RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#38: Joy after sorrow

Two talisman that Han Li raises single-handed receive, later sat cross-legged to sit, clamped the black round bead to paste with two fingers in forehead. 韩立单手一扬的两张符箓收起,随后盘膝坐了下来,用两根手指夹着黑色圆珠贴在了眉心处。 The silver haze in sphere immediately one continuously departs from the bead body, in turn after its forehead slightly coils around, then submerges. 圆球中的银色烟气顿时一缕缕的从珠身中飞出,依次在其眉心处略一盘绕后,便没入其中。 Under these silver hazes examine carefully, is innumerable also wants the tiny small character compared with the housefly impressively, previously the Armor Essence Talisman puppet in these cultivation technique secret technique ancient books that Scriptures Pavilion peeped , was also entire Cold Flame Sect these years accumulation. 那些银色烟气细看之下,赫然是无数比蚊蝇还要细小的小字,正是先前甲元符傀儡在藏经阁所窥视到的那些功法秘术典籍,也是整个冷焰宗这么多年来的积累。 So many contents, even by Han Li the strength of powerful divine soul, the complete absorption is is completely all of a sudden impossible. 这么多内容,即便以韩立的强大神魂之力,一下子全部吸收也是完全不可能的。 However he is not anxious, some are the time studies slowly. 不过他也不急,有的是时间慢慢研究。 Time points pasts, Han Li always sat in meditation motionless, sat for three days and three nights. 时间一点点过去,韩立始终静坐不动,就这么坐了三天三夜。 Until early morning of fourth day, he opens the eye slowly, the brow slightly wrinkle. 直至第四天的清晨,他才缓缓睁开眼睛,眉头微皱。 Although these ancient books some are quite exquisite, some wonderful ideas make him unable to bear acclaim, but to present him, is not useful. 这些典籍虽然有的颇为精妙,有些奇思妙想让他也忍不住赞叹,不过对现在的他来说,都没有什么用。 Han Li shakes the head, after the black round bead receives, the sleeve robe shakes, the ground presented 30 - 40 jade memo, these that the armor Yuan puppet final moment takes. 韩立摇了摇头,将黑色圆珠收起后,袖袍一抖,地上出现了三四十玉简,正是甲元傀儡最后关头取走的那些。 His vision has swept on these jade memo slowly, the facial expression is somewhat complex, hopes that can find in these jade memo to his useful thing. 他目光在这些玉简上徐徐扫过,神情有些复杂,希望能在这些玉简中找到对他有用的东西吧。 So thinking, Han Li is taking up jade memo, divine sense searches into gradually. 如此想着,韩立拿起一枚玉简,神识渐渐探入其中。 So crossed entire day. 如此又过了整整一天。 When Han Li divine sense pulls out from last jade memo, in the eye not mince revealed the disappointed color. 韩立神识从最后一枚玉简中抽离时,眼中毫不掩饰的露出了失望之色。 In this 30 - 40 jade memo mostly recorded some profound mysterious cultivation technique, but not to his useful thing of present. 三四十玉简里大多记载了一些高深玄奥的功法,不过还是没有对如今的他有用的东西。 Han Li smiles bitterly, oneself go through all the complications from Lane Cold Flame Sect comes so many ancient books, almost alarmed entire sect, in the end comes to naught. 韩立苦笑一声,自己费尽周折从冷焰宗来这么多典籍,几乎惊动了整个宗门,到头来还是一场空。 He shakes the head, the sleeve robe caresses, prepares to destroy all these jade memo. 他摇了摇头,袖袍一抚,准备将这些玉简尽数毁去。 Although he had just inspected, above should not leave behind restriction that anything can trace, but this Spirit Domain World has innate auspicious sign type of strange thing, difficult insurance not to have anything including the method that oneself are unable to discover, good that ruins. 虽然他刚刚检查过了,上面应该没有留下什么可以追踪的禁制,但这灵寰界有先天紫气这种稀奇古怪之物,难保不会有什么连自己都无法发现的手段,还是毁掉的好。 Well!” Han Li suddenly is startled. “咦!”韩立忽的一怔。 More than 30 jade memo changed into pile of fragment powders, but seemingly ordinary faint yellow jade memo unexpectedly is perfect. 三十余枚玉简化为了一堆齑粉,但其中一枚看似普通的淡黄色玉简竟然完好无损。 He slightly hesitates, curious takes up this jade memo, gathers to look at carefully at present carefully. 他略一沉吟,好奇的拿起这玉简,凑到眼前仔细端详起来。 Just this superficial caressed, was the fine iron also broke to pieces together, this small jade memo point was all right unexpectedly. 刚刚这轻描淡写的一抚,就是一块精铁也碎了,这小小一枚玉简竟然一点没事。 However the jade memo extraordinary place, has not been only the common jade manufacture, the content that inside records he has also looked, but building up body cultivation technique that suits Void Refinement Stage cultivation. 不过玉简并没有出奇的地方,只是寻常玉石制作,里面记载的内容他也看过了,只是一门适合炼虚期修炼的炼体功法罢了。 Han Li looks at yellow jade memo, the finger makes an effort to pinch slightly. 韩立看着黄色玉简,手指微微用力一捏。 Yellow jade memo surface suddenly appears the one/1st level/layer stars light brilliance, resisted his strength. 黄色玉简表面忽的浮现出一层星辰般的淡淡光辉,抵挡住了他的力道。 His eye slightly bright, stopped the hand, that star light also vanishes immediately. 他眼睛微亮,停下了手,那星光顿时也随之消失。 In this thing really has mysteriously! 此物上果然另有玄妙! restriction that he can sense/telepathy, that star light not be used to trace. 他能感应到,那星光并不是用来追踪的禁制 Han Li looks in the hand jade memo, the intention is moving, divine sense searches into again. 韩立看着手中玉简,心念一动,神识再次探入其中。 In this thing has mysteriously, cultivation technique that inside records is possibly out of the ordinary, perhaps he had not discovered before. 此物上另有玄妙,里面记载的功法可能非同凡响,他之前或许是没有发现。 Finally, he carefully looked at 3 - 4 to spread inside cultivation technique content from beginning to end, even also tried cultivation, finally had not discovered thing that anything hid. 结果,他将里面的功法内容从头到尾仔细看了三四遍,甚至还尝试修炼了一下,结果还是没有发现什么隐藏的东西。 Was I wants to be many......” “难道是我想多了……” Han Li muttered, some did not lose heart, the forehead crystal light flashed, huge divine sense flew to shoot, wrapped jade memo, investigated inch by inch again carefully. 韩立喃喃自语,又有些不死心,眉心晶光一闪,一股庞大神识飞射而出,包裹住了玉简,一寸一寸再次仔细探查起来。 On at this moment, the jade memo star light appears again, sends out a swallowing strength, swallowed its divine sense unexpectedly continuously. 就在此刻,玉简上的星光再次浮现,散发出一股吞噬之力,竟将其神识源源不断吞噬了进去。 The jade memo surface appears golden light. 紧接着,玉简表面浮现出一点金光。 Han Li is first startled, but subsequently is one happy, has not taken back divine sense, whatever jade memo swallows. 韩立先是大吃一惊,但继而又是一喜,没有收回神识,任凭玉简吞噬。 With the lapse of time, his complexion gets up gradually with amazement. 随着时间的推移,他的脸色渐渐骇然起来。 A jade memo as if bottomless pit, had swallowed the strength of his divine sense about 1/5, and also dissatisfied appearance, but that golden light, turned into the broad bean size. 玉简仿佛一个无底洞,已经将他的神识之力吞噬了将近五分之一,并且还不满足的样子,而那点金光,也变成了蚕豆大小。 His present divine sense is damaged, only remains about 10% of Peak period, but as a result of the cultivation cultivation technique reason, has no time to let compared with the common immortal, this jade memo swallowed the strength of so many divine sense unexpectedly. 他现在神识受损,只剩巅峰时期的10%左右,但由于修炼功法缘故,比起寻常仙人也不遑多让,这玉简竟然吞噬了这么多神识之力。 Although later exempts can not probably spend a lot of time to restore, but his slightly consideration, then continued still it to swallow. 虽然之后免不得要花费不少时间来恢复,但他只是略一考虑,便继续仍其吞噬起来。 After the moment, astonishing appeared! 片刻后,惊人的一幕出现了! As the golden light on jade memo are getting more and more, and after flooding entire jade memo, gradually formed a golden design of Big Dipper. 随着玉简上的金光越来越多,并充斥整块玉简后,逐渐形成了一个北斗七星的金色图案。 But the strength of swallowing at this time, jade memo sends out also terminates suddenly. 而此时,玉简散发出的吞噬之力也突然终止。 Han Li relaxes, being overjoyed takes up brand-new jade memo, divine sense searches into again, cannot help but the eye stares. 韩立松了口气,大喜过望的拿起全新的玉简,神识再次探入其中,不由得眼睛一瞪。 The content in jade memo, changes at this moment impressively, the original innumerable yellow small characters vanish, appear the big piece golden color typeface. 玉简里的内容,此刻也赫然改变,原先的无数黄色小字消失,浮现出大片金色字体。 This......” Han Li is startled, read hastily fast. “这……”韩立一怔,连忙飞快阅读起来。 Passed the quarter of an hour, he raised the head, in the eye full is the happy expression. 足足过了一刻钟,他才抬起头,眼中满是喜色。 What in jade memo golden small character record is one refining up the body mystique, named Little Dipper Essence Technique. 玉简中金色小字记载的是一门炼体秘法,名为“小北斗星元功”。 According to Old Ancestor Leng Yan keeps information, this cultivation technique is not Spirit Domain World all, but is typical Immortal World cultivation technique, after is old ancestor ascended, looks specially, passed to lower realm. 冷焰老祖留在其中的信息所述,此功法并非灵寰界所有,而是地地道道的仙界功法,乃是老祖飞升后特意找来,传到了下界 It is noteworthy that when this law cultivation depends upon is not the Heaven and Earth spirit strength, but through condensing the strength of star light enters the body, quenchings the mortal body. 值得注意的是,此法修炼时依靠的不是天地灵力,而是通过凝聚星光之力入体,淬炼肉身。 Entire cultivation technique is divided into seven/7th level, every time realizes one/1st level/layer, then can condense profound aperture, seven/7th level then can condense seven big profound aperture completely, realizes the body of true pole, builds Profound Immortal in legend. 整部功法分为七层,每练成一层,便能凝聚出一个玄窍,七层圆满便能凝聚出七大玄窍,练成真极之躯,修成传说中的玄仙 His moment Nascent Soul variation, is unable to use Heaven and Earth spiritual energy cultivation, but the strength of star light could try. 他此刻元婴变异,无法利用天地灵气修炼,但是星光之力或许可以一试的。 However Old Ancestor Leng Yan in selects finally specially, quenches the body by the strength of star light, frequently must suffer the star light to puncture the greatest pain of body. 不过冷焰老祖在最后特别点出,以星光之力淬体,时时刻刻要遭受星光刺体的莫大痛苦。 And this merit unorthodox cultivation technique, can strengthen the mortal body sharply, is actually not able to adopt this merit to promote magical power cultivation base, does not want to set at the deathtrap then living, does not presumptuously think cultivation this cultivation technique, after building , can only walk away compared with the road of ordinary immortal more difficult Profound Immortal. 且此功非正统功法,能大幅强化肉身,却无法通过此功来增进法力修为,不是想置死地而后生者,就不妄想修炼功法,修成后也只能走远比普通仙人更加艰难的玄仙之路了。 Most importantly, cultivation this merit not only it need certain tyranical mortal body is the foundation, but must tow the strength of star light to enter the body by powerful divine sense, therefore the divine sense insufficiently powerful person, is unable similarly cultivation this cultivation technique. 最重要的,修炼此功不仅本身需要一定强横肉身为基础,还要以强大神识来牵引星光之力入体,故而神识不够强大之人,同样无法修炼功法 But Old Ancestor Leng Yan initially handed down this cultivation technique from Immortal World the time, then established special restriction on jade memo, only then had enough divine sense person to be able break/solve to see Little Dipper Essence Technique cultivation technique. 冷焰老祖当初从仙界传下此功法的时候,便在玉简上设定了特殊禁制,只有拥有足够神识的人才能破解看到小北斗星元功功法 Han Li got hold of jade memo, in the heart slightly excited, has feeling of the joy after sorrow. 韩立握紧了玉简,心中微微兴奋,颇有种柳暗花明之感。 This Little Dipper Essence Technique as if customizes general for him, although on jade memo said that the cultivation getting up pain is unusual, but he not slightly hesitant. 小北斗星元功仿佛为他量身定做一般,虽然玉简上说修炼起来痛苦异常,不过他也没有丝毫犹豫。 However at this moment, hand jade memo disruption suddenly, changes into one group of dazzling golden light. 不过就在此刻,手中的玉简忽的碎裂开来,化为一团刺目金光。 Han Li sees this, the pupil shrinks, looks up. 韩立见此,瞳孔一缩,抬头望去。 Golden light float in midair, a slightly distortion, transforms a golden form, is actually the tall and powerfully built middle-aged man, the upright face, the cheeks have dragon beard, a solemn air/Qi. 金光悬浮在半空,微一扭曲,幻化出一个金色身影,却是个身材魁梧的中年男子,方正面孔,脸颊微有虬须,给人一种堂堂之气。 In Han Li heart one startled, at present this person of he in sect Neijian the portrait, is that Old Ancestor Leng Yan! 韩立心中一惊,眼前这人他在宗内见过画像,正是那冷焰老祖 Good! Good! Good! My painstaking care has not been wasted finally, finally some people can break/solve this restriction! Which peak disciple are you? Names?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan looks to Han Li, asked with a smile. “好!好!好!我的一番心血总算没有白费,终于有人可以破解禁制了!你是哪一峰弟子?叫什么名字?”冷焰老祖看向韩立,含笑问道。 „...... In the Han Li heart the thought racing below”, plans first to deceive. “在下……”韩立心中念头急转,打算先糊弄过去。 At present this person is that old ancestor leaves behind divine sense to melt clone obviously, but also gave his big constriction, perhaps strength no small matter. 眼前这人显然是那老祖留下神识所化分身,但是也给了他不小的压迫感,恐怕战力非同小可。 Well!” Old Ancestor Leng Yan suddenly light well, interrupted the Han Li words, the vision sized up Han Li up and down, the look suddenly one coldly, asked: “咦!”冷焰老祖忽的轻咦一声,打断了韩立的话,目光上下打量韩立,眼神骤然一冷,问道: How doesn't your body have the half a point our sect cultivation technique aura? Is it possible that isn't the inner gate being in direct line disciple?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan look cold several points, asked. “你的身上怎么没有半分本宗功法气息?莫非不是内门嫡传弟子?”冷焰老祖眼神冷了几分,问道。 Opens reports old ancestor, just joined the sect guest official elder below recently, did not have cultivation sect any cultivation technique with enough time.” In the Han Li heart a brow wrinkle, the surface said hastily. “启禀老祖,在下是最近刚刚加入宗门的客卿长老,还没有来得及修炼宗门任何功法。”韩立心中眉头一皱,表面却连忙说道。 Guest official elder? How will Outer Sect Elder attain Little Dipper Essence Technique jade memo?” Old Ancestor Leng Yan cold sound shouts a question. “客卿长老?一个外门长老怎么会拿到小北斗星元功玉简?”冷焰老祖冷声喝问。 Han Li is at a loss for words for a while. 韩立不禁一时语塞。 A Old Ancestor Leng Yan vision revolution, looks to the Han Li under foot. 冷焰老祖目光一转,看向韩立脚下。 There has one pile of clear powder. 那里有一堆晶莹的粉末。 Han Li sees this, on the face the look is usual, in the heart shouts bad secretly. 韩立见此,脸上神色如常,心中却是暗呼一声糟糕。
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