RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#60: Issuing a warrant for arrest

Han Li goes up step by step along the stone steps, has arrived at top Star-Gathering Platform, in close to center the stage ground, found a celestial chart of Big Dipper. 韩立沿着石阶拾级而上,一直走到聚星台顶部,才在靠近高台正中的地面上,找到了一副北斗七星的星图。 After he slightly sizes up, then sits cross-legged to sit down, raises the head to look at the day, discovered that the backdrop has transferred the dark blue, several point sparse star light, has reappeared faintly in the backdrop. 他略一打量后,便盘膝坐下,仰首望天,发现天幕已经转为深蓝色,几点稀疏的星光,也已隐隐浮现在了天幕中。 He closes both eyes slowly, the static expiration and inspiration gets up. 他缓缓闭上双目,静静吐纳起来。 Roughly after one double-hour . 约莫一个时辰后。 The Han Li eyelid moves slightly, both eyes open, the lip opens lightly, puts out two characters: 韩立眼睑微微一动,双目重新张开,嘴唇轻启,吐出两个字: Starts “开始” Around stage four brown robe old man hears sound, turn the hand to take out a palm of the hand size respectively the milky white wash star stone, before the body on a scoop channel in ground, pressed. 高台周围的四名褐袍老者闻声,各自翻手取出一块巴掌大小的乳白色浣星石,往身前地面上的一处凹槽上,按了下去。 Ka a light sound. “咔”的一声轻响。 Four boulders also disrupt, since white rays are bright from the scoop channel, in the rune scratch along ground winds winding flowing, quick broke in Star-Gathering Platform. 四块圆石同时碎裂,一道道白色光芒从凹槽之中亮起,沿着地面上的符文刻痕蜿蜒曲折的流淌而出,很快就冲入到了聚星台中。 The entire nine/9th level stage the ray greatly is immediately bright, becomes glittering and translucent carving, celestial charts that above engrave are erupt the radiant silver light/only, look at as if micro starry skies from afar, gorgeous. 整个九层高台顿时光芒大亮,变得晶莹剔透,其上镌刻的一幅幅星图更是爆发出璀璨银光,远远望去就仿佛一片微缩星空,绚丽至极。 But at this moment, the star-studded sky also seems like with here scene should mutually with, becoming even more to be bright, the innumerable silver light scraps/condescend sprinkle from the curtain of night, like the pale silver mist, covered Star-Gathering Platform. 而此刻,满天星斗也像是与此处光景相互应和,变得愈加明亮起来,无数银色光屑从夜幕中洒落下来,如同淡银色的薄雾,将聚星台笼罩了进去。 During Han Li places, just like sits cross-legged in everywhere stars, only feels boundless and temperate power of stars lingering all around. 韩立身处其间,犹如盘坐于漫天星辰之中,只觉得一股磅礴而温和的星辰之力萦绕四周。 His mind collects slightly, in the hand magical formula pinches, in the mouth recited in a low voice, revolved silently Little Dipper Essence Technique. 他心神稍敛,手上法诀一掐,口中低声吟诵,默然运转起小北斗星元功来。 Only listens to bang a dull thumping sound. 只听“轰”的一身闷响。 Six water jar thick or thin white light beams let fall from the nighttime sky suddenly, project around Han Li, power of stars is rich, spreads rushes intermittently the fluctuation. 六道水缸粗细的白色光柱从夜空中骤然垂落,投射在韩立四周,其中星辰之力丰沛无比,传出阵阵澎湃波动。 The dense and numerous clear gassed threads drift away from the light beam, stretches suddenly straight, is ordinary like the innumerable steel needles, straight thrust Han Li whole body. 密密麻麻的晶莹光丝从光柱之中游离而出,骤然绷直,如同无数根钢针一般,直刺韩立周身。 Meanwhile, was covering the entire Star-Gathering Platform pale silver mist, receives anything to stimulate probably suddenly general, flows rapidly. 与此同时,原本笼罩着整个聚星台的淡银色薄雾,也像是突然受到什么刺激一般,急速流动起来。 The innumerable silver light scraps/condescend under vigorous reverse, above Star-Gathering Platform, collected a ten-ten feet silver light vortex immediately. 无数银色光屑在一股大力的扭转下,顿时在聚星台上方,汇集成了一道高达十丈的银光漩涡。 In the Han Li heart moves, just now also very temperate power of stars, at this moment unexpectedly suddenly becomes incomparably wild. 韩立心中一动,方才还十分温和的星辰之力,此刻竟突然变得无比狂暴。 After six light beams the vortex covers, immediately the ray rises suddenly, the volume expands several, floods into power of stars, grew several times to continue. 六道光柱被漩涡笼罩进去之后,顿时光芒暴涨,体积扩大数圈,涌入其中的星辰之力,更是增长了数倍不止。 What with this relative is, pain that Han Li bears at this moment, when not at first may compare. 与此相对的是,韩立此刻所承受的痛苦,也绝非最初时可比。 His outside the body clothing was soaked by the blood instantaneously, the stars crystal silk that the capacity for alcohol floods into punctures his skin unceasingly, seeped out blood given strength of silver light vortex, leapt dim blood fog, wrapped the entire body. 他体外衣衫瞬间被鲜血浸透,海量涌入的星辰晶丝不断刺破其皮肤,渗出的血液在银光旋涡之力牵引下,腾起了一片朦胧血雾,包裹住了整个身躯。 Around the Star-Gathering Platform four brown robe old men, all are the mind shake at this moment greatly, they guard here in the long years, how could to have seen so wild power of stars, how could also to have seen the law of so crude filling body? 聚星台周围的四名褐袍老者,此刻皆是心神巨震,他们驻守此处的漫长岁月里,何曾见过如此狂暴的星辰之力,又何曾见过如此粗暴的灌体之法? Even if at this moment is Integration Stage cultivator enters on Star-Gathering Platform, share that perhaps also only then runs about to maintain life. 此刻哪怕是合体期修士进入聚星台上,恐怕也只有疲于保命的份儿。 Han Li that however in the meantime, the whole body has been bathed in blood, the waist shines one group of rays suddenly, the black round mirror rapid flights of six palm of the hand sizes, fly to the surrounding six light beams respectively. 然而就在此时,已经浑身浴血的韩立,腰间忽然亮起一团光芒,六面巴掌大小的黑色圆镜从中疾飞而出,分别飞往周围的六道光柱之中。 The round mirror black air/Qi winds around all around, the model is plain, the mirror surface hidden has rune to flutter, he uses these even-numbered earthly branche stones that must come from Heavenly Ghost Sect, Star Moon Treasure Mirror that refines. 圆镜周遭黑气缭绕,式样古朴,镜面隐有符文飘动,正是他用从天鬼宗得来的那些阴辰石,所炼制出的星月宝镜 Six valuable mirrors just fell decide, mirror surface black light streams transfers, strange rune of ant size wells up crazily, gathers together the thick incomparable radiant light beam, straight directly shoots to nighttime sky. 六面宝镜刚一落定,镜面黑光流转下,一个个蚂蚁大小的诡异符文狂涌而出,汇聚成一道粗大无比的璀璨光柱,直直射向夜空。 Unexpectedly must increase power of stars, but also somewhat is really inconceivable!” That Integration Stage brown robe old man big feeling is astonished, mutters. “居然还要增加星辰之力,还真有些不可思议!”那名合体期的褐袍老者大感惊愕,喃喃自语道。 It finishes barely the words, in the curtain of night six stars rays of Big Dipper rise suddenly suddenly, a radiant silver light/only appear suddenly in void, was similar to Milky Way to hang down general, flowed in that silver vortex turbulently. 其话音未落,夜幕中北斗七星的六颗星辰光芒骤然暴涨,一片璀璨银光突然浮现在虚空中,就如同银河倒垂一般,汹涌地流入了那道银色漩涡内。 ...... …… Six months later, in a Respect Heaven Peak back side of the mountain stone chamber. 半年之后,敬天峰后山一间石室内。 golden robe Daoist He Shan close eyes sits cross-legged to sit in the three/3rd level stage, the hand pinches magical formula, in the mouth chants in a low voice. 一身金袍阖山道人闭目盘膝坐在三层高台上,手掐法诀,口中低吟。 Suddenly, its during technique stop definitely, the whole person stood hastily. 突然间,其手中法决一停,整个人连忙站了起来。 Strange wind appears in the indoor baseless, the place visited, dozens yellow beacon lights in stage shine bunches of flame in abundance, white smoke curls to raise continuously, collected piece of white colored light fog in the midair. 一阵怪风凭空在室内浮现而出,所过之处,高台上的数十盏黄色明灯纷纷亮起一簇簇火苗,一缕缕白烟袅袅升起,在半空中汇集成了一片白色光雾。 Light fog surface fuzzy, appears to wear the lotus flower purple crown, the gray-haired old man form, body figure is not high, the physique is thin, wears an embroidery gold/metal reddish yellow Daoist robe. 光雾表面一阵模糊下,浮现出一个头戴莲花紫冠,须发灰白的老者身影,身形不高,体态消瘦,穿着一件绣金赭黄道袍。 Welcomed Old Ancestor Jing Ming.” Daoist He Shan sees that prostrating oneself that the whole body fat shivers in the place, respectful sound said. “恭迎净明老祖。”阖山道人见状,浑身肥肉颤动的拜倒在地,恭声说道。 Gets up. Today this lord arrives, several things want you to manage.” Purple crown old Daoist wields saying of sleeve robe. “起来吧。今日本座降临,是有几件事情要你去办。”紫冠老道一挥袖袍的说道。 Asked old ancestor to tell.” Daoist He Shan then stands up, is hands tied and vertical. “请老祖吩咐。”阖山道人这才站起身来,束手而立。 Hao Yuan stone quality correct/good that previous you consecrate time, in ten years also needs to collect one batch again.” The purple crown old Daoist instruction said. “上一次你供奉的昊元石品质不错,十年内还需要再收集一批。”紫冠老道吩咐道。 Yes.” “是。” The «Senate Star that this lord created in the past Transfers Profound Merit», now state of mind feeling/reflection is different, made some improvements to cultivation technique, and you take away to post in Scriptures Pavilion......” 本座当年所创的这部《参星转玄功》,如今心境感悟不同,对功法又做了些改进,你且拿去置入藏经阁中……” The purple crown old Daoist lip opens and closes unceasingly, told one after several other important matters, one by one/each that Daoist He Shan is without hesitation should under. 紫冠老道嘴唇不断开合,接连吩咐了数件要事,阖山道人毫不迟疑的一一应下。 End, old Daoist also said: 末了,老道又说道: Moreover, a critical matter, you need do carefully.” “另外,还有一件紧要之事,你需仔细去做。” Daoist He Shan hears word, look with deep veneration looks with rapt attention to old Daoist, awaits calmly the opposite party following instruction. 阖山道人闻言,神色肃然的凝神望向老道,静候对方接下来的吩咐。 The latter sleeve robe wields, on light screen immediately a tremor, one page of rulers big or small gold foil across light screen, before falling gently his body . 后者袖袍一挥,光幕上顿时一阵颤动,一页尺许大小的金箔穿过光幕,飘落到了他身前。 If there is this person of news, immediately reply.” Purple crown old Daoist said with the unquestionable tone. “若有此人消息,立即回禀。”紫冠老道用不容置疑口气说道。 Daoist He Shan both hands receive that page of gold foils, looked with rapt attention, in the vision flashes through amazed. 阖山道人双手接下那页金箔,凝神一看,目光中闪过一丝惊诧。 In that gold foil diagrams a youth image, the appearance is not others, impressively Han Li. 那金箔上绘有一名青年图像,模样不是别人,赫然正是韩立 What's wrong, but why not proper?” Purple crown old Daoist light asking. “怎么,可有何不妥?”紫冠老道淡淡的问道。 Opens reports old ancestor, this person...... this person now in we observe.” Daoist He Shan rushes to reply. “启禀老祖,此人……此人如今就在我们观中。”阖山道人赶忙答道。 You determined that is this person?” The purple crown old Daoist complexion is invariable, language fast faintly quick several points. “你确定就是此人?”紫冠老道面色不变,语速隐隐快了几分。 In picture person stature, although is thinner, but the manner appearance is completely consistent, will not be wrong, is he.” After Daoist He Shan slightly hesitates, assured saying. “画中之人身材虽然削瘦许多,但神态模样却完全一致,绝不会错,就是他。”阖山道人略一沉吟后,笃定的说道。 This person why in my Boundary Origin Dao Temple?” Purple crown old Daoist slight bow, asked. “此人为何会在我境元观中?”紫冠老道微微点点头,又问道。 old ancestor forgives, this person is actually Cold Flame Sect one......” Daoist He Shan first asks for mercy one, later knows the Han Li situation him, said in detail. 老祖恕罪,此人其实是冷焰宗的一名……”阖山道人先告罪一声,随后将他所知韩立的情况,详细说了一遍。 After purple crown old Daoist hear, looks the color of hesitation, long time has not spoken. 紫冠老道听完后,面露沉吟之色,半晌没有说话。 Daoist He Shan frontal eminence some perspire slightly, actually does not dare to say a word, can only calmly wait. 阖山道人额角有些微微出汗,却也不敢做声,只能静静等待。 This person of there's a long story behind this, mostly is Immortal World exiled immortal, now posts a reward in Immortal World with high pay. And do not alert the enemy, waits for the this lord subsequent arrangements. Before then, how regardless of must its keep in my Boundary Origin Dao Temple.” Purple crown old Daoist sincere said. “此人大有来历,多半是仙界谪仙,如今在仙界被人重金悬赏。你且不要打草惊蛇,等本座后续安排。在此之前,无论如何也要将其留在我境元观中。”紫冠老道正色说道。 Compliant.” Daoist He Shan should say immediately. “遵命。”阖山道人立即应道。 ...... …… Immortal World, somewhere not well-known sea area. 仙界,某处不知名海域。 Here sea water presents the strange jet black color, as if the ink is common. The black sea level is limitless, is turbulent, has extended to the field of vision end. 这里的海水呈现出诡异的漆黑颜色,仿佛墨汁一般。黑色海面无边无际,波涛汹涌,一直延伸到视野尽头。 Sky over Black Sea, float about hundred black mountain peaks, above is towering octagonal black great towers to construct. 黑海上空,悬浮着近百座黑色山峰,上面耸立着一座座八角黑色巨塔建筑。 Although these great towers are high and short, high is ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) fully, short only has the hundred zhang (333 m), but the contour, is completely without exception exactly the same, is all over the body jet black, octagonal upturned eave. 虽然这些巨塔又高又矮,高的足有万丈,矮的只有百丈,但外形无一例外,全部一模一样,通体漆黑,八角飞檐。 A main hall in small-scale black tower peak, old Daoist that wears the purple crown sits cross-legged to sit before a square shape altar, is Daoist Master Jing Ming. 一座小型黑塔顶端的大殿,一个头戴紫冠的老道盘膝坐在一个方形法坛前,正是净明真人 In altar float white array, sends out the bright white light. 法坛上悬浮着一个白色阵法,散发出明亮的白光。 old Daoist waves to make magical formula, white array immediately stops revolving together, the white light is fast gloomy. 老道挥手打出一道法诀,白色阵法立即停止运转,白光飞快暗淡。 Afterward his visual front, motionless, the look is actually glittering unceasingly, as if in hesitant anything. 随后他目视前方,一动不动,眼神却在不断闪烁,似乎在犹豫什么。 Long time later, old Daoist clenches teeth, as if made a decision, turns the hand to take out a thumb size the crystal bead, glittering and translucent carving, before float body that throws. 良久之后,老道一咬牙,似乎做出了一个决定,翻手取出一颗拇指大小的水晶珠子,晶莹剔透,一抛的悬浮身前。 As magical formula submerges together, the bead surface leaps many housefly sizes immediately crystal rune, condenses a ruler big or small magical array, gently revolving. 随着一道法诀没入,珠子表面顿时腾起许多蚊蝇般大小的水晶符文,凝聚成一个尺许大小的法阵,轻轻旋转。 Each breath time, magical array then has fluctuated. 每过一息时间,法阵便波动一下。 Time points pasts, passed the quarter of an hour, magical array also had no change. 时间一点点过去,足足过了一刻钟,法阵也没有任何变化。 On the old Daoist face does not have not to bear, calms the mind to wait. 老道脸上没有丝毫不耐,静心等待着。 Also passed half quarter, magical array then suddenly one bright, jet black villain/tiny person virtual image appears in inside, is a black robe man, the volume wide face is extravagant, but shape such as punt-pole wood, complexion wax yellow, a terminally-ill appearance. 又过了半刻钟,法阵这才忽的一亮,一个漆黑小人虚影出现在里面,却是一名黑袍男子,额宽脸阔,但形如槁木,面色蜡黄,一副病入膏肓的模样。 Rogue Master Gu Yan, the millenniums has not seen, the fellow daoist seems like the elegant demeanor as before.” Daoist Master Jing Ming holds the fist in the other hand to cup one hand in the other across the chest, on the face shows the genial smile. 骨焰散人,千年未见,道友看起来风采依旧呀。”净明真人抱拳拱手,脸上露出和煦的笑容。 Old Daoist Jing Ming, has anything to make a long story short.” Rogue Master Gu Yan has no good complexion facing old Daoist, some impatient appearance. 净明老道,有什么事情长话短说。”骨焰散人面对老道却没有什么好脸色,有些不耐烦的样子。 Doesn't know the fellow daoist to be possible now in Black Water City? This poor Daoist here may have a greatest chance.” The Daoist Master Jing Ming smile receives, somewhat said mysterious. “不知道友如今可在黑水城?贫道这里可有个莫大机缘。”净明真人笑容一收,有些神秘兮兮地说道。 You, and mentioned listens.” The Rogue Master Gu Yan look is invariable, light saying. “你且说来听听。”骨焰散人神色不变,淡淡的说道。 „The Ten Regions Pavilion warrant for arrest, did the fellow daoist also receive?” Daoist Master Jing Ming said slowly. 十方楼的通缉令,想必道友也收到了吧?”净明真人缓缓说道。 what is this meaning? Is it possible that do you have on the warrant for arrest that person of news?” Rogue Master Gu Yan eyebrow slightly raise. 这是什么意思?莫非你有通缉令上那人的消息?”骨焰散人眉头微微一挑 Right, that person at this moment in Spirit Domain World!” In the Daoist Master Jing Ming eye none flashes, stuns the world. “没错,那人此刻就在灵寰界!”净明真人眼中精光一闪,语出惊人。 „Do this words take seriously?” Some Rogue Master Gu Yan complexion meanings move, the quite prudent confirmation said. “此话当真?”骨焰散人面色有些意动,颇为慎重的确认道。 Is is really false, the fellow daoist only need contact the lower realm disciple, quick then can know.” Daoist Master Jing Ming touches the chin, saying of assuming an air of self approbation. “是真是假,道友只需联络下界弟子,很快便能知道了。”净明真人一摸下巴,摇头晃脑的说道。 Listens to your meaning, is it possible that wants......” the Rogue Master Gu Yan eye brightly slightly one. “听你的意思,莫非是要……”骨焰散人眼睛微微一亮。 correct/good. That person hides in this unexpectedly, this is once in a thousand years good opportunity. Your my two catch it jointly, divides equally the Ten Regions Pavilion reward, how?” Daoist Master Jing Ming smiles saying. 不错。那人竟躲在此界,这可是千载难逢的良机。你我两宗联手将其擒住,平分十方楼的报酬,如何?”净明真人嘿嘿一笑的说道。
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