RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#46: Two means

In secret room. 密室中。 Han Li looks is being hidden Demon Light gradually in own Shadow, in the heart smiles bitterly, no longer thinks the matter of Nascent Soul seal. 韩立望着渐渐隐没于自己影子中的魔光,心中苦笑一声,不再多想元婴封印之事。 He raised the head, by above large cave/hole, looked at stars densely covered nighttime sky one. 他抬起头,透过上方的大洞,望了繁星密布的夜空一眼。 Long time, he sets out to arrive at the Dipper Essence-Gathering Array sixth Kaiyang star position, the knees sit cross-legged again, two pinch finger joints with the thumb, counts the magic arts to make one after another definitely, entire magical array was activated immediately. 半晌,他起身走到北斗聚元阵的第六星开阳星位置,再次双膝盘坐,两手一掐诀,接连数道法决打出,整座法阵顿时被激活了起来。 Slightly controls one's breathing, Han Li closed both eyes slowly, body motionless. 略一调息后,韩立缓缓闭上了双目,身躯不动一下了。 After result less than half double-hour, when it starts to stimulate to movement the Little Dipper Essence Technique six/6th level mnemonics, had some accidents/surprises. 结果小半个时辰后,当其开始催动小北斗星元功六层口诀之时,却出现了些许意外。 Does not know that is what reason, these time from starry sky hauling, but below power of stars is the beforehand several times continues unexpectedly, and in several breath, then formed six thick incomparable star light great columns. 不知是何缘故,这一次从星空牵引而下的星辰之力竟是之前的数倍不止,并在几个呼吸之间,便形成了六道粗大无比的星光巨柱。 Looks from afar, as if above the cave mansion, six from the nighttime sky lets fall, but the below fuzzy light beam, rushing the strength of star light fluctuates to proliferate, seeming like the imposing manner is uncommon. 远远望去,仿佛在洞府上方,有六道从夜空垂落而下的模糊光柱,澎湃的星光之力波动从中扩散开来,看起来气势不凡。 Han Li sees that in the heart is startled. 韩立见状,心中一惊。 Previously before cultivation , when five/5th level, although also triggered some phenomenon, but is far from now being so magnificent, he has not thought that after all in Spirit Domain World, there is must much with the aid of stars cultivation cultivation technique, when cultivation caused some Heaven and Earth phenomenon is really normal. 此前修炼五层时,虽然也引发了一些异象,不过远远没有现在这般壮观,他也就没多想,毕竟在灵寰界中,也有不少需借助星辰修炼功法,修炼时引起些天地异象实属正常。 But now the day so astonishing celestial phenomenon, does not think remarkably, feared that is not easy. 但如今日这般惊人天象,想不引人注意,怕是也不容易了。 He shakes the head, does not have extremely to care , to continue to calm the mind cultivation to get up. 他摇了摇头,也没有太过在意,继续静心修炼起来。 ...... …… Sky over the cave mansion, a rough guy is somewhere void and vertical, is looking at six dropping from the clouds giant light beams distantly, showed the unexpected and dignified expression. 某处洞府上空,一个粗犷大汉虚空而立,遥遥望着六道从天而降的巨大光柱,露出了意外和凝重的表情。 next moment, its black light streams transfers, whole person change fuzzy quiet shadow flying of suddenly shoots together, quick quiet falling near the Han Li cave mansion. 下一刻,其身上黑光流转下,整个人蓦的化为一道模糊幽影的飞射而出,很快悄无声息的落在了韩立洞府附近。 More approaches, he more can feel moving mountains the strength of star light in the light beam contains, as if mighty waves sea tide, spread to open toward the surroundings. 越是靠近,他越是能感觉到光柱中蕴含的排山倒海的星光之力,仿佛一道道波涛海潮,朝着周围扩散而开。 After he slightly one hesitates, then plan risk investigates one or two/just a little. 他略一犹豫后,便打算冒险施法探查一二 Luo Jun, waits.” A sound does not have the indication to resound suddenly in the Luo Jun ear. 骆均,等一下。”一个声音在骆均耳边没有征兆地忽然响起响起。 Immediately he only thinks vision becomes blurry, a scholar gown man form emerges out of thin air in front of him. 随即他只觉眼前一花,一个儒衫男子身影凭空出现他前面。 Rising Cloud Peak Peak Lord, Nangong Changshan. 正是出云峰峰主,南宫长山 Peak Lord.” 峰主。” Luo Jun is startled slightly, later after a whole body black light slightly fluctuation, appeared body figure slowly, in the mouth also wants to say anything again. 骆均微微一怔,随后周身黑光略一波动后,缓缓显出了身形,口中还想再说什么。 But Nangong Changshan beckons with the hand, breaks saying of opposite party: 南宫长山一摆手,打断对方的说道: What was needless saying that came with me.” “什么都不用说,跟我来。” Afterward he does not wait for the Luo Jun reply, the body white miraculous glow puts greatly, the whole person changes into a spoken parts rainbow flies to shoot to go in the peak direction. 随后他也不等骆均回复,身上白色灵光大放,整个人化为一道白虹的朝着峰顶方向飞射而去。 Luo Jun opens mouth, as to say anything, but sees Nangong Changshan to walk away , can only change into black light together with. 骆均张了张嘴,似乎想说些什么,但见南宫长山已经走远,也只能化为一道黑光的跟了上去。 After the moment, in peak main hall. 片刻后,峰顶大殿内。 The Luo Jun side falls to the ground, sees Nangong Changshan to walk toward the main hall deep place that both hands recited backwards from the end, then impatient went forward several steps, said to its back: 骆均方一落地,见南宫长山正双手倒背的朝大殿深处走去,便迫不及待的上前几步,冲其背影说道: Phenomenon that Peak Lord, Han Li this time causes, what perhaps cultivation is not common cultivation technique. This person origin somewhat is suspicious, if not investigate clearly, if in the sect investigates how we did confess?” 峰主,韩立此番引起的异象,恐怕修炼的绝非寻常功法。此人毕竟来历有些可疑,若不探查清楚,万一宗内追究起来,我们如何交代?” Is supreme great elder voice transmission, making us do not go to manage this matter.” The Peak Lord Nangong footsteps keep, in the mouth said. “是太上大长老传音,让我们不要去管此事。”南宫峰主脚步不停,口中如此说道。 first elder! Why he......” Luo Jun is startled, reveals the color of shock, but immediately asking of some doubts. 大长老!他为何……”骆均一怔,露出震惊之色,不过随即又有些疑惑的问道。 „The first elder conduct has his truth, we follow orders are.” Peak Lord Nangong stopped the footsteps suddenly, turns around to say. 大长老行事自有他的道理,我们奉命就是。”南宫峰主突然停住了脚步,转过身来说道。 Since is the order of supreme great elder, I understood.” Luo Jun hears word, nods. “既然是太上大长老的命令,我明白了。”骆均闻言,点了点头。 Also, you transmitted orders, anybody can not approach the Han Li cave mansion, may not go to disturb!” Peak Lord Nangong also told immediately. “还有,你传令下去,任何人不得靠近韩立的洞府,更不可前去打扰!”南宫峰主随即又吩咐道。 Yes!” Luo Jun meets the command, walks toward the main hall outside. “是!”骆均接令,朝着大殿外走去。 Actually Han Li...... you are, can make closed-door cultivation not ask in unexpectedly year to year the sect supreme great elder of matter paid attention to......” Peak Lord Nangong to mutter, the whole person was lost in thought gradually. 韩立……你究竟是什么人,竟能让常年闭关不问宗内之事的太上大长老如此关注……”南宫峰主喃喃自语了一句,整个人渐渐陷入沉思中。 ...... …… The Heaven and Earth phenomenon that above the Han Li cave mansion causes has not continued is too long, roughly after more than one double-hour, six star light great columns are then defeated and dispersed to start, vanish to disappear. 韩立洞府上方引起的天地异象并没有持续太久,约莫一个多时辰后,六道星光巨柱便溃散而开,消失不见了。 The mediocre big sound, from beginning to end, entire sect actually no one comes, seems everyone not to discover general. 不过如此大的动静,自始至终,整个宗门却没有一人前来,就好像所有人都没有发现一般。 In the cave mansion, the Han Li knees sit cross-legged as before, both eyes have opened, but long time moves has not moved, the complexion is somewhat serious. 洞府内,韩立依旧双膝盘坐,双目已然睁开,但半晌动也没动,面色有些沉重。 six/6th level Little Dipper Essence Technique, compared with the difficulty that he imagines, was obscurer than five/5th level was needless not saying that the most important thing is, continued to demand increasing suddenly several times of strength of star light. 六层小北斗星元功,远比他想象的艰难,比第五层晦涩了很多自是不用不说,最重要的是,对星光之力的需求陡增数倍不止。 By the strength of his present divine sense, actually this deals with sufficiently. 以他如今的神识之力,其实本足以应付。 However, the strength of use massive divine sense, are also bigger to the consumption of magical power, beforehand cultivation he can also through taking Cloud Crane Grass supports reluctantly, but present words, even if not to stop with the small green bottle accelerate ripening spirit grass, is unable to guarantee cultivation that it non-stop continuously. 不过,动用大量神识之力,对法力的消耗也就越大,之前的修炼他还可以通过服用云鹤草勉强支撑,而如今的话,即便是一刻不停的用小绿瓶催熟灵草,仍无法保证其连续不停的修炼了。 According to such progress, wants to build this six/6th level, at least also takes over ten years to be good. 按照这样的进度,想要修成这第六层,起码也需要十年以上的时间才行。 with this thought, Han Li frowns. 一念及此,韩立不由皱起了眉头。 He must return to Immortal World as soon as possible, ten years are too long, he and others not. 他要尽快返回仙界,十年时间太久,他等不了。 The truth returns to the original topic, if within ten years can practice successfully six/6th level Little Dipper Essence Technique, this speed is shocking, if makes that know in Immortal World Old Ancestor Leng Yan, feared must be startled the chin to fall. 其实话说回来,十年之内若能修成第六层小北斗星元功,这个速度已经非常骇人听闻了,若是让那位远在仙界冷焰老祖得知,怕是要惊得下巴都掉了。 Han Li touches the chin, but the complexion changes suddenly thought of anything. 韩立摸了摸下巴,但面色一变的突然想到了什么。 Immediately it closes the eye, in the mind recalled ancient book material that previously checked. 随即其闭上眼睛,在脑海中回想先前查到的典籍资料来。 A moment later, the opening eye of his eyebrow raise, the corners of the mouth reveal one to smile pale. 片刻之后,他眉梢一挑的睁开眼睛,嘴角露出一丝淡笑来。 Cold Flame Sect worthily is one of the Spirit Domain World three large sect, he obtains in the ancient book material from cabinet Scriptures Pavilion, but also really found two means. 冷焰宗不愧是灵寰界大宗之一,他从内阁藏经阁得到典籍资料中,还真找到了两个办法。 First, then with another large sect that Cold Flame Sect shares the honor, Boundary Origin Dao Temple is related. 其一,便是和冷焰宗齐名的另一大宗,境元观有关。 In many inheritance of Boundary Origin Dao Temple, there is the magical powers that takes advantage of power of stars cultivation much, its Founder-Ancestor is skilled in stars cultivation technique it is said. 境元观的诸多传承中,有不少依仗星辰之力修炼的神通,据说其创派祖师便精通星辰功法 In view, then exhausts the innumerable rare and precious materials Star-Gathering Platform, above inscribed stars great array of one set of antiquity period. 在观内,便有一座耗尽无数珍稀材料的“聚星台”,上面铭刻了一套上古时期的星辰大阵 This was past Boundary Origin Dao Temple that immortal founder personally arranges, was not Han Li estimates Dipper Essence-Gathering Array under arrange/cloth to compare. 此阵是当年境元观的那位仙人祖师亲自布置,远不是韩立自行揣摩布下的北斗聚元阵能够相比。 Under the assistance of this great array, can it is said easily under the hauling above the far surpass ordinary 4 - 5 time strength of star light, well-known entire Spirit Domain World. 在这个大阵的辅助下,据说可以轻易牵引下远超平常四五倍以上的星光之力,闻名整个灵寰界 However this valuable stage, Boundary Origin Dao Temple extremely attaches great importance, then in this, only then the disciple and elder of most core can use, the bystander sees is impossible to see. 不过这宝台,境元观极为重视,便是在本门内,也只有最核心的弟子和长老才能使用,外人连见都不可能见一下。 As for another means that was on some jade memo recorded special magical treasure the law of refinement, this treasure named Star Moon Treasure Mirror. 至于另一个办法,则是某个玉简上记载了一件特殊的法宝的炼制之法,此宝名叫“星月宝镜”。 Star Moon Treasure Mirror is not fierce offensive spirit treasure, but is only auxiliary magical treasure, only needs extremely few magical power stimulation of movement, this valuable mirror then can under the hauling the strength of massive star light. 星月宝镜并不是什么厉害攻击性灵宝,只而是一件辅助性的法宝,只需用极少法力催动,这宝镜便能牵引下大量星光之力。 this treasure mirror the law of refinement is several tens of thousands years ago, a Cold Flame Sect Integration elder accidentally from a mystical place obtained. 此宝镜的炼制之法还是数万年前,一名冷焰宗合体长老偶然间从一处秘境所得。 Because in sects not many stars cultivation technique, moreover refines this treasure to need to consume the extremely numerous precious materials, is almost common magical treasure ten times, therefore this jade memo, although is precious, but until now nobody will ask. 因为宗内并没有多少星辰功法,而且炼制此宝需要耗费极多的珍贵材料,几乎是寻常法宝的十倍,所以这块玉简虽然珍贵,但时至今日一直无人问津。 And is most essential, then refines this treasure main spirit materials is named even-numbered earthly branche stone the exotic material, this ore is quite rare, moreover is Heavenly Ghost Sect regards, if basic thing. 其中最关键的,便是炼制此宝主灵材是一种名为“阴辰石”的特殊材料,这矿石极为罕见,而且是天鬼宗视若根本的东西。 It is said cultivation Heavenly Ghost Sect town/subdues sect cultivation technique Heavenly Ghost Great Technique final several strata times, must consume the even-numbered earthly branche stone massively. 据说修炼天鬼宗的镇宗功法天鬼大法”最后几层时,必须大量消耗阴辰石。 As for Spirit Domain World known few several even-numbered earthly branche stone mineral lode, grasps in the Heavenly Ghost Sect hand. 至于灵寰界已知为数不多的几条阴辰石矿脉,也都掌握在天鬼宗手中。 It can be said that no matter Star-Gathering Platform, is Star Moon Treasure Mirror, wants is not an easy matter. 可以说,不管是聚星台,还是星月宝镜,想要得到都绝非易事。 However a Han Li slightly consideration, then stands immediately, left the cave mansion. 不过韩立只是略一思量,便立刻站了起来,离开了洞府。
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