RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#40: Letting it go

On the same day in the afternoon. 当日午后。 Holy Fire Peak top, sky over piece of open white jade square, a spoken parts rainbow from distant place but air-splitting, oblique incidence under. 圣火峰顶,一片开阔的白玉广场上空,一道白虹从远处破空而至,斜射而下。 After the escaping light collects, appears surface not to need white/in vain, wears the middle-aged man of scholar kerchief to come out. 遁光一敛后,现出一名面白无须,头戴文士头巾的中年男子出来。 This person of scholar gown sways is falling slowly, just fell to the ground, listens to behind the words sound that transmits a man: 此人一身儒衫飘摇着徐徐落下,刚一落地,就听身后传来一声男子的话语声: Brother Nangong 南宫兄 The scholar gown middle-aged person then looks, sees only about the number hundred zhang (333 m), wears Sacred Mountains of China No.1 to wear the black of black cloth Daoist robe to Daoist walk toward him. 儒衫中年人回头一望,只见数百丈开外,一个头戴五岳冠身着青布道袍的黑须道人正朝他走来。 Unhappiness that person seems like, but has a series of remnant shades, every step may stretch across dozens zhang (3.33 m) fully, in an instant before then arrived at the body . 那人看似走的不快,但身后却带着一连串残影,每一步都足可横跨数十丈,转眼间便到了身前。 Brother Zhuang, walks together.” The scholar gown middle-aged person to/clashes with a smile must Daoist call a sound said black. 庄老弟,一起走吧。”儒衫中年人含笑冲黑须道人招呼一声道。 So drags in lots of people previous time, is more than ten years ago.” The black must Daoist nod, the vision sweeps the escaping light that distant place horizon indistinct several speed along to come, said. “上一次这般兴师动众,可是十多年前了吧。”黑须道人点点头,目光一扫远处天边隐约数道飞驰而来的遁光,说道。 This scholar gown middle-aged person and must black Daoist Rising Cloud Peak and sunset peak two Peak Lord, Nangong Changshan and Zhuang Ziyou. 儒衫中年人和黑须道人正是出云峰和落霞峰的两位峰主,南宫长山庄自游 To previously the Scriptures Pavilion stolen incident, fear mostly must pursue responsibility one unavoidably.” Nangong Changshan shakes the head, sighed lightly. “多半是为了先前藏经阁失窃一事,怕是免不了要追责一番了。”南宫长山摇了摇头,轻叹道。 Previously I, although is busy with building up furnace medicine pill, but also listens to the person to raise some, said that this theft somewhat is of strange...... that person stealing to be able across restriction to enter the cabinet unexpectedly layer on layer/heavily, finally Huyan Elder make a move cannot even retain him.” Zhuang Ziyou is also grave expression. “先前我虽忙于炼一炉丹药,但也听人提起过一些,都说此次失窃事件有些诡异……那偷盗之人竟能穿过重重禁制进入内阁,最终连呼延长老出手都没能留住他。”庄自游也是面色凝重 This matter somewhat is indeed strange, wants to come at a while bit, Supreme Elder will also relate in detail one or two/just a little.” Nangong Changshan nods. “此事的确有些离奇,想来一会儿会上,太上长老也会细说一二吧。”南宫长山点了点头。 During the speeches, they already across the square, before arriving at an imposing manner grand bright red palace, two people very tacit no longer stops talking does not say, several steps step up to the stair, stepped into the main hall shoulder to shoulder. 说话间,他们已经穿过广场,来到了一座气势宏伟的朱红宫殿前,两人都十分默契的不再住口不言,几步跨上台阶,并肩踏入了大殿中。 In the palace center the seat of honor is higher than the ground three chi (0.33 m), above is suspending a spacious carving flower big chair, in its starting position, the left and right has a row of seat relative to suppose respectively. 殿内正中主位高出地面三尺,上面摆着一张宽大的雕花大椅,在其下手位置,左右两侧各有一排座椅相对而设。 Above seat rear beam column, then all inlays gold/metal Qiyu, is carving various rare birds and beasts. 座椅后方的梁柱之上,则皆是镶金砌玉,雕刻着各种珍禽异兽。 In most approaches the seat of honor on the left side seat, is sitting a red hair guy who wears scarlet magical robe, its body figure just like the iron tower, the complexion gloomy as water, the whole body sends out one to make person imposing manner with amazement. 在最靠近主位的左侧座椅上,正坐着一个身着赤红法袍的红发大汉,其身形犹如铁塔,面色阴沉似水,周身都散发着一股令人骇然的气势。 Nangong Changshan and Zhuang Ziyou look at each other one, selected two neighboring positions to sit, close eyes maintained mental tranquility. 南宫长山庄自游对视一眼,挑了两个相邻的位置坐了下来,闭目养神。 Waited a moment later, outside the main hall some people enter one after another, before long the seat that supposed the palace is all filled. 等了片刻之后,大殿外陆陆续续有人走进,不一会儿就将殿内所设的座椅全都坐满了。 Everyone has the Void Refinement Stage appearance, unexpectedly no Divine Transformation Stage following cultivator. 所有人都有炼虚期的样子,竟没有一名化神期以下的修士 But at this moment their everyone complexion not nature, most nods mutually has said the hello, as if no one some interests said anything. 但此刻他们人人脸色都不怎么自然,最多互相点点头算是打过了招呼,似乎没人有兴趣说些什么。 In the entire main hall, the atmosphere appears somewhat constrains with sadly. 整个大殿之中,气氛都显得有些压抑和沉闷。 In after the entire main hall is almost full house, crossed roughly half incense stick of time, had hall of two person's shadows from the main hall to walk. 等整个大殿内几乎座无虚席后,又过了约莫半柱香的功夫,才又有两道人影从大殿内堂里走了出来。 In the palace the people see this, immediately stands up, that red hair guy is no exception, is bows to salute, said with one voice: 殿中众人见此,立即纷纷站起身来,连那名红发大汉也不例外,皆是躬身行礼,齐声说道: See Supreme Elder, see sect leader!” “参见太上长老,参见掌门!” That hair of taking the lead snow white, the appearance pretty purple robe man, is Cold Flame Sect only Supreme Elder Sima Jingming, but accompanies in its side, the facial features has the dignity tall crown middle-aged person solemnly and respectfully, is Cold Flame Sect sect leader Liu Jingzhu. 走在前面的那名头发雪白,容貌清俊的紫袍男子,正是冷焰宗唯一的太上长老司马镜明,而陪在其身侧,面容肃穆颇有威严的高冠中年人,则是冷焰宗掌门刘敬竹 Before Sima Jingming arrives at the seat of honor, has not sat down, the vision has swept from below all people slowly. 司马镜明来到主座前,并没有坐下,目光徐徐从下方所有人身上扫过。 The aura has not revealed slightly, but is such optional standing in the front, one type lets the people feeling fearful and apprehensive constriction, all minutes lower the head, do not dare to breathe the atmosphere, do not dare with its cross-eyed slightest. 其身上气息丝毫未显,但就是这么随意的站在前方,却有一种让人大感胆颤心惊的压迫感,所有分纷纷低下头,连大气都不敢喘一下,更不敢和其对视分毫。 After long time, this Cold Flame Sect Great Ascension Stage remote antiquity, opened the mouth slowly: 半晌后,这位冷焰宗大乘期太上,慢悠悠的开口了: Some first date and time, Heavenly Talisman Hall and Scriptures Pavilion successively had something, today invites Peak Lord to come this, for this matter.” The sound is not loud, but is full of a nondescriptive dignified meaning. “前些时日,天符堂藏经阁相继发生了一些事,今日邀诸位峰主来此,也正为了此事。”声音不大,但充满着一股难以名状的威严之意。 In all person hearts one tight, is silent, awaits calmly the Supreme Elder accountability. 所有人心中一紧,皆是默然不语,静待太上长老问责。 Result Great Ascension Stage great expert in an unquestionable tone, said to let everyone dumbfounded words: 结果这位大乘期大能却以一种不容置疑的语气,说出了让所有人目瞪口呆的话来: This matter stops, stops in the sect all tracing search, does not need to go into seriously again.” “此事到此为止,停止宗内一切追查搜寻事宜,不必再深究了。” Hears this word, in the hall person some cannot believe simply own ear, look at each other in blank dismay. 听到此言,厅内之人简直有些不敢相信自己耳朵,都不禁面面相觑起来。 Suddenly, no one dares to open the mouth to ask directly. 一时间,也无人敢直接开口发问。 Senior Brother Sima, the Scriptures Pavilion stolen incident, is important, I......” stand in the frontline red hair guy cannot bear go forward Half Step, cupped one hand in the other across the chest, broke silent. 司马师兄,藏经阁失窃一事,事关重大,我……”还是站在最前方的红发大汉忍不住上前半步,一拱手,打破了沉默。 His words have not said, was let somebody cool off or calm down by Sima Jingming breaks: Junior Brother Hu Yan, do my words also need to say second again?” 他话还没说完,就被司马镜明冷冷打断:“呼延师弟,我的话还需要再说第二遍吗?” Then, its sleeves fling, turn around the inward hall to depart directly, leave behind the red hair guys and major Peak Lord that in the main hall somewhat could not feel the mind. 说罢,其衣袖一甩,转身径直朝内堂离去,留下了大殿内有些摸不着头脑的红发大汉和各大峰主 In the meantime, sect leader Liu Jingzhu also opened the mouth: 就在此时,掌门刘敬竹也开口了: Breaks up “散会” He only said these two characters, then flick the sleeve similarly depart floating. 他只说了这两个字,便同样拂袖飘然离去。 After the moment, above white jade square outside main hall. 片刻后,大殿外的白玉广场之上。 Stops searching? Scriptures Pavilion lost so many precious ancient books, considers as finished?” Zhuang Ziyou as if somewhat did not have slow the god to come, cannot bear asks to Nangong Changshan. “停止搜查?藏经阁丢失了那么多珍贵典籍,难道就这么算了?”庄自游似乎还有些没缓过神来的,忍不住向南宫长山问道。 Ancient book loses might as well but actually, in the sect has the transcription to preserve, if these rare books there is a rumor that go out, but greatly is not wonderful. Supreme Elder so decided, naturally has its intention, I and others do not guess absurdly.” Peak Lord Nangong smiles to say. “典籍丢失倒无妨,宗内自有副本留存,只是若这些秘籍外传出去,可就大为不妙了。太上长老这般决定,自然有其用意,我等也就不要妄加揣测了。”南宫峰主笑了笑说道。 Although in his mouth is so saying, the doubts in heart have not actually reduced the slightest. 他口中虽然这般说着,心中的疑惑却没有减少分毫。 ...... …… In a while, the entire Cold Flame Sect disciple discovers a puzzled matter. 没过多久,整个冷焰宗的弟子就发现一件让人大惑不解之事。 In the sects two important places were robbed, in the sect actually stopped all tracing and searching suddenly. 宗内两处重要之地被盗,宗内却突然停止了一切追查和搜索。 Although everyone discusses spiritedly, but various peak Peak Lord keep mouth shut, appearance that seems not willing to discuss. 所有人虽然议论纷纷,但各峰峰主对此都是三缄其口,似乎都不愿多谈的样子。 Thereupon, a heaven-shaking important matter of such shock entire entrance, was so muddled in the past, let it go. 于是乎,这么一件震惊整个山门的惊天大事,就这么糊里糊涂过去,不了了之了。 But a series of accidents of Han Li this setter's in regarding the sect actually knows nothing, is only selfish hiding in the cave mansion, is estimating Little Dipper Essence Technique. 韩立这个始作俑者对于宗内发生的这一系列变故却是毫不知情,只是自顾自的躲在洞府中,揣摩着小北斗星元功 Before read in a hurry, now he more estimates, more thought that this cultivation technique measured mysteriously not, in the heart was also excited. 之前只是匆匆阅览,现在他越是揣摩,越是觉得此功法玄妙莫测,心中也是兴奋至极。 Then, he since stepping into immortal cultivation world, contacts has built up body cultivation technique much, some cultivation technique mainly quenching the muscle, some cultivation technique refine the bone, some exercise five main internal organs (entrails), are just like his cultivation five conceals hammers the elementary work. 说起来,他自踏入修仙界以来,也接触过不少炼体功法,有的功法主要淬炼筋肉,有的功法炼骨,还有一些锻炼五脏六腑,就好比他修炼过的五藏锻元功。 However this Little Dipper Essence Technique actually tries another method, cultivation is actually profound aperture. 然而这部小北斗星元功却是另辟蹊径,修炼的却是‘玄窍’。 What is profound aperture? 何为玄窍 Han Li is confused, on Little Dipper Essence Technique had not related in detail, but reads in the ancient book the cultivation process is actually mysterious incomparable, spent to understand with his vision experience for a long time. 韩立一头雾水,小北斗星元功上也没有细说,但看典籍上所述的修炼过程却是玄妙无比,以他的眼光见识也花了许久才堪堪参透。 Simply speaking, this merit, if can cultivation to great accomplishment, strength of the fist be able to break fully void, strength and compared with the common immortal, have no time to let much. 简单来说,此功若能修炼大成,一拳之力便足可破碎虚空,实力与一般仙人相比,更是不遑多让。 However with it relative, the drawback also has many. 不过与之相对的,弊端也有不少。 First is cultivation this merit process pain is then incomparable, the person of will insufficiently resolution is unable to insist finally. 首先便是修炼此功过程痛苦无比,心志不够坚定之人根本无法坚持到最后。 Is receives and instructs the strength of star light is quite difficult, after all the stars in the space and time deep place, are extremely remote, therefore this merit cultivation gets up also to cost the time extremely. 还有就是接引星光之力极为困难,毕竟星辰远在时空深处,太过遥远,故而此功修炼起来也极为耗费时间。 Han Li disregards directly, immediately then plans to begin cultivation. 韩立对此直接无视,当即便打算着手修炼 He first went out, until the next day comes back again, immediately all opens all restriction in cave mansion region. 他先是外出了一趟,直至第二天才再次回来,当即将洞府区域内的所有禁制悉数开启。 The following time, he captured in the cave mansion, chose an appropriate secret room, but also opened one to see the sky in the indoor crown directly large cave/hole. 接下来的时间,他在洞府中兜了一圈,选了一间合适的密室,还在室内顶部开了一个可以直接看到天空的大洞 After completing all these, Han Li sits cross-legged to sit, the static expiration and inspiration controls one's breathing. 做完这一切后,韩立就地盘膝而坐,静静吐纳调息起来。 cultivation this type from cultivation technique that Immortal World hands down, naturally wants body and mind magical power to restore to the optimum condition, behind various possible situations by manipulation. 修炼此种自仙界传下的功法,自然要身心法力恢复到最佳状态,以应付后面可能出现的各种情况。
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