RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#35: Practicing trickery

In an instant then crossed 3 days. 转眼间便过了三日 Also is at night. 又是夜晚。 Cold Flame Sect Scriptures Pavilion. 冷焰宗藏经阁 Since had/left the Heavenly Talisman Hall event after some time ago, the person of here patrol usually were more than one time. 自从不久前出了天符堂事件后,此处巡逻之人比平时多了一倍。 From garret number hundred zhang (333 m) far jungle , a pale silver fuzzy person's shadow appears slowly, under concealing of curtain of night, cannot see clearly the face, can only see the facial features vaguely. 距离阁楼数百丈远的一处密林中,一个淡银色的模糊人影缓缓浮现,在夜幕的掩隐下,看不清脸,只能依稀看到眉眼。 The person's shadow looks up to appears the somewhat mysterious star anise to accumulate the sharp garret in the dim light of night, after long time, turns the hand to take out light purple talisman, toward a body post. 人影抬头望向在夜色中显得有些神秘的八角攒尖阁楼,半晌后,翻手取出一张淡紫色符箓,往身上一贴。 Purple talisman silent disrupts immediately, changes into several fuzzy tadpole shape rune, gathers round the fuzzy person's shadow to dance in the air up and down, then integrated its within the body. 紫色符箓顿时无声碎裂开来,化为几个模糊的蝌蚪状符文,围着模糊人影上下飞舞,然后融入了其体内。 Around the fuzzy person's shadow appears suddenly purple mist, submerged its form instantaneously, making it vanish baseless. 模糊人影周围陡然浮现出一股紫色雾气,瞬间淹没了其身影,使得其凭空消失。 The person's shadow naturally really did not vanish, but changes into existence of one group of nihilities, flutters directly in the Scriptures Pavilion direction, does not pay attention to the person of surrounding patrol. 人影自然不是真的消失了,而是化为一团虚无的存在,直接朝着藏经阁方向飘去,丝毫不理会周围的巡逻之人。 Although the people of these patrols the vision four walk back and forth at times, divine sense has also swept periphery each corner unceasingly, but definitely is actually not able to discover existence of that person shadow. 那些巡逻之人虽然目光时时四下逡巡,神识也是不断扫过周围每一处角落,不过却完全无法发现那道人影的存在。 In a while, the person's shadow then fluttered the Scriptures Pavilion entrance. 没过多久,人影便飘荡到了藏经阁门口。 At this moment is late at night, Scriptures Pavilion has closed, in spacious stone door is not appears the faint trace glimmer, obviously the arrange/cloth has restriction. 此刻已经是深夜,藏经阁早已关门,宽大的石门上不是浮现出丝丝微光,显然布有禁制 In the person's shadow mouth mumbled, in the hand pinched finger joints with the thumb, the opens the mouth spouted the cyanogen that one group almost could not see, hit above the front door. 人影口中念念有词,手中掐诀,张口喷出一团几乎看不见的青气,打在大门之上。 If enlarges hundred times the cyanogen, then can see the cyanogen is by the innumerable tiny incomparable rune constitutions, bumps into restriction on front door, these tiny rune integrated. 若是将青气放大百倍,便能看到青气是由无数细小无比的符文构成,一碰到大门上的禁制,这些细小符文融入了进去。 The restriction light screen seemed corroded generally, presents large cave/hole, the person's shadow silent flying shoots to go immediately. 禁制光幕仿佛被腐蚀了一般,出现一个大洞,人影立刻无声无息的飞射而去。 Does not have the restriction stone door to exist in name only, the person's shadow submerged in stone door. 没有禁制的石门形同虚设,人影没入了石门中。 The restriction glimmer on front door flashes lightly, immediately then restores such as beginning. 大门上的禁制微光轻闪,立刻便恢复如初。 All these electric light flint, the person of outside patrol has not discovered slightly exceptionally. 这一切电光火石,外面的巡逻之人丝毫没有发现异常。 That person's shadow entered Scriptures Pavilion, a circular main hall appears at present. 那人影进入了藏经阁,一个圆形大殿出现在眼前。 The main hall is enormous, almost/the same is 20-30 zhang (3.33 m), more than ten paths extend fully from the main hall, does not know to where. 大殿极大,差不多有20-30丈,足有十几条道路从大殿内延伸出去,不知通往何处。 Most deep place, then paints the black steps together, winds to lead to the above appearance. 最深处,则是一道漆黑色阶梯,蜿蜒通往上方的样子。 The person's shadow vision took a fast look around one, quiet flies toward passageway. 人影目光扫视了一眼,悄无声息的朝着一条通道飞去。 passageway is not long, he quickly to the end, front is a closed stone chamber. 通道并不长,他很快到了尽头,前面是一个紧闭的石室。 On the stone chamber front door and outside was the same, covered one/1st level/layer white restriction. 石室大门上和外面一样,覆盖了一层白色禁制 The front door goes against have a white jade flagstone, above is carving cultivation technique two characters. 大门顶上有一块白玉石板,上面刻着“功法”二字。 In the person's shadow eye the happy expression flashes, the opens the mouth spouts cyanogen, just like before, white restriction was corroded large cave/hole by the cyanogen, the person's shadow flies into immediately. 人影眼中喜色一闪,张口喷出一口青气,和之前一样,白色禁制被青气腐蚀出一个大洞,人影立刻飞入了其中。 After stone door, is a very big stone chamber, inside placed several hundred bookshelves, was being covered by the one/1st level/layer pale red light screen. 石门后是一间很大的石室,里面摆放了数百个书架,都被一层淡红光幕笼罩着。 On each bookshelf a score check, in each check is putting together jade memo. 每个书架上都分数个格子,每个格子里都放着一块玉简 By the check has marking, the one who introduced in inside these jade memo to record was what cultivation technique. 格子旁边都有标识,介绍里面那些玉简中记载的是何种功法 Person's shadow optional before arriving at a bookshelf, the opens the mouth spouts cyanogen, corrodes large cave/hole around the bookshelf pale red light screen, waves to send out a suction, attracts several jade memo, divine sense permeating in. 人影随意的走到一个书架前,张口喷出一股青气,将书架周围的淡红光幕腐蚀出一个大洞,挥手发出一股吸力,将几块玉简吸到手中,神识渗入其中。 A moment later, his brow slightly wrinkle, threw the bookshelf several jade memo conveniently. 片刻之后,他眉头微皱,随手将几块玉简扔回了书架。 cultivation technique in jade memo is some Core Formation, and even Nascent Soul Stage cultivation technique, but did not seem looked by this person in the eye. 玉简中的功法是一些结丹,乃至元婴期功法,但似乎并不被此人看在眼中。 The person's shadow in the stone chamber walked around, in a while, then roughly to investigate jade memo on these bookshelves, shakes the head, very disappointed appearance. 人影在石室内四处走动,没过多久,便将这些书架上的玉简大致都探查了一遍,摇了摇头,很是失望的样子。 This person turning around of without hesitation flies toward outside, penetrates stone door quickly, a moment later returned to the main hall. 此人毫不犹豫的转身朝着外面飞去,很快穿透石门,片刻之后又回到了大殿。 He enters nearby another passageway immediately, the passageway end impressively is a stone chamber. 他立刻进入了旁边的另一条通道,通道尽头赫然又是一个石室。 The stone chamber peak also Bai Shi (white stone) flagstone, writes technique law two characters. 石室顶端也有一个白石石板,写着“术法”二字。 The person's shadow follows a set pattern, restriction on quick break/solve front door, entered inside again. 人影如法炮制,很快再次破解大门上的禁制,再次进入了里面。 In a while, the person's shadow returned again, entered third passageway. 没过多久,人影再次返回,进入了第三条通道 In an instant more than double-hour pass by, these more than ten passageway were investigated by the person's shadow, its frown tightens, should not find the thing that must look. 转眼间一个多时辰过去,这十几条通道都被人影探查了一遍,其双眉紧锁,应该是没有找到要找的东西。 That person's shadow gradually flutters before that paint black steps of most deep place, looked at one toward above, flew slowly. 那人影缓缓飘到最深处的那条漆黑色阶梯前,朝着上面望了一眼,缓缓飞了上去。 The steps are not long, quickly to the end, is a several feet wide giant stone door. 阶梯并不长,很快到了尽头,是一面数丈宽的巨大石门。 About the front door sits cross-legged to sit one person respectively. 大门左右各自盘膝坐着一人。 Left hand person of plump and fair-complected, corpulent, wears a purple cassock, seems like a Buddhist priest, near the right hand that person of high tall and thin is thin, the cheek is sallow, seems like the whole face sickly appearance appearance. 左手一人白白胖胖,肥头大耳,身披一件紫色袈裟,似乎是个僧人,右手边那人则高高瘦瘦,面皮焦黄,看起来满脸病容的样子。 However these two top of the head is radiance is faint, aura that the body lends such as deep pool sea, impressively is two Void Refinement Stage powerhouses! 不过这两人头顶均是光华隐隐,身上散发的气息如渊似海,赫然是两名炼虚期强者! Two people close eyes sits in meditation cultivation, does not have to think to the following matter. 两人闭目静坐修炼,对下面的事情一无所觉。 The person's shadow looked at two people one eyes, the vision put aside quickly, falls in stone door after two person. 人影看了两人一眼,目光很快移开,落在两人身后的石门上。 On stone door appears the wave ray, reflects the colorful dense ray, looks that obviously compares to restriction of various below stone chambers to be fiercer. 石门上面浮现出水波般的光芒,折射出五颜六色的氤氲光芒,看着明显比起下面各处石室的禁制都厉害很多。 If it guesses right, after this stone door, is the Cold Flame Sect Scriptures Pavilion cabinet is then at mostly, is depositing the Cold Flame Sect exquisitest ancient book, wanting break/solve here restriction to look like not easy. 若其猜得没错,这道石门之后,多半便是冷焰宗藏经阁的内阁所在,存放着冷焰宗最为精妙的典籍,想要破解此处禁制看来不容易。 The person's shadow eye narrowed the eyes, stopped the moment, then went forward again, body figure was light, if did not have the thing to fall before the front door, was less than one zhang (3.33 m) from about two Void Refinement cultivator. 人影眼睛微眯,停顿了片刻,便再次前进,身形轻若无物般落在大门前,距离左右两个炼虚修士不到一丈。 At this time, near the left hand that plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest eyebrow slightly raise, opens eyes, about looked at one. 此时,左手边那个白胖僧人眉头微微一挑,不由睁开眼,左右看了一眼。 What's wrong, Brother Ling Xi?” The right tall and thin man also opened the eye, opens the mouth to ask. “怎么了,灵犀兄?”右边的高瘦男子也睁开了眼,开口问道。 It’s nothing.” The plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest looked back to look at a cabinet front door, muttered. “没什么。”白胖僧人回首望了一眼内阁大门,喃喃自语一声。 He not really discovered anything, but once cultivation a seedling source that some secret technique initiates from heart dark sense/telepathy, but this technique success ratio is not quite high, in addition its one thinks that here restriction layer upon layer, has two people to defend in this day and night value in addition, let alone is Integration Stage cultivator, even if Great Ascension Stage great expert to covet here, has absolutely never possibly achieves soundless. 他并非真发现了什么东西,只是曾修炼过的某种秘术所引发的一种源自心头的冥冥感应,不过此术成功率并不太高,加上其一想到此处的层层禁制,加上有自己二人在此日夜值守,别说是合体期修士,哪怕是大乘期大能若是想要觊觎此处,也决无可能做到毫无声息的。 with this thought, the Buddhist priest closed the eyes slowly. 一念及此,僧人又缓缓合上了双眼。 The tall and thin man sees this, has not cared, similarly selfish close eyes cultivation gets up. 高瘦男子见此,也没在意,同样自顾自的闭目修炼起来。 The person's shadow stands in the original position from beginning to end is motionless, after two Void Refinement Stage cultivator close eyes cultivation, this forehead slightly fluctuation, strength of the powerful divine sense sends out, covered the entire front door fast, condensed together the protective barrier faintly. 人影自始至终站在原处一动不动,直至两名炼虚期修士闭目修炼后,这才眉心微一波动,一股强大的神识之力从中散发出,飞快覆盖住了整座大门,隐隐凝聚成一道防护屏障。 Then its opens the mouth spouts cyanogen, falls on wave restriction in gate. 接着其张口喷出一股青气,落在门上的水波禁制上。 Wave restriction the ray glitters immediately, as if in resisting the invasion of cyanogen, sending out that avoids all magical power fluctuates, but places that Daoshen to know two Void Refinement Stage cultivator outside barrier isolation, actually not detected. 水波禁制立刻光芒闪烁起来,似乎在抵制青气的侵入,无不避免的散发出法力波动,不过身处那道神识屏障隔绝外的两名炼虚期修士,却是毫无察觉。 The person's shadow both hands law definitely changes, the cyanogen rises suddenly shrinks suddenly, changes ten thousand sides, disputes with that wave restriction, making a central place half a Zhang big or small region change pale several points. 人影双手法决一变,青气忽涨忽缩,变化万方,和那水波禁制较量起来,使得中央处一片半丈大小区域变淡了几分。 Person's shadow body figure without delay in a flash, submerged in the front door. 人影二话不说的身形一晃,没入了大门里面。 All these are seemingly complex, but breaks open front door restriction from its make a move, has not crossed the threshold to its body figure again, the times of 1-2 breath, that Daoshen knows the barrier at this time the quiet dissipation. 这一切看似复杂,但从其出手破开大门禁制,再到其身形没入门中,前后不过1-2呼吸的功夫,此时那道神识屏障才悄无声息的消散开来。 Well “咦” Plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest eyebrow raise, opened the eyes again, then goes toward the behind cabinet big family prestige suddenly. 白胖僧人双眉一挑,再次睁开了双眼,猛然一个回头朝身后的内阁大门望去。 The wave restriction wave light of front door surface is clear, sends out the dense ray, has not presented slightly exceptionally. 大门表面的水波禁制波光粼粼,散发出氤氲光芒,并没有呈现丝毫异常。 But it just now the heart obviously appears an unclear feeling, although still flashed passes, but makes its heart suspicion grow thickly. 但其方才心头明显浮现出一丝不详之感,虽然仍是一闪即逝,但却让其心头不禁疑窦丛生起来。 Can it be that did Brother Ling Xi discover what?” 灵犀兄莫不是发现了什么?” The tall and thin man also as if discovered at this time what something is not right, stands up hastily, first then looked at a front door, later closes both eyes again, huge divine thought actually unretentive to sweeps off in all directions fast. 高瘦男子此时也似乎发现了什么不对劲,连忙站起身来,先是回头看了一眼大门,随后再次闭上双目,庞大神念却毫无保留的向四面八方飞快扫去。 Brother Qing Tao, what something is not right place can you have to discover?” Before the plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest arrives at the cabinet front door, looked at carefully the moment carefully, in the mouth asked. 庆涛贤弟,你方才可有发现什么不对劲的地方?”白胖僧人走到内阁大门前,仔细端详了片刻,口中如此问道。 Only if...... some people can in 2-3 breaths, fly have the Scriptures Pavilion surrounding area inside and outside several hundreds, or broke open the colored glaze profound water formation under past Old Ancestor Leng Yan personally arrange/cloth, entered the cabinet.” The tall and thin man has opened the eyes at this moment, shakes the head, in the mouth said slowly. “除非……有人能够在2-3息间,飞遁藏经阁方圆数百里外,或是破开了当年冷焰老祖亲自布下的这处琉璃玄水阵,进入了内阁。”高瘦男子此刻已经睁开双眼,摇了摇头,口中缓缓说道。 Obviously he just divine thought searches, has achieved nothing. 显然他方才的一番神念搜索,也是一无所获。 „Is this possible? It seems like my misconception.” Plump and fair-complected Buddhist priest hears word, smiles bitterly shaking the head. “这怎么可能?看来是我的错觉吧。”白胖僧人闻言,不由苦笑一声的摇了摇头。 Wants silent the breaking open colored glaze profound water formation in 2-3 breaths, and makes it restore as usual, feared that is that Great Ascension Stage Supreme Elder in present sect, is not necessarily able to achieve. 想要在2-3息内无声无息的破开琉璃玄水阵,并让其恢复如常,怕是如今宗内的那位大乘期太上长老,也未必能做到的吧。 ( This month, forgets language to give everyone as far as possible many free chapters!) (这个月,忘语会尽量给大家多更些免费章节哦!)
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