RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#41: Vial palm day

A several days later night. 数日后的一个夜晚。 Trim sky mist, a full moon has not hung in everywhere stars, often the meteors that blinks passes flashes through. 整片天空没有一丝云气,一轮圆月悬于漫天繁星之中,不时有一道道眨眼即逝的流星闪过。 In the cave mansion secret room, Han Li both eyes shut tightly the sitting cross-legged center, star light falls by above large cave/hole continuously, making his whole person just like bathes in one group of light silver light. 洞府密室中,韩立正双目紧闭盘坐中央,一缕缕星光透过上方大洞倾洒而下,使其整个人犹如沐浴在一团淡淡的银光之中。 Under its, inscribes quite mysterious magical array. 在其身下,铭刻着一个颇为玄奥的法阵 This comprised of seven big star designs, each has the rush cushion big or small, splendid, is linked to each other composes a shape of Big Dipper. 此阵由七个大星图案组成,每一个都有蒲团大小,熠熠生辉,连在一起组成一个北斗七星的形状。 This named Dipper Essence-Gathering Array, is not on Little Dipper Essence Technique records, but is in his these date and time the night stargazing shape, unifies the passing array attainments and experience, evolves from another stars array transformation. 这阵名为北斗聚元阵,并非小北斗星元功上记载,而是他这些时日里夜观星象,结合过往的阵法造诣和见识,从另一个星辰阵法改造衍化而来。 Space power of stars is seemingly similar, the actually actually day leaves badly, some power of stars gloomy and cold, some actually to Yang, even some sometimes Yin sometimes Yang, cannot be generally spoken, but cultivation Little Dipper Essence Technique quotation power of stars of Big Dipper, the Big Dipper divides the Yin-Yang, when constructs four, even five elements, contains mysteriously, the change is excessive. 天上星辰之力看似相似,实则却天差地别,有的星辰之力偏阴冷,有的却是至阳,甚至有的时阴时阳,不可一概而论,而修炼小北斗星元功引用的正是北斗七星的星辰之力,七星分阴阳,建四时,均五行,内含玄妙,变化无度。 This, Han Li supposes in view of the characteristics of strength of Big Dipper, with by assisting to receive and instruct power of stars of Big Dipper. 此阵,正是韩立针对七星之力的特点而设,用以辅助接引北斗七星的星辰之力 Position that he sits cross-legged at this moment, is first of great array seven big star designs. 他此刻盘坐的位置,乃是大阵七颗大星图案的第一颗。 Sees only him to open both eyes suddenly, waves to make together magical formula. 只见其骤然睁开双目,挥手打出一道法诀 Buzz! 嗡! Below stars great array starts to revolve immediately, seven big star suddenly ray greatly hold, first especially bright, the white light flashes, twinkle star white light appear out of thin air, floods its all around void, composes the innumerable stars designs indistinctly. 下方的星辰大阵顿时开始运转,七颗大星骤然间光芒大盛,其中第一颗尤其明亮,白光闪动间,星星点点的白光凭空浮现,充斥其四周虚空,隐约组成无数星辰图案。 Han Li places in this star sea, body figure is partly visible, appearing somewhat dimly is unclear. 韩立身处这片星海之中,身形若隐若现,显得有些朦胧不清。 In his mouth mumbled, the both hands ten fingers constantly changed, is revolving slowly Little Dipper Essence Technique magical formula. 他口中念念有词,双手十指不断变化,缓缓运转着小北斗星元功法诀 After an incense stick of time, after his foreheads hidden has the faint trace crystal light flash moves, strength of one volume one astonishing divine sense, after is turning round a revolution, in his top of the head void place, forms an invisible vortex. 一炷香过后,其眉宇间隐有丝丝晶光闪动后,一股惊人的神识之力从中一卷而出,再滴溜溜一转后,在他头顶虚空处,形成一个无形漩涡。 His two techniques definitely change. 他两手法决一变。 The divine sense vortex of top of the head spreads out all over, the change, formed a design of similar nebula slowly, in the nebula also appeared a benetnasch celestial chart, echoed with below stars great array faintly. 头顶的神识漩涡铺展开来,缓缓变化,形成了一个类似星云的图案,星云中也浮现出一个北斗七星图,和下方的星辰大阵隐隐呼应。 Han Li raised the head, the large cave/hole of vision above through secret room, is looking up to the curtain of night the most sparking that seven groups of bright star light, later fell on the first dubhe on-board, in the mouth put out an obscure incantation. 韩立抬起头,目光通过密室上方的大洞,仰望着夜幕中最闪亮的那七团熠熠星光,随后落在了第一颗天枢星上,口中吐出一句晦涩咒语。 Bang! 轰! The radiant sky first star of the dipper as if shone slightly, the strength of innumerable star light well up from above, as if the silver waterfall drops from the clouds together, across large cave/hole, covered following Han Li, rushing power of stars surged in the surroundings. 璀璨的天枢星似乎微微亮了一下,无数星光之力从上面涌来,仿佛一道银色瀑布般从天而降,穿过大洞,笼罩住了下面的韩立,澎湃的星辰之力在周围涌动。 The Han Li look becomes dignifiedly incomparable. 韩立神色变得凝重无比起来。 Receives and instructs the strength of star light to rely on the divine sense strong and weak, although his divine sense at this moment endures compared with the immortal, has built the cultivation this cultivation technique solid foundation, but can not slightly negligently. 接引星光之力依赖神识强弱,他此刻的神识虽堪比仙人,早已打下了修炼功法的坚实基础,但也丝毫大意不得。 In his hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, revolution cultivation technique. 他手中掐诀,运转功法 The strength of surrounding star light fluctuates immediately, condenses the same place in abundance, changes into the innumerable bright gassed threads, as if innumerable thin needles are common, slightly one under its divine sense package circles, then the raindrop fell, submerged his body. 周围的星光之力顿时波动起来,纷纷凝聚到一起,化为无数晶亮光丝,仿佛无数细针一般,在其神识包裹下微一盘旋,然后雨点般落下,没入了他的身体。 The Han Li body trembles fiercely, brow slightly pressed, held breath cold air. 韩立身体猛地一颤,眉头微蹙,倒吸了一口凉气。 These gassed threads unexpectedly are completely true body, grips the broken skin directly, sneaks in his body, as if ten thousand Jianchuan the body is common. 这些光丝竟然完全是实体,直接扎破皮肤,钻进他的身体里,仿佛万剑穿身一般。 He at this moment, whole body densely and numerously all was the needle eye, the blood infiltrated, was quickly incarnadine his body. 此刻的他,全身上下密密麻麻全是针眼,鲜血从中渗了出来,很快将他的身体染红。 What awfully is, these stars gassed threads scurry about in his within the body, as if innumerable knives twist, intense pain. 更要命的是,那些星辰光丝在他体内乱窜,仿佛无数小刀绞动,痛入骨髓。 If not its mortal body is powerful, must scream directly. 若非其肉身强悍无匹,恐怕就要直接叫出声了。 However after the moment, his brow actually stretches gradually, because he obviously feels, these stars gassed threads gradually decompose, change into strength of the purest star light, integrated various body places. 但是片刻后,其眉头却渐渐舒展开来,因为他明显感觉到,那些星辰光丝逐渐分解,化为最为精纯的星光之力,融入了身体各处。 In the Han Li heart is wild with joy immediately! 韩立心中顿时狂喜! He deeply inspires, depresses in the heart quickly joyful and pain, transports/fortunes the merit full power. 他深吸一口气,很快压下心中欣喜和身上痛楚,全力运功。 Many power of stars let fall, pricks his body, and under its cultivation technique stimulation of movement, revolves along the law of some good merit. 更多的星辰之力垂落而下,刺入他的身体,并在其功法催动下,沿着某种行功之法运转起来。 His mortal body was damaged seriously, previously could not obtain the vitality to supplement, cannot restore, at this moment contacted so pure stars vitality, immediately swallows, the damage restored fast. 他的肉身受创极重,先前得不到元气补充,一直没能恢复,此刻接触到如此精纯的星辰元气,立刻吞噬起来,损伤飞快恢复。 The star light crystal silk enters these small pinholes that the body punctures, then restores instantaneously such as beginning, is unable to hurt his mortal body slightest truly. 星光晶丝入体刺出的那些小针孔,更是瞬间便恢复如初,根本无法真正伤害他肉身分毫。 , The pain of ten thousand Jianchuan body was also cast behind by him gradually gradually, the whole person completely immersed in cultivation. 渐渐的,万剑穿身的痛楚也渐渐被他抛在脑后,整个人完全沉浸在了修炼之中。 When light streams passes, in an instant in seven days. 光流逝,转眼间过了七天。 The cave mansion center, Han Li sits cross-legged to sit above the largest star design as before, the body blooms spooky radiance, each muscle starts to exude the stars ray, the skeleton also appears a star light. 洞府中央,韩立依旧盘膝坐于第一颗大星图案之上,身上绽放出幽幽光华,每一丝筋肉都开始泛起星辰般的光芒,骨骼也浮现出点点星光。 What is most unusual, in its lower abdomen position 1 blue light blooms, is quite conspicuous. 最为奇特的是,其小腹位置上一点蓝光绽放,极为显眼。 Blue luminous spot shrinks, seems ordinary in the breath. 蓝色光点一张一缩,仿佛在呼吸一般。 The strength of star light the surrounding gathering comes, was swallowed by this luminous spot most probably. 周围汇聚而来的星光之力,大半被这个光点吞噬。 On the Han Li face does not have slightly the color of pain, some light tranquil. 韩立脸上已经没有了丝毫痛苦之色,有的只是平淡宁静。 Suddenly, his body week power of stars fluctuation. 突然间,他身周星辰之力一阵波动。 The blue luminous spot on lower abdomen blooms suddenly eye-catchingly brilliance, tumbling continuous. 小腹上的蓝色光点陡然绽放出夺目光辉,翻滚不休。 Blue light suddenly flashes, inside appears mysterious stars rune. 蓝光忽的一闪,里面浮现出一个玄奥的星辰符文 After rune turning round trundle moment, along with, even if flashed hidden entered his within the body that passed. 符文滴溜溜滚动片刻后,随即便一闪即逝的隐入了他的体内。 Han Li opens the eye, on the face shows the joyful smile. 韩立睁开眼睛,脸上露出欣喜的笑容。 By own powerful mortal body and divine sense, is only several days time, and is complete Little Dipper Essence Technique 1st level/layer cultivation, successfully condenses first profound aperture. 以自己的强大肉身和神识,只是短短几日工夫,并将小北斗星元功第一层修炼圆满,成功凝聚出第一玄窍 However he did not have the idea of leave seclusion at this moment, still closed both eyes, honest sits cross-legged, plans the consolidated this merit. 不过他此刻仍没有出关的想法,仍闭上了双目,老老实实的盘坐起来,打算巩固一下此功。 After several days, one month of bright star sparse night. 数日后,一个月朗星疏的夜晚。 The secret room center, the opening eyes of Han Li eyebrow raise, raised single-handed, stopped the revolution of Dipper Essence-Gathering Array, strength and point white light the starry sky all around immediately retreat like surging tides. 密室中央,韩立眉头一挑的睁开双眼,单手一扬,停止了北斗聚元阵的运转,周遭的星空之力和点点白光顿时如潮水般的退去。 He stands up hastily, arrives at the front not far away, bent down to pick up a dark green thin neck small bottle, gathered at present. 他连忙站起身来,走到前方不远处,俯身将一个墨绿色的细颈小瓶拾了起来,凑到了眼前。 Sees only the small bottle at this moment all over the body by the one/1st level/layer green ray package, and appeared several golden strange symbols in the surface, ancient was full of flavor. 只见小瓶此刻通体被一层绿色光芒包裹,并在表面浮现出了几个金黄色古怪符号,古韵味十足。 But next moment, this green light submerges in in Pingshen these dark green patterns, but these golden strange characters remained, protrudes the bottle of body surfaces slightly. 下一刻,这股绿光般淹没于瓶身的那些墨绿色花纹之中,但那些金色怪字符却留了下来,微微凸出瓶身表面。 Mentioned the small bottle to shake shaking at present, as if saw that is having liquid of drop of broad bean size also to shake. 提起小瓶在眼前晃了晃,似乎看到里面正有一滴蚕豆大小的液体随之摇动。 He sees this situation, shows a faint smile. 他见此情形,不禁微微一笑。 For serveral days, when his each time cultivation, will put in this small bottle the open area before body. 这些天,他每次修炼时,都会将此小瓶置于身前的空地上。 Whenever to some specific time, the small bottle surface will exude the one/1st level/layer light white light. 每当到了某个特定的时刻,小瓶表面就会泛起一层淡淡白光。 If gathers carefully observes at present, then can discover that matter white light, is comprised of a countless thin Xiaobai (Little White) colored light institute, just like the living creature is ordinary, pushes competitively toward the small bottle, until was absorbed by it completely. 若是凑到眼前仔细观察,便能发现那层白光,是由数之不尽的细小白色光点所组成,犹如活物一般,争先恐后地朝着小瓶之中挤去,直至被其完全吸收。 Such phenomenon will not continue too for a long time, every night the specific double-hour crosses, will then vanish immediately. 只是这样的异象并不会持续太长时间,每晚特定的时辰一过,便会立即消失。 But every two days, after the small bottle surface white light collects, then can exude the one/1st level/layer green light, subsequently are many in the bottle drop of green fluid. 而每隔两日,小瓶表面白光敛去后,便会泛起一层绿光,继而在瓶中多出一滴绿液 Han Li took back the vision, the finger was stroking gently the foliated hematite lamellar pattern on small bottle gently, the movement was careful and gentle, seems touching the cheeks of oneself beloved person general. 韩立收回了目光,手指轻轻摩挲着小瓶上的叶片状花纹,动作细致而温柔,就仿佛是在抚摸自己心爱之人的脸颊一般。 Feels the slightly raised touch on the bottle transmitting, his mind also somewhat drags. 感受着瓶身上传来的微凸触感,他的心神也不禁有些摇曳起来。 Absent-minded, he as if returned to Seven Wounds Sect all of a sudden, returned to that small medicine garden in God Hand Valley, turned into that for the first time green fluid in small bottle with the youngster who conducts the experiment, in the heart is somewhat disturbed, some anticipations. 恍惚之间,他仿佛一下子又回到了七伤门,回到了神手谷中的那片小小药园,又变成了那个第一次用小瓶中的绿液进行试验的少年,心中有些忐忑,又有些期待。 He knows, without that chance accomplished what art had failed, discovered in the bottle green fluid to be able time the accelerate ripening spirit medicine characteristics, he was perhaps impossible to walk into immortal cultivation Great Dao truly, was impossible to rely on mortal's body, skyrocketed, became ten thousand people of admiring human race Number One Cultivator, becomes Spirit World that everyone paid homage to first Heavenly Venerable Han. 他知道,若没有那一次的无心插柳,发现了瓶中绿液能够催熟灵药的特性,他或许根本不可能真正走入修仙大道之中,也不可能凭借凡人之身,一路扶摇直上,成为万人景仰的人族第一修士,成为人人膜拜的灵界之首韩天尊 If said that since foot treads into the gate of cultivation, has anything to accompany him, never-ending, that without a doubt, is at present this named palm day small bottle. 若说自从一脚踏入修行之门中来,有什么事物是一直陪伴着他的,不离不弃的,那毫无疑问,便是眼前这名为“掌天”的小瓶了。 Even after entering Immortal World in unconscious 300 years, he lost Daoist Crab, lost Devourer Golden Beetle, lost once depending on, in the subconscious, has actually been protecting this thing carefully, has not made this small bottle leave Half Step. 即使在进入仙界之后昏迷的三百年里,他丢失了蟹道人,丢失了噬金虫,丢失了曾经的许多倚仗,却一直在潜意识里,都小心地保护着此物,从来没有让这小瓶离开过自己半步 He to this small bottle, has an unexplained complex emotion. 他对这小瓶,有着一种说不清道不明的复杂情感。 Suddenly, Han Li eyebrow raise, caressed the movement of small bottle to stop lightly, on the face showed a strange expression. 突然,韩立眉头一挑,轻抚着小瓶的动作停了下来,脸上露出了一阵古怪表情。 The opening bottle cap that his vision concentrates, looks toward the bottle, on the face the expression becomes even more feels strange, resembling is somewhat surprised, is somewhat joyful. 他目光微凝的打开瓶盖,朝着瓶中望去,脸上表情变得愈加奇怪起来,似是有些惊讶,又有些喜悦。 next moment, after he small bottle cap is good, then turning around seizes the gate to go toward the secret room outside. 下一刻,他将小瓶盖好后,便一个转身的朝密室外夺门而去。
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