RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#42: Regaining

In cave mansion Room pill refining. 洞府炼丹中。 After Han Li the Heaven-Wielding Bottle bottle cap opens, lays aside in the pill furnace open area, then withdrew several steps, raises hand to make the law to decide together, under the activation furnace magical array, making in pill furnace the roaring flame tumble. 韩立掌天瓶瓶盖打开后,放置在了丹炉旁的空地上,然后退后了几步,扬手打出一道法决,激活炉下法阵,使得丹炉内烈焰翻滚起来。 After long time, after it deeply inspires, stretches out a fair finger, to a pill furnace direction gently check. 半晌后,其深吸了一口气后,伸出一根白皙手指,冲着丹炉方向轻轻一勾。 "Hū", one group of scarlet red flame depart from the furnace bottom immediately, turning round revolution after midair, changes into a small snake slender firing line unexpectedly, later under its control, all injected in nearby dark green small bottle. “呼”的一声,一团赤红色的火焰当即从炉底飞出,在半空中滴溜溜一转后,竟化为一条小蛇般的纤细火线,随后在其操控下,悉数射入了一旁的墨绿色小瓶之中。 Sees only in the small bottle the red light to flash immediately, then the jasper bottle wall was shone incomparably insightfully, in leaf-shaped pattern shows a dark red luster a piece by piece, and has the life twinkle. 只见小瓶中顿时红光一闪,接着碧玉般的瓶壁被映照得无比通透,一片片叶状花纹中透出点点暗红色泽,并有生命般的闪烁起来。 The Han Li eye narrowed the eyes, stands in same place long time has not moved. 韩立眼睛微眯了一下,站在原地半晌没有动弹。 A moment later, in the bottle the red light actually collects suddenly, vanishes does not see. 片刻之后,瓶内红光却是忽然一敛,消失不见。 The dark green small bottle restores again general as usual, probably nothing happened. 墨绿小瓶再次恢复如常,好像什么都没有发生一般。 But the Han Li actually vision concentrates, winks is staring at the small bottle that does not wink, seems waiting for anything. 韩立却目光一凝,眨也不眨的盯着小瓶,仿佛在等待着什么。 Time 1 0.1 pasts, after roughly quarter of an hour, he is single-handed raises, draws out fires of one group of slightly big several points of pill furnace from pill furnace, making it submerge in the small bottle. 时间一点一点过去,约莫一刻钟后,他再次单手一扬,从丹炉中引出一团稍大几分的丹炉之火,使之没入小瓶之中。 If before were the same, after the bottle a red light glittered again, then again quiet. 如之前一样,瓶中再一番红光闪烁后,便再次沉寂。 This time, the time of twinkle, as if must grow into compared with before. 只是这一次,闪烁的时间,似乎比之前要长上一些。 Han Li sees this, on the face actually showed a hesitation look. 韩立见此,脸上却露出了一丝沉吟神色。 In gone time, he follows a set pattern, unceasingly furnace fire introduction small bottle, and is separated more and more short. 接下去的时间里,他如法炮制,不断将炉火引入小瓶,并且间隔越来越短。 If its expects, the small bottle red light scintillation time is also getting more and more long. 如其所料,小瓶红光闪烁时间也越来越长。 How long has not known, when Han Li fire of introduction small bottle one group of pill furnace, after causing again it red light glitters, this time actually continued the quarter of an hour, does not have the meaning of slight stopping. 不知过了多久,当韩立再次将一团丹炉之火引入小瓶,使之红光闪烁后,这次却足足持续了一刻钟,也没有丝毫停下之意。 Han Li eye slightly one bright. 韩立眼睛微微一亮。 In the meantime, as clear songs and calls resound from the bottle, in the bottle starts the flood faint trace silver light, and swallows all red light at the naked eye obvious speed completely. 就在此时,随着一声清脆鸣叫声从瓶中响起,瓶内开始泛起丝丝银光,并以肉眼可见速度将所有红光吞噬殆尽。 next moment, whiz, one group of dazzling silver light project from the bottle mouth place, direct impact on secret room. 下一刻,“嗖”的一声,一团刺目银光从瓶口处射出,直冲向密室顶部。 Bang a dull thumping sound. “嘭”的一声闷响。 The silver light hit above room of tops, to falling several points, the silver ray that above sent out filled up the entire Room pill refining immediately, reflected the houseful to live the splendor. 银光撞在了室顶之上,向下坠了几分,其上散发出来的银色光芒顿时填满整个炼丹,映得满屋生辉。 Han Li raises head to look at the above silver light, the pupil blue glow is flashing before, on the face reveals color of being pleasantly surprised, but, is actually a brow slightly wrinkle. 韩立仰头望着上方银光,瞳孔蓝芒闪现,脸上露出一丝又惊又喜之色,但紧接着,却是眉头微微一皱。 That group of silver light revolves several after the midair, after immediately a shrinkage strain, transforms not big silver fire bird, a both wings show/unfolds, dives directly toward him. 那团银光在半空中旋转几圈后,随即一阵收缩变形后,幻化成一只不大的银色火鸟,双翅一展,径直朝着他俯冲下来。 The Han Li single-handed palm lifts, that silver fire bird in away its palm half foot place clever stops, later under a both wings show/unfolds, circles to dance in the air regarding the index finger that he raises up, in the mouth also expressed the cheerful clear cry unceasingly, resembling was very delighted. 韩立单手掌一抬,那只银色火鸟在距其手掌半尺处灵巧的一停,随后双翅一展下,围绕着他竖起的食指盘旋飞舞起来,口中还不断发出欢快清鸣,似是十分欢喜。 This fire bird is not the otherness, after Fire of Flame Essence is born a intelligence, Flame Essence Fire Bird! 火鸟不是他物,正是精炎之火诞生一丝灵性后所化的精炎火鸟 Wants at first, he when human world, to do cold air cultivation that the blue ice flame and six wing frost gong spurt to have purple Luo Jihuo, later integrated in purple Luo Jihuo moon true fire, latter after arriving at Spirit World, swallowed other lot of flame through moon true fire, ultimately formed this wisp of Fire of Flame Essence. 想最初,他在人界时,以乾蓝冰焰和六翼霜蚣所喷的寒气修炼出了紫罗极火,之后又将紫罗极火融入了太阴真火中,后来到了灵界后,又通过太阴真火吞噬了大量其他火焰,最终才形成了这一缕精炎之火 This fire not only can swallow various spirit flame inborn, and is quite remarkable to the fire attribute spirit beast restraint effect, was he in the past vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered one of the Spirit World important helping. 此火不仅天生能吞噬各种灵焰,且对火属性灵兽克制效果极为显著,可是他当年纵横灵界的重要臂助之一。 After Han Li sighed one lightly, received the train of thought of tumbling, the arm lifted slightly, immediately the fire bird quite clever pair of wings received, falls on his palm. 韩立轻叹了一声后,收起了翻滚的思绪,手臂微微一抬,顿时火鸟颇为乖巧的双翼一收,落在了其掌心。 Also does not know that is what reason, after awakens, his sense/telepathy did not arrive at this fire, thinks had lost for some reason, actually without thinking its, not only has not lost, instead continuously deep sleep in his Heaven-Wielding Bottle. 也不知是何缘故,自苏醒之后,他就一直感应不到此火,原本还以为已经因故丢失了,却没想到其非但没有丢失,反而就一直沉睡在他的掌天瓶中。 In the secret room, he was also in divine sense gave birth a moment ago suddenly with this fire vague sense/telepathy, this in the heart moved, immediately rushed to Room pill refining, tried to take the furnace fire as to direct to awaken this fire bird, has not thought that also really made it succeed at one fell swoop. 刚才在密室中,他也是神识中突然生出与此火的一丝若有若无感应,这才心中一动下,立即赶到炼丹,试图以炉火为引将此火鸟唤醒,没想到还真让其一举成功了。 He looks, in own holds silver fire bird that jumps unceasingly, under the complexion in the silver ray shines, actually appears somewhat Yin clear uncertain. 他看着在自己掌中不断跳跃的银色火鸟,脸色在银色的光芒映照下,却显得有些阴晴不定。 This bird now also less than three cuns (2.5 cm) high, the whole body firepower seems somewhat destitute, far more than missed ten times compared with the original power and influence. 此鸟如今还不足三寸高,周身火力显得有些空乏,比之原先威势何止差了十倍。 This makes his heart constrain the anger that nowhere is mediating , the disciple increased several points. 这让他心头一直压抑着无处排解的愤怒,又徒增了几分。 It is no doubt that this bird so the appearance, loses the matter of cultivation base memory not to be inseparable from it now certainly. 不用说,此鸟如今这般模样,和其丢失修为记忆之事绝脱不了干系。 In the Han Li heart swore secretly, no matter who makes him reduce hence, he can one point ask for much. 韩立心中暗暗立誓,不管是谁让他沦落至此,他都会一分不少地讨回来。 A moment later, he restrains the mind, the complexion gradually tends to be tranquil, the sleeve robe locates Qingxia one volume, that silver fire bird received into body, is missing. 片刻之后,他收敛起心神,面色逐渐趋于平静,袖袍处青霞一卷,就将那只银色火鸟收入体中,不见了踪影。 Perhaps this bird must cultivate well in within the body, can restore several points of vitality. 恐怕此鸟要在体内好好培育一番,才能重新恢复几分元气的。 Roughly after an incense stick of time, Han Li left the cave mansion again, arrived at the corner of spirit field Northwest. 约莫一炷香后,韩立再次离开了洞府,来到了灵田西北方的一处角落。 He emits divine sense toward four to sweep, after confirming has no difference, single-handed lifts, the wrist/skill wields one after several other, triangle pennants depart in turn, irised out a not too big nor too small circular area on the paddies. 他放出神识往四下一扫,确认没什么异样后,单手一抬,手腕接连挥动数下,一杆杆三角小旗依次飞出,在田地上圈出了一块不大不小的圆形区域。 Afterward in its recited the incantation in a low voice, pinched finger joints with the thumb single-handed, on that triangle pennant flashed through a light purple ray immediately, formed the one/1st level/layer fuzzy light screen, among the region will wrap. 随后其口中低声念动咒语,单手一掐诀,那一圈三角小旗上顿时闪过一阵淡淡的紫色光芒,彼此之间形成了一层模糊光幕,将其内区域包裹了起来。 After completing all these, he then lifts the step to stride in that region, the purple ray on light screen also disappears, integrated in the dim light of night to go into hiding thoroughly. 做完这一切后,他这才抬步跨入那片区域,光幕上的紫色光芒随之消失,彻底融入夜色中隐匿了起来。 At this moment if had the bystander to pass by nearby the cave mansion, so long as cultivation base has not achieved Divine Transformation Stage, could not discover here difference on the basis, if Divine Transformation Stage above cultivator, will be detected by it immediately, and made deals promptly. 此刻若有外人路过洞府附近,只要修为未曾达到化神期,就根本发现不了此处异样,而若是化神期以上修士,自会在第一时间被其发觉,并作出及时应对。 In the light screen, the Han Li palm wields, more than 20 fine wooden chest emerge out of thin air, float before the body. 光幕之内,韩立手掌一挥,二十余个精美木匣凭空出现,悬浮在身前。 He lifts conveniently, these wooden casing cover then open, shows the intermittent medicine to be fragrant. 他随手一抬,那些木匣盖子便纷纷翻开,从中透出阵阵药香。 Sees only dozens root hair full physical appearance complete white spirit medicine, one by one/each from the medicine chest flies to float, fell toward the ground, air plants. 只见数十株根须饱满品相完整的白色灵药,从药匣之中一一飞浮而出,朝着地面坠了下去,落地生根。 These contour and common ginseng somewhat similar spirit medicine, is Cloud Crane Grass of hundred years. 这些外形与寻常人参有几分相似的灵药,正是百年份的云鹤草 These days daytime, he ran several to pass changed/easy valley, almost purchases the grass that in the valley circulated. 这几日的白天,他跑了好几趟通易谷,将谷内流通的此草几乎收购一空。 For does not cause others to pay attention, he also hidden went to cultivation base specially, changes external appearances only. 而为了不引起别人注意,他还特意隐去了修为,改头换面一番。 After Han Li took a fast look around white spirit grass one of the ground, put out that only dark green small bottle from the bosom again. 韩立扫视了地上的白色灵草一眼后,重新从怀中拿出了那只墨绿小瓶。 He deeply inspires, opens the bottle cap to shake gently in a flash, immediately the bottle body one slantingly, was falling to below Cloud Crane Grass. 他深吸了口气,打开瓶盖轻轻晃了一晃,随即将瓶身一斜,对着下方的云鹤草倾倒了下去。 That drops green fluid then to follow the bottle mouth to fall slowly, sprinkled above spirit medicine. 那滴绿液便顺着瓶口慢慢滑落而下,洒在了灵药之上。 Looks that green fluid permeates the spirit grassroots section slowly, the Han Li corners of the mouth turns upwards slightly, shows a happy expression, immediately turned around to go out of the light screen. 看着绿液缓缓渗入灵草根部,韩立嘴角微微翘起,露出一丝笑意,随即转身走出了光幕。
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