RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#34: Stolen

Rising Cloud Peak half way up the mountain place, white clouds snow white. 出云峰山腰处,白云皑皑。 The youth disciple who wears the pale blue long gown, is ascending the step along the mountain road on. 一名身穿月白长袍的青年弟子,正沿着山路拾阶而上。 His foot lifts, will step up to stone steps, thinks vision becomes blurry, then the whole person stands cannot be moving same place, divine sense also becomes fuzzy. 其一只脚抬起,正要跨上一节石阶,就觉眼前一花,接着整个人立在原地动弹不得,就连神识也变得模糊起来。 Then its side person's shadow in a flash, a tall youth form appears there suddenly, is Han Li. 接着其身旁人影一晃,一个身材高大的青年身影蓦然出现在那里,正是韩立 Scriptures Pavilion the situation in the sect, related in detail one or two/just a little with me.” Han Li both eyes are flashing the blue different glow, is staring at the youth eyes, has a strange sound said slowly. “将宗内藏经阁的情况,与我细说一二。”韩立双目闪动着蓝色异芒,盯着青年眼睛,带着一种诡异声音的缓缓说道。 Scriptures Pavilion on Gathering Saint Peak, is divided into the inside and outside two pavilions. Outside all disciples and elders of pavilion to opens, but the cabinet only permits the inner gate disciple and elder enters......” white robe disciple look to be lax, replied like the klutz half delay. 藏经阁位于集圣峰上,分为内外两阁。外阁对所有弟子和长老均开放,而内阁则只允许内门弟子和长老进入……”白袍弟子眼神涣散,如同木头人半的呆滞答道。 Is listening to this disciple mouth, on the Han Li face the look has not changed, in the eye the deep place flashes through a color looking pensive. 听着这名弟子口中所述,韩立脸上神色未变,目中深处闪过一丝若有所思之色。 As one most important is at critically, management of Cold Flame Sect to Scriptures Pavilion naturally is very strict. 作为一门重中之重的紧要所在,冷焰宗藏经阁的管理自然是十分严密。 Usually , the sect disciples and elders receive in exchange for the ancient book, not only needs to pay massive spirit stones, needs to deduct the sect contribution point. 平日里,宗门弟子和长老们换取典籍,不仅需要支付大量灵石,更是需要扣除宗门贡献点。 The sect contribution point is weighs in the gate the disciple and elder's contribution degree to our sect, generally gains through assignment that completing in sect issues, assignment is arduous, contribution that can obtain is also higher, enough time has not accumulated, is impossible to have enough received exchange for the contribution point of high rank cultivation technique and secret technique. 宗门贡献点即是衡量门内弟子和长老对本宗的贡献程度,一般是通过完成宗门内下发的任务来获取的,任务越是艰巨,所能获得的贡献点也就越高,没有足够的时间积累,根本不可能拥有足够换取高阶功法和秘术的贡献点。 Therefore must have some people swords walk the slant, in addition sought his diameter. 因此少不得一些人剑走偏锋,另求他径。 Not long, also many bad rogue cultivator, by joining Cold Flame Sect become the opportunity of Outer Sect Elder, sneak into/submerge Scriptures Pavilion steals the ancient book secretly, finally, without any exception was discovered, the fate is pitiful incomparable. 曾几何时,也有不少心怀不轨的散修,假借加入冷焰宗成为外门长老之机,偷偷潜入藏经阁偷取典籍,结果,无一例外的都被发现,下场自是凄惨无比。 The reason does not have him, is the Scriptures Pavilion measure is extremely strict, these people have no weakness to exploit radically. 原因无他,就是藏经阁的防范措施太过严密,这些人根本无机可乘。 According to the white robe disciple, in the pavilion has the Void Refinement elder to guard year to year, and some people go on patrol at times, day and night winter and summer never interrupts, in addition, innumerable powerful restriction, common cultivator is inaccessible. 据白袍弟子所说,阁内常年有炼虚长老驻守,并时时有人巡逻,日夜寒暑从不间断,除此之外,还有无数强大禁制,寻常修士根本难以接近。 Han Li is hesitating same place the long time, refers to received the finger of white robe disciple forehead, the body is common like the ghosts and demons, in an instant from vanishes same place does not see. 韩立在原地沉吟半晌,指在白袍弟子眉心的手指一收,身子如同鬼魅一般,刹那间从原地消失不见。 That white robe disciple lifted the half-day sole, at this time stepped on all of a sudden. 那名白袍弟子抬了半天的脚掌,这时候才一下子踩了下去。 His body staggers, almost tumbles. 他身子一个踉跄,差点跌倒。 After standing firm body figure, rubbed some calves of tingling with numbness, looked all around at a loss for one next four weeks later, somewhat shakes the head bewilderedly , to continue to make a pilgrimage to a famous mountain temple to walk. 稳住身形后,揉了揉有些发麻的小腿,茫然地环顾了一下四周后,有些莫名其妙地摇了摇头,继续朝山上走去。 Roughly after an incense stick of time . 约莫一炷香之后。 The Han Li form appeared on Gathering Saint Peak, he stood under a tall green ancient mourning cypress, looked distantly to a star anise of distant place two story-high accumulates the sharp garret. 韩立的身影出现在了集圣峰上,他站在一棵高大的苍翠古柏树下,遥遥望向远处一座两层高的八角攒尖阁楼。 Sees only that garret high approximately nine zhang (3.33 m), altogether has star anise eight, actually only opened a front door in due south. 只见那阁楼高约九丈,共有八角八面,却只在正南方向开了一道大门。 Above the garret wall body roof, engraves many anti-radar governing fires complex rune. 阁楼墙身屋顶之上,均镌刻有多种防雷御火的复杂符文 Two teams of patrol cultivator surround by the garret, the alternation, takes turn the inspection back and forth. 两队巡逻修士环绕在阁楼两侧,来回穿插,交替巡视。 After looking for a long time, on the Han Li face shows some looks looking pensive, a form fuzziness, from vanishes same place does not see. 看了许久之后,韩立脸上露出些许若有所思的神色,身影一阵模糊,从原地消失不见。 In the past at night. 当年夜晚。 A Cold Flame Sect deep place mountain valley, here is situated a blue stone main hall, the surroundings often pass through the teams of patrol disciples, really has the 7 - 8 team fully, the people of team leader are Divine Transformation cultivation base, obviously extremely attaches great importance to here. 冷焰宗深处一处山谷,此处坐落着一片青石大殿,周围不时走过一队队巡逻弟子,竟然足有七八队之多,领队之人都是化神修为,显然对这里极为重视。 A patrol squad silent has flown from the mountain valley entrance, the azure robe guy of team leader somewhat seems to be sleepy, silent had a yawn. 一个巡逻小队从山谷入口无声飞过,领队的一个青袍大汉似乎有些困倦,无声的打了个哈欠。 In the meantime, beyond dozens zhang (3.33 m), another patrol squad flew, goes toward the different direction inspections. 就在此时,数十丈外,另一个巡逻小队飞了过来,朝着不同方向巡视而去。 The azure robe guy sees this, cannot help but curls the lip. 青袍大汉见此,不由得撇了撇嘴。 Although Heavenly Talisman Hall is Cold Flame Sect heavy, but arranges such many going on night patrol disciple, is really careful excessive. 天符堂虽然是冷焰宗重地,但安排如此之多的巡夜弟子,实在是小心过头。 Not only here the position secret, outside also has sect protection great array to cover the entire entrance, where some people can sneak into/submerge come here. 这里不仅位置隐秘,外面还有护宗大阵笼罩整个山门,哪里有人能潜入到这里。 These words, he naturally does not dare saying that instead the voice transmission order the disciple is careful behind, will fly toward the valley. 这些话,他自然不敢说出口,反而传音命令身后弟子小心警惕,正要朝谷内飞去。 At this moment, suddenly resounds from a azure clothes guy not far palace in a thunderclap loud sound, then erupts one purple light electric lights, at once immediately returns to normal. 就在此刻,距离青衣大汉不远的一座殿堂内突然响起一声霹雳巨响,然后爆发出一片紫光电光,旋即立刻又恢复平静。 The azure clothes guy is startled, does not seem to respond. 青衣大汉一怔,似乎没反应过来。 Any person!” “什么人!” „It is not good, some people of sneak into/submerge Heavenly Talisman Hall!” “不好,有人潜入天符堂!” The guy behind these going on night patrol disciple of calls out in alarm makes noise. 大汉身后的那些巡夜弟子惊呼出声。 The azure robe guy also responded at this moment, swooping in great surprise, instantaneously to that main hall outside. 青袍大汉此刻也反应了过来,大惊的飞扑而下,瞬间到了那座大殿之外。 Any person dares to excel at rushing to Heavenly Talisman Hall, in a big hurry surrender!” Guy explosive roar, in the hand covers magical treasure, waves, he patrol disciple disperses behind immediately, encircled the main hall. “什么人竟敢擅闯天符堂,快快束手就擒!”大汉爆喝一声,手中扣住一个法宝,一挥手,他身后的巡逻弟子立刻分散开来,将大殿围了起来。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Other going on night patrol disciples also fly to shoot watertight that immediately, but , a 7 - 8 team, over a hundred people encircles the main hall, a fly do not want to fly. 其他巡夜弟子也立刻飞射而至,七八个队伍,上百号人将大殿围的水泄不通,一只苍蝇也别想飞出去。 In main hall dark piece, does not have the slight sound. 大殿内黑暗一片,没有丝毫动静。 Here all main halls have restriction to cover, divine sense is unable to search into. 这里所有大殿都有禁制笼罩,神识无法探入其中。 Several team leaders each other look one, somewhat cannot settle on the attention, whether the strategic place goes. 几个领队彼此对望一眼,都有些拿不定注意,是否要冲进去。 They as the going on night patrol disciple, do not have the qualifications to visit here. 他们身为巡夜弟子,是没有资格踏足这里的。 What happened?” A white light flies to shoot, but, falls outside the main hall, appears a form of white hair old man. “发生了什么事?”一道白光飞射而至,落在大殿之外,现出一个白发老者的身影。 Grandmaster Fan you came, just some people intruded Heavenly Talisman Hall! We are just about the raid, but according to the custom, we do not have the qualifications to go.” A team leader arrives at side the old man, said fast. 范大师您来了,刚有人闯入天符堂!我们正要进去搜捕,不过按照规矩,我们没有资格进去。”一个领队走到老者身旁,飞快说道。 What! One group of idiots, obeyed what custom at this time, is gawking doing, hurries!” As soon as the white hair old man listens, immediately bristles with anger bellows, flushes away toward the main hall. “什么!一群蠢货,这时候还守什么规矩,愣着干什么,赶紧进去!”白发老者一听,立刻怒发冲冠的大吼一声,朝着大殿里冲去。 Several teams leader see this, follows most probably immediately, but also kept two outside. 几个队长见此,大半立刻跟上,不过也留了两个在外面。 Rushes to the main hall entrance, the white hair old man is startled. 冲到大殿门口,白发老者一怔。 restriction in main entrance main hall is unexpectedly perfect. 正门大殿上的禁制竟然完好无损。 In old man heart strange, but thinks without enough time, thing that takes out a token shape, a white light departs from above, falls on the front door. 老者心中奇怪,不过来不及多想,取出一个令牌形状的东西,一道白光从上面飞出,落在大门上。 On the front door a ray glitters, Zhī Ya opens. 大门上一阵光芒闪烁,吱呀一声打开。 Several people crash in the main hall immediately, the white hair old man wave to make together magical formula. 几人立刻冲进大殿,白发老者挥手打出一道法诀 Various main hall places bloom immediately the white light, the translucence of palace internal radiation. 大殿各处立刻绽放出白光,将殿内照射的透亮。 The people are stunned, in this main hall arranges simply, only placed more than ten white jade racks, can completely understand. 众人愕然,这个大殿里面陈设简单,只摆放了十几个白玉架子,一眼就能看透。 Here unexpectedly nobody left! In the ground has several burned black traces. 这里竟然空无一人!地面上有几道焦黑的痕迹。 No one? Has escaped?” Several team leaders see this, look at each other in blank dismay. “没人?难道已经逃掉了?”几个领队见此,不禁面面相觑起来。 That azure clothes guy also in the palace, the eye stares perfectly round, full is incredible. 那青衣大汉也在殿中,眼睛瞪得滚圆,满是不可置信。 When has an accident he by main hall, the eye has not left absolutely has flickered, how does that person leave? 出事时他就在大殿旁边,眼睛绝对没有离开过一瞬,那人是如何离开的? „! Day shadow stone! View moon/month grass!” That white hair old man rushes to by a white jade rack, is pale, the lip shivers. “啊!天影石!观月草!”那白发老者冲到一个白玉架子旁,脸色苍白,嘴唇颤抖。 On these white jade rack each put the material, nearby the rack had restriction to cover completely, but two jade restriction were eradicated, the above material was short much. 这些白玉架子每个上面都放满了材料,架子附近都有禁制笼罩,不过有两个玉架的禁制被破除,上面的材料少了不少。 Flows the billows wood, iron core feather!” The old men run up to by another rack, beats the breast and stamps the feet, hates bitterly. “流澜木,铁心羽!”老者又跑到另一个架子旁,捶胸顿足,痛心疾首之极。 Several team leader Divine Transformation the complexion is unattractive. 几个化神领队脸色也不好看。 Pursues to me, mobilizes all going on night patrol disciples, must hold to me this stealing person!” White hair old man angry stamps one's foot loudly exclaims. “给我追,发动所有巡夜弟子,一定要将这个偷盗之人给我抓住!”白发老者愤怒之极的跳脚大吼道。 ...... …… The Heavenly Talisman Hall large quantities of precious system symbol material was robbed, raised the great unrest in Cold Flame Sect, the innumerable going on night patrol disciples send out, to search for the thief who that steals. 天符堂大批珍贵制符材料被盗,在冷焰宗掀起了轩然大波,无数巡夜弟子出动,搜寻那偷盗的贼人。 Grasps very acts from the midnight continuously to the dawn restless, to afterward, many outer gate disciples was also awakened, joins to arrest the army. 抓贼行动从半夜一直闹腾到天明,到了后来,不少外门弟子也被叫醒,加入抓捕大军。 Finally entire Spirit Flame Mountain Range was almost turned, has not held the trail of bandits and thieves. 结果整个灵焰山脉几乎被翻了一遍,却没有抓住盗贼的一点踪迹。 This matter alarmed the sect high level quickly, the Void Refinement Late Stage elder who is good at tracing will personally arrive at Heavenly Talisman Hall, the investigation will analyze from now on the thief will flee with thunder and lightning transmission array, a trace has not stayed behind, he is unable to trace. 此事很快惊动了宗门高层,一位擅长追踪的炼虚后期长老亲自来到天符堂,探查过后判断贼人是用一种雷电传送法阵逃离,一点痕迹也没有留下,他也无法追踪。 Saw with own eyes that the Void Refinement Late Stage elders could not find that thief, Integration Stage Supreme Elder actually at all not possibly, because this minor matter alarms, Heavenly Talisman Hall Grandmaster Fan then receives the hand resentfully, ceased the arrest. 眼见炼虚后期长老都找不到那贼人,合体期太上长老却根本不可能因为这点小事去惊动的,天符堂范大师这才悻悻收手,停止了抓捕行动。 Although outwardly on seizing ended, but in the sect naturally cannot easily lay aside this matter not to manage. 明面上的抓捕虽然结束,但宗内自然不会就这么轻易放置此事不管。 The Spirit Flame Mountain Range surrounding sect protection great array not invaded trace, in that person of nature or Spirit Flame Mountain Range, Cold Flame Sect sends the expert to track down secretly. 灵焰山脉周围的护宗大阵没有被侵入的痕迹,那人自然还是灵焰山脉中,冷焰宗暗地里派遣高手追寻。 Had/Left this grade of matter, various places in Cold Flame Sect defended usually is stricter than several times to continue. 出了这等事情,冷焰宗内的各处防卫比平时更加严密了数倍不止。
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