RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#63: Working miracles

These yellow turbans person of great strength body figure are flexible, grasps various types of weapons, such as the blade, the spear/gun, the sword, the axe, just fell to the ground, jumping of some both legs tread places, as if an only yellow big bird slides in the midair, some scatter to dash about wildly fully, causes the land spreads deafeningly buzz cry. 这些黄巾力士身形灵活之极,手持各种兵器,如刀,枪,剑,斧等,刚一落地,有的双腿一蹬地的蹦跳而起,仿佛一只只黄色大鸟在半空滑行,有的则撒足狂奔起来,引得大地传出震耳欲聋的嗡鸣。 In an instant, the dense and numerous person of great strength armies from throw in all directions toward Han Li, blocking the sky, the momentum is scary. 刹那间,密密麻麻的力士大军从四面八方朝着韩立扑来,遮天蔽日,声势骇人。 Has Han Li stands in same place moved, unflustered took a fast look around one. 韩立站在原地一动未动,从容不迫的四下扫视了一眼。 next moment, a yellow turbans person of great strength, when first kills before the body, in the hand under a long spear pierces, transforms makes a debut the spear/gun shadow, sends out the grating wailing, covered his most body. 下一刻,一名黄巾力士当先杀至身前,手中一柄长枪刺下,幻化出道道枪影,发出刺耳的尖啸,笼罩住了他的大半个身体。 The Han Li brow tip moves, regards these spear/gun shades , if no thing does not draw back instead enters, single-handed suddenly searches, held the long spear/gun like lightning. 韩立眉梢一动,视那些枪影如无物的不退反进,单手蓦的一探而出,闪电般抓住了长枪。 Turbulent wells up vigorously along the arm, lets his body slightly in a flash, although then stands firm instantaneously, but in his eye still flashed through a startled color. 一股汹涌大力沿着手臂涌来,让其身体不禁微微一晃,虽然瞬间便稳住,但他眼中仍闪过一丝惊色。 The strength of this yellow turbans person of great strength is really astonishing! 这黄巾力士的力量着实惊人! During the consideration, holds the arm of long spear/gun in the future, immediately staggers one that person of great strength pulls, another hand making a fist rumbles. 思量间,抓住长枪的手臂往后一拉,顿时将那名力士拉扯的一个踉跄,另一只手握拳轰出。 Bang! 砰! In the holding a spear/gun person of great strength hand the long spear/gun lets go, the whole person was struck to shoot, pounded in the following crowd ruthlessly, first even/including hit to fly dozens yellow turbans people of great strength to stop. 持枪力士手中长枪脱手,整个人被击得倒射而出,狠狠砸进了后面的人群中,一连将数十名黄巾力士撞飞才停下。 Result holding a spear/gun person of great strength turns over/stands up, immediately stands, a chest front clearly discernible fist shadow, hollow a piece. 结果这持枪力士一个翻身,立刻站了起来,胸前一个清晰可见的拳影,凹陷了一片。 Although the movement was just slower than several points, but still with others of great strength together, continued to clash toward Han Li. 其动作虽然比刚刚迟钝了几分,不过仍和其余的力士一起,继续朝着韩立冲来。 Long spear/gun of Han Li in the hand will throw in the future conveniently horizontally, shakes several people of great strength flies, looks back to witness this scenery, the pupil shrinks slightly, just that fist he used 50% strengths, a mountain peak also destroyed, cannot strike to kill a yellow turbans person of great strength unexpectedly. 韩立将手中长枪往后随手横掷而出,将数名力士震飞,回首目睹此景,瞳孔微微一缩,刚刚那一拳他足足动用了50%的力量,一座山峰也打碎了,竟然没能击杀一名黄巾力士。 At this time, the surrounding yellow turbans person of great strength has come in swarms. 此时,周围的黄巾力士已蜂拥而至。 Han Li cold snort/hum, footsteps one wrong, the body has a series of remnant shadow leaping extensions to transfer, simultaneously both hands make a fist shake, suddenly becomes fuzzy. 韩立冷哼一声,脚步一错,身躯带着一连串残影的腾转挪移起来,同时双手握拳一抖,陡然变得模糊起来。 The dense and numerous fist shades appear, toward shells to go in all directions. 密密麻麻的拳影浮现而出,朝着四面八方轰击而去。 Immediately bang bang sound erupted! 顿时“砰砰”之声大作 The yellow turbans person of great strength was struck to fly immediately by one by one/each, the chest front appears deep fist seal, hits with the following person of great strength in the same place, immediately knocked down one piece, the astonishing offensive of threatening for it one slow. 黄巾力士顿时被一一击飞出去,胸前都浮现出一个个深深的拳印,和后面的力士撞在一起,顿时撞倒了一片,原本气势汹汹的惊人攻势为之一缓。 After these were struck person of great strength who flies to fall to the ground, turns over/stands up, stood again. 那些被击飞的力士倒地后,一个翻身,再次纷纷站了起来。 Han Li vision one cold, the form in a flash, ghost-like appears before was just struck the yellow turbans person of great strength who flies, a boxing without hesitation in its chest fist seal position. 韩立目光一冷,身影一晃,鬼魅般出现在一个刚刚被击飞的黄巾力士前,毫不犹豫的一拳击在了其胸口拳印位置。 Kā chā! 咔嚓 The yellow turbans person of great strength body trembles, the body surface appears cracks, and projects yellow light, then the body disrupts loudly, changes into the everywhere yellow fog to scatter. 黄巾力士身体一颤,体表浮现出一道道裂纹,并从中射出一道道黄光,接着身体轰然碎裂开来,化为漫天黄雾飘散。 Han Li look one slow, although these yellow turbans puppets the body is hard, but cannot kill. 韩立神色一缓,这些黄巾傀儡虽然身躯坚硬,不过也并非打不死。 The surrounding yellow turbans person of great strength comes in swarms again like surging tides. 周围的黄巾力士再次如潮水般蜂拥而至。 Han Li inspires lightly, the chest and belly blue light flashed, appears six luminous spots, the body rises fiercely in a big way, then about the body in a flash, transformed several fuzzy forms. 韩立轻吸一口气,胸腹蓝光一闪,浮现出六个光点,身躯猛地涨大了一圈,然后身体左右一晃,幻化出几个模糊的身影。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Yellow turbans person of great strength body flying upside down that 7 - 8 swoops, then explodes directly. 七八具飞扑过来的黄巾力士身体倒飞而出,然后直接爆裂开来。 Han Li two dance hurricane, the place visited, fist shadow dense and numerous reappearing. 韩立两手舞成一股飓风,所过之处,一道道拳影密密麻麻的浮现而出。 A series of bangs ring out along with the bellow of air! 一连串的巨响伴随着空气的轰鸣声大作! His body week in several feet, all people of great strength strike to fly all, the body disrupts, changes into yellow mist. 他身周十几丈内,所有力士尽数击飞出去,身体纷纷碎裂开来,化为一蓬蓬的黄雾。 Even if these people of great strength the mortal body is powerful, holds in the Little Dipper Essence Technique strength in addition, is a cinch radically. 这些力士哪怕肉身再强悍,在小北斗星元功的力量加持下,根本不在话下。 ...... …… Immortal World, a general boundless jet black sea area. 仙界,一片广大无垠的漆黑海域。 Above the sea level the cold wind howls, the black fog fills the air, curls up ten several feet high dreadful turbid waves unceasingly. 海面之上阴风呼啸,黑雾弥漫,不断卷起一道道十数丈高的滔天浊浪。 In sea area black fog richest place, there is a giant black city, well organized float above. 海域中黑雾最为浓郁之处,有一座巨大的黑色城池,四平八稳地悬浮其上。 This city passes the hundred zhang (333 m) high, the surrounding area has hundred li (0.5 km) broad fully, above due north city gate, is engraving three ancient literary style large character Karahoto. 此城高逾百丈,方圆足有百里之广,正北城门之上,镌刻着三个古体大字“黑水城”。 The peripheral enceinte of city, lays on top of one another by the giant black ashlar, occasionally under the sunlight shines, will reflect the crystal gloss, but in enceinte, actually just like common custom, there is a river Nagareta to lean, the vegetation forest, has the street vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the shop proliferates. 城池的外围城廓,以巨型黑色方石垒砌,偶尔在阳光映照下,会折射出水晶般的光泽,而城廓之内,却宛如寻常世俗,既有河流田倾,植被林木,亦有街道纵横,市肆遍布。 And can also see, many pedestrians come and go, continuous. 其中也能看到,许许多多的行人来来往往,川流不息。 In the city is not a vast stretch of flat land, more approaches the great city center, the topography is higher, the construction distribution is close, the palace garret is also grand. 城内并非一马平川,越是靠近巨城中心,地势就越高,建筑分布就越是紧密,宫殿阁楼也就越是宏伟。 In the entire great city topography highest place, then a small-scale inner city, by black rivers and other peripheral constructions, separates an obvious boundary. 在整个巨城地势最高处,则还有一座小型内城,被一条黑色河流与外围其他建筑,隔开一道明显的分界线。 In inner city, not only has fine exquisite pavilions, and has the quiet and beautiful beautiful pond Guan water porch, once in a while distributed rockery and a everywhere garden, the central location is a broad platform, on the stage is standing majestically a three/3rd level high double-eaved roof garret, the wooden, the bright red arch interlocks all over the body, the colored glaze yellow tile coping, on has the dragon and phoenix sculpture to occupy, very fine gorgeous. 内城之中,既有精致玲珑的亭台楼阁,又有清幽秀丽的池馆水廊,其中还间或分布着一座座假山和一处处花园,中心位置是一片广阔平台,台上巍然耸立着一座三层高的重檐阁楼,通体木质,朱红斗拱交错,琉璃黄瓦盖顶,上有龙凤雕塑盘踞,十分精致华美。 In the pavilion highest one/1st level/layer, all around window all starts greatly, looks, the field of vision is quite broad, not only gets a panoramic view the inner city scenery, outside great city big piece black sea area, can take in everything at a glance. 阁内最高一层,四周窗户皆是大开,四下望去,视野极为广阔,不但将内城风景尽收眼底,就连巨城之外大片的黑色海域,也能一览无遗。 In the pavilion, the arrangement is very simple, is only equipped with square shape table in center, by table, then various pendulums a circular silk rush cushion. 楼阁之中,陈设十分简单,只在正中处设有一张方形案几,案几两侧,则各摆着一个圆形的丝质蒲团。 Above table, in a dark-red copper inscription beast incense burner, is having the curling light smoke to emit slowly, the fragrance overflows completely the entire room. 案几之上,一只暗红色的紫铜铭兽香炉中,正有袅袅青烟缓缓冒出,香气溢满整个房间。 On the right side rush cushion, wears the lotus flower purple crown, the gray-haired thin old man sits cross-legged to sit, it is holding one fine tea, is savoring carefully. 右侧蒲团上,一个头戴莲花紫冠,须发灰白的消瘦老者盘膝而坐,其正捧着一只精美茶盏,细细品味着。 In tea, the tea color is deep green, still wins the emerald, its fragrance hears superficial, was still inferior to the furnace the taste of sandalwood, but after the entrance, the taste is actually extremely exquisite, the spiritual energy is rich, making one provide much food for thought. 茶盏之中,茶水颜色碧绿,犹胜翡翠,其香气闻之浅淡,尚不如炉中檀香之味,但入口之后,口感却是极为细腻,灵气浓郁,令人回味无穷。 The thin old man puts down in the hand slowly tea, heartfelt to praise sighed: Fellow Daoist Gu Yan this Blackwater spirit tea, really lives up to reputation.” 消瘦老者缓缓放下手中茶盏,由衷赞叹道:“骨焰道友这黑水灵茶,果然名不虚传啊。” Jingmingdao friend erroneous approved. If likes, performing to bring to go back.” The opposite complexion wax yellow, described the withered wide volume man, indifferent say/way. “净明道友谬赞了。若是喜欢,尽可多带些回去。”其对面一名面色蜡黄,形容枯槁的宽额男子,淡然道。 Before because of obstructing of lower realm sect, between I and Brother Yan took a walk rare, in the future must cooperate much, conspiring the development was.” Bright Daoist looks the genial smile to say only. “之前因下界宗门之碍,我与阎兄之间少有走动,日后还是应当多多合作,共谋发展才是。”净明道人面露和煦笑容说道。 If this time can take this person, could not say that must cooperate, dug out the secret that his body possibly had together.” Rogue Master Gu Yan nods to say. “此番若能拿下此人,说不得还要通力合作,一起挖出其身上可能藏有的秘密了。”骨焰散人点了点头道。 Said, actually this person was what status, Brother Yan may once investigate one or two/just a little?” Only bright Daoist slightly one sincere, opens the mouth to ask. “说起来,此人究竟是何身份,阎兄可曾探查出一二?”净明道人略一正色,开口问道。 „After previous time you contact with me, I have then inquired through some channels, without obtaining least bit useful news, what can your side have to discover?” Rogue Master Gu Yan shakes the head, asked. “上次你联系我后,我便已通过一些渠道打探过了,没有得到半点有用消息,你那边可有什么发现?”骨焰散人摇了摇头,反问道。 With you almost/the same, cannot find out this person of details. The news that side Ten Regions Pavilion divulges is very limited, only knows that the trustee background is big, but more concrete was also unknown.” Bright Daoist sighed one only lightly. “与你相差不多,同样也摸不清此人底细。十方楼那边透漏的消息十分有限,只知道委托人来头不小,但更具体的也就不得而知了。”净明道人轻叹了一声。 Is so, the secret of my person hidden was possibly interested. It seems like only had to interrogate and torture one afterward well.” Bone flame Daoist hehe saying. “越是如此,我对此人身上可能隐藏的秘密倒更感兴趣了。看来唯有等事后好好拷问一番了。”骨焰道人嘿嘿一声的说道。 Haha, looked that Brother Yan is confident, wants to decide however has the rare treasure to grant the disciple the disciple?” Old Daoist Jing Ming smiles, exploratory asking. “哈哈,看阎兄如此信心十足,想来定然是有秘宝赐予门下弟子了吧?”净明老道爽朗一笑,试探性的问道。 „Hasn't the fellow daoist bestowed to press a box of thing?” Rogue Master Gu Yan shot a look at thin old man one eyes, said. “难道道友就没有赐下压箱之物?”骨焰散人瞥了消瘦老者一眼,说道。 The latter does not care at all, smiles saying: Is absolutely safe for insurance, naturally also has.” 后者毫不在意,笑了笑说道:“为保万无一失,自然也是有的。” My accident of sorts sowed seeds early some soldier beans, before the half a month successfully transformed for Dao soldiers. This time when happen to uses, bestowed.” Rogue Master Gu Yan saw the opposite party not to say, had not asked, was only optional saying. “我早前机缘巧合下种出了一些兵豆,直到半月前才成功转化为了道兵。这次正好当用,就赐了下去。”骨焰散人见对方不愿多说,也没有多问,只是随意的说道。 Thin old man hears word is actually the look changes, seems very surprised. 消瘦老者闻言却是神色一变,显得十分吃惊。 Unexpectedly is Dao soldiers...... Fellow Daoist Yan may really be Fuyuan is deep, the good fortune is astonishing. However is under yellow turbans Dao soldiers in grade 3 Dao soldiers, is not worth mentioning.” “居然是道兵……阎道友可真是福源深厚,造化惊人啊。不过是下三品道兵中的黄巾道兵而已,不值一提。” Rogue Master Gu Yan wielded the sleeve, exhibits a not caring at all appearance, the eyeground deep place is not easy to detect that flashes through a contented color. 骨焰散人挥了挥袖,摆出一副满不在乎的样子,眼底深处却不易察觉地闪过一丝自得之色。 Even next grade 3 Dao soldiers, other that still not magical treasure can compare, had this treasure, even if there is that fellow surnamed Han three heads and six arms, were not easy.” Bright Daoist so said only, in the language admired that the meaning does not reduce. “即使是下三品道兵,那也远非其他法宝所能比拟,有了此宝,姓韩那厮纵有三头六臂,还不是手到擒来了。”净明道人这般说道,语中艳羡之意丝毫不减。 Rogue Master Gu Yan hears word, smiles not to speak. 骨焰散人闻言,笑而不语。 At this time, bright Daoist thought of the incident only suddenly, raises eyebrow asks: Right, this Han Li Cold Flame Sect Outer Sect Elder, Leng Yan that fellow will not create side issues in name, inserts one?” 这时,净明道人忽然又想到一事,挑眉问道:“对了,这韩立名义上还是冷焰宗外门长老,冷焰那家伙不会横生枝节,来插上一手吧?” He, if did not fear that henceforth Spirit Domain World only has two big top sect, tries to try freely.” Rogue Master Gu Yan complexion one cold, sneers was saying. “他若是不怕从此灵寰界只剩下两大顶级宗门,就尽管来试上一试。”骨焰散人面色一寒,冷笑着说道。 Bright Daoist nods only, on the thin cheeks also shows a vague smile. 净明道人点点头,削瘦脸颊上也露出一丝隐晦笑容。 ...... …… In the mysterious space, above the thick gray cloud layer, three person's shadows stand somewhere void, is Tong Rene, Daoist He Shan, Duan Renli. 神秘空间中,某处厚厚的灰色云层上方,三个人影虚空站立,正是童人垩,阖山道人,还有段人离 Duan Renli at this moment holds yellow Yingying a bottle gourd, in the mouth is mumbling. 此刻的段人离手捧一只黄浧浧的葫芦,口中正念念有词。 The bottle gourd has half people to be small fully, the surface shines golden light shining close small characters, the bottle-gourd mouth spot has some and flutters with these small character similar golden color rune, sends out one air/Qi of dust, 葫芦足有半人大小,表面亮起一圈圈金光灿灿的细密小字,葫口部位有一些和和这些小字类似的金色符文飘动不已,散发出一股出尘之气, As in his mouth intermittent mysterious obscure incantation Lang Lang exits, a gourd mouth golden color multi-colored sunlight winds around, and departs grains to just like yellow bean one thing, flies to shoot to go toward under abundance. 随着他口中阵阵的玄奥晦涩咒语郎朗出口,葫芦口一股金色霞光缭绕,并从中飞出一粒粒犹如黄色豆子一样的东西,纷纷朝着下方飞射而去。 These beans touch the grey cloud, in the cloud layer appear immediately tiny vortex, after its one pulls, then swallows, is missing. 这些豆子一触及灰云,云层上立刻浮现出一个个细小漩涡,将其一拉扯后便吞噬进去,不见了踪影。 Is it possible that this is...... works miracles! Never expected that your sect can use the immortal technique in such legend unexpectedly!” Daoist He Shan is looking at the yellow bottle gourd in Duan Renli hand, a face admired. “这莫非是……撒豆成兵!没想到贵宗竟能施展此等传说中的仙术!”阖山道人望着段人离手中的黄色葫芦,一脸艳羡。 „The Fellow Daoist He Shan experience is uncommon. However such immortal family secret technique, how our shallow end cultivation base can grasp, but takes advantage of the immortal treasure that the founder bestows, can summon some Dao soldiers reluctantly.” Tong Rene look light saying. 阖山道友见识不凡。不过此等仙家秘术,我们这点浅末修为如何能够掌握,不过是依仗祖师赐下的这件仙宝,才能勉强召唤出一些道兵而已。”童人垩神色平淡的说道。
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