RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#50: Broken tower

Chapter 50 broken tower 第50章破塔而出 Half a month later. 半个月后。 Feng Yin Mountain Range. 酆阴山脉 Sky over an appearance of the mountain steep standing tall and erect mountain peak, is covering the one/1st level/layer lead black dark clouds, noon, actually without many sunlight scatters, presents gloomy appearance that mountain rain wants. 一座山势陡峭的高耸山峰上空,笼罩着一层铅黑色阴云,以至于晌午时分,却没有多少阳光撒下,呈现一副山雨欲来的阴沉模样。 Above the mountain peak the forest proliferates, is actually not the verdant color that sees commonly, but the slightly heavy/thick azure black, enabling the entire mountain peak to seem like, the ink and wash painting that as if big dark ink outline is common. 山峰之上林木遍布,却不是寻常所见的青翠之色,而是略显厚重的青黑色,使得整座山峰看起来,仿佛大笔浓墨勾绘出来的水墨画一般。 At this moment, in the dark clouds in sky, breaks open an opening suddenly, the escaping light flies to shoot together, appears a big youth form that wears the azure robe. 就在这时,天空中的阴云里,突然破开一道口子,一道遁光从中飞射而出,现出一名身着青袍的高大青年身影。 Han Li. 正是韩立 He float in midair, after an all around slightly glance, closes both eyes, emits divine thought slowly, sweeps to the entire mountain peak. 他悬浮在半空中,朝四周略一扫视后,就闭上双目,将神念缓缓放出,扫向整个山峰。 After the moment, his both eyes open the eyes suddenly, on the face revealed a strange color, later body figure one vertical, after several flash, winds around in the mountain forest that toward not far away smog, fell. 片刻后,他双目骤睁,脸上露出了一丝古怪之色,随后身形一纵,几个闪动后,朝不远处一片烟雾缭绕的山林中,落了下去。 After his body figure falls to the ground, forwarded not far, after bypassing a sturdy old tree, saw in front white fog misty, the petite form is leaning together on the half iron grey dead tree, motionless. 身形落地后,向前走了没多远,在绕过一棵粗壮古树后,就看到前方白雾濛濛之中,一道娇小身影正斜倚在半截灰白色枯树上,一动不动。 Le'er 乐儿 His brow slightly pressed, opened the mouth to call one. 他眉头微蹙,开口叫了一声。 The petite form heard the sound, the shoulder slightly one shrugged, under the eyelash moved, were shutting the eyes opened the eyes slowly. 娇小身影听到了声音,肩头微一耸动,睫毛一动之下,原本闭着的双眼缓缓睁了开来。 When seeing the Han Li instance, on this female's pale small face, appears to wipe the happy expression immediately, the corners of the mouth also pulls a reluctant smile, the opens the mouth wants the word, the argument is actually as if banned, can only exude ehm ambiguous sound. 在看到韩立的瞬间,此女苍白的小脸上,顿时浮现出一抹喜色,嘴角也牵起一个勉强笑容,张口欲言时,却似乎口舌受禁,只能发出“嗯嗯啊啊”的含糊之声。 I came, do not fear.” Han Li comforted one, gradually faces forward to walk. “我来了,别怕。”韩立安慰了一句,缓步朝前走去。 Liu Le'er sees that as if thinks what general, in the beautiful pupil flashes through the color of being frightened, shakes the head toward Han Li again and again. 柳乐儿见状,似乎想到了什么一般,美眸中闪过惊惶之色,朝着韩立连连摇头。 Sees the Han Li footsteps to keep, she struggled, wants to sit the straight body, whole body sudden Pī pā makes noise. 韩立脚步不停,她挣扎了一下,想要坐直身子,周身突然一阵“噼啪”作响。 The chains that are glittering the black electricity glow, appears in her body surface, bundled a solidity it from head to foot, so long as she moves slightly, then has the black electric light to flow out, strokes ruthlessly on the body. 一道道闪烁着黑色电芒的锁链,浮现在她体表,将其从头到脚捆了个结实,只要她稍一动弹,便有黑色电光从中流出,狠狠击打在身上。 Saw with own eyes that on the Liu Le'er small face reveals the color of pain, on the Han Li face the look is invariable, the eyeground deep place actually flashes through one bone-chilling cold to kill intent, the footsteps non-stop. 眼见柳乐儿小脸上流露出痛苦之色,韩立脸上神色不变,眼底深处却闪过一丝凛冽杀意,脚步不停。 When his next step just stepped forward forward, the foot has not fallen to the ground, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在他下一步刚刚向前跨出,脚尚未落地之时,异变突生 In the forests the seemingly tranquil snow white white fog, suddenly becomes jet black incomparable, and tumbles fiercely, then under the strong winds howl, all black fog turned into a huge vortex instantaneously. 林木间原本看似平静的皑皑白雾,突然间变得漆黑无比,并剧烈翻滚起来,接着狂风呼啸下,所有黑雾瞬间变成了一个巨大漩涡。 All around temperature drops abruptly, wū wū the sound of shrieking and howling wildly rises from all directions! 四周气温骤降,“呜呜”的鬼哭狼嚎之声四起! Han Li places the vortex center, only thinks that at present one black, then an invisible suction spreads from the vortex, as to pull it downward. 韩立身处旋涡中心,只觉眼前一黑,接着一股无形吸力从旋涡下方传出,似乎想要将其往下拉扯。 Han Li cold snort/hum, still stepped on, the stride walks toward Liu Le'er, appearance that has not hindered slightly. 韩立冷哼一声,仍是一脚踩下,大步朝柳乐儿走去,丝毫没有阻碍的样子。 In the meantime, bang a dull thumping sound from underground transmits! 就在此时,“轰隆”一声闷响从地下传来! A left and right ground play trembles, the disruption, a pair of rush-leaf fan size is covered with the fierce ghost hand of sharp thorn loudly, suddenly break out from the ground, holds the Han Li both legs one on the left and other on the right. 左右两侧地面一阵剧颤下,轰然碎裂,一双蒲扇大小长满尖刺的狰狞鬼手,突然破土而出,一左一右将韩立双腿抓住。 Almost is at the same time, above its top of the head black fog crazy volume scatters in all directions to open, an invisible pressure drops from the clouds, threatening to its one presses. 几乎是同一时间,其头顶上方的黑雾一下狂卷四散而开,一股无形压力从天而降,气势汹汹的冲其一压而来。 Bang a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound! “轰”一声惊天动地的巨响! Actually is a dull purple star anise great tower like withstand great pressure drops from the clouds, buckled Han Li in inside. 却是一座暗紫色的八角巨塔如泰山压顶般从天而降,将韩立扣在了里面。 The great tower as high as 50 - 60 ten feets, proliferates the purple spirit mark, lends a not being able to say gloomy aura. 巨塔五六十,遍布紫色灵纹,散发出一种说不出的阴森气息。 Fast that all these have, has not as if waited for Han Li to make responded slightly, then has fallen into ling I. 这一切发生的电光石火,似乎还没等韩立做出丝毫反应,便已身陷囹吾。 Un......” “呜嗯……” Liu Le'er looks at this helplessly, in the mouth makes a series of fuzzy sounds immediately, the body continuously to struggle fiercely. 柳乐儿眼睁睁看着这一幕,口中立即发出一连串模糊声响,身躯也是不住剧烈挣扎起来。 However, she more struggles, ties up also even more to tighten in chains, such as the spirit snake black electricity flees in all directions up and down, making this female's sore forehead cold sweat dripping. 然而,她越是挣扎,捆缚在身上的锁链也就越发收紧,一道道如灵蛇般的黑电上下流窜,让此女疼的额头冷汗淋漓。 Under great tower surrounding ghost fog surges, four person's shadows respectively from all around flashing reappearing. 巨塔周围鬼雾一阵涌动下,四道人影分别从四周一个闪动的浮现而出。 One of them black robe adds the body, size is skinny, the crane becomes dark to, is Qi Xuan. 其中一人黑袍加身,体型干瘦,鹤发黑须,正是齐煊 Is welcoming his one person, wears the yellow long gown, size is grandiose, is a square features guy, but another two directions walk, is a stature skinny silver crown middle-aged person, with wears the middle-aged beautiful woman of scarlet long gown. 迎着他的一人,身着黄色长袍,体型壮硕,是一方脸大汉,而另外两个方向走来的,则是一个身材干瘦的银冠中年人,和一身着猩红长袍的中年美妇。 These four people without exception, are Divine Transformation Stage cultivator, in the hand are also all pinching same magical formula, has arrived by the great tower, received. 这四人无一例外,皆是化神期修士,手上还都掐着同样的法诀,一直走到巨塔旁,才收了起来。 Hehe, Elder Tian, this time may many borrow this purple deep tower thanks to you, this small very took finally at one fell swoop.” Qi Xuan hehe smiles, one said toward that square features guy submissively. “呵呵,田长老,这次可多亏你借来了这座紫冥塔,总算将这小贼一举拿下了。”齐煊呵呵一笑,向着那名方脸大汉一拱手道。 Elder Qi spoke discreetly. However, you spare nothing to make me he borrow this becoming famous rare treasure from the teacher, is actually used to cope with only Nascent Soul Stage cultivator, did not think that some big topics slightly did do?” The square features guy looks some contented colors, looked at a great tower, asked. 齐长老言重了。不过话说回来,你不惜代价的让我向师尊他老人家借来这件成名秘宝,却只是用来对付区区一名元婴期修士,不觉得有些大题小做了吗?”方脸大汉面露些许自得之色,看了一眼巨塔,又问道。 I am so careful, to provide against contingencies, Elder Lu Ya then dies of its after all, for this reason I may suffer many hardships in the law enforcement palace.” Qi Xuan sighed, shaking the head of gently. “我之所以如此小心,也是为了以防万一,毕竟陆崖长老便是死于其手,为此我在执法殿可吃了不少苦头。”齐煊叹了口气,轻轻的摇了摇头。 In any event, since Brother Qi has captured alive this person, before complied to give our thing not to forget.” The red robe beautiful woman covers the mouth to smile, saying that intent has referred. “无论如何,既然齐兄已活捉住此人,之前答应给我们的东西可别忘了。”红袍美妇掩嘴一笑,意有所指的说道。 Haha, that is natural , although relax/rest assured......” “哈哈,那是自然,诸位尽管放心……” The Qi Xuan words have not said that before the body , the great tower actually shakes fiercely, the trim land also shook in a flash, under making its one be startled, behind words swallowing back of forcefully. 齐煊话还没说完,身前巨塔却是猛地一震,整片大地也随之晃了一晃,让其一怔之下,后面话语一下硬生生的咽了回去。 This is......” red robe beautiful woman thin eyebrow selects, asked with amazement. “这是……”红袍美妇细眉一挑,惊讶问道。 Stands actually hehe smiles in his opposite silver crown middle-aged person, saying of not caring at all: Does not need to care, is that I raise is only gui spoiled Mang, wants to come that boy is not law-abiding in some, exempting can not probably suffer some hardships.” 站在其对面的银冠中年人却“嘿嘿”一笑,毫不在意的说道:“不必在意,是我豢养的那只腐莽鬼,想来那小子在里面有些不安分,免不得要多吃些苦头了。” Cannot think that Brother Luo raising ghost creature has been able to shake the purple deep tower, let Little Sister somewhat surprised actually.” The red robe beautiful woman is pressing the plentiful chest single-handedly, the say/way of relaxing. “想不到罗兄饲养的鬼物已能撼动紫冥塔了,倒是让小妹有些意外了。”红袍美妇一手压着丰腴胸脯,松了口气的道。 Result female finishes speaking, in the purple great tower is bang a dull thumping sound, the power and influence wins the beforehand several points. 结果此女话音刚落,紫色巨塔中又是“轰”一声闷响,威势更胜之前几分。 This time, the Qi Xuan four people all feel the ground to shake greatly, somewhat cannot stand firm the feeling of body figure unexpectedly faintly. 这一次,齐煊四人皆感地面巨震,竟隐隐有些稳不住身形之感。 Looks at the under foot again, under the great tower in ten several feet scopes, presented being too deep to see the bottom crowded crevasses impressively, crawled completely the ground like the spider web. 再一看脚下,巨塔下方十数丈的范围内,赫然出现了一道道深不见底的密集裂隙,如同蛛网般爬满了地面。 Brother Luo, is it possible that is this also your ghost creature behavior?” The red robe beautiful woman complexion changes, turns the head to ask the silver crown middle-aged person. 罗兄,这莫非也是你的鬼物所为?”红袍美妇脸色微变,转头去问银冠中年人。 The latter just wants to open the mouth, actually stuffy, the corners of the mouth overflow a blood. 后者刚想开口,却不由一声闷哼,嘴角溢出一丝鲜血来。 How...... my spoiled Mang ghost quilt, was possibly killed......” the Luo middle-aged person to wipe a corners of the mouth blood, the whole face panic-stricken color. “怎么可能……我的腐莽鬼被,被杀了……”罗姓中年人抹了一把嘴角鲜血,满脸惊骇之色。 Such remarks, Qi Xuan and red robe beautiful woman are all startled. 此言一出,齐煊和红袍美妇俱是一惊。 It seems like Elder Qi expects correct/good, the strength of this small clever mortal body surnamed Han cannot be underestimated. However you do not need to be startled, but purple deep tower exceedingly high spirit treasure, even if Void Refinement cultivator were stranded wants break free is still not easy, his Nascent Soul can strength cultivator also overturn the heavens difficultly inadequately?” The square features guy calms down, very self-confident saying. “看来齐长老所料不错,这姓韩小贼肉身之力果真不容小觑。不过你们不必惊慌,紫冥塔可是通天灵宝,即便炼虚修士被困其中想要脱困也是不易的,他一个元婴力修难还能翻天了不成?”方脸大汉定了定神,十分自信的说道。 Be that as it may, but this treasure after all is the thing of Integration Stage great expert control, I and other people can urge jointly reluctantly, the effectiveness may sell at a discount unavoidably greatly. In my opinion, we are inferior to act now full power, stimulate to movement this treasure to kill this person of town/subdues.” Qi Xuan is actually the brow slightly pressed, was still the proposition of some not relax/rest assured said. “话虽如此,可此宝毕竟是合体期大能驾驭之物,我等四人联手才能勉强驱使,效用可免不了大打折扣。依我之见,我们不如现在就全力施为,催动此宝将此人镇杀。”齐煊却是眉头微蹙,仍是有些不放心的提议道。 Brother Qi said rational, the town/subdues killed immediately, in order to avoid caused trouble. When the time comes the disciple keeps its Nascent Soul, is whatever I and others handled.” The Luo middle-aged person looks the ruthless color, echoes to say immediately. 齐兄所言有理,还是立即镇杀,以免生变。到时候徒留其元婴,自是任凭我等处置了。”罗姓中年人面露狠色,也立即附和道。 Four people agreed that in the hand magical formula pinches, in the mouth spreads the sound of recitation simultaneously. 四人议定,手上法诀重新掐起,口中同时传出吟诵之声。 In the purple great tower all purple spirit mark shine, innumerable mysterious rune one wells up crazily, but presently, above the tower has the thick auspicious sign to overflow continuously, the chill/yin cold aura that fills all around increases, making the ambient temperature plummet, void sound to ring out, the indistinct cold ice emerges piece by piece baseless. 紫色巨塔上所有紫色灵纹一圈圈的亮起,无数玄奥符文一下狂涌而现,塔身之上有缕缕浓密紫气溢出,周遭弥漫的阴寒气息大增,使得周围温度骤降,虚空中“呲啦”声大作,隐约一片片寒冰凭空涌现。 Meanwhile, the entire tower also as if aggravated several points, deeply inserted in the ground. 与此同时,整个塔身也仿佛加重了几分,深深嵌入了地面之中。 However, has not waited for several people to relax. 然而,还不等几人松一口气。 Great tower on again bang shakes, under the superficial spirit mark flashes crazily, increases suddenly. 巨塔就再次“轰”的一震,表面灵纹狂闪之下,急剧变大起来。 „It is not good!” “不好!” Square features guy complexion big change, but has not waited for four people to make other actions, tower surface Pī pā makes noise, split huge crevasses unexpectedly from top to bottom. 方脸大汉脸色大变,但未等四人做出其他举动,塔身表面“噼啪”作响,竟从上至下裂开了一道道巨大裂隙。 Then the great tower rumble a sound sound, in the Qi Xuan four people of panic-stricken vision extremely, the great tower blasted open loudly, big piece purple smog billowing. 接着巨塔轰隆隆声一响,在齐煊四人惊骇万分的目光中,巨塔轰然炸裂了开来,大片紫色烟雾滚滚而起。 The powerful air wave that is unable to explain four sweep across to open, although four people strives the support, actually still cannot help but backed up again and again, slightly Liu Le'er of distant place is also with the wind, flew upside down. 一股无法言喻的强大气浪四下席卷而开,四人虽施法勉力支撑,却仍是不由自主地连连倒退,稍远处的柳乐儿也是随风而起,倒飞了出去。 The great tower fragment sprinkles place, the mist and dust collects gradually, the ground reveals a whole body to be jet black, the ugly-looking fierce great ghost, has 5 - 6 zhang (3.33 m) fully, four feet lie down toward Heaven and Earth in the ground, the chest place breaks open large cave/hole, is dripping the black blood of stench contamination. 巨塔碎片洒落一地,烟尘渐渐敛去,地面露出一只浑身漆黑,面目狰狞的凶恶巨鬼,足有五六丈大小,四脚朝天地躺在地面上,胸口处破开一个大洞,淌着腥臭污秽的黑色血液。 On great ghost head, a Han Li azure robe, unemotional looked at Liu Le'er, sees it and is not affected much, later has swept the surrounding four people indifferently. 巨鬼头颅上,韩立一身青袍,面无表情的看了一眼柳乐儿,见其并无大碍,随后冷眼扫过周围四人。 You......” “难道你……” Under four people are shocked, in heart at the same time as if by prior agreement raises an unbelievable thought. 四人震惊之下,心中不约而同的同时升起一个难以置信的念头来。 Finally next moment, Han Li without delay whistling two boxing leave. 结果下一刻,韩立二话不说的呼呼两拳击出。 His boxing to his recent silver crown middle-aged person, another fist directly soars the similarly not far red robe beautiful woman to go. 他一拳击向离其最近的银冠中年人,另一拳则直奔同样不远的红袍美妇而去。 The two only think that a dreadful air wave presses, but, nearby air one tight, the body sank, wants to avoid radically without enough time. 二者只觉一股滔天气浪一压而至,附近空气一紧,身体一沉,想要躲避根本来不及了。 Silver crown middle-aged person desperate , the clothes robe calm self-excitation, two sleeve cuffs same open wide like the loudspeaker, gush out the billowing rich black air/Qi. 银冠中年人情急之下,衣袍无风自鼓,两只袖口如喇叭一样敞开,涌出滚滚浓郁黑气。 In the black air/Qi, the malicious ghost heads of five drippings with blood, blood-stained mouth big, welcomed the air wave to go. 黑气之中,五颗鲜血淋漓的恶鬼头颅,血口大张,迎着气浪而去。 Follows, the blood red sex maniac imperial seal that carves the full incised inscriptions, rises in a big way in void, changes to the house size, kept off before the body. 紧随其后,一枚刻满阴文的血红色鬼玺,也在虚空中涨大,化作房屋大小,挡在了身前。 Under another side red robe beautiful woman ghastly pale look, has hurried, the wrist/skill wields again and again, 13 white bones flying swords leap unceasingly, brings the sound of malicious ghost wailing, ejects to the front. 另一边的红袍美妇早已面无人色,慌忙之下,手腕连连挥动,十三柄白骨飞剑不断跃出,带着恶鬼尖啸之声,向前方击出。 Her five fingers to become Gou, grasps on one side small arm ruthlessly, above splits several terrifying bloodstains immediately, the dense and numerous grain of rice big or small red blood insect crawls, congealed instantaneously before its a blood-color shield 她五指成勾,在一侧小臂上狠狠一抓,上面顿时裂开数道恐怖血痕,密密麻麻的米粒大小红色血虫从中爬出,瞬间就在其身前凝成了一面血色盾牌
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