RMJTIIW :: Volume #1

#85: Ancestor god

In the drainage ditch in youth Confucian scholar statue surroundings ground had been filled up by the blood, all blood are common like trickles, collect under the statue. 青年儒生雕像周围地面上的沟渠中早已被鲜血填满,所有血液如同一条条涓涓细流一般,汇集到雕像下方。 With white hair old man some sounds of shivering, the statue surface one/1st level/layer light blood light has rising of rhythm to shrink erratically, the place of clothes robe front letting fall, the blood-color vortex revolves together turning round, spreads the intermittent strange fluctuation. 伴随着白发老者有些颤抖的声音,雕像表面一层淡淡的血光有节奏的涨缩不定,衣袍前襟垂落之处,一道血色漩涡正滴溜溜旋转不已,从中传出阵阵奇异波动。 Buzz an abnormal noise! “嗡”的一声异响! In blood-color vortex ray one bright, the soldier who wears the blood-color armor flashes, its simple-hearted vision toward the outside glance moment, leaps on body figure shoots up to the sky, outside the battlefield direction toward square flies directly. 血色漩涡中光芒一亮,一名身着血色铠甲的士兵从中一闪而出,其木讷的目光朝外面扫视片刻,就身形一跃冲天而起,径直朝广场外的战场方向飞去。 After the moment, in the blood-color vortex is the ray flashes , the blood armor soldier lightens, joined in battle of surrounding. 片刻后,血色漩涡中又是光芒一闪,又有一个血甲士兵从中闪出,加入了外围的厮杀中。 At this moment, sits cross-legged a black robe girl around statue, suddenly body figure one crooked, poured. 就在这时,盘坐在雕像周围的一个黑袍女童,突然身形一歪,倒了下去。 It looks pale like the paper, on the lip did not have the least bit blood-color, the wound in wrist/skill place still to split, but did not have half drop of blood to flow out again. 其面色苍白如纸,就连嘴唇上都没有了半点血色,手腕处的伤口依然裂开着,但却再没有半滴鲜血可以流出。 That white hair old man sees that in the eye reveals one not to endure the look, actually also can only wave. 那名白发老者见状,眼中流露出一丝不忍神色,却也只能挥了挥手。 The one side is serving in ten several people, immediately the cotton garment guy walks up, hugged the girl one side, took out grain of red medicine pill to feed to take. 一旁侍候着的十数人中,立即有一名布衣大汉走上前去,将女童抱到了一边,取出一粒红色丹药喂服了下去。 But position that the girl empties, by a young young girl, was filled quickly. 而女童空出来的位置,也很快被一名年纪不大的少女,填补了上去。 The young girl complexion is somewhat timid, but has not delayed to sit cross-legged to sit, she is also the same like others, pulls the sleeves of left arm, puts out a shining knife, arrived in the wrist/skill place. 少女脸色有些怯懦,但还是没有丝毫耽搁地盘膝坐了下来,她也如同其他人一样,挽起左臂的衣袖,拿出一把明晃晃的小刀,抵在了手腕处。 She somewhat dreaded closes the eyes, the tooth bit the lip, delimited from the wrist/skill place the knife. 她有些畏惧地闭上了双眼,牙齿一咬嘴唇,将小刀从手腕处划了过去。 A striking blood line appears immediately, the dark red blood is common like one string of blood-color pearls, crashes. 一道醒目的血线立即浮现而出,殷红的血液如同一串血色珍珠一般,坠落下来。 ...... …… Although here altar the full play, a while will have the blood armor soldier to give birth every other joins to the fight, however this actually could not prevent the decadent potential of human race this side. 此处祭坛虽然全力运转着,每隔一会儿就会有血甲士兵从中生出加入到战斗中,然而这却丝毫阻止不了人族这一方的颓败之势。 In a while, the intense killing shout becomes more and more nearly, the people complexion in square also becomes ugly exceptionally, in the look reveals the desperate color gradually. 没过多久,激烈的杀喊声就变得越来越近,广场上的众人脸色也变得难看异常,眼神中渐渐流露出绝望之色。 In altar magical array square centered on youth Confucian scholar statue, is the inheritance of their clan is basic, once were captured by the alien race, the ancestor god statue was destroyed, then entire tribe exterminated the clan even. 广场上的这座以青年儒生雕像为中心的祭坛法阵,是他们这一族的传承根本,一旦被异族攻陷,祖神雕像被毁,那么整个族群就算是被灭族了。 At this moment human race cultivator more and more, was compelled from retreat by the alien race in all directions in the square surrounding, forms a perimeter defense circle, is making fighting of final trapped/sleepy beast. 此刻越来越的人族修士,被异族逼着从四面八方退守在广场外围,形成一道环形防御圈,做着最后的困兽之斗。 But in the upper air, the giant bellow transmits unceasingly, several groups of rainbow light collide intensely in together, appears more than ten person shadow. 而在高空之中,巨大的轰鸣声不断传来,数团虹光激烈碰撞在一起,从中现出十余道人影 And six people, all are the azure skin alien races, is ugly-looking, in the eye is revealing the frantic militant look, on prominent fang, is dodging the bone-chilling cold cold light. 其中六人,皆是青肤异族,一个个面目狰狞,眼中流露着狂热好战的神色,突出的獠牙上,则闪着凛冽寒光。 The azure skin alien race body was big, but among them is the purple robe man of head, must be higher than two heads compared with the person of kin, seeming like seems an iron tower stands erect in the midair. 青肤异族身材本就高大,而他们当中为首的一名紫袍男子,更是比同族之人还要高出两头,看起来就仿佛是一座铁塔矗立在半空。 The aura is vigorous, impressively is Great Ascension Stage cultivator, but follows his five alien race, then all has in Integration Late Stage cultivation base. 其身上气息浑厚无比,赫然是一名大乘期修士,而身后追随他的五名异族,则全都有合体后期修为 These people, are covering that matter white ray similarly, but actually must concentrate to be much more solid than the ordinary alien race. 这些人身上,同样笼罩着那层白色光芒,只是却远比普通异族要凝实得多。 Separates in spatial relative five human race cultivator with it, wears the clothes besides one, the physique slightly fat scholarly man has Integration Late Stage cultivation base, several other people are Integration Early Stage, obviously is not these alien race opponents. 与之隔空相对的五位人族修士里,除了一名身着青衫,体态微胖的儒雅男子拥有合体后期修为外,其他几人则都不过是合体初期,显然不是那些异族对手。 Faces the extermination of the clan crisis, in scholarly man heart has bitter not being able saying that can only shoot a look at giant statue in a square, clenches teeth secretly. 濒临灭族危机,儒雅男子此刻心中是有苦说不出,只能瞥了一眼广场上的巨大雕像,暗自咬了咬牙。 But at this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 可就在这时,异变突生 Reappearing of one group of bright white light no indications before scholarly man several people, explodes generally loudly like the scorching sun, the innumerable rays fly to shoot, immediately their engulf. 一团明亮白光毫无征兆的浮现在儒雅男子几人身前,如同骄阳一般轰然爆炸开来,无数光线从中飞射而出,顿时将他们吞没了进去。 Rumbling “轰轰轰” A powerful incomparable air wave, from place of the explosion center to swinging, formed several wild dragon volume hurricanes immediately, toward takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 一股强大无比的气浪,从爆炸中心之处冲荡开来,顿时形成了一数道狂暴的龙卷飓风,朝着四面八方席卷而去。 Sees only several fuzzy forms, suddenly projects from the white light rapidly, crashes in the square direction. 只见数道模糊身影,突然从白光之中急速射出,朝着广场方向坠落下来。 Bang a loud sound. “轰”的一声巨响。 The square edge ground cracks, immediately falls a depth of ten several feet big holes. 广场边缘处地面崩裂,顿时陷下去一个深达十数丈的大坑。 But quick, in the pit have several the rainbow light to graze, appeared that several human race cultivator form, at this moment is the clothing was shattered, aura chaos. 但很快,坑中就有数道虹光飞掠而出,现出了那几名人族修士的身影,此刻都已是衣衫破碎,气息大乱。 But that scholarly man is the surface like the spirit money, in the hand grabs the broken blood mark shield, the corners of the mouth place has the blood to drip at the same time unceasingly. 而那名儒雅男子更是面如金纸,手中抓着一面残破的血纹盾牌,嘴角处不断有鲜血淌出。 Just now his make a move, preserved the people strongly, although no one was killed, but he himself actually paid a big price obviously. 方才正是他竭力出手,才保全了众人,虽没有一人丧命,但他自己却显然付出了不小的代价。 Patriarch......” 族长……” Surrounding human race sees this, was startled, opens the mouth to call out in abundance. 周围人族一见此,更是惊慌不已,纷纷开口叫道。 The scholarly man cleaned a corners of the mouth bloodstain with the sleeves, beckons with the hand to the people, hints itself to be all right. 儒雅男子用衣袖擦拭了一下嘴角血迹,向众人摆了摆手,示意自己没事。 He raised head to look at an upper air, saw these alien race people not to pursue immediately, then several steps arrived under the statue, cast the vision that inquired toward that white hair old man. 他仰头望了一眼高空,见那些异族人并没有立即追上来,便几步来到雕像下方,朝那名白发老者投去询问的目光。 The old men shake the head, look sad saying: Ancestor god has not responded.” 老者则是摇了摇头,神色哀伤的说道:“祖神还是没有丝毫回应。” The scholarly man smiles bitterly, muttered: Ancestor god Sir, you really must abandon your people, abandons your retinue?” 儒雅男子苦笑一声,喃喃道:“祖神大人啊,难道您真要抛弃您的子民,抛弃您的仆从吗?” At this moment, that purple robe alien race has several to be old with Patriarch, flew into sky over the square, laughs was saying: 就在这时,那名紫袍异族已带着几位同族长老,飞入了广场上空,大笑着说道: Ha haha...... is Luo Feng, still begging your useless ancestor gods by the present? Might as well adjust, how later changes to believe in our Cold Crystal Clan ancestor god?” “哈哈哈……洛风,到现在还在乞求你们那无用的祖神吗?不如变通一下,以后改信奉我们寒晶族祖神如何?” Tu Ha, you do not do insolent! Your ancestor gods, in the past were also the defeated of our Dark Mist Island ancestor god.” The scholarly man angrily rebukes to say. 图哈,你休要张狂!你们的祖神,当年也不过是我们乌蒙岛祖神的手下败将而已。”儒雅男子怒斥道。 Hehe, what was the past temporary humiliation considered as? So-called the winners become kings while the losers become bandits, our ancestor gods shelter this clan not to have toward nowadays as before are disadvantageous, but your. Since ten thousand years ago after its injury deep sleep, can once regain consciousness? Only feared that fallen has fallen?” Purple robe alien race Tu Ha referred to oneself white light, looks to that statue, despises to say. “嘿嘿,当年的一时屈辱算得了什么?所谓成王败寇,我们的祖神现如今依旧庇护着本族无往而不利,而你们的呢。自打万年之前其受重伤沉睡后,可曾苏醒过?只怕早已陨落掉了吧?”紫袍异族图哈指了指自己身上的白光,又看向那座雕像,鄙夷说道。 Luo Feng hears word actually stagnates, wants to speak the rebuttal, somewhat had nothing to say in reply, because the opposite party said that and extremely why not right. 洛风闻言却是一滞,想要出言反驳,却有些无言以对,因为对方所说的,并无任何不对。 Nearly for ten thousand years, that ancestor gods in their clan have indeed been in the deep sleep, almost does not have the relation with the clansman, particularly in nearly millenniums, regarding clansman's summon are unresponsive. 近万年来,他们族中的那位祖神的确一直都处于沉睡中,与族人几乎已经没有了联系,尤其是近千年里,对于族人的呼唤更是毫无反应。 At the beginning of this archenemy invades, they have braced oneself, depend upon the clansman essence and blood to attempt to awaken the ancestor god, but still does not have the least bit to reply. 此次大敌入侵之初,他们已经硬着头皮,依靠族人精血来尝试唤醒祖神,但至今都没有半点回音。 The idol that although can still leave behind through the ancestor god calls some ancestor health/guard, but also futile attempt, can only resist one or two/just a little reluctantly, cannot change the general situation radically. 虽尚能通过祖神留下的这座神像唤出一些祖卫,但也不过杯水车薪,只能勉强抵挡一二,根本改变不了大局。 Luo Feng, only depending on blood armor Dao soldiers that these summoned, wanted to prevent us to spit the muddy clan, simply was dream of a fool. Not obediently surrender words, my then slaughter your entire clan.” The Tu Ha sudden intonation enhances, shouted sternly. 洛风,仅凭这些召唤出来的血甲道兵,就想要阻挡我们吐浑一族,简直是痴人说梦。再不乖乖投降话,我便屠你满族。”图哈突然语调提高,厉声喝道。 Finishes speaking, its wields, surrounding Cold Crystal Clan invades, offensive all of a sudden violent time. 话音刚落,其手一挥,周围的寒晶族蜂拥而上,攻势一下子猛烈了倍许。 A Dark Mist Island side was then in a weak position, at this moment is in imminent danger, several defense lines were broken through, saw with own eyes that the enemy then must capture the square center. 乌蒙岛一方原本便处于弱势,此刻更加岌岌可危,数处防线被攻破,眼见敌人便要攻入广场中央。 The Luo Feng body shivers, the complexion is ugly, in the heart somewhat despaired. 洛风身体颤抖,脸色难看之极,心中有些绝望了。 At this moment, does not know where transmits one suddenly low and deep wū wū the sound, that azure statue trembled suddenly, makes rumble the sound. 就在此刻,不知哪里突然传来一阵低沉的呜呜声音,那青色雕像忽的震颤了起来,发出隆隆的声音。 Afterward on the statue sends out the dazzling incomparable black ray, is getting more and more bright. 随后雕像上散发出耀眼无比的黑色光芒,越来越亮。 This was...... the ancestor god...... the ancestor god manifests a spirit!” “这是……祖神……祖神显灵了!” First discovers abnormal change from the altar recent white hair old man, shouting of great happiness. 距离祭坛最近的白发老者最先发现异变,大喜的喊道。 Dark Mist Island side people first are stunned, then hears the voice of old man, immediately reveals the wild with joy color, the morale rises suddenly, the defense line that will soon collapse had a stable sign unexpectedly. 乌蒙岛一方众人先是愕然,然后听到老者的声音,顿时都露出狂喜之色,士气暴涨,原本即将崩溃的防线竟有了一丝稳定的迹象。 The Cold Crystal Clan person facial expression of attack is just the opposite, in the heart is also disturbed. 进攻的寒晶族人神情恰恰相反,心中也大为忐忑起来。 If the ancestor god of opposite party really can manifest a spirit, even their Great Ascension Stage Patriarch, still at all is not an opponent. 要是对方的祖神真能显灵,即便是他们大乘期族长,也根本不是对手的。 Is impossible!” “不可能!” The Tu Ha Patriarch vision is staring below statue stubbornly, calling out that some do not dare to believe. 图哈族长目光死死盯着下方的雕像,有些不敢置信的叫道。 The ray of statue sending out is getting more and more bright, then flashes fiercely, the entire statue explodes loudly, changes into the big piece jet black such as the ray of black ink. 雕像散发的光芒越来越亮,然后猛地一闪,整座雕像轰然爆裂开来,化为大片漆黑如墨的光芒。 After the black light flash several flashed, changes into a surrounding area dozens zhang (3.33 m) black vortex. 黑光闪了几闪后,化为一个方圆数十丈大小的黑色漩涡。 In the vortex is flashing jet black electric arcs, tearing is void, exudes the sound of deafening thunder. 漩涡中闪动着一道道漆黑电弧,撕裂虚空,发出震耳欲聋的雷霆之声。 Originally bright sky, as the black vortex appears, appears piece by piece dark cloud, indistinct also electricity glow flashes through. 原本明亮的天空,随着黑色漩涡出现,也浮现出一片片乌云,隐约也有一道道电芒在其中闪过。 The surrounding area the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy within several hundred li (0.5 km), the page like the boiling water of boiling, tumbles fiercely. 方圆数百里内的天地灵气,页如同沸腾的开水,剧烈翻滚起来。 The both sides complexion big change that sees with own eyes so the scene, the battle, has stops the hand that immediately dreads in abundance. 眼见如此景象,交战的双方都脸色大变,当即心生忌惮的纷纷停下手。 In the vortex the black electric arc increases fast, then condensed one, changed into a giant black electricity ball, Chī chī makes noise. 漩涡中黑色电弧飞快增多,然后凝聚到了一处,化为一个巨大的黑色电球,嗤嗤作响。 Pū chī! 噗嗤 The black electricity ball twists suddenly, then one elongates, changes into a several feet jet black space crack. 黑色电球陡然扭曲起来,然后一下拉长,化为一条十几丈长的漆黑空间裂缝。 Whiz! 嗖! Some person's shadows of staggering fly to shoot from inside, slightly one sways then to stand firm in the midair, appears a form of azure robe man. 一个有些踉跄的人影从里面飞射而出,微一摇晃便在半空稳住,显现出一个青袍男子的身影。 The space crack flashed crazily several, slowly closed, vanishes without the trace. 空间裂缝狂闪了几下,缓缓闭合,消失无踪。 next moment, the black vortex of midair also dissipates slowly, the Heaven and Earth spiritual energy of surging quickly restores, the in the air dark cloud also vanishes. 下一刻,半空的黑色漩涡也慢慢消散,激荡的天地灵气很快恢复,空中的乌云也随之消失。 Although the azure robe man looks somewhat distressed, but among the facial expressions has a happy expression. 青袍男子虽然看起来有些狼狈,不过神情间却带着一丝喜色。 But when it stands firm body figure, and vision looks toward the surroundings, sees the surrounding dark mass of crowd, a brow slightly wrinkle. 但当其稳住身形,并目光朝着周围望去,看到周围乌压压的人群,眉头微微一皱。 This person Han Li, his using energy whole body posture in martial arts, successfully passed through the world/interface gap finally. 此人正是韩立,他费劲全身解数,终于成功穿越了界面间隙。 However this time he, within the body magical power almost exhausts, the strength of mortal body also consumes greatly, eight precious ingredients exquisite bone armor also thorough disintegration in space storm. 不过此时的他,体内法力几乎耗尽,肉身之力也是大耗,八宝玲珑骨甲也彻底崩碎在了空间风暴之中。 At present this what's the matter? 只是,眼前这一幕又是怎么回事? Ancestor god Sir! You came back finally!” “祖神大人!您终于回来了!” Patriarch Luo Feng sized up azure robe man one eyes fast, in eye rapid incomparable passed over gently and swiftly unusual look, on the face appears the wild with joy incomparable facial expression, bends down to prostrate oneself toward the azure robe man. 洛风族长飞快打量了青袍男子一眼,眼中迅疾无比的掠过一丝异色,脸上浮现出狂喜无比的神情,朝着青袍男子俯身拜倒。
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