RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#52: This I

Almost in Han Li and Liu Le'er present next moment in square, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 几乎在韩立柳乐儿出现在广场上的下一刻,异变突生 The giant square all around ground rumble the vibration, nine jet black stone columns emerge as the times require, encircles a circular the middle big piece region. 巨大广场四周地面隆隆震动,九根漆黑石柱破土而出,将中间大片区域围成一个圆形。 All stone columns have one person to joint hold thick or thin, several feet high, from the stone column to the lower part, circled the inscription to print the innumerable writing and a mark, the shaft surface also mounted the black crystal stones of many bright sparkles, seemed like some special spirit stones, is glittering bright black light. 所有石柱都有一人合抱粗细,十几丈高,从石柱顶部到下部,盘旋着铭印了无数文字和阵纹,柱身表面还镶嵌了许多晶亮闪耀的黑色晶石,似乎是某种特殊灵石,闪烁着明亮的黑光。 In addition, each stone column peak has a ghost creature statue respectively, some mouth spits long-tongue, some on the back grows pair of wings, various, but is lifelike, fierce exceptionally, making one look at fearful. 除此之外,每根石柱顶端各有一座鬼物雕像,有的口吐长舌,有的背生双翼,各不相同,但都活灵活现,狰狞异常,让人望之心寒。 Dazzling black light from ghost creature of each stone column peak flood, rapid incomparable each other links, composes black hemisphere light screen suddenly. 耀眼黑光从每个石柱顶端的鬼物身上泛起,迅疾无比的彼此连接在一起,眨眼间组成一个黑色半球型光幕。 The light screen surface, dense and numerous black rune flash to keep rolling, evil Qi billowing , the innumerable fuzzy ghosts transform layer on layer/heavily, the sound of chilly evil spirit howling continuously, seemingly strangely. 光幕表面,密密麻麻的黑色符文滚滚闪动不停,煞气滚滚下,无数模糊鬼影重重幻化而出,凄厉鬼啸之声此起彼伏,看起来诡异之极。 Liu Le'er sees with own eyes this scenery, in the heart trembles, depended toward Han Li. 柳乐儿眼见此景,心中一哆嗦,朝着韩立靠了靠。 Although this female present is not in the past that not seeing the world fennec female, how could but to have experienced so the great array weaponry, on face pallid piece. 此女如今虽已不是当年那个没见过什么世面的小狐女了,但何曾见识过这般大阵仗,脸上煞白一片。 Han Li sees this, looked that has not looked above dove surface old man one eyes, wields single-handed, silver fire bird departs from the palm, Hū lā one changes into a silver belt of fire, covers the Liu Le'er whole person below. 韩立见此,看也未看上方的鸠面老者一眼,单手一挥,银色火鸟从掌心飞出,“呼啦”一下化为一张银色火网,将柳乐儿整个人罩在下面。 „In inside, does not need to fear.” “待在里面,不用怕。” Liu Le'er hear of Han Li saying, at heart were so more relieved immediately. 柳乐儿韩立如此一说,顿时心里安心了许多。 In the meantime, the sound rises from all directions air-splitting. 就在此时,破空声四起。 In construction in all directions the escaping light flashes before repeatedly, is encircling toward the square, all wears the Heavenly Ghost Sect disciple of black robe. 四面八方的建筑中遁光频频闪现,朝广场所在合围过来,皆是身穿黑袍的天鬼宗弟子。 Soon, sky over the big square, was then flooded by the dense and numerous person's shadows, fully several hundred people, seem somewhat noisy, and all around still some people caught up unceasingly. 不多时,偌大的广场上空,便被密密麻麻的人影充斥,足有数百人之多,显得有些嘈杂,且四周仍不断有人赶来。 This time Han Li, actually turns a deaf ear to about all around so big sound, under the both eyes blue glow flashes, unhurriedly is sizing up the surrounding nine stone columns and black light screens. 此时的韩立,却对四周这般大的动静充耳不闻,正双目蓝芒闪动下,不慌不忙的打量着周围的九根石柱和黑色光幕。 The Heavenly Ghost Sect disciple who gathers thinks that has the powerful enemy to invade sect, finally sees in square central great array, when over a 20 years old of facial features ordinary youth and a ten -year-old little miss, immediately somewhat stares blankly, look at each other in blank dismay. 聚集过来的天鬼宗弟子本以为有强敌侵入宗门,结果看到广场中央的大阵中,只有一名二十多岁面容普通的青年和一个十来岁的小姑娘时,顿时都有些发怔,面面相觑起来。 However saw that the magical array above dove surface old man complexion is gloomy, naturally no one dares to go forward to say anything. 不过看到法阵上方的鸠面老者脸色阴沉,自然没人敢上前多说什么。 All around the dove surface old man has not paid attention to the person, body figure in a flash falling on a black stone column, in the mouth mumbled, wields the sleeve to take out nine black array disk, pinched finger joints with the thumb fast. 鸠面老者也没有理会四周之人,身形一晃的落在一根黑色石柱上,口中念念有词,挥袖取出九个黑色阵盘,飞快一阵掐诀。 Nine array disk fly to shoot in abundance, falls respectively toward below nine giant stone column on, immediately flashes, but no integrated the stone column to send out in black light that. 九个阵盘纷纷飞射而出,分别朝下方的九根巨型石柱上落去,顿时一闪而没的融入了石柱发出的黑光中。 A black light screen twinkle, in more black rune gush out under the tumbling, impressively again accumulation about half, originally somewhat fuzzy ghost, in rune flashes becomes really concentrates to be clear. 黑色光幕一阵闪烁,在更多黑色符文涌出翻滚下,赫然再次增厚了近半,原本有些模糊的鬼影,也在符文闪动中变得凝实清晰起来。 The dove surface old man sees this, this relaxes, but hand during technique keep definitely as before. 鸠面老者见此,这才松了口气,不过手中法决依旧不停。 At this moment, two great escaping light from the distant place flies to shoot, but, goes to above the square suddenly, the escaping light collects, appears two forms. 就在此刻,两道宏大遁光从远处飞射而至,眨眼间来到广场上方,遁光一敛,现出两个身影。 One of them is silver-haired, old man but who beams with health, another person is a dark-skinned guy. 其中一人是个白发苍苍,但满面红光的老者,另一人是个肤色黝黑的大汉。 Just like the dove surface old man, these two people are also Void Refinement Stage cultivator. 与鸠面老者一样,这二人也都是炼虚期修士 The surrounding ordinary Heavenly Ghost Sect disciple sees in the sect three inner gate elders also to appear, all noisy sounds, will stop suddenly shortly. 周围的普通天鬼宗弟子见宗内三名内门长老同时出现,所有的嘈杂之声,顷刻间戛然而止。 The white hair old man and dark big man side comes, cannot attend to greets with the dove surface old man, simultaneously emits divine sense to sweep below Han Li two people, periphery void will sweep while convenient. 白发老者与黝黑大汉方一现身,顾不得与鸠面老者打招呼,同时放出神识扫过下方的韩立二人,也顺带将周围虚空一扫。 Elder Jiang, actually had what matter, why must use slightly to transfer the empty spirit plate to absorb sect within/inner these two juniors directly, moreover started nine big Ghost King Tienchu? This starts each time, consuming the resources is not a small number.” The white hair old man looks to the dove surface old man, the sinking sound asks. 姜长老,究竟发生了何事,为何要动用小挪移虚灵盘将这两个小辈直接摄到了宗内,而且还启动了九大鬼王天柱?此阵每次启动,消耗资源可不是一笔小数目。”白发老者看向鸠面老者,沉声问道。 dark big man also looks to the latter, obviously in the heart similarly greatly is puzzled. 黝黑大汉也看向后者,显然心中同样大为的不解。 Just right that your two come , helping my helping hand quickly, stimulates to movement great array, these two people of refined.” The dove surface old man pinches finger joints with the thumb at the same time, the anxious sound said. “你们二位来的正好,快助我一臂之力,催动大阵,将这二人炼化。”鸠面老者一边掐诀,急声说道。 Stimulates to movement great array refined these two low rank cultivator? restriction that this Ghost King Tienchu even Integration great expert can surround. Brother Jiang, haven't you cracked a joke?” dark big man chuckle, has not said according to the opposite party acts. “催动大阵炼化这两名低阶修士?这鬼王天柱阵可是连合体大能都能困住的禁制姜兄,你没开玩笑吧?”黝黑大汉轻笑一声,并没有按照对方所言行动。 The white hair old man does not have make a move. 白发老者同样也没有动手 Nearby disciple are also in a tumult, but concerned about the dove surface old man, does not dare to make the too big sound. 附近众弟子也一阵骚动起来,不过碍于鸠面老者,不敢发出太大的声音。 Many people had seen, is stranded this man and a woman, what male is Nascent Soul Stage, female Core Formation Stage, in their these disciples can still look to be able even to strike to kill the generation of opposite party greatly, dove surface old man solemn Void Refinement Stage great cultivator, kept on proclaiming unexpectedly must start in the Spirit Domain World illustrious nine big Ghost King Tienchu, if passed on, how could it not be laughed by knowledgeable people. 不少人早已看出,阵中所困这一男一女,男的是元婴期,女的不过结丹期,就算是他们这些弟子中也能找住大把可以击杀对方之辈,鸠面老者堂堂一个炼虚期大修士,竟口口声声要启动在灵寰界都赫赫有名的九大鬼王天柱,要是传出去,岂不贻笑大方。 Do not despise them, although this azure robe boy cultivation base is quite low, actually is extremely powerful strength cultivator.” The dove surface old man urgently said. “别小看他们,这青袍小子虽然修为颇低,实则是个极为强大的力修。”鸠面老者急道。 Powerful strength cultivator......” dark big man still shook the head with a smile. “强大力修……”黝黑大汉仍然笑着摇头。 The white hair old man looked down one, placed in the light screen still to look around, even Han Li of some contented appearances, the white eyebrows slightly wrinkle, will start talking. 白发老者低头看了一眼,身处光幕内仍东张西望,甚至有些悠然自得模样的韩立,白眉微皱,正要开口说话。 At this moment, the Han Li brow tip lifts, the line of sight of vacillation stops, muttered: 就在此刻,韩立眉梢一抬,游移的视线一停,中喃喃自语了一声: Since to here, happen to solved the matter together.” “既然到了这里,正好将事情一起解决吧。” Finishes speaking, his body figure in a flash, has a series of remnant shadow appearances in front of one side light screen, then stretches out a fair finger, seemingly careless knocks toward the light screen somewhere. 话音刚落,他身形一晃,带着一连串残影的出现在一侧光幕前,接着伸出一根白皙手指,看似漫不经心的朝光幕某处一敲。 Inconceivable appeared! 不可思议的一幕出现了! Only listens to Pū chī after light sound, the entire black light screen strenuous vibration, starts to flash suddenly all over the body crazily, the ghost that these made threatening gestures, unexpectedly like losing the soul scurried about up and down. 只听“噗嗤”轻响一声过后,整座黑色光幕骤然剧烈震动起来,通体开始狂闪而起,原本那些张牙舞爪的鬼影,竟如同失了魂般上下乱窜起来。 The dark big man smile obstructs, stared in a big way the eye. 黝黑大汉笑容一窒,不由瞪大了眼睛。 The dove surface old man body shakes, the opens the mouth spouts a blood, in the hand the wheel pinches finger joints with the thumb, wants to stand firm array strongly. 鸠面老者则身躯一震,张口喷出一口鲜血,手中车轮般掐诀,想要竭力稳住阵法 „It is not good! Holds great array quickly, cannot that to break through the formation!” The white hair old man bellows, body figure flies to shoot, falls on a black stone column. “不好!快加持大阵,不能让那人破阵而出!”白发老者大吼一声,身形飞射而出,落在一座黑色石柱上。 dark big man also responded, shock must fly to another stone column, is late. 黝黑大汉也反应过来,震惊的也要飞向另一根石柱,却已经迟了。 Sees the black light screen surface dim light to flash, all ghosts dodge to extinguish, then nine stone columns to the light screen surface, appears simultaneously nine huge ugly faces, looks the color of pain, the opens the mouth sends out the fierce grating scream. 就见黑色光幕表面幽光一闪,所有鬼影一闪而灭,接着九根石柱所对的光幕表面,同时浮现出九张巨大鬼脸,面露痛苦之色,张口发出狰狞刺耳的尖叫。 This cry steel needle seems to be grating, the disciple in square holds the hair to have the pitiful yell, in some cultivation base small and weak ear noses flows out the blood directly. 这叫声仿佛钢针刺耳,广场上的弟子纷纷抱头发出惨叫,一些修为弱小的耳鼻中直接流出鲜血。 After the scream, in nine huge ugly faces innumerable black rune well up immediately crazily, then after is fuzzy, direct collapse. 尖叫之后,九个巨大鬼脸上顿时无数黑色符文狂涌而出,接着一阵模糊过后,直接崩溃。 The entire light screen later Kā chā, unexpectedly as if glass shatter being defeated and dispersed, changes into the innumerable black sparkling stone light to scatter! 整个光幕随后“咔嚓”一声,竟仿佛玻璃般的破碎溃散,化为无数黑色莹光飘散! Incessantly so, nine black stone column above ghost creature statues also appear the innumerable crevasses, bang bang disruption. 不止如此,九根黑色石柱上面的鬼物雕像也浮现出无数裂隙,“砰”“砰”的碎裂开来。 Han Li at this moment, has actually taken back the finger, is reciting backwards from the end both hands, in everywhere black sparkling stone light sways walks toward not far away Liu Le'er. 此刻的韩立,却已收回了手指,倒背着双手,在漫天黑色莹光飘摇中朝着不远处柳乐儿走去。 Under places the silver belt of fire to cover Liu Le'er, on the face jumps for joy, still places large numbers of enemies to surround now, almost must cheer to make noise. 身处银色火网笼罩下的柳乐儿,脸上雀跃,要不是如今仍身处大批敌人包围,差点就要欢呼出声来。 The dove surface old man three people see in the sect great array unexpectedly by the opposite party so superficial breaks, in the heart such as was hit hard general, shock extremely. 鸠面老者三人见宗内大阵竟被对方如此轻描淡写的破去,心中如遭重击一般,震惊万分。 The surrounding several hundred Heavenly Ghost Sect disciples thoroughly are more scared, looks at present all dull. 周围数百天鬼宗弟子更是彻底傻了眼,呆呆看着眼前一切。 Dares to destroy my sect treasure! Suffers to death!” “竟敢毁我宗门宝阵!受死!” In the dove surface old man mouth loudly shouts, the opens the mouth spouts a white light, changed into a white bone blade, on the back of the blade mounted nine gigantic silver links. 鸠面老者口中大喝一声,张口喷出一道白光,化为一柄白色骨刀,刀背上镶嵌了九枚硕大银环。 The both hands ten fingers like the wheel change, make 5 - 6 to say magical formula one after another. 其双手十指如车轮般变化,接连打出五六法诀 The bone blade nine silver links make the sound that ding, making person listening mind then confused, the surface appears suddenly innumerable blood-color rune, blooms the dazzling blood red blade light of near hundred zhang (333 m), cuts toward the Han Li overhead. 骨刀九个银环发出叮叮的声音,让人听之便心神迷乱,表面陡然浮现出无数血色符文,绽放出近百丈的耀眼血红刀光,朝着韩立当头斩下。 At the same time, the white hair old man arm wields like lightning, a wielding plain black walking stick, the peak impressively is the black dragon's head. 同一时间,白发老者手臂闪电般一挥,祭出一个古朴的黑色拐杖,顶端赫然是个黑色龙头。 In midair turning round one revolution, the walking stick rises against the wind in a big way, changes into a black strange flood dragon of on the back grows both wings. 在半空滴溜溜一转,拐杖迎风涨大,化为一头背生双翅的黑色怪蛟。 Flood dragon big mouth, Pū chī, spouts the big piece black flame to clash under. 蛟龙大嘴一张,“噗嗤”一声,喷出大片黑色火焰一冲而下。 dark big man also being without hesitation turns the hand to take out a gray feather fan, seems like makes with some type of spirit bird feather, within the body magical power swarms toward the fan in pours into, then ruthlessly a leaf. 黝黑大汉也是毫不迟疑的翻手取出一柄灰色羽扇,似乎是用某种灵禽羽毛所制,体内法力往扇中蜂拥注入,然后狠狠一扇。 Heaven and Earth changes color immediately, cloudy grey wind howls, then changes into the 7 - 8 strip gray wind dragon, throws toward Han Li. 天地顿时变色,一股阴沉沉的灰风呼啸而出,然后化为七八条灰色风龙,朝着韩立扑去。 Sees with own eyes dove surface old man three people of make a move, the surrounding Heavenly Ghost Sect disciple also no longer hesitates, various wielding magical treasure, in the mouth mumbled. 眼见鸠面老者三人动手,周围的天鬼宗弟子也不再犹豫,祭出各种法宝,口中念念有词起来。 In an instant, assorted miraculous glow continuously. 刹那间,各色灵光此起彼伏。 Han Li sees this, the forehead crystal light flashes, huge divine sense flies to shoot, quickly, covers the entire square instantaneously. 韩立见此,眉心晶光一闪,一股庞大神识从中飞射而出,以迅雷不及掩耳之势,瞬间笼罩住整个广场。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! Strength of oppression that powerful divine soul is unable to explain under. 一股无法言喻的强大神魂之力压迫而下。 Above the square everyone only thinks that the mind sinks. 广场之上所有人只觉脑海一沉。 All around Heavenly Ghost Sect disciple innumerable Venus glitters at present immediately, then at present one black crashes from the midair in abundance, fell in the square, direct weak in place, is unable to move. 四周天鬼宗弟子眼前顿时无数金星闪烁,接着眼前一黑的纷纷从半空坠落而下,掉在了广场上,直接瘫软在地,无法动弹。 Everywhere magical treasure lost the control immediately, dingdong falls on the ground. 漫天法宝顿时失去了控制,叮叮当当掉落在地上。 The dove surface old man three people have Void Refinement cultivation base eventually, divine soul is quite good, after the body trembles, then restores immediately. 鸠面老者三人终究拥有炼虚修为,神魂已颇为不俗,身体一颤过后,便立刻恢复了过来。 Three people of displaying magical treasure attacks keep slightly, the blade light, the black flame, the wind dragon, wells up before the Han Li body suddenly. 三人施展的法宝攻击丝毫不停,刀光,黑焰,风龙,眨眼间涌到韩立身前。 Han Li is motionless, the meaning of slightly not having dodged. 韩立一动不动,丝毫没有躲闪的意思。 Bang bang bang three bangs! “砰砰砰”三声巨响! Under the blood red blade light shakes to rupture fiercely, changes into a white bone blade but actually shoots to return, the black flame gentle breeze dragon is defeated and dispersed directly, cannot create to Han Li injures slightly, even its azure robe has not damaged slightly. 血红刀光剧烈一震之下爆裂开来,化为一柄白色骨刀的倒射而回,黑焰和风龙更是直接溃散,都没能对韩立造成丝毫伤害,甚至连其身上的青袍也丝毫未损。 As for nearby Liu Le'er, because most attacks kept off by Han Li, returns safe and sound under the sweep of silver belt of fire. 至于一旁的柳乐儿,由于绝大多数攻击都被韩立挡下,在银色火网的笼罩下更是毫发无伤。 How possibly!” “怎么可能!” Three people held breath cold air, hardly can believe that at present sees. 三人纷纷倒吸了一口凉气,几乎不敢相信眼前所见。 „Was the present this/should I!” “现在是不是该我了!” Han Li raised the head, said lightly. 韩立抬起头,淡淡说道。
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