RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#56: Heavenly Ghost reveals itself

Said your condition.” In Duan Renli the different light flashes, tone indifferent saying. “说说你的条件。”段人离目中异光一闪,语气淡然的说道。 Even-numbered earthly branche stone that 100 jin (0.5 kg) fining crosses.” Han Li shows a faint smile, returning of being without hesitation said. “一百斤精炼过的阴辰石。”韩立微微一笑,毫不迟疑的回道。 Such remarks, in the entire canyon falls into an extremely peaceful strange atmosphere immediately. 此言一出,整座峡谷内顿时陷入一种极其安静的诡异气氛中。 Even-numbered earthly branche stone, but also takes 100 jin (0.5 kg)?” “阴辰石,还要一百斤?” You destroyed our sect several great array restriction, but also does the our sect restricted area changes beyond all recognition, now also dares to put forward such excessive request flagrantly!” “你毁了本宗数处大阵禁制,还将本宗禁地搞得面目全非,如今还敢明目张胆的提此等过分要求!” Wishful thinking!” “痴心妄想!” After short silence, Duan Renli has not opened the mouth, the purple fine beard man and other people of sounds actually convey from it behind, in the words was full of the anger. 短暂的沉默过后,段人离还没开口,紫髯男子等四人的声音却从其身后传来,话语中充满了怒意。 Fellow Daoist also really wants to have a lion's share. An even-numbered earthly branche stone mineral lode, one year cannot the fining have one jin (0.5 kg), Fellow Daoist Han planned that must walk hundred jin (0.5 kg) all of a sudden, did not feel excessive!” The Duan Renli complexion has not changed, but in the words were many cold intent. “道友还真是狮子大开口。一条阴辰石矿脉,一年也不能精炼出一斤而已,韩道友打算一下子要走百斤,不觉得过分了点吗!”段人离脸色未变,但话语中却多了一份冷意。 this Han does not believe, big Heavenly Ghost Sect so many years precipitate, even these permits even-numbered earthly branche stones cannot take.” Han Li chuckle saying. 韩某可不认为,偌大一个天鬼宗这么多年沉淀,连这些许阴辰石也拿不出来。”韩立轻笑一声的说道。 It seems like your excellency caused trouble intentionally. Since is not willing to walk, that then stays behind forever!” The Duan Renli facial features appear intermittently fiercely, seemed enraged by the Han Li attitude thoroughly. “看来阁下是存心生事了。既然不愿意走,那便永远留下吧!”段人离面容隐现狰狞,似乎彻底被韩立的态度激怒了。 Finishes speaking, on him appears suddenly the big piece blood light, shines the blood red piece that the surroundings, nearby and sends out the terrifying spirit pressure that lets void almost stagnate, a opens the mouth, spouts several cuns (2.5 cm) high blood red mini ancient Fan. 话音刚落,他身上陡然浮现出大片血光,将周围照耀的血红一片,并散发出一股让附近虚空几乎凝滞的恐怖灵压,一张口,喷出一杆数寸高的血红色迷你古幡。 This streamer turning round revolution, then changed into a zhang (3.33 m) permits Gaoju streamer, above evil Qi winds around, a fresh two horns fierce ghost head design is clearly discernible, the fiendish features, both eyes shut tightly. 此幡滴溜溜一转下,便化为了一杆丈许高巨幡,上面煞气缭绕,一只头生双角的狰狞鬼首图案清晰可见,青面獠牙,双目紧闭。 As in its reading fast moves the incantation, the great streamer blood light streams revolutions, starts intermittent bloody fishy smell wind, fierce ghost head big mouth, the thick incomparable blood-color multi-colored sunlight, threatens toward the Han Li flying volume together. 随着其口中飞快的念动咒语,巨幡血光流转,掀起一阵阵的血腥腥风,狰狞鬼首血盆大口一张,一道粗大无比的血色霞光,气势汹汹朝韩立飞卷而来。 The multi-colored sunlight, one has not made one hear the bloody aura that the desire vomits flooded the entire canyon immediately, the temperature of nearby air fell several points suddenly. 霞光未至,一股让人闻之欲呕的血腥气息顿时充斥了整座峡谷,附近空气的温度都骤然降了几分。 Han Li sees this, body figure after the midair, changes into piece of virtual image gently in a flash suddenly, making the blood-color multi-colored sunlight one come up empty-handed. 韩立见此,身形在半空中只是轻轻一晃后,骤然间化为一片虚影,让血色霞光一下扑了个空。 next moment, Duan Renli the fluctuation same place, the Han Li form emerges out of thin air behind, under the fist that covers entirely the pale golden scale moves, changes into ejecting of innumerable virtual image, as if the flash ejected hundreds of fists simultaneously. 下一刻,段人离身后波动一起,韩立的身影凭空出现,一只布满淡金色鳞片的拳头一动之下,化为无数虚影的击出,仿佛一瞬间同时击出了数以百计的拳头。 In an instant, the howling sound rings out! 刹那间,呼啸声大作! An astonishing great strength by a dense and numerous fist shadow cover, place visited, void as if for it cuns (2.5 cm) shatter. 一股惊人巨力透过密密麻麻拳影一罩而下,所过之处,虚空仿佛为之寸寸破碎。 Facing the so astonishing attack, Duan Renli stretches out a finger, resembles the slow reality illness/quick before a blood-color great streamer point refers. 面对如此惊人的攻击,段人离只是伸出一根手指,似缓实疾的冲身前血色巨幡一点指。 The streamer flag a counter- volume, the big piece blood-color mist from streamer surface spraying, fills the air immediately like lightning rapidly, changes into one group of surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m) blood cloud, covers in which his whole person, body figure becomes partly visible. 幡旗顿时闪电般一反卷,大片血色雾气从幡面喷射而出,迅速弥漫开来,化为一团方圆数十丈血云,将他整个人笼罩其中,身形变得若隐若现起来。 The golden fist shadow falls like the raindrop above blood cloud in abundance, as if hits one group of cotton fibers unexpectedly, the greatest power clay ox entering the sea of implication vanishes without the trace unexpectedly, strange. 金色拳影如雨点般纷纷落在血云之上,竟仿佛击中一团棉絮,其中蕴含的莫大威能竟泥牛入海般消失无踪,诡异之极。 And each fist shadow submerges, made blood cloud expand several points faintly. 并且每一道拳影没入,都隐隐使得血云扩大了几分。 A Han Li brow pressed, arm without hesitation receives to return slightly, the body changes into together virtual image immediately shoots backward. 韩立眉头微微一蹙,不加思索的手臂一收而回,身躯当即化为一道虚影的向后倒射而出。 Fills surrounding blood cloud immediately such as under the startled big wave tide tumbling, spreads to open toward the both sides fast, and concentrates presently the blood-color vortex, is only slightly a rotation, air waves start to all around hurricane one volume, let nearby void twist deformation. 弥漫周围的血云顿时如惊涛海涛般翻滚下,朝两侧飞快扩散而开,并从中凝现一个个血色漩涡,只是略一转动,一圈圈气浪向四周飓风般的一卷而开,让附近虚空一阵扭曲变形。 The grating bellow continuously, Han Li only thinks all around air one tight, huge great strength from all around well up crazily, but, making the potential of its retreat stagnate slightly. 刺耳的轰鸣声此起彼伏,韩立只觉四周空气一紧,一股股庞然巨力从四周狂涌而至,使其后退之势微微一滞。 In the meantime, fierce great ghost both eyes of blood-color ancient streamer surface open suddenly, two groups of scorching sun red light emerge, dazzling dazzling, letting the person is unable to look straight ahead! 就在此时,血色古幡表面的狰狞巨鬼双目骤然睁开,两团骄阳般红光涌现而出,刺目耀眼之极,让人无法直视! Han Li only thinks vision becomes blurry, then all around scenery slightly one fuzzy , the whole person suddenly appears in a blood-color space strangely. 韩立只觉眼前一花,接着四周景物略一模糊下,整个人突然诡异的出现在一处血色空间之中。 The top of the head is piece of blood misty sky, under is actually a piece of limitless vast bloodshed, the sea level flutters the one/1st level/layer light blood fog, in the air is sending out sweet smell. 头顶是一片血濛濛的天空,下方却是一片无边无际的辽阔血海,海面飘荡着一层薄薄血雾,空气中散发出一股略带甘甜的气味。 paradise treasure!” In the Han Li eye appears a being astonished color. 洞天之宝!”韩立眼中浮现出一丝讶色。 You experience actually uncommonly. Right, this scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost streamer itself is paradise treasure, is the our sect town/subdues sect rare treasure. Today can be buried in this, you also calculate that was most honored.” Standing that Duan Renli of black robe, both hands recited backwards from the end in the midair in not far away, the clothing flap flap, the whole body blood fog wound around. “你倒是见识不凡。没错,这赤血天鬼幡本就是一件洞天之宝,也是本宗的镇宗秘宝。今日能葬身于此,你也算三生有幸了。”一身黑袍的段人离,正双手倒背的站在不远处的半空中,衣衫猎猎,周身血雾缭绕。 „, Right?” Han Li said one neither cold nor hot. “哦,是吗?”韩立不冷不热的说了一句。 This words just an exit|to speak, resounded intermittent ghost howl in all directions suddenly. 此话刚一出口,四面八方蓦然响起一阵阵鬼啸声。 These sounds sometimes sometimes near, continuously, as if innumerable ghost creature are yelling crazily, the echo non-stop. 这些声音时远时近,此起彼伏,似乎无数鬼物在疯狂叫喊,回响不停。 The Han Li eyelid sinks suddenly, divine sense unexpectedly absent-minded, in heart suddenly has a bloodthirsty agitated feeling, as if only then rushes immediately goes, slaughters with these ghost creature, can subside. 韩立眼皮突然一沉,神识竟然一阵恍惚,心中蓦的生出一种嗜血烦躁之感,似乎只有立刻冲上前去,与那些鬼物厮杀一番,才能平息。 But in his hand the movement does not see scruple pinches magical formula, immediately a cool strength is flowed from the dantian, winds through various meridians places instantaneously. 但其手中动作丝毫不见迟疑的一掐法诀,顿时一股清凉之力从丹田中一涌而出,瞬间流过经脉各处。 These crazy thoughts in mind, are nothing left immediately, but all around ghost howls, instantaneously also vanishes without a trace. 脑海中的那些疯狂念头,顿时荡然无存,而四周的鬼啸,也瞬间消失的无影无踪了。 Duan Renli saw the Han Li body to shake slightly in a flash, then restored as usual, in the heart was surprised. 段人离韩立身子只是略微晃了一晃,便恢复如常,心中不禁一诧。 The resentment of this bloodshed surface fluttering fan soul blood fog collection thousand soul ten thousand ghosts, can fully charming mental, initiates the desire of heart most deep place and kills to read, even if oneself if defenseless under falls into, should still certainly be disturbed. 这血海面飘荡的迷魂血雾集千魂万鬼之怨,足能迷人心智,引发心底最深处的欲望和杀念,即便是自己若无防备之下身陷其中,也会受到一定干扰。 At present this strength cultivator, has not been affected unexpectedly slightly, difficult Daoshen to know powerful, but also far surpass are inadequate? 眼前这名力修,竟然丝毫没受影响,难道神识强大,还远超自己不成? Then, a move of trump card that he prepared is not naturally able to display. 如此一来,他原先准备的一招杀手锏自然无法施展了。 But at this time, under Han Li actually both eyes none flashes, a body fuzzy illness/quick shoots, dashes to opposite black robe man to go. 而此时,韩立却双目精光微闪之下,身躯一个模糊的疾射而出,直扑对面的黑袍男子而去。 Duan Renli cold snort/hum, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb. 段人离冷哼一声,手中一掐诀。 Bang! 轰! Below bloodshed tumbles suddenly fiercely, leaps giant incomparable blood wave suddenly, does not have the trace its body figure one volume of disappearances. 下方血海陡然剧烈翻滚,骤然腾起一道巨大无比的血浪,将其身形一卷的消失无踪。 Han Li saw this situation, body figure stopping in the midair, closed both eyes, powerful divine sense will let out, but immediately a brow slightly wrinkle. 韩立见此情形,身形一顿的停在了半空,闭上双目,将强大的神识放了出去,但马上眉头微微一皱。 This space resembles unexpectedly limitlessly, but below bloodshed is strange incomparable, by the strength of his divine sense, can only penetrate seabed only several feet unexpectedly, let alone found out opposite party the institute of hiding. 这处空间竟似无边无际,而下方的血海更是诡异无比,以他的神识之力,竟只能深入海底区区十几丈,更别说探出对方的藏匿之所了。 He slightly hesitates, the pupil blue glow neglected, displays the Bright Clear Spirit Eye magical powers. 他略一沉吟,瞳孔蓝芒一闪下,施展出了明清灵目神通。 Immediately in bloodshed below dozens zhang (3.33 m) all, become clear, but downward, a dimness, is still not able to understand thoroughly again directly. 顿时血海下方数十丈内一切,变得清晰起来,不过再往下,仍然一片朦朦胧胧,根本无法直接洞彻下去了。 In he turns the hand to take out under a Cloud Crane Grass clothing/taking, when the stimulation of movement within the body most spirit strength irrigation pupil, prepares the spirit eye magical powers all display, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在他翻手取出一株云鹤草服下,催动体内大半灵力灌注瞳孔,准备将灵目神通悉数施展开来之时,异变突生 The blood-color sea level sudden fierce tumbling in its front number hundred zhang (333 m) distant place, the viscous bloody water sweeps across flowing in some direction, forms a huge vortex, inside transmits faintly intermittently thunders low and deep. 在其前方数百丈远处的血色海面突然一阵剧烈翻滚,粘稠的血水沿着某个方向席卷流动,形成一个巨大漩涡,里面隐隐传来阵阵低沉轰鸣。 Han Li sees this, body figure without hesitation in a flash, flew more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) upper air, this lowers the head to gaze below all. 韩立见此,毫不犹豫的身形一晃,飞到了百余丈高空,这才低头注视着下方的一切。 Vortex center Huā huā makes noise, then under the spray tumbling, a giant incomparable skeleton raises. 漩涡中心处哗哗作响,接着浪花翻滚下,一具巨大无比的骸骨从中升起。 This skeleton has the hundred zhang (333 m) to be high fully, the skeleton is the clear red all over the body, seems built by the blood jade, above inscribes innumerable profound dense rune. 此骸骨足有百丈高,通体骨骼呈晶莹红色,仿佛由血玉打造而成,上面铭刻着无数玄密符文 Hill top of the head, two curved horn center, dark-red Nascent Soul close eyes sit cross-legged to sit as if, facial features and Duan Renli 8 - 9 minute of similar. 其如小山般的头顶处,两根弯角中央,一个暗红色的元婴闭目盘膝而坐,五官和段人离八九分相似。 Han Li witnesses this scenery, both eyes narrows the eyes slightly. 韩立目睹此景,双目不禁微微一眯。 Nascent Soul opens both eyes suddenly, a opens the mouth, spouted seven groups of essence and blood one after another, simultaneously the both hands ten fingers pinch finger joints with the thumb, the obscure incantation sound spreads from the mouth. 元婴蓦然睁开双目,一张口,接连喷出了七团精血,同时双手十指掐诀,晦涩咒语声从口中传出。 Essence and blood bang bang several, one changes into seven blood fog, such as spirit snake one volume in his body four limbs and nape of the neck place, in the Nascent Soul mouth a long and loud cry exits, the blood fog has lifted sends out the monster different blood light, making it change into a blood-color light group. 精血“砰砰”几声,一下化为七股血雾,如灵蛇般一卷在其身体四肢及脖颈处,随之元婴口中一声长啸出口,血雾散发出妖异血光,使其化为一个血色光团。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! Blood-color light group suddenly sank, integrated in the skeleton head. 血色光团蓦的一沉,融入了骸骨头颅中。 In giant skeleton empty both eyes appears suddenly two groups of blood light, on the body week skeleton all rune suddenly one bright. 巨大骸骨空洞双目中陡然浮现出两团血光,身周骨骼上所有符文骤然一亮。 Below blood-color vortex the monstrous waves whirl around, depart the circling gatherings of viscous blood light on, just like giant spiral blood column that shoots up to the sky together, from bottom to top submerges the skeleton. 下方血色漩涡中巨浪翻卷,飞出一股股粘稠血光的盘旋汇聚而上,犹如一道冲天而起的巨型螺旋血柱,由下至上的将骸骨淹没。 By the blood column, can see that indistinctly inside big form inflates gradually. 透过血柱,隐约能看到里面的高大身影渐渐膨胀。 The blood column falls like the ebb tide, the original giant skeleton vanishes without the trace, what replaces it is more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) fearsome ghost creature, fiendish features, head pair of huge curved horn, both eyes blood red, the whole body was covered with the blood red hair, the four limbs grew a big truncation compared with the common person, the back was a purple black bat wing. 血柱如退潮般落下,原本的巨大骸骨消失无踪,取而代之的是一个百余丈大小的可怖鬼物,青面獠牙,头上一对巨大弯角,双目血红,浑身长满血红毛发,四肢比寻常人长了一大截,背后是一副紫黑色蝠翼。 The side comes, then ripples from top to bottom the intermittent remarkable fluctuation, trembles the shock to get up including the nearby air. 其方一现身,浑身上下便荡漾出阵阵惊人的波动,连附近空气都战栗般剧震起来。 „Is this in the hearsay came from Netherworld scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost? Actually a little meaning!” The Han Li vision looks straight ahead front giant ghost creature, in the mouth mutters one. “这就是传闻中来自幽冥的赤血天鬼?倒是有点意思!”韩立目光直视面前的巨型鬼物,口中喃喃一声。 Chī la! 嗤啦”一声! A scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost arm lifts, the palm appears suddenly the big piece blood-color flame, then grasps toward Han Li distantly. 赤血天鬼一只手臂一抬,掌心陡然浮现出大片血色火焰,然后朝着韩立遥遥一抓。 Han Li top of the head one dark, one mu the big or small giant blood red devil claw emerges out of thin air, on the devil claw is twining the flaming blood flame, grasps ruthlessly. 韩立头顶一暗,一只亩许大小的巨大血红鬼爪凭空出现,鬼爪上缠绕着熊熊血焰,狠狠抓下。 The great claw, strong winds one step has not first depressed, causes the surrounding bloodshed to exude the fierce mighty waves. 巨爪未至,一股狂风已经先一步压下,引得周围的血海泛起剧烈波涛。 Han Li lifts the hand to pound toward the above void fist. 韩立抬手朝着上方虚空一拳捣出。 Bang a loud sound, under an invisible great strength hit, the blood red devil claw disrupts immediately, explodes the scattering in all directions splash of everywhere blood light remnant flame. “轰”的一声巨响,在一股无形巨力撞击下,血红鬼爪顿时碎裂开来,爆裂成漫天血光残焰的四散飞溅。 His body is also in a flash tread tread draws back continually several steps, this coming to a stop body, in the eye flashes through a startled color. 他身体也是一晃的蹬蹬连退几步,这才站稳身体,眼中闪过一丝惊色。 power big astonishment that in the blood-color great claw contains, is somewhat not as he expected! 血色巨爪中蕴含的威能大的惊人,有些出乎他的预料! The blood light remnant flame of rupturing has not vanished, after spluttering a small section distance, stops fiercely, then interweaves the winding concentrates, one changes into a diameter several feet blood link unexpectedly, a contraction, one belays Han Li suddenly unexpectedly stubbornly. 爆裂的血光残焰并未消失,溅射出一小段距离后猛地停住,而后交织缠绕的一凝,竟然一下化为一只直径数丈的血环,骤然一收缩,竟一下将韩立死死套住。 Not and Han Li makes anything to respond, the blood-color Ghost King single-handed move, ties up the Han Li blood-color ring to fly at an incredible rate toward it, was held by its blood-color devil claw, only keeps head reveal outside. 未及韩立做出什么反应,血色鬼王单手一招,捆住韩立的血色圆环就以难以置信的速度朝其飞去,被其一只血色鬼爪一把抓住,只留一个头颅露在外面。 Looked where you toward run!” In the scarlet blood Heavenly Ghost mouth grins fiendishly, another devil claw also junction grasps, catches up to get hold. “看你往哪里跑!”赤血天鬼口中狞笑一声,另一只鬼爪也交握过来,发力一握紧。 Han Li only thinks that a momentous great strength oppression comes, the whole body skeleton ka ka makes noise, even by the tenacity of his mortal body at this moment, somewhat could not withstand unexpectedly. 韩立只觉一股排山倒海的巨力压迫而来,全身骨骼咔咔作响,即便以他此刻的肉身之坚韧,竟也有些承受不住了。
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