RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#55: Confession

Although four Integration Stage cultivator immediately wielding many defensive measures, but the back still had/left cold sweat. 四名合体期修士虽在第一时间祭出了诸多防御手段,但背后仍出了一身的冷汗。 These four black hot pythons seem like that 3 - 4 zhang (3.33 m) length, by previously was actually clearly flooded the massive nine Heavenly demon flame concentrations of entire mountain valley to congeal, as Heavenly Ghost Sect high rank cultivator, no one their clearer this flame was more fearful. 这四条黑色火蟒看似不过三四丈长短,却分明由此前充斥整座山谷的大量九天魔焰浓缩凝化而成,身为天鬼宗高阶修士,没有人比他们更清楚此焰的可怕了。 Perhaps even Integration Stage cultivator , could not eat to capture even the slightest misstep. 即便是合体期修士,稍有不慎,恐怕也吃不了兜着走的。 They have not thought that some day will face directly this demon flame point unexpectedly. 他们可从来没想过,有一天自己竟会直面此魔焰锋芒。 At at this moment, the sound makes a sound suddenly air-splitting for the first time! 就在此刻,突然破空声乍响! A white light from the canyon sky one flashes, but presently, and is divided into four illness/quick to shoot , the rapidness of speed, as if flickers to move to the general appearance before four people. 一道白光从峡谷上空一闪而现,并一分为四的疾射而下,速度之快,仿佛瞬移一般的出现在四人身前。 Impressively is four crystal bright sword glow! 赫然是四道晶光闪闪的剑芒! The sword light flash moves, sword glow turning round revolution changes into four diameter zhang (3.33 m) sword wheels. 剑光闪动间,剑芒滴溜溜一转的化为四个直径丈许的剑轮。 Almost next moment, four black hot pythons hit. 几乎下一刻,四条黑色火蟒撞了上来。 Rumble a bursting sound! “轰隆隆”的一阵爆裂声! Four groups of sword round of surface innumerable black hot groups explode thunder, one burns agitated, invisible fluctuations swing to open. 四团剑轮表面无数黑色火团爆裂轰鸣,一下汹汹燃烧起来,一圈圈的无形波动一荡而开。 Four threatening black hot pythons, unexpectedly instantaneous extinguished accordingly, changed into black smokes, was defeated and dispersed to vanish. 四条气势汹汹的黑色火蟒,竟瞬间的应声而灭,化为了一股股黑烟,溃散消失了。 Then in the mountain valley midair the fluctuation same place, a 40-year-old black robe man flashes, but presently, has regular facial features, appearance scholarly, frown actually thick black like sword, a withering feeling. 接着山谷半空中波动一起,一名40多岁的黑袍男子一闪而现,五官端正,容貌儒雅,双眉却浓黑如剑,给人一种肃杀之感。 That four clear sword glow change into four spoken parts light again, flashes to return from four corners, submerges its within the body, is missing. 那四道晶莹剑芒再次化为四道白光,从四个角落一闪而回,没入其体内,不见了踪影。 Uncle-Master Duan!” 段师叔!” Purple fine beard man and the others in the heart under a loosen, see the form in midair, immediately great happiness. 紫髯男子等人心中一松之下,看到半空中的身影,顿时大喜。 Han Li stands in same place, the pupil shrinks slightly, the vision looks straight ahead the opposite party. 韩立站在原地,瞳孔微微一缩,目光直视对方。 Came the person to be needless saying that naturally was of Duan Renli Heavenly Ghost Sect two Great Ascension old ancestor. 来人不用多说,自然是天鬼宗两名大乘老祖之一的段人离了。 The Duan Renli vision sweeps to all around slightly, sees to take the sect restricted area in the demon flame valley a piece in confusion, four Integration cultivator are one goes down in the world the appearance, in the surface the look slightly has not changed, but the corner of the eye actually slightly may not check twitched. 段人离目光向四周微微一扫,见到作为宗门禁地的魔焰谷中一片狼藉,四名合体修士更是一副落魄模样,面上神色丝毫未变,但眼角却微不可查的抽搐了一下。 His head slightly one low, the vision fell on Han Li, did not see its has any pinches finger joints with the thumb the action, but stretched out a palm, five fingers one point referred to toward a below point slowly. 他头颅微微一低,目光落在了韩立身上,也不见其有任何掐诀举动,只是伸出一只手掌,五指一分的朝下徐徐一点指。 Five fingers suddenly becomes must clear exceptionally, the fingertip place miraculous glow flashes continually. 五根手指蓦的变得晶莹异常,指尖处灵光连闪。 Whiz whiz the sound resounds one after another! “嗖嗖”之声接连响起! The spoken parts light from its five fingertip spraying, increases together in abundance against the wind, then changes into several hundred ruler permits Chang white bones flying swords, bringing the sad and shrill sword howl to shoot like rain toward Han Li. 一道道白光从其五指尖喷射而出,纷纷迎风变大,然后化为数百道尺许长的白骨飞剑,带着凄厉的剑啸声朝着韩立如雨般射去。 Han Li sees this, but single-handed slightly pinches finger joints with the thumb, immediately in within the body firecracker dull thumping sound transmits, body figure rises suddenly, the body surface golden light puts down greatly, pale golden scales appear from within the body, covers the whole body instantaneously 韩立见此,只是单手略一掐诀,顿时体内一阵爆竹般的闷响传来,身形暴涨一圈,体表金光大放下,一枚枚淡金色鳞片从体内浮现而出,瞬间覆盖全身 Everywhere white bone sword twinkling then, strikes in his body surface, erupts all round the rays between gold/metal white two appearances, submerges its body figure, and sent out the rain to hit the fence fulmination! 漫天白色骨剑瞬息便至,击在他体表,爆发出团团金白两色相间的光芒,将其身形淹没,并发出了雨打篱笆般的爆鸣! Air waves explode to start in the , hurricane opens to all around one volume, causes in void within nearby dozens zhang (3.33 m) scopes innumerable thin Changbai mark strange dodging to extinguish erratically. 一圈圈的气浪在附近爆裂而开,飓风般的向四周一卷而开,引得附近数十丈范围内的虚空中无数细长白痕诡异的闪灭不定。 Meanwhile, the rupturing center sky hundred zhang (333 m) place fluctuation same place, black slightly prints appear out of thin air, a revolution, changed into the garret size fast, and emits ten thousand black light dropping from the clouds. 与此同时,爆裂中心上空百丈处波动一起,一座黑色小印凭空浮现,飞快一转下,化为了阁楼般大小,并放出万道黑光的从天而降。 Has not really fallen, a suffocating spirit pressure neighbor void will cause a distortion, the power and influence is scary. 尚未真的落下,一股让人窒息的灵压就将附近虚空都引得一阵扭曲,威势骇人之极。 A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound! 一声惊天动地的巨响! Great seal position from the ground zhang (3.33 m), the falling potential is stopping unexpectedly, is unable to drop the slightest again. 巨印在距离地面丈许位置处,竟坠势一停,无法再落下分毫了。 Duan Renli saw this, on the face changes countenance finally. 段人离见到此幕,脸上终于一丝动容了。 Although a moment ago he one breath displayed two greatest magical powers, but in fact time of one breath, below gold/metal white two color rays collected after at this time, revealed situation. 刚才他虽然一口气施展了两种莫大神通,但是实际上前后不过一个呼吸的工夫,此时下方的金白两色光芒敛去后,露出了其中情形。 Sees only Han Li to stand in steadily same place, is entirely still, a right arm of turning round full Golden Scale lifts, is lifting that black great seal, but its both feet has fallen into the blue black ground, the surroundings split cracks. 只见韩立稳稳站在原地,纹丝不动一下,一只覆满金鳞的右臂抬起,正托举着那黑色巨印,而其双足已陷入深黑色地面,周围裂开了一条条裂缝。 He in Duan Renli toward midair cracks into a smile, reveals a snow white tooth, then right arm again suddenly continuously. 他朝着半空中的段人离咧嘴一笑,露出一口雪白牙齿,接着右臂一曲再猛然一直。 Immediately a deafening bellow spreads, seems like that passes the black great seal of Mount Tai again, unexpectedly like a wood/blockhead by it forcefully throws, located to fly from valley entrance at the inconceivable speed, was missing. 顿时一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣声传出,看似重逾泰山的黑色巨印,竟如同一块木头般被其硬生生的一抛而起,以不可思议速度从谷口处飞了出去,不见了踪影。 Then soaring of its both feet tread, after flashes suddenly, not far away of strange appearance before the Duan Renli body, an arm slightly one fuzzy, leaves on the strategic place opposite boxing. 接着其双足骤然间一蹬的腾空而起,一个闪动后,就诡异的出现在段人离身前不远处,一条手臂略一模糊下,就要冲对面一拳击出。 The latter sees this situation, the complexion is slightly invariable, but both eyes narrowed the eyes narrowed the eyes. 后者见此情形,脸色丝毫不变,只是双目眯了一眯。 In the meantime, Han Li is void behind flashes, silver ring silent flying shoots. 就在此时,韩立身后虚空一闪,一个银色圆环无声无息的飞射而出。 He is expected turns around rapidly, a hand blade gently, the ring was cut to start baseless. 他早有所料般迅疾转身,轻轻的一记手刀,圆环凭空被一斩而开。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! Under two sections of silver link surface rune wind around unexpectedly, changes into suddenly connected remnant shadow vanished baseless. 两截银环竟表面符文一阵缭绕下,骤然化为连串残影的凭空消失了。 next moment, two strange incomparable emergence by Han Li. 下一刻,二者诡异无比的出现在韩立两侧。 Clang a light sound! “铿”的一声轻响! Han Li only thinks that body one tight, two sections of silver links suddenly one gathers toward the middle, changes into a complete ring closely locks in again his body. 韩立只觉身躯一紧,两截银环蓦的往中间一合,再次化为一个完整圆环的将他身体紧紧锁住。 Ring miraculous glow hold, tightens greatly suddenly, the inner loop and a Golden Scale contact sparks/Mars braves, to spread the explosive that ka-beng creaks immediately randomly, as if next moment must be exploded general by this great strength direct pressure. 圆环灵光大盛,猛然一收紧,内圈与金鳞一接触顿时火星乱冒,传出嘎嘣嘎吱的爆响,仿佛下一刻就要被这股巨力直接压爆一般。 Elder Brother!” Liu Le'er has fallen back on a mountain valley corner/horn, sees this situation, immediately calls out in alarm makes noise. “哥哥!”柳乐儿早已退到了山谷一角,见此情形,顿时惊呼出声。 Purple fine beard man and the others saw that is in the heart one happy. 紫髯男子等人见状,则是心中一喜。 The Han Li startled color, has not clenched teeth slightly immediately, in the mouth low roar exits. 韩立没有丝毫惊慌之色,当即一咬牙,口中一声低喝出口。 within the body a stuffy thunder -like Pī pā sound, the chest and belly appeared immediately suddenly thickly five blue luminous spots, a whole body muscle fiercely drum, the body suddenly. 体内顿时一阵闷雷般的噼啪声,胸腹骤然浮现出五个蓝色光点,全身肌肉猛地一鼓,身体骤然粗大了一圈。 His both arms brace, the silver ring ray neglected fiercely crazily is supported forcefully in a big way, appeared the innumerable silver rune crazy beat, then Kā chā, ruptured. 他双臂猛地一撑,银色圆环光芒狂闪下被硬生生撑大了一圈,浮现出无数银色符文疯狂跳动,接着“咔嚓”一声,就此爆裂开来。 The Duan Renli complexion is finally dignified, body figure will shoot in the future, a double sleeve drum, as if must stimulate to movement other treasure magical powers again. 段人离脸色终于凝重下来,身形往后倒射而出,双袖一鼓,似乎要再催动其他宝物神通。 How Han Li will let opposite party easily make a move again, the shoulder in a flash, person on one fuzzy vanishes from the original position. 韩立岂会再让对方轻易出手,肩头一晃,人就一模糊的从原处消失。 next moment, flies upside down Duan Renli of hundred zhang (333 m) distance person's shadow flitted, Han Li form ghost-like appears behind, without delay single-handed grasps, a fist rumbles. 下一刻,堪堪倒飞出百丈距离的段人离身后人影一花,韩立身影鬼魅般出现,二话不说的单手一握,一拳轰出。 The fist golden light is shining, imitates, if the pure gold casts, the fist wind place visited, delimited a spoken parts mark baseless! 拳头金光灿灿,仿若赤金铸就,拳风所过之处,凭空划出了一道白痕! Duan Renli turns round fiercely, the opens the mouth spouts one group of blood cloud, under concentrates, changes into at the same time the blood-color light shield, keeps off before the body. 段人离猛一回身,张口喷出一团血云,一凝之下,化为一面血色光盾,挡在身前。 Bang! “轰”的一声! A Han Li fist bombardment on the blood shield, shield surface deep goes in hollowly, is defeated and dispersed loudly, changes into the big piece blood fog, the fist potential non-stop, pierced the Duan Renli chest directly. 韩立一拳轰击在血盾上,盾面一下深深凹陷进去,接着轰然溃散,化为大片血雾,拳势不停,直接洞穿了段人离胸膛。 But on his face does not have the slight happy expression, instead cold snort/hum. 但他脸上没有丝毫喜色,反而冷哼一声。 Sees only the Duan Renli whole body flesh instantaneous , just like the bubble to be defeated and dispersed, under the big piece courage vigor scatters, the whole person changed into a white skeleton, hung on the Han Li arm. 只见段人离全身血肉瞬间“噗”的一声,犹如泡沫般溃散开来,大片血气飘散之下,整个人化为了一具白色骨架,挂在了韩立手臂上。 The void fluctuation same place outside hundred zhang (333 m), the Duan Renli form silent comes, seemingly returns safe and sound, but the complexion has a paleness indistinctly. 百丈外的虚空波动一起,段人离身影无声现身,看起来毫发未损,但是脸色隐约有一丝苍白。 A series of accidents such as the thunder light fire from flint, purple fine beard man and the others saw this situation, looks at one mutually, saw one from the opposite party eyes with amazement and shock. 一连串的变故如雷光石火,紫髯男子等人见此情形,不禁互望一眼,均从对方眼中看到了一丝骇然和震惊。 Cannot think that my closed-door cultivation is about several hundred years, this had/left your excellency this to endure compared with strength cultivator that Great Ascension Stage had unexpectedly. Hasn't consulted your excellency honored name?” Duan Renli sized up Han Li two up and down, as if repeatedly confirmed general, in the mouth said slowly. “想不到我闭关不过数百年,本界竟出了阁下这等堪比大乘期存在的力修。还未请教阁下尊姓大名?”段人离上下打量了韩立两眼,仿佛再次确认一般,口中缓缓说道。 Fellow Daoist Duan overpraised, below Han Li.” 段道友过奖,在下韩立。” Han Li shows a faint smile, flings at will toward side the white skeleton, the whole body pale golden color scale removes, does not have again make a move. 韩立微微一笑,将白色骨架朝旁随意一甩出去,周身淡金色鳞片褪去,也没有再出手 Originally is Fellow Daoist Han. However your excellency has such strength, practices moderation by right should the status, why comes my Heavenly Ghost Sect to cause trouble for no reason, but also bullying the weak injures my disciple disciple, should give me a confession?” The Duan Renli sound sinks suddenly. “原来是韩道友。不过阁下既拥有此等实力,本当自持身份,为何无端来我天鬼宗生事,还以大欺小伤我门人弟子,是不是该给我一个交代?”段人离声音蓦然一沉。 Hehe, Heavenly Ghost Sect meets the guilty party sues first. Your capture my person in first, latter displays the secret technique to transmit me in this forcefully, I also want to ask your excellency to give a confession.” The Han Li corners of the mouth twitch, sneers a sound said. “嘿嘿,天鬼宗倒会恶人先告状。你们虏我的人在先,后又施展秘术强行将我传送于此,我还想请阁下给一个交代呢。”韩立嘴角抽搐一下,冷笑一声道。 Duan Renli heard that the word is startled slightly, the vision swept below purple fine beard man and the others, asked: 段人离闻言微微一怔,目光扫了下方的紫髯男子等人一眼,问道: What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Several people look mutually, other three people look to the purple fine beard man. 几人互望,其他三人都看向紫髯男子。 Reported Uncle-Master Duan. I previously received sect within/inner transmit/message saying that some people private rush to the entrance, then goes out to find out. Seeing this...... this Fellow Daoist Han magical powers are fierce, stimulation of movement restriction its transmission hence. Why comes my Heavenly Ghost Sect as for this person, pouring also is really not very clear.” The purple fine beard man hesitated, said. “禀段师叔。我此前收到宗内传讯说有人私闯山门,便出去一探究竟。见这……这位韩道友神通厉害,就催动禁制将其传送至此。至于这人为何来我天鬼宗,倒还真不是很清楚。”紫髯男子迟疑了一下,如此说道。 Immediately verifies this matter!” Duan Renli hears word, the unquestionable instruction said. “立刻查明此事!”段人离闻言,不容置疑的吩咐道。 Yes.” The purple fine beard man complied with one hastily, is busy at flying toward the valley outside. “是。”紫髯男子连忙答应了一声,忙朝着谷外飞去。 The Duan Renli vision returned to the Han Li face, no longer said a word. 段人离目光回到了韩立脸上,不再言语。 Han Li looked at one toward under somewhere, hints after the look Liu Le'er does not need to be worried, then the face hangs the light smile and opposite party looks at each other. 韩立朝下方某处望了一眼,用眼神示意柳乐儿不必担心后,便脸挂淡淡笑容的和对方对视起来。 Roughly the an incense stick of time time, the purple fine beard man returns to the canyon, respectful whispered to Duan Renli voice transmission. 约莫一炷香的工夫,紫髯男子返回峡谷内,恭敬的向段人离传音低语了一阵。 A Duan Renli brow slightly wrinkle, but along with even restores usual waving. 段人离眉头微微一皱,但随即便恢复如常的挥了挥手。 The purple fine beard man fell back on the one side hastily. 紫髯男子连忙退到了一旁。 Originally Fellow Daoist Han from Cold Flame Sect?” Duan Renli looks up Han Li, said slowly, seems considering the expression. “原来韩道友来自冷焰宗?”段人离抬头看着韩立,缓缓说道,似乎在斟酌着言辞。 correct/good.” Han Li confident say/way. 不错。”韩立坦然道。 „The your sect conduct was never so expected that low-key, had/left your excellency such strength cultivator, never disclosed that more than half point rumors, may celebrate seriously encouraging.” The Duan Renli look flashes, somewhat false smile saying. “没想到贵宗行事如此低调,出了阁下这么一位力修,也从未透露过半点风声,当真可喜可贺。”段人离眼神微闪,有些皮笑肉不笑的说道。 Fellow Daoist Duan must shift good of topic not.” Saying that Han Li smiles lightly. 段道友还是莫要转移话题的好。”韩立淡淡一笑的说道。 Matter I have clarified basically. Your excellency and some our sect Outer Sect Elder gratitude and grudges, as for the later all sorts, misunderstand. Since that person has died, matter also talked clearly, your I hit again, is senseless. Might as well stop there, how do I make one deliver the fellow daoist and companion leave?” Duan Renli silent, said. “事情我已经基本弄清楚了。阁下和本宗一名外门长老有些恩怨,至于之后的种种,都是误会。既然那人已死,事情也说清楚了,你我再打下去,也是无谓。不如就此罢手,我让人送道友和同伴离开如何?”段人离沉默了一下,如此说道。 In its looks like, although Han Li seems like that cultivation base is not high, but resorted to some method to hide the real strength obviously, now in the sect another Great Ascension this period of time is not in exactly, continued to hit, perhaps gain does not equal the loss. 在其看来,韩立虽然看似修为不高,但显然动用了某种手段隐藏了真实实力,如今宗内另一位大乘这段时日恰好不在门中,继续打下去,恐怕得不偿失。 If trades to do is your excellency, was arrested to his sect with no reason at all, and leans since strength of besieging does not distinguish between right and wrong almost entire sects, then by the light misunderstanding, what matter is wanted to work as not to happen, will Fellow Daoist Duan agree?” Han Li is staring at the opposite party, saying of faint smile. “若换做是阁下,被无缘无故拘至他宗,并倾几乎全宗之力不分青红皂白的围攻至今,然后被轻飘飘一句误会,就想当什么事都没发生,段道友会同意吗?”韩立直盯着对方,似笑非笑的说道。
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