RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#49: Coercing

I have never thought that your small monster fox has such Heaven and Earth different fire unexpectedly....... I understood, is that boy surnamed Han gives you, no wonder this child so hard to deal with. However this but actually is really a coup, it seems like this old man chance to! Haha......” black robe old man both eyes are staring at the silver seal on Liu Le'er left arm stubbornly, claps hands to laugh. “真没想到,你这小妖狐竟身怀此等天地异火。哦……我明白了,是那姓韩小子给你的吧,难怪此子如此难缠。不过这倒真是一个意外之喜,看来老夫的机缘到了!哈哈……”黑袍老者双目死死盯着柳乐儿左臂上的银色封印,抚掌大笑起来。 Liu Le'er tied up by the black net at this moment, like a steamed rice dumpling is unable the move slightest, after to hearing generally the old man said that immediately suddenly remembered anything, suddenly lost one's voice screams: 柳乐儿此刻被黑网捆住,如同一只粽子一般根本无法动弹分毫,听到老者所言后,马上一下恍然的想起什么,蓦然失声地叫出声来: You are Heavenly Ghost Sect Qi Xuan!” “你是天鬼宗齐煊!” correct/good, this old man Qi Xuan. It seems like your also this/should clear this old man purpose in coming!” The Qi Xuan smile receives, on the face appears intermittently the fierce color. 不错,老夫正是齐煊。看来你也该清楚老夫的来意了吧!”齐煊笑容一收,脸上隐现狰狞之色。 „To make the Elder Brother come with me, you gave up any idea of!” “想用我引哥哥过来,你休想!” Liu Le'er shouted angrily, on the pallid bloodless face hidden had one to flash through decidedly. 柳乐儿怒喝一声,煞白无血的脸孔上隐有一丝决然闪过。 Then few women's double pupils shine the quiet green ray suddenly, forehead a beginning point clear green light, glitters fiercely. 接着少女双瞳陡然亮起幽绿光芒,眉心处出现点点晶莹绿光,剧烈闪烁起来。 The old men see that the single-handed finger/refers, lets go to project together black light, submerges Liu Le'er forehead instantaneously. 老者见状,单手一指,一道黑光脱手射出,瞬间没入柳乐儿眉心处。 The Liu Le'er forehead green light flashes to extinguish, has not waited its to have other thoughts, two black unconscious in the past. 柳乐儿眉心绿光一闪而灭,未等其有其他念头,就两眼一黑的昏迷过去。 Snort! Now is also not you die, when I caught that Han Li, before the great nephew spirit tablet, will build up the ash to fly the fire of your land ghost together, since will then never be reincarnated!” “哼!现在还不是你死的时候,等我抓到了那个韩立,自会在侄孙灵位前,将你们一起用地鬼之火炼成灰飞,从此永不超生!” Qi Xuan bitterly after talking to oneself several, the vision returned to above the young girl left arm again, slightly hesitated, turned the hand to take out a fiery red round bottle, above carved completely various not well-known rune densely and numerously. 齐煊恨恨的自语几句后,目光再次回到了少女左臂之上,略一沉吟下,翻手取出一只火红圆瓶,上面密密麻麻刻满了各种不知名符文 Under he in the round bottle the hand throws, float located before the body, then in the mouth mumbled, under ten fingers of balls, seems to be stimulating to movement what secret technique continually slowly. 他将手中圆瓶一抛之下,悬浮在了身前处,接着口中念念有词,十指连弹之下,似乎在缓缓催动什么秘术。 After long time, in its low roar, refers to a round bottle point single-handed. 半晌后,其口中一声低喝,单手冲圆瓶一点指。 ! “噗”的一声! In the bottle all rune shine immediately, a fiery red multi-colored sunlight flies to shoot. 瓶上所有符文顿时亮起,一股火红霞光从中飞射而出。 Dozens fiery red crystal silk depart from the multi-colored sunlight, flashed submerged the silver seal of young girl left arm passed, then pulled outward. 数十根火红晶丝从霞光中飞出,一闪即逝的没入了少女左臂的银色封印,然后往外一拉扯。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! The silver seal the ray puts immediately greatly, under the crystal silk pulls, appears the silver flame. 银色封印顿时光芒大放,在晶丝拉扯下,浮现出点点银色火焰。 In Qi Xuan heart one happy, both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb fast. 齐煊心中一喜,双手飞快一掐诀。 The multi-colored sunlight of bottle mouth blowout was thick immediately, many crystal silk dense and numerous reappearing, submerged in the silver seal altogether. 瓶口喷出的霞光顿时浓密了许多,更多的晶丝从中密密麻麻的浮现,一股脑儿的没入了银色封印中。 The Liu Le'er body trembles slightly, the left arm twitched, moaned. 柳乐儿身子微微一颤,左臂抽搐了一下,呻吟了一声。 In the seal pulled out silver flame are getting more and more, composed half silver fire bird appearance indistinctly, but the aura is feeble, a drowsy appearance. 封印中被拉出的银焰越来越多,隐约组成了半只银色火鸟模样,但气息衰弱无比,一副昏昏欲睡的样子。 In the meantime, the seal bottom exudes a azure light, shows a strength faintly, wants to pull this fire bird round trip. 就在此时,封印底部泛起一阵青光,隐隐透出一股力量,想要将此火鸟往回扯去。 Qi Xuan sees this, shows a contemptuous smile, a opens the mouth, spouts an essence and blood, integrates in the round bottle. 齐煊见此,露出一丝轻蔑的笑容,一张口,喷出一口精血,融入圆瓶中。 Immediately the bottle body red light puts down greatly, all crystal silk interweave under the winding, shortly will congeal two clear chains, ka, locked in the neck of silver fire bird. 随即瓶身红光大放下,所有的晶丝一阵交织缠绕下,顷刻间凝成两道晶莹锁链,“咔”的一声,锁住了银色火鸟的脖子。 Under this bird body surface silver light flashes, revives unexpectedly. 此鸟体表银光一闪下,竟就此苏醒了过来。 It seems like notices the chains on neck, expressed an angry clear cry, under a both wings show/unfolds, body surface silver flame hold, in the mouth spouted together the silver column of flame greatly. 似乎是注意到脖子上的锁链,发出一声愤怒清鸣,双翅一展下,体表银焰大盛,口中喷出一道银色火柱。 A clear chains side contact silver flame, changed into suddenly destroyed, the direct penetration fiery red round bottle that the column of flame speed does not reduce , to continue to shoot toward Qi Xuan. 晶莹锁链方一接触银焰,眨眼间化为了乌有,火柱速度不减的直接穿透火红圆瓶,继续朝齐煊射去。 Because sudden, in addition the column of flame speed is astonishing, suddenly before arrived at the old man body, locates. 因为事发突然,再加上火柱速度惊人,眨眼间就到了老者身前处。 In the Qi Xuan heart in great surprise, a waving wielding aquamarine small shield that is less than to think keeps off, body figure brings one after another remnant shadow but actually shoots, appeared beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m), but a left arm, because actually touched some silver flame, is reduced to ashes impressively. 齐煊心中大惊,不及多想的挥手祭出一只碧绿色小盾一挡,同时身形带着一连串的残影的倒射而出,出现在了数十丈外,但一条左臂,却因为触及了些许银色火苗,赫然化为了灰烬。 If not after this flame, strength seems to be insufficient, perhaps it did not die also the severe wound. 若非这火苗似乎后力不足,恐怕其不死也得重伤了。 He deeply inspires, turns the hand to take out under a blood red medicine pill clothing/taking, breaks the arm place muscle to wriggle crazily, grows the new meat at the visible speed. 他深吸了一口气,翻手取出一枚血红丹药服下,断臂处肌肉疯狂蠕动,以肉眼可见的速度长出新肉。 After several breath, his left arm then grew. 几个呼吸过后,他的左臂便重新长了出来。 The old men then have a lingering fear looks in the Liu Le'er direction. 老者这才心有余悸的朝柳乐儿方向望去。 The fiery red round bottle and deep green small shield already by the cleanness that the silver flame swallowed, but after silver fire bird struck, neglected in the young girl left arm seal azure light, submerged, was missing. 火红圆瓶和碧绿小盾早已被银焰吞噬的干干净净,而银色火鸟一击过后,则在少女左臂封印青光一闪下,就此重新没入其中,不见了踪影。 Although he was less against under to eat invisible losses, but more so, looked even more to be fiery to the vision of seal. 虽然他不及防下吃了一个暗亏,但越是如此,望向封印的目光却愈发的火热起来。 ...... …… In green mountain range that an appearance of the mountain meanders, the fog transpiration, the spiritual energy fills the air, is distributing carving pavilion palace spaces everywhere. 一片山势逶迤的苍翠山脉中,雾霭蒸腾,灵气弥漫,到处分布着一座座精雕细琢的楼阁宫宇。 Sky over the remote mountain valley, 7 - 8 person shadow from the distant place long plunders somewhere, but, located to fall toward valley entrance. 某处偏远山谷上空,七八道人影从远处长掠而至,朝着谷口处落了下来。 In these people, what is the head is a 16 - 17 youngster, a snow white clothing, on the appearance handsome face is arrogant. 这些人中,为首的是一名十六七少年,一身雪白衣衫,容貌俊朗的脸上傲气十足。 The side falls to the ground, to/clashes others to say immediately: Immediately enters the valley, this time said that anything cannot make it run.” 其方一落地,就立即冲其他人说道:“立刻进谷,这次说什么也不能让它跑了。” Yes!” “是!” The people should with, break in the mountain valley with one voice immediately. 众人齐声应和,立即冲入了山谷之中。 The white hair old woman who wears the grey robe does not have such as others to obey orders generally, but is the hand is leaning on a modeling strange purple walking stick, arrived at side the youngster. 一名身着灰袍的白发老妪却没有如其他人一般听令,而是手拄着一根造型奇异的紫色拐杖,来到了少年身边。 Grandma Sun, you also goes together, this Purple Cloud Marten is really very sly, without your make a move words, their several people are unlikely hard to accomplish.” The youngster saw a side old woman, said. “孙婆婆,你也一起去吧,这紫云貂实在狡猾得很,没有你出手话,他们几人恐怕难以成事。”少年看了一眼身旁老妪,如此说道。 Junior Patriarch, the old woman presents the life of Dao-Temple Master to protect you to be complete, but ten thousand cannot be absent without authorization.” The white hair old woman shakes the head. 少主,老妇奉观主之命护你周全,可万不能擅离职守。”白发老妪摇了摇头。 First my stepping valley, apprehends that only Purple Cloud Marten, how to calculate that is absent without authorization.” Youngster brow slightly pressed. “只是先我一步进谷,去捉拿那只紫云貂而已,怎算擅离职守。”少年眉头微蹙。 Dao-Temple Master assigns/life my one not to leave Junior Patriarch, if you have the least bit mistake, the old woman ten thousand dies to be able hardly absolve.” The old woman is not willing to obey the command. 观主命我一步不离少主,要是您出半点差池,老妇万死难辞其咎。”老妪仍是不愿遵令。 In the youngster surface appears a disgruntled look, said: This piece of bottle gourd valley in my Boundary Origin Dao Temple district of jurisdiction, is snaps fingers to our sect, which bold avid follower dares to come this hurriedly, to dislike the life is too long?” 少年面上浮现一丝不悦神色,道:“这片葫芦谷地处我境元观辖境,离我们宗门亦是弹指即至,哪个大胆狂徒敢来此造次,岂不是嫌命太长么?” Be that as it may, but......” “话虽如此,可……” Her words have not said, was not broken by the youngster patiently: Does not need to talk too much, delays again, ran this Purple Cloud Marten, I must appeal to old ancestor, is asking with you.” 她话还没说完,就被少年不耐烦地打断:“不必多言了,再耽误下去,跑了这紫云貂,我才要上告老祖,拿你是问。” The old woman complexion becomes somewhat ugly, but still hesitated has not been leaving. 老妪面色变得有些难看,但仍是迟疑着没有动身。 Has not gone quickly!” “还不快去!” The youngster see that immediately flies into a rage. 少年见状,顿时勃然大怒。 The white hair old woman must clench teeth secretly, in hand purple stick numerous point places, changes to a rainbow, breaks in the mountain valley. 白发老妪只得暗自一咬牙,手中紫杖重重一点地,化作一道长虹,冲入山谷之中。 The youngster look to the old woman back, was still somewhat worried, flicked the sleeve layer on layer/heavily, lifts the step to walk toward the valley. 少年望向老妪背影,仍是有些气闷,重重一拂袖,抬步朝谷内走去。 Finally just now goes out two steps, he thought that behind as if has different, then looks subconsciously, only sees two profound blue glow that shakes the person mind rocks, divine sense immediately becomes fuzzy. 结果才刚走出两步,他就觉得身后似乎有异,下意识回头看去,只看见两道撼人心神的深邃蓝芒晃动不已,神识就立刻就变得模糊起来。 During it is void behind, Han Li of azure robe appears body figure slowly, in the pupil the blue glow flashes, the finger is clamping purple talisman. 在其身后虚空之中,一身青袍的韩立缓缓现出身形,瞳孔中蓝芒闪动,手指夹着一张紫色符箓 He receives that Supreme Clear Transformation Talisman in an unhurried manner, the corners of the mouth brings back wipes the happy expression, arrives in front of the youngster. 他从容不迫的收起那张太一化清符,嘴角勾起一抹笑意,走到少年面前。 This time youngster eyes are atheistic, the facial expression delay, stands in same place motionless. 此时的少年双眼无神,神情呆滞,站在原地一动不动。 Boundary Origin Dao Temple Star-Gathering Platform where?” Han Li asked directly. 境元观聚星台在什么地方?”韩立直接问道。 In Nine Palaces Peak...... in peak.” Replying that the youngster lip wriggles. “在九宫峰……峰顶上。”少年嘴唇蠕动的答道。 „, Why not on prominent peak Respect Heaven Peak?” Han Li hears word, asking of some doubts. “哦,为何不在主峰敬天峰上?”韩立闻言,有些疑惑的问道。 „The Nine Palaces Peak appearance of the mountain is highest, the summit field of vision is most open, favors receives and instructs power of stars, therefore the ancestor supposes magical array in this above the mountain.” Replying that the youngster are without hesitation. 九宫峰山势最高,山顶视野最为开阔,更利于接引星辰之力,故而祖上才将法阵设于此山之上。”少年毫不迟疑的答道。 On Star-Gathering Platform is guarded by, cultivation base how?” Han Li nods , to continue to ask. 聚星台上由何人驻守,修为如何?”韩立点点头,继续问道。 In view arranges......” youngster to be unemotional, the mouth opens and closes unceasingly, the situation on Nine Palaces Peak, all said like the bean but actually generally. “观内安排……”少年面无表情,嘴巴不断开合,将九宫峰上的情况,如同倒豆子一般悉数说出。 Nine Palaces Peak as being next to the Respect Heaven Peak sect big peak, naturally is also Boundary Origin Dao Temple one heavy, usually in then some lots of sect elder and disciple above cultivation. 九宫峰作为仅次于敬天峰宗门大峰,自然也是境元观的一门重地,平日里便有大量宗门长老和弟子在其上修行 The Star-Gathering Platform peak, is actually in the gate a big restricted area, besides some inner gate elders and some core disciples, other person of commonplace all may not enter. 只是聚星台所处的峰顶,却是门中一大禁地,除了部分内门长老和一些核心弟子之外,其他人等闲皆不可入。 According to youngster, on this Star-Gathering Platform outside has powerful restriction to prohibit, in has unspecified number of elder guarding, what can confirm, at least has Integration Stage elder oversee. 据少年所述,这聚星台上外有强大禁制封禁,内有人数不详的长老驻守,可以确认的是,至少有一名合体期长老坐镇 Han Li hesitates after long time, and refers to at a youngster forehead gently point, later body figure Ruyan (like smoke) mist dissipation in same place. 韩立沉吟半晌之后,并指在少年眉心轻轻一点,随后身形如烟似雾气般消散在了原地。 The white clothing youngster look then restores limpidly, still remembers that behind has different, then looks busily, actually sees there completely empty, and no one. 白衣少年眼神这才重新恢复清澈,犹自记得身后有异,忙回头望了望,却见那里空空如也,并无一人。 Shaking the head of he somewhat has doubts, turns around to continue toward the mountain valley to walk. 他有些疑惑的摇了摇头,转身继续朝山谷内走去。 Another side, Han Li form after an old tree exits, the footsteps lift, is wanting flying figure. 另一边,韩立身影从一棵古树后转出,脚步一抬,正欲飞身而起。 At this time, its waist ray shone suddenly, yellow talisman had not been summoned, oneself flew unexpectedly, hovering in midair. 这时,其腰间忽然有一道光芒亮起,一张黄色符箓未受召唤,竟然自己飞了出来,悬停在了半空。 Han Li sees this symbol pressed, the brow slightly one. 韩立一见此符,眉头微微一蹙。 A "Hū" sound. “呼”的一声响。 One group of flames leap in the midair, the talisman self-ignition gets up baseless. 一团火光在半空中腾起,符箓凭空自燃起来。 The flame ascends, piece of fuzzy virtual image appeared in the flame, was gradually clear. 火苗升腾,一片模糊的虚影出现在了火焰中,渐渐清晰起来。 In virtual image, his eyes saw collapsed a green garment young girl on stone table, on the simple and beautiful face did not have blood-color, the double pupil shut tightly, had fainted. 虚影中,他一眼就看到了瘫倒在一张石桌上的绿衫少女,清丽脸庞上没有一丝血色,双眸紧闭,已经昏死了过去。 But his slender white arms, were being covered by a skinny big hand stubbornly. 而其纤纤皓腕,正被一只枯瘦的大手死死扣住。 The master black robe of that hand, the crane becomes dark to, body figure is skinny, face Yin zhi looks to him. 那只手的主人一身黑袍,鹤发黑须,身形干瘦,正一脸阴骘看向他。 You are Qi Xuan!” Han Li looked at old man one eyes, takes a look at opposite party clothes robe again, after both eyes narrows the eyes, suddenly asked. “你是齐煊吧!”韩立看了老者一眼,再瞅了瞅对方身上的衣袍,双目一眯后,蓦然如此问道。 Snort! Han young thief, you two years ago kills my great nephew Hao'er, latter and sinister manipulated my good friend Lu Ya, later has withdrawn in Cold Flame Sect, may really make this old man easy to look! Today this small fox fell in my hand, did you rescue do not rescue?” In the old man surface evil Qi flashes, Jie Jie said with a smile. “哼!韩小贼,你两年前杀我侄孙浩儿,后又阴险算计我挚友陆崖,之后一直龟缩在冷焰宗内,可真让老夫好找啊!今日这小狐妖落到了我手中,你救是不救?”老者面上煞气一闪,桀桀笑道。 How does your excellency want?” Han Li look invariable asking. “阁下想怎么样?”韩立神色不变的问道。 In one month, comes my Heavenly Ghost Sect Feng Yin Mountain Range Tranquil Ghost Peak. Remember, only permits your to come, if when the time comes has not seen you to appear, but do not blame the this old man heavy hand being brutal.” Qi Xuan sound suddenly cold saying. “一个月内,来我天鬼宗酆阴山脉幽鬼峰。记住,只许你一人前来,到时候若没有看到你出现,可就别怪老夫辣手无情了。”齐煊声音骤然一寒的说道。 Saying, him is stressing the strength in Liu Le'er wrist/skill to aggravate several points, hurts the young girl brow in unconscious to be tight, the complexion is even more pale. 说着,他抓在柳乐儿手腕上的力道又加重几分,疼得昏迷中的少女眉头紧蹙,脸色愈加苍白起来。 Han Li sees this, the complexion is gloomy, silent. 韩立见此,脸色阴沉起来,沉默不语。 Grins fiendishly along with one, at present the flame then vanishes to disappear after a distortion, other one group of ashes, were only blown by the mountain breeze, without a trace of disappearance. 伴随着一阵狞笑,眼前火光便在一阵扭曲后消失不见了,只余下一团灰烬,被山风一吹,消失的无影无踪。
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