RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#54: Turnover demon flame

The black flame tumbles, the hot wave is torrential. 黑焰翻滚,火浪滔滔。 This black flame is exceptionally strange, the burning hot high temperature of suddenly rising makes in the valley all as if body set in the stove general, but has intermittently jet black such as demon Qi of black ink gradually to spread, hidden has a frightening aura. 这黑焰异常诡异,骤升的炙热高温使得谷内一切都仿佛身置火炉中一般,但同时有阵阵漆黑如墨的魔气逐渐蔓延开来,隐带着一种让人心惊胆颤的气息。 Places Han Li and Liu Le'er that the black flame covers, the withstood high temperature is shocking, becomes including the nearby air fuzzily is dim. 身处黑焰笼罩的韩立柳乐儿,承受的高温更是骇人听闻,连附近空气都变得模糊朦胧起来。 Liu Le'er instance that gushes out in all around demon flame tumbling, then has been scared to death. 柳乐儿在四周魔焰翻滚涌出的瞬间,便已吓得面无人色。 But next moment, this female then discovered that places in the silver flame belt of fire, all around high temperature and billowing demon Qi, as if were flooded into toward the silver flame by some huge magnetic attraction generally in abundance, making the surrounding area in several feet the air cool exceptionally, felt at ease immediately much. 下一刻,此女便发现身处银焰火网中,四周的高温及滚滚魔气,仿佛被某种巨大磁力吸引一般往银焰中纷纷涌入,使得方圆数丈内空气清凉异常,顿时心安了不少。 Although Han Li does not have the silver flame to protect the body, the demon flame that but comes facing all around, the eye does not wink, the look is tranquil. 韩立虽没有银焰护体,但面对四周汹涌而至的魔焰,眼都不眨一下,神色平静之极。 Will soon touch the body in all around demon flame, it suddenly a opens the mouth, a suction immediately one volume. 就在四周魔焰即将触及身体之时,其蓦然一张口,一股吸力当即从中一卷而出。 Floods the surrounding black demon flame by this suction under one volume, rewinds like the great waves unexpectedly general, changes into black flame class/flow pours into its. 充斥周围的黑色魔焰被这股吸力一卷之下,竟如同浪涛倒卷一般,化为一股股黑色焰流的灌入其口中。 2-3 breath times, then had the most black flame to enter in the Han Li abdomen, caused in the valley the flaming fire intensity immediately dispirited. 前后不过2-3息功夫,便有大半黑焰入了韩立腹中,使得谷内熊熊火势顿时一阵萎靡。 This, making the eyeballs of four Integration Stage cultivator almost probably stare, stopped in the hand hastily in abundance. 这一幕,让四名合体期修士的眼珠子几乎都要瞪了出来,连忙纷纷停下了手中施法。 Then, surroundings cliff wall surface black hot lotus fuzzy, restored the original design, was only these chart marks compared with previously, faintly dim several points. 如此一来,周围崖壁表面的黑色火莲一阵模糊下,恢复了原样,只是那些图纹比此前,隐隐黯淡了几分。 Han Li does not have the meaning of slight stopping, by all black flame the valley all swallows completely, some the closing mouths of having not given full expression, send out a belch dull thumping sound. 韩立却没有丝毫停下之意,直至将谷内所有黑焰悉数吞尽,这才有些意犹未尽的闭上嘴巴,发出一声饱嗝般的闷响。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Can burn to eclipse the myriad things nine Heavenly demon flame to be given by him unexpectedly......” “能焚蚀万物的九天魔焰居然被他给……” Actually this person is what monster!” “这人究竟是什么怪物!” „, This person of magical powers are really unthinkable, was still in ghost town/subdues soul great array while it, I and others keeps back-up not by any means again, otherwise no end of trouble for the future!” Purple fine beard man grave expression, raised a hue and cried. “诸位,此人神通实在匪夷所思,趁其尚处于地鬼镇魂大阵中,我等切莫再留后手,否则后患无穷!”紫髯男子神色凝重,大声疾呼道。 Then, its single-handed raises, wielding less than half foot copper ancient lantern, in the obscure incantation sound, puts out a hand to rub gently. 说罢,其单手一扬,祭出一盏不足半尺的紫铜古灯,在晦涩的咒语声中,伸手轻轻一搓。 . “噗”的一声。 On the ancient lamp ignites a pale purple color light flame, simultaneously the lamp body surface exudes the innumerable grain of rice sizes purple rune, winds around fast. 古灯上燃起一朵淡紫色灯焰,同时灯身表面泛起无数米粒大小的紫色符文,飞快缭绕起来。 Thick purple smog curls the ascension from the lamp flame, and fills the inflation fast, suddenly congealed to have the lifelike purple great tiger appearance of garret size fully, the head raises high, after sending out silent shouted, four feet such as fly dashed to go toward Han Li. 一股浓浓的紫色烟雾从灯焰中袅袅升腾,并飞快弥漫膨胀,眨眼间凝成了一头足有阁楼大小的栩栩如生紫色巨虎模样,头颅高扬,发出一声无声嘶吼后,四足如飞的朝着韩立直扑而去。 Reading that beautiful female on another stone column, in the mouth the incantation sound goes up and down abruptly non-stop, a pair of pupil does not know when has exuded the one/1st level/layer red glow. 另一座石柱上的美艳女子,口中咒语声忽高忽低的念动不停,一对瞳孔不知何时已泛起一层红芒。 But sees its purple gauze skirt to stir calmly, descends to earth just like fairy, the whole body skin muscle is actually withering at the visible speed, on the slender five fingers the nail lengthens to become dark, changes into a pair of fierce dry claw, under gentle elegant face flesh ablation, whole person unexpectedly living for a rouge skeleton! 但见其身上紫色纱裙无风鼓荡,宛如仙女下凡,全身皮肤肌肉却正以肉眼可见的速度萎缩下去,纤细五指上指甲变长发黑,化为一对狰狞枯爪,柔媚俏脸血肉消融下,整个人竟活生生化为了一具红粉骷髅! The body figure lithe dive , the speed quick astonishment, is only in a flash, has a series of remnant shadow appearances in Han Li above not far away, a dry claw grasps toward under fiercely. 身形轻盈的俯冲而下,速度快的惊人,只是一晃下,就带着一连串残影的出现在韩立上方不远处,一只枯爪朝下方猛地一抓。 The Han Li top of the head sky fluctuation same place, has the white bone claw of hill size to find out fully, five bones refer to just like the sharp blade, has the sharp wind sound/rumor, grasps ruthlessly toward the Han Li head, billowing grayish white evil Qi sweeps across from the palm. 韩立头顶上空波动一起,一只足有小山般大小的白色骨爪探出,五根骨指犹如锋利刀刃般,带着尖锐风声,朝韩立头颅狠狠抓下,滚滚灰白煞气从掌心席卷而出。 Bone claw in tumbling bloodshed virtual image, as if slightly not affected! 骨爪在翻滚的血海虚影中,似乎丝毫不受影响! Han Li stands in same place has not moved, without delay single-handed raises, a mini black peak lets go, under rises suddenly against the wind, changes into a black mountain peak, pounded ruthlessly above the white bone claw. 韩立站在原地没动,二话不说的单手一扬,一座迷你黑峰脱手而出,迎风暴涨之下,化为一座黑色山峰,狠狠砸在了白色骨爪之上。 Bang! “轰”的一声! The black mountain peak explodes to open under the bone claw, changes into sprinkling of everywhere giant stone, but bone claw also after trembles, several collapses. 黑色山峰在骨爪下方爆裂而开,化为漫天巨石的洒落而下,但骨爪也在一颤后,也“喀啦”几声的崩溃开来。 Everywhere evil Qi also vanishes into thin air, only other innumerable white bones disintegrating slags. 漫天煞气随之烟消云散,只余下无数白骨碎渣。 The rouge skeleton also wants to make anything, moves mountains air wave from below one volume, but, causes as if in the wind the willow catkin, did not have flying upside down of resistance, numerous collisions in one side mountain wall, the powder were one pile of skeletons. 红粉骷髅还想要做些什么,一股排山倒海般的气浪从下方一卷而至,使其如风中柳絮般,毫无招架之力的倒飞了出去,重重的撞在一侧山壁,散为一堆骸骨。 In the meantime, as if tiger's roar roar rolls down! 就在此时,仿佛虎啸般的吼声滚滚而下! Actually is that purple great tiger but air-splitting , the opens the mouth spurts, the purple misty light beam illness/quick shoots together under. 却是那只紫色巨虎破空而至,张口一喷,一道紫蒙蒙光柱疾射而下。 Han Li is only single-handed grasps, an invisible great strength sweeps, the purple light beam destroys loudly, then it jumps to leap, adds the appearance of body without the apparent gravity in the great tiger underbelly. 韩立只是单手一抓,一股无形巨力一扫而过,紫色光柱轰然溃灭,接着其纵身一跃,就无视重力加身的出现在巨虎腹下。 His both arms search like lightning, blocked the great tiger head single-handedly, another hand held a hind leg, the arm muscle ballooning, just like two big pliers, whatever the great tiger struggles to sway from side to side crazily, actually cannot work loose the slightest! 其双臂闪电般一探而出,一手扼住了巨虎头颅,另一只手则抓住了一条后腿,手臂肌肉鼓胀,犹如两只大钳子般,任凭巨虎疯狂挣扎扭动,却根本挣脱不开分毫! At his about two one point, prepares this tiger tearing two halves, under ground suddenly bang, four black great lance that is flashing the dim light break out from the ground, passes through the numerous bloodshed, must puncture suddenly everywhere to his chest and belly. 就在他两手左右一分,准备将此虎撕裂两半时,下方地面突然“砰”的一声,四根闪着幽光的黑色巨矛破土而出,穿越重重血海,猛然向其胸腹要处处刺来。 Zheng a sharp sound! “铮”的一声锐响! Four great lances pounded unexpectedly probably in the impregnable bastion general, was instead shaken by a great strength, trembled but actually shrank. 四根巨矛竟像是砸在了铜墙铁壁上一般,被一股巨力反震下,一颤的倒缩回去。 Cluck “咕咕” A strange sound resounds, in the ground the mudstone opens, springs an all over the body pitch-black giant spider. 一声古怪声音响起,地面之中泥石翻开,弹出一只通体乌黑的巨大蜘蛛。 His head lives two rows of shining white compound eyes, eight bar iron lance long legs thick such as the arm, the underbelly is also hanging a gray meat bag. 其头颅生有两排莹白复眼,八条钢矛般的长腿粗如儿臂,腹下还悬挂着一只灰色肉袋。 Han Li both eyes narrow the eyes slightly, discovered that meat bag impressively that humpbacked old man, but this spider, unexpectedly as if general that is long from its back bubble, strange. 韩立双目微微一眯,发现那肉袋赫然正是那名驼背老者,而此蜘蛛,竟仿佛是从其背后的鼓包中长出来的一般,诡异至极。 The pitch-black spider side comes, before two are sharp, at one fell swoop, above exudes the blood-color red light fully again alternately upward, seems like similar to a heat shear general, clamps directly to its nape of the neck. 乌黑蜘蛛方一现身,两只锋利前足再次交叉往上一举,其上泛起血色红光,看起来就如同一柄烧红的大剪刀一般,径直冲其脖颈夹来。 However this time, Han Li to its least bit opportunity, both hands has not actually gripped the purple great tiger tightly, body figure is jumping down taking advantage of the potential of extremely heavy gravity rapidly, and lifts the right foot to sweep away on the way. 然而这一次,韩立却没给其半点机会,双手紧攥着紫色巨虎,身形借着万钧重力之势飞速一跃而下,并在途中抬起右脚横扫而出。 Bang a loud sound! “砰”的一声巨响! Before spider two , a foot cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, the body also under a great strength impact, flies up at angle, pounds into one side stone wall layer on layer/heavily, the fallen giant stone submerges. 蜘蛛两只前足寸寸碎裂,身子也在一股巨力冲击下,斜飞出去,重重砸入一侧石壁之中,被落下的巨石淹没。 The Han Li side falls to the ground, two arms make an effort simultaneously, in that purple great tiger hand tearing in half. 韩立方一落地,两臂同时一用力,就将手中那只紫色巨虎给撕成了两半。 Unexpected matter happened! 出乎意料的事情发生了! The purple great tiger that tears, the shape disperses the air/Qi actually not to disperse, changes into under the tumbling of big piece purple fog, covered Han Li. 撕裂开来的紫色巨虎,形散气却未散,化为大片紫雾的一个翻滚下,将韩立笼罩了进去。 The purple fog has lifted sends out strange rich fragrance, just like has some type to absorb the person soul, to corrode the cultivator intelligence the different functions. 紫雾散发出一股奇异浓香,俨然拥有某种摄人心魂、侵蚀修士神智的异能。 Elder Brother!” Liu Le'er of distant place sees the situation is not wonderful, calls out in alarm the exit|to speak. “哥哥!”远处的柳乐儿见形势不妙,不禁惊呼出口。 Hehe, mortal body intrepidly how, under the Elder Lu eclipse soul ghost fog, can......” the skeleton of not far away reconstitute a rouge skeleton, stood tremblingly, in the mouth sends out one to laugh. “嘿嘿,肉身强悍又如何,在卢长老的蚀魂鬼雾下,又能……”不远处的骸骨重新组成一只红粉骷髅,颤颤巍巍的站了起来,口中发出一阵嗤笑。 Finally its words have not said, believes Fang root stone column peak to hear sound of the rendingly shouting. 结果其话还没说完,就听上方某根石柱顶端传来一声撕心裂肺地嘶吼之声。 Sees only that purple fine beard man to turn over/to stand up to crash from the stone column at this time, swaying back and forth of whole face pain, previously that copper ancient lamp tumbled the one side. 只见那紫髯男子此时已从石柱上翻身坠落而下,满脸痛苦的打起滚来,先前那盏紫铜古灯则滚落一旁。 The purple great tiger melts to be defeated and dispersed, reveals Han Li body figure that the mist trembles, under its single-handed move, copper ancient lantern one absorbed fuzzily, by his slightly examination, then optional received into in storage bag. 紫色巨虎所化雾气一颤的溃散开来,露出韩立身形,其单手一招下,紫铜古灯就一个模糊的摄了过来,被他略一查看,便随意的收入储物袋中。 Meanwhile, the crystal light flashes, the fine fine crystal silk flashes from the purple fine beard man head together, and one volume of re-entries to its forehead. 与此同时,晶光一闪,一道纤细晶丝从紫髯男子头颅中一闪而出,并一卷的重回到其眉心中。 Afterward he a vision revolution, said one to the left side that big decorative archway direction lightly: 随后他才目光一转,冲左侧那座高大牌楼方向淡淡说了一句: What's wrong, hadn't found the opportunity of sneak attack?” “怎么,还没找到偷袭的机会吗?” The voice falls, after the decorative archway , the form flashes together, and plunders rapidly toward the rear area, is not make a move that one-eyed great man (Han). 话音落下,牌楼后一道身影一闪而出,并急速朝后方掠去,正是一直未出手的那名独眼巨汉。 He at this moment, whole body by a bone armor that is covered with the sharp thorn covers, is grasping a all over the body blood red clear great axe single-handed, seeming like just like is also power good top grade magical treasure. 此刻的他,周身被一件长满尖刺的骨铠覆盖,单手握着一柄通体血红的晶莹巨斧,看起来俨然也是一件威能不俗的极品法宝 But after this person comes to a stop body figure, but looks to be vigilant color looks to Han Li, has not flushed the plan that goes all out. 但此人站稳身形后,只是面露警惕之色的看向韩立,并没有冲上来拼命的打算。 Just now he witnesses Han Li almost one to put in an appearance, hits three Integration Stage cultivator does not have the resistance, and from beginning to end, makes it have to plant unexpectedly unable to start the feeling. 方才他亲眼目睹韩立几乎一个照面间,就将三名合体期修士打得毫无招架之力,且从头至尾,竟让其都有种无从下手之感。 When this being incapable feeling facing opponent, has does not know many years not. 这种面对对手时的无力感觉,已有不知多少年没有过了。 Han Li sees him to come, then took back the vision, turns around to raise legs, selfish toward front place ghost decorative archway at a moderate pace walking. 韩立见其现身,便收回了目光,转身抬腿,自顾自的朝前方一座地鬼牌楼不紧不慢的走去。 From the change of its clothing fold can actually see, floods all around bloodshed restriction gravity still the practical pressed on him, but his step, although is not quick, obviously also not strenuous appearance. 从其身上衣衫褶皱的变化却能看出,充斥四周的血海禁制重力仍切切实实地压在他身上,但他步履虽不快,显然也并不怎么吃力的样子。 Before arriving at the decorative archway, after sizing up a decorative archway column, he bent the waist suddenly, puts out a hand to grasp a column, the waist arm caught up suddenly, raised to suddenly. 走到牌楼前,打量了一眼牌楼立柱后,他忽然一弯腰,伸手抱住了其中一根立柱,腰身手臂骤然发力,猛然向上一提。 The trim land also shakes loudly, the great ghost head both eyes on decorative archway have panic-stricken of personification unexpectedly indistinctly! 整片大地随之轰然一震,牌楼上的巨鬼头颅双目竟隐约有一丝拟人的惊恐! Sees only the entire decorative archway to rock leisurely, becomes higher and higher, finally was from underground is pulled out by him unexpectedly. 只见整个牌楼悠悠晃动,变得越来越高,最后竟是生生被他从地下倒拔了出来。 After leaving the ground, great ghost head wail, then entire decorative archway black light neglects contracts suddenly, changes to a black token to fall in his hands, but covers under the bloodshed virtual image also fierce tumbling of surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m), the range reduced much. 离开地面后,巨鬼头颅哀鸣一声,接着整个牌楼乌光一闪下骤然收缩,化作一块黑色令牌落在其手中,而覆盖方圆数百丈的血海虚影也一阵剧烈翻滚下,范围缩小了不少。 Han Li receives the token, walks toward another decorative archway...... 韩立将令牌收起,朝着另一座牌楼走去…… At this time, the humpbacked old man and purple fine beard man had crawled, the beautiful female of incarnation rouge skeleton also restored the original appearance. 此时,驼背老者与紫髯男子已爬了起来,化身红粉骷髅的美艳女子也恢复了本来面貌。 In four Heavenly Ghost Sect Integration cultivator branch valleys four corners, look helplessly Han Li will compose ghost town/subdues soul great array place ghost decorative archway one by one/each to receive, on the face full is the complex color, actually very tacit does not have make a move to prevent. 四名天鬼宗合体修士分处谷内四个角落,眼睁睁看着韩立将组成地鬼镇魂大阵的地鬼牌楼一一收起,脸上满是复杂之色,却十分默契的都没有出手阻止。 Everyone did not say a word, seems waiting for what general. 所有人一言不发,似乎在等着什么一般。 After half incense stick of time, when Han Li received the last black token, suddenly eyebrow slightly raise, on the face unusual look flashed through. 半柱香后,当韩立收起了最后一块黑色令牌,突然眉头微微一挑,脸上一丝异色闪过。 Came finally.” “总算来了。” After he muttered one, suddenly a opens the mouth, spat suddenly outward. 他喃喃一声后,蓦然一张口,猛然向外一吐。 Hū lā! 呼啦”一声! Big piece black flame billowing, unexpectedly impressively was previously by these demon flame that he inhales. 大片黑色火焰滚滚而出,竟赫然是先前被他吸入的那些魔焰。 These demon flame shoot up to the sky, toward in the air gathers, four groups of wheel big hot cloud turning round congealments, and under a twist deformation, will change to four several feet black hot pythons shortly plunges the one-eyed great man (Han) respectively and other people. 这些魔焰冲天而起,往空中一聚,四团车轮般大的火云滴溜溜凝结而成,并一阵扭曲变形下,顷刻间化作了四条数丈长黑色火蟒的分别扑向独眼巨汉等四人。 Four people see that have a big shock immediately, defense magical treasure of wielding several different models, transform protecting of layer upon layer guard/shield to live in the whole body in abundance. 四人见状顿时大惊失色,纷纷祭出数件不同式样的防御法宝,幻化出一层层护罩的护住周身。 .................. ……………… Fellow mortal fellow daoist look Mortal Immortal World Northern Cold Immortal Territory Knocks on a door to invite call 各位凡人道友们看过来【凡人仙界-北寒仙域】敲门请call :? 71277237?( Group id) Organization introduces The Northern Cold Immortal Territory book friend group takes deeply loving the book friend of «Record of Mortal's Journey to Immortality Immortal World» story content as the forgetting language official book friend group of main body, for the purpose of constructing civilized, relaxed, harmonious, friendly affection networking circle. 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