RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#486: Is addicted to Golden Immortal

Sees only white stone column under ground golden light flashes, a golden beetle, throws impressively ice-breaking toward a stone column. 只见一根白色石柱下方地面金光一闪,一只金色甲虫赫然从中破冰而出,朝着一根石柱扑去。 Whiz! 嗖! In white magical array the thick white light flies to shoot together, under flashes, changed into a white light sword, cut by the potential of thunderclap to the golden beetle. 白色法阵内一道粗大白光飞射而出,一闪之下,化为了一柄白色光剑,以迅雷之势斩向了金色甲虫。 The golden beetle big mouth, spouted one group of golden light suddenly, under the turning round revolution changed into a golden vortex. 金色甲虫蓦然大口一张,喷出了一团金光,滴溜溜一转之下化为了一个金色漩涡。 The white light sword castrates one slow, then trembles , under by the golden vortex scroll, the white light was then dodged unexpectedly crazily reduces fast, in an instant submerges in the vortex, vanishes does not see. 白色光剑去势一缓,接着一颤之下,竟被金色漩涡卷了进去,接着白光狂闪之下飞快缩小,转眼间没入漩涡中,消失不见。 Golden beetle body figure non-stop slightly, before lightening now the white stone column, the body golden light puts greatly, in an instant changed into dozens zhang (3.33 m), with just now, one grasped the white stone column. 金色甲虫身形丝毫不停,一闪出现在白色石柱前,身躯金光大放,转眼间化为了数十丈大小,和方才一样,一下抱住了白色石柱。 Beetle big mouth, that two sickle clear advantage tooth ejections, bite fiercely above the stone column. 甲虫大口一张,那两个镰刀般的晶莹利齿弹射而出,猛地咬在石柱之上。 The indestructible white stone column before the clear advantage tooth, unexpectedly as if becomes soft, by Kā chā, was nipped a trace. 坚不可摧的白色石柱在晶莹利齿前,竟似乎变得柔软之极,被“咔嚓”一下,咬出了一道痕迹。 How possibly!” Xiao Jinhan changes countenance terrified, in hand without delay pinches finger joints with the thumb wields. “怎么可能!”萧晋寒悚然动容,二话不说的手中掐诀一挥。 The crystal light flies to shoot together, flashed to submerge in that white stone column that passed. 一道晶光飞射而出,一闪而逝的没入了那根白色石柱之内。 The stone column surface white light puts immediately greatly, appears suddenly crystal light, then concentrates to form the one/1st level/layer epitaxial, is somewhat similar to Han Li True Extreme Membrane, is seemingly indestructible. 石柱表面白光顿时大放,骤然浮现出一道道晶光,然后一凝形成一层晶膜,和韩立真极之膜有些相似,看起来坚不可摧。 However when the clear advantage tooth of golden beetle bumps into this layer crystals light, the crystal light is defeated and dispersed immediately. 不过当金色甲虫的晶莹利齿一碰到这层晶光,晶光立刻溃散开来。 The sickle advantage tooth of golden beetle kept slightly , to continue to submerge in the stone column. 金色甲虫的镰刀利齿丝毫不停,继续没入了石柱内。 Kā chā! 咔嚓 On the white stone column appears together the crack, the stone column above white light beam drastic fluctuation suddenly, inside 7 - 8 light group is also not steady, tremor. 白色石柱上浮现出一道裂纹,石柱上空的白色光柱忽的剧烈波动起来,里面的七八光团也随之不稳,颤动不已。 Where this is braves, damn!” The Xiao Jinhan complexion changes immediately, in the eye reveals the color of startled anger, stood suddenly, two wield. “这是哪里冒出来的,该死!”萧晋寒面色顿时大变,眼中露出惊怒之色,豁然站了起来,两手一挥。 Humming sound! 嗡嗡! White magical array revolves rapidly, the thick white light flies to shoot together, the tremor, some are not steady, hits toward the golden beetle. 白色法阵急速运转,一道粗大白光从中飞射而出,颤动不已,有些不稳,朝着金色甲虫打去。 Meanwhile, two white crystal light from the Xiao Jinhan hand, let go to fly to shoot, is actually two white long spears, all over the body snow white, lends the dense/woods cold incomparable aura, but also has the intense principle fluctuation. 与此同时,两道白色晶光从萧晋寒手中,脱手飞射而出,却是两件白色长戈,通体雪白,散发出森寒无比的气息,还带着强烈的法则波动。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! Two white long Ge Dianshe, increase suddenly, changes into two spoken parts rainbows, cut ruthlessly to the golden beetle. 两件白色长戈电射而出,骤然变大,化为两道白虹,狠狠斩向了金色甲虫。 White long dagger-axe after two spoken parts rainbows, sends first, catches up before the white light, flies to shoot sky over the golden beetle fuzzily, interlocks to cut ruthlessly. 白色长戈所化的两道白虹后发先至,赶在白光之前,一个模糊飞射到金色甲虫上空,交错狠狠斩下。 The loud sound that Keng clang two gold/metal Tiejiao strikes, two long Ge Zhan above the golden beetle nape of the neck, sparks/Mars four shoots. “铿铿”两声金铁交击的巨响,两根长戈斩在金色甲虫脖颈之上,火星四射。 On the golden beetle nape of the neck appears two Daoist priest Changbai marks, the skin of nape of the neck somewhat splits faintly, but a drop of blood has not flowed out. 金色甲虫脖颈上浮现出两道长长白痕,脖颈的皮肤隐隐有些裂开,但一滴鲜血也没有流出。 Then the beetle two sickle advantage teeth dodge, two long dagger-axe then Kā chā break off and is swallowed in the entrance by it, Kā chā several, then vanish without the trace, then its whole body light streams golds, the original tiny wound also vanishes does not see. 接着甲虫两道镰刀利齿一闪,两根长戈便咔嚓折断并被其吞入口中,咔嚓几下,便消失无踪,接着其周身光流,原先的细小伤口随之消失不见。 The previous this series of changes happened in in the wink of an eye, making this/Ben somewhat desperate Qi Tianxiao and the others in the surface reveal the color of being pleasantly surprised. 先前的这一系列变化发生在瞬息之间,让本有些绝望的齐天霄等人面上都露出又惊又喜之色。 Devourer Golden Immortal of Golden Immortal rank, this is how possible!” In the Xiao Jinhan eye reveals the color of shock. 金仙级别的噬金仙,这怎么可能!”萧晋寒眼中露出震惊之色。 His these two long dagger-axe immortal artifact are its trump card important treasure, sharp incomparable, almost does not have the thing not to destroy, previously by the body violated the danger did not have wielding, now cuts not broken this unexpectedly at present the carapace of this golden beetle, but also by it swallowing. 他这两件长戈仙器是其压箱底重宝,锋利无比,几乎无物不摧,先前以身犯险之时都没祭出,如今竟然斩不破这眼前这只金色甲虫的甲壳,还被其给吞了。 During the consideration, this moment that say/way thick white light electricity shoots, but, struck on the golden beetle. 思量间,此刻那道粗大白光电射而至,击在了金色甲虫身上。 In the white light, innumerable white rune beat, extremely cold aura erupts. 白光之中,无数白色符文跳动,一股极寒气息爆发开来。 Ka ka! 咔咔! White iceberg appear out of thin air, the golden beetle, freezes together with the white stone column impressively together in inside. 一座白色冰山赫然凭空浮现而出,将金色甲虫,连同白色石柱一起冻结在里面。 The golden beetle places in the white iceberg, but seems to have no influence on it, but vibrates slightly the body, then continues to move, in the mouth opens and closes several, the fissure on stone column increases fast. 金色甲虫身处白色冰山之中,但对其似乎没有任何影响,只是微微抖动一下身子,便继续动弹起来,口中开合几下,石柱上的裂痕飞快变大。 Under the Xiao Jinhan heart is greatly anxious, will make anything. 萧晋寒心中大急之下,正要做什么。 But is late, only listens to that white stone column to spread Kā chā, unexpectedly break. 但已经迟了,只听那根白色石柱传出“咔嚓”一声,竟生生断裂。 Bang! 轰隆! Stone column break, white magical array between five stone columns , fiercely dim several points. 石柱断裂,五根石柱间的白色法阵噗的一声,猛地黯淡了几分。 The stone column above white light beam is also defeated and dispersed, inside 7 - 8 white light group drastic fluctuation, unexpectedly weak rupturing in abundance opens at this moment. 石柱上空的白色光柱也随之溃散,里面的七八个白色光团剧烈波动,此刻竟不支的纷纷爆裂而开。 Xiao Jinhan body week white light also trembles crazily, its complexion suddenly one white, „”, spouts a big blood, the aura suddenly was also feebler. 萧晋寒身周白光也随之一阵狂颤,其面色陡然一白,“哇”的一声,喷出一大口鲜血,气息也猛然衰弱了很多。 This a series of changes, causes to cover the snow and ice spirit domain also drastic fluctuation of entire mountain valley, the reduction degenerates impressively fast, turns into the previous appearance, even is feebler, is almost soon defeated and dispersed to vanish. 这一系列变化,也引得笼罩整个山谷的冰雪灵域随之剧烈波动,赫然飞快缩小退化,变成先前的模样,甚至更加衰弱,几乎快要溃散消失。 Qi Tianxiao and the others saw with own eyes this scenery, immediately great happiness. 齐天霄等人眼见此景,顿时大喜。 Almost next moment, one grey two red, three spirit domain spread to open fast, covered Xiao Jinhan all of a sudden. 几乎下一刻,一灰两红,三道灵域飞快扩散而开,一下子罩住了萧晋寒 Meanwhile, immortal artifact fly to shoot, from goes toward the Xiao Jinhan bang in all directions. 与此同时,一道道仙器飞射而出,从四面八方朝着萧晋寒轰去。 Among the Xiao Jinhan facial expressions flashes through a startled color, two wield anxiously. 萧晋寒神情间闪过一丝惊慌之色,两手急挥。 Under his white light puts greatly, sending out spirit domain in an instant the retraction half, became even more rich, simultaneously the innumerable snowflakes circled in flight all around, but, condensed the one/1st level/layer white light screen before the body. 他身上白光大放之下,散发的灵域刹那间又回缩了一半,变得愈发浓郁,同时周遭无数雪花飞旋而至,在身前凝聚成了一层白色光幕。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A each article immortal artifact bombardment in the white light screen, the light screen insisted on several breath, loudly disruption, but these immortal artifact were also instead shaken to return. 一件件仙器轰击在白色光幕,光幕坚持了几个呼吸,轰然碎裂,不过这些仙器也被反震而回。 Xiao Jinhan complexion again one white, spouts a blood, the body aura is feebler. 萧晋寒面色再次一白,又喷出一口鲜血,身上气息更加衰弱。 However he supports the one breath, the body white light puts greatly, shoots toward behind. 不过他强撑一口气,身上白光大放,朝着后面倒射而出。 But at this moment, the Xiao Jinhan body week void fluctuation same place, more than ten black chains flies to shoot, twines like lightning on his body. 但就在此刻,萧晋寒身周虚空波动一起,十几道黑色锁链从中飞射而出,闪电般缠绕在他的身上。 The Xiao Jinhan body week white light dissipates fast, the body also tied up several by the black chains, immediately cannot move, the aura of whole person was also imprisoned in an instant generally, looks is similar to a mortal. 萧晋寒身周白光飞快消散,身体也被黑色锁链捆缚了几圈,顿时动弹不得,整个人的气息也刹那间被禁锢住了一般,看起来就如同一个凡人。 person's shadow flitted, a lanky person's shadow appears in Xiao Jinhan behind, is Feng Tiandu. 人影一花,一个瘦长的人影在萧晋寒身后浮现而出,正是封天都 Feng Tiandu, you, if killed me, Heavenly Court will not let off you!” Xiao Jinhan shouted sternly. 封天都,你若杀了我,天庭绝不会放过你!”萧晋寒厉声喝道。 Palace Master Xiao, it seems like it is the day must perish you.” The Feng Tiandu sufficient ear has not heard, in the mouth said lightly, in the eye severe glow flashes to pass, wields single-handed. 萧宫主,看来是天要亡你。”封天都充耳未闻,口中淡淡说了一声,眼中厉芒一闪而逝,单手一挥。 The black crystal light flies to shoot from his hand together, silent a stroke from Xiao Jinhan. 一道黑色晶光从他手中飞射而出,无声无息的从萧晋寒身上一划而过。 On the Xiao Jinhan face the facial expression solidifies immediately, the next moment entire body from head to foot, Pū chī cracks two halves, the blood wells up crazily, the internal organs intestines flowed place. 萧晋寒脸上神情顿时凝固,下一刻整个身体从头到脚,“噗嗤”一声裂成两半,血液狂涌而出,内脏肠子流了一地。 At this moment, the fuzzy white light flies to shoot from the Xiao Jinhan corpse together, is white Nascent Soul, the silver eyebrow silver must, is Xiao Jinhan. 就在此刻,一道模糊白光从萧晋寒尸体中飞射而出,正是一只白色元婴,银眉银须,正是萧晋寒 The Nascent Soul body week white light twinkle, by the influences of surrounding three spirit domain, was not shot to go toward the distant place electricity, the speed is extremely fast, under flashes then flies to project beyond more than ten li (0.5 km). 元婴身周白光闪烁,丝毫不受周围三个灵域的影响,朝着远处电射而去,速度极快,一闪之下便飞射出十几里外。 Feng Tiandu sneers, flicking the fingers. 封天都冷笑一声,屈指一弹 The white Nascent Soul front fluctuation same place, black chains appear out of thin air, interweave under void again the winding, suddenly formed a black big net, toward a white Nascent Soul cover, as if has waited general here. 白色元婴前方虚空再次波动一起,一道道黑色锁链凭空浮现而出,交织缠绕下,眨眼间形成了一张黑色大网,朝着白色元婴一罩而下,似乎早已等在这里一般。 The powerful imprisoned principle sends out from the black big net, surrounding area in dozens zhang (3.33 m) void was also imprisoned. 强大的禁锢法则从黑色大网中散发而出,方圆数十丈内的虚空也被禁锢。 The white Nascent Soul face ties tight, the opens the mouth spat, spouted a white round bead. 白色元婴脸孔紧绷,张口一吐,喷出了一颗白色圆珠。 Bang, the white round bead explodes to open, erupts the innumerable white lights, mixes with an extremely cold principle. “砰”的一声,白色圆珠爆裂而开,爆发出无数白光,其中夹杂一股极寒法则。 The black chains big net was attacked by the white light, the potential of whereabouts stops immediately, and surface appears impressively the one/1st level/layer white ice crystal, imprisons the principle to stagnate powerful. 黑色锁链大网被白光冲击,下落之势顿时一停,并且表面赫然浮现出一层白色冰晶,强大禁锢法则为之一滞。 The white Nascent Soul waiting for an opportunity body turns, changes into a white light to shoot from a chains big net bank , to continue to shoot to go toward the distant place rapid electricity. 白色元婴伺机身躯一扭,化为一道白光从锁链大网一侧飞射而出,继续朝着远处迅疾电射而去。 The Feng Tiandu complexion sinks, body figure flies to shoot immediately, changes into sharply pursues to go toward white Nascent Soul black light together. 封天都面色一沉,身形立刻飞射而出,化为一道黑光朝着白色元婴急追而去。 If makes Xiao Jinhan Nascent Soul escape, will certainly no end of trouble for the future! 若是让萧晋寒元婴逃脱,必将后患无穷! At this moment, the front flashing through fuzzy golden light suddenly, white Nascent Soul vanishes together baseless. 就在此刻,前方忽的闪过一道模糊金光,白色元婴凭空消失。 Feng Tiandu is startled, body figure stopped. 封天都一怔,身形一顿的停了下来。 That said that under golden light flashes not far away before its stopped, the golden light collects, appeared the form of golden beetle, it does not know when flew from that iceberg, body figure also reduced human head size. 那道金光一闪之下在其身前不远处停了下来,金光敛去,显现出了金色甲虫的身影,其不知何时从那座冰山中飞了出来,身形也缩小到了人头大小 In the golden beetle mouth, is holding in the mouth Xiao Jinhan white Nascent Soul. 金色甲虫口中,正叼着萧晋寒的白色元婴 White Nascent Soul struggles, but cannot move. 白色元婴挣扎不已,但动弹不得。 silver beard guy, you froze me, I ate you, we wrangled.” The golden beetle mouth spits the criticism/human language, immediately sent out a stream of golden light, the cling white Nascent Soul, swallowed it. 银胡子,你冻了我,我吃了你,咱俩扯皮了。”金色甲虫口吐人言,随即发出一股金光,卷住了白色元婴,一口将其吞了下来。 Surrounding snow and ice spirit domain glittered at this moment several, is defeated and dispersed to open. 周围的冰雪灵域此刻闪烁了几下,溃散而开。 On that five stone columns the white light twinkle, the reduction, changes into five zhang (3.33 m) permits tall white stone column impressively fast, of break is also same. 那五个石柱上白光闪烁,赫然飞快缩小,化为五根丈许高的白色石柱,断裂的那根也是一样。 Feng Tiandu saw that Xiao Jinhan Nascent Soul was swallowed, is first startled, then a complexion loosen, sizes up golden beetle two immediately, in the eye flashes through greedy. 封天都看到萧晋寒元婴被吞,先是一怔,接着面色一松,随即打量金色甲虫两眼,眼中闪过一丝贪婪。 He waves to send out black light, has swept the Xiao Jinhan corpse, curls up a white bracelet, flies to shoot to return, falls in his hands. 他挥手发出一股黑光,扫过萧晋寒尸体,卷起一个白色手镯,飞射而回,落在他的手中。 At this time, it the sound rings out behind air-splitting, was actually Qi Tianxiao and the others receives immortal artifact respectively, flew toward here. 此时,其身后破空声大作,却是齐天霄等人各自收起了仙器,朝这里飞了过来。 Southern Dark Race two Golden Immortal cultivator as well as Daoist Hu Yan, Ouyang Kuishan and the others, encircled at this time in abundance. 南黎族的两名金仙修士以及呼言道人,欧阳奎山等人,此时也纷纷围了上来。 Numerous Golden Immortal gathers to come, must surround shortly Golden Child, the fellow actually not care quite the same as, after swallowing Xiao Jinhan Nascent Soul, climbed up that half white stone column, continuation of acting in a completely informal or uninhibited manner gnaws to eat. 一众金仙纷纷聚拢而来,眼看就要将金童包围起来,那家伙却是浑然不去在意,吞下了萧晋寒元婴后,又爬上了那半根白色石柱,旁若无人的继续啃食起来。 After Qi Tianxiao looked at Feng Tiandu one, body figure flashes, encircled toward Golden Child behind. 齐天霄看了封天都一眼后,身形一闪,就朝着金童身后围了过去。 In the meantime, saw only azure light flashing through suddenly, a person's shadow appears before the body of that Devourer Golden Immortal together instantaneously, separated her and Qi Tianxiao. 就在此时,只见一道青光忽的闪过,一道人影瞬间出现在了那个噬金仙的身前,将她和齐天霄隔了开来。 Qi Tianxiao body figure stagnated, stops in same place, brow tight pressed sized up toward that person. 齐天霄身形一滞,停在了原地,眉头紧蹙的朝那人打量了过去。 Sees only its tall and powerfully built, the facial features are dark, are living ordinary middle-aged facial features, has actually transformed Han Li of appearance. 只见其身材魁梧,面容黝黑,生着一张普通的中年面容,却正是幻化过容貌的韩立 Sees with own eyes Han Li to come, on the Golden Child mountain the ray flashes, changed to the girl appearance, in the hand was also still holding that half stone column. 眼见韩立过来,金童山上光芒一闪,重新化作了女童模样,手里还兀自抱着那半根石柱。 Golden Child, did some people bully you?” Han Li looked at Qi Tianxiao one, turns around to clash Golden Child to say. 金童,是不是有人欺负你了?”韩立看了齐天霄一眼,转身冲金童说道。 During the speeches, he does not have deliberately to suppress the aura, reveals intentionally Golden Immortal Intermediate Stage cultivation base realm. 说话间,他没有刻意压制气息,故意将自己金仙中期修为境界显露出来。 Uncle, bullied my silver beard guy to be eaten by me.” Golden Child stretched out the small tongue to lick the lip, said. “大叔,欺负我的那个银胡子被我吃了。”金童伸出小舌头舔了舔嘴唇,说道。 This seemingly optional one asked questions and other answered, making others also all stop the footsteps at this time, has not continued to approach toward them, but was the look varies looks to them, in the vision was full of the alert. 这看似随意的一问一答,令其余众人此时也全都止住了脚步,没有继续朝他们靠近,而是神色各异地望向了他们,目光之中充满了戒备。 They have naturally recognized, at present this seems like the human and animals to be harmless, is combing a girl who soars to the heavens the golden short braid, the main body is Devourer Golden Immortal that has the Golden Immortal strength. 他们自然已经认出了,眼前这个看似人畜无害,梳着一个冲天金色小辫的女童,本体乃是一只拥有金仙实力的噬金仙 But they have not always heard, which immortal has to have Devourer Golden Immortal of Golden Immortal rank in Immortal World, such person, no matter what no one dares to belittle. 而他们也从来也未曾听说过,在仙界有哪位仙人拥有一只金仙级别的噬金仙,这样的人,任谁也不敢小觑。
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