RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#37: Withdrawing

Young thief dares!” “小贼尔敢!” Dares to read my Cold Flame Sect rare book secretly, suffers to death!” “胆敢偷阅我冷焰宗秘籍,受死!” The plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest and tall and thin male index zi wants to crack, in the mouth angrily roars simultaneously, the former turns the hand to take out yellow jade token, fiercely in a flash. 白胖僧人与高瘦男子目眦欲裂,口中同时一声怒吼,前者翻手取出一块黄色玉牌,猛地一晃。 Chī la 嗤啦 The jade token surface projects together yellow glow, flashes falling that passes to coat in the yellow light. 玉牌表面射出一道黄芒,一闪即逝的落在黄色光罩上。 The light cover splits from the middle immediately, reveals together about two zhang (3.33 m) passageway. 光罩顿时从中间分裂,露出一道两丈左右的通道 Two people of body figure fly to shoot, plunges inside that person shadow. 二人身形飞射而出,扑向里面的那道人影 In the meantime, person's shadow suddenly lifts the hand, in the mouth reads aloud the incantation, directs. 就在此时,人影忽的一抬手,口中诵咒,一指点出。 Departs from his fingertip together black light immediately, hits on that middle white jade column. 一道黑光顿时从其指尖飞出,打在那中间的白色玉柱上。 restriction rune on jade column shines immediately all, the yellow light cover radiance puts immediately greatly, sprays the innumerable yellow multi-colored sunlight, like lightning in volume two Void Refinement cultivator that places the midair. 玉柱上的禁制符文顿时尽数亮起,黄色光罩立刻光华大放,喷射出无数黄色霞光,闪电般卷中了两个身处半空的炼虚修士 Two people as if fell into the swamp immediately general, body suddenly heavy hundred times, lifting starts is quite difficult. 二人顿时仿佛陷入了沼泽中一般,身体陡然沉重了百倍,抬一下手都极为困难。 „It is not good, this had been modified!” The tall and thin man said in great surprise. “不好,此阵被改动过了!”高瘦男子大惊道。 Your actually who? How to control here restriction?” The plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest complexion is gloomy, the anger shouted. “你究竟何人?怎会操控此处禁制?”白胖僧人面色阴沉,怒喝道。 The person's shadow pays no attention slightly, divine sense read jade memo fast, two pinched finger joints with the thumb unceasingly, hits on the white stone column. 人影丝毫不理,神识飞快阅读玉简,两手则是不断掐诀,打在白色石柱上。 The yellow multi-colored sunlight fluctuates immediately, is centered on two Void Refinement cultivator revolves, forms two yellow vortex, imprisons stubbornly their bodies. 黄色霞光立刻波动起来,以两个炼虚修士为中心旋转起来,形成两个黄色漩涡,死死将他们的身体禁锢住。 Two people angry roar again and again, struggle furiously, simultaneously in the hand the magical treasure ray twinkle, makes grayish white light beam and azure sword Qi, tries to work loose from the yellow multi-colored sunlight, how whatever two people attack crazily, is unable to work loose the slightest. 两人怒吼连连,奋力挣扎,同时手中法宝光芒闪烁,打出一道道灰白光束和青色剑气,试图从黄色霞光中挣脱出来,不过任凭二人如何狂攻,也无法挣脱分毫。 In two people of hearts air/Qi and anxious, this yellow red clouds restriction to cope with foreign enemy, now does not know how unexpectedly trouble starting near at hand, instead became surrounded own big trouble. 二人心中是又气又急,这黄霞禁制原本是为了对付外敌,如今不知怎么竟变生肘腋,反而成了困住自己的大麻烦。 At this moment, a 7 - 8 form swarms to enter from outside, are to several Divine Transformation Stage patrol teams leader. 就在此刻,七八道身影从外面蜂拥而入,正是冲进来的几名化神期的巡逻队长。 Several people see inside situation, is dumbfounded. 几人一看到里面的情况,更是目瞪口呆起来。 However they responded quickly, lifted hand wielding each article magical treasure in abundance, hit toward yellow red clouds restriction, tried to defeat it, rescues two Void Refinement cultivator. 不过他们很快反应过来,纷纷抬手祭出一件件法宝,朝着黄霞禁制打去,试图将其击破,救出两个炼虚修士 Stop, cannot hit!” The plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest complexion changes, calls out in alarm said. “住手,打不得!”白胖僧人脸色一变,惊呼道。 However is late, 7 - 8 said that magical treasure bombardment on yellow red clouds, yellow red clouds trembles immediately. 不过已经迟了,七八法宝轰击在黄霞上,黄霞立刻震颤起来。 But on simultaneously, yellow red clouds exudes the grinding pan sizes the bubble. 但就在同时,黄霞上泛起一个个磨盘大小的鼓包。 Puff several, the 7 - 8 strip tentacle multi-colored sunlight flies to shoot like lightning, the cling several people, then retracted fiercely, drew in it the multi-colored sunlight. “噗噗”几声,七八条触手般的霞光闪电般飞射而出,卷住了几人,然后猛地缩回,将其拖进了霞光之中。 Several people of cultivation base are inferior to two Void Refinement cultivator, now was covered by the multi-colored sunlight cannot move. 几人修为不如两名炼虚修士,如今被霞光笼罩更是丝毫动弹不得了。 Damn!” The plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest angrily roars. “该死!”白胖僧人怒吼。 „Can you inform the situation of sect this place?” The tall and thin man said to that several patrol teams leader. “你们可通知了宗门此地的情况?”高瘦男子对那几个巡逻队长道。 „...... The notice......” that several Chief Divine Transformation has opened mouth is very difficult, difficult saying. “已经……通知……”那几个化神队长张嘴都很困难,艰难的说道。 Two Void Refinement cultivator hears word, a complexion loosen, turn the head to look to that person shadow. 两个炼虚修士闻言,脸色一松,转头看向那道人影 The person's shadow still in unceasing breaking open cist restriction, read jade memo on cabinet fast, the speed was extremely fast, this moment time, had read the most appearance the cabinet ancient book. 人影还在不断的破开石柜禁制,飞快阅读柜子上的一块块玉简,速度极快,这片刻功夫,已把内阁典籍看了大半的样子。 Although two people in heart anxious extremely, but presents everyone to be surrounded by yellow red clouds restriction, can only look helplessly, means do not have. 二人虽然心中焦急万分,不过在场所有人都被黄霞禁制困住,只能眼睁睁看着,一点办法也没有。 Who is so bold!” “何人如此大胆!” At this moment, thunders angry roaring transmits from outside, moves mountains to come, the entire main hall air trembles fiercely, the yellow multi-colored sunlight was also shaken by the roar. 就在此刻,一声打雷般的怒吼从外面传来,排山倒海而来,整个大殿空气剧烈震颤起来,黄色霞光也被吼声撼动。 Several people of both ears in yellow red clouds restriction humming sound the straight sound, the complexion was shaken palely, but the facial expression is actually the great happiness. 黄霞禁制中的十几人双耳嗡嗡直响,脸色被震得苍白,不过神情却是大喜。 Is standing the person's shadow movement one before some cist stiff, looked at one toward outside, immediately forehead vertical eye puts black light greatly. 正站在某个石柜前的人影动作一僵,朝着外面看了一眼,随即眉心竖目黑光大放。 Xiū Xiū Xiū! 咻咻咻 Several black Guangfei shoots, restriction of three cists will not have read with enough time also crush. 数道乌光飞射而出,将还没有来得及阅读的三个石柜的禁制同时击碎。 Bang! 轰! A red person's shadow flies to shoot to come from the front door, is actually a red hair guy. 一个赤色人影从大门飞射而来,却是一个红发大汉。 This person best pupil is two zhang (3.33 m), a majestic as if iron tower, wears scarlet magical robe, above is burning the flaming flame, the entire main hall falls into the fearsome high temperature instantaneously. 此人身高足有两丈,雄壮的仿佛一尊铁塔,身穿一件赤红法袍,上面燃烧着熊熊火焰,整个大殿瞬间陷入可怖高温中。 The huge pressure sends out from the guy, impressively is Integration Stage great expert. 庞大威压从大汉身上散发开来,赫然是一个合体期大能 Evildoer, accept you coming fate!” “贼子,纳命来!” The red hair guy vision sweeps, looks to the person's shadow, the eye seems burning, in the mouth exudes one to angrily roar. 红发大汉目光一扫,看向人影,眼睛仿佛在燃烧,口中发出一声怒吼。 He grasps single-handed, a great sword of combustion flies to shoot, in a flash changes into dozens zhang (3.33 m), having the imposing manner of quarrying a mountain crack sea to cut above the yellow guard/shield. 他单手一抓,一柄燃烧的巨剑飞射而出,一晃化为数十丈大小,带着开山裂海的气势斩在黄色护罩之上。 The big piece yellow multi-colored sunlight appears, welcomed toward the great sword, tried to resist, but has not bumped into the great sword, then by flame combustion tearing of sword blade. 大片黄色霞光浮现而出,朝着巨剑迎去,试图抵挡,不过还没碰到巨剑,便被剑身的火焰燃烧撕裂。 “喀啦” The flame great sword cuts ruthlessly on the yellow guard/shield, the guard/shield appears immediately the innumerable cracks, but does not have thoroughly shatter, kept off this to strike. 火焰巨剑狠狠斩在黄色护罩上,护罩立刻浮现出无数裂纹,但没有彻底破碎,挡下了这一击。 In the meantime, the person's shadow wields single-handed, sends out a suction. 就在此时,人影单手一挥,发出一股吸力。 jade memo on three cist fly to shoot to come immediately, steady falling in this person of hand, turned the hand to receive by it. 三个石柜上的玉简立刻飞射而来,稳稳的落在此人手中,被其翻手收起。 The red hair guy sees with own eyes this scenery, flies into a rage, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the flame great sword rose suddenly in a big way one time, leapt several feet high flame. 红发大汉眼见此景,勃然大怒,手中掐诀,火焰巨剑陡然涨大了一倍,腾起数丈高的火焰。 Yellow guard/shield bang, thorough disruption. 黄色护罩“砰”的一声,彻底碎裂。 That two Void Refinement cultivator and numerous Divine Transformation cultivator only think that a body figure loosen, finally regained the freedom. 那两个炼虚修士和一众化神修士只觉身形一松,终于恢复了自由。 Flame great sword , to continue to divide to cut toward the black person's shadow slightly under. 火焰巨剑微微一顿,继续朝着黑色人影劈斩而下。 The person's shadow raised the head fiercely, forehead vertical eye ray hold, inside appears greatly innumerable black rune, the thick black light flies to shoot together, hits on the great sword. 人影猛地抬头,眉心竖目光芒大盛,里面浮现出无数黑色符文,一道粗大乌光从中飞射而出,打在巨剑上。 Bang, black light explodes! “砰”的一声,乌光爆裂开来! Flame fiercely on great sword, dissipation most, simultaneously the surroundings space exudes ripples, making the great sword stop in the midair, is unable to fall. 巨剑上的火焰猛地一顿,消散大半,同时周围空间泛起道道涟漪,使得巨剑停在了半空,无法落下。 Break-and-Destroy Magical Eye!” The red hair guy is startled. 破灭法目!”红发大汉一惊。 Person's shadow two pinch finger joints with the thumb, in the mouth mumbled, the body surface appeared suddenly the big piece purple electric light, proliferated fiercely, self-centered changed into Thunder and Lightning Array, in magical array ray greatly hold, had the thunderclap loud sound, making the person's shadow somewhat blur. 人影两手掐诀,口中念念有词,体表陡然浮现出大片紫色电光,猛地扩散开来,以自己为中心化为一个雷电法阵,法阵内光芒大盛,发出霹雳巨响,使得人影有些模糊起来。 Where runs!” “哪里跑!” The red hair guy voices a wildness, the flame on great sword leaps again, the sword blade trembles, suddenly divides into two. 红发大汉发出一声狂怒,巨剑上的火焰再次腾起,剑身一颤,突然一分为二。 Cuts together suddenly with flame sword image that the great sword size is similar, the speed unexpectedly was quickly great the sword compared with the flame several times, divided on Thunder and Lightning Array. 一道和巨剑大小相仿的火焰剑影陡然斩下,速度竟比火焰巨剑快了数倍,劈在雷电法阵上。 Bang a loud sound, the dazzling red light explodes, wild air current spreads to go toward the surroundings. “轰”的一声巨响,刺目之极的红光爆裂开来,一股狂暴气流朝着周围扩散而去。 Two Void Refinement cultivator body big quakes, draw back several steps talent coming to a stop bodies toward behind continually, that 7 - 8 Divine Transformation patrol team leader is knees soft direct kneeling down, the whole body protects the body miraculous glow to tremble crazily, is unable to stand. 两个炼虚修士身躯大震,朝着后面连退几步才站稳身体,那七八化神巡逻队长更是双膝一软的直接跪下,周身护体灵光狂颤,根本无法站立了。 The red light scatters, the ground was cut together the deep gash, but that black person's shadow has actually vanished. 红光飘散开来,地面被斩出一道深深深痕,不过那个黑色人影却已经消失。 Everyone complexion changes, under look at each other in blank dismay, looks toward the red hair guy. 所有人脸色一变,面面相觑之下,朝着红发大汉看去。 The red hair guy complexion is pale, in both eyes the anger ascends. 红发大汉脸色铁青,双目中怒火升腾。 At this moment, Han Li cave mansion secret room central place. 此时此刻,韩立的洞府密室中央处。 In the ground portrays purple great array, the faint trace electricity glow is spreading in great array, Han Li both eyes shut tightly, sit cross-legged to sit by great array. 地面上刻画着一个紫色大阵,丝丝电芒在大阵中流传,韩立双目紧闭,盘膝坐在大阵旁。 Purple great array suddenly ray one bright, sends out the dazzling electric light, a thunderclap loud sound, in inside is reappeared by the person's shadow that the black air/Qi wraps. 紫色大阵陡然光芒一亮,散发出耀眼的电光,一声霹雳巨响,一个被黑气包裹的人影在里面浮现而出。 Han Li both eyes open suddenly, in the eye flashes through a happy expression, waves to make together magical formula. 韩立双目骤然睁开,眼中闪过一丝喜色,挥手打出一道法诀 Black person's shadow body Zhou Heiqi dissipates fast, reveals an all over the body silver light shining armed soldier, both eyes are wooden, is actually rune/symbol soldier/weapon. 黑色人影身周黑气飞快消散,露出一个通体银光灿灿的甲士,双目木然,却是一个符兵。 Silver armed soldier half body destruction, the body is at the point of death, already nearly appearance of collapse. 银色甲士此刻半边身体毁坏,身上气息奄奄,已经近乎崩溃的样子。 The Han Li single-handed move, 20-30 jade memo fly to shoot from the armed soldier, falls in his hands. 韩立单手一招,20-30块玉简从甲士身上飞射而出,落在其手中。 He receives these jade memo, then puts out a hand a direction in the armed soldier forehead. 他将这些玉简一收,然后伸手一指点在甲士眉心。 Sees only its forehead to flash black light, a black round bead of egg size flew from inside, inside has silver air current to flow slowly. 只见其眉心处黑光一闪,一个鸡蛋大小的黑色圆珠从里面飞了出来,里面有一股银色气流缓缓流动。 Meanwhile, armed soldier ray flashes, the physique collapses, changes into incomplete silver talisman and purple talisman, falls gently. 与此同时,甲士身上光芒一闪,形体崩溃,化为一张残缺银色符箓和一张紫色符箓,同时飘落。 This silver talisman Armor Essence Talisman, purple talisman is Supreme Clear Transformation Talisman, was Han Li days before secretly sneak into/submerge Heavenly Talisman Hall, stole inside material refinement. 这银色符箓正是甲元符,紫色符箓则是太一化清符,正是韩立前几日偷偷潜入天符堂,盗取里面的材料炼制而成的。 What a pity this Armor Essence Talisman is damaged is too big, was unable to use again. 可惜这甲元符受损太大,已经无法再用了。
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