RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#57: Jingzhe changes

Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost sees this to be possible fully pull Shanzhen the mountain grasps the great strength, has not pinched to explode Han Li unexpectedly, in blood flashes through a surprise. 赤血天鬼见这足可拔山振岳的一握巨力,竟未将韩立捏爆,血目中闪过一丝诧异。 Snort, overreaches oneself!” “哼,不自量力!” In the low roar, body surface thick blood marks emerge, after the both arms again suddenly are thick, exhausts again grasps, moves mountains the great strength full power ruthlessly to a middle pressure. 其口中低喝一声,体表一根根粗大血纹涌现,双臂再猛然粗大一圈后,再次用尽全力狠狠一握,排山倒海般的巨力向中间一压。 Finally this act besides makes Han Li look color of the pain, its mortal body as if together indestructible fine iron, how whatever it makes an effort, does not pinch broken. 结果此举除了使韩立面露一丝痛楚之色外,其肉身仿佛一块坚不可摧的精铁,任凭其如何用力,就是捏不碎。 In the meantime, on Han Li erupts one group of golden light suddenly, the body surface appears pale golden scales, is flashed by the chest and belly section indistinct five groups of blue light that the devil claw grips. 就在此时,韩立身上骤然爆发出一团金光,体表浮现一枚枚淡金色鳞片,被鬼爪握住的胸腹部隐约五团蓝光闪动。 In his mouth low roar, a two outward brace, was fiercely bigger than the great strength of several times to erupt previously suddenly. 他口中一声低喝,两手猛地往外一撑,一股比先前大了数倍的巨力猛然爆发。 Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost complexion one startled, the both hands ten fingers were supported by Han Li unexpectedly little. 赤血天鬼面色一惊,双手十指竟被韩立一点点撑了开来。 Sees only Han Li body figure in a flash, changes into together gold/metal shadow flying figure from the devil claw, its body rises on the way fast in a big way, whole body includes the face to grow the golden coarse and stiff fuzz fast, in the mouth the prominent two snow white fangs. 只见韩立身形一晃,化为一道金影的从鬼爪中飞身而出,途中其身躯飞快涨大,全身上下包括脸部飞快长出金黄色的粗硬茸毛,口中突出两颗雪白獠牙。 Suddenly, his whole person changes into more than ten zhang (3.33 m) high golden Giant Ape impressively. 眨眼间,他整个人赫然化为一只十余丈高的金色巨猿 Tyrannical air/Qi sending out, some black ominous evil Qi breaths surround his body to dance in the air. 一股暴虐之气散发而出,更有一些黑色凶煞气息环绕其身体飞舞。 This is...... Mountain Giant Ape in legend!” Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost somewhat surprised. “这是……传说中的山岳巨猿!”赤血天鬼有些意外了。 Han Li melts Giant Ape body figure in a flash in in the air standing firm more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) away, two thump chests, feels the strength that within the body is surging boundless suddenly, in the mouth sends out a long and loud cry. 韩立所化巨猿身形一晃的在百余丈外的空中站定,两手猛然一捶胸膛,感受着体内磅礴激荡的力量,口中发出一声长啸。 Although his Nascent Soul by seal, but his within the body refined several strength of True Spirit bloodlines still , after the mortal body restore, the Jingzhe secret art can use finally. 虽然他元婴被封印,不过他体内炼化的数种真灵血脉之力还在,肉身全部恢复后,惊蛰诀终于能够使用了。 Displays this magical powers again, making in his heart be filled with emotion. 再次施展出这门神通,让他心中感慨万千。 No wonder your supernatural power is astonishing, originally is related with this True Spirit. Really you wear out iron shoes on the hunting grounds, my scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost streamer, if can result in your blood again sacrificial refining, will certainly enter again first-order, power increases!” Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost grins fiendishly, huge body figure swoops. “难怪你神力惊人,原来和此真灵有关。真是踏破铁鞋无觅处,我这杆赤血天鬼幡若能得你之血重新祭炼一番,必将再进一阶,威能大增!”赤血天鬼狞笑一声,巨大身形飞扑而出。 His right claw grips tightly the fist, the fist of house size pounds to go toward Giant Ape, above erupts the big piece blood red ray. 其右爪紧握成拳,房屋大小的拳头朝巨猿一砸而去,上面爆发出大片血红色光芒。 Golden Giant Ape cold snort/hum, the same fist rumbles, on the fist erupts the big flake gold light. 金色巨猿冷哼一声,同样一拳轰出,拳头上爆发出大片金光。 Two size completely not coordinated fists bump into! 两只大小完全不对等的拳头相撞! A loud sound of landslide cracks in the earth spreads, resounds through the trim sky, causes a below bloodshed tumbling, the spray rewinds dreadfully. 一声山崩地裂的巨响传出,响彻整片天空,引得下方的血海一阵翻滚,浪花滔天倒卷。 The scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost body shakes, was struck to fly upside down unexpectedly, the right arm is cuns (2.5 cm) rupturing, the flesh splash, changes into the innumerable blood fog, revealed clear blood jade arm bone. 赤血天鬼身躯一震下,竟被击得倒飞了出去,右臂更是寸寸的爆裂开来,血肉飞溅,化为无数血雾,露出了其中晶莹血玉般的臂骨。 Huā lā lā! 哗啦啦 Heavenly Ghost one was pounded into the bloodshed, raises dreadful blood wave. 天鬼被一下砸入了血海,掀起一股滔天血浪。 Golden Giant Ape in a flash, then stood firm body figure lowly, the head one looks toward under. 金色巨猿只是一晃,便稳住了身形,头颅一低的朝下方望去。 The sea level after turns wells up, then returned to normal. 海面在一阵翻涌后,便恢复了平静。 But next moment, bang a loud sound! 下一刻,“轰”的一声巨响! Giant Ape behind bloodshed blasts open suddenly, billowing blood wave flying curls, departure that the scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost whole body is bathed in blood, the arm that before ruptured has restored such as beginning, both eyes blood glow hold, seemed to be stimulated the tyranny in heart greatly thoroughly. 巨猿身后的血海猛然炸裂开来,滚滚血浪飞卷,赤血天鬼浑身浴血的从中飞出,之前爆裂的手臂已经恢复如初,双目血芒大盛,似乎彻底被激发出了心中的暴虐。 Sees only his arm to grasp void, the under big piece blood wave raises concentrates rolling, changes into a 30 - 40 zhang (3.33 m) blood-color lance was grasped unexpectedly by it in the hand, then arm one round, aims at golden Giant Ape in midair to throw ruthlessly. 只见其一只手臂虚空一抓,下方大片血浪掀起滚滚一凝,竟化为一根三四十丈长血色长矛的被其握在手中,接着手臂一轮,对准半空中的金色巨猿狠狠一投而出。 Void spreads a thorn to have keen ears immediately the cry! 虚空中顿时传出一声刺耳尖鸣! Giant Ape turns around suddenly, does not draw back the dive that instead enters , a furry palm searches downward, as if a giant rush-leaf fan drops from the clouds, pats toward the blood-color lance. 巨猿骤然一转身,不退反进的俯冲而下,一只毛茸茸手掌往下一探而出,仿佛一只巨大蒲扇从天而降,朝血色长矛拍去。 Bang a loud sound! “砰”一声巨响! The blood-color lance almost just projected, then forcefully pounds to fly, and under a wail, cuns (2.5 cm) explode, changes into one group of blood plasmas. 血色长矛几乎刚一投出,便被硬生生的一砸而飞,并一声哀鸣下,寸寸爆裂开来,重新化为一团血浆。 Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost is startled, not and moves sideways to give way to traffic, golden Giant Ape has flushed before the body the insufficient hundred zhang (333 m) place, a two golden fist fuzzy craziness pound under. 赤血天鬼不禁一怔,未及闪身避让,金色巨猿已冲至身前不足百丈处,两只金色拳头一个模糊的狂捣而下。 The outstretch left arm that Heavenly Ghost does not show weakness toward in the air keeps off. 天鬼毫不示弱的伸出左臂往空中一挡。 A loud sound! 一声巨响! The huge body was struck to fly upside down, the left half side body flesh was almost broken completely, reveals the dripping with blood clear skeleton. 其巨大身躯被击得倒飞出去,左半边身体血肉几乎被全部震碎,露出鲜血淋漓的晶莹骨骼。 When a golden Giant Ape unemotional low roar, the preparation continues pursues, below bloodshed abnormal change breaks out! 就在金色巨猿面无表情的一声低吼,准备继续追上去时,下方的血海中异变突起! The bloodshed raises monstrous waves fiercely, under the twist deformation, suddenly changes into huge incomparable fierce dragon head, big mouth gathers, will be apart from Li Hai surface not far Giant Ape one to swallow by the thunderclap certainly. 血海猛地掀起一个巨浪,扭曲变形下,眨眼间化为一只巨大无比的狰狞龙首,血盆大口一张一合下,以迅雷之势将距离海面不远的巨猿一口吞了进去。 Then the blood dragon makes threatening gestures rising typhoon from sea on, has the hundred zhang (333 m) to be long impressively fully, the huge body winds to coil around sky over the sea level, whole body blood light streams transfers, the blood fog emits rolling. 接着血龙张牙舞爪的从海中扶摇而上,赫然足有百丈长,庞大身躯蜿蜒盘绕在海面上空,浑身血光流转下,血雾滚滚冒出。 Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost of not far away has stood firm body figure, under and skeleton surface rune flashes, viscous blood streams from the bloodshed flying volume, disturb on the incomplete half body, under the granulation crazy creeping motion, restores at the naked eye obvious speed. 不远处的赤血天鬼已稳住了身形,并骨骼表面符文闪动下,一道道粘稠血流从血海飞卷而出,缠扰在残缺的半边身体上,肉芽疯狂蠕动下,以肉眼可见速度恢复起来。 He sees Giant Ape by blood-color big dragon engulf, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb hastily fast, in the mouth the mysterious obscure incantation spreads. 他见巨猿被血色巨龙吞没,连忙双手飞快一掐诀,口中玄奥晦涩咒语传出。 A big dragon both eyes blood light hold, long body one volume, the instantaneous plate becomes one group of giant blood cells, the surface appears the dazzling blood light, flashes crazily, the volume also rises fast in a big way like the gasification. 巨龙双目血光一盛,长长身躯一卷,瞬间盘成一团巨大血球,表面浮现出耀眼的血光,狂闪不已,体积也如充气般飞快涨大。 In scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost surface ferocious color one presently, hand during technique stop definitely suddenly, simultaneously the mouth spits one broken character. 赤血天鬼面上狞色一现,手中法决骤然一停,同时口吐一个“破”字。 However in a twinkling, the giant blood cell surface innumerable gold threads pierce somewhere, blows up a large package fiercely, bang a loud sound, the golden light flies to shoot together, flushes away to the scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost direction. 但是说时迟那时快,巨大血球表面某处无数金丝从中洞穿而出,猛地鼓起一个大包,紧接着“砰”的一声巨响,一道金光从中飞射而出,冲赤血天鬼方向冲去。 In the golden light package, Han Li melts Giant Ape. 金光包裹之中,正是韩立所化巨猿 He just departed less than 20-30 zhang (3.33 m), bang a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound, the giant blood cell then blasts open fiercely, changes into one group of huge incomparable blood-color halos, under and slightly flashes, changed into broad of hundred zhang (333 m), but also goes all out four to proliferate to open. 他刚刚飞出不足20-30丈,“轰”的一声惊天动地巨响,巨大血球便猛地炸裂开来,化为一团巨大无比的血色光晕,并微闪之下,就化为了百丈之广,还拼命四下扩散而开。 Dreadful air waves expand, the strong winds writings, swept across surrounding area more than ten li (0.5 km), the sea level raises the heaven-shaking high sea, the explosion most center, void even also exudes visible ripple, suddenly passes. 一圈圈滔天气浪扩开,狂风大作,席卷了方圆十几里,海面掀起惊天怒涛,爆炸最中心处,虚空甚至也泛起一道道肉眼可见的波纹,眨眼即逝。 Although golden Giant Ape the prompt broken body runs out, but was still affected, the body bright incomparable golden color hair damaged several, seemed like by some minor wounds, but was not serious. If not it responded quickly, even at his mortal body intensity, still wanted the vitality to damage severely unavoidably. 金色巨猿虽然及时破体冲出,但仍被波及了一些,身上鲜艳无比的金色毛发破损了几处,看起来受了一些轻伤,不过并不严重。若非其反应快,即便以他的肉身强度,难免也要元气大伤。 Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost sees Han Li to melt Giant Ape towards oneself to approach rapidly, under a back pair of purple black bat wing leaf, the body next two hurricanes howl immediately, the huge body changes into a fuzzy blood shadow, rapid incomparable retreats toward the distant place, is spreading out and golden Giant Ape at the naked eye obvious speed. 赤血天鬼韩立所化巨猿正朝自己飞速逼近,背后一对紫黑色蝠翼一扇之下,顿时身下两股飓风呼啸,庞大身躯就此化为一片模糊血影,迅疾无比的朝着远处退去,以肉眼可见速度拉开着与金色巨猿的距离。 The strength of present Giant Ape mortal body is powerful, far surpass has had its imagination, he does not want to face directly the opposite party point. 眼前的这巨猿肉身之力强大,已远超出其想象,他可不想直面对方锋芒。 Han Li melts Giant Ape to see this, the complexion sinks. 韩立所化巨猿见此,面色一沉。 Mountain Giant Ape then grew perceptibly by the great strength, speed truly does not excel, cannot catch up with the opposite party. 山岳巨猿原本便是以巨力见长,速度方面确实不擅长,根本追不上对方。 Suddenly, in the Heavenly Ghost mouth of distant place sends out one to howl strangely! 突然间,远处的天鬼口中发出一阵怪啸! Puff sound! “噗噗”之声! Giant Ape all around blood-color sea level bulge several feet bubbles, then blood shades clash in abundance, is dense and numerous, more than several hundred, come in swarms toward Giant Ape fully. 巨猿四周血色海面纷纷凸起一个个数丈大小的鼓包,接着一道道血影从中一冲而出,密密麻麻间,足有数百余只,朝着巨猿蜂拥而至。 Unexpectedly is only blood-color ghost creature that lives the alone corner/horn, both eyes are deep green, ten fingers of sharpness, the whole body blood fog winds around. 竟是一只只头生独角的血色鬼物,双目碧绿,十指尖利,周身血雾缭绕。 Giant Ape body figure, whole body golden light is abundant, under huge body fuzzy under reduces fast, submerges complements in the surroundings blood fog. 巨猿身形一顿,周身金光一盛,巨大身躯一阵模糊下飞快缩小,淹没于周围血雾掩映之下。 next moment, a resonant incomparable clear cry spread, then ten thousand dazzling azure glow broke through the blood fog, the innumerable azure strong winds in surroundings appear out of thin air, blew to fly the surrounding blood fog again. 下一刻,一声嘹亮无比的清鸣传出,接着万道耀眼青芒冲破血雾而出,无数青色狂风在周围凭空浮现,将周围的血雾再次吹飞。 Whiz! 嗖! Huge azure shadow electricity shoots, is actually azure giant bird. 一道巨大青影电射而出,却是一头青色巨禽 Is the 7 - 8 zhang (3.33 m) fully, the body feather presents the bright azure, the head lives azure feather hat, the both wings are spacious, spreading out all over also to be longer than the body, three long tail feathers drag after behind, seeming like the god is quite handsome. 足有七八丈,身上羽毛呈现出亮青色,头生青色羽冠,双翅宽大,铺展开来比身体还要长些,三道长长尾羽拖在身后,看起来极为神俊。 The azure giant bird both wings wield fiercely, the innumerable strong winds howl, in the wind appears impressively together the Daoist priest ever green mark, over a hundred, cut fully, in these swoop on the blood ghost who comes. 青色巨禽双翅猛地一挥,无数狂风呼啸而出,风中赫然浮现出一道道长长青痕,足有上百道,斩在那些飞扑而来的血鬼身上。 Pū chī! 噗嗤 Immediately dozens blood ghosts easily were then cut the round number truncation by the azure mark, explodes blood fog. 当即便有数十只血鬼轻易被青痕斩成数截,爆裂成一蓬蓬血雾。 A azure giant bird both wings show/unfolds, changes into together the fuzzy azure shadow again immediately, clever runs out of surrounding of other blood ghosts, shoots to go toward the scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost illness/quick. 青色巨禽双翅再次一展,顿时化为一道模糊青影,灵巧之极的冲出其余血鬼的包围,朝着赤血天鬼疾射而去。 Saint bird Azure Luan! Who are you?” The scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost look big change, pair of wings leaf of turning around escapes. “圣禽青鸾!你到底是什么人?”赤血天鬼神色大变,双翼一扇的转身就逃。 However the azure shadow speed is extremely fast, suddenly then flew to shoot side Heavenly Ghost, the azure light flashed past. 然而青影速度极快,眨眼间便飞射到了天鬼身旁,青光一闪而过。 Pū chī! 噗嗤 The scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost chest front blood light presently, presents the huge scars of three deep obvious bones for the first time, the blood splash. 赤血天鬼胸前血光乍现,出现三道深可见骨的巨大伤痕,鲜血飞溅而出。 Heavenly Ghost turns around suddenly, being just about that the both arms lift makes anything, how that say/way azure shadow does not know in a flash, appears flashes past in its back. 天鬼骤然一个转身,双臂一抬的正要做什么,那道青影不知怎么一晃之下,出现在其背后一闪而过。 Pū chī! 噗嗤 Three huge scars appear in the Heavenly Ghost back, a bat wing shut off impressively, the blood swarms. 三道巨大伤痕出现在天鬼后背,一只蝠翼赫然被切断,鲜血蜂拥而出。 Roar!” “吼!” Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost both eyes red light hold, turns the head to look greatly suddenly to the azure shadow, in the mouth exudes one to angrily roar, the devil claw grasps fiercely. 赤血天鬼双目红光大盛,豁然转头看向青影,口中发出一声怒吼,鬼爪猛地抓出。 The innumerable blood-color claw glow one appeared, formed a dense and numerous blood-color claw net, kept off before the body. 无数血色爪芒一下浮现,形成了一张密密麻麻的血色爪网,挡在了身前。 Result azure shadow sudden fuzzy from vanishes without the trace same place, next moment as if flickers to move general, appears right Heavenly Ghost, if again the electricity swoops to go. 结果青影突然一个模糊的从原地消失无踪,下一刻仿佛瞬移一般,出现在天鬼右侧,再次如电飞扑而去。 Pū chī! 噗嗤 The scars of three deep obvious bones present on the right arm, the blood such as the spring will spray the splash forever. 三道深可见骨的伤痕出现右臂上,鲜血如泉永喷洒飞溅。 Scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost angrily roars again and again, tries to counter-attack. 赤血天鬼怒吼连连,试图反击。 What a pity he cannot keep up with the azure shadow speed, even Shadow of opposite party cannot hold slightly. 可惜他丝毫跟不上青影的速度,甚至连对方的影子也抓不住丝毫。 Fuzzy azure shadow ghost-like dance in the air in the scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost body week encirclement, cannot see true body. 一道道模糊青影鬼魅般在赤血天鬼身周环绕飞舞,根本看不到实体 The body of Heavenly Ghost becomes covered with blood suddenly, the action becomes slow. 天鬼的身体眨眼间变得血肉模糊,行动变得迟缓起来。 If not his within the body blood-color skeleton is hard, the attack of Azure Luan is unable to cut off, had been cut the innumerable blocks. 若非其体内血色骨骼坚硬无比,青鸾的攻击也无法斩断,早已被切割成了无数块。 In the Heavenly Ghost eye flashes through one to dread finally, the both arms hold the head, flies to shoot to go toward below bloodshed, simultaneously in the bloodshed leaps giant incomparable viscous blood wave, welcomed toward it. 天鬼眼中终于闪过一丝畏惧,双臂抱头,朝着下方血海飞射而去,同时血海中腾起一道巨大无比的粘稠血浪,朝其迎了过来。 A resonant incomparable clear called resounds suddenly! 一声嘹亮无比的清鸣骤然响起! Azure shadow body figure in a flash, the speed speeds up again, changes into remnant shades, rapid incomparable circles to dance in the air around Heavenly Ghost. 青影身形一晃,速度再次加快,化为一道道残影,迅疾无比的绕着天鬼盘旋飞舞起来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Nearby sky strong winds get up suddenly, in the wind appeared the innumerable long ever green marks to emerge out of thin air, flooded a surrounding area several li (0.5 km) range, is cutting all crazily. 附近天空狂风骤起,风中浮现出无数长长青痕凭空出现,充斥了方圆数里范围,疯狂切割着一切。 Since the viscous blood wave just leapt from the bloodshed, immediately is cut by dozens azure marks, is defeated and dispersed to return loudly. 粘稠血浪刚刚从血海中腾起,立刻被数十道青痕斩中,轰然溃散而回。
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