RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#59: Taking advantage of star stage

Several days later, Rising Cloud Peak half way up the mountain, in a cave mansion garden. 数日之后,出云峰山腰,一处洞府花园中。 Flesh wins the snow, the appearance elegant palace clothing young girl, is falling behind following of Half Step in a tall white clothing beautiful woman behind, slowly however is good. 一名肌肤胜雪,容貌秀美的宫装少女,正落后半步的跟在一名身材高大的白衣美妇身后,缓缓而行。 They are not others, is Yu Menghan and Gu Yunyue priest and disciple. 她们不是别人,正是余梦寒古韵月师徒二人。 Now recalled that you said initially, this Elder Han status origin also is really a riddle. Initially the line, observed its all sorts of demeanors for the master, had made the biggest prediction, cannot think that underestimated him greatly.” Gu Yunyue smiles bitterly, said. “如今回想你当初所言,这位韩长老的身份来历还真是个谜。当初一路行来,为师观其种种举止言行,本已做了最大预测,想不到还是大大低估了他。”古韵月苦笑一声,说道。 Does not know when I can be his such level.” Yu Menghan sighed spookily, in the eye reveals a yearning color. “也不知,我何年何月才能达到他那样的层次。”余梦寒幽幽的叹息了一声,眼中露出一丝向往之色。 Humanity is remote, an immortal luxuriance, by limited lives to enquire the immortal saying that was the action of going against heaven's will. Not only need look at the aptitude, what are more is the chance good fortune, why this is also light Foundation Establishment this step, many poor its life are also not necessarily able to achieve, let alone following Golden Core Formation. For master cultivation until now 500 years of spring and autumn, at Nascent Soul Intermediate Stage hundred years, another day the advancement Divine Transformation boundary or also the ray of hopes, higher first-order Void Refinement is uncertain. Is apart from immortal way only one pace the boundary of Great Ascension as for that naturally wants unable to think.” The Gu Yunyue footsteps stop, look up the day, somewhat loses the Shintoism slightly. “人道渺渺,仙道莽莽,以有限之生求问仙道,本就属逆天之举。不仅要看资质,更多的是机缘造化,这也是为何光筑基这一步,许多人穷其一生也未必能够达成,更何况后面的凝结金丹了。为师修行至今已五百余载春秋,处在元婴中期已百年有余,他日进阶化神境或还有一线希望,更高一阶的炼虚则是渺茫之极。至于那距仙途仅一步之遥的大乘之境,自然是想也不敢想了。”古韵月脚步一停,抬头望天,略微有些失神道。 Yu Menghan hears word, the mind also somewhat surges, in the eye cannot help but appears a low-spirited color. 余梦寒闻言,心神也有些激荡,眼中不由得浮现出一丝黯然之色。 The beautiful women take back the line of sight to look to the palace clothing female, shakes the head to say with a smile: 美妇收回视线看向宫装女子,摇头笑道: Master limited to aptitude, if no special chance, achievement mostly also so. Menghan you, carry the spirit body physique actually, the perception is extremely also high, crosses the threshold for short two years Foundation Establishment to succeed, if nothing unexpected happens, the achievement for the master above, not necessarily cannot be the Void Refinement above level in the future surely.” “师父受限于资质,若无特别机缘,成就多半也就如此了。倒是梦寒你,身负灵体体质,悟性又极高,入门短短两年就已筑基成功,如无意外,未来成就必定在为师之上,未必不能达到炼虚以上的层次。” Depends on the teacher to teach devotedly, does not hesitate to bestow many precious medicine pill, Menghan is deeply grateful.” Yu Menghan said heartfeltly. “多赖师尊悉心教导,不惜赐下许多珍贵丹药,梦寒感激不尽。”余梦寒由衷说道。 Thanks to Elder Han, in the future, you do not need to be worried about the medicine pill resources the issue.” Gu Yunyue beckons with the hand , to continue to say. “托韩长老的福,今后很长一段时间内,你都无需担心丹药资源的问题了。”古韵月摆了摆手,继续说道。 Yu Menghan hears word, beautiful pupil immediately one bright. 余梦寒闻言,美眸顿时一亮。 On the other hand , the master had also once visited Elder Han one time in the two years, but his cave mansion region has been incorporated into the gate now the restricted area, wants to visit is not impossible with the lingering fear again.” Gu Yunyue said, sighs, among the looks has some regrets. “话说回来,这两年间,师父还曾拜访过韩长老一次,可如今他的洞府区域已经被划归成了门中禁地,以后怕是再想登门就根本不可能了。”古韵月说罢,叹了一口气,神色间多有一些遗憾。 ...... …… In a while, on Cold Flame Sect Rising Cloud Peak received rogue cultivator to take the outer gate disciple suddenly, its aptitude was average, the age is heavy, only had Core Formation Stage, at all not compound recruitment condition, therefore in the disciple, caused big mighty waves suddenly. 没过多久,冷焰宗出云峰上突然收了一名散修作为外门弟子,其资质平平,年纪已不轻,却只有结丹期,根本不复合招收条件,故而一时间在弟子之中,引起了一阵不小的波澜。 Until the people knew afterward, this personal name is Bai Shi (white stone), with that Elder Han some old friends, this matter gradually subsides unexpectedly, and starts to have the person unceasingly, even the cultivation base far surpass in its his peak elder, shows good will. 直到后来众人得知,这人名为白石,竟与那位韩长老有些故旧,此事才逐渐平息下去,并开始不断有人,甚至修为远超于其的他峰长老,向其示好起来。 Naturally this was something to be talked about later. 当然这都是后话了。 Crosses in a hurry moon/month. 匆匆又过月余。 As the Respect Heaven Peak back side of the mountain of Boundary Origin Dao Temple prominent peak, the deep blue such as the oval-shape puddle of emerald, in the deep pool the spiritual energy is rich, is dense the one/1st level/layer white thick fog, floats above the water surface, middle often has shining plump carp fish dives to have the water surface. 作为境元观主峰的敬天峰后山,有一泓碧如翡翠的椭圆形水潭,潭中灵气浓郁,氤氲出一层白色浓雾,浮在水面之上,当中不时有一尾尾金灿灿的肥硕鲤鱼跃出水面。 On rock and lawn of deep pool edge, then ten several bursting with life pill go against the immortal crane necking to play, spirit grass that pecks the food ground scattered in disorder growth, often raising head happy cry several. 潭边的岩石和草地上,则有十数只神采奕奕的丹顶仙鹤交颈嬉戏,啄食地上散乱生长的灵草,不时仰头欢鸣几声。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! The purple escaping light from the upper air flashes together suddenly, but, landed on deep pool edge. 一道紫色遁光忽然从高空中一闪而至,降落在了潭边。 The ray goes pale, appears one to wear the gold crown, wears the big man of purple bottom gold/metal mark Daoist robe, the seemingly 40 - 50 appearance, on the face gathers three wisps of black to steadily, quite somewhat deity elegant demeanor. 光芒淡去,现出一名头戴金冠,身着紫底金纹道袍的高大男子,看起来四五十模样,脸上蓄着三缕黑色长须,颇有几分神仙风采。 It just fell decides, sized up by a lower part of the body crane group slightly, then carries over another side of the vision the puddle, that azure black stone wall that is covered with the moss. 其刚一落定,略微打量了一下身旁的鹤群,便将目光移向水潭另一边,那面长满苔藓的青黑石壁。 Sees only in his sleeve the palm to turn, Voice Transmission Talisman then whiz, projects his sleeve cuff, flew into that facing stone wall, is hidden does not see. 只见他袖中手掌一翻,一枚传音符便“嗖”的一下,射出他的袖口,飞入了那面石壁中,隐没不见。 A moment later, in stone wall the one/1st level/layer pale gold/metal light screen appears easely, reveals together a person of high cave entrance. 片刻之后,石壁上一层淡金光幕悠然浮现,从中露出一道一人高的洞口。 Purple robe Daoist priest not hesitant, body figure flashes, then flew into cave entrance. 紫袍道士没有犹豫,身形一闪,便飞入了洞口之中。 In the stone wall, is an area very broad stone chamber. 石壁之内,是一间面积十分宽广的石室。 Center the indoor has the three/3rd level stage, on each one/1st level/layer carved completely the mysterious chart mark, above is also suspending modeling strange yellow beacon lights densely and numerously, constituted strange great array, spread the intermittent remarkable spirit strength fluctuation. 室内正中有三层高台,每一层上都刻满了玄妙图纹,上面还密密麻麻地摆着一盏盏造型奇异的黄色明灯,彼此之间构成了一个奇异大阵,从中传出阵阵惊人的灵力波动。 The stage topmost level center, wears the golden yellow width robe, said the mind/bosom obese man to sit cross-legged on the rush cushion, looked at as if a small-scale meat mountain from afar. 高台最高层中央,一名身着金黄宽袍,坦露着胸怀的肥胖男子盘坐于蒲团上,远远望去就仿佛一座小型肉山。 supreme great elder, that side Cold Flame Sect sends the news today, said that Elder Han wants to borrow us to observe Star-Gathering Platform cultivation, and pledged to respond with the great benefit. Whether we......” purple robe Daoist priest salute to „the meat mountain, said respectfully. 太上大长老,今日冷焰宗那边送来消息,称那位韩长老想要借用我们观中的聚星台修炼,并承诺将报以厚利。我们是否……”紫袍道士冲着“肉山”施了一礼,恭敬说道。 The shape such as the golden robe man of meat mountain, on the face the fat trembles, without the reply, instead the leisure opens the mouth said: Before made you arrange to investigate the matter of this person of status origin, how?” 形如肉山的金袍男子,脸上肥肉一颤,没有回答,反而慢条斯理的开口说道:“之前让你安排调查此人身份来历之事,如何了?” The sound is exceptionally loud and clear, humming sound reverberation in stone chamber. 声音异常洪亮,在石室之中“嗡嗡”回荡。 Only knows this person of two years ago suddenly appears in Abundance Nation, afterward shortly after entered Cold Flame Sect to become Outer Sect Elder, but has been in this period low-key, has not spread slightly exceptionally, we bury in Cold Flame Sect the dark child, after Heavenly Ghost Sect has an accident, knows has such a person.” Purple robe Daoist priest is hesitating replying. “只知此人两年前突然出现在丰国,后来没多久就进入了冷焰宗成为一名外门长老,不过期间一直颇为低调,未传出丝毫异常,以至于我们埋在冷焰宗中暗子,也是在天鬼宗出事之后,才知道有这么一号人的。”紫袍道士沉吟着答道。 „, I, if Sima Jingming that old fox, will definitely also block off this person of flow of news strictly. Recently that side Heavenly Ghost Sect trend how?” The golden robe man also asked. “罢了,我若是司马镜明那个老狐狸,肯定也会严密封锁此人消息。最近天鬼宗那边动向如何?”金袍男子又问道。 Entire Heavenly Ghost Sect after this matter, the disciple disciple handles affairs becomes very low-key, had not disclosed slightly the least bit is discontented, appearance that or wants to retaliate.” Purple robe Daoist priest thinks to say. “整个天鬼宗在此事之后,门人弟子行事变得十分低调,丝毫没有透露出半点不满,或是想要报复的样子。”紫袍道士想了想说道。 „The disposition of that two old ghost haven't I known? Is the generations of seeking revenge for the slightest grievance, will not swallow an insult, watching changes quietly is.” The golden robe man laughs at one, obviously some do not believe. “那两个老鬼的脾性我还不知道?都是睚眦必报之辈,绝不会就这么忍气吞声的,静观其变就是。”金袍男子嗤笑一声,显然有些不信。 That borrows the matter of Star-Gathering Platform......” purple robe Daoist priest to ask scruple. “那借用聚星台之事……”紫袍道士迟疑问道。 Since the opposite party has the strength of Great Ascension level, is naturally unsuitable to split, for the time being first complies.” After golden robe man silent one next, said. “既然对方有大乘级的实力,自然不便交恶,姑且先答应下来吧。”金袍男子沉默了一下后,说道。 The purple robe Daoist priest brow is tight, after hesitant moment, said: 紫袍道士眉头紧蹙,犹豫片刻后,说道: Is open about the facts first elder, in the view several Supreme Elder somewhat worried, for fear that after this person enters Star-Gathering Platform cultivation one, on the strength one/1st level/layer building, our Boundary Origin Dao Temple must also be depressed one by Cold Flame Sect again when the time comes. Moreover, starts the consumption of Star-Gathering Platform to wash star stone to be really big, we are used to train in the view the elite disciple to plan carefully, if wastes on the bystander, is really somewhat a pity......” “不瞒大长老,观内几位太上长老对此有些担忧,生怕此人进入聚星台修炼一番之后,实力会再上一层楼,到时候我们境元观就要被冷焰宗也压下一头了。另外,开启聚星台对浣星石的消耗实在不小,我们用来培养观中精锐弟子本就要精打细算,若是浪费在外人身上,实在有些可惜……” „Did joke, to the Great Ascension level, where the strength promote is so easy? However, since he must use, the consumption that then needs naturally cannot bear by us, was doubled to compensate completely by their Cold Flame Sect.” The golden robe man smiles lightly, saying of thinking little. “笑话,到了大乘层次,实力提升哪有那么容易?不过,他既然要使用,那么所需的消耗自然不能由我们负担,全部由他们冷焰宗加倍补偿好了。”金袍男子淡淡一笑,不以为意的说道。 Yes!” Purple robe Daoist priest should say respectfully. “是!”紫袍道士恭敬应道。 ...... …… Two months later, Boundary Origin Dao Temple. 两个月之后,境元观 In appearance of the mountain continuous verdant mountain ranges, thousand peak Jingxiu, flowing the cloud are indistinct, in the air often has the immortal crane spirit bird to fly over, presents a school of celestial mountain blessed land imposing manner. 一片山势连绵的青翠山脉间,千峰竞秀,流云飘渺,空中不时有仙鹤灵禽飞越,呈现出一派仙山福地的气势。 In the middle of the group peak, the palatial great peaks reach to the sky, other far surpass surrounding mountain peaks. 群峰正当中处,有一巍峨巨峰高耸入云,远超周围其他山峰。 Above the peak the giant stone folds tired, the spiritual energy fills the air, does not have too many vegetation to cover, right in the middle has a nine/9th level stage, the shape such as the round tower, the shining white, as if beautiful jade writes in an ornate style all over the body. 峰顶之上巨石累叠,灵气弥漫,却无太多植被覆盖,正当中处有一个九层高台,状如圆塔,通体莹白,仿佛美玉雕砌而成。 Around the stage, brown robe old man both eyes shut tightly respectively, sit cross-legged to sit alone in boredom. 高台四周,各有一名褐袍老者双目紧闭,盘膝枯坐。 Close to at dusk, the setting sun afterglow scatters slantingly , the direct lighting results on the summit rock to send out the red-orange soft light, reflects above the white jade stage, reflects an intoxicated strange multi-colored sunlight. 临近傍晚时分,夕阳的余晖斜撒而下,直照得山顶岩石上散发出橘红色的柔光,映在白玉高台之上,折射出一片令人心醉的奇异霞光。 At this time, in the distant place upper air, two rainbow light sped away suddenly hand in hand, but, fell under the white jade stage, revealed fat thin two person's shadows. 这时,远处高空之中,忽然有两道虹光联袂疾驰而至,落在了白玉高台下方,露出一胖一瘦两道人影 Sat alone in boredom the brown robe old man around stage, sets out in abundance, arrives by two people, to that fat such as the golden robe man of meat mountain, the look salutes respectful and prudent, called out with one voice: 原本枯坐在高台四周的褐袍老者,纷纷起身,来到两人身旁,冲其中那名胖如肉山的金袍男子,神色恭谨地施了一礼,齐声叫道: See supreme great elder.” “参见太上大长老。” Then, several people of vision move, high and low took a look at side a golden robe man that strange youth. 说罢,几人目光微移,上下打量了一下金袍男子身旁的那名陌生青年。 This person is tall, the appearance is ordinary, naturally comes to borrow Star-Gathering Platform Han Li. 此人身材高大,容貌普通,自然正是前来借用聚星台韩立 The golden robe man lays out the rush-leaf fan big hand, has not spoken. 金袍男子摆了摆蒲扇般的大手,并未说话。 That four people are understanding immediately, no longer spoken language drew back, sat returned to the original position. 那四人立即会意,不再言语的退了下去,坐回到了原来的位置。 Fellow Daoist Han, their four people are this Star-Gathering Platform the people of guarding, although only then Integration cultivator, other three people are Void Refinement, but coordinates for many years, is of one mind, has them for the fellow daoist your protector, may guarantee absolutely safe.” The golden robe man voice is loud and clear, the smile said. 韩道友,他们四人是这聚星台的镇守之人,虽然只有一名合体修士,其余三人都是炼虚,但彼此之间配合多年,心有灵犀,有他们为道友你护法,可保万无一失。”金袍男子声音洪亮,微笑说道。 In the Han Li heart naturally does not hope the person of Boundary Origin Dao Temple from side protector, but also knows that this is unable the matter of rejection, on the face the happy expression not to reduce, said: That many thanks Fellow Daoist He Shan.” 韩立心中自然是不希望有境元观之人从旁护法,但也知道这是无法拒绝之事,脸上笑意不减,说道:“那就多谢阖山道友了。” Curtain of night, will not delay Fellow Daoist Han cultivation. If there are other needs, although opens the mouth to that several people.” The golden robe man looked up a weather, said. “夜幕将至,就不耽搁韩道友修炼了。若有其他需要,尽管向那几人开口。”金袍男子抬头望了一眼天色,如此说道。 Then, it slightly cups one hand in the other across the chest to Han Li, then turns around to change to the flying rainbow to depart, vanishes without the trace in a flash. 说罢,其向韩立略一拱手,便转身化作飞虹离去,转瞬间消失无踪。 After Han Li gazes after the opposite party departs, after the vision four sweep, before turning around to arrive at the Star-Gathering Platform steps, sharply has not been ascending the step on. 韩立目送对方离去后,目光四下一扫后,转身来到聚星台的阶梯前,并未急着登阶而上。 Around stage several people, then has pinched magical formula fast, in the mouth also hears the sound of intermittent recitation. 高台四周的几人,则已经飞快掐起法诀,口中也传来阵阵吟诵之声。 As four person next secret rune shine, camouflaged entire Star-Gathering Platform golden light screen appear out of thin air together. 随着四人身下一圈圈隐秘符文亮起,一道遮蔽了整个聚星台的金色光幕凭空浮现了出来。 Meanwhile, a person of high narrow entrance, appeared before the Han Li body. 与此同时,一个一人高的狭窄入口,也出现在了韩立身前。 In his eye the blue glow flashes to pass, detects the present light screen, although the spirit strength does not fluctuate weakly, but after also protects kind of magical array, the stride stepped, walked. 他眼中蓝芒一闪而逝,发觉眼前的光幕虽然灵力波动不弱,但也只是防护一类法阵后,大步一跨,走了进去。 The Han Li side enters, that light screen entrance closes immediately, subsequently integrates in the air, vanishes does not see. 韩立方一进入,那道光幕入口随即闭合,继而融入空气中,消失不见。 Steps the stair, a strange spirit strength fluctuation, from transmits immediately in all directions. 踏上台阶,一股奇异的灵力波动,立即从四面八方传递过来。 In Han Li heart slightly different, the vision looks. 韩立心中微异,目光四下望去。 Sees only the under foot stone steps with the surrounding ground, covered entirely the tiny pits densely and numerously, if carefully did not look, will not notice. 只见脚下石阶与周围地面上,密密麻麻布满了细小的坑洼,若不仔细去看,根本不会注意到。 He at the spirit eye staring moment, bottom of discovery these pits has the weak silver light flash to move, bathes unexpectedly year after year in the trace that in power of stars stays behind. 他以灵目凝视片刻,就发现那些坑洼底部有微弱银光闪动,竟是常年累月沐浴在星辰之力中所留下的痕迹。 Above the Star-Gathering Platform ground, then also engraves the design that many circles and lines link, some 35 first even/including is extremely simple, ten several first even/including, is complicated-looking, but also some, then the connection constitutes one well character...... 聚星台的地面之上,则还镌刻有许多圆圈和线条链接起来的图案,有的三五个一连极其简单,有的则十数个一连,造型复杂,还有的则连接构成一个“井”字…… Han Li walks upwardly, has read scribing, gradually understands, these designs all the celestial chart that deals with the space group astrology and physiognomy. 韩立一路向上走去,看过一幅幅刻图,逐渐明白过来,这些图案全都是与天上群星相应对的星图。
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