RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#53: The demon flame commits suicide by fire

Finishes speaking, a Han Li form fuzziness, from vanishes without the trace same place. 话音刚落,韩立身影一个模糊,就从原地消失无踪。 Careful......” “小心……” Dove surface old man complexion one startled, shout loudly. 鸠面老者面色一惊,大喝出声 The result finishes barely the words, only thinks that at present the fuzzy form flashes through together, the whole person such as was then hit by the great peak, broken gunnysack flying upside down, hits ruthlessly on a mountain peak outside square, inserts in the mountain wall forcefully, the life and death does not know. 结果话音未落,只觉眼前一道模糊身影闪过,整个人便如遭巨峰撞击,破麻袋般的倒飞而出,狠狠撞在广场外的一处山峰上,硬生生嵌入山壁之中,生死不知。 Bang bang two dull thumping sounds! “砰砰”两声闷响! White hair old man and dark big man previous quarter looks helplessly dove surface old man body figure departs, has not understood what's the matter, then thinks that at present one gloomy, then the body then mounts the clouds and rides the mist to fly to shoot in some direction, pounds into the mountain wall ruthlessly. 白发老者和黝黑大汉前一刻眼睁睁看着鸠面老者身形飞出,还未明白过来是怎么回事,便觉眼前一黯,接着身体便腾云驾雾般朝某个方向飞射而出,狠狠砸入山壁。 The entire square is completely silent immediately. 整个广场顿时鸦雀无声。 Liu Le'er is looking at around the square the lying this way and that dense piece, magical treasure magical artifact that and shape varies, the small mouth opens boss, half sound being able to close up same place. 柳乐儿望着广场周围横七竖八的黑压压一片,以及形状各异的法宝法器,小嘴张得老大,半响合不拢一起。 Although she knows that her Elder Brother Shi Tou is very fierce, but this, still surpasses him to imagine at present greatly, felt that just like has a dream general. 她虽然知道她的石头哥哥很厉害,但眼前这一幕,仍是大大超出其想象了,感觉犹如做梦一般。 When this female somewhat was still lost in thought that Han Li has appeared in its side, asking that somewhat cares about: 此女仍有些出神之际,韩立已出现在其身旁,有些关心的问道: Le'er, is the body injury good?” 乐儿,身上伤势还好吧?” Luckily has these treasures that the Elder Brother bestows, and does not have any in a big way obstructs. Qi Xuan harbors evil intentions, not only covets elder brother's spirit flame, but also wants to tempt the Elder Brother to come by me. However except for imprisons me, how pours not to me.” Liu Le'er shakes the head, saying that still somewhat had a lingering fear. “幸亏有哥哥所赐的那些宝物,并没有什么大碍的。齐煊居心叵测,不仅觊觎哥哥的灵焰,还想以我引诱哥哥前来。不过除了将我禁锢住,倒也没对我怎么样。”柳乐儿摇了摇头,仍有些心有余悸的说道。 Han Li nods, selfish sits cross-legged to sit down, takes out white medicine pill to put in the mouth. 韩立点点头,自顾自的盘膝坐下,取出一枚白色丹药放入口中。 Before this divine sense attack method, by his present magical power, even reduced the might specially, still made its magical power almost bottom. 之前这种神识攻击手段,以他如今的法力,即使特意消减了威力,仍让其法力几乎见底了。 Elder Brother, don't we take advantage to walk now?” Liu Le'er is startled slightly, looked at one toward all around, saying that somewhat worries about. “哥哥,我们不趁现在走吗?”柳乐儿微微一怔,朝四周望了一眼,有些担忧的说道。 Han Li makes the so big noise square here, naturally alarmed entire Heavenly Ghost Sect, escaping light depart from various places, flies toward square here. 韩立在广场这里闹出这般大动静,自然惊动了整个天鬼宗,一道道遁光从各处飞出,朝着广场这里飞来。 Since came, why anxiously.” Han Li shows a faint smile, saying of not caring at all. “既然来了,何必急着走。”韩立微微一笑,毫不在意的说道。 After moment time, the sound rings out air-splitting, when several great escaping light first fly , under flashes appears six forms rudely, the aura of sending out compared with the dove surface old man three people slightly. 仅仅片刻工夫后,破空声大作,数道宏大遁光当先飞至,一闪之下现出六个身影,散发的气息比起鸠面老者三人丝毫不逊。 Several people see here situation, the complexion one startled, vision simultaneous/uniform Qiluo on below Han Li. 几人看到此处情形,脸色一惊之下,目光齐齐落在了下方的韩立身上。 Although several people somewhat are surprised uncertain, but emits divine sense to sweep, and looks at one after mutually, as if by prior agreement in the future will spread out some, this in abundance wielding magical treasure. 虽然几人都有些惊疑不定,但放出神识一扫,并互望一眼后,不约而同的往后拉开了些距离,这才纷纷祭出法宝 The magical treasure ray that sharp whistle crack, six colors vary air-splitting drops from the clouds, simultaneously attacks to Han Li, the momentum is very astonishing. 锐啸之声破空炸响,六道颜色各异的法宝光芒从天而降,同时攻向韩立,声势好不惊人。 Han Li has not set out, is maintaining the sitting cross-legged posture as before, body figure is slightly fuzzily turning round one a revolution, the arm, simultaneously leaves to six direction respective void boxing. 韩立并未起身,依旧保持着盘膝姿势,身形就地滴溜溜一转,手臂略一模糊下,同时冲六个方向各自虚空一拳击出。 Rumbling several! “轰轰”几声! All around fluctuation same place, exudes ripple, spreads to go toward the surroundings. 四周波动一起,泛起一圈圈波纹,朝着周围扩散而去。 The heaven-shaking, earth-shattering bellow rises from all directions, all magical treasure attacks as if hit on an invisible wall, explodes six big giant spirit groups, big of momentum, as if entire space also thunders. 惊天动地的轰鸣声四起,所有法宝攻击仿佛撞在一堵无形墙壁上,爆裂出六大巨大灵团,声势之大,仿佛整个空间都随之轰鸣起来。 The ray collects, sat cross-legged Han Li that sits actually not to know the trace. 光芒敛去,原本盘膝而坐的韩立却不知所踪。 The in the air six people are startled, then before a both eyes tiny middle age person , the person's shadow in a flash, Han Li body figure appears, a lifting hand fist without delay pounds. 空中六人一怔,接着其中一名双目细小的中年人身前人影一晃,韩立身形浮现而出,二话不说的抬手一拳捣出。 Bang! “砰”的一声! He simply has not made with enough time responded slightly, the whole person then flies upside down under a great strength impact. 他根本没来得及做出丝毫反应,整个人便在一股巨力冲击下倒飞出去。 It places the midair, only listens to behind the consecutively five bangs to transmit one after another, then hit on anything layer on layer/heavily, two black, thorough human affairs do not know. 其身处半空,只听身后连续五声巨响接连传来,接着便重重的撞到了什么东西上,两眼一黑,彻底人事不知了。 After Han Li striking of other five Void Refinement cultivator person of fists fly, then again returned to side Liu Le'er, recited backwards from the end both hands to stand. 韩立将其余五名炼虚修士一人一拳的击飞出去后,便再次回到了柳乐儿身旁,倒背双手而立。 At this time, other Heavenly Ghost Sect disciples from catch up in all directions happen to witnesses this, has a big shock stopped the escaping light, under look at each other in blank dismay, somewhat felt helpless. 此时,从四面八方赶来的其余天鬼宗弟子正好亲眼目睹这一幕,纷纷大惊失色的停下了遁光,面面相觑下,有些不知所措了。 Void Refinement elder who in these ordinary days keeps aloof, now as if flies, are flown by a facial features ordinary Nascent Soul Stage cultivator racket unexpectedly conveniently, some crash into the square somewhere, pounds gulfs, the crushed stone splash, some directly avalanche that loudly nearby main halls pound. 这些平日里高高在上的炼虚长老,如今竟仿佛一只只苍蝇般,被一名面容普通的元婴期修士随手拍飞,有的坠入广场某处,砸出一个个深坑,碎石飞溅,有的则直接将附近一座座大殿砸的轰然崩塌。 Several hundred disciples and magical treasure that everywhere especially around the square these half dusks do not awake, are shocking. 尤其是广场周围那些半昏不醒的数百名弟子和满地的法宝,更是触目惊心。 In the meantime, a spoken parts rainbow from the distant place illness/quick shoots, but, hovering, in had collapsed above most Heavenly Ghost Hall, appears a tall and strong man who wears the brocade. 就在此时,一道白虹从远处疾射而至,悬停在已经坍塌了大半的天鬼殿上方,从中现出一名身着锦缎的魁梧男子。 This person seems like the 30 - 40 year age, the facial features are upright, under the jaw is living purple short fine beard, the body imposing manner is quite vigorous. 此人看起来不过三四十岁年纪,面容方正,颌下生着一圈紫色短髯,身上气势颇为雄浑。 Supreme Elder......” 太上长老……” Elder Lu came, good......” 卢长老来了,太好了……” In the square is filled with sufferers, in confusion a piece, everyone sees this person to appear, on the face appears the joyful color, shouts in abundance, like finding the pillar was the same. 广场上哀鸿遍野,狼藉一片,所有人一见此人出现,脸上都浮现出欣喜之色,纷纷呼喊起来,如同找到了主心骨一样。 That person of vision drops down on Han Li, the complexion is actually dignified incomparable, both hands pinch immediately fast before the body. 那人目光直直落在韩立身上,面色却是凝重无比,双手立即在身前快速掐动起来。 Integration Stage cultivator......” 合体期修士……” Han Li looked at that person of one, the corners of the mouth cast aside casting aside, the wrist/skill turned, in the palm black light flashed appeared a mini mountain peak. 韩立看了那人一眼,嘴角撇了撇,手腕一翻,掌心中黑光一闪的浮现出一座迷你山峰。 A long arm show/unfolds, wields fiercely. 其长臂一展,猛地一挥。 That black hill lets go to depart on "Hū" one. 那座黑色小山就“呼”的一下脱手飞出。 Under the black hill in the halfway flashes black light, rises suddenly to dozens zhang (3.33 m) against the wind, directly soars the purple fine beard man to pound. 黑色小山在半途黑光闪动下,迎风暴涨至数十丈,直奔紫髯男子砸去。 The mountain peak has not flown , an astonishing imposing manner first raids rolling. 山峰尚未飞至,一股惊人气势就先滚滚袭来。 The men are calm as usual, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb the speed are quickly to inconceivable. 男子镇定如常,双手掐诀速度更是快到不可思议。 Sees with own eyes has risen to the hundred zhang (333 m) in a big way the high black mountain peak, when must pound its body, the movement on manpower actually stops suddenly. 眼见已经涨大到百丈之高的黑色山峰,就要砸中其身躯时,那人手上的动作却是忽然一停。 Sees only its under foot one group of dull purple rays to shine suddenly, secret array that rune proliferates together appears suddenly, instantaneously his engulf. 只见其脚下一团暗紫色光芒突然亮起,一道符文遍布的隐秘阵法骤然浮现,瞬间就将他吞没了进去。 That mountain peak struck spatial, pounded toward below remnants of destroyed buildings. 那座山峰击了个空,朝着下方的残垣断壁砸了过去。 Meanwhile, under foot of Han Li and Liu Le'er, appeared exactly the same array, one purple multi-colored sunlight rewound, two people all of a sudden engulf. 与此同时,韩立柳乐儿的脚下,也浮现出了一模一样的阵法,一片紫色霞光倒卷而下,就将两人一下子吞没了进去。 ...... …… Feng Yin Mountain Range, in a secret mountain valley. 酆阴山脉,一处隐秘的山谷中。 Here space is narrow, is dimmly-lighted, in the valley is filling the billowing black fog, the both sides are pass the hundred zhang (333 m) high the rock cliff, above is engraving some strange chart marks, with some are obscurely difficult to be bright Ghost Dao rune that. 这里空间狭隘,光线昏暗,谷内弥漫着滚滚黑雾,两侧都是高逾百丈的岩石峭壁,上面镌刻着一些古怪图纹,和一些晦涩难明的鬼道符文 Four corner/horn in valley, is standing erect respectively a big azure stone column, each pillar surface inscription is printing dense and numerous rune, seemingly ancient exceptionally. 在谷内四角,则各竖立着一根高大的青石柱,每根柱子表面都铭印着密密麻麻的符文,看起来古老异常。 In the meantime, in the blue black ground the sudden purple light twinkle, Han Li and Liu Le'er emerged out of thin air simultaneously on the valley hollow ground. 就在此时,深黑色地面上突然紫光闪烁,韩立柳乐儿同时凭空出现在了谷中空地上。 Liu Le'er as before by silver fire bird the belt of fire is covering, suddenly was transmitted hence, only thinks that a head dizziness, body figure shook several to shake unconsciously, but had no big obstructing. 柳乐儿依旧被银色火鸟所化的火网罩着,突然被传送至此,只觉头颅一阵眩晕,身形不觉为之晃了几晃,但并无什么大碍。 Han Li body figure just came to a stop, then lifted to size up several toward all around. 韩立身形刚一站稳,便抬首朝四周打量了几眼。 Before that purple fine beard man does not know when has appeared on a azure stone column, but on another three stone columns, bargained to sit two male and one female three cultivator impressively, resembled sits in meditation in close eyes. 之前那名紫髯男子不知何时已出现在一根青石柱上,而另外三根石柱上,赫然还盘坐着两男一女三名修士,似在闭目打坐。 The females wear the red gauze skirt, is plump, the appearance is beautiful, seems like not actually old, the body has one share mature flavor. 女子身着红色纱裙,体态丰腴,容貌美艳,年纪看起来倒是不大,身上却有着一股子成熟韵味。 The other two respectively is a one-eyed great man (Han), with a humpbacked old man. 另外两人则分别是一名独眼巨汉,和一个驼背老者。 Three people of aura all are not weak, unexpectedly is Integration Stage cultivator. 三人气息皆是不弱,竟全都是合体期修士 Three people feel in the valley abnormal movement, opened eyes, looks to look at one below Han Li two people surprisedly, later the vision then fell on the purple fine beard man. 三人感受到谷中异动,同时睁开眼,面露惊疑的看了一眼下方的韩立二人,随后目光便落在紫髯男子身上。 Elder Lu, weren't you process the trouble of Heavenly Ghost square? How to come back quickly, led two bystanders to enter the restricted area unexpectedly?” Beautiful women's delicate eyebrows one pressed, the opens the mouth responsibility asked. 卢长老,你不是去处理天鬼广场的麻烦了么?怎么这么快就回来了,竟还带两个外人入了禁地?”美艳女子秀眉一蹙,开口责问道。 Did not have the time to explain carefully, this person was Integration Stage top strength cultivator, quick stimulation of movement ghost town/subdues soul great array!” Purple fine beard man grave expression, the tone said rapidly. “没工夫仔细解释了,这人是个合体期顶尖力修,快催动地鬼镇魂大阵!”紫髯男子面色凝重,语气急促说道。 Three people of hears Yanjie is one startled, although the surface has the unusual look, has not actually hesitated, turned the hand to take out a black token in abundance. 三人闻言皆是一惊,虽然面有异色,却都没有迟疑,纷纷翻手取出了一块黑色令牌。 Including the purple fine beard man, four people low roar, the wrist/skill wields simultaneously, then threw the token. 连同紫髯男子在内,四人同时低喝一声,手腕一挥,便将令牌抛了出去。 Clang clang clang clang “锵锵锵锵” The four sounds metal junction strikes the sound to get up, these token diameters non-stop fly to shoot, falls into around Han Li, then drilled into instantaneously underground. 四声金属交击之声响起,那些令牌径直飞射而下,落入韩立四周,瞬间便钻入了地下。 Illness “疾” a loud shout reverberates in the valley. 一声大喝在谷中回荡。 Han Li only thinks that the under foot shivers immediately fiercely, spread from the place bottom like the rolling thunder dull thumping sound. 韩立只觉脚下顿时剧烈颤动起来,一声声如同滚雷般的闷响从地底传出。 In its all around hundred zhang (333 m) place, the soil changes, the rock cracks, four strange decorative archways also emerge as the times require, encircled him and Liu Le'er in the center. 在其四周百丈处,泥土翻动,岩石崩裂,四座诡异牌楼同时破土而出,将他和柳乐儿围在了中央。 These decorative archways all are three four columns, about 50 - 60 ten feets in height, above the shaft covers entirely person of beast white bones, above all upturned eave eave corners/horns, is hanging a blood red skeleton, is ordinary like the red wind chimes, swings back and forth to continue. 这些牌楼皆是三间四柱,五六十,柱身之上布满人兽白骨,所有飞檐檐角之上,则都悬挂着一颗血红骷髅,如同红色风铃一般,悠荡不止。 Center decorative archway, then engraves the giant malicious ghost head respectively, including head lives the alone corner/horn eye like the bronze bell, some mouth holds the person of corpse corners of the mouth to bleed, is different. 牌楼正中,则各自镌刻有一颗巨大的恶鬼头颅,其中有的头生独角眼如铜铃,有的则口衔人尸嘴角淌血,不尽相同。 Han Li sees this, will take an action, the great ghosts on that four decorative archway, lived unexpectedly probably suddenly generally, eight gigantic eyeball rumble the chaotic revolutions, looked neatly to him. 韩立见此,正要有所行动,那四座牌楼上的巨鬼,竟像是突然活过来了一般,八只硕大眼珠一阵咕噜乱转,齐刷刷地望向了他。 Chī chī sound erupted! 嗤嗤之声大作 All eyeballs project the big piece blood-color light rosy cloud simultaneously, interweaves to flash under the midair, changes into piece of billowing bloodshed virtual image presses, all covers the surrounding area number hundred zhang (333 m) space that the Han Li two people of institutes are. 所有眼珠同时射出大片血色光霞,在半空交织闪动下,化为一片滚滚血海虚影的一压而下,将韩立二人所在的方圆数百丈空间全都笼罩其中。 Han Li places in the bloodshed, only thinks that a thousand honored gravity presses to the shoulders suddenly, the whole body clothing tight post on the body, the graces became sluggish several points. 韩立身处血海之中,只觉一股千钧重力蓦然压至双肩,全身衣物紧紧贴在了身体上,举手投足都变得迟滞了几分。 His both eyes blue light flashes slightly, within the body firecrackers continuous resounding, body figure shook shaking slightly, then comes to a stop again body figure, on the face simply does not have the least bit unusual facial expression. 他双目蓝光微微一闪,体内一阵爆竹声般的连绵响起,身形只是稍稍晃了晃,便再次站稳身形,脸上根本没有半点异样神情。 The cover lives in the Liu Le'er silver net to depress in this gravity, some twist deformations, even most above gets down hollowly a bulk, but after the Han Li number magic arts submerge definitely, supported eventually, lets place young girl first is one startled, subsequently the complexion relaxes several points. 罩住柳乐儿的银网在这股重力一压下,有些扭曲变形起来,甚至最上方凹陷下去一大块,但在韩立数道法决没入后,终究支撑了下来,让身处其中的少女先是一惊,继而面色放松几分。 The beautiful female is looking under slightly the well Han Li two people, whole face incredible saying: 美艳女子望着下方丝毫无恙的韩立二人,满脸不可置信的说道: How can like this?” “怎么会这样?” It seems like we underestimated this child, this most surrounded him temporarily. However its present places the demon flame valley, I and others just may borrow Old Ancestor Gu Yan to keep the valley strength of nine Heavenly demon flame in the past, directly its refined.” In the purple fine beard man eyes the stern countenance flashes, hesitates to say. “看来我们还是低估此子了,此阵最多暂时困住他而已。不过其如今身处魔焰谷,我等正可借用当年骨焰老祖留在谷中的九天魔焰之力,直接将其炼化。”紫髯男子眼中厉色一闪,沉吟道。 make a move!” 动手!” The one-eyed great man (Han) and humpbacked old man look at each other one, said with one voice. 独眼巨汉和驼背老者对视一眼,异口同声道。 Four people pinched magical formula immediately fast, in the mouth also resounded the sound of obscure recitation. 四人立即飞快掐动法诀,口中也响起了晦涩的吟诵之声。 Only hears this sound humming sound to resound, enlarges the echo in the mountain valley unceasingly, causes the entire mountain valley to follow to tremble unexpectedly. 只听这声音“嗡嗡”响起,在山谷中不断放大回响,竟引得整个山谷都跟着震颤起来。 On the both sides escarpments, rock in broken bits rustle tumbles, Ghost Dao rune that above engraves is actually brilliant rays erupted. 两侧的崖壁上,细碎的山石“簌簌”滚落,其上镌刻的鬼道符文却是光芒大作 These could not see clearly the chart mark of appearance, at this moment actually suddenly becomes fresh/live, struggles to twist, turned into a piece by piece black hot lotus. 那些原本看不清样貌的图纹,此刻却是骤然变得鲜活起来,一个个挣扎扭曲着,化成了一片片黑色火莲。 Hot lotus flower drags, the lotus leaf circles in flight, black flame flies to shoot from the cliff wall, falls into the mountain valley unceasingly, before long forms one black seas of fire, two people body figure submerges Han Li. 火莲花朵摇曳,莲叶飞旋,一蓬蓬黑色火焰从崖壁上飞射而出,不断落入山谷之中,不一会儿就汇成一片黑色火海,将韩立两人身形淹没。
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