RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#484: Hand in hand governing spirit

Bang a loud sound that resounds through the horizon! 轰隆一阵响彻天际的巨响! The immortal artifact mighty current that white cold wave and Feng Tiandu and the others released, shook hardly in one, immediately the bellow was unceasing, the rupturing light group continuously, almost submerged all. 白色寒潮和封天都等人释放的仙器洪流,硬撼在了一起,随即轰鸣声不断,爆裂光团此起彼伏,几乎淹没了一切。 The entire mountain valley rumble rocks, the solid ice of dike ground split the innumerable say/way spreading across cracks again. 整个山谷隆隆晃动,岩壁地面的坚冰再次裂开了无数道纵横交错的裂缝。 Luckily here mountain valley by the solid ice freeze that Xiao Jinhan spirit domain condenses, is not a common ice crystal, firm incomparable, otherwise this region is unable to bear the so fearsome impact, has disintegrated, changed into the fragment powder. 幸好此处山谷被萧晋寒灵域凝聚出的坚冰冻结,并非寻常冰晶,坚固无比,否则这片区域根本无法承受如此可怖的冲击,早已分崩离析,化为了齑粉。 For all that various mountain valley places also start to collapse slowly, is unable to support is too long. 虽然如此,山谷各处也开始慢慢崩溃,无法支撑太久。 The white cold wave shakes fiercely, collapses, changed into everywhere cold wind snowflake, toward scatters to go in all directions. 白色寒潮猛地一震,崩溃开来,重新化为了漫天的寒风雪花,朝着四面八方飘散而去。 Feng Tiandu and the others are the body big quake, the immortal artifact mighty current is also defeated and dispersed, moreover each immortal artifact surface appears impressively the one/1st level/layer thick solid ice, the miraculous glow reduces greatly. 封天都等人也是身躯大震,仙器洪流也溃散开来,而且每一件仙器表面赫然都浮现出一层厚厚坚冰,灵光大减。 At this moment, a spoken parts shadow flies to flee from everywhere cold wind snowflake, is that white domain spirit(s), plunged a nearest Concealed Tower Sect body figure slightly somewhat obese Golden Immortal old man. 就在此刻,一道白影从漫天寒风雪花中飞窜而出,正是那只白色域灵,扑向了距离最近的伏凌宗一名身形略有些肥胖的金仙老者。 The white domain spirit(s) two fingertip white lights dodge, grows five long nails baseless, each have several the ruler fully, as if five sharp swords, the left hand grasps like lightning toward the obese Golden Immortal old man overhead. 白色域灵两手指尖白光一闪,凭空长出五根长长的指甲,每一根都足有数尺长,仿佛五根利剑,左手闪电般朝着肥胖金仙老者当头抓下。 The obese Golden Immortal old man complexion changes, the body of plump shoots, simultaneously the opens the mouth spouts a fiery red throwing knife, under the turning round revolution, rose in a big way several times. 肥胖金仙老者脸色一变,圆滚滚的身体倒射而出,同时张口喷出一口火红飞刀,滴溜溜一转之下,涨大了数倍。 On the knife inscribes a lifelike phoenix design, sends out the dazzling red light. 刀身上铭刻一只栩栩如生的凤凰图案,散发出耀眼红光。 As the old man single-handed law urges definitely, that phoenix just like living generally, the both wings inspired, as if must soar to great heights general, all over the body red light greatly hold. 随着老者单手法决一催,那只凤凰宛如活过来了一般,双翅一振,仿佛要展翅高飞一般,通体红光大盛。 Hū lā, on the throwing knife appears scarlet golden flame, forms a flame Phoenix virtual image, sends out an intense flame principle to fluctuate, cuts toward white domain spirit(s). 呼啦”一声,飞刀上浮现出一道道赤金色火焰,形成一只火焰虚影,散发出一股强烈火焰法则波动,朝着白色域灵斩去。 White color range spiritual root this has not moved aside, another right hand the white light puts suddenly greatly, fuzzy, grasps into the throwing knife flame directly. 白色域灵根本没有躲闪,另一只右手蓦然间白光大放,一个模糊之下,直接抓入飞刀火焰中。 Immediately flame phoenix wail on throwing knife, is defeated and dispersed fiercely, clean of disappearance, the knife was held by the white domain spirit(s) big hand impressively, the surface appears the one/1st level/layer thick white ice crystal, motionless, as if the intelligence all loses. 顿时飞刀上的火焰凤凰哀鸣一声,猛地溃散开来,消失的一干二净,刀身赫然被白色域灵大手抓住,表面浮现出一层厚厚白色冰晶,一动不动,仿佛灵性全失。 The obese Golden Immortal old man sees with own eyes this scenery, in the heart startles greatly. 肥胖金仙老者眼见此景,心中大骇。 This red throwing knife is seemingly common, is its personal collection trump card important treasure, uses a skeleton refinement of True Spirit phoenix he resulted in the past occasionally, can erupt the phoenix real flame, the might is enormous, has not thought that was actually waved to break by this domain spirit(s). 这口红色飞刀看似寻常,乃是其贴身收藏的一件压箱底重宝,使用他当年偶得的一副真灵凤凰的骸骨炼制而成,能爆发出凤凰真炎,威力极大,没想到却被这域灵挥手破掉。 The white domain spirit(s) left hand continues to grasp like lightning, five white cold light let go to depart, the speed is extremely fast, appears before the obese Golden Immortal old man body fuzzily, cuts ruthlessly. 白色域灵左手继续闪电般抓过,五道白色寒光脱手飞出,速度极快,一个模糊出现在肥胖金仙老者身前,狠狠斩下。 The obese old man in great surprise, two rubs fiercely, then toward a body racket. 肥胖老者大惊,两手猛地一搓,然后朝身上一拍。 His ray flashes continually, appears the guard/shield that instantaneously several colors vary, simultaneously body figure in a flash , to continue to shoot to go toward behind. 他身上光芒连闪,瞬间浮现出数层颜色不一的护罩,同时身形一晃,继续朝着后面倒射而去。 Five cold light cut above the guard/shield, Chī la, several guard/shield papers stick general, was easily cut broken. 五道寒光斩在护罩之上,“嗤啦”一声,几层护罩纸糊一般,轻易被一斩而破。 Five white cold light reflect in the obese Golden Immortal eye, in its full is the panic-stricken color. 五道白色寒光倒映在肥胖金仙眼中,其眼中满是惊恐之色。 Be careful!” “小心!” The gray light from the side electricity shoots together, but, , changes into a gray big hand to grasp again and again absorbs, one blocked four cold light. 一道灰光从旁边电射而至,“噗”的一声,化为一只灰色大手连连抓摄,一下挡住了四道寒光。 But still had cold light together to leak from the gray big hand, has delimited the obese Golden Immortal left arm. 但仍有一道寒光从灰色大手中漏了出去,划过肥胖金仙的左臂。 Pū chī! 噗嗤”一声! Left arm simultaneous/uniform Jianzhan of obese Golden Immortal old man fell, changes into solid ice to fall, its wound has not bled, but by one/1st level/layer white ice crystal freeze, and went toward other body spot attacks fast. 肥胖金仙老者的左臂齐肩斩落,化为了一块坚冰直坠而下,其伤口也没有流血,而是被一层白色冰晶冻结,并且飞快朝着身体其他部位侵袭而去。 In his eye flashes through panic-stricken, but did not respond slowly, took out at the same time azure talisman single-handed, pasted in the wound. 他眼中闪过一丝惊恐,但反应不慢,单手取出一面青色符箓,贴在伤口上。 Green talisman explodes immediately, changes into one group of green lights to wrap the wound, the spread of white ice crystal slows down immediately. 绿色符箓立刻爆裂,化为一团绿光包裹住伤口,白色冰晶的蔓延立刻减缓。 The old men support the one breath, the body continues to shoot, was far away from white domain spirit(s). 老者强撑一口气,身上继续倒射而出,远离了白色域灵 White domain spirit(s) sees this, the body white light flashes , to continue to go toward the obese Golden Immortal chase. 白色域灵见此,身上白光闪动,继续朝着肥胖金仙追逐而去。 That grey big hand surface black light one brightly, fiercely rising big time, grasps like lightning, holds white domain spirit(s) impressively. 那只灰色大手表面黑光一亮,猛地涨大倍许,闪电般一抓,赫然一把抓住白色域灵 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! This moment side white printing, a azure jade ring, grey such as the jade electricity shoots, but , was actually other Concealed Tower Sect three Golden Immortal broke just by frozen immortal artifact, the make a move aid. 此刻一面白色打印,一枚青色玉环,还有一柄灰色如玉电射而至,却是伏凌宗其他三个金仙施法震碎了刚刚被冰封的仙器,出手援助。 Three immortal artifact shell ruthlessly on white domain spirit(s), the domain spirit(s) body explodes fiercely, changes into a piece of white light to scatter toward the surroundings. 三件仙器狠狠轰击在白色域灵身上,域灵身躯猛地爆裂开来,化为一片白光朝着周围飘散。 Elder Yan, all right?” The Qi Tianxiao form lightens now side the obese Golden Immortal old man, counts on the fingers. 颜长老,没事吧?”齐天霄的身影一闪出现在肥胖金仙老者身旁,屈指一点。 Red talisman flies to shoot, above sends out the faint trace flame principle to fluctuate, changes into one group of red light to integrate old man within the body. 一张赤色符箓飞射而出,上面散发出丝丝火焰法则波动,化为一团红光融入老者体内。 The old man left shoulder wound place appeared the one/1st level/layer red light, the beat, resists the attack of white ice crystal immediately. 老者左肩伤口处浮现出一层红光,跳动不已,立刻抵挡住了白色冰晶的侵袭。 Fortunately, cannot think this domain spirit(s) is so fierce, many thanks sect master rescues.” Obese Golden Immortal complexion one slow, stood. “还好,想不到这域灵如此厉害,多谢宗主相救。”肥胖金仙面色一缓,站了起来。 domain spirit(s) may transfer power of magical principle in spirit domain recklessly, the strength under Xiao Jinhan, everyone is less careful, do not give in vain the life white/in vain, behind I am not necessarily able to protect you.” The Qi Tianxiao sinking sound said. 域灵可肆意调动灵域内的法则之力,实力不下于萧晋寒本身,大家都小心一些,别白白送了性命,后面我未必能护得住你们。”齐天霄沉声说道。 Other Concealed Tower Sect Golden Immortal hears word, the look concentrates, but in the heart a loosen, that white domain spirit(s) had just been struck to kill immediately. 伏凌宗其他金仙闻言,神色一凝,但随即心中一松,刚刚那白色域灵已经被击杀。 Looked the situation that white domain spirit(s) is born, produces domain spirit(s) is not obviously easy every time, then they pour do not need extremely to have scruples. 看那白色域灵诞生的情形,每产生一头域灵显然都不容易,如此一来他们倒也不用太过顾忌。 However at this moment, domain spirit(s) collapses the white miraculous glow suddenly one bright, condenses to go toward one rapidly. 不过就在此刻,域灵崩溃所化的白色灵光忽的一亮,迅疾朝着一处凝聚而去。 The white light flashes, white domain spirit(s) appears again. 白光一闪,白色域灵再次浮现而出。 Sees with own eyes this, in the Golden Immortal surface on the scene changes color again. 眼见此幕,在场金仙面上再次变色。 But sees this white domain spirit(s) to wield single-handed, the cold wind snowflake in nearby spirit domain tumbles again, in an instant once again condenses the dreadful cold wave, the high sea sweeps across to come toward the people together, was bigger several points compared with the beforehand scale. 但见这白色域灵单手一挥动,附近灵域内的寒风雪花再次翻滚,转眼间又一次凝聚成一道滔天寒潮,怒涛般朝着众人席卷而来,比起之前规模更大了几分。 In people heart greatly cold, wielding immortal artifact will resist when again, person's shadow flitted, the Feng Tiandu form presents the people front. 众人心中大凛之下,正要再次祭出仙器抵挡之际,人影一花,封天都的身影出现众人前方。 domain spirit(s) is not that can eliminate easily, I block it, you destroy that five stone columns!” 域灵不是那么容易可以消灭的,我来挡住它,你们去破坏掉那五根石柱!” During the Feng Tiandu speeches, the whole body puts black light greatly, in black spirit domain of body week, gushed out the innumerable black air/Qi immediately. 封天都说话间,全身黑光大放,身周的黑色灵域内,顿时涌出了无数股黑气。 In his mouth mumbled at the same time, simultaneously ten fingers of companies shot before the body made a series of laws to decide, in a Cāng lāng lang resounding sound, black chains appeared in the black air/Qi. 他一面口中念念有词,同时十指连弹不已的往身前打出一连串法决,一阵仓啷啷脆响声中,一根根黑色锁链在黑气中浮现而出。 Inundated the darkness air/Qi to condense toward one immediately, changed into a giant black mountain peak, kept off before the cold wave monstrous waves. 漫天黑气立刻朝着一处凝聚,化为了一座巨大黑色山峰,挡在了寒潮巨浪前。 Bang a loud sound! 轰隆一声巨响! The black mountain peak rocks violently, the chains in mountain peak black air/Qi shivers, even broke much, but the cold wave monstrous waves kept off finally. 黑色山峰猛烈晃动,山峰黑气中的锁链颤抖不已,甚至断裂了不少,但寒潮巨浪总算被挡了下来。 Feng Tiandu looks toward the white cold wave, in the eye the black glow flashes, suddenly lifts the hand, patted on the black mountain peak. 封天都朝着白色寒潮内望去,眼中黑芒闪动,蓦然一抬手,拍在了黑色山峰上。 On the black mountain peak black light flashes, black chains electricity shoot, submerges in the cold wave monstrous waves like lightning, tied up a white form, was that white domain spirit(s). 黑色山峰上黑光一闪,一道道黑色锁链从中电射而出,闪电般没入寒潮巨浪中,捆缚住了一个白色身影,正是那个白色域灵 Others see with own eyes this scenery, a complexion loosen, turns around to fly to shoot toward the under stone column to throw. 其他人眼见此景,面色一松,尽数转身朝着下方石柱飞射扑去。 Cold snort/hum spreads from the stone column surrounding white light cover, a light cover bright, innumerable white light gathers to come, to form a white big net from the surroundings fiercely, covers toward the people. 一声冷哼从石柱周围的白色光罩内传出,光罩猛地一亮,无数白光从周围汇聚而来,形成一张白色大网,朝着众人罩去。 power of Ice Principle that is unable to explain, sends out from various big net places immediately. 一股无法言喻的寒冰法则之力,顿时从大网各处散发而出。 The people have experienced fierce of this snow and ice spirit domain Ice Principle, does not have the thing is not frozen simply, tied down by this white big net, wants to withdraw to affirm difficultly incomparable, where dares to let his near body. 众人早已见识了这冰雪灵域寒冰法则的厉害,简直无物不冻,被这白色大网缠住,想要脱身肯定困难无比,哪里敢让其近身。 At that moment, people body figure, then flies to shoot to go toward both sides slightly, tries to bypass this net. 当下,众人身形略微一顿,然后朝着两旁飞射而去,试图绕过此网。 The white big net ray flashes, Hū lā one spreads to go toward both sides, increased instantaneously several times, blocked the people again. 白色大网光芒一闪,呼啦一下朝着两旁扩散而去,瞬间变大了数倍,再次将众人拦了下来。 Goes!” “去!” Qi Tianxiao low roar, the opens the mouth puts out together the gray light, is mixing with 4 - 5 grey Principle's Crystal Silk impressively, before submerging the body, in that grey jade ornament. 齐天霄低喝一声,张口吐出一道灰光,其中赫然夹杂着四五道灰色法则晶丝,没入了身前那柄灰色玉如意内。 The grey pleasant ray puts greatly, instantaneous rising large number ten times, the peak gray light flashes, appears a gray snake head, the top of the head is growing a gigantic sarcoma, looks very fierce. 灰色如意光芒大放,瞬间涨大数十倍,顶端灰光闪动,浮现出一个灰色蛇首,头顶长着一颗硕大肉瘤,看起来很是狰狞。 gray snake big mouth, spouts rich fog, condenses the 4 - 5 strip grey big python. 灰色蛇首大口一张,喷出一股浓郁灰雾,凝聚成四五条灰色大蟒。 This snake head top depends the sarcoma, both cheeks are flat, in gray Qilin armor appears gray patterns, looks quite fearsome. 此蛇头顶仗着肉瘤,两腮扁平,身上的灰色麟甲上浮现出一道道灰色花纹,看起来颇为可怖。 The grey big python sends out the intense corrosion principle, hit directly on the white big net. 灰色大蟒散发出强烈腐蚀法则,直接撞在了白色大网上。 Chī Chī Chī! 嗤嗤嗤 The white big net corrodes immediately fast melts, in an instant collapses, was corroded several large cave/hole. 白色大网立刻飞快腐蚀消融,转眼间崩溃,被腐蚀出几个大洞 Other Golden Immortal see with own eyes this scenery, immediately the great happiness, flies to shoot from several large cave/hole. 其他金仙眼见此景,顿时大喜,从几个大洞内飞射而出。 The front not far away, is the stone column light cover. 前方不远处,便是石柱光罩。 Qi Tianxiao pinches finger joints with the thumb, that several grey big pythons concentrate rolling, fuses together impressively, the gray python that changes into a hundred zhang (333 m) size , to continue to swoop, hit ruthlessly in the stone column surrounding white light coated. 齐天霄掐诀一点,那几条灰色大蟒滚滚一凝,赫然融为一体,化为一头百丈大小的灰色巨蟒,继续飞扑而下,狠狠打在了石柱周围的白色光罩上。 Bang a loud sound! “砰”的一声巨响! The white light coats the ray to flash, fluctuated slightly, immediately then restores the original design. 白色光罩上光芒一闪,略微波动了一下,立刻便恢复了原样。 Qi Tianxiao is startled immediately. 齐天霄顿时一怔。 They had also attacked this white light cover previously, at that time this light/only cover may not have so to be at present tenacious. 他们先前也攻击过这白色光罩,那时候这光罩可没有眼前这般坚韧。 During the consideration, others also shouted out to make noise, launched the attack. 思量间,其他人也纷纷呼喝出声,发动了攻击。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! Three golden color flying swords shoot from the Ouyang Kuishan three people of electricity, in they pinch finger joints with the thumb under the stimulation of movement, flashes changes into three hundred zhang (333 m) sizes the golden great swords, blooms the dazzling golden light. 三柄金色飞剑从欧阳奎山三人身上电射而出,在他们掐诀催动之下,一闪化为三柄百丈大小的金色巨剑,绽放出耀眼金光。 These design rune rays on flying sword put all greatly, dazzling incomparable, innumerable golden rune beats in within the golden light. 飞剑上的那些图案符文尽数光芒大放,刺目无比,无数金色符文在金光中跳动。 The Ouyang Kuishan three people of yawns spout an essence and blood, in the hand fire to pinch finger joints with the thumb together. 欧阳奎山三人张口喷出一口精血,手中齐齐发出一道掐诀。 Golden light that three great swords send out again one bright, fuses together instantaneously, changes into a 300 - 400 zhang (3.33 m) golden color great sword. 三柄巨剑散发出的金光再次一亮,瞬间融为一体,化为一口三四百丈长的金色巨剑。 This sword three are the shining sword edges, lends the scary aura. 此剑三面都是明晃晃的剑刃,散发出骇人的气息。 Then the golden great sword raises fiercely, chops to cut toward the white light cover under. 接着金色巨剑猛地一扬,朝着白色光罩劈斩而下。 Another side, Southern Dark Race ancient old man and white-haired old woman lifts, that two golden walking stick electricity shoot again, changes into two headage ten zhang (3.33 m) Gold Dragon. 另一边,南黎族古稀老者鹤发老妪手一抬,那两根金色拐杖再次电射而出,化为两头数十丈长的金龙。 white-haired old woman wields, two groups of red light fly to shoot from her hand, is actually two red bracelets, a fuzzy wrap/sets above two Gold Dragon napes of the neck. 鹤发老妪手一挥,两团红光从她手中飞射而出,却是两个红色镯子,一个模糊套在了两条金龙脖颈之上。 Hū lā! 呼啦 On two Gold Dragon ignites the flaming red flame immediately, changed into two fire dragons instantaneously, the aura that lends increases suddenly time, being pleased as punch threw to the white light cover. 两条金龙身上立刻燃起熊熊赤色火焰,瞬间化为了两条火龙,散发出的气息陡增倍许,摇头摆尾的冲白色光罩扑了过去。 A clear crane whining noise resounds, resounds through the entire mountain valley. 紧接着,一声清脆鹤鸣声响起,响彻整座山谷。 One group of dazzling flames drop from the clouds, is actually headage ten zhang (3.33 m) scarlet fire bird, the top of the head flame royal crown, seeming like the god steed is incomparable, as if the flame Saint bird vermilion bird in legend. 一团耀眼火光从天而降,却是一头数十丈大小的赤红火鸟,头顶火焰王冠,看起来神骏无比,仿佛传说中的火焰圣禽朱雀。 The scarlet great claws of scarlet vermilion bird two combustion grasp, scarlet sword Qi fly to shoot from the claw, shoots to go toward the white light cover illness/quick. 赤红朱雀两只燃烧的赤红巨爪抓下,一道道赤红剑气从爪子中飞射而出,朝白色光罩疾射而去。 Side under the vermilion bird, flashes, but also appeared blue giant wheel of hundred zhang (333 m) size, extreme twist. 朱雀身旁,一闪之下,还现出了一面百丈大小的蓝色巨轮,急速旋转。 Dazzling blue light appear from giant wheel, changes into blue ice cones, proliferates dozens zhang (3.33 m) range densely and numerously, each ice cone has faint trace power of magical principle to linger faintly. 一道道耀眼蓝光从巨轮上浮现而出,化为一根根蓝色冰锥,密密麻麻遍布数十丈范围,每一个冰锥都隐隐有一丝丝法则之力萦绕。 The innumerable blue ice cones shake, then as if strong bow hard crossbow is common, has the grating loud sound air-splitting, similarly howls to go to the white light cover. 无数蓝色冰锥一震,然后仿佛强弓硬弩一般,发出刺耳的破空巨响,同样冲白色光罩呼啸而去。 The scarlet vermilion bird, blue giant wheel behind, Daoist Hu Yan and Yun Ni form appears. 赤红朱雀,蓝色巨轮身后,呼言道人云霓的身影浮现而出。
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