RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#51: Slightly transfers the space technique

Bang bang the sound is continuous, simultaneously transmits from the two sides! “砰砰”之声连绵不绝,同时从两边传来! Five fierce ghost almost sides appear, then such as thoroughly ripe watermelon blasting open, the blood red ghost imperial seal also cracks to change to the fragment powder. 五颗狰狞鬼头几乎方一浮现,便如熟透的西瓜般炸裂,血红鬼玺也随之崩裂化作齑粉。 Another side 13 bone swords also pū pū several cuns (2.5 cm) disruption, changed into one handful of bone dregs, the blood-color round shield is such as the paper sticks general, follows breaks open from the center, explodes crushes. 另一边的十三柄骨剑也“噗噗”几声的寸寸碎裂,化为了一捧骨渣,血色圆盾更是如纸糊一般,紧随其后的从中心处破开,炸得粉碎。 Two shouted miserably almost also resounds, the body of silver crown middle-aged person and red robe beautiful woman swept in two fist winds, ruptured instantaneously. 两声惨呼几乎同时响起,银冠中年人和红袍美妇的身躯在两股拳风一扫下,瞬间爆裂开来。 The purple light flashes! 紫光一闪! Pale purple two cuns (2.5 cm) high Nascent Soul, the whole face departs from the former remnant corpse all over the body panic-stricken, strikes an attitude to flee. 一个通体淡紫的两寸高元婴,满脸惊恐地从前者残尸中飞出,作势就要遁走。 Its purple light just shone, Han Li the silent arriving near, a big hand has found out from side suddenly, will hold, pinches in the hand. 只是其身上紫光刚一亮起,韩立已无声无息的来到近前,一只大手突然从旁探出,将之一把抓住,捏在了手里。 Purple Nascent Soul sways from side to side crazily, but also wants to do to put up a last-ditch struggle, that big hand rubs gently, it ground the flying ash. 紫色元婴疯狂扭动,还想做垂死挣扎,那只大手只是轻轻一搓,就将其“噗”的一声碾成了飞灰。 Nascent Soul of red robe beautiful woman does not dare to soar to the heavens to fly, but pinches to explode the silver crown middle-aged person Nascent Soul instance while Han Li, plunders anxiously, pastes the tread to flee rapidly toward the mountain forest deep place. 红袍美妇的元婴没敢冲天而飞,而是趁着韩立捏爆银冠中年人元婴的瞬间,急掠而出,贴着地面朝山林深处飞速窜去。 Han Li turns head suddenly, a opens the mouth, the white clouds blowout, concentrates together a flying sword appearance, flashes to pass. 韩立蓦然回头,一张口,一道白气喷出,凝成一柄飞剑模样,一闪而逝。 In the front mountain forest resounds one piece immediately rumble the sound, towering ancient wood collapses loudly. 前方山林中顿时响起一片隆隆之声,一棵棵参天古木轰然倒塌。 The jungle deep place, the white light flashes, the Nascent Soul then diameter of that red robe beautiful woman slit two halves, a ray was rapid. 密林深处,白光一闪,那红袍美妇的元婴便径直裂成了两半,一身光芒迅速黯淡。 All these are seemingly numerous and diverse, but is in fact in a flash! 这一切看似繁杂,但实际上不过弹指一挥间! But square features guy and Qi Xuan, then seizes the chance already various secret techniques at the same time flees in the reverse direction. 而方脸大汉与齐煊,则趁机已各施秘术的同时朝相反方向遁逃。 At this time the guy foot treads an all over the body snow white giant bone bird, under two giant white bones wing fan, can jump out remote of 2-3 hundred zhang (333 m), the speed quick astonishment. 此时大汉脚踏一只通体雪白的巨型骨鸟,两片巨大白骨翼一个扇动下,便可窜出2-3百丈之遥,速度快的惊人。 Under Qi Xuan fans in a behind pair of zhang (3.33 m) permits Changxue wing, the speed compared with former quicker several points, has departed beyond thousand zhang (3.33 m). 齐煊在背后一对丈许长血翼扇动下,速度比起前者更快几分,早已飞出千丈以外。 Feels two companion aura to vanish behind instantaneously, in two people of hearts startles greatly. 感受到身后两名同伴气息瞬间消失,二人心中大骇。 The guy wrist/skill of without delay shakes, at the same time the black red two color octagonal bronze mirrors by wielding, the superficial black red ray were flashed, keep off after behind. 大汉二话不说的手腕一抖,一面黑红两色的八角铜镜被祭出,表面黑红光芒闪动,挡在了身后。 He as if still not relax/rest assured, another sleeve robe shook, nine black pennants dodge, but presently, interconnection in midair, in an instant forms one/1st level/layer to congeal the thick black misty light cover, protects the whole body is watertight. 他似乎仍不放心,另一只袖袍一抖,九面黑色小旗一闪而现,在半空中相互连接,转眼间形成一层凝厚的黑濛濛光罩,将周身护得滴水不漏。 Simultaneously within the body ka ka makes noise, skin tearing, the clothing was shattered, splash to puncture like the thorny point, fused in the body surface, formed one set of white bone armor, and other critical parts covered the chest and belly. 同时体内一阵咔咔作响,皮肤撕裂,衣衫破碎,一根根如同荆棘般的尖骨突刺而出,在体表融合,形成了一套白色骨铠,将胸腹等要害部位覆盖起来。 In another direction, on the Qi Xuan face the ruthless color flashes, the right hand lifts, a hand blade falls, unexpectedly neat cuts off an arm. 另一方向上,齐煊脸上狠色一闪,右手抬起,一记手刀落下,竟干脆利落的将自己一臂斩断。 The big blood splashes, changes into blood fog body one package , the whole person changes into one group of blood light suddenly, escapes toward the horizon lasing at the inconceivable speed. 大蓬鲜血泼洒而出,化为一股血雾的将身躯一包其中,整个人蓦的化为一团血光,以不可思议的速度朝着天边激射而逃。 A Han Li brow wrinkle, has not pursued immediately, but lifts the hand, toward Liu Le'er of not far away void. 韩立眉头一皱,并没有立刻去追,而是一抬手,朝着不远处的柳乐儿虚空一点。 The azure light flies to shoot together, flashes submerges this female within the body that passes. 一道青光飞射而出,一闪即逝的没入此女体内。 His body appears immediately black lightning chains, along with even bang disrupts. 其身上顿时浮现出一道道黑色闪电锁链,随即便“砰”的一声纷纷碎裂开来。 Elder Brother!” Liu Le'er shouted lowly, the pleasant surprise happened simultaneously. “哥哥!”柳乐儿一声低呼,惊喜交加。 Han Li shows a faint smile to it, then single-handed gently a move. 韩立冲其微微一笑,接着单手轻轻一招。 Gloomy black talisman departs from the young girl together, in halfway bang explodes, departs five black mini mountain peaks, steady falling in the Han Li hand. 一道黯淡无光的黑色符箓从少女身上飞出,在半途“砰”的一声爆裂开来,从中飞出五座黑色迷你山峰,稳稳的落在韩立手中。 The Han Li vision sweeps the fly two people slightly one fuzzily, the arm. 韩立目光一扫飞遁的二人,手臂略一模糊。 Wū wū! 呜呜! And two mini mountain peaks let go, changes into two fuzzy shadows, respectively shoots toward Qi Xuan and square-faced big guy, pulls closer at the astonishing speed fast with the two distance. 其中两座迷你山峰脱手而出,化为两道模糊黑影,分别朝着齐煊方面大汉射去,以惊人速度飞快拉近与二者距离。 Two mountain peak surface black light twinkles, and one rises to more than ten zhang (3.33 m) on the way, the place visited, the nearby exudes invisible ripples void. 两座山峰表面黑光闪烁,并在途中一下涨至十余丈大小,所过之处,附近虚空泛起一圈圈无形涟漪。 square-faced big guy and Qi Xuan felt a momentous fearful strength from the back to sweep across, but, heart in thump. 方面大汉齐煊先后感受到一股排山倒海的可怕力量从背后席卷而至,心中不禁咯噔一下。 In the former hand fierce pinches finger joints with the thumb, must make anything, but is late. 前者手中猛一掐诀,要做什么,不过已经迟了。 The black mountain peak comes, hit ruthlessly. 黑色山峰呼啸而至,狠狠撞了上来。 The octagonal bronze mirror, the black pennant and other guard treasures touch the mountain peak slightly, then a Pī Li Pā Lā chaotic sound, all disruption. 八角铜镜,黑色小旗等所有护身宝物稍一触及山峰,便噼里啪啦一阵乱响,尽数碎裂。 His fully under that bone bird is also under a wail, explodes all over the body, changes into the innumerable broken bones. 他足下那只骨鸟也是一声哀鸣下,通体爆裂开来,化为无数碎骨。 The guy whole person was hit by the mountain peak, the body bone armor was shattered, body also bang, changes into beach fuzzy flesh. 大汉整个人被山峰击中,身上骨质铠甲破碎,身体也“砰”的一声,化为一滩模糊血肉。 The divine soul has not escaped with enough time, is ground by the invisible great strength that the mountain peak carries instantaneously. 神魂还没来得及遁出,便被山峰携带的无形巨力瞬间碾碎。 Qi Xuan has placed inside and outside 7 - 8 at this moment, looks back sees this scenery distantly, frightening is the soul flies beyond the Heavens. 齐煊此刻已身处七八里外,回首遥遥看到此景,吓得是魂飞天外 At this time another black mountain peak is flying with lightning speed. 此时另一座黑色山峰正风驰电掣般飞来。 At a crucial moment, in his mouth roars lowly, both eyes suddenly become blood red, the body surface also appears instantaneously blood-color, on the skin blows up the innumerable blue veins, the body gasification general rises rapidly in a big way. 千钧一发之际,他口中低吼一声,双目陡然变得血红,体表也瞬间浮现出一股血色,皮肤上鼓起无数青筋,身躯充气一般迅速涨大。 Bang a loud sound! “砰”的一声巨响! The entire body explodes fiercely, changes into one group of huge blood-color light balls, blood red ripple spread to go toward the surroundings. 整个身躯猛地爆裂开来,化为一团巨大血色光球,一圈圈的血红波纹朝着周围扩散而去。 Black mountain peak such as electricity, but, by blood light wave, speed slightly one slow. 黑色山峰如电而至,被血光波及,速度微微一缓。 2-3 cuns (2.5 cm) high Nascent Soul that looks like Qi Xuan seizes the chance light/only to project from the blood, after protecting the body miraculous glow flashes, one without a trace that from vanishes same place, next moment, appeared in the hundred zhang (333 m) about, then the opens the mouth spouted an essence and blood, changed into the blood light to cover itself all round. 一个酷似齐煊的2-3寸高元婴趁机从血光中射出,护体灵光一闪后,一下从原地消失的无影无踪,下一刻,就出现在了百丈开外,接着张口喷出一口精血,化为团团血光笼罩住自己。 He changes into together the blood rainbow immediately, at an inconceivable speed, toward distant place rapid incomparable flies. 他立刻化为一道血虹,以一种不可思议的速度,朝着远处迅疾无比的飞去。 Han Li both eyes narrow the eyes, single-handed to under again one move. 韩立双目微眯一下,单手冲下方再一招。 The workman that Liu Le'er left arm silver light flashes, a clear called spread, then the dense and numerous silver flame jumped out, transform to condense a palm of the hand size silver fire bird. 柳乐儿左臂银光一闪,一声清鸣的鸟叫传出,接着密密麻麻的银焰窜出,幻化凝聚成一只巴掌大小的银色火鸟 Flying that under this bird both wings show/unfolds, flashes falls in the Han Li hand. 此鸟双翅一展之下,就一闪的飞落在韩立手中。 Han Li pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, silver fire bird size suddenly rising big several times, immediately suddenly changes, elongates fast, changes into a silver hot bow, innumerable silver rune jump around bowing. 韩立单手掐诀一点,银色火鸟体型陡然涨大数倍,顿时突然一变,飞快拉长,化为一张银色火弓,无数银色符文在弓身周围跳跃。 He has not taken out what arrow arrow, another hand builds on the bowstring, gently. 他并未取出什么箭矢,另一只手搭在弓弦上,轻轻一拉。 Hū lā! 呼啦”一声! The silver hot bow blooms the eye-catching incomparable ray, sprays to make a debut suddenly the silver flame toward the surroundings, gathered on the bowstring, suddenly condensed a silver rocket, aimed at Qi Xuan Nascent Soul distantly. 银色火弓绽放出夺目无比的光芒,猛然朝着周围喷射出道道银焰,汇聚到了弓弦上,眨眼间凝聚成一支银色火箭,遥遥指向齐煊元婴 Qi Xuan Nascent Soul has departed more than ten li (0.5 km) away at this moment, actually still in this moment, feels a dense cold chill in the air from back, not a wonderful premonition clear unusual reappearing heart, small face look big change. 齐煊元婴此刻已飞出十余里之遥,却仍在这一刻,感到一股森然的冷冽寒意从背后袭来,一种不妙的预感清晰异常的浮现心头,小脸神色大变。 Stop!” “住手!” At this moment, one rolling thunder drinks from the distant place greatly transmits. 就在此刻,一声滚雷般的大喝从远处传来。 The horizon end, does not know when left black light, and changed into billowing dark clouds suddenly, with lightning speed flies to shoot toward here. 天际尽头,不知何时多出了一点黑光,并眨眼间化为了一片滚滚黑云,风驰电掣的朝着这里飞射而来。 The Qi Xuan Nascent Soul seeing that great happiness, the fly direction a revolution, goes toward the dark clouds immediately. 齐煊元婴见状大喜,飞遁的方向立刻一转,朝着黑云而去。 Han Li berated the sound not to pay attention to that a finger loosen. 韩立对那喝斥声毫不理睬,手指一松。 Silver rocket fiercely one bright, then vanishes baseless. 银色火箭猛地一亮,然后凭空消失。 Qi Xuan Nascent Soul is grating behind howls sharply crack, silver arrow image emerges out of thin air together, under flashes, pierces Nascent Soul. 齐煊元婴身后刺耳锐啸炸响,一道银色箭影凭空出现,一闪之下,洞穿元婴而过。 Bang, in the Nascent Soul panic-stricken pitiful yell sound, the silver flame its package, changed into one group of black fluorescence instantaneously in an instant. “砰”的一声,在元婴惊恐惨叫声中,银色火焰瞬间将其包裹其中,转眼间化为了一团黑色荧光。 At this moment, that group sudden dark clouds also flew to shoot the near, black air/Qi departed, the volume to black Nascent Soul, what a pity only caught the sparkling stone light of scattering. 就在此刻,那团突然出现的黑云也飞射到了近前,一股黑气从中飞出,卷向黑色元婴,可惜只抓到了飘散的莹光。 Bold!” “大胆!” In the dark clouds the thunderclap is intermittent, obviously inside person is furious incomparably. 黑云中雷声阵阵,显然里面的人震怒无比。 Chī la, a hill size pitch-black devil claw searches from the cloud suddenly, the belt/bring the intermittent cold wind, grasped toward the Han Li overhead. 嗤啦”一声,一只小山般大小乌黑鬼爪蓦然从云一探而出,带起了阵阵阴风,朝着韩立当头抓下。 The devil claw has not fallen, the five fingers fingertip spouts paint black flame, changes into the innumerable black fireballs, such as the rain flies to shoot to overcome. 鬼爪尚未落下,五指指尖喷出一股股漆黑鬼焰,化为无数黑色火球,如雨飞射打下。 Han Li remains unmoved, the both eyes cool color flashes through, grasps single-handed, suddenly leaves toward a midair boxing. 韩立不为所动,双目冷色闪过,单手一握,蓦然朝着半空一拳击出。 An invisible great strength shoots up to the sky, the place visited, the sad and shrill sound is from out of the blue big. 一股无形巨力冲天而起,所过之处,凄厉破空声大起。 Pī pā a chaotic sound! 噼啪”一阵乱响! All black fireball unexpectedly Ruyan (like smoke) flower flashes to extinguish, scatters without the trace. 所有黑色火球竟如烟花般的一闪而灭,飘散无踪。 The pitch-black great claw also by stopping that this great strength held in the midair, then under the surface flashed black light, ruptured loudly, changed into the innumerable black air/Qi, scattered vanishes. 乌黑巨爪也被这股巨力一托的停在了半空,然后表面黑光闪动下,轰然爆裂开来,化为无数黑气,就此飘散消失。 Rumble the astral wind crazy volume, changes into shooting up to the sky hurricane, under one volume, easily tears to stir broken the dark clouds in midair. 隆隆罡风狂卷而起,化为一股冲天而起的飓风,一卷之下,将半空中的黑云轻易撕裂搅碎。 A black robe dove surface old man appears body figure, the body shook slightly, but then stands firm body figure immediately, a face surprised color. 一个黑袍鸠面老者现出身形,身体稍稍晃了一下,但立刻便稳住了身形,一脸惊疑之色。 Han Li looks up to the dove surface old man, the complexion is tranquil, but corners of the mouth ridiculed. 韩立抬头望向鸠面老者,脸色平静,但嘴角略带一丝讥讽。 The dove surface old man sees that the complexion sinks, without delay turns the hand to take out together the silver shining thing, lifts the hand to wield suddenly. 鸠面老者见状,脸色一沉,二话不说的翻手取出一块银灿灿的事物,猛然抬手一挥。 A wailing, that silver thing electricity shoots, hits directly to Han Li. 一声尖啸,那银色事物电射而出,径直打向韩立 However it flies the halfway, Pā dā, disrupts suddenly automatically. 不过其飞到半途,陡然“啪嗒”一声,自动碎裂开来。 Bang! 砰! The innumerable silver multi-colored sunlight erupt from array disk, covers the surrounding area more than hundred zhang (3.33 m), will place Han Li and Liu Le'er covers in inside. 无数银色霞光从阵盘上爆发开来,笼罩方圆百余丈,将身处其中的韩立柳乐儿都笼罩在了里面。 Many silver rune beat to reappear in the multi-colored sunlight, sends out called singing in praise of the Buddha. 许许多多的银色符文在霞光中跳动浮现而出,发出佛鸣般的梵音。 This was......” Han Li remembered anything, will make anything. “这是……”韩立想起了什么,正要做些什么。 At this moment, the sad and shrill wind sound/rumor resounds together, in the silver light flashes through together black light, rapid incomparable hitting to Liu Le'er of not far away. 就在此刻,一道凄厉风声响起,银光中一道黑光闪过,迅疾无比的打向不远处的柳乐儿 The Han Li form disappears in a flash, next moment appears before the Liu Le'er body, the arm wields. 韩立身影一晃消失,下一刻出现在柳乐儿身前,手臂一挥。 Bang, was struck to fly by him black light conveniently, is actually a black throwing knife. “砰”的一声,黑光被他随手击飞,却是一柄黑色飞刀。 At this moment, silver multi-colored sunlight suddenly one bright, submerged his field of vision. 就在此刻,银色霞光陡然一亮,淹没了他的视野。 The Han Li body was covered by a strength, at present the scenery fluctuates fast. 韩立身体被一股力量笼罩,眼前景色飞快变幻。 Quick, his field of vision then restores, appears in spacious places. 很快,他的视野便恢复,出现在一片空旷之地。 Slightly transfers the space technique!” Han Li swept one toward the surroundings, the sound sank. “小挪移空间术!”韩立朝着周围扫了一眼,声音微沉。 Here is one by the giant mountain valley that the dark cloud covers, both sides are black great peak that stands tall and erect such as the cloud, some above indistinct constructions. 这里是一处被乌云笼罩的巨大山谷,两旁是一座座高耸如云的黑色巨峰,上面隐约有些建筑。 At this moment, he and Liu Le'er are placing between in a giant square mountain valleys, that dove surface old man float in midair. 此刻,他和柳乐儿正身处山谷中间的一处巨大广场上,那个鸠面老者则悬浮于半空中。 The square area has several hundred mu fully, overspread the black jade, black air/Qi gush out from the black jade, forms the one/1st level/layer Qianqian (shallow) black fog in the square ground, congealing is not loose. 广场面积足有数百亩,铺满了黑色玉石,一股股黑气从黑色玉石中涌出,在广场地面形成一层浅浅的黑雾,凝而不散。 The entire square, a black sea of clouds seems to be ordinary. 整个广场,仿佛一处黑色云海一般。 The square front is a giant palace, stands tall and erect palatially, in a biggest main hall was hanging a jet black inscribed horizontal tablet, above writes Heavenly Ghost Hall three large characters. 广场前方是一片巨大殿堂,巍峨高耸,最高大的一座大殿上悬挂了一个漆黑匾额,上面书写着“天鬼殿”三个大字。 ( Perspiration, had not retained the draft, one after another three days one) (汗,没有存稿了,接连三天只有一更哦)
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