RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#485: Unexpected

Is following closely the scarlet vermilion bird and blue giant wheel, a side white great seal, a azure jade ring, a red crystal bead from three direction illness/quick shoots respectively, but, transformed white/in vain, the azure, red three shining vision groups, struck to go toward the white light cover crazily, was actually other Concealed Tower Sect three Golden Immortal also make a move. 紧随着赤红朱雀和蓝色巨轮,一方白色大印,一枚青色玉环,还有一颗赤色晶珠分别从三个方向疾射而至,幻化成了白,青,红三个耀眼光团,同样朝白色光罩狂击而去,却是伏凌宗其余三名金仙出手了。 Everyone does utmost at this moment obviously, hugs must kill the determination of Xiao Jinhan, the power and influence of this wave of offensive compared with previously broke open Supreme Unity Palace entrance restriction also to want on a big way many. 所有人此刻显然都竭尽全力,抱着必杀萧晋寒的决心,这一波攻势的威势比先前破开太乙殿入口禁制还要大上不少。 Rumble a series of heaven-shaking bangs transmit! “轰隆隆”一连串的惊天巨响传来! The white light cover radical distortion trembles, the superficial miraculous glow is fast gloomy. 白色光罩剧烈扭曲震颤,表面灵光飞快暗淡下去。 But this white light cover compared with it previous, why did not know several times firmly, although trembled fiercely, but did not have the sign of slightest disruption. 但这白色光罩比之先前,不知为何坚固了数倍,虽然剧烈震颤,但却并没有分毫碎裂的迹象。 Moreover, under the light cover surface white light streams revolutions, appears innumerable white rune. 不仅如此,光罩表面白光流转之下,浮现出无数白色符文 As these rune flash, in surroundings spirit domain the innumerable miraculous glow gatherings come, integrated in the light cover, the miraculous glow that the white light coats restores impressively fast. 随着这些符文闪动,周围灵域内无数灵光汇聚而来,纷纷融入了光罩内,白色光罩上的灵光赫然飞快恢复。 Numerous Golden Immortal sees this, the complexion again changes. 金仙看到此幕,面色再次一变。 A Qi Tianxiao brow wrinkle, two pinch finger joints with the thumb, in mouth low roar going. 齐天霄眉头一皱,两手掐诀一点,口中低喝一声“去”。 That gray python body one volume, one tied down the white light cover, the huge body twined several. 那条灰色巨蟒身躯一卷,一下缠住了白色光罩,庞大身躯缠绕了几圈。 On the python appears innumerable grey rune, liquid gray mist overflow from the python, cover the white light cover. 巨蟒身上浮现出无数灰色符文,一股股液体般的灰色雾气从巨蟒身上溢出,笼罩住白色光罩。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 The gray mist corrodes unceasingly, the white light cover the ray flashes immediately, the restored speed reduces immediately. 灰色雾气不断腐蚀,白色光罩顿时光芒闪动起来,恢复的速度顿时一减。 The speed that but the fog corrodes, restores compared with the speed with the white light cover, difference is too far, basically has no major role. 但灰雾腐蚀的速度,和白色光罩恢复速度相比,差的太远,基本没有什么大的作用。 In the Qi Tianxiao heart is greatly anxious, will greet everyone to attack again, making everyone dumbfounded one appear! 齐天霄心中大急,正要招呼所有人再次攻击,令所有人目瞪口呆的一幕出现了! Bang at this moment under somewhere ground, the innumerable ice sludge split, then size had dozens zhang (3.33 m) golden beetle to fly fully. 就在此刻下方某处地面“轰”的一声,无数碎冰绽裂开来,接着一只体型足有数十丈大小的金色甲虫从中飞了出来。 Is it possible that this is......” Qi Tianxiao looks at the golden beetle, is startled slightly. “这莫非是……”齐天霄看着金色甲虫,微微一怔。 But sees under the golden beetle body claw, one held the white light cover in the bosom, the golden sharp claws grasped ruthlessly in the light coats. 但见金色甲虫身下爪子一张,一下将白色光罩抱在了怀里,金色利爪狠狠抓在光罩上。 That gray python is cut several sections by the beetle sharp claws immediately, wail, the body is defeated and dispersed, changes into the big piece fog to scatter. 那条灰色巨蟒立刻被甲虫利爪斩成几截,哀鸣一声,身躯溃散,化为大片灰雾飘散。 The Qi Tianxiao facial expression changes, although this gray python condenses with the fog, but doped his silk of magical principle, not only has the strength of corrosion, endures compared with common immortal artifact tenaciously, so easily then shut off by this golden beetle unexpectedly. 齐天霄神情微变,这灰色巨蟒虽然是用灰雾凝聚而成,但其中掺杂了他的法则之丝,不仅具有腐蚀之力,坚韧也堪比寻常仙器,竟然如此轻易便被这金色甲虫切断。 Others at this moment, is stunned, regarding this sudden golden beetle is the enemy or friend, is confused, actually in midair with white domain spirit(s) dogfight Feng Tiandu both eyes slightly one bright. 其余人此刻,也是一阵愕然,对于这只突然出现的金色甲虫是敌是友,也是一头雾水,倒是半空中正与白色域灵缠斗的封天都双目微微一亮。 The golden beetle has not paid attention to Golden Immortal on the scene, big mouth. 金色甲虫没有理会在场金仙,大口一张。 Whiz whiz! 嗖嗖! Ejection of two sickle advantage teeth from mouth. 两个镰刀般的利齿从口中弹射而出。 These two advantage teeth and other golden teeth are entirely different, the color wants to be lighter, somewhat is faintly transparent, sends out a hazy golden ray. 这两个利齿和其他金色牙齿截然不同,颜色要淡很多,隐隐有些透明,散发出一阵朦朦的金色光芒。 The golden beetle big mouth bites fiercely, two sickle advantage teeth cut in the white light coat. 金色甲虫大口猛地咬下,两个镰刀利齿斩在白色光罩上。 Chī la! 嗤啦 Qi Tianxiao and the others went all out to attack, has not broken the slightest light cover, as if the paper stuck easily to be broken by biting by the golden beetle two advantage teeth generally, delimits two long gaps. 齐天霄等人拼命攻击,也没有打破分毫的光罩,仿佛纸糊一般轻易被金色甲虫两根利齿咬破,划出了两道长长缺口。 Bang! 砰! The white light that the white light cover sends out concentrates, immediately cuns (2.5 cm) disrupt, reveals inside five stone columns. 白色光罩散发出的白光一凝,随即寸寸碎裂开来,露出里面的五根石柱。 On five stone columns appears at this moment white traces, is found in various stone column places densely and numerously, and extends from the bottom, interwines, forms complex incomparable white magical array in the ground. 五根石柱上此刻浮现出一道道白色纹路,密密麻麻遍布石柱各处,并且从底部延伸而出,交织在一起,在地面上形成一个复杂无比白色法阵 Xiao Jinhan is sitting cross-legged to sit in the magical array center at this moment, similarly looks the panic-stricken inexplicable color. 萧晋寒此刻正盘膝坐在法阵中央,同样面露惊骇莫名之色。 silver beard guy, dares with freezing this fairy!” In the golden beetle mouth spreads sound of the girl, then the body turned, changed into one group of golden light, directly soared Xiao Jinhan to swoop. 银胡子,敢用冰冻本仙女!”金色甲虫口中传出一声女童之声,接着身躯一扭,化为了一团金光,直奔萧晋寒所在飞扑了过去。 Golden beetle...... Devourer Golden Immortal? Is impossible!” The Xiao Jinhan brow slightly wrinkle, in the eye flashes through doubts, immediately shakes the head, had not stood, two pinch finger joints with the thumb. “金色甲虫……噬金仙?不可能!”萧晋寒眉头微皱,眼中闪过一丝疑惑,随即摇了摇头,也没有站了起来,两手掐诀一点。 Buzz! “嗡”的一声! The white magical array ray puts greatly, the thick white rainbow light appears together, changes into a sharp light sword instantaneously, the rapid incomparable electricity shoots, hits, in the golden beetle melts on the light group. 白色法阵光芒大放,一道粗大白色虹光浮现而出,瞬间化为一柄尖锐光剑,迅疾无比电射而出,打在金色甲虫所化光团上。 A resounding, golden beetle the light group was struck to fly, the ray is defeated and dispersed, appeared the golden beetle tumbling uncertain body. 一声脆响,金色甲虫所化的光团被击飞了出去,光芒溃散,现出了金色甲虫翻滚不定的身躯。 With its whole body golden light flashes, this stands firm body figure, on the golden carapace has a spoken parts mark faintly. 随着其周身金光一闪,这才堪堪稳住身形,金色甲壳上隐隐有一道白痕。 next moment, beetle golden light flashes, the body reduces impressively fast, changes into the grinding pan size, then fuzzy throws again toward Xiao Jinhan, the speed was faster than almost time before. 下一刻,甲虫身上金光闪动,身躯赫然飞快缩小,化为磨盘大小,然后一个模糊再次朝着萧晋寒扑去,速度比之前快了几乎倍许。 However it just approached five stone columns, inside magical array immediately one bright, is the light sword flies to shoot together, in accurate incomparable hitting the golden beetle, struck to fly it again. 但是其刚刚靠近五根石柱,里面的法阵立刻一亮,又是一道光剑飞射而出,精准无比的打中金色甲虫,将其再次击飞了出去。 In the golden beetle eye the angry look wins, will swoop again. 金色甲虫眼中怒色更胜,正要再次飞扑而出。 At this moment, its both eyes turning round one revolution, the body stops, looked at one in a direction, in the mouth squeak squeak called two, immediately body figure suddenly fuzzy, vanished in baseless same place. 就在此刻,它双目滴溜溜一转,身子一停,朝着一个方向望了一眼,口中吱吱叫了两声,随即身形陡然一个模糊之下,凭空消失在了原地。 Xiao Jinhan is startled slightly, is wanting to make anything. 萧晋寒微微一怔,正想要做些什么。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Qi Tianxiao and the others dropped from the clouds at this moment, fell, five stone columns, Xiao Jinhan encircled in the middle. 齐天霄等人此刻从天而降,落了下来,将五根石柱,还有萧晋寒围在中间。 The people looked at two toward the place that the golden beetle previously treated, in the eye reveals surprised, but takes back the vision quickly, looked to Xiao Jinhan. 众人朝着金色甲虫先前所待的地方看了两眼,眼中都露出一丝惊讶,不过很快收回目光,纷纷望向了萧晋寒 Palace Master Xiao, it seems like whatever the human mind intend it's Heaven that decides, suffers to death!” In the Qi Tianxiao eye cold glow flashes, pinches finger joints with the thumb. 萧宫主,看来人算不如天算,受死吧!”齐天霄眼中冷芒一闪,掐诀一点。 The grey jade ornament gray light puts greatly, the billowing fog gushes out, is centered on grey jade ornament, changes into a giant grey dragon impressively, makes threatening gestures to throw toward Xiao Jinhan. 灰色玉如意灰光大放,滚滚灰雾从中涌出,以灰色玉如意为中心,赫然化为一条巨大灰龙,张牙舞爪朝着萧晋寒扑去。 Other person also respective wielding immortal artifact, transform the assorted ray, from goes toward the Xiao Jinhan bang in all directions. 其他人也各自祭出仙器,幻化成各色光芒,从四面八方朝着萧晋寒轰去。 Xiao Jinhan cannot attend to immediately manages the golden beetle again, in the mouth mumbles, both hands even/including Dan, the magic arts flashed to submerge in the surrounding five stone columns that passed together definitely, regarding the surrounding situation, looked unexpectedly did not look at one. 萧晋寒当即顾不得再管金色甲虫,口中念念有词,双手连弹,一道道法决一闪而逝的没入了周围五根石柱中,对于周围的情况,竟然看也不看一眼。 Buzz! 嗡! Qi Tianxiao and the others the attacks just approached five stone columns, white magical array the ray put immediately greatly, extreme twist twinkle. 齐天霄等人的攻击刚刚靠近五根石柱,白色法阵立刻光芒大放,急速旋转闪烁。 Eats delicacies along with sharply, more than ten thick white lights fly to shoot from various magical array places, shoots toward the different positions. 伴随着一声声锐啸,十几道粗大白光从法阵各处飞射而出,朝着不同方位射去。 Rumbling a series of intensive bangs! “轰轰轰”一连串的密集巨响! Qi Tianxiao and the others the attacks, all were impressively same as just golden beetle, was struck to fly to keep off, unexpectedly no one's attack can approach five stone columns, let alone inside Xiao Jinhan. 齐天霄等人的攻击,赫然尽数和刚刚的金色甲虫一样,被击飞挡下,竟然没有一人的攻击能靠近五根石柱,更别说里面的萧晋寒了。 The numerous Golden Immortal complexion somewhat is ugly. 金仙面色都有些难看起来。 They had just seen this white magical array effect in the midair, thinks that is Xiao Jinhan controls magical array, resists that golden beetle. 他们刚刚在半空已经看到这个白色法阵的效果,原以为是萧晋寒操控法阵,抵挡那金色甲虫。 However at this moment looks like, these white lights do not seem like the Xiao Jinhan controls, but is this magical array has automatic sense/telepathy from outside attack, makes the law of dealing. 不过此刻看来,这些白光似乎并非是萧晋寒操控,而是这个法阵具有自动感应来自外面的攻击,做出应对之法。 At this moment, the ray that white magical array sends out suddenly is bright, traces on five stone column also fast become bright. 就在此刻,白色法阵散发出的光芒忽的明亮起来,五根石柱上的纹路也飞快变得明亮。 The dazzling white light sends out from five stone columns, flashes to condense together the thick white light beam, the direct impact horizon goes. 耀眼白光从五根石柱上散发而出,一闪凝聚成一道粗大白色光柱,直冲天际而去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Entire snow and ice spirit domain also trembles, the innumerable miraculous glows gather to come from various places, the white light beam is even more bright. 整个冰雪灵域也为之震颤,无数灵光从各处汇聚而来,白色光柱越发明亮。 In the white light beam, flashes to reappear the 7 - 8 white light group, rises fast in a big way. 白色光柱之中,一闪浮现出七八个白色光团,飞快涨大。 Prevents him quickly! He must condense domain spirit(s) again, hurries to destroy these stone columns!” In the midair, Feng Tiandu sees with own eyes this scenery, the complexion slightly changes, loudly shouted to below people. “快阻止他!他要再次凝聚域灵,赶紧将那些石柱破坏掉!”半空之中,封天都眼见此景,面色微微一变,对下方众人大喝道。 From the current situation, facing being in the powerful domain spirit(s) in spirit domain , he although can achieve to be in an impregnable position, but if wants to extinguish it thoroughly kills, actually as if non- a short time can achieve, once are many other domain spirit(s), under is in inverse proportion, they let alone must kill Xiao Jinhan, could move out does not say certainly. 从目前的情形来看,面对处于灵域内的这只强悍域灵,他虽能做到立于不败之地,但要想将之彻底灭杀,却似乎非一时半会可以做到,一旦再多出其他域灵,此消彼长之下,他们这些人别说要杀萧晋寒了,能否全身而退都说不准。 Qi Tianxiao and the others saw with own eyes this scenery, hears Feng Tiandu this words, wielding various immortal artifact, high rank talisman, changed into huge rays in abundance, goes toward five stone column bombardments. 齐天霄等人眼见此景,又听闻封天都此话,纷纷又祭出了各种仙器,高阶符箓,化为一道道巨大光芒,朝着五根石柱轰击而去。 Xiao Jinhan contemptuously smiles, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb. 萧晋寒轻蔑一笑,手中掐诀一点。 White magical array slightly one bright, projects dozens spoken parts light again, keeps off again all everyone's immortal artifact. 白色法阵微微一亮,再次射出数十道白光,将所有人的仙器再次尽数挡下。 In the Qi Tianxiao eye none flashes, suddenly the opens the mouth spouts an essence and blood, submerges in grey jade ornament, two pinch finger joints with the thumb even/including chose/point. 齐天霄眼中精光一闪,蓦然张口喷出一口精血,没入灰色玉如意内,两手掐诀连点。 Bang! 轰隆! The grey jade ornament ray puts greatly, snake of peak the exsomatize from the pleasantness flies to shoot impressively, changes into a giant gray snake head. 灰色玉如意光芒大放,顶端的蛇首赫然从如意上离体飞射而出,化为一只巨大灰色蛇首。 Snake first blood-stained mouth, one will block front white light one to swallow down impressively. 蛇首血口一张,赫然一下将挡住前面的白光一口吞了下去。 The jade ornament front has not prevented, immediately changed into a gray light, fuzzy, appears before the stone column. 玉如意前方没有阻挡,顿时化为了一道灰光,一个模糊之下,出现在石柱前。 But sees under its turning round one revolution, then changes into a grey great blade, great blade edge, appears grey rune, sends out one to have corrodes the aura intensely power of magical principle, cut ruthlessly on the white stone column. 但见其滴溜溜一转之下,便化为一柄灰色巨刃,巨刃边缘处,浮现出一道道灰色符文,散发出一股带有强烈腐蚀气息的法则之力,狠狠斩在了白色石柱上。 In the Xiao Jinhan eye flashes through an accident/surprise, but does not have make a move to stop, two continue to pinch finger joints with the thumb stimulates to movement magical array. 萧晋寒眼中闪过一丝意外,不过也没有出手阻拦,两手继续掐诀催动法阵 A loud sound! 一声巨响! The grey great blade as if hits the spray on reef, is defeated and dispersed loudly. 灰色巨刃仿佛撞在礁石上的浪花,轰然溃散开来。 Grey jade ornament appears, but the superficial miraculous glow is gloomy, whistling is transferring greatly instead shakes to return. 灰色玉如意浮现而出,不过表面灵光暗淡,呼呼大着转反震而回。 White stone column gently in a flash, superficial white light twinkle, but returns to the original condition immediately immediately. 白色石柱轻轻一晃,表面白光阵闪烁,但随即立刻恢复了原状。 What!” The Qi Tianxiao complexion changes. “什么!”齐天霄面色一变。 The change of grey jade ornament is seemingly simple, is actually his important treasure strongest attack shape, including stays behind the trace unable to achieve on the stone column unexpectedly together. 灰色玉如意的这个变化看起来简单,却是他这件重宝的最强攻击形态,竟然连在石柱上留下一道痕迹也做不到。 This stone column does not know that is what material quality casts, unexpectedly hardly in this way, no wonder Xiao Jinhan was not worried. 这石柱也不知是何材质所铸,竟坚硬如斯,难怪萧晋寒一点也不担心。 Meanwhile, a loud sound transmits from another side, is actually in the golden walking stick in Southern Dark Race white-haired old woman hand spouts together the blade slender golden light, does not know how to break through the stop of white magical array, cuts on another stone column. 与此同时,一声巨响从另一边传来,却是南黎族鹤发老妪手中的金色拐杖中喷出一道刀刃般的纤细金光,不知如何突破了白色法阵的阻拦,斩在另一根石柱上。 The stone column trembles slightly, immediately also restored the original design, has not left slightly the trace. 石柱微微一颤,随即也恢复了原样,并未留下丝毫痕迹。 Two people look at each other one, sees the shock in opposite party eyes. 两人对视一眼,都看到对方眼中的震惊。 In the Xiao Jinhan heart sneers, two continue the wheel to pinch finger joints with the thumb. 萧晋寒心中冷笑,两手继续车轮般掐诀。 White magical array sends out the ray to be getting more and more bright, various spirit domain place spoken parts light gatherings come, to integrate in the 7 - 8 light group in light beam together. 白色法阵散发出光芒越来越亮,灵域各处一道道白光汇聚而来,融入光柱内的七八个光团体内。 Several white light groups in light beam change fast, grows the head and four limbs slowly. 光柱中的几个白色光团飞快变化,缓缓长出脑袋和四肢。 In the Xiao Jinhan eye reveals the happy expression, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb is more anxious. 萧晋寒眼中露出喜色,手中掐诀更急。 At this moment, making one that Xiao Jinhan had a dream cannot think of happen! 就在此刻,令萧晋寒做梦也想不到的一幕发生了!
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