RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#33: Innate auspicious sign

Han Li more than ten small-scale jade box that is loaded with the different powder places the one side, waves to make together magical formula, activates pill furnace magical array again, then turns the hand to take out medicine pill, is actually Hope Rhinoceros Pill. 韩立将十几个装有不同粉末的小型玉盒放在一旁,挥手打出一道法诀,再次激活丹炉法阵,然后翻手取出一枚丹药,却是望犀丹 After he slightly hesitates, waves to invest pill furnace Hope Rhinoceros Pill, displays Pill Reversal Art again. 他略一沉吟后,挥手将望犀丹投入丹炉,再次施展起逆丹诀 After less than half double-hour, Hope Rhinoceros Pill also changed into more than ten different materials, was also loaded in the jade box by it. 小半个时辰之后,望犀丹也化为了十几种不同的材料,被其同样装入了玉盒之中。 He placed two types of medicine pill materials in one, inspected in detail. 他将两种丹药的材料摆放在了一起,详细检查起来。 Well!” “咦!” After the moment, Han Li light well, on the face reveals wipes the smile. 片刻后,韩立轻咦一声,脸上露出一抹笑容。 A two medicine pill material relativity, most materials are entirely different, but one blue crystal grain shape powder, no matter color, the shape is exactly the same, obviously is the same material. 两个丹药的材料一相对比,大部分材料自是截然不同,但是其中一种蓝色晶粒状粉末不管是颜色,还是形态都是一模一样,显然是同一种材料。 But the blue crystal grain in Hope Rhinoceros Pill, must be much more than dark cloud pill. 只不过望犀丹中的这个蓝色晶粒,明显比乌云丹要多得多。 Both medicine pill are useful to him, although not necessarily is the function of this blue powder, but definitely and it has the connection greatly is. 两种丹药都对他有用,虽然未必全是这蓝色粉末的作用,但绝对和其大有关联才是。 Han Li twisted gently is up a blue powder to smell smelling, placed middle grade to taste him, the careful identification, the brow wrinkled slowly. 韩立轻轻捻起一点蓝色粉末嗅了嗅,又将其放在口中品尝一下,仔细辨认,眉头慢慢皱了起来。 He from cultivation at the beginning, then has indissoluble bond with pill refining, human world, or Spirit World various pill refining materials, more or less know, even has also browsed regarding other world/interface pill refining materials, the present blue powder, he actually does not have the clue. 他自修炼伊始,便与炼丹结下不解之缘,无论是人界,亦或是灵界的各种炼丹材料,或多或少都知道一些,甚至对于其他界面炼丹材料也有所涉猎,不过眼前的蓝色粉末,他竟然毫无头绪。 Perhaps, is this thing the Spirit Domain World unique thing?” “或许,此物是灵寰界特有之物?” In the Han Li heart guessed, pondered the moment, stood suddenly, went out of the cave mansion quickly. 韩立心中猜测,思考了片刻,忽的站了起来,很快走出了洞府。 This moment weather darkened. 此刻天色已经昏黑。 Han Li azure light flashes, flies to shoot. 韩立身上青光一闪,飞射而出。 A moment later, he some sunset peak cave mansion gate before dozens falls. 片刻之后,他在数十里外的落霞峰某座洞府门前落下。 Here cave mansion position is quite remote, the surroundings cannot see what habitation. 此处洞府位置颇为偏僻,周围看不到什么人烟。 Han Li looked at two toward the surroundings, gets to the cave mansion entrance, turns the hand to take out Voice Transmission Talisman, after whispering two, waves. 韩立朝着周围看了两眼,走到洞府门口,翻手取出一个传音符,低语了两句后一挥手。 Voice Transmission Talisman changed into a white light to fly into the cave mansion. 传音符化为一道白光飞入了洞府。 A moment later, the front door bang opens. 片刻之后,大门轰隆一声打开。 Elder Gao, this Han thank your for your hospitality.” Han Li holds the fist in the other hand to say. 高长老,韩某叨扰了。”韩立抱拳说道。 Where! Fellow Daoist Han, without thinking met quickly again, come in a big hurry.” Gao Bulin smiles walked, invited the cave mansion Han Li. “哪里!韩道友,没想到这么快就再次相见了,快快请进。”高不吝满脸笑容的走了出来,将韩立请进了洞府。 Gao Bulin cave mansion Han Li obvious is bigger, but arranges is quite simple, in the entire cave mansion is scattering rich medicine pill aura. 高不吝的洞府比韩立的明显大一些,但陈设却颇为简单,整座洞府内飘散着一股浓郁的丹药气息。 Elder Gao, this Han came straight to the point, comes in the next this time, the matter wants to seek for advice to your excellency.” After Han Li sits down, said directly. 高长老,韩某就开门见山了,在下此番前来,是有一件事想向阁下求教。”韩立坐下后,直接说道。 Fellow Daoist Han has the words to speak frankly to might as well.” Gao Bulin is startled, said. 韩道友有话请直说无妨。”高不吝一怔,说道。 Han Li turns the hand to take out puts the blue powder the jade box, handed over, said: Elder Gao has great learning, does not know that can recognize this thing?” 韩立翻手取出盛放蓝色粉末的玉盒,递了过去,道:“高长老学识渊博,不知可认得此物?” Gao Bulin, received the jade box, carefully looked, the look concentrates. 高不吝哦了一声,接过玉盒,仔细看了看,眼神微凝。 He puts out a hand to twist is up a powder, placed tongue high grade, the white eyebrows selected slightly, resembled some profound meanings looks at Han Li to be the same. 他伸手捻起一点粉末,放在舌头上品了品,白眉微微一挑,似有些深意的看了韩立一样。 It seems like Elder Gao has the result.” Han Li shows a faint smile to say. “看来高长老已经有结果了。”韩立微微一笑道。 Hehe, this matter, Fellow Daoist Han was asks. However......” Gao Bulin smiles, intent has referred. “呵呵,此事,韩道友算是问对人了。不过嘛……”高不吝嘿嘿一笑,意有所指。 Han Li anything had not said, turns the hand to take out together the high grade spirit stones directly, threw to the opposite party. 韩立什么都没说,直接翻手取出一块上品灵石,扔给了对方。 Old Man Gao deft catching spirit stones, on the face shows a happy expression immediately , to continue saying: Is open about the facts the fellow daoist, this is actually the Cloud Crane Grass powder, on the spirit grass of certain year, but one of the our sect several high rank medicine pill main materials, are quite rare and precious. Moreover your powder as if passes through other method to process, on oneself pill refining, is familiar with various types of spirit materials year to year, identifies reluctantly.” 高老头麻利的接住灵石,脸上顿时露出一丝笑意,继续说道:“不瞒道友,这其实是云鹤草的粉末,上了一定年份的此灵草可是本宗数种高阶丹药主材之一,颇为珍稀。而且你这粉末似乎又经过别的手段处理过,也就本人常年炼丹,熟悉各种灵材,才勉强辨认出来。” So that's how it is...... property about this Cloud Crane Grass, Elder Gao whether to relate in detail one or two/just a little?” Han Li nod of looking pensive, asked immediately. “原来如此……关于这云鹤草的药性,高长老可否详述一二?”韩立若有所思的点了点头,随即又问道。 Old Man Gao yes hehe deceitful smiles, smiles not to speak, put out a hand to rub two. 高老头又是嘿嘿奸诈一笑,笑而不语,伸手搓动了两下。 Han Li threw a high grade spirit stones to give the opposite party. 韩立又扔了一块上品灵石给对方。 Old Man Gao cheerful received spirit stones, assumed an air of self approbation a talent to say slowly: This Cloud Crane Grass, called the changes countenance grass, this grass hundred years presented the white, the millennium blue color, 3,000 years started to blush, 10,000 years were dark red, above 30000 year were purplish red. This spirit grass most special place, then can absorb the air/Qi of morning sun, over hundred years will then be born innate auspicious sign. Not is only cultivation several might astonishing cultivation technique must the thing, be able directly to transform as the innate spirit strength, has to wash the effect of marrow I Ching. The year is longer, this innate auspicious sign even more is then pure, the effect is astonishing.” 高老头乐呵呵的收起了灵石,摇头晃脑一番才慢慢道:“这云鹤草嘛,又称变色草,此草百年呈现出白色,千年蓝色,三千年开始发红,一万年则是深红,三万年以上的则是紫红。此灵草最特别之处,便是能吸纳朝阳之气,百年以上便会诞生出一丝先天紫气。不但是修炼几种威力惊人功法的必须之物,更可以直接转化为先天灵力,具有洗髓易经的效果。年份越久,这先天紫气便愈发精纯,效果就越是惊人。” Innate auspicious sign...... does not know where this grass can seek?” In the Han Li heart moves. “先天紫气……不知此草在哪里可以寻得?”韩立心中一动。 This grass habitat is harsh, as far as I know, only then few places can discover, these places basically under the controls of major sect. Now millennium above almost/the same in the major sect hands, outside cannot see.” Old Man Gao grasps the head , to continue to say. “此草生长环境非常苛刻,据我所知,也只有寥寥几个地方能发现,这些地方基本都在各大宗门的控制之下。如今千年以上的差不多都在各大宗门手中,外面是见不到的。”高老头抓了抓脑袋,继续说道。 Listens to Gao Bulin saying that in the Han Li heart basically has the conclusion, can play to his magical power restores the effect, most probably was that innate auspicious sign. 听完高不吝所言,韩立心中基本上已经有了定论,能对他法力起到恢复效果的,十有八九就是那一丝先天紫气了。 Does not know besides Hope Rhinoceros Pill, which medicine pill refine by Cloud Crane Grass?” Han Li thinks, asked. “不知除了望犀丹之外,还有哪些丹药是以云鹤草炼制的?”韩立想了想,问道。 Gao Bulin this time has not hit the short rope/obstruction, returns directly said: Besides this pill, in dark cloud pill also has to use few. Moreover, raises in the miracle cure and Yuan empty pill also Cloud Crane Grass of some little low years, the innate auspicious sign that inside contains may ignore.” 高不吝这次倒没有打绊子,直接回道:“除了此丹之外,乌云丹中也有少量用到。另外,养灵丹和元虚丹中也有少许低年份的云鹤草,里面蕴含的先天紫气可忽略不计。” After Gao Bulin distinguishes, Han Li directly goes to one to pass changed/easy valley, spent a top grade spirit stones, bought several several medicine pill that its said respectively, in addition purchased Cloud Crane Grass of several hundred years, then returned to Rising Cloud Peak. 高不吝分别之后,韩立又径直去了一趟通易谷,花费了一块极品灵石,将其所说的几种丹药各自买了几颗,另外还购买了数株百年份的云鹤草,然后便返回了出云峰 In cave mansion secret room. 洞府密室中。 Han Li sits cross-legged to sit above the rush cushion, before the body, places medicine pill and Cloud Crane Grass that was just buying. 韩立盘膝坐在蒲团之上,身前摆放着刚刚买回来的丹药云鹤草 He first turns on a white porcelain bottle, pours a grain of dark cloud pill, took, the dantian place raised immediately a warm current, the accumulated of faint trace spirit strength from medicine pill melts, gradually the transformation was magical power, stored up. 他先将一只白色瓷瓶打开,倒出一粒乌云丹,服了下去,丹田处随即升起一股暖流,丝丝灵力从丹药中蕴化开来,逐渐转化为法力,储存了下来。 In his heart one happy, takes up hundred years of Cloud Crane Grass, sends in the mouth, after chewing several next, swallowed into the abdomen. 他心中一喜,又拿起一株百年云鹤草,送入口中,嘴嚼几下之后,咽入了腹中。 Passed time of roughly one tea, his dantian place is warm, faint trace magical power converges in the dantian, saved again. 过了约莫一盏茶的功夫,他的丹田处再次温热起来,一丝丝法力汇入丹田之中,再次存储了起来。 The Han Li corners of the mouth bring back, reveal wipe the happy expression, finally determines, this innate auspicious sign truly is it restores the magical power key. 韩立嘴角勾起,露出一抹笑意,终于确定下来,这先天紫气确实是其恢复法力的关键。 So after one day night, more than half medicine pill and Cloud Crane Grass that after he will buy take next, cultivation base gradually when production costs rise, prices rise too, quick restored Nascent Soul Late Stage. 如此一日一夜后,当他将买来的过半丹药云鹤草都服下后,修为逐渐水涨船高,很快就恢复到了元婴后期 While its is overjoyed, when prepares the one breath remaining all medicine pill take next, the look actually stagnates. 正当其大喜过望,准备一口气将剩下的所有丹药都服下时,神色却是一滞。 At this moment, before his within the body , the efficacy that has not transformed completely, little for magical power, collects to go toward the dantian in finally. 此刻,他体内之前还没完全转化的药力,终于一点点化为了法力,朝着丹田之中汇集而去。 However, his dantian is similar to has actually been filled with the water the water jar , the memory not second half selected magical power again. 然而,他的丹田却如同已经盛满水的水缸,再也存储不下半点法力了。 He can only look at these magical power helplessly, a stay in the dantian, dissipated slightly little, vanishes into thin air. 他只能眼睁睁地看着那些法力,在丹田中稍一逗留,就一点点地消散了开来,化为乌有。 Han Li sighed, knows that this matter was mostly related in within the body Nascent Soul abnormal change, perhaps took many medicine pill again, no helped. 韩立叹了口气,知道此事多半还是与体内元婴异变有关,恐怕再服用更多的丹药,也是于事无补。 But this reasoning , after only then he and other mortal bodies and divine sense restore again some, can clarify. 而这个中缘由,也只有他等肉身和神识再恢复一些之后,才能来弄清楚了。 Nowadays, he is unable to depend upon cultivation to promote magical power , can only restore by medicine pill to the Nascent Soul Late Stage level, how to speed up the restoration of mortal body and divine sense, then became the primary problem. 现如今,他无法依靠修炼提升法力,凭借丹药也只能恢复到元婴后期层次,如何加快肉身和神识的恢复,便成了首要问题。 Thinks of here, some of his headaches, the index finger is rubbing the forehead lightly, is lost in thought. 想到这里,他不禁有些头疼,食指轻搓着眉心,陷入了沉思。 A moment later, he as if thought of anything suddenly, raised the head, the wrist/skill turns, took the token of that guest official elder. 片刻之后,他似乎突然想到了什么,抬起头来,手腕一翻,将那枚客卿长老的令牌拿了出来。 Han Li the divine sense investment token , a Cold Flame Sect geography distribution map that becomes by the golden ray collection, appears in him at present. 韩立神识投入令牌之中,一副由金色光线汇集而成的冷焰宗地理分布图,就显现在了他的眼前。 His vision searches for on the map a moment later, falls on three small characters that on Gathering Saint Peak labelled finally Scriptures Pavilion on. 他的目光在地图上搜寻片刻之后,最终落在了集圣峰上标注的三个小字“藏经阁”上。
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