RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#36: Perpetrating a fraud

In two Void Refinement cultivator are still terribly suspicious and fearful, that person's shadow has appeared in a black palace. 就在两个炼虚修士兀自疑神疑鬼之际,那人影已出现在了一座黑色殿堂之中。 This palace space is not big, only then 20-30 zhang (3.33 m), the middle is towering a thick white jade column, on the stone column inscribed innumerable rune, the gentle yellow ray from stone column top pipe sending out, forms but actually bowl yellow light screen, in a piece of region cage in inside, may distinguish vaguely is putting more than ten red light misty stone cabinets, but being able to see clearly inside thing of placing, seems somewhat mysterious. 这殿堂空间不大,只有20-30丈大小,中间耸立着一根粗大白色玉柱,石柱上铭刻了无数符文,柔和的黄色的光芒从石柱顶管散发而出,形成一个倒碗型的黄色光幕,将一片区域笼在里面,依稀可辨里面放着十几个红光濛濛的石头柜子,但看不清里面摆放之物,显得有些神秘。 The person's shadow stands in same place, has not strided forward, carefully looks at the present yellow light screen, the both eyes appearing intermittently blue glow. 人影站在原地,没有迈步前进,仔细看着眼前的黄色光幕,双目隐现蓝芒。 After the moment, its one waves, dozens fly to shoot black light, is actually black array flag, wrong, if has to falling around yellow guard/shield, then both hands pinch finger joints with the thumb, black light beams depart from surrounding array flag, links up into a single stretch in the midair, forms bigger hemispheroid pale black light screen, the entire yellow light cover will cover below. 片刻后,其一挥手,数十道黑光飞射而出,却是一根根黑色阵旗,错若有致的落在黄色护罩四周,接着双手一掐诀,一道道黑色光柱从周围的阵旗中飞出,在半空连成一片,形成一个更大的半球形淡黑色光幕,将整个黄色光罩笼罩在下面。 The yellow light cover occupies in the main hall about half space, the pale black light screen almost flooded the entire main hall. 黄色光罩原本已经占据了大殿内近半的空间,淡黑色光幕更是几乎充斥了整个大殿。 The person's shadow opens the mouth spouts cyanogen, fell coats on the yellow light, tries to break open a hole with before same. 人影张口喷出一股青气,落在黄色光罩上,试图和之前一样破开出一个洞来。 What the result comes as a surprise to its is, when the cyanogen corrodes a palm of the hand size the hole, the light cover surface the ray puts immediately greatly, the innumerable yellow multi-colored sunlight emerge out of thin air, wraps impressively this group of cyanogens. 结果出乎其意料的是,当青气堪堪腐蚀出一个巴掌大小的孔洞,光罩表面立刻光芒大放,无数黄色霞光凭空出现,赫然将这团青气包裹起来。 Meanwhile, light cover center the rune design on white jade stone column fiercely one bright. 与此同时,光罩中心的白玉石柱上的符文图案猛地一亮。 A yellow light cover surface ray hold, the innumerable dazzling slender yellow gassed threads appeared, tied down that group of cyanogens, then ruthlessly. 黄色光罩表面光芒一盛,无数耀眼的纤细黄色光丝浮现,缠住了那团青气,然后狠狠一勒。 The cyanogen was cut the innumerable disruption to scatter immediately, but the yellow multi-colored sunlight also abates fast, the hole that before presented also closed such as beginning. 青气顿时被切割成无数块的碎裂飘散,而黄色霞光也飞快消退,之前出现的孔洞随之弥合如初。 The person's shadow sees with own eyes this scenery, aloof, as if not surprised, its vision stared at that white jade stone column to look for a long time, turned the hand takes out array flag that more than ten colors varied again. 人影眼见此景,无动于衷,似乎没有怎么惊讶,其目光盯着那白玉石柱看了许久,翻手再取出了十几杆颜色各异的阵旗 The one waves, all array flag all float in midair, arranged a strange oval-shape array, was seemingly chaotic, actually concealed mysteriously. 其一挥手,所有阵旗尽数悬浮在半空,排列成了一个古怪的椭圆形阵列,看似杂乱无章,却又隐含玄妙。 As person's shadow two pinch finger joints with the thumb fast, in the hand flashes black light. 随着人影两手飞快掐诀,手中黑光闪动不已。 Several array flag also bloom the assorted ray, just like javelins, strikes in the yellow light coats, such as the nail toward in facing set, encircled one zhang (3.33 m) generally the big or small region. 十几杆阵旗也随之绽放出各色光芒,犹如一道道标枪般,纷纷击在黄色光罩上,如钉子一般朝着里面钻去,围出了一个丈许大小的区域。 The yellow light cover surface ray flashes crazily, making the array flag rate of progression greatly slow, simultaneously a quite intense magical power fluctuation sends out, but these fluctuations touch the pale black light screen of surrounding slightly, if then the clay ox entering the sea vanishes without the trace, has not sent out slightly outside. 黄色光罩表面光芒狂闪,使得阵旗前进速度大缓,同时一股颇为强烈的法力波动散发开来,但这些波动稍一触及外围的淡黑色光幕,便如泥牛入海般消失无踪,丝毫没有散发到外面。 As in the person's shadow mouth the obscure incantation sound spreads, more than ten array flag surface rays one bright, the speed disciple increases, finally mounts into the light cover completely. 随着人影口中晦涩咒语声传出,十几杆阵旗表面光芒一亮,速度徒增,终于完全镶嵌入光罩之中。 next moment, by the zhang (3.33 m) that array flag covers the big or small region, the superficial yellow ray is fast gloomy. 下一刻,被阵旗笼罩的丈许大小区域,表面黄色光芒飞快暗淡下去。 The person's shadow the opens the mouth spouts cyanogen immediately, falls in this region. 人影立刻张口喷出一股青气,落在这片区域中。 The gloomy light cover does not have the strength of resisting, in an instant was corroded by the cyanogen most probably. 暗淡的光罩毫无抵挡之力,转眼间被青气腐蚀了大半。 However rune on middle white jade stone column actually flashes at this moment all crazily, other yellow light cover region rays put greatly, many yellow multi-colored sunlight emerge, the high sea toward goes by the region impact that more than ten array flag encircle, but was actually blocked by array flag stubbornly. 然而中间白玉石柱上的符文此刻却尽数狂闪起来,黄色光罩其他区域光芒大放,更多的黄色霞光涌现,怒涛般朝着被十几杆阵旗所围的区域冲击而去,不过却被阵旗死死拦住。 The intense magical power fluctuation sends out, was blocked by the surrounding black light screen, but this time magical power fluctuates is extremely really intense, the black light screen also humming sound shivers, and gets stronger and stronger, as if somewhat cannot withstand. 激烈的法力波动散发开来,被周围的黑色光幕拦住,只是这次的法力波动实在太过激烈,黑色光幕也随之“嗡嗡”颤抖起来,并且愈演愈烈,似乎有些承受不住。 Fortunately, after 2-3 breath, that zhang (3.33 m) the big or small region was then corroded large cave/hole by the cyanogen. 所幸,2-3个呼吸后,那片丈许大小的区域便被青气腐蚀出一个大洞 The person's shadow electricity shoots to enter hastily, falls near the white jade stone column, the opens the mouth spouts rich black air/Qi, wraps the stone column, simultaneously two pinch finger joints with the thumb, black magical formula fly to shoot, hits on the stone column. 人影连忙电射而入,落在白玉石柱附近,张口喷出一股浓郁黑气,包裹住石柱,同时两手掐诀,一道道黑色法诀飞射而出,打在石柱上。 The black air/Qi rapid spreads on the stone column, dyed the black air/Qi the above rune design. 黑气迅速在石柱上蔓延开来,将上面的符文图案染成了黑气。 The ray on stone column the gloomy, yellow light coats the multi-colored sunlight that surges turbulently also to abate immediately fast slowly, all restore such as beginning. 石柱上的光芒立刻飞快暗淡,黄色光罩上汹涌激荡的霞光也缓缓消退,一切恢复如初。 The person's shadow waves a move, more than ten array flag of light cover from inside pop up, flies to shoot in this person of hand, was received by it. 人影挥手一招,光罩的十几杆阵旗从里面冒了出来,飞射回此人手中,被其收了起来。 The movement non-stop, turns the hand and takes out one stack of yellow array flag, changes into more than ten rays to fly to shoot, coated in the yellow light from inside dozen. 其动作不停,翻手又取出一沓黄色阵旗,化为十几道光芒飞射而出,从里面打在了黄色光罩上。 These array flag no resistance submerged in the light cover, vanishes does not see. 这些阵旗毫无阻力的没入了光罩中,消失不见。 The entire yellow light cover fluctuated slightly, immediately restores such as beginning, large cave/hole is also previously recovered by the zhang (3.33 m) that the cyanogen corroded fast. 整个黄色光罩微微波动了一下,随即恢复如初,先前被青气腐蚀的丈许大洞也飞快复原。 The person's shadow has then turned the head, looks to distributing that more than ten cists around stone column. 人影这才转过头,看向分布在石柱周围的那十余个石柜。 Each cist was covered by the one/1st level/layer dark red colored light cover impressively. 每个石柜赫然都被一层深红色光罩笼罩。 Before the person's shadow arrives at a cist, without hesitant anything, the opens the mouth spouts cyanogen, fell on the light cover surface, that region immediately the drastic fluctuation, the red light fast becomes pale, then must be broken through shortly. 人影走到一个石柜前,没有多犹豫什么,张口喷出一股青气,落在了光罩表面,那片区域立刻剧烈波动,红光飞快变淡,眼看便要被突破。 At this moment, the red light surface appears suddenly the white crystal light of twinkle star, the red and white two color rays enhance one another's beauty, immediately resisted the corrosion of cyanogen. 就在此刻,红光表面蓦然浮现出星星点点的白色晶光,红白两色光芒交相辉映,顿时抵挡住了青气的侵蚀。 Meanwhile, a grating bell called from the main hall deep place resounds. 与此同时,一阵刺耳钟鸣从大殿深处响起。 The person's shadow whole body void fluctuation , seems to be startled. 人影周身虚空一阵波动,似乎也大吃了一惊。 But next moment, in its spreads the low and deep incantation sound, in the hand the keep changing. 下一刻,其口中传出低沉咒语声,手中不停变化起来。 That group of cyanogens tumble immediately, fluctuates various shapes, fast impact red and white two color restriction, how whatever the cyanogen fluctuates, is unable to break through. 那团青气立刻翻滚起来,变幻出各种形状,飞快冲击红白两色禁制,不过任凭青气如何变幻,始终无法突破。 Person's shadow beckoning suddenly, recalled that cyanogen decisively, later two fingers toward a forehead point, the forehead split a black mark suddenly, then splits, appears jet black such as the eyeball of black ink. 人影忽的一招手,果断的召回了那股青气,随后两根手指往眉心一点,眉心突然裂开一道黑痕,然后裂开,浮现出一只漆黑如墨的眼珠。 An eyeball slightly rotation, inside appearing intermittently black rune. 眼珠略一转动,里面隐现黑色符文 ! 咻! Points at the thick or thin black light to fly to shoot together, flashes hitting that passes on restriction outside cist. 一道手指粗细的乌光从中飞射而出,一闪即逝的打在石柜外的禁制上。 Paper of red and white two color restriction as if in front of the black light stick general, immediately is then penetrated, bang disrupts. 红白两色禁制在乌光面前仿佛纸糊一般,立刻便被穿透,“砰”的一声碎裂开来。 The person's shadow forehead crystal light flashes, sends out strength of the huge divine sense, and splits more than ten, submerges together in jade memo respectively, fast investigation inside content. 人影眉心晶光一闪,散发出一股庞大神识之力,并且分裂成十几份,各自没入一块玉简中,飞快探查里面的内容。 But with a just now bell whining noise sound, Scriptures Pavilion outside restriction flashes immediately crazily, exudes the sound of intermittent warning. 而随着方才的钟鸣声一响,藏经阁外面的禁制立刻狂闪起来,发出阵阵示警之声。 „It is not good! Some people intruded Scriptures Pavilion!” “不好!有人闯入藏经阁了!” Any person is so bold, courts death simply!” “什么人如此胆大包天,简直找死!” Is it possible that was couple of days ago sneak into/submerge Heavenly Talisman Hall thief?” “莫非是前两天潜入天符堂的贼人?” As angry roar to transmit, forms from all directions toward the Scriptures Pavilion gathering. 随着一声声怒吼传来,一个个身影从四面八方朝着藏经阁汇聚而来。 Had learning from another's mistakes of Heavenly Talisman Hall, the people of these patrols not slightly hesitant, at the same time sends people to inform the sect high level, several strength strongest teams leader rush in Scriptures Pavilion immediately. 有了天符堂的前车之鉴,这些巡逻之人没有丝毫犹豫,一面派人通知宗门高层,几个实力最强的队长则立刻闯进了藏经阁 At night, various Cold Flame Sect places also shine the ray in abundance, becomes in a tumult, 黑夜中,冷焰宗各处也纷纷亮起光芒,变得骚动起来, First responded person , is actually that two Void Refinement cultivator of cabinet entrance. 最先反应过来的人,其实是内阁门口的那两名炼虚修士 An alarm sound, two people jump immediately, on the face reveals the color of startled angry happening simultaneously. 警钟一响,两人立刻跳了起来,脸上露出惊怒交加之色。 Some under really people hid sneak into/submerge in their eyes unexpectedly the cabinet! 竟然真有人在他们的眼皮子底下潜入了内阁! Really is Great Ascension Stage cultivator?” “难道真是大乘期修士?” This thought flashes in two human brains passes, but actually cannot attend to other at this moment, immediately takes out a jade symbol respectively, together the shape like crescent moon, another is actually an oblateness. 这念头在二人脑中一闪即逝,但此刻却也顾不得其他,立刻分别取出一块玉符,一块形如弯月,另一块却是一个扁圆。 Two pieces of jade tally in the same place, formed a complete perfectly round, post without delay in the front door somewhere. 两块玉符合在一起,形成一个完整浑圆,二话不说的贴在了大门某处。 In the gate the wave restriction ray twinkle, vanishes fast, stone door opens loudly, two people flying without delay shoot to enter. 门上水波禁制光芒闪烁,飞快消失,石门轰然打开,两人二话不说的飞射而入。 Sees inside pale black light screen, two people are then startled. 看到里面的淡黑色光幕,二人便是一怔。 In the plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest heart under the thought racing, clenches teeth fiercely, turns the hand to take out at the same time round mirror magical treasure. 白胖僧人心中念头急转下,猛一咬牙,翻手取出一面圆镜法宝 In his hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, on the round mirror the gray light flashes crazily, the blowout thick grayish white light beam, hits together on the black light screen, exudes the deafening violent bursting sound. 他手中掐诀,圆镜上灰光狂闪,喷出一道粗大灰白光束,打在黑色光幕上,发出震耳欲聋的猛烈爆裂声。 The light screen tumbles immediately fiercely, wave fierce fluctuating, but has not been routed immediately. 光幕立刻剧烈翻滚,水波般剧烈起伏,不过没有被立刻击溃。 Almost is at the same time, on the tall and thin man also departs four azure flying swords, slightly circled, changed into four azure lotus flowers. 几乎是同一时间,高瘦男子身上也飞出四柄青色飞剑,略一盘旋,化为了四朵青色莲花。 Innumerable azure sword Qi fly to shoot from four blue lotuses fiercely, cuts to fall on the black light screen. 无数青色剑气猛地从四朵青莲中飞射而出,纷纷斩落在黑色光幕上。 Puff! 噗噗! Finally the black light screen cannot support was torn, reveals inside situation. 黑色光幕终于支撑不住的被撕裂开来,露出里面的情况。 Bold evildoer!” “大胆贼子!” In two Void Refinement cultivator see the partly visible pale silver person's shadow, in the heart loose at the same time, shames and gets angry. 两个炼虚修士看到里面若隐若现的淡银色人影,心中一松的同时,不禁是又羞又怒。 Aura that on this person's shadow lends, but trivial Nascent Soul Stage appearance! 这人影身上散发的气息,不过区区元婴期的样子! However this person has not actually paid attention to the meanings of outside two Void Refinement cultivator slightly, he just looked at jade memo in first cist at this moment, the form in a flash, arrives by nearby another cist. 然而此人却丝毫没有理会外面两个炼虚修士的意思,他此刻刚刚看完第一个石柜中的玉简,身影一晃,来到旁边另一个石柜旁。 The following a set pattern projects together black light from the forehead one eye place, crushed cist surrounding restriction, calm discharge divine sense, searched into above jade memo over the next ten minutes again. 其如法炮制的从眉心独目处射出一道乌光,击碎了石柜周围的禁制,随后十分从容的放出神识,再次探入上面的玉简之中。 ............ ………… The friendship recommends «Monster Nie Wushuang» is choked up with emotions, the infinite fantasy, wields against the wind strikes thousand overlapping waves, the youngster undefeated warm-blooded! 友情推荐《妖聂无双》心潮澎湃,无限幻想,迎风挥击千层浪,少年不败热血!
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