RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#48: Kidnapping

Do not glance right and left, you only have five breath time!” “不要左顾右盼,你只有五息时间!” At this time, the Immortal Elder Tong Xu sound conveyed from the above suddenly, such as the stuffy thunder was unexpectedly billowing, is startled in the Fang Pan heart to palpitate. 这时,通虚仙长的声音突然从上方传来,竟如闷雷滚滚,惊得方磐不由心中一悸。 He restrains the mind hastily, looks in all directions to look, sees besides the be continuous not scenery everywhere, anything no appearance. 他连忙收敛心神,四顾望去,满目所见除了绵延不尽的山水之外,什么都没有的样子。 But, his heart has a feeling to lower the head fiercely, actually sees in the under foot water surface, has the pale golden blood line to spread out toward the water surface under faintly together extends to go. 但紧接着,他心有所感般猛地一低头,却见脚下水面中,隐隐有一道淡金色血线向着水面下方衍伸而去。 Fang Pan looks with rapt attention, discovers under the water surface, has the azure form together to reappear fuzzily, suddenly suddenly near, probability empty, he tries hard to see clearly, is actually not able to achieve. 方磐凝神望去,发现水面之下,模模糊糊有一道青色身影浮现,忽远忽近,似实似虚,他努力想要看清,却根本无法做到。 While he thinks the low body, when digs in the water to find out, under foot that wisp of blood line is sudden one fuzzy under is actually defeated and dispersed, vanishes to disappear. 正当他想低下身子,一头扎入水中去探个究竟时,脚下那缕血线却是突然一阵模糊之下溃散开来,消失不见了。 He is startled slightly, under not and thinks, the surrounding scenery is a dizziness, becomes twists. 他微微一怔,未及多想下,周围的景物便是一阵天旋地转,变得扭曲起来。 When his recover his wits, discovered oneself stand by the bronze big jar as before, the bow the body, double is hand-held the jar edge. 等他回过神来,就发现自己依旧站在青铜大瓮旁,躬着身子,双手扶着瓮沿。 He lowers the head to look, sees the liquid in jar as before jet black like black ink, just now all, just like have a dream general. 他低头望去,就见瓮内的液体依旧漆黑如墨,方才的一切,犹如做梦一般。 Said that saw anything.” The long-bearded old man light sound conveys. “说吧,看到了什么。”长须老者的淡淡声音传来。 Younger generation is ashamed, not seeming to see clearly anything...... only to think that person of form far as is near, is quite fuzzy, looks not distinctly.” The black clothes youth shakes the head, the observed situation, will say truthfully. “晚辈惭愧,好像未能看清什么……只觉得那人身影似远似近,颇为模糊,看不分明。”黑衣青年摇了摇头,将所观察到的情况,如实说了出来。 So-called too close to the problem. Reason that in the Heavenly secret jar presents so the situation, because of the master of essence and blood, is not in Northern Cold Immortal Territory mostly now, but some secret mystical place in Immortal Territory, or...... in subordinating Immortal Territory some low-rank small world/interface.” After a Immortal Elder Tong Xu slightly consideration, said. “所谓当局者迷。天机瓮内之所以呈现出如此情形,多半是因为精血的主人,如今并不在北寒仙域之中,而是处在仙域的某个隐秘秘境之中,亦或是……处在直属仙域的某个下位小界面之中。”通虚仙长略一思量后,如此说道。 immortal elder whether to be further able to confirm, that person actually in which mystical place, or in which low-rank world/interface?” Fang Pan hears word, cannot bear closely examine. 仙长能否进一步确认,那人究竟在哪一处秘境,或是在哪个下位界面?”方磐闻言,忍不住追问。 Absurd! You think that this remote Immortal World is ordinary with these tiny small, does not have any mark, can the only drop of essence and blood, look for others easily?” Immortal Elder Tong Xu cold snort/hum, somewhat disgruntled saying. “荒唐!你以为这渺渺仙界与那些蕞尔小界一般,没有任何标记,单凭区区一滴精血,就能轻而易举寻找他人?”通虚仙长冷哼一声,有些不悦的说道。 Fang Pan sees this, said hastily submissively: Was the younger generation was offensive, but also asked immortal elder do not blame.” 方磐见此,连忙拱手说道:“是晚辈唐突了,还请仙长不要怪罪。” After the moment, outside verdant mountain peak. 片刻后,青翠山峰外。 Fang Pan recited backwards from the end standing of both hands in the midair, vision gloomy and cold, in the surface the look somewhat was clearly cloudy uncertain. 方磐倒背双手的站在半空中,目光阴冷,面上神色有些阴晴不定。 Snort! Even if you go into the ends of the earth, I must tear to shreds you!” “哼!哪怕你跑到天涯海角,我也要将你碎尸万段!” Saying, he puts out a hand to wipe in the waist, takes out together transmit/message array disk, the lip opening and closing chants in a low voice several secret charms, single-handed to a oneself forehead point, is outward fierce to take, the light screen then appears together in the palm. 说着,他伸手在腰间一抹,取出一块传讯阵盘,嘴唇翕动的低吟几声密咒,又单手冲自己眉心一点,向外猛一拉取,一道光幕便浮现在手掌心。 The light screen is screening a size big youth form, wears the azure robe, the facial features are ordinary. 光幕上映着一个体型高大的青年身影,身着青袍,面容普通。 As the Fang Pan palm wields, a that light screen also fuzzy reduction flew into the transmit/message plate, vanishes does not see. 随着方磐手掌一挥,那道光幕也随之一阵模糊缩小的飞入了传讯盘中,消失不见。 ...... …… After several days . 数日后。 The Abundance Nation northwest remote mountain canyon, in the valley is flooding the thick mountain fog, the tumbling. 丰国西北一处深山峡谷,谷内充斥着浓浓的山雾,翻滚不已。 Rumble the bursting sound and magical artifact hit sound of often spread from the thick fog. 隆隆的爆裂声和法器撞击之声从浓雾中不时传出。 Suddenly, along with bang a startling thunderclap loud sound, the fog blasts open violent-tempered, then a green escaping light flies to shoot from inside. 突然间,伴随着“轰”的一声惊雷般巨响,雾气猛地炸裂开来,接着一道绿色遁光从里面飞射而出。 In the escaping light is a green garment young girl, the whole body floats azure jade token that three miraculous glows four are shooting, circles the body to dance in the air, the under foot is treading a blue emerald shuttle. 遁光中是一个绿衫少女,周身漂浮着三块灵光四射的青色玉牌,绕体飞舞,脚下踏着一只碧绿玉梭。 The young girl beautiful white teeth, the appearance is simple and beautiful, is Liu Le'er. 少女明媚皓齿,容貌清丽,正是柳乐儿 She has not departed far, a mountain valley thick fog fierce tumbling, five escaping light fly to shoot from inside, tags along after sharply to pursue. 她还没有飞出多远,山谷浓雾一阵剧烈翻滚,五道遁光从里面飞射而出,尾随急追而来。 The escaping light imposing manner is good, impressively is Nascent Soul Stage cultivator. 遁光气势不俗,赫然都是元婴期修士 Although Liu Le'er stimulates to movement under the foot full power the flying shuttle, but flying speed compared to several people still to be slow behind on several points. 柳乐儿虽然全力催动足下飞梭,但遁速比起身后几人仍慢上几分。 So an incense stick of time time, the distance between both sides, only then less than 30 zhang (3.33 m)! 如此不过一炷香的时间,双方之间的距离只有不到三十丈了! Actually you are, why is so in hot pursuit to me?” The Liu Le'er during technique urge definitely, immediately under the escaping light stops, toward rear drinks one tenderly. “你们究竟是什么人,为何对我这般穷追不舍?”柳乐儿手中法决一催,当即遁光一停之下,朝后方娇喝一声。 When first pitch-black escaping light, appeared a dragon beard guy together, took a look at flying shuttle under a few women's football, does not conceal greedy color hehe a sound said: 当先一道乌黑遁光一顿,现出了一名虬须大汉,瞅了一眼少女足下的飞梭,毫不掩饰目中贪婪之色的嘿嘿一声道: Hehe, should not ask do not ask. Knowing the limitation on obediently surrender, but can also be exempt from the physical suffering.” “嘿嘿,不该问的别问。识相的就乖乖束手就擒,还能免受皮肉之苦。” Other four escaping light also divided into two, delimited two circular arcs, from left and right outflanking on, encircled Liu Le'er in middle. 其他四道遁光也一分为二,划了两道圆弧,从左右两侧的包抄而上,将柳乐儿围在了当中。 The escaping light collects, appears four person's shadows, respectively is a red painted-face old man, a purple robe young married woman, two black clothes youth, the appearance unexpectedly is exactly the same, seems like the twin. 遁光敛去,现出四个人影,分别是一个红脸老者,一名紫袍少妇,还有两个黑衣青年,外貌竟然一模一样,似乎是双胞胎。 So many people bully the weak, is it possible that thought that my Cold Flame Sect disciple is inadequate of good bullying?” Liu Le'er coldly swept several people of one, said. “这么多人以大欺小,莫非觉得我冷焰宗弟子是好欺负的不成?”柳乐儿冷冷的扫了几人一眼,如此说道。 Small Core Formation cultivator, the tone also is really big. First tastes fierce of this old man!” Red painted-face old man low roar, the sleeve robe shakes fiercely. “一名小小的结丹修士,口气还真是不小。先来尝尝老夫的厉害!”红脸老者低喝一声,袖袍猛地一抖。 The scarlet light flashes, a red ring lets go to project, changes into numerous scarlet shadow toward Liu Le'er goes rolling. 赤光一闪,一枚赤色圆环脱手射出,化为重重赤影的朝柳乐儿滚滚而去。 Besides the dragon beard guy, other three people also take out a treasure respectively, the law urges definitely, changes into magic arts attack that three colors vary, goes from another three direction converging attack. 虬须大汉外,其余三人也各自取出一件宝物,法决一催下,化为三道颜色各异的法术攻击,从另三个方向夹击而去。 The Liu Le'er elegant face concentrates, but has her of preparation early, two handle gently wields, under the mouth mumbled, crowded around the body week three azure jade token suddenly rising big several times, transformed layer upon layer the sign shadow, covered its form in the middle. 柳乐儿俏脸微凝,但早有准备的她,两手轻挥,口中念念有词下,簇拥身周的三块青色玉牌陡然涨大数倍,幻化出层层牌影,将其身影笼罩在中间。 Rumble, four groups of dazzling light groups explode appear! “轰隆隆”一声下,四团刺目光团爆裂浮现! The azure sign shadow ray neglected crazily, exudes the stormy shatter sound, the superficial miraculous glow dim most probably, but also resisted four people of attacks reluctantly. 青色牌影光芒狂闪下,发出密集的破碎声,表面灵光黯淡了大半,不过也勉强抵住了四人的攻击。 This makes five people including dragon beard guy be all startled. 这让包括虬须大汉在内的五人俱是一惊。 This place is not suitable waits for a long time, must fight a battle to force a quick decision, pays attention do not harm this female life.” “此地不宜久待,必须速战速决,注意不要伤此女性命。” After the dragon beard guy sinking sound told one, raised single-handed, in the hand the thing to the hand, the turning round revolution, changed into together more than ten zhang (3.33 m) black great bricks, joined the regiment. 虬须大汉沉声吩咐一声后,单手一扬,手中之物离手,滴溜溜一转下,化为一块十余丈大小的黑色巨砖,也加入了战团。 Five Nascent Soul cultivator , the offensive is jointly fiercer, the azure sign shadow surface miraculous glow is rapid. 五名元婴修士联手下,攻势更猛,青色牌影表面灵光迅速黯淡。 Finally in the previous quarter that the sign shadow destroys, Liu Le'er unhurriedly single-handed raises, white satin magical treasure that a wielding miraculous glow lingers, grade as if also not under previous azure jade token. 结果就在牌影溃灭的前一刻,柳乐儿不慌不忙的单手一扬,祭出一件灵光萦绕的白绫法宝,品阶似乎还不下于此前的青色玉牌 The white satin circles in this female top of the head gently, under the miraculous glow flashes, the pure white multi-colored sunlight appears layer upon layer, white ripple four ripple, covers in which this female form again, becomes partly visible. 白绫在此女头顶只是轻轻一绕,灵光闪动下,层层洁白霞光浮现而出,一圈圈的白色波纹四下荡漾开来,将此女身影再次笼罩其中,变得若隐若现。 In the dragon beard guy five people of hearts is startled and anger, obviously has not expected on Core Formation cultivator, has so many high rank magical treasure unexpectedly. 虬须大汉五人心中是又惊又怒,显然没料到一名结丹修士身上,竟有如此多的高阶法宝 The however several people obviously are not first collaboration, at the same time as if by prior agreement increased toward the magical power intensity that respective magical treasure injects! 不过几人显然不是第一次联手,不约而同的同时加大了往各自法宝注入的法力强度! The bellow rises from all directions! 轰鸣声四起! The white multi-colored sunlight shivers immediately fiercely, but at once, did not have the shatter sign. 白色霞光顿时剧烈颤抖起来,不过一时之间,还没有破碎的迹象。 Liu Le'er places in the white rosy cloud package, after hurried clothing/taking next grain of medicine pill, two fast pinches finger joints with the thumb non-stop, but the small face ties tight, in the heart is anxious. 柳乐儿身处白霞包裹之中,急忙服下一粒丹药后,两手飞快的掐诀不停,但小脸紧绷,心中更是紧张之极。 This is the first time that she faced several cultivation base to be far higher than his enemy alone, after all on the same day can kill with one's own hand Divine Transformation cultivation base Jia Ren, relied upon, but Han Li with special method seal in Flame Essence Fire Bird of its within the body, if not takes the next promotes magical power gathering miracle cure to stimulate this bird power ahead of time thoroughly, is impossible to achieve strikes to kill. 这还是她第一次独自面对数名修为远高于其的敌人,毕竟当日之所以能够手刃化神修为贾仁,仰仗的可是韩立用特殊手段封印于其体内的精炎火鸟,若非提前服下一枚暂时提升法力的萃灵丹以彻底激发此鸟威能,根本不可能做到一击必杀的。 Now can support now, depended on Han Li to provide against contingencies just before leaving bestowed these magical treasure before it and miracle cures, even so, her situation more and more was not wonderful. 如今之所以可以支撑到现在,也是靠了韩立在其临走前为防万一所赐的这些法宝和灵丹,即便如此,她的处境也越来越不妙起来。 No, I cannot have an accident! I promise the Elder Brother to protect my!” “不,我不能出事!我答应哥哥要保护好自己的!” Young girl white/shell Chijin bites, dark green white face allows the vision to flash slightly, suddenly lifts the left arm, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb. 少女贝齿紧咬,苍白面容上目光微微闪动,蓦然一抬左臂,手中一掐诀。 On the left arm mysterious silver magical array shines suddenly. 左臂上一个玄奥的银色法阵骤然亮起。 With a clear cry, flew to shoot compared with previously small several points of silver fire bird, departure white red clouds who and under a both wings show/unfolds, flashes immediately, goes toward a bank. 伴随着一声清鸣,一只比此前小几分的银色火鸟从中飞射而出,并双翅一展下,马上一闪的飞出白霞,朝一侧飞去。 Puff two almost also resound! “噗噗”的两声几乎同时响起! „, This...... what is this!” “啊,这……这是什么!” "No......" “不……” In the panic-stricken pitiful yell sounds of two black robe youth, the silver flame wraps in which two people instantaneously. 在两名黑袍青年的惊恐惨叫声中,银色火焰瞬间将二人包裹其中。 This sudden of extremely, the dragon beard guy and other three people simply have not responded, under two black robe youth then in the eye hid changed into one group of smog, even Nascent Soul not and escaped, vanished from world thoroughly. 这一幕发生的太过突然,以至于虬须大汉等其余三人还根本没反应过来,两名黑袍青年便在眼皮子底下化为了一团烟雾,连元婴都未及逃出,就彻底从世间消失了。 Delaying of such moment, the red painted-face old man under silver light flashes, the whole person then by silver flame engulf, was also protected the body miraculous glow not to have the function, even the pitiful yell sound not and sends out. 就这么片刻的耽搁,红脸老者也在银光一闪下,整个人便被银焰吞没,护体灵光毫无作用,甚至连惨叫声都未及发出。 Finally responded dragon beard guy and purple robe young married woman, has been fearful and apprehensive, turning around without delay escapes separately. 终于反应过来的虬须大汉与紫袍少妇,早已是心惊胆寒,二话不说的转身分头而逃。 And former cultivation base compared with on the latter high several points, the speed also naturally also wants on quickly some. 其中前者修为比后者高上几分,速度也自然也要快上些许。 Silver fire bird actually does not give two man-machine meetings, like lightning flees, changes into the fuzzy silver light illness/quick to pursue to go together, suddenly then spanned the number hundred zhang (333 m) distance, pierces from the purple robe young married woman, making it change into one group of fireballs falls under. 银色火鸟却根本不给二人机会,闪电般的一窜下,化为一道模糊银光疾追而去,眨眼间便跨越了数百丈距离,从紫袍少妇背后洞穿而过,使之化为一团火球的直坠而下。 Master, rescues......” “师傅,救……” In a while, along with a stopping suddenly sad and shrill pitiful yell, dragon beard guy body figure submerges in in Yinyan, did not have the sound. 没过多久,伴随着一声戛然而止的凄厉惨叫,虬须大汉身形淹没于银焰之中,没了声息。 The silver light circles after distant place one electricity shoots to return, flashed flew into the young girl arm, was missing. 银光在远处一个盘旋后电射而回,一闪飞入了少女手臂,不见了踪影。 In Liu Le'er heart a loosen, but the complexion like the paper, body figure has shaken several to shake palely, somewhat stands is not steady. 柳乐儿心中一松,但脸色早已苍白如纸,身形晃了几晃,有些站立不稳起来。 After taking out a miracle cure clothing/taking hastily next, the complexion restored several points of blood-color. 连忙取出一枚灵丹服下后,脸色才恢复了几分血色。 At this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在此刻,异变突生 Her top of the head void fluctuation same place, then pitch-black evil clutches emerge out of thin air, grasps fiercely. 她头顶虚空波动一起,接着一只乌黑魔爪凭空出现,猛地抓下。 Has not really fallen, under first exudes the intermittent invisible fluctuation void, an invisible spirit pressure depresses to the young girl directly. 尚未真的落下,下方虚空就先泛起阵阵无形波动,一股无形灵压直接冲少女压下。 Chī la! 嗤啦 Protects the white satin multi-colored sunlight of body some is not steady, under this spirit pressure, is defeated and dispersed finally! 护体的白绫霞光本就有些不稳,在这股灵压之下,终于溃散! The young girls have a big shock, quickly wants to propose the spirit strength, uses the escaping technique to escape. 少女大惊失色,急忙想要提动灵力,施展遁术而逃。 But next moment, she only thinks that whole body one tight, do not say pinches finger joints with the thumb, is including a finger unable the move slightest, can only look in the evil clutches palm to depart one helplessly continuously black light, concentrates a black big net, ties up his body. 下一刻,她只觉周身一紧,不要说掐诀,就是连一根手指都无法动弹分毫,只能眼睁睁看着魔爪掌心中飞出一缕缕黑光,凝成一张黑色大网,将其身体捆住。 Under the pitch-black evil clutches dodge, is hidden in void, then in the midair in not far away, black robe old man silent reappearing , the crane becomes dark to, body figure is skinny. 乌黑魔爪一闪之下,隐没在虚空中,接着不远处的半空中,一个黑袍老者无声无息的浮现而出,鹤发黑须,身形干瘦。
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