RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#58: it would be disrespectful to decline

pū pū! 噗噗噗! Azure marks appear in the scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost body week, circles regarding him fast, forms a huge incomparable azure silkworm cocoon indistinctly, azure marks keep cutting in its, the blood splashes crazily. 一道道青痕出现在赤血天鬼身周,围绕着他飞快盘旋,隐约形成一个巨大无比的青色蚕茧,一道道青痕不停斩在其身上,鲜血狂溅。 Heavenly Ghost both hands wave crazily, actually radically futile, body then not much flesh were stirred again broken, was blown to fly quickly. 天鬼双手疯狂舞动,却根本徒劳无功,身上原本便不多的血肉再次被搅碎,很快被吹飞。 But often he wants to draw support from the strength of under bloodshed to restore, is actually blocked. 而每每他想要借助下方血海之力恢复,却总是被阻断。 Comes since Azure Luan, the when times of 2-3 breath, he had turned into previously presents from the bloodshed the appearance impressively again, is only left over a huge incomparable blood-color skeleton skeleton, besides the head, in the body flesh does not have. 青鸾现身至今,前后不过2-3个呼吸的工夫,他已赫然再次变成了先前从血海中出现时的模样,只剩下一具巨大无比的血色骸骨骷髅,除了头颅外,身躯上一丝血肉也无。 But the distant place wells up these blood ghosts who come like the colony crazily, because actually loses the magical power in addition to hold, not and flies then the direct collapse to disintegrate. 而远处如蜂群般狂涌而来的那些血鬼,却因为失去法力加持,未及飞到便直接崩溃瓦解开来。 Hateful!” “可恶!” The Heavenly Ghost skeleton angrily roars, the giant skeleton revolves turning round in the midair, planned that wants reckless waiting for an opportunity to dive under. 天鬼骷髅怒吼一声,巨大的骸骨在半空滴溜溜旋转起来,打算要不顾一切的伺机俯冲而下。 Finally Azure Luan melts the virtual image circling speed to be getting quicker and quicker, the azure mark that the midair presents are also getting more and more, Heavenly Ghost is not only unable to fall, faintly also by innumerable azure marks strong winds pick up, flies toward the upper air. 结果青鸾所化虚影盘旋速度越来越快,半空出现的青痕也越来越多,天鬼非但无法落下,隐隐还被无数青痕所化的一股狂风托起,朝着高空飞去。 Keng clang sound erupted! “铿铿”之声大作 Azure marks chop to cut on the blood-color skeleton, sends out the rain to hit the Japanese banana crowded sound, enables the skeleton surface blood light to have the potential of weakening unexpectedly faintly. 一道道青痕纷纷劈斩在血色骸骨上,发出雨打芭蕉般的密集声响,竟使得骸骨表面血光隐隐有减弱之势。 As a thick mayflower glorybower mark has cut, Kā chā a light sound, a Heavenly Ghost section of small arm skeleton appears finally together the tiny fissure. 随着一道粗大青痕斩过,“咔嚓”一声轻响,天鬼一截小臂骸骨终于浮现出一道细小裂痕。 Stop, I admit defeat!” “住手,我认输!” The Heavenly Ghost skeleton both eyes blood light shrinks, suddenly shout loudly. 天鬼骷髅双目血光一缩,蓦然大喝出声 The azure shadow that the surroundings circle rapidly hears this words, stopped, in appears azure giant bird that beyond more than ten zhang (3.33 m) collects, the spacious both wings receive, both eyes blue light bright is staring at the Heavenly Ghost skeleton. 周围迅疾盘旋的青影听闻此话,停了下来,在十余丈外一敛的现出一只青色巨禽,宽大双翅一收,双目蓝光炯炯的盯着天鬼骷髅。 The innumerable azure marks dissipate immediately, everywhere strong winds also stand still slowly! 无数青痕顿时消散,漫天狂风也缓缓停歇! The Heavenly Ghost skeleton sees this, this loose light spits the one breath, the body flies to shoot to go toward the bloodshed immediately, and submerges. 天鬼骷髅见此,这才一松的轻吐一口气,身躯立刻朝着血海飞射而去,并“噗”的一声没入其中。 A moment later, a black robe form flies to shoot, is Duan Renli. 片刻之后,一个黑袍身影从中飞射而出,正是段人离 He at this moment is pale, the facial features appear intermittently several points of thin and pale color, obviously a war, the vitality loss are just now many. 此刻的他脸色苍白,面容隐现几分憔悴之色,显然方才一战,元气损耗不少。 Azure Luan sees this, the body azure light flashes, the huge body reduces fast, appeared Han Li body figure. 青鸾见此,身上青光一闪,巨大身躯飞快缩小,现出了韩立身形 Two people line of sight looks mutually. 两人视线互望。 On the Han Li face has a smile, the Duan Renli complexion is somewhat ugly. 韩立脸上含笑,段人离脸色有些难看。 ...... …… In demon flame valley. 魔焰谷内。 A mountain valley corner/horn, the purple fine beard man and other Integration Stage cultivator get together in this, the Liu Le'er week was covered by the silver flame, stands in mountain valley another end. 山谷一角,紫髯男子等四名合体期修士齐聚于此,柳乐儿周被银色火焰笼罩,站在山谷另一端。 Several people look up the midair. 几人都抬头望着半空。 There one group almost camouflages sky over the entire canyon huge blood cloud tumbling, a giant blood streamer in partly visible, the ups and downs are uncertain, blood optical transmission that often absorb the person heart and soul. 那里一团几乎遮蔽整座峡谷上空的巨大血云翻滚,其中一杆巨大血幡在其中若隐若现,沉浮不定,不时有一道道摄人心魄的血光透射而出。 A Liu Le'er face is anxious, whole face tense color. 柳乐儿一脸焦急,满脸紧张之色。 Purple fine beard man and the others seem like is quite relaxed, often has the vision of harboring evil intentions to sweep off toward the young girl locale, stirring up this female look is even more anxious. 紫髯男子等人看起来却颇为轻松,不时有不怀好意的目光朝少女所在处扫去,惹得此女神色愈发不安。 This scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost streamer of power, they in high rank cultivator as the sect, are well aware. 这杆赤血天鬼幡的威能之强,他们身为宗内高阶修士,都是心知肚明的。 this treasure streamer inheritance to Heavenly Ghost Sect in the past one of the ascended Immortal World old ancestor, Old Ancestor Gu Yan, seal Heavenly Ghost it is reported that is it upper realm immortal fallen that grasps from the place of Netherworld Ghost King, is the continuation in supreme great elder, usually raised to consecrate with oneself essence and blood, in this period also had been through repeatedly does not know that many time special essence and blood fining, is not ordinary magical treasure can compare. 此宝幡传承至天鬼宗当年飞升仙界老祖之一,骨焰老祖,其中封印着的天鬼据传乃是其从幽冥之地抓来的一只上界仙人陨落所化的鬼王,代代相传于太上大长老,平素用自身精血豢养供奉,期间还历经不知多少次的特殊精血精炼,已不是普通法宝所能比拟。 The Duan Renli strength, in Spirit Domain World many Great Ascension Stage cultivator, can only medium, however in this blood streamer space, actually is completely another scene. 段人离的自身实力,在灵寰界的诸多大乘期修士中,只能算中等,但是在这血幡空间中,却完全是另一幅景象了。 Even if that Han Li the magical powers, the mortal body were intrepid, but by the instance of received into blood streamer space, the victory and defeat had almost then been doomed. 那个韩立纵然神通了得,肉身强悍之极,但被收入血幡空间的瞬间,胜负便几乎已注定了。 almost/the same has half double-hour. Perhaps that Han Li has become the Heavenly Ghost blood food at this moment, this small monster fox looks is really an eyesore, might as well kill.” The purple fine beard man turns the head to look to Liu Le'er of distant place, opens the mouth to say slowly. “已经差不多有半个时辰了。那个韩立此刻恐怕已成为了天鬼的血食,这个小妖狐看着实在碍眼,不如就此杀了吧。”紫髯男子转头看向远处的柳乐儿,缓缓开口道。 Han Li not only seized his rare treasure, he but who also harms loses face in front of Duan Renli, he self-examined that is unable to ask to Han Li, naturally vented anger in Liu Le'er. 韩立不仅夺了他的一件异宝,还害的他在段人离面前出丑,他自问无法向韩立讨回来,自然就迁怒于柳乐儿了。 Elder Lu is patient, in my opinion, waits for uncle-master to come out, asking him to decide.” The beautiful female slightly hesitates, said. 卢长老稍安勿躁,依我之见,还是等师叔出来,请他定夺吧。”美艳女子略一沉吟,如此说道。 „The poem yi fairy maiden said correct/good. I just observed, this small monster fox silver flame no small matter, can swallow including nine Heavenly demon flame, seems like some variation real flame, I and others wait again.” Humpbacked old man saying of looking pensive. “诗旖仙子所言不错。我刚观察了一下,这小妖狐身旁的银焰非同小可,连九天魔焰都能够吞噬,似乎是某种变异真焰,我等还是再等等吧。”驼背老者若有所思的言道。 One-eyed great man (Han) both hands hold the arm, one eye motionless is staring at huge blood cloud in midair, not seem to hear several people of speeches general. 独眼巨汉双手抱臂,一只独目一动不动的盯着半空中的巨大血云,似乎没听到几人说话一般。 The purple fine beard man sees this, brow slightly wrinkle, but nods. 紫髯男子见此,眉头微皱,但还是点了点头。 Several people talked, has not hidden the sound, Liu Le'er naturally listens in the ear, petite body some immediate dikes of trembling, originally on pale simple and beautiful small face, one wan. 几人对话,并未施法隐藏声音,柳乐儿自然听在耳中,娇小身子有些哆嗦的紧靠岩壁,本就苍白的清丽小脸上,唰的一下毫无血色。 Suddenly, the one-eyed great man (Han) says: 突然,独眼巨汉开口说道: It seems like had the result.” “看来有结果了。” Such remarks, everyone cannot attend to other, the vision neat looking approached the midair immediately. 此言一出,所有人顾不得其他,目光顿时齐刷刷的望向了半空。 Sees only under a that group huge blood cloud fierce tumbling, suddenly from middle one point of two halves, reveals thoroughly in which giant blood streamer. 只见那团巨大血云一阵剧烈翻滚下,蓦的从中间一分两半,将其中的巨大血幡彻底显露出来。 Under result four Integration cultivator look, some complexion differences. 结果四名合体修士一看之下,脸色都有些异样起来。 Blood light of giant blood streamer surface sending out as before turbulent eye-catching, but that in streamer surface is only huge ghost head, as if faintly was dim than several points of appearance before. 巨大血幡表面散发的血光依旧汹涌耀目,但幡面上的那只巨大鬼首,似乎比之前隐隐黯淡了几分的样子。 Not and several people think much, the blood streamer surface ray flashes, two multi-colored sunlight one volumes, fell above below ground. 未及几人多想,血幡表面光芒一闪,两道霞光从中一卷而出,落在了下方地面之上。 The ray collects simultaneously, appeared Han Li and Duan Renli form, looks at each other to stand. 光芒同时敛去,现出了韩立段人离的身影,相视而立。 Duan Renli unemotional crossing the hands behind the back stands, the vision coldly is looking at Han Li. 段人离面无表情的负手而立,目光冷冷的望着韩立 In its opposite Han Li, on the face is hanging a light smile, the look is calm. 在其对面的韩立,脸上则挂着一丝淡淡的笑容,神色从容。 Elder Brother!” “哥哥!” Liu Le'er is startled, the tears soaked completely the eye socket immediately, immediately reckless dashed to go toward Han Li. 柳乐儿一怔,泪花顿时浸满了眼眶,随即不顾一切的朝着韩立飞奔而去。 Perhaps is the worry somewhat is excessively absent-minded , under or was injured magical power to exhaust, the footsteps are somewhat impractical, the young girl's when running up to Han Li not far away, does not know was mixed unexpectedly by anything, the whole person swooped. 或许是担心过度有些恍惚,亦或是本就受伤法力耗尽之下,脚步有些虚浮,少女在跑到韩立跟前不远处时,竟不知被什么拌了一下,整个人飞扑了出去。 Finally in the meantime, she only thinks oneself by strength of request an invisible soft, then all around scenery fuzzy, then appeared side Han Li. 结果就在此时,她只觉自己被一股无形的绵柔之力一托,接着四周景物一个模糊下,便出现在了韩立身旁。 The Han Li sleeve robe strokes, covers a silver belt of fire slightly shrinkage strain of Liu Le'er, changed into silver fire bird to fly to shoot to return, submerges its within the body to vanish. 韩立袖袍一拂,笼罩柳乐儿的银色火网略一收缩变形,重新化为一只银色火鸟飞射而回,没入其体内消失了。 The young girls opened the opens the mouth, this also wants to say anything, but realized suddenly the surrounding atmosphere is somewhat strange, immediately stops talking does not say, clever standing in one side. 少女张了张口,本还想说些什么,但突然意识到周围的气氛有些古怪,顿时住口不言,乖巧的站在一旁。 Sees should divine soul entirely to extinguish Han Li, now unexpectedly living standing in front, and calm from appearance, what this makes the purple fine beard man and other people look is dumbfounded, stupidly stands there. 见到本应神魂俱灭的韩立,如今竟活生生的站在面前,且一副从容自诺的模样,这让紫髯男子等四人看的是目瞪口呆,愣愣傻站在那里。 Some little time, several talents responded, under looked at each other in blank dismay, there is to think how asked the result, but some did not dare. 好一会,几人才反应过来,面面相觑之下,有心想上前询问结果如何,但又有些不敢。 In the meantime, Duan Renli actually opened the mouth slowly: 就在此时,段人离却缓缓开口了: Takes 100 jin (0.5 kg) even-numbered earthly branche stone.” “去取一百斤阴辰石。” The tone is gentle, the sound is not loud, but spreads to the purple fine beard man four people of ears, actually just like heaven-shaking thunderous general shock. 语气平缓,声音不大,但传入紫髯男子四人耳中,却犹如惊天雷鸣一般的震撼。 Although they had guessed early, but hears this word, was still some are unable to believe. 虽然他们早有所猜测,但听到此言,仍是有些无法置信。 Duan Renli said the meaning that this words represented to be very obvious, he lost. 段人离说出此话所代表的意思很明显,他输了。 One of solemn Heavenly Ghost Sect two big supreme great elder, in Great Ascension Stage cultivator that entire Spirit Domain World may control the forces of nature, lost to front this to seem like the facial features to be ordinary unexpectedly, young young men. 堂堂的天鬼宗两大太上大长老之一,在整个灵寰界都可呼风唤雨的大乘期修士,竟输给了面前这个看似面容普通,年纪不大的青年男子。 Moreover, is in the bloodshed space of scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost streamer. 而且,还是在赤血天鬼幡的血海空间之中。 „To make me say second?” The Duan Renli sound is still tranquil. “想让我说第二遍吗?”段人离声音依旧平静。 Yes!” A four people of cleverness, the purple fine beard man and beautiful female turn around hastily, escaping light together flies toward the canyon outside. “是!”四人一个机灵,紫髯男子和美艳女子连忙转身,遁光一起的朝着峡谷外飞去。 Fellow Daoist Duan is generous, this Han on it would be disrespectful to decline.” The Han Li corners of the mouth exude a happy expression, and saying slowly. 段道友慷慨,韩某却之不恭了。”韩立嘴角泛起一丝笑意,并缓缓的说道。 You are very good.” After Duan Renli deeply looked at Han Li one, saying every single word or phrase. “你很好。”段人离深深望了韩立一眼后,一字一句的说道。 Afterward his single-handed move the in the air blood-color great streamer will receive, then changes into suddenly together black light, after flashes, vanishes in canyon valley entrance, the trace is unable to see slightly. 随后他单手一招的将空中的血色巨幡收起,而后骤然化为一道黑光,一个闪动后,就消失在峡谷口,丝毫踪影都无法见到了。 ...... …… Shortly. 不久后。 Cold Flame Sect, in Rising Cloud Peak main shrine. 冷焰宗,出云峰主殿之中。 Although somewhat expected early, this person is not a commonplace. But how not to have thought, he is so unexpectedly all-resourceful, Heavenly Ghost Sect Duan Renli is not an opponent.” Nangong Changshan sits in the palace above the seat of honor, saying of some forced smiles. “虽然早有些预料,此人绝非等闲。可如何也没想到,他居然如此神通广大,连天鬼宗段人离都不是对手。”南宫长山坐在殿内主位之上,有些苦笑的说道。 Is good because of him is not our Cold Flame Sect enemy.” After Luo Jun long aspirates, look complex saying. “好在他并非我们冷焰宗的敌人。”骆均长吐了一口气后,才神色复杂的说道。 Heavenly Talisman Hall and Scriptures Pavilion theft, happened after this Elder Han arrives at our Rising Cloud Peak, I looked mostly am his behavior. At that time, was actually regardless of is not how impossible to suspect him.” Nangong Changshan slightly hesitates, said. 天符堂藏经阁的失窃事件,都是发生在这位韩长老来到我们出云峰之后,我看多半就是他所为了。只是当时,却是无论如何也不可能怀疑到他的。”南宫长山略一沉吟,又说道。 The rough guy nods, obviously has also guessed correctly this matter. 粗犷大汉点了点头,显然也已经猜到此事。 However, he has not actually talked too much in this matter, but is thread of conversation one revolution said: 不过,他却没有在此事上多言,而是话锋一转说道: This matter Heavenly Ghost Sect, although keeps mouth shut from top to bottom, but made the so big noise on the same day, how possibly to conceal the truth. Now entire Spirit Domain World is made noisily by this matter. It is said much originally the attached and intimate another two big sect influences, had reversed to our intentions.” “此事天鬼宗虽然从上至下三缄其口,但当日闹出这般大动静,怎么可能瞒得住。如今整个灵寰界可是被此事闹得沸沸扬扬。据说不少原本附属和亲近另外两大宗门的势力,都有了倒向我们的意向。” correct/good, Abundant Deep Valley Valley Lord Yu and Inactive Mountain Mountain Lord Zhao, has sent the trusted subordinate to look for the sect master private talk. Actually these people, wants to take the opportunity with own eyes see above Elder Han one side, after confirming its strength, can be determined to invest under our Cold Flame Sect. What a pity Elder Han came back shortly after on closed-door cultivation. supreme great elder also hands down to command, anybody does not permit to disturb.” Nangong Changshan smiled saying with a smile. 不错,丰幽谷庾谷主无为山赵山主,都已经派了亲信过来找宗主密谈。其实这些人,也是想借机亲眼见上韩长老一面,确认其实力后,才能下定决心投入我们冷焰宗麾下。可惜韩长老回来没多久就闭关了。太上大长老也传下谕令,任何人都不准打搅。”南宫长山笑了笑道。 Luo Jun nod of looking pensive, has not said anything again. 骆均若有所思的点了点头,没有再说什么。 After palace silent moment, Nangong Changshan also asked suddenly: Elder Luo, in your opinion, this Elder Han how?” 殿中沉默片刻后,南宫长山忽然又问道:“骆长老,在你看来,这位韩长老如何?” Luo Jun heard that the word complexion slightly changes, if he naturally can speak frankly before unguardedly, but his actually some do not dare to open the mouth now at will. 骆均闻言脸色微微一变,若是以前他自然可以信口直言,但如今他却有些不敢随意开口了。 After considering some little time, he grave expression opens the mouth said: 斟酌好一会儿后,他才神色凝重的开口道: I and Elder Han contact are not many, before Nephew-Master Gu brought he crossed the threshold, besides verifying it is strength cultivator, had not thought that this person had the noteworthy special place. Now recalls carefully, even more thought his thoughts are meticulous, the conduct is watertight. However, this person does not treat unkindly the brutal generation but actually.” “我与韩长老接触并不多,之前古师侄带他入门的时候,除了印证其是一名力修之外,并未觉得此人有值得注意的特异之处。现在细细回想起来,却越发觉得他心思缜密,行事滴水不漏。不过,此人倒也不是寡恩无情之辈。” „, Makes one think so?” Nangong Changshan eyebrow slightly raise, asked. “哦,何以见得?”南宫长山眉头微挑,问道。 Before sect leader once did not propose, making Elder Han move toward Holy Fire Peak on Supreme Elder with the cave mansion that adjoins, was actually rejected by his persuasive words, said that is quite satisfied regarding the present cave mansion, does not need to trouble. I felt but actually, perhaps this is it intends, must return us a Rising Cloud Peak favor, after all has such great expert oversee, the position of this peak in gate greatly will naturally also promote.” Luo Jun answered. “之前掌门不是曾提出,让韩长老搬往圣火峰上与太上长老毗邻的洞府,却被他婉言拒绝了,说是对于现在洞府还比较满意,不必麻烦。我倒觉得,这或许是其有意,要还我们出云峰的一份人情,毕竟有这样有一位大能坐镇,本峰在门内的地位自然也会大大提升的。”骆均解释道。 Really is so. Said that Nephew-Master Gu recommended Elder Han to enter the sect, this was also first in merit one, later its share of every year cultivation resources, promoted one time.” Saying that Nangong Changshan hears word, deep is so. “确是如此。说起来还是古师侄引荐韩长老入宗的,这也算是首功一件,以后就将其每年修炼资源的份额,提升一倍吧。”南宫长山闻言,深以为然的说道。 Yes.” Luo Jun should say hastily. “是。”骆均连忙应道。
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