RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#43: The big enmity must report

Spring last fall, two years in a flash. 春去秋来,两年时间转瞬即过。 The Abundance Nation northwest blood glow mountain range continuous several thousand li (0.5 km), this place spiritual energy is not exuberant, the barren hill stands in great numbers, continuous peak canyon, quiet fog winding. 丰国西北的血芒山脉连绵数千里,此地灵气并不如何旺盛,荒山林立,连绵不绝的高峰深谷,幽雾缠绕。 In some mountain range giant dark-red mountain valley, the dense and numerous constructions construct hillside, often some blood robe cultivator low gos, some person looks in a hurry is passing in and out in these constructions. 山脉某座巨大的暗红色山谷中,密密麻麻的建筑依山而建,不时有一些血袍修士低空飞过,更有一些人神色匆匆的在这些建筑中进出着。 In the valley in a deep place main hall, blue robe middle-aged person somewhat anxious pacing of back and forth leopard link eye, often looks up toward a main hall deep place leaf of giant stone door. 谷内深处一座大殿内,一名豹头环眼的蓝袍中年人有些焦躁的来回踱步,不时抬头朝大殿深处一扇巨大的石门望去。 stone door shuts tightly, above blood-color glimmer light streams revolutions non-stop. 石门紧闭,上面血色荧光流转不停。 „Didn't big brother have leave seclusion?” Outside the palace gate a male voice conveys, then a robust man of whole face scar walked from outside. “大哥还没有出关吗?”殿门外一个男子声音传来,接着一个满脸疤痕的壮汉就从外面走了进来。 Should be quick. The third child, matter arranges how?” Blue robe middle-aged person somewhat anxious asking. “应该快了吧。老三,事情安排的怎么样了?”蓝袍中年人有些急切的问道。 „The troops of nine rudders have rushed, other four should also on the road, handle matters outside in hall disciple, almost/the same summoned...... the Second Brother, were we some drag in lots of people?” Scar robust man somewhat scruple saying. “已有九个分舵的人马赶到,其余四个应该也在路上了,在外办事的内堂弟子,也差不多都召回来了……二哥,我们是不是有些过于兴师动众了?”疤痕壮汉有些迟疑的说道。 In short ten days, six rudders were razed to the ground, even/including Duozhu almost all average per person is overnight, just like into thin air, the trace has not stayed behind slightly. The third child, you thought that relied on your my strength, can achieve this point?” The blue robe middle-aged person sighed, asked. “短短十日之内,六个分舵被夷为平地,连舵主在内的几乎所有人均是一夜之间,犹如人间蒸发般,丝毫痕迹也没留下。老三,你觉得凭你我的实力,能否做到这一点?”蓝袍中年人叹了口气,反问道。 How possibly! Then, various places trade the complete shutdown, the loss is serious. I worried that under the big brother blames your me to make a decision without authorization, is furious......” scar robust man to smile bitterly, but as if thinks of anything at once, the body trembles. “怎么可能!只是如此一来,各处交易完全停摆,损失惨重。我担心大哥怪罪你我擅作主张,震怒之下……”疤痕壮汉苦笑一声,但旋即似乎想到了什么,身子一哆嗦。 I know. But if delays slightly, will fear the vitality damages severely. Do not forget, in these little influence family, do not look that usually and others to me awed, actually looks forward to set at my Blood Sabre Guild to be then quick in the deathtrap. When the time comes, even the people of these monster race, will not miss such opportunity.” On the blue robe middle age face also a hidden reveal alarmed and afraid color, shakes the head immediately, the sinking sound said. “我何尝不知。但若是稍有耽搁,本会恐将元气大伤。可别忘了,那些中小势力家族,别看平日里对我等敬畏有加,其实一个个巴不得置我血刀会于死地而后快。到时候,甚至那些妖族之人,也绝不会错过此等机会的。”蓝袍中年人脸上也隐露一丝惊惧之色,随即摇了摇头,沉声说道。 They dare, who does not know big brother’s method! Back then the bright state's first family Yu, its Patriarch dared to handle affairs to make remarks, finally in the clan more than 1300 people were changed into the bleached bone by the big brother overnight, was no exception the mortals. Now big brother has broken through Divine Transformation Intermediate Stage, so long as he goes into action, must dare to destroy that can divide the person of rudder to tear to shreds!” The scar robust man both eyes ominous light flashes, angry say/way. “他们敢,谁不知道大哥的手段!想当年朗州第一家族于家,其家主竟敢对本会行事评头论足,结果族内一千三百余人被大哥一夜之间化为枯骨,连凡人都不例外。如今大哥已突破化神中期,只要他出马,必会将那胆敢毁本会分舵之人碎尸万段!”疤痕壮汉双目凶光一闪,愤然道。 This matter feared that is not simple. You have not known, one month ago, that group of shadow cat clan females of Hallmaster Shi convoy are robbed, more than 20 people including Hallmaster Shi missing, is still missing, now looked like has the possibility to be related with the matter of occurrence extremely recently. Hallmaster Shi is next to your my Nascent Soul Intermediate Stage cultivation base, Nascent Soul cannot even escape unexpectedly, the foot obvious future was bad.” The blue robe middle-aged person hesitates was saying. “此事怕是没那么简单。你还不知道吧,一个多月前,石堂主押运的那批影猫族女子被劫,连石堂主在内二十多人失踪,至今下落不明,如今看来却极有可能和最近发生之事有关。石堂主可是仅次于你我的元婴中期修为,竟连元婴都没能逃出,足可见来者不善了。”蓝袍中年人沉吟着说道。 Has this matter unexpectedly! It seems like the opposite party strength feared not under big brother in, could not say, this time must alarm Heavenly Ghost Sect that.” The scar robust man held breath saying of cold air. “竟有此事!看来对方实力怕是不下于大哥了,说不得,此番还得惊动天鬼宗那位了。”疤痕壮汉倒吸了口凉气的说道。 In the meantime, the main hall deep place hears ka, the stone door surface blood light collects, then since the both sides open, a white robe man walked gradually. 就在此时,大殿深处传来“咔”的一声,石门表面血光一敛,接着从两侧打开,一个白袍男子缓步走了出来。 This person looks, only then 30 over, the appearance is handsome, the surface does not need white/in vain, feeling of the polite scholarly. 此人看着只有三十出头,容貌英俊,面白无须,给人一种温文儒雅之感。 Welcomed big brother leave seclusion!” The blue robe middle-aged person and scar robust man see that the plump, worshipped on bended knees hastily on the ground. “恭迎大哥出关!”蓝袍中年人和疤痕壮汉见状,连忙扑通一声,跪拜在了地上。 Hehe, two brothers, you meet as vice- can lord, does not need the so big ritual, to get up the speech.” The scholarly man arrived in front of two people leisurely, hehe said with a smile. “呵呵,二位兄弟,你们身为本会副会主,不必如此大礼,起来说话。”儒雅男子慢条斯理的走到了二人面前,呵呵一笑道。 In two population expresses one's thanks again and again, this stood. 二人口中连连称谢,这才站了起来。 Big brother, I......” blue robe middle-aged person go forward Half Step, wanted to say anything. “大哥,我……”蓝袍中年人上前半步,想要说些什么。 Feng Song, you transmit/message I had known at my matter other day, will otherwise not be ahead of time leave seclusion. My time are not much, you only need tell me, what now can progress?” The scholarly man made noise to interrupt the words of blue robe middle-aged person. 冯松,你日前传讯于我之事我已知晓,否则也不会提前出关了。我时间不多,你只须告诉我,如今可有什么进展?”儒雅男子出声打断了蓝袍中年人的话。 Big brother report/give, before 3 days, Sui Zhou divided the rudder also to encounter the similar method, more than 200 people almost did not have a survival. In light of previously the matter of Hallmaster Shi, I and third child speculated, the opposite party has the Divine Transformation above strength at least, and excelling at causes the fire attribute treasure or cultivation technique.” Feng Song slightly scratches the cold sweat in volume, said. “禀大哥,三日前,隋州分舵也遭遇了同样手段,两百余人几乎无一幸存。结合此前石堂主之事,我和老三推测,对方起码有化神以上实力,且擅使火属性宝物或功法。”冯松略擦下额上的冷汗,说道。 These? Almost does not have a survival, some people lived by luck. Feng Song, did your when also learned bite writing Juezi?” The scholarly man looks at Feng Song, false smile saying. “就这些?几乎无一幸存,也就是有人侥幸活下来了。冯松,你何时也学会咬文爵字了?”儒雅男子看着冯松,皮笑肉不笑的说道。 Big brother forgives. This person outside the main hall, my makes people bring to come up him now.” In Feng Song heart one tight, said hastily. “大哥恕罪。此人如今就在大殿外,我这就让人将他带上来。”冯松心中一紧,连忙说道。 Sees the scholarly man not to oppose, he quickly turned around to call one toward the palace outside, but at this time its back clothing, had been invaded thoroughly thoroughly by the cold sweat. 见儒雅男子没有反对,他急忙转身朝殿外招呼了一声,而此时其背部的衣衫,早已被冷汗彻底侵透了。 Soon, a stature thin youth half step enters the palace, sees in the palace three people, knees worshipping on bended knees salutes to say hastily: 不多时,一个身材精瘦的青年快步入殿,见到殿内三人,连忙双膝一曲的跪拜行礼道: Sees will have advocated peace two vice- to lord!” “见过会主和两位副会主!” Does not need to stand on ceremony, gets up. Said to look, then situation.” Saying that the scholarly man smiles temperately. “不必拘礼,起来吧。说说看,当时的情况。”儒雅男子温和一笑的说道。 Opens...... start/open report/give to lord, the night before 3 days, this rudder encounters the night assault, opposite party appearance small...... small cannot see clearly, only knows that it displayed flame magical powers, the entire minute of rudder will be reduced to ashes...... no one to return alive directly, even Branch Lord Yu cannot escape by luck.” The thin youth does not dare to set out, saying of some stutter. “启……启禀会主,三日前的深夜,本舵遭遇夜袭,对方容貌小的……小的没能看清楚,只知道其施展了一门火焰神通,直接将整个分舵化为了灰烬……无人生还,连余舵主也没能幸免。”精瘦青年不敢起身,有些结巴的说道。 Since said that is no one returns alive, how you do live?” The scholarly man also asked. “既然说是无人生还,你是如何活下来的?”儒雅男子又问道。 Subordinate has the matter to go out, when it happened happen to rushes to the plate shi range outside minute of rudder, this escapes by luck.” Saying that the thin youth has a lingering fear. “属下有事外出,事发时正好赶到分舵外的盘辻岭,这才侥幸逃过一劫。”精瘦青年心有余悸的说道。 Can have what place of omission?” Scholarly man brow slightly pressed. “可还有何遗漏之处?”儒雅男子眉头微蹙。 „......” Thin youth has not seen this, is somewhat anxious. “没……没有……”精瘦青年见此,有些紧张起来。 The scholarly man smiles lightly, suddenly single-handed void grasps, thin youth body one tight, the top of the head appears immediately several black light, the snake drills generally toward his head. 儒雅男子淡淡一笑,忽的单手虚空一抓,精瘦青年身子一紧,头顶顿时浮现出几条黑光,蛇一般朝着其脑袋钻去。 The youth send out a sad and shrill pitiful yell, the seven orifices flow out the blood, but the sound then lowered quickly, body weak in place. 青年发出一声凄厉惨叫,七窍流出鲜血,不过声音很快便低了下去,身子软瘫在地。 It seems like he is honest.” The scholarly man puts down the hand, nods, on the face flashes through a color looking pensive. “看来他还算老实。”儒雅男子放下手,点了点头,脸上闪过一丝若有所思之色。 Feng Song and scar robust man comes after the thin youth, then has lowered the head, the atmosphere does not dare to breathe. 冯松与疤痕壮汉从精瘦青年进来后,便一直低着头,大气也不敢喘一下。 In the meantime, bang a loud sound transmits from outside suddenly, but also along with calling out in alarm continuously, the entire main hall rumble rocks. 就在此时,“轰”的一声巨响突然从外面传来,还伴随着此起彼伏的惊呼,整个大殿隆隆晃动。 The scholarly man complexion sinks, the body figure change electric light suddenly, flies to shoot to go toward the main hall outside together. 儒雅男子脸色一沉,身形蓦的化为一道电光,朝着大殿之外飞射而去。 Feng Song and scar robust man quickly follows. 冯松和疤痕壮汉急忙跟上。 Sky over the dark-red mountain valley at this moment, was covered impressively by the one/1st level/layer thick blood cloud light screen, but above the light screen, is pressing three hundred zhang (333 m) black great mountains impressively, winds around all around black light. 此刻的暗红色山谷上空,赫然被一层厚厚的血云光幕所笼罩住,而在光幕上方,赫然压着三座百丈黑色巨山,周遭黑光缭绕。 The blood glow interweaves black light the twinkle, presents the potential of deadlock. 血芒黑光交织闪烁,呈现僵持之势。 In the valley, the innumerable person's shadows construct to depart from various places, thousand people of appearances, look up fully to the midair, the complexion big change. 谷中,无数人影从各处建筑飞出,足有千人的样子,纷纷抬头望向半空,面色大变。 Bang “轰” Pounding that another giant black mountain peak drops from the clouds impressively falls, this light screen surface blood light tumbles fiercely, disruption that loudly then finally cannot support. 又一座巨大黑色山峰赫然从天而降的砸落下来,这一次光幕表面血光剧烈翻滚,然后终于支撑不住的轰然碎裂。 Four huge black great peaks rumble fall, includes the main hall less than half mountain valley to cover under its shadow. 四座庞然黑色巨峰隆隆落下,将下方包括大殿在内的小半个山谷笼罩在其阴影之下。 Everyone becomes a hopeless mess immediately randomly, toward disperses in all directions escapes. 所有人顿时乱成一锅粥,朝着四面八方分散逃开。 The mountain peak falls the potential to be astonishing, these person of where escape with enough time, looks in abundance desperately. 只是山峰落势惊人,这些人哪里来得及逃出,纷纷面露绝望。 In the meantime, a person's shadow emerges out of thin air sky over the main hall, is actually that white robe scholarly man. 就在此时,一个人影凭空出现在大殿上空,却是那白袍儒雅男子。 It without delay single-handed raises, a blood-color big streamer appears before the body, the turning round revolution rises suddenly against the wind, spouts the big piece blood-color light rosy cloud, kept off under four black great peaks. 其二话不说的单手一扬,一杆血色大幡出现在身前,滴溜溜一转下迎风暴涨,从中喷出大片血色光霞,挡在了四座黑色巨峰下方。 Both bump into loudly! 两者轰然相撞! The blood-color big streamer ray puts greatly, shivers, but supports four great peaks. 血色大幡光芒大放,颤抖不已,不过还是将四座巨峰托住。 Association president military might!” “会长威武!” The Blood Sabre Guild people under shadow exude one to cheer. 阴影下的血刀会众人发出一声欢呼。 However does not wait for them to voice second cheering, higher sky shadow flashes, is a great peak pounds down loudly. 不过不等他们发出第二声欢呼,更高的天空黑影一闪,又是一座巨峰轰然砸下。 'Chī la' sounded! 嗤啦一声 The blood-color multi-colored sunlight is defeated and dispersed under five great peak oppressions loudly, below blood-color big streamer also tears, pounding that five black great peaks have not prevented falls , the speed is astonishing! 血色霞光在五座巨峰压迫下轰然溃散,下方的血色大幡也随之撕裂开来,五座黑色巨峰没有阻挡的砸落而下,速度惊人! Five great peaks almost occupy the mountain valley sky completely, in valley darkened piece. 五座巨峰几乎将山谷天空全部占据,谷内昏黑一片。 The scholarly man complexion changes, does not have slightly hesitant body figure in a flash, danger in five mountain peak landing forward flights. 儒雅男子脸色一变,没有丝毫犹豫的身形一晃,险险在五座山峰落地前飞了出去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Five mountain peaks fall to the ground loudly, the vast mist and dust leaps, the ground rocks fiercely, the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound continuously, is submerged by rumble the loud sound immediately. 五座山峰轰然落地,浩大烟尘腾起,地面剧烈晃动,凄厉惨叫声此起彼伏,立刻被隆隆的巨响淹没。 Above the mountain valley, person's shadow flitted, the scholarly man form appears, complexion pale looks to front not far away. 山谷上方,人影一花,儒雅男子身影浮现而出,脸色铁青的看向前方不远处。 There is floating a sapphire flying boat, above is standing old one one few, what is old is old old Daoist that wears the grayish white Daoist robe, few both eyes are nimble and resourceful, is actually the appearance simple and beautiful young girl. 那里漂浮着一艘青玉飞舟,上面站着一老一少,老的是个身披灰白道袍的年迈老道,少的双目灵动,却是个容貌清丽的少女。 Daoist Bai Shi and Liu Le'er. 正是白石道人柳乐儿 „Who two are?” After scholarly man both eyes narrowed one next, asking slowly. “两位到底是什么人?”儒雅男子双目微眯了一下后,缓缓的问道。 Kills your person!” Liu Le'er sound one cold. “来杀你的人!”柳乐儿声音一寒。 Well, Cloud Fox Clan person? I knew, you are that the past years ran away are only young the monster fox. Never expected that did not see for several years, pours also has Core Formation Stage cultivation base. Then, but a fur/superficial knowledge of Qingyun mound Yunhu clan the superior defense magical treasure material, may make Jia gain one in the past really greatly.” Scholarly man light well, immediately remembered a anything's chuckle sound said. “咦,云狐族人?我知道了,你就是当年逃走的那只小妖狐吧。没想到数年不见,倒也有结丹期修为了。说起来,青云丘云狐一族的皮毛可是上等的防御法宝材料,当年可着实让贾某大赚了一笔的。”儒雅男子轻咦一声,随即想起了什么的轻笑一声道。 Jia Ren, I killed you!” 贾仁,我杀了你!” Liu Le'er eye socket red, slender ten fingers of wheel changes, on its left arm under silver light flashes, depart one group of silver fireballs, the turning round revolution, changes into a palm of the hand size silver fire bird, throws toward the scholarly man. 柳乐儿眼圈一红,纤纤十指一阵车轮般变化,其左臂上银光一闪下,飞出一团银色火球,滴溜溜一转下,就化为一只巴掌大小的银色火鸟,朝着儒雅男子扑去。 Jia Ren in the speeches, has let out divine sense, a surrounding area several hundred li (0.5 km) region was swept by it instantaneously, has not actually discovered any Divine Transformation above cultivator. 贾仁在说话间,早已将神识放了出去,方圆数百里区域瞬间被其扫了一遍,却并没有发现任何化神以上修士 After seeing common silver fire bird, it is first startled slightly, immediately in the eye appears to laugh: 在看到毫不起眼的银色火鸟后,其先是微微一怔,随即眼中浮现出一丝嗤笑: Two Core Formation Stage juniors, dares to clamor with me, joke!” “两个结丹期小辈,也敢和我叫嚣,笑话!” Saying, its opens the mouth, spouts a black ring, the turning round revolution, changes into one to have near hundred zhang (333 m) high black flame monster suddenly fully. 说着,其一张口,喷出一枚黑色圆环,滴溜溜一转下,蓦然化为一只足有近百丈高的黑焰怪兽。 This beast taking the form of liger, lends the wild aura, four feet trod void, welcome to silver fire bird. 此兽形似狮虎,散发出狂暴之极的气息,四足虚空一踏,迎向了银色火鸟 Big of both volume disparity, simply is huge difference. 两者体积差距之大,简直是天壤之别。 Finally silver light flashes, silver fire bird submerged black flame monster within the body instantaneously, then pierces from its body another end. 结果银光一闪,银色火鸟瞬间没入了黑焰怪兽体内,然后从其身体另一端洞穿而出。 Black flame monster body one stiff, then bang, rupturing collapse. 黑焰怪兽身体一僵,然后“轰”的一声,爆裂崩溃。 Jia Ren stares the big eye, cannot believe own eye simply, but it responds immediately, turning around without delay escapes, the body ray twinkle, whole body was wrapped immediately watertight by a blood light shining armor. 贾仁瞪大眼睛,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,不过其立刻反应过来,二话不说的转身就逃,身上光芒闪烁,全身上下顿时被一件血光灿灿的盔甲包得水泄不通。 That silver fire bird speed strange quick, almost then caught up with him instantaneously, flashed pierces his body, the blood-color armor cannot resist the slightest. 只是那银色火鸟速度奇快,几乎瞬间便追上了他,一闪洞穿了他的身体,血色盔甲没能抵挡分毫。 "No......" “不……” Jia Ren only roars with enough time „” character, the body then does not change into one group of fireballs, the flaming combustion, all, are reduced to ashes including magical treasure magical artifact quickly. 贾仁只来得及吼出一个“不”字,身体便化为一团火球,熊熊燃烧,所有一切,包括身上的法宝法器很快都化为了灰烬。 Under silver fire bird circles in midair one, another opens the mouth, spouts one silver flame toward the under mountain valley. 银色火鸟在半空一个盘旋下,又一张口,朝下方山谷喷出一片银焰。 In the whereabouts process, the silver flame rapid incomparable expansion, changed into one silver seas of fire, covered the entire dark-red mountain valley. 下落过程中,银焰迅速无比的扩大,化为了一片银色火海,笼罩住了整个暗红色山谷。 By five Jufeng Town pressures, in the valley the person for a short time, was been impossible to escape. 被五座巨峰镇压,谷内之人一时半会,根本不可能逃出。 Liu Le'er at this moment is looking below flaming sea of fire, the line of sight is been fuzzy by the tears. 此刻的柳乐儿望着下方的熊熊火海,视线已被泪水模糊。 Father, mother, Elder Brother, the elder sister...... Le'er kills with one's own hand the personal enemy today finally, exterminated Blood Sabre Guild, revenged to you.” Saying that she muttered. “爹,娘,哥哥,姐姐……乐儿今日终于手刃仇人,剿灭了血刀会,给你们报仇了。”她喃喃自语的说道。 Fellow Daoist Liu, congratulates the big enmity to report!” After long time, Daoist Bai Shi then said submissively. 柳道友,恭喜大仇得报!”半晌后,白石道人这才拱手说道。 This must thanks to all that Fellow Daoist Bai Shi these year of institutes make, the Elder Brother said that he will remember.” Liu Le'er wipes off the tears, collects a front piece ritual toward Daoist Bai Shi. “这还得多亏白石道友这些年所做的一切,哥哥说了,他会记住的。”柳乐儿擦掉眼泪,朝着白石道人敛衽一礼。 Does not dare, Senior Han told, below from, when makes contribution.” Daoist Bai Shi said hastily. “不敢,韩前辈吩咐,在下自当尽力。”白石道人连忙说道。
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