RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#39: Passes on the edict

Old Ancestor Leng Yan melts virtual image to wave, one golden multi-colored sunlight one volume, curls up these clear powder before Han Li body all, changes into one group of light golden light float at present. 冷焰老祖所化虚影一挥手,一股金色霞光一卷而出,将韩立身前的那些晶莹粉末尽数卷起,化为一团淡淡金光的悬浮于眼前。 These are our sect secret cultivation technique jade memo, how to fall in your hands, is it possible that is your sneak into/submerge our sect Scriptures Pavilion cabinet, steals?” Elegantly beautiful old ancestor raising the head suddenly, the cold sound asked. “这些都是本宗的秘传功法玉简,怎会都落在你手里,莫非是你潜入本宗藏经阁内阁,偷出来的?”冷艳老祖蓦的抬起头,寒声问道。 Although these jade memo were changed into the fragment powder by Han Li, in its front, only needs a tiny bit the trace, can speculate content. 那些玉简虽然被韩立化为了齑粉,不过在其面前,只需一星半点的痕迹,也能推测出其中的内容。 Fellow Daoist Leng Yan does not need to lose one's temper, this matter can give you below a confession.” After the Han Li corners of the mouth twitch two next, sighed saying. 冷焰道友不必动怒,此事在下可以给你一个交代的。”韩立嘴角抽搐两下后,叹了一声的说道。 Bold, dares to discuss the junction with the this old man person of the same generation!” “大胆,也敢和老夫平辈论交!” Old Ancestor Leng Yan hears word is angry, how also without seeing its has to act, the forehead golden light puts suddenly greatly, innumerable corrugated crystal light flying volumes, condense one zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously big or small artificial flower with gold-foil virtual image. 冷焰老祖闻言大怒,也没有见其有如何动作,眉心处骤然间金光大放,无数波纹状的晶光一圈圈的飞卷而出,瞬间凝聚出一朵丈许大小的金花虚影 Under artificial flower with gold-foil revolving, the central flower bud place ray flashes slowly, projects one bunch of nearly transparent golden light beams to shoot at the Han Li head, speed quick inconceivable. 金花缓缓旋转下,中心花蕾处光芒一闪,射出一束近乎透明的金色光柱射向韩立头颅,速度快的不可思议。 The place visited, just like the static water surface void, exudes the intermittent ripples. 所过之处,虚空犹如静止的水面般,泛起阵阵涟漪。 Han Li stands in same place does not dodge does not evade, but raised the head slightly, the forehead crystal light flashes, similarly projects an invisible ripple, welcomed to that golden light beam. 韩立站在原地不闪不避,只是微微抬头,眉心处晶光一闪,同样从中射出一道无形波纹,迎向了那道金色光柱。 a light sound, shakes void fiercely, exudes a ripple. “噗”的一声轻响,虚空猛地一震,泛起一圈波纹。 The golden light beam just like hits anything to be common, from beginning to end disrupted layer upon layer, the invisible ripple was also defeated and dispersed. 金色光柱犹如撞到了什么东西一般,从头至尾层层碎裂开来,无形波纹也随之溃散开来。 Fast that all these have. 这一切发生的电光石火。 The Han Li clothing is only whistling pulls several, in addition, the whole person is slightly well, on the face has the light smile. 韩立衣衫只是呼呼扯动几下,除此之外,整个人丝毫无恙,脸上带着淡淡的笑容。 How...... possible? Is your excellency exiled immortal?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan body figure trembles, in the mouth broadcasts the unbelievable sound. “怎……怎么可能?阁下是嫡仙?”冷焰老祖身形一颤,口中传来难以置信的声音。 Although he is only Daoshen read virtual image here, and just now this struck not to execute the full power, but Great Ascension cultivator, still not possibly received even certainly superficially, let alone Nascent Soul Stage cultivator. 虽然他只是一道神念所化的虚影在此,且方才这一击并未施出全力,但即便是大乘修士,也绝无可能如此轻描淡写接下的,更何况一个元婴期修士 This only explained an issue, Han Li divine sense as if not under him! 这只说明了一个问题,韩立神识似乎不下于他! „Can Fellow Daoist Leng Yan, listen to say two below now?” Han Li asked lightly. 冷焰道友,现在可以听在下说两句了吗?”韩立淡淡问道。 Your excellency said why already achievement immortal industry, but must steal me to pass to the lower realm ancient book.” The Old Ancestor Leng Yan complexion changed Yin clearly several times, although somewhat was still disgruntled, but the tone actually relaxed much. “那阁下就说说,为何已成就仙业,还要盗取我传到下界典籍吧。”冷焰老祖脸色阴晴变化了几次,虽然仍有些不悦,但语气却缓和了不少。 this Han because of some reasons, wanders about destitute to this Spirit Domain World accidentally, is harmless regarding your sect. However I have the wound at this moment in the body, in the hand also does not have appropriate medicine pill, took some ancient books to your sect, wants to consider in detail one or two/just a little.” Han Li slowly such answered. 韩某因为一些缘故,偶然流落到这灵寰界,对于贵宗并无恶意。不过我此刻有伤在身,手中又没有合适的丹药,才到贵宗拿了一些典籍,想要参详一二的。”韩立缓缓的如此解释道。 „, Is this. Does not know where person Fellow Daoist Han is Immortal World?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan said for all that but the look twinkle, entirely does not believe to Han Li this words obviously. “哦,原来是这样。不知韩道友原先是仙界哪里人士?”冷焰老祖虽然如此说,但眼神闪烁,显然对韩立此话并不完全相信。 this Han stays temporarily this place, will not make to the your sect disadvantageous matter, similarly about below origin, the fellow daoist does not need to ask.” Saying of Han Li faint smile. 韩某暂时栖身此地,不会做出对贵宗不利的事情,同样关于在下的来历,道友也就不必多问了吧。”韩立似笑非笑的说道。 Old Ancestor Leng Yan snort/hum, a Han Li immortal appeared in Spirit Domain World bewilderedly, how he can not ask the details, but opposite party, if did not say, melts clone by oneself this wisp of divine thought, seems unable to do to the opposite party. 冷焰老祖哼了一声,韩立一个仙人莫名其妙出现在灵寰界,他怎能不问下底细,但对方若是不说,以自己这一缕神念所化分身,似乎也根本无法奈何对方。 Fellow Daoist relax/rest assured, below this time also calculates that received a fellow daoist favor. this Han can pledge in this, if Cold Flame Sect has anything to trouble, below can a make a move time.” Han Li unhurriedly saying. “道友放心,在下这次也算承了道友一份人情。韩某可以在此承诺,若是冷焰宗有什么麻烦,在下可以出手一次的。”韩立又不慌不忙的说道。 „Do Fellow Daoist Han this words take seriously?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan one hear of this words, in the heart move greatly. 韩道友此话当真?”冷焰老祖一听此话,心中大动。 Although he has placed Immortal World, but founds Cold Flame Sect that and carries forward naturally to treasure to oneself single-handedly, otherwise these years, will not bestow medicine pill cultivation technique at times. 他虽然已身处仙界,但是对自己一手创建并发扬光大的冷焰宗自然十分珍视,否则这些年,也不会时时赐下丹药功法 But Cold Flame Sect seems like that is powerful in the Spirit Domain World strength, is eye-catching and popular, but also not really has no more worries. 冷焰宗虽看似在灵寰界实力强悍,风光无限,但也并非真的高枕无忧的。 He is in Immortal World, even if has a mind to strive, could not handle too many things, but if had with is True Immortal Han Li make a move helps one another, the matter that can handle were many. 只是他身在仙界,即便有心出力,也做不了太多事情,但若是有同为真仙韩立出手相助,那能做的事情就多了。 ...... …… After two days, Cold Flame Sect, Holy Fire Peak back side of the mountain. 两日后,冷焰宗,圣火峰后山。 The purple bamboo grove deep place that mist wind around, is situated a simple and elegant unique grey tile yard. 一片雾气缭绕的紫色竹林深处,坐落着一座清雅别致的青瓦小院。 In the forest the black bamboo scattered distribution density sends, is seemingly common, actually has far-reaching idea. 林中紫竹错落分布疏密有致,看似寻常,实则暗藏玄机。 The position of here each clump of black bamboo, agrees without consultation magical array array base, tens of thousands of black bamboo continuous to become sea, constructed piece of unique array Heaven and Earth. 这里每一丛紫竹的位置,都暗合一处法阵阵脚,成千上万的紫竹连绵成海,就构筑起了一片独特的阵法天地 Black bamboo that here plants, is not a common bamboo, but can derive the lung hot bamboo of strength of fire, if carefully looks at the bamboo body, then can see under the purple bamboo skin, but also is distributing like the flame dark-red trace. 此处所植的紫竹,也并非寻常竹类,而是能汲取地火之力的肺火竹,若是仔细去看竹身,便能见到紫色竹皮下,还分布着一道道如同火焰般的暗红色纹路。 Had this bamboo sea lung fire great array, makes this region the entire Spirit Flame Mountain Range spiritual energy to be richest, the strength of fire most centralized is. 正是有了这竹海肺火大阵,才使得这片区域成为了整个灵焰山脉灵气最为浓郁,地火之力最为集中的所在。 That grey tile white wall four about the yard, are constructing above this great array array eye. 那座青瓦白墙的四合小院,就正建在这大阵阵眼之上。 At this moment, in that yard main room, a man who wears the purple long gown, is sitting cross-legged to sit above the rush cushion, close eyes cultivation. 此刻,在那小院主屋之内,一名身着紫色长袍的男子,正盘膝坐于蒲团之上,闭目修炼 This person of shawl long hair sparkling stone white such as snow, the appearance is pretty, forehead has shape together such as the purple mark of flame, seems like the 30 year-old, however the whole body hidden has the auspicious sign to wind around, reveals vigorous aura that made the person palpitation. 此人披肩长发莹白如雪,容貌清俊,眉心处有一道形如火焰的紫色印记,看起来不过而立之年,然周身隐有紫气缭绕,流露出一股令人心悸的雄浑气息。 On red sandalwood table of not far away before its, is putting a fine gold gold/metal copper incense burner, inside is burning the sandalwood, is having the curling light smoke to emit slowly. 在其身前不远处的一架紫檀案几上,放着一个鎏金紫铜香炉,里面燃着檀香,正有袅袅青烟从中徐徐冒出。 On table abutting wall, is hanging three chi (0.33 m) odd/surplus Chang scroll paintings, above diagrams a middle-aged man image. 案几紧靠的墙壁上,则挂着一幅三尺余长的画轴,上面绘有一中年男子图像。 The portrait line description is not careful, is very expressive, in the picture the person face is upright, both eyes are bright, the cheeks have dragon beard, the long body stands, the body coat robe ballooning, is disclosing solemn air/Qi slightly from top to bottom. 画像线条描绘并不如何细致,却十分传神,画中之人面孔方正,双目炯炯,脸颊微有虬须,长身而立,身上衣袍微微鼓胀,浑身上下透露着一股堂堂之气。 At this moment, the white hair middle-aged person eyes open suddenly, some look surprise look to the scroll paintings on wall. 就在这时,白发中年人双眼忽然睁开,神色有些诧异地望向墙壁上的画轴。 Sees only above the scroll paintings to transmit a strange fluctuation suddenly, ripple from above like the ripple fluctuation, in that picture the person as if lived unexpectedly generally, about body figure in a flash, then walked from the paper lightly. 只见画轴之上突然传来一阵奇异波动,一圈圈如同水纹般的波动从其上荡漾开来,那画中之人竟仿佛活过来了一般,身形左右一晃,便从纸上翩然走了出来。 The white hair middle-aged person stands up hastily, the body trembles is prostrating oneself in the place, respectful sound said: Welcomed old ancestor to arrive.” 白发中年人连忙站起身来,身子微颤着拜倒在地,恭声说道:“恭迎老祖降临。” Gets up, today I lower the incarnation, has the matter to exhort in you.” That person beckons with the hand to say. “起来吧,今日我降下化身,是有事要嘱咐于你。”那人摆了摆手说道。 The white hair middle-aged person then stands up, the look respectful relaxing the hands standing out of respect one side, awaits calmly its instruction. 白发中年人这才站起,神色恭敬的垂手肃立一旁,静待其指示。 Few days ago, some people stole into the Scriptures Pavilion incident, I have known.” Old Ancestor Leng Yan said slowly. “前些日子,有人偷入藏经阁一事,我已知晓。”冷焰老祖缓缓说道。 White hair middle-aged person hears sound, the heart is one tight, the frontal eminence has the faint trace cold sweat to seep out immediately, is wanting to open the mouth to explain several, listens to the opposite party to continue saying: This matter stops there, does not need to trace again.” 白发中年人闻声,心头又是一紧,额角顿时有丝丝冷汗渗出,正想要开口解释几句,就听对方继续说道:“此事就此作罢,不必再追查下去了。” old ancestor, this......” white hair middle-aged person hears sound is shocked immediately, cannot bear said scruple. 老祖,这……”白发中年人闻声顿时愣住,忍不住迟疑道。 However, Old Ancestor Leng Yan actually beckoned with the hand to break it to go the words, the lip opening and closing gets up. 然而,冷焰老祖却摆摆手打断了其接下去话语,嘴唇翕动起来。 Under the white hair middle-aged person listens respectfully, the complexion changes again and again, first is incomparably startled, transfers subsequently amazed, finally becomes actually pleasantly surprised. 白发中年人聆听之下,脸色一变再变,先是无比愕然,继而转为惊诧,最后却变得又惊又喜起来。
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