RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#47: Probe

At this moment was still late at night, silence reigns. 此刻仍是深夜,万籁俱寂。 Han Li had/left the cave mansion, the body surface escaping light/only same place, recognizes some direction to walk air-splitting. 韩立出了洞府,体表遁光一起,认准某个方向就破空而走。 Finally just departed shortly, he only thinks that at present sky one gloomy, white misty giant palm silent emerging out of thin air, and falls under. 结果刚飞出没多久,他只觉眼前天空一黯,一只白濛濛巨掌无声无息的凭空出现,并一落而下。 Chī chī sound erupted, innumerable white hot lotus as if flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky general appear out of thin air, the turning round revolution, the innumerable lotus petal lasing, one covered the surrounding area more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) scopes, keeping Han Li from avoiding. 嗤嗤之声大作,无数白色火莲仿佛天女散花一般凭空浮现,滴溜溜一转下,无数莲瓣激射而出,一下就罩住了方圆百余丈的范围,让韩立根本无法躲避。 Under nearby air temperature in extremely cold aura sweeps across, suddenly pelt, even in the nearby mountain top ground appears the one/1st level/layer clear cold frost. 附近的空气温度在一股极寒气息席卷下,骤然急降,甚至附近山头地面上都浮现出一层晶莹的寒霜。 Han Li is startled slightly, then lifts the hand void fist to rumble, immediately an invisible great strength wells up crazily. 韩立微微一怔,接着抬手虚空一拳轰出,顿时一股无形巨力狂涌而出。 Bang bang bang a series of chaotic sounds! “砰砰砰”一连串乱响! Almost all white hot lotuses are similar to bubble being defeated and dispersed in abundance unexpectedly, changes into the dissipation of everywhere crystal glow. 几乎所有的白色火莲竟如同泡沫般的纷纷溃散,化为漫天晶芒的消散开来。 The white giant palm also as if resulted in the superficial miraculous glow to tremble by this great forcing crazily, after the nearby void is slightly a distortion, erupts rumble buzz the cry. 白色巨掌也似乎被这股巨力压得表面灵光狂颤,附近虚空更是略一扭曲后,爆发出轰隆隆嗡鸣。 The giant palm owner somewhat seems to be unexpected, somewhat flurried shrinks, hidden enters vanishes void. 巨掌主人似乎有些猝不及防,有些慌乱的一缩,隐入虚空消失。 Then not far away void fluctuation same place, was covered by the one/1st level/layer white light all over the body, cannot see clearly the facial features the person's shadow to reappear, in the hand grasps a clear blue color jade ruler, the superficial inscription is printing as if thread mysterious patterns all over the body. 接着不远处虚空波动一起,一个通体被一层白光笼罩,看不清面容的人影浮现而出,手中握着一柄通体晶莹的蓝色玉尺,表面铭印着一圈圈仿佛螺纹般的玄奥花纹。 A person's shadow side emergence, the single-handed turn over, in the jade ruler the hand throws toward the upper air. 人影方一出现,单手一翻转,就将手中玉尺往高空一抛。 This foot turning round revolution, rises suddenly to more than hundred zhang (3.33 m) against the wind, superficial spirit mark a series of shines, blooms the dazzling blue brilliance. 此尺滴溜溜一转下,迎风暴涨至百余丈大小,表面灵纹一连串的亮起,绽放出耀眼的蓝色光辉。 Sees only the white person's shadow to raise single-handed. 只见白色人影单手一扬。 From out of the blue sound big sound! 破空声大响! Immediately under a great ruler long cry, smuggles the sound of wind and thunder immediately toward Han Li, in cutting to fall under. 当即巨尺一声长鸣下,顿时夹带风雷之声的朝韩立所在斩落而下。 The Han Li vision flashes slightly, the sleeve cuff moves, palm five fingers one point of finding out, grasps void. 韩立目光微微一闪,袖口一动,一只手掌五指一分的探出,虚空一抓。 Has not really seized firmly, makes the air like rush to the great ruler for the great strength that it concentrates momentously, making it surface miraculous glow tremble crazily, turning round from the sky rotates, is unable to fall unexpectedly. 尚未真的抓实,一股让空气都为之一凝的巨力如排山倒海般涌向巨尺,使之表面灵光狂颤下,滴溜溜在空中转动起来,竟无法落下。 In the meantime, great ruler surface spirit mark hold, appears greatly indistinctly ox head dragon body monster virtual image, the crying out strangely sound that the opens the mouth sends out ox Houban. 就在此时,巨尺表面灵纹大盛,隐约浮现出一个牛头龙身的怪兽虚影,张口发出一声牛吼般的怪叫声。 Under the blue great ruler humming sound trembles, must depress again. 蓝色巨尺嗡嗡震颤之下,就要再次压下。 Han Li both eyes narrow the eyes, within the body urges Little Dipper Essence Technique, immediately the chest and belly locates five blue light to flash, appears indistinctly a clear Big Dipper design, but only has five big star rays to be eye-catching, another two big stars are gloomy. 韩立双目一眯,体内一催小北斗星元功,顿时胸腹处五点蓝光一闪,隐约浮现出一个清晰的北斗七星图案,不过只有五个大星光芒夺目,另外两个大星黯淡无光。 The five fingers that he finds out, gather suddenly, a nearby void fierce distortion rocks! 他探出的五指,骤然一合,附近虚空猛的一阵扭曲晃动! Strange dragon virtual image of blue great ruler surface sends out a wail, bang is defeated and dispersed. 蓝色巨尺表面的怪龙虚影发出一声哀鸣,“砰”的一声溃散开来。 Fellow Daoist Han, below Sima Jingming, shows mercy!” The white person's shadow sees that opens the mouth to say hastily. 韩道友,在下司马镜明,手下留情!”白色人影见状,连忙开口道。 The voice falls, his body week white light collects, reveals a white-haired purple robe man. 话音落下,他身周白光一敛,露出一个满头白发的紫袍男子。 The Han Li vision flashes, the fist that will get hold of completely stopped. 韩立目光一闪,正要完全握紧的拳头停了一下。 In the Sima Jingming hand pinches finger joints with the thumb like lightning, the blue great ruler reduces hundred times in a flash, under flashes, drops into his hand. 司马镜明手中闪电般掐诀,蓝色巨尺一晃缩小百倍,一闪之下,回落入其手中。 He then relaxes. 他这才松了口气。 Just now he in this spirit treasure by the hand, can feel clearly actually the opposite party this grasps terrifyingly, if oneself are scruple the moment, feared that was this treasure does not destroy also wants the intelligence to lose greatly. 方才他透过手中这件灵宝,能够清晰感觉到对方这一抓究竟有多恐怖,若是自己再迟疑片刻,怕是此宝不毁也要灵性大失了。 Although his not full power, but looks at the opposite party so superficial appearance, obviously also showed mercy. 虽然他并没有出全力,但看对方这般轻描淡写的样子,显然也是手下留情了。 „Is Fellow Daoist Sima this what intent?” Han Li both hands are reciting backwards from the end, unemotional asking. 司马道友这是何意?”韩立双手倒背着,面无表情的问道。 Fellow Daoist Han do not mind, in the meaning of below not offending, but tries the fellow daoist true strength. After all you and old ancestor agreement, to our sect is the extremely important matter, I must have a look at a our sect 1 million years of savings, can actually trade anything.” Sima Jingming turns the hand to receive the jade ruler, said with a smile. 韩道友不要介意,在下并无冒犯之意,只是试一下道友真正实力。毕竟你和老祖的约定,对本宗来说是极为重要的事情,我总得看看本宗百万年的积蓄,究竟能换来了什么吧。”司马镜明翻手收起玉尺,笑着说道。 How now does the fellow daoist feel?” The Han Li brow tip selects slightly, reveals the faint smile the look. “现在道友觉得如何?”韩立眉梢微微一挑,露出似笑非笑的神色。 „The far surpass of Brother Han strength expected below, and can in such a short time, Little Dipper Essence Technique cultivation to realm, make to broaden the outlook below. Before our sect , some people of cultivation this cultivation technique, has what a pity peeped the access initially.” Sima Jingming sighed one lightly, heartfelt saying. 韩兄实力之远超在下预料,且能在如此短时间内,将小北斗星元功修炼到如此境界,着实令在下大开眼界。本宗以前也有人修炼过此功法,可惜都只是初窥门径而已。”司马镜明轻叹一声,由衷的赞道。 Fellow Daoist Sima overpraised.” Han Li shows a faint smile, so said. 司马道友过奖了。”韩立微微一笑,这般说道。 After he stopped one next , to continue saying: About the ancient book that your sect Scriptures Pavilion loses, after this Han this handles matters, can engrave it.” 他停顿了一下后,继续说道:“关于贵宗藏经阁遗失的典籍,等韩某此趟办完事后,可以将其刻印出来。” Fellow Daoist Han was polite, ancient book our sect of defect has the transcription. Your excellency complies with the matter of old ancestor, but also looks must forget not.” Sima Jingming is saying, cups one hand in the other across the chest to Han Li distantly. 韩道友客气了,缺失的典籍本宗另有副本的。只是阁下答应老祖之事,还望莫要忘记。”司马镜明说着,冲韩立遥遥一拱手。 „The matter of this Han complying, naturally not reneges on a promise certainly.” Han Li said confidently. 韩某答应之事,自然绝无反悔的。”韩立坦然说道。 Good, has these words, below on relax/rest assured. Brother Han looks like also has the matter, does not disturb below.” Sima Jingming tactful holds the fist in the other hand toward Han Li again. “好,有这句话,在下就放心了。韩兄看来还有事,在下就不打扰了。”司马镜明识趣的再次朝韩立一抱拳。 Han Li has not said anything, the body azure miraculous glow binds flies toward the distant place, suddenly, vanishes from the nearby without a trace. 韩立也没多说什么,身上青色灵光一裹的朝远处飞去,眨眼间,就从附近消失的无影无踪了。 ...... …… Immortal World, Northern Cold Immortal Territory. 仙界,北寒仙域 A high over thousand zhang (3.33 m) verdant mountain peak, covering in mist that in the strong spiritual energy is dense, in the peak is standing and waiting for a long time a resplendent in gold and jade green golden main hall, welcoming morning sun is splendid. 一座高逾千丈的青翠山峰,笼罩在浓厚灵气氤氲出的雾气中,峰顶上伫立着一座金碧辉煌的金色大殿,迎着朝阳熠熠生辉。 At this time, in the main hall wears the purple gold Daoist robe, wears long-bearded old man of lotus flower treasure crown, sits on a red sandalwood big chair, the forehand holds one glittering and translucent carving emerald tea, after leisure light sipped one, this raised the head, looks to the body previous person. 此时,大殿内一名身着紫金道袍,头戴莲花宝冠的长须老者,坐在一张紫檀大椅上,正手捧着一只晶莹剔透的翡翠茶盏,慢条斯理的轻啜了一口后,这才抬起头,望向身前一人。 That person 20-30 years old appearance, wears the black vigor attire, salutes to the old man respectfully, mouth middle course: Immortal Elder Tong Xu, younger generation Fang Pan, takes the liberty visit today, is hopes that immortal elder helps me look for one person by the Heavenly secret secret technique.” 那人20-30岁模样,身着黑色劲装,冲着老者恭敬施礼,口中道:“通虚仙长,晚辈方磐,今日冒昧来访,是希望仙长天机秘术帮我寻找一人。” Whose you are this old man have no interest, is only this Void Connection Pavilion custom, should you be clear?” The old men put toward nearby tea table on tea gently, said indifferently. “你是谁老夫没兴趣,只是这通虚阁的规矩,你应该清楚吧?”老者将茶盏往旁边的茶几上轻轻一放,淡然说道。 „A ten thousand years of empty sea hydrangea, two high grade golds pupil dragon eye stones, in addition one bottle of park Yang return to the Yin water, does not know that immortal elder can also satisfy?” The black clothes youth goes forward immediately Half Step, said. “一株万年虚海紫阳花,两颗上品瞳龙眼石,外加一瓶泊阳回阴水,不知仙长可还满意?”黑衣青年立即上前半步,如此说道。 The word finishes, before its, appears void two fine purple chest and white jade bottles, in the casing cover stopper is opens, reveals the thing of hiding. 言毕,其身前虚空浮现出两只精致紫匣和一只白色玉瓶,匣盖瓶塞皆是自己打开,露出里面所藏之物。 Old man eyes have swept, the eye pupil shone, nods slightly said: Also calculates some sincerity. Then, what you must search for is who?” 老者一眼扫过,眼眸微亮了一下,微微颔首道:“还算有些诚意。说吧,你要搜寻的是什么人?” „Before this person is me, has encountered a powerful enemy, thought for 300 years ago had been killed my hand, recently knew him possibly also to live, but does not know that its present places where, but also looks at immortal elder to help me seek.” The black clothes youth brow is pressed gradually, says. “此人乃是我以前遇过一名劲敌,原以为三百年前已丧命我手,近日才知他可能还活着,只是不知其如今身处何处,还望仙长帮我寻得。”黑衣青年眉头渐蹙,开口说道。 May have with his bloodlines related thing, or hair scales and so on thing?” The old men asked. “可有与他血脉相关之物,或是毛发鳞甲之类的东西?”老者问道。 The black clothes youth hesitant the moment, the wrist/skill turned, takes out a white porcelain bottle, handed over, said: 黑衣青年犹豫了片刻,手腕一翻,取出一只白色瓷瓶,递了过去,说道: This person of bloodlines are somewhat special, when I in the past with it battled, tries to obtain such a drop of essence and blood, immortal elder looked whether came in handy?” “此人血脉有些特别,我当年与之交战时,设法取得了这么一滴精血,仙长看一下是否合用?” The old men received the porcelain bottle, shook in a flash, only thought that the starting weight/quantity was quite weighty, opened the bottle cap again, smelled slightly, immediately the look changed. 老者接过瓷瓶,晃了一晃,只觉得入手分量颇重,再一打开瓶盖,略微一嗅,顿时神色一变。 strange, strange, is actually this person who? In the bloodlines actually includes the strength of such many True Spirit?” Immortal Elder Tong Xu called out with amazement. “奇哉,怪哉,此人究竟是什么人?血脉之中竟然含有这么多种真灵之力?”通虚仙长惊讶叫道。 This...... is open about the facts immortal elder, this person is the person of lower realm ascended, has many different technique magical powers, the strength is not really weak, the younger generation can also defeat it in the past by luck.” The black clothes youth slightly hesitates, said. “这……不瞒仙长,此人乃是下界飞升之人,身怀多种异术神通,实力着实不弱,晚辈当年也是侥幸才能击败其的。”黑衣青年略一迟疑,说道。 „The person of lower realm ascended......, you come along with me.” 下界飞升之人……罢了,你随我来吧。” The Immortal Elder Tong Xu hesitation moment, stands up, recited backwards from the end single-handed is walking toward the main hall back room. 通虚仙长沉吟片刻,站起身来,单手倒背着朝着大殿后堂走去。 The black clothes youth bypasses in the palace along with it a fine gold lacquer screen, across the back room, came to a secret room. 黑衣青年随其绕过殿内一架精美的金漆屏风,穿过后堂,来到了一间密室中。 In the secret room is very spacious, in the ground is engraving the three/3rd layer ring-like dense mark, obviously is some extremely complex array chart mark. The indoor has not been equipped with any furniture thing, was only placed a bronze big jar in the midpoint place. 密室内十分宽敞,地面上镌刻着三重环状密纹,显然是某种极其复杂的阵法图纹。室内没有设有任何桌椅物件,只在正中央处摆了一口青铜大瓮。 That big jar high approximately three chi (0.33 m), the whole body also carves completely the plain strange trace, the trace engagement with ground is close, unified whole. 那大瓮高约三尺,周身同样刻满古朴奇异的纹路,与地面的纹路衔接紧密,浑然一体。 The black clothes youth before Immortal Elder Tong Xu arrives at that big jar, lowers the head to look, saw in the jar to be filled with the black liquor, in the liquid level reflects fuzzily two people Shadow. 黑衣青年随着通虚仙长走到那口大瓮前,低头望去,就见瓮内盛满黑色液体,液面上模糊倒映出了两人的影子 The old men turn on the porcelain bottle cover in hand, that drop of essence and blood that a wrist/skill turn over, will have but actually. 老者打开手中的瓷瓶盖子,手腕一翻转,就将里面藏有的那滴精血倒了下去。 Ding-dong “叮咚” Drop of pale golden blood falls from the bottle, in the falling jar, sends out a light sound, since splashes ring-like ripples, ripples toward periphery. 一滴淡金色血液从瓶中滑落,掉落瓮中,发出一声轻响,溅起一道道环形涟漪,向着周围荡漾开去。 Fang Pan sees in the jar originally jet black such as the liquid of black ink, immediately with that matter ripples, fades toward all around little, suddenly, in the jar becomes limpid incomparable. 紧接着,方磐就看到瓮中原本漆黑如墨的液体,立即随着那层涟漪,一点点向着四周消褪,眨眼间,瓮内就变得清澈无比。 Can see by the liquid level, the jar bottom place is also carving ring-like chart marks. 透过液面可以看到,瓮底处也刻着一圈圈环形图纹。 Immortal Elder Tong Xu sees that the lips opening and closing, meditates obscurely the law incantation that is difficult to be bright immediately. 通虚仙长见状,口唇翕动,立即默念起晦涩难明的法咒。 Opens “开” After long time, only listens to its sharp shout, single-handed and refers to a towards oneself forehead stamp, subsequently point to bronze big jar. 半晌后,只听其口中一声厉喝,单手并指朝自己眉心一戳,继而又点向青铜大瓮。 Buzz......” a dull thumping sound. “嗡……”的一声闷响。 When the jar of bronze big jar in its pair of direction along, shakes suddenly, the trace that the jar body engraves sends out an intense azure ray immediately. 青铜大瓮在其双指点上瓮沿时,猛然一震,瓮身镌刻的纹路顿时发出一阵强烈的青色光芒。 Then, that ray spreads following rune, lightened array of entire ground quickly. 而后,那光芒顺着符文蔓延而下,很快将整个地面的阵法都点亮了起来。 Fang Pan has not responded, the whole person was covered in a piece of azure light. 方磐还没反应过来,整个人就被笼罩在了一片青光之中。 He discovered, oneself is standing above broad waters, looks, periphery sees is surrounding a azure mountain range unexpectedly. 他恍惚间发现,自己正站在一片宽广水域之上,四下望去,就见周围竟环绕着一圈青色山脉。 Here is...... in the jar!” After looking at the moment, black clothes youth some muttering suddenly. “这里是……瓮中!”看了片刻后,黑衣青年有些恍然的喃喃自语道。 ............ ………… The friendship recommends imaginary rain recent work «Kitchen Immortal Way» 友情推荐幻雨新作《厨道仙途》 When others for the losing weight worry, Song Hao because of immortal cultivation, are actually having to eat up one ton food every day. 当别人都在为减肥烦恼的时候,宋皓却因为修仙,每天不得不吃下一吨重的食物。 When others are controlling the diet, does not dare to eat the sweets time, Song Hao has not actually worried for Three Highs, he said that the fat did not fear, the sweets, I most liked...... 当别人都在控制饮食,不敢吃甜食的时候,宋皓却从来没为三高发愁过,他表示肥肉不怕,甜食,我最喜欢了…… The junk food, was the good meal, Song Hao all comes are welcome, many ate many. 不论是垃圾食品,还是美味佳肴,宋皓来者不拒,有多少吃多少。 Does not use the panacea, ordinary food can also become an immortal, and looked that Song Hao dashed about wildly on the path of glutton, goes out of manor Kang Great Dao...... 不用灵丹妙药,普通的食物亦能成仙,且看宋皓在吃货的道路上一路狂奔,走出一条庄康大道……
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