number quickly wanes most, the Han Li both eyes blue glow flashes, looks toward the above gray cloud layer, prepares to discover some clue, waits for an opportunity to break through the cloud layer at one fell swoop, searches the universe. 随着周围力士数量骤减大半后,韩立双目蓝芒闪动,朝着上方的灰色云层望去,准备找出些端倪,伺机一举冲破云层,探一探乾坤。 yellow glow who suddenly, in the sky sprinkles stops, then grey cloud trembles under somewhere greatly, separated more than a ten zhang (3.33 m) wide opening from the middle, three escaping light drop from the clouds, and disperses hanging that opens in in the air. 突然间,天空中洒落的黄芒一停,接着某处灰云一阵巨颤之下,从中间分开了一道十余丈宽的口子,三道遁光从天而降,并一散而开的悬于空中。 The ray collects, reveals three people of body figure. 光芒敛去,露出三人身形 The Han Li vision sweeps, both eyes narrowed the eyes. 韩立目光一扫,双目微眯了一下。 Besides plump such as mountain Daoist He Shan and hand hold Duan Renli of yellow bottle gourd, a short black robe bald person old man. 除了肥硕如山的阖山道人和手捧黄色葫芦的段人离外,还有一名身材矮小的黑袍秃顶老者。 Fellow Daoist He Shan, it seems like you and Heavenly Ghost Sect collaborated, is really regrettable.” Han Li look usual saying. 阖山道友,看来你和天鬼宗联手了,真是遗憾。”韩立神色如常的说道。 Fellow Daoist Han, this may be unable to complain about this poor Daoist. Really was you offends should not the person of offending, this poor Daoist this was also has no alternative.” Daoist He Shan said lightly. 韩道友,这可怨不得贫道啊。实在是你得罪了不该得罪之人,贫道这也是不得已而为之。”阖山道人淡淡说道。 „? It seems like the Fellow Daoist Duan face also is really big.” Han Li thought of anything faintly, but complexion invariable looking to Duan Renli, the ridicule said. “哦?看来段道友的面子还真是不小。”韩立隐隐想到了什么,但面色不变的望向段人离,讥讽说道。 Fellow Daoist Han has such strength, from may want the wind to result in the wind in this Spirit Domain World, wants the rain to result in the rain. If only hundred jin (0.5 kg) even-numbered earthly branche stone, how my Heavenly Ghost Sect will wage a war for this reason?” Black robe bald person old man hollow laugh several saying. 韩道友拥有此等实力,在这灵寰界自可要风得风,要雨得雨。若只是区区百斤阴辰石的话,我天鬼宗怎会为此大动干戈?”黑袍秃顶老者干笑几声的说道。 If I have not guessed the erroneous remark, your excellency thinks that was Heavenly Ghost Sect Number One Cultivator Fellow Daoist Tong. Does not know that actually to offend who below, unexpectedly exhausted three simultaneously make a move?” A Han Li vision revolution looks to the old man, said. “若我没猜错话,阁下想必就是天鬼宗第一修士童道友了吧。不知在下究竟得罪了何人,竟劳烦三位同时出手?”韩立目光一转的看向老者,如此说道。 „! If Fellow Daoist Han wants to delay the time, perhaps was disappointed. make a move!” “咳!韩道友若想拖延时间,恐怕要失望了。动手!” Tong Rene finishes barely the words, the sleeve robe shakes, wielding a dusky ancient book, and single-handed lifted to an ancient book point refers. 童人垩话音未落,袖袍一抖,祭出了一本灰蒙蒙的古书,并单手一抬冲古书一点指。 Ancient book immediately rustle changes fast, illness/quick of iron grey flowing light from the page shoot, immediately change into Monster Bird of only ghost head eagle body scorpion tail, size have 6 - 7 zhang (3.33 m) fully, suddenly then dozens Monster Bird concentrate presently, a both wings show/unfolds circles in the upper air. 古书顿时“沙沙”的飞快翻动起来,一道道灰白色流光从书页中疾射而出,随即化为一只只鬼首鹰身蝎尾的怪鸟,体型足有六七丈大小,眨眼间便有数十只怪鸟凝现而出,双翅一展的在高空盘旋起来。 Fellow Daoist Han, offended!” 韩道友,得罪了!” Daoist He Shan is saying, raises single-handed, pale blue disc shape magical treasure flies, and flashes submerges in half being bounced cloud that passes. 阖山道人说着,单手一扬,一件淡蓝色圆盘状法宝一飞而出,并一闪即逝的没入半空灰云之中。 Then it stretches out a finger to clash an in the air with rapt attention point. 接着其伸出一根手指冲空中凝神一点。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The thick cloud layer tumbles immediately, sends out heavenshaking thunderous, thick gray-black electricity glow appear, walks randomly in the cloud layer, scary. 厚厚云层立刻翻滚起来,发出震天雷鸣,一道道粗大灰黑色的电芒浮现而出,在云层中游走,骇人之极。 In the Duan Renli mouth mumbled, under the hand yellow bottle gourd surface golden color rune wound around, sends out howled sharply bellow, hundreds of yellow beans flew to shoot from the bottle-gourd mouth, and changed into the yellow turbans people of great strength after landing. 段人离则口中念念有词,手中黄色葫芦表面金色符文缭绕之下,发出锐啸般的轰鸣声,数以百计的黄色豆子从葫口飞射而出,并在落地后化为一个个黄巾力士。 Three people seemed like reach an agreement generally, started to use the method simultaneously. 三人似乎是说好了一般,同时开始施展起手段来。 In the Han Li hand the movement non-stop, the vision falls, in that was only yellow on the bottle gourd, the eyeground appears some surprised colors. 韩立手中动作不停,目光落在了那只黄色葫芦上,眼底浮现出些许惊奇之色。 Originally these yellow turbans people of great strength come! 原来这些黄巾力士是这么来的! This thought flashes in its mind passes, next moment his arm shakes, the dense and numerous fist shades appear, sweeps away to go toward the surroundings, in all yellow turbans people of great strength of one breath shakes surrounding area several feet flies, later body figure rises with a spring, must fly to shoot toward Duan Renli. 这个念头在其脑海中只是一闪即逝,下一刻其手臂一抖,密密麻麻的拳影浮现而出,朝着周围横扫而去,一口气将方圆十几丈内的所有黄巾力士震飞,随后身形一跃而起,就要朝着段人离飞射而出。 These three people so take great pains will take in this paradise space, harbors ulterior motives inevitably, certainly not only then superficial these methods, he will need who strikes the first blow has the advantage. 这三人如此煞费苦心的将自己摄入这洞天空间中,必然别有用心,绝不会只有表面这些手段,他必须要先下手为强。 In the meantime, these Monster Bird in midair in in the air slightly circle, then under more than ten both wings exhibitions, toward Han Li in dive under. 就在此时,半空中的那些怪鸟在空中略一盘旋,便有十余只双翅一展下,朝着韩立所在俯冲而下。 body figure , the Monster Bird back scorpion backward flight Han Li has not been trembling. 身形未至,怪鸟背后蝎尾冲着韩立所在一颤。 Chī chī sound erupted! 嗤嗤之声大作 The innumerable slender heavy line violent storm lasings, one covers in which below Han Li. 无数纤细黑线暴风骤雨般的激射而下,一下将下方的韩立笼罩其中。 Han Li sees this situation, the shoulder gently in a flash, the whole person has a series of remnant shadow oblique incidences unexpectedly, making Monster Bird attack fails completely. 韩立见此情形,肩头轻轻一晃,整个人竟带着一连串残影的斜射而出,让怪鸟攻击全部落空。 Finally he just came to a stop body figure in not far away, and after wielding the boxing flies two people of great strength, the above air-splitting sound begins, is several Monster Bird towards oneself dives impressively. 结果他刚在不远处站稳身形,并挥拳击飞两名力士后,上方破空声再起,赫然又是数只怪鸟朝自己俯冲过来。 Almost is simultaneously, a midair bolt from the blue, the thick gray-black electricity snake drops from the clouds together, threatening divided. 几乎是同时,半空一声晴天霹雳,一道粗大灰黑色电蛇从天而降,气势汹汹的劈了下去。 The Han Li brow slightly wrinkle, under body surface golden light flashes, pale golden scales appear, shortly will cover the whole body, then a fist rumbles toward on. 韩立眉头微皱,体表金光一闪下,一枚枚淡金色鳞片浮现而出,顷刻间覆盖周身,接着一拳朝上轰出。 Rumble a loud sound! “轰隆隆”一阵巨响! The dark gray electricity snake disruption, one group of dazzling incomparable dark gray electric lights explode. 灰黑电蛇碎裂,一团耀眼无比的灰黑电光爆裂开来。 Although the Han Li fist is intact, but body figure in a flash, move backwards one step. 韩立拳头虽然丝毫无损,不过身形一晃,往后退了一步。 Dingdong sound erupted! “叮叮当当”之声大作 Actually is these Monster Bird scorpion tails melts the attack to fall above his scale, exudes black light of twinkle star, but has not left behind the slightest including white mark above. 却是那些怪鸟蝎尾所化攻击落在其身上鳞片之上,泛起星星点点的黑光,但连一丝白痕都未在上面留下分毫。 Bang! “砰”的一声! After Monster Bird attacks, takes off, is pounded by a yellow turbans person of great strength who Han Li throws conveniently, immediately felt the great strength that is hard to resist wells up, sets a wail disrupts to be defeated and dispersed with the person of great strength together. 一只怪鸟攻击过后,起飞不及,被韩立随手扔出的一名黄巾力士砸中,顿时感到一股难以抵挡的巨力涌来,竞发出一声哀鸣的与力士一起碎裂溃散。 In the midair the bellow rings out! 紧接着,半空中轰鸣声大作! Under dark gray lightning intense incomparable dividing, like in the rain of thunder and lightning, periphery dazzling electric light tearing boundless gray space, power and influence heaven-shaking, earth-shattering. 一道道灰黑闪电密集无比的劈下,如同在下着雷电之雨,一道道耀眼电光撕裂周围苍茫的灰色空间,威势惊天动地 Monster Bird that in the midair circles also often seizes every opportunity is launching the attack toward under. 半空中盘旋的怪鸟也不时见缝插针的朝着下方发动着攻击。 Han Li body figure goes through many places organizes erratically, knocks out the fist conveniently, lightning one by one/each that is unable to dodge routs, often and had Monster Bird to be shot down by it, pours also can still go hand to hand. 韩立身形辗转腾挪不定,随手出拳,将无法闪避的闪电一一击溃,并不时有怪鸟被其击落,倒也尚能应付自如。 However then, he is unable for a short time again to Duan Renli make a move. 不过如此一来,他一时半会也无法再对段人离出手 As the continuous yellow bean departs from the bottle gourd, but under oneself strike to kill the speed to drop greatly, is in inverse proportion, the surrounding yellow turbans person of great strength are also getting more and more. 随着源源不断的黄色豆子从葫芦中飞出,而自己击杀速度又大大下降,此消彼长之下,周围的黄巾力士也越来越多。 During several breath, the surroundings have gathered many of 3 - 4 thousand yellow turbans people of great strength impressively. 几个呼吸之间,周围已赫然聚起三四千黄巾力士之多了。 And the one who made in his heart anxious was, the most yellow turbans person of great strength in surrounding did not have to launch the attack to oneself at this time unexpectedly again eagerly, but after dashed about wildly, then stood firm suddenly in same place, and motionless. 并且令其心中不安的是,外围的大半黄巾力士此时竟没有再急于向自己发动攻击,而是在一阵狂奔后,便猛然站定在原地,并一动不动起来。 magical array!” 法阵!” The Han Li pupil shrinks, the heart appears immediately such two phrases. 韩立瞳孔一缩,心头顿时浮现出这么两个字眼。 ( High tide came, needs under careful idea, following three days, continue every day one!) (高潮来了,需要细细构思下,下面三天,继续每日一更哦!)
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