RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#483: domain spirit(s)

With ice sculpture disruption, and other in people outside mountain wall before Feng Tiandu void above, one group of white light appear out of thin air turning round revolving keep, the surroundings have the dense and numerous snowflakes to dance in the air. 伴随着冰雕碎裂,距离封天都等四人里许外的山壁前虚空之上,一团白光凭空浮现并滴溜溜旋转不停,周围随之有密密麻麻的雪花飞舞而起。 These snowflake connections solidify, shortly will change into a zhang (3.33 m) permits tall ice piece, the ice piece also ruptured, the Xiao Jinhan form flashes, complexion compared with previously obviously pale. 这些雪花交接凝固,顷刻间化为了一座丈许高的冰块,冰块随之爆裂,萧晋寒的身影一闪而出,面色比此前更显苍白。 Although it seems like that the vitality to be damaged big, spirit domain that but he releases has not dissipated from beginning to end, and under if at this moment observes carefully, may discover that nearby approaching his body continues the range, the white light becomes thick just like the essence, is ordinary like the one/1st level/layer clear transparent guard/shield, is resisting Feng Tiandu and other strength of attacks the people of spirit domain. 虽然其似乎元气受损不小,但他释放出的灵域至始至终都并未消散,且此刻若细细观察之下,可发现在靠近其身子附近持续范围,白光变得浓密宛如实质,如同一层晶莹透明的护罩一般,抵御着封天都等四人的灵域之力侵袭。 The Feng Tiandu vision sweeps, but, cold snort/hum one, the hand pinches a sword secret art point. 封天都目光一扫而至,冷哼一声,手掐剑诀一点。 Before , that black great sword immediately the direction changes, sword blade fuzzy, changed into innumerable say/way black sword image, blots out the sky shoots to go at the illness/quick toward Xiao Jinhan. 其身前那柄黑色巨剑立刻方向一变,剑身一个模糊之下,化为了无数道黑色剑影,铺天盖地朝着萧晋寒所在疾射而去。 Qi Tianxiao, Daoist Hu Yan and the others also turn around the direction at this moment in abundance pursued, hand during technique urge definitely simultaneously. 齐天霄,呼言道人等人此刻也纷纷掉转方向的追了过去,手中法决同时一催。 Rumble, void vibration! 轰隆隆,虚空震动! Superhuman hand that a gray light winds around, a giant hot sword, a red fire dragon howls to go toward Xiao Jinhan again, before momentum, is more astonishing. 一只灰光缭绕的巨掌,一柄巨大火剑,还有一头赤色火龙再次朝着萧晋寒呼啸而去,声势较之前更为惊人。 Other that several Golden Immortal place in Xiao Jinhan snow and ice spirit domain, oneself also do not have spirit domain, acting restricted is very big, this moment nature could not have kept up with other four people. 其他那几个金仙身处萧晋寒的冰雪灵域之内,自身又没有灵域,行动受限很大,此刻自然已跟不上其他四人。 Although the Xiao Jinhan complexion is pale, among facial expressions actually not slightly flustered, body figure suddenly changes into a white light, flies to shoot to go toward under directly, appearance that flashes above ground, later then no longer moves the slightest, instead looks up toward the Feng Tiandu four people. 萧晋寒面色虽然苍白,神情间却没有丝毫慌张,身形蓦的化为一道白光,直接朝着下方飞射而去,一闪的出现在了地面之上,随后便不再移动分毫,反而抬头朝着封天都四人望去。 The top of the head had been flooded by everywhere miraculous glow void, in the sound, sword image, the giant palm came from out of the blue, moves mountains toward a Xiao Jinhan top of the head cover under. 其头顶虚空早已被漫天灵光充斥,破空声中,剑影,巨掌汹涌而至,排山倒海朝着萧晋寒头顶一罩而下。 At at this moment, bang a loud sound spreads from the under ground, causes the entire ground to tremble fiercely. 就在此刻,“轰隆”一声巨响从下方地面传出,引得整个地面猛地一颤。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! Sees only Xiao Jinhan to stand in same place motionless, a white robe is calm, it the ground shakes behind, a radical ten zhang (3.33 m) high white stone column from underground emits suddenly. 只见萧晋寒站在原地一动不动,一身白袍无风自动,其身后地面一震,一根数十丈高的白色石柱突然从地下冒出。 abnormal change has not stopped, first even/including bang bang bang bang four sounds loud sound! 异变并未停止,一连“轰”“轰”“轰”“轰”四声巨响! Another four white stone columns from underground emitted, encircle a circular, covered the body of Xiao Jinhan in inside. 另外四根白色石柱从地下冒出,围成了一个圆形,将萧晋寒的身体笼罩在里面。 Five stone columns all over the body snow white, as if general of ice crystal casting, the stone column from the peak to the lower part, inscribed the innumerable strange traces, on the stone column also mounted clear sparking white gems, as if eyes were common, flash. 五根石柱通体雪白,仿佛冰晶铸造的一般,石柱从顶端到下部,铭刻了无数怪异纹路,石柱上还镶嵌了一块块晶莹闪亮的白色宝石,仿佛一个个眼睛一般,闪动不已。 Buzz! 嗡! Five stone column white lights put suddenly greatly, and links rapidly, forms a white light cover, covers the body of Xiao Jinhan in inside. 五根石柱陡然白光大放,并且迅疾连接在一起,形成一个白色光罩,将萧晋寒的身体笼罩在里面。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! But the Feng Tiandu four people of attacks loudly, hit in the white light coated, erupts dazzling light group that bunch of colors varied. 封天都四人的攻击轰然而至,纷纷打在了白色光罩上,爆发出一团团颜色不一的刺目光团。 Only covers a distortion to shiver, superficial innumerable rune circle in flight the tumbling, as if next moment must disrupt general, but withstood finally. 光罩一阵扭曲颤抖,表面无数符文飞旋翻滚,似乎下一刻就要碎裂开一般,不过最后还是承受了下来。 Feng Tiandu and other people see this situation, is startled. 封天都等四人见此情形,均是一怔。 In the distant place cave, Han Li saw that Xiao Jinhan is separated from spirit domain that four Golden Immortal exerted together marvelously, on the face has not revealed what unusuality, since all Xiao Jinhan dares all alone to come this, has prepared inevitably, and it as the lord of Northern Cold Immortal Palace, somewhat maintains life the trump card method of withdrawing is also normal. 远处山洞之内,韩立看到萧晋寒奇迹般的脱离了四名金仙共同施加的灵域,脸上倒没露出什么异常,毕竟萧晋寒既然敢孤身一人来此,必然有所准备,且其身为北寒仙宫之主,有些保命脱身的压箱底手段也属正常。 When he saw when these suddenly the stone column that braves from Xiao Jinhan, lacks changes countenance finally, in the eye flashes through surprised. 当他看到这些突然从萧晋寒周围冒出来的石柱时,缺终于动容,眼中闪过一丝惊讶。 Sees only these five white stone columns to tremble gently, blooms more and more dazzling miraculous glow, innumerable white rune, just like the snowflake are ordinary, integrated in snow and ice spirit domain of Xiao Jinhan release. 只见这五根白色石柱轻轻震颤,绽放出越来越耀眼的灵光,其中还有无数白色符文,犹如雪花一般,纷纷融入了萧晋寒释放的冰雪灵域内。 The snow and ice spirit domain tremor twinkle, the area increases fast, expanded two times unexpectedly in an instant. 冰雪灵域颤动闪烁,面积飞快变大,竟转眼间扩大了两倍。 This sudden, making the Han Li complexion change, the cave that he and Golden Child are, was also wrapped impressively in this snow and ice spirit domain. 这突如其来的一幕,让韩立面色一变,他和金童所在的山洞,赫然也被包裹在了这片冰雪灵域内。 Not is only Han Li, that several were delivered to Concealed Tower Sect of distant place, Southern Dark Race True Immortal, Ouyang Kuishan three people of midair, one was covered by snow and ice spirit domain. 不仅仅是韩立,那几个被送到远处的伏凌宗,南黎族真仙,还有半空的欧阳奎山三人,也一下被冰雪灵域笼罩。 Ices spirit domain not only to increase coldly, but also among the cold air circulations, becomes concentrates to be solid impressively fast, the cold wind snowflake also increased to change dense several times to continue, implication power of Ice Principle, increased suddenly time. 寒冰灵域不仅仅变大,而且寒气流转之间,赫然飞快变得凝实起来,寒风雪花也变大变密了数倍不止,其中蕴含的寒冰法则之力,也陡增倍许。 In the spirit domain range, the mountain valley peak wall covers the one/1st level/layer thick ice crystal instantaneously, the ground is also the whiteness of driven snow. 灵域范围内,山谷峰壁瞬间蒙上一层厚厚冰晶,地面也是积雪皑皑。 Is centered on the mountain valley, in a surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) range, turned into a white and shiny snow and ice world instantaneously. 以山谷为中心,方圆百里范围内,瞬间变成了一个白花花的冰雪世界。 On in mountain valley void, appears impressively icy cold, seemed also frozen void generally. 山谷上面的虚空中,赫然也浮现出一道道冰凌,似乎虚空也被冻结了一般。 Feng Tiandu and other human bodies vindicated that light/only flashes, appears the one/1st level/layer ice crystal, almost will be covered the whole body shortly, was frozen ice sculptures instantaneously. 封天都等人体表白光一闪,也浮现出一层冰晶,几乎顷刻之间就被覆盖了全身,瞬间被冻成了一座座冰雕。 Distant place these True Immortal cannot withstand, their previous foot was sent out Xiao Jinhan spirit domain by several Golden Immortal, just eradicated ice crystal, the body then white light flashes, changed into the ice sculpture instantaneously again, the expression that even on the face varies solidified. 远处那些真仙更是不堪,他们前一脚被几名金仙送出了萧晋寒灵域,刚刚破除身上的冰晶,身上便白光一闪,瞬间再次化为了冰雕,连脸上各异的表情都凝固了下来。 But, Feng Tiandu and other Golden Immortal in the ice sculpture, started to exude the assorted ray. 但紧接着,封天都金仙所化的冰雕之中,开始泛起了各色光芒。 Bang bang bang! 砰砰砰! Their ice crystals were broken, revealed body figure, some complexion faint blanches. 他们身上的冰晶先后被震碎,纷纷显露出了身形,面色都隐隐有些发白。 The Ouyang Kuishan three people in midair can ignore the security, breaks ice crystal, flies to fall, fell by Feng Tiandu and others. 半空中的欧阳奎山三人也顾不上警戒,震碎身上冰晶,飞落而下,落在了封天都等人身旁。 Living that Feng Tiandu and the others can still resist, but these True Immortal are not then good. 封天都等人尚能抵挡的住,但那些真仙便不行了。 The True Immortal aura in ice sculpture dissipates fast, at this moment does not have the aura thoroughly, froze to death. 冰雕中的真仙气息飞快消散,此刻已经彻底没有了气息,被生生冻毙。 Feng Tiandu and the others saw this, immediately is angry, but cannot attend to these True Immortal at this moment. 封天都等人看到此幕,顿时大怒,不过此刻也顾不上那些真仙 These five pillars what's the matter, can strengthen the strength of spirit domain unexpectedly! Moreover he when did the arrange/cloth get down these stone columns?” Qi Tianxiao panic-stricken inexplicable asking. “这五根柱子是怎么回事,竟能增强灵域之力!而且他又是在何时布下了这些石柱的?”齐天霄惊骇莫名的问道。 Other person of hears word, look at each other in blank dismay, obviously does not know the origins of these pillars. 其他人闻言,均是面面相觑,显然都不知道这些柱子的来历。 Feng Tiandu is also silent, as if also knows not many to these pillars. 封天都也沉默不语,似乎对这些柱子也所知不多。 Although their are many, but in this moment imposing manner unexpectedly faintly by pressed and covered. 他们人数虽然多,但此刻气势上竟隐隐被压盖了下去。 Depends on your planning, is it possible that thinks that this Palace Master really not does detect? I thwart, in addition lures the snake from its hole, catches the whole lot in a dragnet you! Today must die here is not I, but is you!” The Xiao Jinhan sound spreads from five white stone columns, is full of the cold severe color. “就凭你们这点谋算,莫非以为本宫主真的毫无察觉吗?我不过是将计就计,外加引蛇出洞,将你们一网打尽罢了!今日要死在这里的不是我,而是你们!”萧晋寒的声音从五根白色石柱中传出,充满冷厉之色。 Feng Tiandu and the others heard this words, the complexion changes. 封天都等人听闻此话,面色微变。 At this moment, entire snow and ice spirit domain again rumble the tumbling, even more is bright, will be void other tricolor spirit domain that floods to suppress. 就在此刻,整个冰雪灵域再次隆隆翻滚,越发明亮,将虚空中充斥的另外三色灵域压制了下去。 This moment surroundings pleasant place, can see, only then snow and ice spirit domain. 此刻周围入眼处,能看到的只有冰雪灵域 Feng Tiandu and other people of facial colors immediately become ugly exceptionally, stimulates to movement cultivation technique, wants to try to promote spirit domain power to resist this severely cold power of magical principle, but actually in vain idle work. 封天都等四人面色顿时变得难看异常,纷纷催动功法,想要试图提升灵域威能抵御这股严寒法则之力,但却徒然无功。 Is impossible, this restriction can even white promote Golden Immortal spirit domain power to this situation unexpectedly, this snow and ice spirit domain might arrived at...... Feng Tiandu brow tight wrinkle simply, in the eye flashed through a startled color. “不可能,这禁制竟能平白将金仙灵域威能提升到这个地步,这冰雪灵域的威力简直到了……”封天都眉头紧皱,眼中闪过一丝惊色。 His words have not said, sky over five stone columns void flashes, appears one group of white light groups, sends out the bright white light. 他话没说完,五根石柱上空虚空一闪,浮现出一团白色光团,散发出煌煌白光。 Nearby white lights appear, gathers to go toward the white light group. 附近一道道白光浮现而出,朝着白色光团汇聚而去。 The light group increases immediately fast, during several breath, changes into several feet high white Shadow impressively. 光团立刻飞快变大,几个呼吸之间,赫然化为一个十几丈高的白色影子 This Shadow upper part is the person, the lower part impressively is one group of slurred white fog, the tumbling, is not changes various shapes, the whole body sending out intense principle aura. 影子上半身是人,下半身赫然是一团模糊不清的白雾,翻滚不已,不是变化出各种形态,全身散发强烈的法则气息。 domain spirit(s)! This person of spirit domain was really promoted level 3, Spirit Transformation Realm!” The Feng Tiandu complexion changes, the sinking sound said. 域灵!此人灵域果然被提升到了第三层,化灵境!”封天都面色一变,沉声说道。 Others hear this words, the facial expression change. 其他人听闻此话,神情都是大变。 The white person's shadow caught the eye to look toward Feng Tiandu and the others, both eyes were limpid, seemed like with the average man does not have much difference. 白色人影抬眼朝着封天都等人看了过来,双目清澈灵动,和常人看起来没有太大区别。 But sees its two to wield, nearby spirit domain tumbles immediately fiercely, the innumerable snowflake cold winds circled in flight the gathering to come, to submerge its body. 但见它两手一挥,附近灵域立刻剧烈翻滚起来,无数雪花寒风飞旋着汇聚而来,淹没了它的身躯。 In an instant, a giant white cold wave appears, the dreadful monstrous waves took away as many things as possible toward Feng Tiandu and the others generally. 转眼之间,一道巨大白色寒潮浮现而出,滔天巨浪一般朝着封天都等人席卷而去。 The giant cold wave has not arrived, fearsome Ice Principle already but loudly , the range is extremely broad, does not have to avoid. 巨大寒潮未到,一股可怖寒冰法则已经轰然而至,范围极广,根本无可躲避。 The front is void Chī la, white appear icy cold, trim void all by white ice crystal freeze. 前方虚空“嗤啦”一声,一道道白色冰凌浮现而出,整片虚空尽数被白色冰晶冻结。 Feng Tiandu and the others were frozen in inside. 封天都等人被冻结在了里面。 Several people of shout loudly, the body shines the assorted ray, bang, breaks the body ice crystal. 几人大喝出声,身上亮起各色光芒,“砰”的一声,将身上冰晶震碎。 domain spirit(s) can control power of magical principle in spirit domain, the situation is not wonderful, do not have to keep the hand again, quickly!” Feng Tiandu loudly shouts, wields single-handed. 域灵能够操控灵域内的法则之力,情况不妙,诸位不要再有留手,快!”封天都大喝一声,单手一挥。 That black sword glow flies to shoot, turning round revolution. 那道黑色剑芒飞射而出,滴溜溜一转。 Innumerable exactly the same black sword image appear, gathered one, changed into one black sword sea, hit toward the cold wave. 无数一模一样的黑色剑影浮现而出,汇聚到了一起,化为一片黑色剑海,朝着寒潮打去。 Others also wielding each article immortal artifact, blooms to soar to the heavens the ray immediately, gathers with black sword sea together, forms a great mighty current, hits toward the white cold wave. 其他人也立刻祭出一件件仙器,绽放出冲天光芒,和黑色剑海汇聚到一起,形成一道宏大洪流,朝着白色寒潮打去。 ...... …… In the distant place cave, Han Li and Golden Child were affected by the white cold wave complementary waves, lived in the whole body by the one/1st level/layer white ice crystal frozen, changes into two ice sculptures. 远处山洞之中,韩立金童被白色寒潮余波波及,也被一层白色冰晶冻住全身,化为两座冰雕。 A piercing power of Ice Principle attack comes, a Han Li whole body tear stabbing pain, simultaneously in within the body meridians and dantian immortal spirit strength was frozen becomes ice crystal general existence, the revolution is sluggish immediately ten times. 一股刺骨寒冰法则之力侵袭而来,韩立全身一阵撕裂般的刺痛,同时体内经脉和丹田中仙灵力被冻成冰晶一般的存在,运转立刻迟滞了十倍。 Quite fierce!” In his heart sighed one. “好厉害!”他心中感叹一声。 He also had with the principle of ice before has fought, in the past in that Han Qiu that Black Wind Sea Territory met, cultivation was Ice Principle. 他以前也不是没有和冰之法则交过手,当年在黑风海域遇到的那个寒丘,修炼的便是寒冰法则 However compared with Xiao Jinhan, that Han Qiu Ice Principle, simply is just like is the glow and bright moon struggle, is no comparison between them radically. 不过和萧晋寒相比,那个寒丘寒冰法则,简直是犹如是萤火与皓月之争,根本不可同日而语。 During the consideration, Han Li golden light flashes, appears the one/1st level/layer golden color light cover, covers the whole body. 思量间,韩立身上金光一闪,浮现出一层金色光罩,笼罩住全身。 power of Time Principle flows in the golden light cover, immediately isolates power of Ice Principle most probably. 一股时间法则之力在金色光罩内流淌,立刻将寒冰法则之力隔绝了大半。 Meanwhile, his body shakes, a great strength gushes out, breaks the body week ice crystal, the complexion is usual, has not been injured. 与此同时,他身体一震,一股巨力涌出,将身周冰晶震碎,面色如常,并没有受伤。 Although Xiao Jinhan Ice Principle is fierce, but his body is tenacious, this short time, but also is unable to become anything to injure to other party. 萧晋寒寒冰法则虽然厉害,但他的身体坚韧无比,这短短时间,还无法对他造成什么伤害。 In its side, Golden Child golden light flashes, the white ice crystal of body surface also disrupts to open, reveals body figure. 在其身旁,金童身上金光一闪,体表的白色冰晶也碎裂而开,显露出身形 Then her distant looks toward five stone columns, the small face ties tight, in the eye the anger tumbles. 接着她遥遥的朝着五根石柱望去,小脸紧绷,眼中怒意翻滚。 The Golden Child body is also extremely tenacious, but also above Han Li, Ice Principle is not naturally able to cause anything to injure to it, is only by the Ice Principle intrusive mass, made her ruthlessly painful. 金童身躯也是极度坚韧,还在韩立之上,寒冰法则自然无法对其造成什么伤害,只是被寒冰法则侵入体内,却让她狠狠痛了一下。 next moment, Golden Child golden light puts greatly, body figure becomes slurred. 下一刻,金童身上金光大放,身形变得模糊不清。 Golden Child, waits for......” Han Li to stop, without enough time, „” character has not actually exported, Golden Child body figure has vanished without the trace. 金童,等……”韩立想要阻拦,却已经来不及,一个“等”字尚未出口,金童身形已消失无踪。 His brow big wrinkle, stamps the feet fiercely, body figure also in a flash, vanished in same place. 他眉头大皱,猛地一跺脚,身形也是一晃,消失在了原地。
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