RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#62: Unusual

Meanwhile, in some mountain peak peak several hundred li (0.5 km) away, three person's shadows stands shoulder to shoulder, is Daoist He Shan, Tong Rene and Duan Renli three people. 与此同时,远在数百里之外的某座山峰峰顶,三道人影并肩而立,正是阖山道人童人垩段人离三人。 At this moment, they without exception, all look that prompt piercing goal distantly to the boundless curtain of night soar to the heavens the white light. 此刻,他们无一例外,全都遥遥望向茫茫夜幕中那一点刺目的冲天白光。 There Nine Palaces Peak direction. 那里正是九宫峰的方向。 Three people are silent, has often stroked except for the mountain breeze gently, raises the lower hem corner flap flap to make noise outside, the nearby is silent, the atmosphere seems somewhat dignified. 三人均是默然不语,除了山风不时轻轻拂过,掀起衣角猎猎作响外,附近寂静无声,气氛显得有些凝重。 After long time, this was broken by one of them tranquilly. 半晌后,这宁静被其中一人打破了。 Fellow Daoist He Shan, is it possible that this is your so-called sure card? Let this person cultivation, the strength promote safely sharply?” Duan Renli opens the mouth slowly said. 阖山道友,莫非这就是你所谓的万全之策?让此人安然修炼,实力大幅提升吗?”段人离缓缓的开口道。 Was I am inconsiderate. It seems like this person should find some type to restore the law of injury.” Daoist He Shan sighed, somewhat helpless saying. “是我考虑不周了。看来此人应是找到了某种恢复伤势之法了。”阖山道人叹了口气,有些无奈的说道。 This matter was not suitable delays again.” Saying that Tong Rene coldly. “此事不宜再拖延了。”童人垩冷冷的说道。 Fellow Daoist Tong said is extremely. Originally prepared almost/the same, some subtle points want to deliberate one or two/just a little again carefully, now actually really cannot wait again.” The Daoist He Shan sound sinks. 童道友所言极是。本来已经准备的差不多了,有些细微之处原想再仔细推敲一二,现在却是真的不能再等了。”阖山道人声音一沉。 Already this/should make a move.” Duan Renli muttered one, in the sleeve the double fist gripped tightly, in the eye shone several points of eager appearance. “早就该动手了。”段人离喃喃一声,袖中双拳紧握,眼中亮起几分跃跃欲试的神采。 ...... …… Next morning. 翌日清晨。 Cold Flame Sect Holy Fire Peak back side of the mountain, hidden in the grey tile yard in black bamboo boundless forest. 冷焰宗圣火峰后山,隐于紫竹林海的青瓦小院内。 Before Sima Jingming relaxes the hands is situated in red sandalwood table that a sandalwood curls, is looking at a three chi (0.33 m) portrait on wall, is reporting anything in look respectful reporting. 司马镜明垂手立于一架檀香袅袅的紫檀案几前,望着墙壁上的一副三尺画像,正在神色恭敬的禀报着什么。 Above this time portrait the sparkling stone light streams revolutions, a person's shadow vividly and presently, stands depending on the hovering flight, the face is upright, both eyes brightly however, are Old Ancestor Leng Yan. 此时的画像之上莹光流转,一道人影跃然而现,凭空悬立,面孔方正,双目炯然,正是冷焰老祖 You said, this Han Li has started cultivation seven/7th level cultivation technique now?” After Old Ancestor Leng Yan coughs lightly, asked one slowly. “你是说,这韩立如今已开始修炼七层功法了?”冷焰老祖轻咳一声后,缓缓的问了一句。 Heaven and Earth phenomenon description that fed from last night, will not be mostly wrong. old ancestor, actually this person is what status, such cultivation speed, somewhat was really unthinkable......” Sima Jingming first is affirmative saying, immediately somewhat started to speak but hesitated. “从昨夜传回的天地异象描述来看,多半不会错的。老祖,此人究竟是何身份,此等修炼速度,委实有些匪夷所思了……”司马镜明先是肯定的说道,随即又有些欲言又止。 Hehe, what status I am not clear, but I just knew recently, this Fellow Daoist Han is posting a reward to seize by a Immortal World huge organization now, its favorable of posting a reward, even some of my still heart movements. Old Daoist Jing Ming that year to year closed-door cultivation, recently Black Water City that left Old Ghost Yan to be. In my opinion, Heavenly Ghost Sect and Boundary Origin Dao Temple feared that is or was law-abiding.” Old Ancestor Leng Yan hehe, at a moderate pace saying. “嘿嘿,什么身份我不清楚,但我最近刚得知,这位韩道友如今可是在被仙界一个庞大组织悬赏追缉,其悬赏之优厚,即便是我也有些心动的。常年闭关不出的净明老道,最近动身去了阎老鬼所在的黑水城。依我看来,天鬼宗境元观怕是要不安分了。”冷焰老祖嘿嘿一声,不紧不慢的说道。 We whether......” Sima Jingming hears word one startled, immediately reveals asking of strange look. “那我们是否……”司马镜明闻言一惊,随即露出一丝古怪神色的问道。 Joins that matter of two institute seeking, slices?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan interrupted his words directly. “是否加入那两宗所谋之事,也来分一杯羹?”冷焰老祖直接打断了他的话。 Sima Jingming knows in the heart to make an indiscreet remark, the silent did not speak hastily. 司马镜明心知失言,连忙闭口不语。 This Fellow Daoist Han, Old Daoist Jing Ming and Old Ghost Yan have not had to do personally, I have fought with it. This person is not simple! Just now listened to you saying that he has built Little Dipper Essence Technique six/6th level, then believed firmly this point. Even if the advantage made one move, must have the life to enjoy is good.” Old Ancestor Leng Yan has saying of profound meaning greatly. “这位韩道友,净明老道阎老鬼都没有亲自打过交道,我可是与之交过手的。此人绝不简单!方才听你说他已将小北斗星元功六层修成,便更加确信这一点了。好处纵然令人动心,也要有命来享用才行。”冷焰老祖大有深意的说道。 Jingming received lesson.” Sima Jingming hears word, should say hastily. 镜明受教了。”司马镜明闻言,连忙应道。 ...... …… Late at night, top Star-Gathering Platform. 深夜,聚星台顶部。 The Han Li knees sit cross-legged, bathes all over the body, in seven silver light beams let fall silver light vortex center that but under forms. 韩立双膝盘坐,通体沐浴在七道银色光柱垂落而下所形成的银光漩涡中心处。 Vast power of stars from comes in swarms toward its within the body frequently in all directions, is tempering his mortal body. 浩瀚的星辰之力时时刻刻从四面八方朝其体内蜂拥而至,锤炼着他的肉身。 His body figure is motionless, actually at heart keeps one eye on is considering the matter. 身形一动不动,心里却一心二用的在思量着事情。 When Little Dipper Essence Technique cultivation the Heavenly omen phenomenon that causes is quite astonishing, under wild power of stars sweeps across, will cover the Star-Gathering Platform protection restriction disintegration. After four Boundary Origin Dao Temple elders were shaken flies away, then again has not appeared, but that Daoist He Shan was concerned with, as if to his extremely relax/rest assured. 小北斗星元功修炼时引起的天兆异象颇为惊人,狂暴的星辰之力席卷之下,将原本笼罩聚星台的防护禁制崩碎。四名境元观长老被震飞离去后,便再也没有出现过,而那位阖山道人对此更是不闻不问,似乎对他太过放心了吧。 This also had nothing, but recently his clear sense/telepathy, Star-Gathering Platform nearby surrounding area one or two/just a little Boundary Origin Dao Temple cultivator within hundred li (0.5 km), as if after successively leaves the cave mansion then has not come back again. 这本来倒也没什么,但最近一段时间他清楚感应到,聚星台附近方圆一二百里内的境元观修士,似乎在陆续离开洞府后便没有再回来过。 At first he has not felt anything, after all some sect people go out to travel or carry out assignment not to turn over to for a long time, is the common matter, but after this situation continues to have half a month fully, finally gradually brought to his attention, was vigilant that the heart are also for many one point. 起初他没觉得什么,毕竟宗门有人外出游历或执行任务长期不归,也是常有之事,但当这种情况持续了足有半月后,终于渐渐引起了他的注意,警惕之心不禁又多出一分来。 But in a moment ago, him does not know that faintly somewhat is why anxious, not wonderful feelings well up in secret. 而就在刚才,他不知为何隐隐有些不安起来,暗中有一种不妙的感觉涌上心头来。 Han Li slightly hesitates, took back the part to receive and instruct power of stars divine sense, swiftly searched the surrounding area all within several hundred li (0.5 km). 韩立略一沉吟,还是收回了部分接引星辰之力神识,迅速搜索起方圆数百里之内的一切。 At this moment, a above entire void fuzziness, then thick long incomparable white mark silent reappearing, just like the trim sky tears in half suddenly forcefully general, strange. 就在此刻,上方整个虚空猛然一个模糊,接着一道粗长无比的白痕无声无息的浮现而出,犹如将整片天空硬生生撕成了两半一般,诡异之极。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 Dense and numerous silver rune well up from white mark crazily, continuously, inexhaustible general, an all rune side emergence, are turning round a revolution, changes into rupturing of bunch of silver halos to open, almost all dyed the silver white color the trim void. 密密麻麻的银色符文从白痕中狂涌而出,源源不绝,无穷无尽一般,所有符文方一出现,便滴溜溜一转下,化为一团团银色光晕的爆裂而开,几乎将整片虚空全都染成了银白之色。 Under these silver halos blend mutually, one huge incomparable silver great moon/month concentrates presently, wonderful greatly incomparable, sends out the eye-catching brilliance, making the surrounding all stars be overshadowed. 这些银色光晕互相交融之下,一轮巨大无比的银色巨月凝现,奇大无比,散发出夺目的光辉,使得周围的所有星辰黯然失色。 All these is a long story, the instance that but actually the matter, forms in the silver great moon/month in an instant, everywhere lets fall, but below star light also vanishes completely. 这一切说来话长,但其实只是刹那间地事情,就在银色巨月形成的瞬间,漫天垂落而下的星光也随之全部消失。 Han Li sees this, body figure without delay in a flash, left the Nine Palaces Peak range suddenly, and several flash, then departed inside and outside 20-30. 韩立见此,二话不说的身形一晃,眨眼间就离开了九宫峰范围,并几个闪动间,便飞出了20-30里外。 At this moment, abnormal change begins! 就在此刻,异变再起! Inside and outside dozens a mountain peak bang from Nine Palaces Peak, the giant stone tumbles, the surface appears to have giant white rune of hundred zhang (333 m) size fully, and leaps together the thick incomparable white light beam, the direct impact horizon. 距离九宫峰数十里外的一座山峰“轰”的一声,巨石滚落,表面浮现一个足有百丈大小的巨型白色符文,并腾起一道粗大无比的白色光柱,直冲天际。 Almost at the same time, the mountain peak of another direction also shakes fiercely, leaps a huge green light. 几乎同一时间,另一方向的一座山峰也猛地一震,腾起一道巨大绿光。 Rumble consecutively eight bangs! “轰隆隆”连续八声巨响! The Nine Palaces Peak surrounding area eight originally seemingly common mountain peaks within hundred li (0.5 km), spread the loud sound in this moment simultaneously, since and leaps together the color varying giant light beam from huge rune respectively. 九宫峰方圆百里内的八座原本看似毫不起眼的山峰,在这一刻同时传出巨响,并各自从巨大符文中腾起一道颜色各异巨大光柱。 Dense and numerous assorted rune appear around the light beam, then rapid incomparable links, condenses giant incomparable light screen suddenly, Nine Palaces Peak is a central surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) range, all covered in inside. 密密麻麻的各色符文在光柱周围浮现而出,然后迅疾无比的连接在一起,眨眼间凝聚成一个巨大无比的光幕,将九宫峰为中心方圆百里范围,全都笼罩在了里面。 On light screen innumerable colorful rune flowing, sends out Chī chī the strange sharp sound, separated also to feel above the astonishing spirit strength fluctuation far away. 光幕上无数五颜六色的符文流动不已,发出“嗤嗤”的怪异锐响声,隔了老远也能感受到上面惊人之极的灵力波动。 In light screen somewhere void, stopping body figure that the Han Li escaping light collects, in the heart sinks slightly. 光幕内某处虚空中,韩立遁光一敛的停下身形,心中微微一沉。 Although does not know that Boundary Origin Dao Temple is planning anything, but it seems like it was lived evil intent to oneself eventually. 虽然不知道境元观在谋划什么,不过看来终究是对自己生了歹意。 His vision sweeps off toward the surroundings, in the pupil appears the one/1st level/layer blue glow, then a brow slightly wrinkle. 他目光朝着周围扫去,瞳孔中浮现出一层蓝芒,接着眉头微微一皱。 This giant restriction measures mysteriously not, was far from same day Heavenly Ghost Sect Ghost King Tienchu may compare, with his vision experience, could not see what weakness for a short time unexpectedly. 这巨型禁制玄妙莫测,远非当日天鬼宗鬼王天柱阵可比,以他的眼光见识,一时半会竟也看不出什么弱点。 Flying that his body figure is without hesitation immediately shoots, suddenly before arriving at all colors light screen, under the chest and belly locates six groups of blue light to flash, immediately a fist strikes toward the light screen somewhere ruthlessly. 身形当即毫不迟疑的飞射而出,眨眼间来到了五彩光幕前,胸腹处六团蓝光一闪之下,马上一拳朝光幕某处狠狠一击。 A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound! 惊天动地的一声巨响! Under the light screen surface trembles, the ray flashes crazily, appears a hollow giant fist seal, hollow periphery, dense and numerous five colors rune gather, and makes hollow bit by bit restore at the naked eye obvious speed. 光幕表面一颤之下,光芒狂闪,浮现出一个凹陷的巨大拳印,凹陷周围,密密麻麻的五色符文纷纷聚集过来,并使得凹陷以肉眼可见速度一点一点恢复起来。 And the radical restoration, bang has not been a fist falls in the same hollow position, the light screen shivers fiercely, as if next moment then must collapse. 未及其彻底恢复,“轰”又是一拳落在了同一处凹陷位置上,光幕剧烈颤抖起来,似乎下一刻便要就此崩溃。 Holds up when the Han Li third fist, not and ejects, in midair huge Silvermoon suddenly one bright, sprinkles the next ten thousand bunches of silver light, inside is mixing with innumerable silver rune, congealed to gather one rolling, formed one to cover a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) giant light beam fully. 就在韩立第三拳堪堪举起,未及击出之时,半空中巨大银月骤然一亮,从中洒下万束银光,里面夹杂着无数银色符文,滚滚一凝之下汇聚到了一处,形成一道足可覆盖方圆百里的巨大光柱。 Han Li only thinks at present silver light flashes, next moment then restores such as beginning, but oneself already somewhat inexplicable appearance in a strange world. 韩立只觉眼前银光一闪,下一刻便恢复如初,但自己已有些莫名的出现在了一个陌生世界。 This is a length and breadth, but bleak desert, which direction regardless of looks, is a desolateness, the ground everywhere is the every large or small gray stones, often some giant gulfs, as if by meteorite hit generally. 这是一处广袤而荒凉的戈壁,无论从哪个方向望去,都是一片荒芜,地面到处都是大大小小的灰色石头,不时还有一些巨大深坑,似乎被陨石撞击过一般。 The sky is floating the thick grey cloud, presses lowly, will as if oppress very much momentarily, an extremely depressing feeling. 天空漂浮着厚厚的灰云,压得很低,似乎随时都会压迫下来,给人一种极为压抑的感觉。 Is paradise magical treasure?” Han Li muttered, immediately emitted divine sense. “又是洞天法宝吗?”韩立喃喃自语一声,顿时将神识放出。 Finally its divine sense the place of feeling, except for the desolated ground, is the gulf giant stone, in addition, anything does not have. 结果其神识所感之处,除了荒芜的地面,便是深坑巨石,除此之外,什么都没有。 After he slightly hesitates, divine sense concentrates, searches into the grey cloud upward. 他略一沉吟后,神识一凝,就往上探入灰云之中。 But the divine sense side enters, unexpectedly being hard to start feelings, in all directions a murkiness, even stimulates to movement Divinity Cultivation Technique still only to be able reluctantly again sense/telepathy to more than ten zhang (3.33 m) away, was still the similar situation. 神识方一进入,竟有一种举步维艰之感,四处一片昏昏沉沉,即便催动炼神术也仅能勉强再感应到十余丈远,仍是同样的情形。 This grey cloud does not know that what strangeness, by the great strength of his divine sense, is unable to penetrate unexpectedly thoroughly, but appearance. 这灰云不知有什么古怪,竟以他的神识之强大,都无法彻底穿透而过的样子。 Under the Han Li vision flashes, when divine sense receives, plans to use again other methods investigate, the top of the head grey cloud sudden fierce tumbling, and rumble trembles. 韩立目光闪动下,神识一收,打算再动用其他手段探查之时,头顶灰云突然一阵剧烈翻滚,并隆隆震颤起来。 next moment, yellow Mangru the raindrop dropped from the clouds, falls on the ground. 下一刻,一道道黄芒如雨点般从天而降,落在了地上。 After each yellow glow falls to the ground, then the air flush ball inflates fast, and after distorts fuzzily, changes into a golden guy appearance. 每一道黄芒落地后,便吹气球般飞快膨胀,并一阵模糊变形后,化为一个金黄色大汉模样。 These guy and average man almost/the same size, the skin presents the golden yellow, above has the golden halo circulation faintly, the valuables conducted the person yellow turbans, grasps various types of weapons, in the yellow turbans person of great strength with hearsay is very similar. 这些大汉和常人差不多大小,皮肤呈现出金黄色,上面隐隐有金色光晕流转,腰缠黄巾,手持各种武器,和传闻中的黄巾力士很是相似。 Although they are seemingly same as the average man, but the aura of body not slightly living creature, on the face the expression is stiff, as if the puppet is common. 他们虽然和常人看起来一样,不过身上并无丝毫活物的气息,脸上表情呆板,仿佛傀儡一般。 Less than the moment time, the surroundings then presented about thousand people of scales, Han Li watertight surrounding all round. 不到片刻工夫,周围便出现了近千人规模,将韩立水泄不通的团团包围。 This sudden, making Han Li be startled slightly. 这突如其来的一幕,让韩立为之微微一怔。 ( Following two days one!) (下面两天一更哦!)
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