RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#45: This is impossible

In cave mansion. 洞府之中。 Han Li opens the eyes slowly, drew back from within the body divine sense, on the face appears an exhausted color. 韩立缓缓睁开双眼,将神识从体内退了出来,脸上浮现出一丝疲惫之色。 After he calms down, turns the hand to take out section of pale blue Cloud Crane Grass, sends in the mouth to chew, on the face reveals the color of hesitation. 他定了定神后,翻手取出一截淡蓝色云鹤草,送入口中嘴嚼起来,脸上露出沉吟之色。 After the moment, his exhale a long breath, opens the mouth to say suddenly: 片刻后,他长长出了一口气,忽然开口道: Fellow Daoist Demon Light, whether to come out a to chat.” 魔光道友,可否出来一叙。” The voice falls, before its , after a Shadow distortion elongates, wears the black robe dark, the flesh like black ink, the appearance with he somewhat similar disheveled hair man, stands. 话音落下,其身前影子一阵扭曲拉长后,一个身着黑袍,肌肤黝黑如墨,容貌与他有几分相似的披发男子,从中站立起来。 The men look at Han Li, silent. 男子看着韩立,默然不语。 Demon Light, you may once see have been able to contain some power of magical principle chains, prohibits others Nascent Soul secret technique?” Han Li asked directly. 魔光,你可曾见过能以蕴含某种法则之力的锁链,封禁他人元婴的秘术?”韩立直接问道。 Fellow Daoist was Nascent Soul sealed with this is related?” “道友元婴被封与此有关?” After two years of recreation, Demon Light also had restored much, but the speech time appearance somewhat is still mechanical. 经过两年时间休养,魔光也已经恢复了不少,但说话时候样子依旧有些机械。 Han Li nods, the situation roughly tells now the opposite party within the body Nascent Soul. 韩立点了点头,将体内元婴如今情况大致跟对方说了一遍。 Perhaps according to my judgment, fellow daoist situation, must first restore magical power cultivation base, may depend upon the secret technique to make Nascent Soul shake off the fetter. But what relative is, your Nascent Soul because of tying up of these principle chains, is unable cultivation, to be far now restores cultivation base. Then, has formed a self-contradictory fast knot.” After Demon Light silent moment, said. “根据我的判断,道友这种情况,恐怕必须先恢复法力修为,才有可能依靠秘术使元婴自行挣脱束缚。但相对的是,你的元婴如今正因为这些法则锁链的捆缚,根本无法修炼,更谈不上恢复修为了。如此一来,已形成了一个自相矛盾的死结了。”魔光沉默了片刻后,说道。 These that you said that I also roughly inferred, even, the situation said you also wanted to be worse. Even if I now from exploding mortal body, Nascent Soul separately body possession, is unable to get rid of this technique.” Saying that the Han Li brow wrinkles. “你所说的这些,我也大致推断出来了,甚至,情况比你说的还要糟糕一些。哪怕我现在自爆肉身,元婴另行夺舍,也根本无法摆脱此术。”韩立眉头一皱的说道。 Fellow Daoist just ran a short time ago this Scriptures Pavilion, what can discover?” Demon Light asked again. “道友前不久刚跑了一趟此宗的藏经阁,可有什么发现?”魔光再问道。 Ancient book, although looked much, but is almost useless.” Han Li helpless sighing. “典籍虽然看了不少,但几乎没什么用。”韩立无奈的叹了口气。 Such words, expect by this secret technique equivalent, but also is not enough to solve such difficult problem. Perhaps only then tries to return to Immortal World, was likely to find to reduce and solve this matter's other means.” After Demon Light silent moment, returns said. “如此的话,料想以此界的秘术等阶,还不足以解开此等难题。恐怕只有设法返回仙界,才有望找到化解此事的其他办法了。”魔光默然片刻后,回道。 ...... …… Some Immortal World place, not a well-known cover forest. 仙界某地,一片不知名的茂密森林。 In the forests cloud Zhangwu circles, the seeing place is completely high towering ancient wood who pass the hundred zhang (333 m), some are verdant, some actually wither the deterioration, some are all over the body purplish red, very strange. 林间云瘴雾绕,入目处尽是一棵棵高逾百丈的参天古木,有的青翠蓬勃,有的却枯萎衰败,更有一些通体紫红,十分奇异。 In the jungle deep place, the roughly several thousand zhang (3.33 m) broad open regions, almost without many big tree, the large expanse of low bush growth, compared with the environment, appeared somewhat incompatible. 在密林深处,有一片约莫数千丈宽广的开阔地域,几乎没有多少高大乔木,只有成片的低矮灌木生长,与周围环境相比较,显得有些格格不入。 Center this region the position, is actually growing a reaching to the sky strange old tree. 这片区域正中位置,却长着一棵高耸入云的奇异古树。 This tree all over the body azure black, the diameter passes the hundred zhang (333 m) at least, the tree trunk straight rare branch, has not lived half leaves, is seemingly bare, the root supports the day seem like the great column. 此树通体青黑,直径起码逾百丈,树身笔直少有枝桠,更未生有半片树叶,看起来光秃秃的,倒像根撑天的巨柱。 On branch that more specifically, above this old tree somewhere, the 7 - 8 root lives slantingly, but also is going against a giant gray bird nest, looks to look like a worn-out straw hat of inversion from afar. 更为特别的是,这棵古树上方某处,七八根斜生出来的枝桠上,还顶着一个巨大的灰色鸟巢,远远看去就像是一顶倒置的破旧草帽。 size big is lying to the inconceivable strange giant bird in the great nest, in a low voice sobbing, seems very painful. 一只体型大到不可思议的古怪巨鸟正卧于巨巢之中,低声呜咽着,显得十分痛苦。 This bird is covered with from top to bottom such as the arrow arrow plume feather, head strange big, the nape of the neck actually seems somewhat slender, is also hanging a giant sack close to the chest place, along with it breathes a drum to shrink. 此鸟浑身上下长满一根根如箭矢般的翎羽,头颅奇大,脖颈却显得有些纤细,靠近胸膛处还挂着一个巨型囊袋,随其呼吸一鼓一缩。 Suddenly, this bird neck straightens suddenly, the head lifts high, both eyes full are vigilant toward looks somewhere, the chest front sack rises to shrink the frequency to increase. 突然间,此鸟脖子骤然伸直,头颅高高抬起,双目满是警惕的朝某处望去,胸前囊袋涨缩频率大增。 The sound makes a sound air-splitting for the first time! 破空声乍响! Sees only the region edge three positions, the forest simultaneously a fierce vibration, has a person's shadow to rise with a spring respectively, then directly soars the great nest lasing. 只见区域边缘处的三个方位,林木同时一阵剧烈抖动,各有一道人影一跃而起,接着直奔巨巢激射而来。 These three people all the black vigor attire, leaping the time is completely consistent, the acting scope is also exactly the same, what is more amazed, these three people of stature appearances impressively are also exactly the same, is one handsome extraordinary, look swift and fierce young men face. 这三人身上皆着黑色劲装,跃出时机完全一致,就连动作幅度也如出一辙,更令人惊诧的是,这三人身材容貌赫然也是一模一样,皆是一张俊朗非凡,眼神凌厉的青年男子脸孔。 Three people are pulling closer by the speed that one type is unable to explain fast with the distance of great nest, stays behind in the midair slides the remnant shadow, but then simultaneously body figure fuzzy, vanishes to disappear. 三人以一种无法言喻的速度飞快拉近着与巨巢的距离,在半空中留下一溜残影,但接着又同时身形一个模糊下,消失不见了。 Twitter “啁啾” Monster Bird one startled , the chest front sack drum rises, to a southeast opens the mouth, expresses a heavenshaking roaring cry suddenly. 怪鸟一惊之下,胸前囊袋鼓涨,冲着东南方猛然一张口,发出一声震天咆鸣。 Sees only the billowing sound wave, by a wild incomparable imposing manner, is coercing the innumerable say/way dense and numerous azure wind blade, takes away as many things as possible in the front big tree direction. 只见滚滚音波,以一股狂暴无比的气势,裹挟着无数道密密麻麻的青色风刃,向着前方的高大乔木方向席卷而去。 Rumble “轰隆隆” It seems the heavenly thunder to roll, the countless wind blade composed an arc tall wall, the place visited, the low bush was eradicated, twists the detritus, big tree break off all, cut smashing. 好似天雷滚动,数之不尽的风刃组成了一道弧形高墙,所过之处,低矮灌木纷纷被连根拔起,绞成碎屑,一棵棵高大乔木尽数折断,被切割的粉碎。 Under coercing of mist and dust, these detritus change into this mighty current part , to continue the imposing manner not to reduce rushes to the jungle crazily. 在烟尘的裹挟下,这些碎屑都化为这股洪流的一部分,继续气势不减的疯狂涌向密林。 In void of southeastern direction, just now the vanished two black person's shadows, dodge from the mist and dust air wave at this moment suddenly, falls rapidly to the tread. 东南方向的虚空中,方才已经消失的两道黑色人影,此刻突然从烟尘气浪中一闪而出,向着地面急速落去。 Meanwhile, two people the azure light flashes suddenly simultaneously, the form immediately becomes slurred, the speed does not gather the common sense sometimes quickly sometimes slow, in in the air is flashing before unceasingly. 同时,两人身上突然同时青光一闪,身影立即变得模糊不清起来,速度不合常理地时快时慢,在空中不断闪现着。 The wind blade of blotting out the sky, is unable to touch its slightest unexpectedly. 铺天盖地的风刃,竟无法触碰到其分毫。 The sound of giant bird head rave does not rest, has the crowded wind blade to sweep under coercing of sound wave unceasingly to all directions. 巨鸟头颅狂吼之声不歇,不断有密集风刃在音波的裹挟下扫向四面八方。 But that two forms, stroll the shuttle in the wind blade, body figure is and out, unexpectedly is slightly not affected the direct impact giant bird. 而那两道身影,就这么闲庭信步般穿梭在风刃之中,身形忽隐忽现,竟是丝毫不受影响地直冲巨鸟而来。 Saw with own eyes that two people more depend are nearer, the giant bird looked down under a body, in the mouth exuded one to call out in grief long. 眼见两人越靠越近,巨鸟低头看了一眼身下,口中发出一声悠长悲鸣。 Under the neck the meat pouch ballooning gets up rapidly, has become and its body in a minute equally is huge, and also in unceasing sudden rise. 颈下肉囊急速鼓胀起来,片刻间就已经变得和其身躯一样巨大,并且还在不断暴涨中。 A black clothes youth sees that immediately is angry: 一名黑衣青年见状,顿时大怒: „Does evil livestock, want from exploding unexpectedly? Has a dream!” “孽畜,竟还想自爆?做梦!” Finishes speaking, before has been hidden the body figure third black clothes youth, form no indication sudden appears in void before giant bird head. 话音刚落,之前一直隐没身形的第三名黑衣青年,身影毫无征兆的突然出现在巨鸟头颅之前的虚空中。 His hand grasps a dark long blade, the wrist/skill shakes slightly, black light flashes, has delimited the giant bird throat instantaneously. 他手握一柄黝黑长刀,手腕只是微微一抖,乌光一闪,瞬间划过巨鸟喉咙。 Only listens to pū pū sound erupted, a tyranical qi energy spews out from the crack place, is carrying a lot of blue blood, has ten several feet high like the fountain general direct injection. 只听“噗噗”之声大作,一股强横气劲从破口处喷涌而出,携带着大量蓝色血液,如同喷泉一般直喷出十数丈高。 When the blue blood spring spout completely, the meat pouch under azure giant bird neck also contracts such as beginning, its head is crooked is collapsing in the great nest, the blood dyed completely the feather. 等到蓝色血泉喷涌殆尽,青色巨鸟颈下的肉囊也随之收缩如初,其头部歪斜着瘫倒在巨巢中,血液染满了羽毛。 Under its, impressively the white great egg that moistens the blue blood threads, is leaning against the giant bird abdomen, seems very lonely. 在其身下,赫然有一枚沾有蓝色血丝的白色巨蛋,斜倚着巨鸟腹部,显得十分孤单。 Three black clothes youth jump down from the giant bird unemotionally, arrives under his two wings respectively and rear, turns after the thick pinion looks for one, respectively drew out a feather of flowing light twinkle. 三名黑衣青年面无表情地从巨鸟头上跳了下来,分别走到其两翼之下和尾部,在厚厚的鸟羽中翻找一阵后,各自拔出了一根流光闪烁的羽毛。 At this moment, one of them waist tea is suddenly luminous, and is accompanied by one rapidly humming sound sound. 就在这时,其中一人腰间忽然有一团黄光亮起,并伴有一阵急促的嗡嗡之声。 The other two see that immediately body figure in a flash, arrives at side that black clothes youth, three people of form fuzzy, each other gathers for a body unexpectedly accommodatingly. 另外两人见状,立即身形一晃,来到那黑衣青年身边,三人身影一阵模糊下,竟然彼此相容的合为了一体。 The black clothes youth took out circular transmit/message magical disk from the waist, sweeps with divine sense slightly, immediately the complexion changes, the brow is tightly pressed calling out: 紧接着,黑衣青年从腰间取出了一块圆形传讯法盘,稍用神识一扫,顿时脸色一变,眉头紧蹙着叫道: This impossible......” “这不可能……” Then, in its flashes through wipes the mean color, waves to receive that great egg, body figure one vertical, changed into the strong winds to howl to go far away together. 说罢,其眼中闪过一抹阴狠之色,挥手将那枚巨蛋收起,身形一纵,就化为一道狂风呼啸远去了。
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