RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#482: Looks

Who is your excellency? Before your me, should usually not meet, what enmity let alone there is, the fellow daoist appearance at this moment was transforms, wasn't true appearance? By your excellency so cultivation base, actually does not dare to show by the true colors, does not know that what matter is scheming?” A Xiao Jinhan vision revolution looked to Daoist Hu Yan, asked slowly. “阁下是何人?你我以前应该素未谋面,更别说有什么仇怨了,想必道友此刻的容貌乃是幻化而成,并非真容吧?以阁下如此修为,却不敢以真面目示人,不知在图谋何事?”萧晋寒目光一转的看向了呼言道人,缓缓问道。 Hears Xiao Jinhan this words, presented other person also facial colors to move, looks to Daoist Hu Yan, its Yun Ni, in some people eyes flashed through a doubt. 听闻萧晋寒此话,在场其余人也面色一动,看向了呼言道人,还有其身旁的云霓,有些人眼中闪过一丝狐疑。 The Daoist Hu Yan look has not changed, meaning that in the mouth hehe, has not replied. 呼言道人神色未变,口中嘿嘿一声,并没有回答的意思。 Fellow Daoist, Xiao Jinhan now is a dead end, should not be instigated in the spoken language by it, his is in the protracted time!” That Southern Dark Race white-haired old woman opens the mouth suddenly said, the sound is incisive, is quite grating. “诸位道友,萧晋寒如今已是穷途末路,不要被其用言语挑拨,他这是在拖延时间!”那个南黎族鹤发老妪忽的开口说道,声音尖锐,颇为刺耳。 Right, everyone make a move, strikes to kill it together thoroughly, if makes him escape, although Northern Cold Immortal Territory is big, will not have your my place of taking shelter!” The Feng Tiandu vision also flashes, the sinking sound shouted. “没错,所有人一起出手,将其彻底击杀,若是让其逃出去,北寒仙域虽不小,却也将没有你我的容身之地了!”封天都目光也是一闪,沉声喝道。 Such remarks, in all person hearts one cold, in eye murderous intention unconsciously rich several points. 此言一出,所有人心中一凛,眼中杀机不觉浓郁了几分。 After Feng Tiandu deeply inspires, pinches finger joints with the thumb single-handed, the whole body puts black light greatly, rumble the proliferation goes toward the surroundings, forms in 50 - 60 instantaneously big or small black spirit domain, covered Xiao Jinhan. 封天都深吸了一口气后,单手掐诀,全身黑光大放,朝着周围隆隆扩散而去,瞬间形成一个五六十里大小的黑色灵域,将萧晋寒笼罩在了其中。 A powerful imprisoned principle sends out, all within spirit domain range were imprisoned, cannot move. 一股强大禁锢法则散发开来,灵域范围内的一切都被禁锢住,动弹不得。 Daoist Hu Yan and the others were less against , the body is also one tight, as if locked in the whole body by invisible strength, moving is very difficult, within the body immortal spirit strength revolution is difficult incomparable. 呼言道人等人不及防下,身体也是一紧,仿佛被一道道无形之力锁住全身,动弹一下都很是困难,体内仙灵力运转更是艰难无比。 But this feeling blinks passes, in all person hearts loose at the same time, looks to the Feng Tiandu vision, flashes through one to dread faintly. 但这种感觉只是眨眼即逝,所有人心中一松的同时,望向封天都的目光中,都隐隐闪过一丝忌惮。 Cave that Han Li is, is very far from the place of people fight, had not been affected by black spirit domain, but actually can still feel array that sends out fluctuates. 韩立所在的山洞,距离众人交手之地很远,没有被黑色灵域波及,但却仍能感受到其中散发出的阵阵法则波动。 This spirit domain area, compared with Qu Ling as if also on big some.” In his heart secretly thought. “这灵域的面积,比起渠灵的似乎还大上一些。”他心中暗道。 The spirit domain area is also an important indicator that weighs the cultivator strength, thus it can be seen, this Feng Tiandu strength compared with Qu Ling, seems to be fiercer. 灵域面积也是衡量修士实力的一个重要标志,由此可见,这封天都的实力比起渠灵,似乎还厉害一些。 Was covered by Feng Tiandu black spirit domain, Xiao Jinhan white light immediately one gloomy, white ice ball internal ray also immediately a fluctuation, feeble many. 封天都的黑色灵域笼罩,萧晋寒身上白光顿时一黯,白色冰球内部的光芒也立刻一阵波动,衰弱了不少。 Meanwhile, that several originally gloomy black chains suddenly one bright, as if produces the resonance with black spirit domain, inside imprisoned power of magical principle is ready to make trouble again. 与此同时,那几根原本已经黯淡无光的黑色锁链忽的一亮,似乎和黑色灵域产生共鸣,里面的禁锢法则之力再次蠢蠢欲动。 Xiao Jinhan is somewhat ugly. 萧晋寒有些难看起来。 Sees this situation, presents other person also in abundance make a move. 见此情形,在场其余人也纷纷出手 Qi Tianxiao gray light puts greatly, spreads to go toward the surroundings, forms dusky spirit domain instantaneously. 齐天霄身上灰光大放,朝着周围扩散而去,瞬间形成一个灰蒙蒙的灵域 This grey spirit domain and Feng Tiandu spirit domain wants to compare, wants on slightly many, and in the gray light brings withered and yellow faintly, is flooding an irritating the nose rotten flavor everywhere. 这灰色灵域封天都灵域想比,要小上不少,且灰光之中隐隐带着一丝枯黄,到处充斥着一股刺鼻的腐烂味道。 In spirit domain range void fluctuation, exudes the naked eye obvious ripple, as if must be corroded generally. 灵域范围内虚空波动,泛起肉眼可见的波纹,似乎也要被腐蚀了一般。 This spirit domain disseminates fast, covered Xiao Jinhan and others, but besides Xiao Jinhan, others has not naturally received anything to affect. 这层灵域飞快弥散开来,罩住了萧晋寒及其余之人,但除了萧晋寒外,其余人自然没受到什么影响。 Because this first releases the spirit domain master to control power of magical principle in spirit domain as one pleases, making it not affect own companion, on the other hand, is its cultivation base compares in Feng Tiandu weakly on many, under other person having a mind embankments, naturally also stimulated to movement own power of magical principle to conduct protecting and sustaining. 这一来是因为释放灵域的主人可以随心所欲的控制灵域中的法则之力,使其不影响自己的同伴,另一方面,则是其修为相较于封天都还是弱上不少,其余人有心堤防之下,自然也催动了自身的法则之力进行了护持。 Almost at the same time, the Daoist Hu Yan vision flashes, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the body surface red light puts greatly, appears the bunch of scarlet red flame, flaming combustion. 几乎同一时间,呼言道人目光微闪,手中掐诀,体表红光大放,浮现出一团团赤红色火焰,熊熊燃烧。 Huā lā, the scarlet ray erupts suddenly, spreads to go toward the surroundings, forms flame spirit domain , a lower hood lives in Xiao Jinhan. 哗啦”一声,赤红光芒陡然爆发,朝着周围扩散而去,形成一个火焰灵域,也一下罩住萧晋寒 Southern Dark Race white-haired old woman waves the golden walking stick, the body also exudes a scarlet ray, spreads to go toward the surroundings, forms flame spirit domain, toward the Xiao Jinhan cover under. 南黎族鹤发老妪一挥手中金色拐杖,身上也泛起一股赤红光芒,朝着周围扩散而去,也形成一个火焰灵域,朝着萧晋寒罩下。 Besides these four people, other Golden Immortal have not stimulated to movement what spirit domain again, but is respective wielding immortal artifact spirit treasure, gathers a huge immortal artifact mighty current, is striking loudly toward Xiao Jinhan. 除了这四人之外,其他金仙并没有再催动什么灵域,而是各自祭出仙器灵宝,汇聚成一片巨大仙器洪流,朝着萧晋寒所在轰然击去。 Xiao Jinhan was stranded, at this moment was affected by four spirit domain simultaneously, the complexion suddenly becomes dignified, body surface miraculous glow also dissipation most. 萧晋寒本就被困,此刻又同时被四个灵域影响,面色陡然变得凝重,体表灵光也消散大半。 However facing attack that wells up in all directions, among his facial expressions does not have to dread slightly, in both eyes the white light tumbled, formed two groups of white whirlpools, turning round revolving. 不过面对四面八方涌来的攻击,他神情间没有丝毫畏惧,双目之中白光翻滚,形成了两团白色旋涡,滴溜溜旋转不已。 But sees his whole body to reappear a rich white light, spreads to go toward the surroundings, forms white spirit domain quickly, big of area, unexpectedly compared with Feng Tiandu spirit domain, faintly also on a big point. 但见其全身浮现出一股浓郁白光,朝着周围扩散而去,很快形成一个白色灵域,面积之大,竟比起封天都灵域,隐隐还大上一分。 In spirit domain white cold winds howl, the snowflake dances in the air, is flooding the extremely cold piercing aura everywhere. 灵域之内一股股白色寒风呼啸,雪花飞舞,到处充斥着极寒刺骨的气息。 Was covered by white spirit domain, Feng Tiandu and the others the body trembles, the tooth giggle shivers, regardless of physical body, immortal spirit strength, is divine soul, by an extraordinarily cold strength freeze. 被白色灵域笼罩,封天都等人身体都是一颤,牙齿咯咯打战,无论肉体,仙灵力,还是神魂,都被一股奇寒之力冻结。 Feng Tiandu and other Golden Immortal had within the body power of magical principle to revolve, wraps the whole body, immediately resisted the part this extremely cold principle. 封天都金仙存在体内法则之力运转,包裹住全身,顿时将这股极寒法则抵御了部分。 These True Immortal cultivator are not good, the body white light flashes, appears the one/1st level/layer white ice crystal, suddenly turns into ice sculptures. 只是那些真仙修士就不行了,身上白光一闪,浮现出一层白色冰晶,眨眼间变成一个个冰雕。 These on spirit treasure immortal artifact, appears immediately the one/1st level/layer white ice crystal, by freezing block, except for these Golden Immortal immortal artifact, other loses the intelligence all, fell. 那些袭来的灵宝仙器上,也立刻浮现出一层白色冰晶,被冻成了冰块,除了那些金仙仙器,其他的尽数丧失灵性,掉落了下去。 Facing spirit domain that Xiao Jinhan displays, Concealed Tower Sect True Immortal cultivator, although was frozen becomes the ice sculpture, but the body surface exudes the one/1st level/layer miraculous glow to protect the body in abundance, although is injured heavily, but as if still did not have the sorrow of life, but Southern Dark Race that several True Immortal, the strength slightly was bad, cultivation base weakest True Immortal cut off by the frozen aura unexpectedly directly, even Nascent Soul also imprisons, in light of this fallen. 面对萧晋寒施展的灵域,伏凌宗真仙修士虽然被冻成冰雕,但体表纷纷泛起一层灵光护体,虽然受伤不轻,但似乎尚没有性命之忧,而南黎族那几名真仙,实力就稍差了些,一个修为最弱的真仙竟直接被生生冻的气息断绝,连元婴也禁锢其中,就此陨落 The white-haired old woman complexion changes, waves to emit a red light, wraps other True Immortal, flew to shoot beside spirit domain. 鹤发老妪面色一变,挥手发出一股红光,包裹住其他真仙,飞射到了灵域之外。 Feng Tiandu also wields the sleeves, wraps Concealed Tower Sect True Immortal black light, delivered it. 封天都也一挥衣袖,一股黑光包裹住伏凌宗真仙,将其送了出去。 This type belongs among high rank cultivator, the competition between spirit domain principles, the population has almost been not meaningful. 这种属于高阶修士间,灵域法则之间的比拼,人数几乎已没有什么意义。 All these happen in the electric light flint, other Golden Immortal wielding immortal artifact surfaces also appear the one/1st level/layer white ice crystal, the speed and power also reduce greatly, but still shot to go at the illness/quick toward Xiao Jinhan. 这一切发生在电光火石之间,其余金仙祭出仙器表面也浮现出一层白色冰晶,速度和威能也是大减,但仍朝着萧晋寒所在疾射而去。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Several immortal artifact bombardments on white ice ball of Xiao Jinhan body week, ice ball in a flash, then withstood slightly. 几件仙器轰击在萧晋寒身周的白色冰球上,冰球微微一晃,便承受了下来。 Xiao Jinhan has not paid attention to outside situation, in the mouth mumbles, the both eyes miraculous glow flashes, 7 - 8 white crystal silk appear out of thin air before the body, then flying volume, without attacking Feng Tiandu and the others, but was one twines these black chains. 萧晋寒没有理会外面的情况,口中念念有词,双目灵光闪动,七八道白色晶丝凭空浮现于身前,接着飞卷而出,没有攻击封天都等人,而是一下缠绕住了那些黑色锁链。 On these black chains appears immediately the one/1st level/layer white light, suppresses again its internal imprisoned power of magical principle. 那些黑色锁链上顿时浮现出一层白光,再次将其内部的禁锢法则之力压制下去。 Xiao Jinhan two grasp these black chains, pulls out fiercely. 萧晋寒两手一把握住那些黑色锁链,猛地一拔。 Cāng lāng lang, these black chains one were pulled out impressively. 仓啷啷”一声,那些黑色锁链赫然被一下拔了出来。 The black chains exsomatize, the Xiao Jinhan complexion was attractive immediately much. 黑色锁链离体,萧晋寒的面色顿时好看了不少。 Worthily is Northern Cold Immortal Palace Palace Master, places the four/4th layer spirit domain influence, but can also work loose my Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain. However how your excellency resists stubbornly again, today must die without doubt!” Feng Tiandu sneers, the single-handed move, that several black chains flew to shoot to return, submerged in his sleeve. “不愧是北寒仙宫宫主,身处四重灵域影响,还能挣脱出我的隔元法链。不过阁下再怎么顽抗,今日也必死无疑!”封天都冷笑一声,单手一招,那几根黑色锁链飞射而回,没入了他的袖中。 Simultaneously his another arm lifts, palm five fingers. 同时其另一只手臂一抬,手掌五指一张。 In an instant, fingertip Pū chī, jumps projects five black light. 刹那间,指尖噗嗤一声,迸射出五道黑光。 In spirit domain during black light gathers to come, to submerge immediately rolling is black light. 灵域内的黑光立刻滚滚汇聚而来,没入黑光之中。 Five black light rise immediately against the wind crazily, thick several times, and bang fuses together, changes into one group of several feet jet black whirlpools, turning round crazy rotation. 五道黑光立刻迎风狂涨,粗大了数倍,并且轰隆一声融为一体,化为一团数丈大小的漆黑旋涡,滴溜溜疯狂转动。 Powerful incomparable power of magical principle sends out from the vortex, frightening. 一股强大无比的法则之力从漩涡中散发而出,让人心惊。 In Feng Tiandu mouth low roar, single-handed to a black vortex point. 封天都口中低喝一声,单手对着黑色漩涡一点。 The black vortex revolves the electricity to shoot immediately, the speed is extremely fast, appears before the Xiao Jinhan body fuzzily. 黑色漩涡立刻旋转着电射而出,速度极快,一个模糊出现在萧晋寒身前。 The black vortex rises suddenly shrinks, then explodes to open fiercely. 黑色漩涡骤然一涨一缩,然后猛地爆裂而开。 Chī chī sound erupted, the vortex changed into the innumerable say/way to explode to shoot black light, hit above white ice ball of Xiao Jinhan body week. 嗤嗤之声大作,漩涡化为了无数道黑光爆射而出,打在萧晋寒身周的白色冰球之上。 Meanwhile, Xiao Jinhan the gray light flashes behind, a dusky giant palm of house size appears, the palm blooms the withered and yellow ray, lends the intense corrosion aura, pats suddenly. 与此同时,萧晋寒身后灰光一闪,一只房屋大小的灰蒙蒙巨掌浮现而出,掌心绽放出枯黄光芒,散发出强烈的腐蚀气息,猛然拍下。 Superhuman hand owner Qi Tianxiao, its form appeared in Xiao Jinhan impressively unknowingly behind, the complexion was solemn. 巨掌主人赫然正是齐天霄,其身影不知不觉件出现在了萧晋寒身后,面色冷峻。 Almost at the same time, the Xiao Jinhan left and right void red light flashes, Daoist Hu Yan and white-haired old woman form, appears left and right of Xiao Jinhan at this moment, stimulates to movement a scarlet great sword and flame dragon shadow respectively. 几乎同一时间,萧晋寒左右两侧虚空红光一闪,呼言道人鹤发老妪的身影,此刻也出现在萧晋寒左右两侧,分别催动一柄赤红巨剑和一头火焰龙影。 The two all send out the intense flame principle to fluctuate, shell on white ice ball. 二者皆散发出强烈的火焰法则波动,轰击在白色冰球上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Four people of attacks almost hit simultaneously on white ice ball, on white ice ball appears immediately the innumerable cracks, then explodes, but immediately the soared to the heavens black salt red tricolor ray submerges. 四人的攻击几乎同时打在白色冰球上,白色冰球上立刻浮现出无数裂纹,然后爆裂开来,不过随即被冲天的黑灰红三色光芒所淹没。 Whiz! “嗖”的一声! a person's shadow flies to shoot from the ray, is Xiao Jinhan, but on him the clothing damages, the half body is bathed in blood, looks extremely distressed. 一道人影从光芒中飞射而出,正是萧晋寒,不过他身上衣衫破损,半边身体浴血,看起来极为狼狈。 However at this moment, his front fluctuation same place, is a black vortex appears, probably a black big mouth, a last volume lived in his body. 不过就在此刻,他前面波动一起,又是一个黑色漩涡浮现而出,好像一张黑色大口,一下卷住了他的身体。 Xiao Jinhan fly body figure stops immediately, and as cannot help but black vortex rotation. 萧晋寒飞遁身形立刻停了下来,并且不由自主随着黑色漩涡转动。 I have said that you must die today without doubt!” person's shadow flitted, Feng Tiandu form baseless in the front appears, wields single-handed. “我说过,你今日必死无疑!”人影一花,封天都的身影凭空在前方浮现而出,单手一挥。 Buzz! 嗡! Huge black sword image flies to shoot from his hand, blooms the dense/woods cold sword light, chops toward the Xiao Jinhan overhead. 一道巨大黑色剑影从其手中飞射而出,绽放出森寒剑光,朝着萧晋寒当头劈下。 Pū chī, Xiao Jinhan body by straight cleaving in two. 噗嗤”一声,萧晋寒身体被直挺挺的劈成了两半。 Aiya, this silver beard guy is really pitiful, was killed. His Nascent Soul should, not waste, I snatch.” In the distant place cave, Golden Child body figure moves, then must fly toward outside. “哎呀,这银胡子真可怜,还是被干掉了。他元婴应该还在,可别浪费了,我去抢过来。”远处山洞之中,金童身形一动,便要朝外面飞去。 Do not go.” In the Han Li eye the blue glow flashes, single-handed stretches out like lightning, caught Golden Child soars to the heavens the golden short braid. “别去。”韩立眼中蓝芒闪动,单手闪电般伸出,一把拽住了金童的冲天金色小辫。 Yeah, did not reach an agreement, Golden Immortal Nascent Soul turns over to my!” Golden Child somewhat puzzled mumbling, wants to work loose Han Li, but the Han Li arm is gorgeously motionless. “哎,不是说好了,金仙元婴归我的吗!”金童有些不解的嘟囔道,想要挣脱韩立,但韩立手臂巍然不动。 No rush, looks, the good play just started.” Han Li said slowly. “别急,看下去,好戏才刚刚开始呢。”韩立缓缓说道。 ...... …… In the mountain valley, Feng Tiandu looks that Xiao Jinhan was deducted two sections of remnant bodies, in the surface shows a smile, but the next moment smile disappears without the trace immediately. 山谷之中,封天都看着萧晋寒被劈成两截的残躯,面上露出一丝笑容,但下一刻笑容立刻消失无踪。 Was cut two halves the Xiao Jinhan remnant body, does not have Nascent Soul to depart unexpectedly, instead the white light flashed, changed into two glittering and translucent carving white ice sculptures. 被斩成两半的萧晋寒的残躯,竟没有元婴飞出,反而白光一闪,化为了两块晶莹剔透的白色冰雕。 Pā dā, the ice sculpture disrupts, changes into a white light, integrates in all around white spirit domain. 啪嗒”一声,冰雕碎裂开,化为点点白光,融入四周的白色灵域之内。
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