RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#44: Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain

At the same time. 同一时间。 Spirit Flame Mountain Range, Rising Cloud Peak. 灵焰山脉,出云峰 In some remote cave mansion secret room the sparkling stone glittering, shines like the daytime. 某个偏僻洞府密室中莹光闪烁,亮如白昼。 Gigantic human form white Jianli in the secret room center, the surface is completely the clear transparent white slender gassed thread , one/1st level/layer binds duplicate one/1st level/layer one after another, has more than hundred overlapped unexpectedly. 一只硕大的人形白茧立在密室中央,表面尽是晶莹亮白的纤细光丝,一根接连一根,一层裹覆一层,重重叠叠竟有不下百层。 Suddenly, under magical array brilliant rays erupted, especially under that nebula design situated in white cocoon, erupts the dazzling radiant ray, dense houseful. 突然间,下方法阵光芒大作,特别是位于白茧下方的那颗星云图案,更是爆发出了刺目的璀璨光芒,氤氲满屋。 The bright gassed thread of white cocoon surface, immediately like living came the general creeping motion to keep, then the surface emits innumerable white rune suddenly, then inflates fast on the by inconceivable speed. 白茧表面的晶亮光丝,顿时如同活了过来一般的蠕动不停,接着表面骤然间冒出无数白色符文,接着就以不可思议的速度飞快膨胀起来。 After this cocoon rises to shrink, one ruptured to open. 此茧一阵涨缩后,就一下爆裂而开了。 After a heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound, the secret room center suddenly are many to sit cross-legged close eyes, the upper part naked youth comes out. 一声惊天动地巨响后,密室中央突然多出一名盘坐闭目,上半身赤裸的青年出来。 The is tall, the appearance is ordinary, whole body by billowing white clouds package. 其身材高大,容貌普通,周身被滚滚白气包裹。 Han Li. 正是韩立 He opens both eyes suddenly, the both eyes blue glow flashes, astonishing aura erupts from the body, will bind the body white clouds to clash to open. 他忽然睁开双目,双目蓝芒闪动,一股惊人气息从身上爆发而出,将裹身白气一冲而开。 But sees its chest and belly position, five blue luminous spot rays are eye-catching, inside is reappearing respectively strange stars rune, the turning round revolving twinkle is uncertain. 但见其胸腹位置,五个蓝色光点光芒夺目,里面各自浮现着一个奇异的星辰符文,滴溜溜旋转闪烁不定。 But under the flesh, in the muscle skeleton also has magnificence light streams revolutions faintly, the star glow flashes, as if hidden myriad stars general. 而肌肤之下,筋肉骨骼中也隐隐有华光流转,星芒闪动,仿佛隐藏着万千星辰一般。 A moment later, as these stars rune are gradually hidden, these rays also vanish little do not see. 片刻之后,随着那些星辰符文逐渐隐没,这些光芒也随之一点点消失不见。 Han Li opens the eyes, grows the one breath, somewhat is at heart excited. 韩立睁开双眼,长出一口气,心里不禁有几分激动。 After two years of self-torture, successfully condenses fifth profound aperture until now finally, built Little Dipper Essence Technique five/5th level realm. 经过两年苦修,时至今日终于成功凝聚出第五玄窍,修成了小北斗星元功的第五层境界 This cultivation speed compared with cultivation technique, it may be said that quick hundred times continued! 修炼速度比起功法所述,可谓快了百倍不止! But what most makes his excited is, the mortal body injury finally in thoroughly restores at this moment, divine soul also restored about 1/3 of Peak period. 而最让他兴奋的是,肉身伤势终于在此刻彻底恢复,神魂也恢复到了巅峰时期的三分之一左右。 In his heart is so thinking, turns the palm, the pale blue spirit grass that in the palm are many a section of ginseng appearance, delivers toward the mouth in chews. 他心中如此想着,一翻手掌,手心中多出一截人参模样的淡蓝色灵草,往口中一送的嘴嚼起来。 Feels in the dantian full magical power, the Han Li corners of the mouth is smiling bitterly gradually. 感受着丹田中渐渐充盈的法力,韩立嘴角不禁苦笑一声。 In the two years, he through the small bottle green fluid accelerate ripening, accumulates such as at present Cloud Crane Grass of such 5 - 6 hundred years much, to supply cultivation. 这两年间,他通过小瓶绿液的催熟,已经攒下了不少如眼前这样的五六百年份的云鹤草,以供修炼之用。 The reason for this is that is because this to present him, is enough, exceeds this year, but is the waste. 之所以如此,是因为这对如今的他而言,已经足够了,超过此年份,不过是浪费而已。 Even some time ago, his direct accelerate ripening under a clothing/taking of ten thousand year, efficacy accumulated melted after finally surpasses Nascent Soul Stage magical power, as before will dissipate, regarding restoring cultivation base has not been of help. 甚至不久前,他直接催熟了一株万年份的服下,结果药力蕴化超出元婴期法力后,依旧会自行消散,对于恢复修为没有丝毫助益。 Han Li shakes the head, restrains the mind, closes both eyes, optional in regarded condition in a lower part, actually discovered the thick fog that in suddenly the dantian covers was obviously light. 韩立摇了摇头,收敛起心神,闭上双目,随意的内视了一下体内的状况,却蓦然发现丹田内笼罩的浓雾明显淡薄了许多。 In his heart one happy, following golden light that on Nascent Soul sends out, the divine thought projection in the past, saw that all over the body golden yellow villain/tiny person quickly, was still maintaining the original posture, appearance that cannot awake ripe. 他心中一喜,循着元婴身上散发出来的金光,很快将神念投射过去,就见那个通体金黄的小人,仍是保持着原来的姿势,一副熟睡不醒的样子。 Sees this situation, Han Li slightly hesitates, urges the strength of divine thought, under making magical power one of the dantian implication surge, fine fine crystal silk appear out of thin air, high and low dance in the air is going toward the Nascent Soul winding. 见此情形,韩立略一沉吟,一催神念之力,使丹田蕴含的法力一阵激荡下,一根根纤细晶丝凭空浮现,上下飞舞着朝元婴缠绕而去。 When close to Nascent Soul, all crystal silk accelerate suddenly, like steel needle straight thrusts in the past. 靠近元婴时,所有晶丝骤然加速,如同一道道钢针般直刺过去。 At this moment, bang a loud sound, the arc black light sweeps across from Nascent Soul within the body together, immediately blocked all crystal silk. 就在这时,“轰”的一声巨响,一道弧形黑光从元婴体内席卷而出,顿时挡住了所有的晶丝。 The Han Li body shakes fiercely, stuffy, only thinks that the dantian locates a sharp shake. 韩立身躯猛地一震,一声闷哼,只觉丹田处一阵剧烈震荡。 His look changed several, after clenching teeth, urges Divinity Cultivation Technique fiercely. 他神色变化了几下,一咬牙后,猛地一催炼神术 Bang, the strength of divine thought one proliferates the dantian, the fine fine crystal silk quantity increases suddenly, changes to a clear tide, moved mountains pounds ruthlessly black light in the arc on. “轰”的一声,神念之力一下遍布丹田,纤细晶丝数量骤然大增,化作一片晶莹大潮般,排山倒海般狠狠砸在了弧形黑光上。 ! “噗”的一声! The arc flashed several to flash black light, finally could not support changed into black smoke, curled the dissipation to disappear. 弧形黑光只是闪了几闪,就终于支撑不住的化为一股黑烟,袅袅消散不见了。 The clear tide submerges golden villain/tiny person immediately, Han Li divine thought also achieved wishes to invade Nascent Soul within the body finally. 晶莹大潮顿时将金色小人淹没,韩立神念也终于如愿侵入了元婴体内。 Finally next moment, his complexion becomes ugly unusual. 结果下一刻,他脸色变得难看异常起来。 Nascent Soul within the body spreads across, jet black chains that distribution eight are glittering impressively the dark ray! 元婴体内纵横交错,赫然分布有八道闪烁着幽暗光芒的漆黑锁链! These chains almost passed through entire Nascent Soul, some connections the Nascent Soul four limbs, some actually went directly to the Nascent Soul head, above has the black fog silk to wind around faintly, seemingly strangely. 这些锁链几乎贯穿了整个元婴,有的连通到了元婴四肢,有的却直达元婴头部,上面隐隐有黑色雾丝缭绕,看起来诡异之极。 What made its panic-stricken was, above these black chains, as if contains some not well-known power of magical principle. 更令其惊骇的是,这些黑色锁链之上,似乎蕴含着某种不知名的法则之力 Han Li frown slightly pressed, the intention urges, controlling the divine thought crystal line concentrates is a clear hatchet, chops to cut to go toward a black chains directly. 韩立双眉微蹙,心念一催,操控神念晶线凝为一柄晶莹小斧,径直朝着一根黑色锁链劈砍而去。 Zheng. “铮”的一声。 The hatchet cutting edge chops to cut above the chains, shakes suddenly, then by strange strength jet braking, was flown upside down, is defeated and dispersed in the midair for the crystal light, vanishes does not see. 小斧锋刃劈砍在锁链之上,猛然一震,便被一股奇异力量反推,倒飞了出去,在半空中溃散为点点晶光,消失不见。 The Han Li mind slightly shakes, an idle time, then urges the law to decide slightly again. 韩立心神微震,稍一停歇,便再次一催法决。 Massive magical power driven by its divine thought, change into light smoke, concentrates not to flutter loose to the black chains, adhered to stick cohere like the viscous mist continuously, attempts its melting. 大量法力在其神念的驱使下,化为一股青烟,凝而不散地飘向黑色锁链,如同缕缕粘稠的雾气附着了上去,试图将其融化。 However, contacts the instance of chains in the light smoke, the chain body vibrates immediately fast, black fog silk increases a continuously suddenly, quick binds the light smoke, it all engulf. 然而,在青烟接触到锁链的瞬间,链身立即快速抖动起来,一缕缕黑色雾丝骤然增多,很快就将青烟裹住,将其尽数吞没了进去。 Han Li sees this, is not willing to give up, in the hand magical formula transforms again...... 韩立见此,仍是不愿放弃,手上法诀再度变换起来…… Meanwhile, some Immortal World place. 与此同时,仙界某地。 In a great desert, the sky is gloomy, in the air fills the dust taste that is irritating the nose to irritate the nose, the surroundings strong winds angry roar, just like ten thousand ghosts to wail, sandstorm that layer upon layer raises, camouflaged the entire horizon. 一片广阔无垠的沙漠中,天空阴沉灰暗,空气中弥漫着一股刺鼻呛人的粉尘味,周围狂风怒吼,犹如万鬼哀嚎,扬起的层层风沙,遮蔽了整个天际。 The horizon, dozens yellow sand dragon Juanlian air/Qi, like links up the Heaven and Earth yellow tall wall at the same time, the tumbling promotes forward, more rolls is wider, the momentum is getting bigger and bigger. 天边,数十道黄沙龙卷连成一气,如同一面贯通天地的黄色高墙,向前翻滚推动,一路越滚越宽,声势越来越大。 However, when it rolls to a distance trim desert center about ten li (0.5 km) place, obviously has not bumped into any thing of impediment, actually hit suddenly probably above a palatial mountain, was defeated and dispersed loudly, changes into the enhanced dust, scattered in all directions to sprinkle. 然而,当其滚动到距离整片沙漠中心大约十里处时,明明没有碰到任何阻挡之物,却突然像是撞在了一座巍峨大山之上,轰然溃散,化为扬尘,四散洒落。 Sees only the desert center, stands and waits for a long time a high over ten zhang (3.33 m) grand main hall, the palace body all over the body earth yellow, the semblance has no decorative carving, seeming like seems builds by the yellow sand becomes general, the whole body is lending desolate unadorned aura. 只见沙漠中心处,伫立一座高逾十丈的雄伟大殿,殿身通体土黄,外表没有任何雕饰,看起来就仿佛是由黄沙堆砌而成一般,浑身散发着一股苍凉古拙的气息。 In the palace the space is large, is distributing dozens sturdy square columns everywhere, on the both sides wall are hanging ten several braziers, send out a green and glossy dim ray, reflects the entire main hall obviously dark gloomy, and outlined a deep place alone jet black spacious chair. 殿内空间颇大,四处分布着数十根粗壮方柱,两侧墙壁上挂着的十数只火盆,发出一片绿油油的黯淡光芒,映得整个大殿更显幽暗阴森,并勾勒出深处一张孤零零的漆黑宽大椅子。 What sounds queer, the outside strong winds howl, in this main hall is extremely peaceful, almost cannot hear the least bit sound. 令人奇怪的是,外面狂风呼啸,这大殿之内却极其安静,几乎听不到半点声音。 qiang lang lang “玱啷啷” Sees only on that large pitch-black chair, a body figure skinny middle-aged man, is lifting a being dried up palm slightly, causes the azure black chains of winding on his arm to exude sound of the metal friction. 只见那张漆黑大椅上,一个身形枯瘦的中年男子,正微微抬起一只干枯手掌,引得缠绕在他手臂上的青黑锁链发出一阵金属摩擦之声。 This person of cheeks get sucked, the facial features are withered, partly is gathering in big mouth, reveals row of dense white tooth, wears a snow white overcoat, the flesh blue and purple that the body reveals becomes dark, seems like the zombie of live image fiendish features. 此人脸颊深陷,面容干枯,半合着的大口中,露出一排森然白齿,身披一件雪白大氅,身上露出的肌肤青紫发黑,看起来活像个青面獠牙的僵尸。 Under examines carefully, under its white overcoat, binds to entangle arm thick or thin azure black chains unexpectedly densely and numerously, a chain end toward is extending in all directions, almost overspread the entire main hall. 细看之下,其身上白色大氅下,竟然密密麻麻裹缠着一条条手臂粗细的青黑锁链,链条一端向着四面八方延伸开去,几乎铺满了整个大殿。 At this time, the zombie man was shutting tightly the eyes, opened suddenly, on the azure black withered face showed an unusual look simultaneously. 这时,僵尸男子本来紧闭着的双眼,忽然睁开,青黑色的干枯面孔上同时露出一丝异样神色。 Comes the person!” “来人!” Zombie man low roar, the sound is hoarse, probably in the throat seam was also filled with the sandstorm general. 僵尸男子低喝一声,声音沙哑低沉,像是喉咙缝里也挤满了风沙一般。 Before the body , the iron chain in not far away ground shrugs immediately, a brown large package roused from under slowly, a distortion was again fuzzy, transformed a tall and strong man who unexpectedly wore the ancient bronze armor. 身前不远处地面上的铁链顿时一阵耸动,一个土黄色大包从下方缓缓鼓了起来,再一阵扭曲模糊,竟然幻化出了一名身着古旧青铜铠甲的魁梧男子。 The male complexion is deep, on the face as if one/1st level/layer bronzes rust, is also worshipping on bended knees steadily in the place, respectful sound called out: 那男子面色深绿,脸上也仿佛长着一层锈,跪拜在地,恭声叫道: old ancestor 老祖 In the past thousand years, in this lord disciple disciple, who uses Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain that I have bestowed personally?” The zombie man voice is hoarse, asked directly. “最近千年来,本座门下弟子中,可有谁动用过我亲自赐下的隔元法链?”僵尸男子声音沙哑,直接问道。 Opens reports old ancestor, 300 years ago, encounters the powerful enemy in Lord Fang Pan that Immortal Palace holds public office, used magical chain to extinguish kills the opponent, other no one has used again.” The copper armor man replied immediately. “启禀老祖,三百年前,在仙宫供职的方磐大人遭遇强敌,曾经动用过一次法链来灭杀对手,其余倒无人再用过。”铜甲男子立即答道。 Zombie man hears word, talked to oneself in a low voice: Originally is Old Seventh......” 僵尸男子闻言,低声自语道:“原来是老七……” After he thinks deeply about the moment, says to the copper armor man: transmit/message to Fang Pan, said that he used the enemy who magical chain extinguishes kills not to have fallen in the past, now stimulates power of magical principle that in magical chain contained.” 他思索片刻后,又开口对铜甲男子说道:“传讯方磐,就说他当年动用法链灭杀的敌人并没有陨落,现在又重新激发了法链中蕴含的法则之力。” Yes, old ancestor.” The copper armor man should say. “是,老祖。”铜甲男子应道。 Moreover, told him, solved as soon as possible this enemy, otherwise hundred years later, this lord make a move, will then take back power of magical principle in magical chain personally.” The zombie man closes the eye slowly, added unemotionally. “另外,告诉他,尽快将这名敌人解决掉,否则百年之后,本座便会亲自动手,收回法链中的法则之力。”僵尸男子慢慢合上眼睛,面无表情地补充道。
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