RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#61: Undercurrent

That person can issue a warrant for arrest by the Ten Regions Pavilion roll-call, the strength is not inevitably weak, even if will receive the strength of world/interface to suppress in lower realm, is not only 2-3 Great Ascension can cope.” After Rogue Master Gu Yan slightly hesitates, look calm saying. “那人既能被十方楼点名通缉,实力必然不弱,就算在下界会受到界面之力压制,也不是区区2-3个大乘所能对付的吧。”骨焰散人略一沉吟后,神色冷静的说道。 This point fellow daoist does not need to worry, according to information that this poor Daoist understands, this person has been seriously injured now, the strength reduces greatly, at best also slightly is stronger than several points general Great Ascension cultivator.” Saying that Daoist Master Jing Ming slightly one beckons with the hand. “这一点道友不必担心,据贫道所了解的信息,此人如今已身受重伤,实力大减,充其量也就比一般大乘修士略强几分而已。”净明真人微一摆手的说道。 Makes lower realm sect deal with an immortal, this act some were too still risky, were inferior that and others leave Spirit Domain World, by our several people of personally make a move being come the safety.” After Rogue Master Gu Yan silent moment, said. “让下界宗门对付一名仙人,此举仍有些太冒险,不如等此人离开灵寰界,由我们几人亲自动手来的稳妥。”骨焰散人默然片刻后,如此说道。 This poor Daoist thinks, this matters concerned morning, then late causes trouble. Ten Regions Pavilion can set so posts a reward high, explained that this person has any big secret, even if no, these posted a reward still to make us wrestle sufficiently.” Daoist Master Jing Ming said slowly, in the words was full of the endless seduction. “贫道以为,此事宜早,迟则生变。十方楼能定下如此高额悬赏,说明此人身上定有什么大秘密,即便没有,那些悬赏也足以让我们为之一搏了。”净明真人缓缓说道,话语中充满了无尽的诱惑。 Rogue Master Gu Yan keeps mouth shut, the look twinkle, seemed to be moved by a Daoist Master Jing Ming excuse. 骨焰散人默然无语,眼神闪烁,似乎被净明真人一番说辞打动了。 A moment later, he opens the mouth to say slowly: Good, this matter I remembered. If all really such as you said that your my two then joined together to accomplish a great task jointly. As for specific matter, when I return to Black Water City to discuss, decides.” 片刻之后,他才缓缓开口道:“好,此事我记下了。若一切真如你所言,你我两宗便联手共襄盛举。至于具体事宜,等我返回黑水城商议后再定。” Brother Yan is wise.” Daoist Master Jing Ming said with a smile. 阎兄英明。”净明真人笑道。 ...... …… After several days, Spirit Domain World, a Boundary Origin Dao Temple deep place main hall. 数日后,灵寰界,境元观深处一座大殿。 In the palace is empty, only then a midpoint white jade platform, above several feet transmission array in humming sound revolution, dazzling white light greatly hold. 殿内空无一物,只有正中央的一座白玉平台,上面一座十几丈大小的传送法阵在嗡嗡运转,刺目白光大盛。 Daoist He Shan is standing before magical array at this moment, unemotional looks at present magical array, resembles is waiting for this anything. 阖山道人此刻正站在法阵前,面无表情的看着眼前的法阵,似在等待这什么。 After the moment, white light of transmission array sending out rises to shrink, under rune reappearing from inside to outside, high and low circle to dance in the air, blooms the dazzling ray. 片刻后,传送法阵散发的白光一个涨缩,一圈圈符文由内及外的浮现而出,上下盘旋飞舞之下,绽放出耀眼光芒。 In the ray, high short two person's shadows appear, and after the ray collects, appears true appearance. 光芒之中,一高一矮两个人影浮现而出,并在光芒敛去后,现出真容 The short that person is the black robe bald person old man, both hands recites backwards from the end, somewhat is slightly humpbacked, the height is also less than another person of shoulder, the complexion as if pig iron is dark common, lends not being able to say chill/yin cold aura from top to bottom. 矮的那人是个黑袍秃顶老者,双手倒背,微微有些驼背,身高还不及另一人的肩膀,脸色黝黑仿佛生铁一般,浑身上下散发出一股说不出的阴寒气息。 Another person is the middle-aged man, wears the black robe, the facial features scholarly, is Duan Renli. 另一人是个中年男子,身穿黑袍,面容儒雅,正是段人离 Fellow Daoist Tong, Fellow Daoist Duan, two your honorable self visit, my Boundary Origin Dao Temple today you honor my humble home. So many years have not seen, two were still-elegant, Fellow Daoist Tong as if also cultivation base rose sharply particularly, the reality was may celebrate the matter encouraging!” Daoist He Shan said with a smile toward two people submissively. 童道友,还有段道友,两位大驾光临,我境元观今日可谓蓬荜生辉了。这么多年未见,二位风采依旧,尤其是童道友似乎还修为大涨了,实乃可喜可贺之事!”阖山道人朝二人拱手笑道。 Baldheaded old man Heavenly Ghost Sect another Great Ascension Stage exists, Tong Rene, is not only the Heavenly Ghost Sect cultivation base highest person, in entire Spirit Domain World, can be called is Number One Cultivator. 秃顶老者正是天鬼宗另一大乘期存在,童人垩,不仅是天鬼宗修为最高之人,在整个灵寰界,也称得上是第一修士 However this person is eccentric, year to year does not need in sect within/inner, actually also no one knows in its ordinary day where closed-door cultivation. 不过此人性情孤僻,常年不待在宗内,也无人知道其平日里究竟在何处闭关 The old men nod to Daoist He Shan gently, has said the hello. 老者只是冲阖山道人轻轻点了点头,算是打过了招呼。 Fellow Daoist He Shan .” Duan Renli returns salute to Daoist He Shan, smiles a sound said pale. 阖山道友,久违了。”段人离阖山道人一还礼,淡笑一声道。 Two fellow daoist, here is not the speech place, but also please step side hall.” Daoist He Shan hehe smiled, made the posture of invitation, when later first led the way in front. “两位道友,此处不是说话地方,还请移步偏殿。”阖山道人呵呵一笑,做了个请的姿势,随后当先在前面引路。 After the moment, three people arrive at side hall, divides the guest of honor to take a seat. 片刻后,三人来到一间偏厅,分主宾落座。 Fellow Daoist He Shan, that is Han Li where now?” Tong Rene just sat down, then directly soars the subject. 阖山道友,那个韩立如今身在何处?”童人垩刚一坐下,便直奔主题。 His sound is hoarse, probably the iron sheet friction is ordinary, as if for a long time has not spoken general. 他的声音沙哑刺耳,好像铁片摩擦一般,似乎许久没与人说过话一般。 Is open about the facts two fellow daoist, this Han True Immortal, now in Star-Gathering Platform of my sect. From it, then has not left one step , still has half a year Spring and Autumn Period.” The Daoist He Shan frank said. “不瞒两位道友,这位韩真仙,如今正在敝宗的聚星台中。自其进入后,便未曾离开一步,算起来,至今已有半载春秋了。”阖山道人坦言道。 His solemn can True Immortal, borrow Star-Gathering Platform to have a chart, Fellow Daoist He Shan may know the details?” The Duan Renli facial expression moves, prudent asking. “他堂堂一名真仙,要借用聚星台必有所图,阖山道友可知道底细?”段人离神情一动,慎重的问道。 This point I have also thought that once late at night waited and saw several times distantly, but also makes our sect Integration cultivator the value defend with the name of protector in side day and night. Celestial phenomenon that and initiates from its cultivation situation, should in some cultivation type probably with the aid of power of stars refining up body cultivation technique specially.” Daoist He Shan slightly hesitates, said. “这一点我也想过,曾数次深夜遥遥观望,还让本宗一名合体修士护法之名日夜值守在旁。从其修炼的情形和引发的天象来看,应该是在修炼某种须借助星辰之力的特殊炼体功法。”阖山道人略一沉吟,如此说道。 This person of mortal body originally already inconceivable of tyranical, and can use some strange secret technique, incarnation True Spirit Mountain Giant Ape and Azure Luan. Now also continues the cultivation mortal body, is it possible that this person, is Profound Immortal that flees to lower realm?” Duan Renli seems several points of guess suddenly to say. “此人肉身本已强横的不可思议,且能施展某种古怪秘术,化身真灵山岳巨猿青鸾。如今还继续修炼肉身,莫非此人,是一名逃往下界玄仙?”段人离似有几分恍然的猜测道。 Perhaps. According to Ancestor-Master Jing Ming, under this person of severe wound has lost the immortal body, now will place this strength also to be suppressed big , can only be a demigod.” Nod that Daoist He Shan shows neither approval nor disapproval, said. “或许吧。根据净明祖师所述,此人重伤下早已失去仙体,如今身处本界实力也会受到不小压制,也就只能算是个半仙吧。”阖山道人不置可否的点点头,如此说道。 Even if the demigod, is not ordinary Great Ascension may compare, is more prudent always right.” The Tong Rene sinking sound said. “哪怕是半仙,也绝非普通大乘可比,慎重一些总是没错。”童人垩沉声说道。 Fellow Daoist Tong said is really, this matter was unusual, and involved significantly, being probable found out a sure card to be good, this also why please two come this's reason today.” Daoist He Shan hears word, under grave expression point. 童道友所言甚是,此事非同寻常,且牵涉重大,须得想出一个万全之策才好,这也是为何今日请两位来此的原因了。”阖山道人闻言,神色凝重点下头。 Here after all is the Fellow Daoist He Shan domain, regarding this action thinks that had considered, is willing to hear the respected opinion.” Tong Rene looks to Daoist He Shan, seems saying of profound meaning. “此处毕竟是阖山道友地盘,对于此次行动想必已有所考量,愿闻高见。”童人垩看向阖山道人,似有深意的说道。 Hehe, Fellow Daoist Tong was polite. Is some opinions, but still needs to discuss one or two/just a little with two fellow daoist.” Daoist He Shan smiles. “嘿嘿,童道友客气了。是有些拙见,但仍需要和两位道友商榷一二。”阖山道人嘿嘿一笑。 ...... …… Late at night. 深夜时分。 In Boundary Origin Dao Temple silence reigns, all pavilion garrets cover in the one/1st level/layer dim dim light of night, only Nine Palaces Peak peak bright well-illuminated, just likes the daytime. 境元观内万籁俱寂,所有的亭台阁楼均笼罩在一层朦胧的夜色中,唯独九宫峰峰顶光明通亮,恍若白昼。 Six sturdy incomparable giant light beams dangle from the starry sky, the white light flashes, seems gradually pale, changes to the silver light to dissipate. 六道粗壮无比的巨大光柱从星空垂下,白光闪动间,似乎正在逐渐淡去,化作点点银光消散开来。 On entire Star-Gathering Platform, is filling one piece like the smog silver light scraps/condescend. 整座聚星台上,弥漫着一片如同烟雾般的银色光屑。 stage withstand/top in the ground, Han Li close eyes sits cross-legged, the whole body is translucent, the flesh surface has clear silver light streams to move, on the line distinct muscle, emits the pale silver metallic luster from top to bottom, each muscle seems becomes tenacious like the fine gold. 台顶地面上,韩立闭目盘膝,浑身透亮,肌肤表面有粼粼银光流动,浑身上下线条分明的肌肉上,更是散发出淡银色的金属光泽,每一根筋肉都好似变得如同精金般坚韧无比。 In its chest and belly place, then six groups of blue luminous spot arrangements that appears the colander shape, the twinkle is uncertain, striking exceptionally. 在其胸腹处,则还有六团呈漏勺状的蓝色光点排列,闪烁不定,醒目异常。 In the meantime, six black light six exceedingly high light beams that from will soon be defeated and dispersed completely flies, collects changes into six palm of the hand sizes the plain black mirrors, flies into its within the body, is missing. 就在此时,六道黑光从即将完全溃散的六道通天光柱中一飞而出,一敛的化为六面巴掌大小的古朴黑镜,飞入其体内,不见了踪影。 After long time, Han Li opens both eyes slowly, exhale a long breath. 半晌后,韩立缓缓睁开双目,长出了一口气 Under in addition of Star-Gathering Platform and Star-Gathering Platform liangs rare treasure holds, Little Dipper Essence Technique six/6th level, finally great accomplishment. 聚星台件异宝的加持之下,小北斗星元功六层,终于大成 Also missed one step.” “还差一步了。” Han Li muttered, later stood up, one step stretched across forward. 韩立喃喃自语一声,随后站起身来,一步向前横跨而出。 Only listens to bang a loud sound. 只听“轰”的一声巨响。 Entire Star-Gathering Platform also shakes, his body is also one staggers, was a foot stepped on a hole stone platform unexpectedly, half calf inlaid. 整个聚星台随之一震,他的身子也是不由一个踉跄,竟是一脚将石台踩了个窟窿,半个小腿都嵌了进去。 Han Li sees this, somewhat does not know whether to laugh or cry, has not thought after six/6th level cultivation technique great accomplishment, physical body will have the so obvious change unexpectedly. 韩立见此,不禁有些哭笑不得,没想到第六层功法大成之后,肉体竟然会出现如此明显的变化。 Just now he is only the effort that has not controlled to step on well, deliberately for it, does not have so astonishing destructive power unexpectedly. 方才他只是没有控制好一脚踩下的力度而已,并非刻意为之,居然就已经有了如此惊人的破坏力。 Fortunately was trod the place of breaking by him, not celestial chart array engraves, will not produce anything to affect to the use of Star-Gathering Platform, otherwise, some were actually not good to confess. 所幸被他踏破之处,并无星图阵法镌刻,不会对聚星台的使用产生什么影响,否则的话,倒是有些不好交代了。 with this thought, he puts out a hand to touch the nose. 一念及此,他不由伸手摸了摸鼻子。 Around stage several Boundary Origin Dao Temple elders, after feeling the strenuous vibration, is all startled, later other three people look to that Integration Stage brown robe white Xu old man. 高台四周的几名境元观长老,感受到剧烈震动以后,俱是一怔,随后其余三人纷纷望向那名合体期的褐袍白须的老者。 All right, does not need to care.” white-bearded old man sized up above one slightly, then the lip moves slightly said toward other three people of voice transmission. “没什么事,不必在意。”白须老者只是略微打量了一眼上方,便嘴唇微动的朝其余三人传音道。 Since Han Li comes this cultivation, he endures compared with Great Ascension cultivator high rank strength cultivator artificially regarding this strength is, has almost become accustomed, can the person of self-possessed cultivation under the sweep of such vast huge power of stars, what but also there is cannot achieve? 自从韩立来此修炼之后,他对于这位实力堪比大乘修士高阶力修所做作为,几乎已经习以为常,能在此等浩瀚庞大的星辰之力的笼罩下泰然自若修炼之人,还有什么是做不到的呢? But supreme great elder gives his commanding, closely monitors this person of trend, try not to contact with it. 太上大长老给他的谕令,也只是严密监视此人动向,尽量不要与之接触。 On Star-Gathering Platform, Han Li deeply inspires, the wrist/skill changed, takes out one two chi (0.33 m) to come the long gray shield. 聚星台上,韩立深吸了口气,手腕翻动,取出了一面两尺来长的灰色盾牌。 This shield was also previously in the Heavenly Ghost Sect tangled warfare, that receives conveniently defends magical treasure, which unlucky Void Refinement cultivator as if derives, builds by the flowing light iron all over the body, but also mixed in some refine the crystal, the shield surface inscribed many mysterious rune, above had the flowing light to skid faintly, obviously grade was not low. 此盾也是先前在天鬼宗混战时,随手收起的一件防御法宝,似乎得自于哪个倒霉的炼虚修士,通体以流光铁打造,还掺入了些许炼晶,盾面刻有不少玄奥符文,上面隐隐有流光滑动,显然品阶不低。 He slightly pours into magical power toward the shield , under enabling its superficial miraculous glow to flash, after implication reinforcement restriction all starts, then two shield both sides, in the hand make an effort slightly. 他朝盾中略一注入法力,使其表面灵光闪动下,蕴含的加固禁制悉数启动后,接着两手把住盾牌两端,手上略微用力。 , shield surface miraculous glow one gloomy, are a series of clang clang sound also to resound, under the entire black shield in its rubs, immediately the twist deformation, is ordinary like the clay sculpture, was rubbed one group. “噗”的一声,盾牌表面灵光一黯,接着一连串“锵锵”声随之响起,整块黑色盾牌在其一阵揉搓下,立即扭曲变形,如同泥塑一般,被揉搓成了一团。 Han Li sees this, in heart one happy. 韩立见此,心中一喜。 According to its estimate, before his present strength and mortal body intensity, almost strengthened one time. 按其估计,他如今的力量与肉身强度较之前几乎又增强了一倍之多。 He looked up radiant stars in backdrop, the mood gradually returned to normal, sat above the celestial chart of that Big Dipper, close eyes controlled one's breathing. 他抬头望了一眼天幕中的璀璨星辰,心情逐渐平复,重新坐回了那幅北斗七星的星图之上,闭目调息起来。 Roughly after one double-hour . 约莫一个时辰之后。 Han Li both hands pinch the law to decide, in the mouth starts to recite the Little Dipper Essence Technique seven/7th level mnemonics. 韩立双手掐动法决,口中开始吟诵起小北斗星元功七层口诀。 Big Dipper of vault of heaven deep place, the ray greatly is suddenly bright, sends out is actually different in the blue silver ray of surroundings crowd of stars, and flickers to glitter fiercely. 天穹深处的北斗七星,突然光芒大亮,其中散发出来的却是迥异于周围群星的蓝银色光芒,并且忽明忽暗剧烈地闪烁起来。 This time, in the curtain of night has the entire seven incomparably sturdy silver light beams impressively, just like the essence to let fall generally suddenly, shells suddenly on Star-Gathering Platform. 这一次,夜幕中赫然有整整七道无比粗壮的银色光柱,犹如实质一般骤然垂落下来,猛然轰击在聚星台上。 All celestial charts that on the stage engrave, almost the silver puts simultaneously brilliantly, sparkling stone bright piece. 台上镌刻的所有星图,几乎同时银光大放,莹亮一片。 Looks from afar, the entire stage as if had been constructed by the aluminum paste generally. 远远望去,整个高台仿佛被银浆浇筑过一般。 Only listens to bang a loud sound. 只听“轰隆”一声巨响。 Entire Nine Palaces Peak also shakes suddenly, the big piece silver light sweeps across flowing, power and influence by far beforehand ten times of silver light vortex sweep across, revolves crazily in the stage. 整座九宫峰随之猛然一震,大片银光席卷流动,一股威势远胜之前十倍的银光漩涡席卷而出,在高台上疯狂旋转起来。 Covered that matter protection light cover outside Star-Gathering Platform, was involved by this wild incomparable power of stars, immediately tore the fragment, changed to a golden light to dissipate does not see. 原本笼罩在聚星台外的那层防护光罩,被这狂暴无比的星辰之力卷入进去,顿时撕裂成了碎片,化作点点金光消散不见。 Elder who four guard here unexpected, was swept by the complementary waves of vortex, three Void Refinement elders cannot help but was shaken to fly upside down. 四名镇守此处的长老猝不及防下,被漩涡的余波扫中,其中三名炼虚长老不由自主的被震得倒飞出去。 But that Integration elder after discovering something is not right, one breath wielding several defend magical treasure, fought the impact of this power of stars reluctantly, when he stood firm body figure after void more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) away, looked to the Nine Palaces Peak vision, full was shocks and with amazement. 而那名合体长老在发现不对劲后,一口气祭出数件防御法宝,勉强抵御住了这股星辰之力的冲击,当他在百余丈外的虚空中重新稳住身形后,望向九宫峰的目光中,也满是震惊和骇然了。
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