RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#481: A good play

Sees wielding Skjold immortal artifact by the opposite party frozen, the Feng Tiandu complexion changes, two pinch finger joints with the thumb fiercely, in both eyes has the black light streams revolutions faintly. 见自己祭出仙器被对方冰封,封天都面色一变,两手猛地一掐诀,双目之中隐隐有黑光流转。 The whole body black light greatly hold, the speed of attack golden color prisoner's cage is suddenly faster, that seven golden nails also by previously were about than several points of speed to emit from its within the body. 其全身上下蓦然间黑光大盛,侵袭金色囚笼的速度更快,那七根金色钉子也以比此前更快几分的速度从其体内冒出。 Palace Master Xiao, quickly! We must unable to surround him!” In the Qi Tianxiao hand makes two black light, has not started in the golden chains. 萧宫主,快!我们就要困不住他了!”齐天霄手中打出两道黑光,没入手中金色锁链内。 His forehead cold sweat at this moment is painful, red that the face rises, two also shiver slightly, obviously has done utmost, but still no helped. 此刻的他额头冷汗岑岑,脸上涨的通红,两手也微微颤抖,显然已经竭尽全力,但仍然于事无补。 Other three people of this moment situations are also same. 其他三人此刻情形也是一样。 Feng Tiandu of strength, obviously exceeded their previous estimates. 封天都的实力之强,显然超出了他们此前的预计。 In the Xiao Jinhan foreheads hidden sees color of the hesitation, but sees the Feng Tiandu so appearance, in the eye the stern countenance flashes, the body figure bullying body without delay enters, the place visited, everywhere snowflake flutters about. 萧晋寒眉宇间隐见一丝迟疑之色,但见封天都这般模样,眼中厉色一闪,身形二话不说的欺身而进,所过之处,漫天雪花纷飞。 But sees that person to walk along with the sword, the one breath punctured four swords continually. 但见其人随剑走,一口气连刺了四剑。 Then the sound same place, four white clouds as if four white snakes are from out of the blue common, shoots to go toward the Feng Tiandu illness/quick. 接着破空声一起,四道白气仿佛四条白蛇一般,朝着封天都疾射而去。 However at this moment, Xiao Jinhan the void fluctuation same place, jet black palm silent appear out of thin air, above sends out the intermittent black fog behind, pats like lightning ruthlessly to the Xiao Jinhan top of the head. 不过就在此刻,萧晋寒身后虚空波动一起,一只漆黑手掌无声无息的凭空浮现而出,上面散发出阵阵黑雾,闪电般冲着萧晋寒头顶狠狠拍下。 Xiao Jinhan places half hollow fiercely one startled, the body the white light puts immediately greatly, goes toward the side rapid incomparable transverse shift fiercely. 萧晋寒身处半空心中猛地一惊,身上顿时白光大放,猛地朝着旁边迅疾无比的横移而去。 Strangeness that extremely because this palm presents, and wish that it is concentrating on strikes fatally Feng Tiandu, then cannot evade promptly, was still swept the left shoulder by the black palm. 但由于这手掌出现的太过诡异,且其正全神贯注的想要将封天都一击致命,便没能及时躲过,仍被黑色手掌扫中了左肩。 Sound of the clear bone split gets up! 一声清脆骨裂之声响起! Xiao Jinhan body figure in not far away staggering coming to a stop again, but the left shoulder obviously twists, the place of back appears black to be in charge, conspicuous incomparable, sends out a decayed flavor. 萧晋寒身形在不远处一个趔趄的重新站稳,但左肩明显扭曲,背后之处浮现出一个黑色掌印,显眼无比,散发出一股腐臭味道。 Clothing fast disruption that he bears withered and yellow, seemed corroded generally, the skin of black being in charge place makes hissing the sound, the poisonous snake spits the letter/believes to be common probably, impressively fast rotten, and fast spreads to go toward the surroundings. 他背上的衣衫飞快碎裂枯黄,仿佛被腐蚀了一般,黑色掌印处的皮肤发出“嘶嘶”的声音,好像毒蛇吐信一般,赫然飞快腐烂,并且快速朝着周围蔓延而去。 Xiao Jinhan inspires lightly, another hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, the snowflake that the body surface white light twinkle, it everywhere sprinkles all around, changes into white tornado immediately, goes toward its wound place gathering, shortly will change into the one/1st level/layer white cold frost, covered the black to be in charge, making him no longer continue to proliferate immediately. 萧晋寒轻吸了一口气,另一只手一掐诀,体表白光闪烁,其周遭漫天洒落的雪花,顿时化为一股白色旋风,朝其伤口处汇聚而去,顷刻间化为了一层白色寒霜,覆盖住了黑色掌印,让其顿时不再继续扩散。 Simultaneously it turns around like lightning, looks toward the person of sneak attack, suddenly is startled. 同时其闪电般转身,朝着偷袭之人望去,忽的一怔。 The person of sneak attack, is not others, impressively is actually that Qi Tianxiao! 偷袭之人,不是别人,赫然却是那齐天霄 Qi Tianxiao is with smile on the face at this moment, absolutely did not have just strenuous appearance. 齐天霄此刻面带微笑,完全没有了刚刚的吃力的样子。 Whiz whiz whiz! 嗖嗖嗖! While the suddenly time of Xiao Jinhan god, eight black chains in its all around appear out of thin air, fuzzy, then before its. 趁着萧晋寒愣神的眨眼功夫,八道黑色锁链在其四周凭空浮现而出,一个模糊之下,便到了其身前。 Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain. 正是隔元法链 The Xiao Jinhan pupil shrinks, the hurried opens the mouth, a snow white jade bowl spurted, the turning round revolution, departs innumerable gold and silver two color rune suddenly, changed into light networks between gold and silver two appearances, a whole body cover under. 萧晋寒瞳孔一缩,急忙一张口,一只雪白玉碗喷了出来,滴溜溜一转下,蓦然从中飞出无数金银两色符文,化为了一张金银两色相间的光网,将全身一罩而下。 Strange appeared! 诡异的一幕出现了! That eight black chains suddenly fuzzy, visits unexpectedly , if no thing general, penetrated gold and silver light net directly, submerged its within the body instantaneously. 那八道黑色锁链蓦然一个模糊之下,竟访若无物一般,直接穿透了金银光网,瞬间没入了其体内。 Xiao Jinhan body one stiff, the white light that the body surface sends out dissipates fast, the body aura also declines fast. 萧晋寒身子一僵,体表散发出的白光飞快消散,身上气息也飞快衰落下去。 He is void behind flashes, a skinny person's shadow appears, is Feng Tiandu. 紧接着,他身后虚空一闪,一个干瘦的人影浮现而出,正是封天都 On him that seven golden nails have disappeared at this moment, the facial expression also restored, both hands palm winds around black light, visibles faintly eight ruler slow Chang black chains to rock slightly, another end submerges void. 他身上的那七根金色钉子此刻已经不见踪影,气色也恢复了过来,双手掌心黑光缭绕,隐约可见八根尺徐长的黑色锁链微微晃动,另一端没入虚空。 Obviously, attacks Xiao Jinhan Nascent Soul Separation Magical Chain, flies to shoot from his hand. 显然,攻击萧晋寒隔元法链,正是从他手中飞射而出。 You......” “你……” Xiao Jinhan angrily roars, the body surface white light fiercely one brightly, forms the one/1st level/layer white epitaxial on the skin. 萧晋寒怒吼一声,体表白光猛地一亮,在皮肤上形成一层白色晶膜。 Black chains, the submerged speed reduces immediately greatly. 黑色锁链一顿,没入的速度顿时大减。 At this moment, golden light flashes, four golden chains flies to shoot baseless, but , a last volume lived in the body of Xiao Jinhan, was just used to fetter Feng Tiandu these chains. 就在此刻,金光一闪,四条金色锁链凭空飞射而至,一下卷住了萧晋寒的身体,正是刚刚用来束缚封天都的那些锁链。 Black rune of golden chains surface has vanished at this moment all, blooms the dazzling golden light and powerful imprisoned principle. 金色锁链表面的黑色符文此刻已经尽数消失,绽放出了耀眼金光和强大的禁锢法则。 Four golden chains twine fast, formed and just the same golden prisoner's cage instantaneously, tied up Xiao Jinhan in inside. 四根金色锁链飞快缠绕,瞬间形成和刚刚一样的金色囚笼,将萧晋寒捆缚在里面。 Qi Tianxiao and another three Concealed Tower Sect Golden Immortal emerge out of thin air in the Xiao Jinhan body week, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb fast. 齐天霄和另外三个伏凌宗金仙凭空出现在萧晋寒身周,手中飞快掐诀施法。 In the distant place cave, Han Li sees with own eyes this sudden change, immediately in the eye flashes through a surprise. 远处山洞之中,韩立眼见此骤变,顿时眼中闪过一丝诧异。 „, These people what's the matter? Was not previously coping with that old zombie, how did the before one can say Jack Robinson, turn into everyone to hit that silver beard guy together?” Golden Child surprised said to Han Li voice transmission. “呀,这些人怎么回事?先前不是都在对付那老僵尸吗,怎么一眨眼功夫,变成所有人一起打那个银胡子了?”金童惊讶的冲韩立传音道。 Front is acting in a play, in fact all people to kill silver beard guy. silver beard guy was betrayed by own companion.” The Han Li vision in Feng Tiandu, Qi Tianxiao and the others one by one/each has swept, in the eye actually reveals a color suddenly, in the mouth said. “前面都是在演戏,实际上所有的人都是为了杀银胡子银胡子被自己同伴出卖了。”韩立目光在封天都,齐天霄等人身上一一扫过,眼中却露出一丝恍然之色,口中如此说道。 It seems like, silver beard guy is a little so pitiful.” A Golden Child small brow wrinkle, somewhat puzzled voice transmission asked. “这么看来,银胡子有点可怜啊。”金童小眉头一皱,有些不解的传音问道。 Golden Child, you remember, later is away from home, against person's heart must have, do not believe anybody.” Han Li sees this, shows a faint smile, voice transmission returns said. 金童,你记住,以后出门在外,防人之心不可无,千万不要相信任何人。”韩立见此,微微一笑,传音回道。 „The uncle can't you believe?” Golden Child blinks to Han Li, said. “连大叔你也不能相信吗?”金童韩立眨了眨眼睛,说道。 „...... I am naturally an exception.” Han Li hears word obstructs, somewhat speechless saying. “……我自然除外。”韩立闻言一窒,有些无语的说道。 ...... …… You dare to betray, court death!” The Xiao Jinhan vision sweeps the Qi Tianxiao four people, in the mouth cold snort/hum, in the hand fierce pinches finger joints with the thumb. “你们竟敢背叛,找死!”萧晋寒目光一扫齐天霄四人,口中一声冷哼,手中猛一掐诀。 The dazzling white light blooms from his hand, in ray appearing intermittently white rune, rapid incomparable flashes continually three. 一点耀眼白光从他手中绽放而出,光芒之中隐现一个个白色符文,迅疾无比的连闪三下。 Qi Tianxiao four people of bodies suddenly shakes, the dantian position appears the one/1st level/layer white light, then four people of top of the heads, appear out of thin air has the big piece snowflake to fall gently, four people of facial expressions become the delay immediately. 齐天霄四人身躯忽的一抖,丹田位置浮现出一层白光,接着四人头顶,凭空浮现出大片雪花飘落,四人神情立刻变得呆滞。 On the Xiao Jinhan face shows a cruel happy expression, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb is just about to urge. 萧晋寒脸上露出一丝残忍笑意,手中掐诀正要一催。 However at this moment, Qi Tianxiao and the others the dantian place appears one group of black light, inside appears intermittently black chains virtual image, pulls out fiercely. 不过就在此刻,齐天霄等人丹田处又浮现出一团黑光,里面隐现一根黑色锁链虚影,猛地一抽。 Pā dā! 啪嗒 The white lights of four people of dantian places seem like the egg disruption, vanishes along with the snowflake that everywhere falls gently without the trace together. 四人丹田处的白光好像鸡蛋般碎裂,伴随着漫天飘落的雪花一起消失无踪。 How possibly......” Xiao Jinhan complexion one stiff. “怎么可能……”萧晋寒脸色一僵。 Only Nascent Soul restriction, dares to use on my Concealed Tower Sect cultivator, is it possible that Palace Master Xiao does not know that to seal/confer «Nascent Soul Separation Yin Demon Technique», copes with Nascent Soul cultivation technique specially?” Feng Tiandu sneers. “区区一点元婴禁制,也敢用在我伏凌宗修士身上,莫非萧宫主不知道封某的《隔元阴魔功》,是专门对付元婴功法?”封天都冷笑一声。 The Xiao Jinhan complexion sinks, will make anything again. 萧晋寒面色一沉,正要再做什么。 At this moment, person's shadow flitted, several forms emerges out of thin air in the , is actually Daoist Hu Yan, Yun Ni, that two Southern Dark Race Golden Immortal. 就在此刻,人影一花,数道身影凭空出现在附近,却是呼言道人,云霓,还有那两个南黎族金仙 In four people of eyes none puts greatly, in the eye withers completely, simultaneously shout loudly. 四人眼中精光大放,眼中满是肃杀,同时大喝出声 A scarlet flying sword, the blue flywheel, two golden walking sticks fly to shoot at the same time, changes into ray that four colors vary, chops toward the Xiao Jinhan overhead. 一柄赤红飞剑,一面蓝色飞轮,两个金色拐杖飞射而出,化为四道颜色不一的光芒,朝着萧晋寒当头劈下。 The Xiao Jinhan facial expression again changes, actually not startled, both eyes white light one bright. 萧晋寒神情再次一变,却没有惊慌,双目白光一亮。 Before , emerges out of thin air one group of white lights, causes everywhere snowflake that falls gently all around to circle in flight, but, will change into a translucent white ice wall shortly, sends out the bright spooky ray, above innumerable white rune dance in the air, in the wall partly visible white light streams move. 其身前凭空出现一团白光,引得周遭飘落的漫天雪花飞旋而至,顷刻间化为了一堵半透明白色冰墙,散发出亮幽幽的光芒,上面无数白色符文飞舞,墙内一道道若隐若现的白光流动。 Rumbling rumbling, four sounds loud sound! 轰轰轰轰,四声巨响! Daoist Hu Yan four people of immortal artifact divided above the ice wall, trembled fiercely, ices the wall surface to reappear cracks, then simultaneously disrupted, changing into everywhere was icy cold. 呼言道人四人的仙器劈在了冰墙之上,猛地一颤,冰墙表面浮现出一道道裂纹,然后同时碎裂开来,化为了漫天冰凌。 But four immortal artifact were also instead shaken to return. 但四件仙器也被反震而回。 In the Xiao Jinhan mouth mumbled fast, the body week white light put greatly, everywhere snowflake went toward its gathering instantaneously, shortly will change into several feet white ice ball, he himself, froze together with the golden prisoner's cage together in inside. 萧晋寒口中飞快念念有词,身周白光大放,漫天雪花瞬间朝其汇聚而去,顷刻间化为了一个十几丈大小的白色冰球,将他自己,连同金色囚笼一起冻结在里面。 Was frozen by ice ball, the golden prisoner's cage sends out the golden light to solidify immediately, that several black chains are also same, was frozen there, motionless. 冰球冻结,金色囚笼散发出金光顿时凝固,那几根黑色锁链也是一样,被冻结在那里,一动不动。 A Feng Tiandu brow wrinkle, counts on the fingers immediately. 封天都眉头一皱,立刻屈指一点。 A jet black flying sword flies to shoot, changes into together dozens zhang (3.33 m) huge black sword rainbow, divided ruthlessly above ice ball. 一柄漆黑飞剑飞射而出,化为一道数十丈长的巨大黑色剑虹,狠狠劈在了冰球之上。 Immediately the loud sound of bang! 顿时轰的一声巨响! ice ball shakes fiercely, the surface was cut together several feet trace, but is not deep. 冰球猛地一震,表面被斩出一道十几丈长的痕迹,但并不深。 However the black sword rainbow was also instead shaken to return, the rainbow light dissipates, changes into a black snake-shaped flying sword, in Feng Tiandu top of the head turning round rotation. 不过黑色剑虹也被反震而回,虹光消散,重新化为一柄黑色蛇形飞剑,在封天都头顶滴溜溜转动不已。 The flying sword surface are many some white ice crystals, sending out the black sword light is somewhat scattered in disorder, as if the intelligence is somewhat damaged. 飞剑表面多出一些白色冰晶,散发出黑色剑光有些散乱,似乎灵性有些受损。 Feng Tiandu sees with own eyes this scenery, the complexion sinks, waves to send out together black light, submerges in the flying sword. 封天都眼见此景,面色一沉,挥手发出一道黑光,没入飞剑内。 A black flying sword sword blade as if spirit snake sways from side to side, and humming sound shivers, broke the above white ice crystal quickly, returned to normal. 黑色飞剑剑身仿佛一条灵蛇扭动,并且嗡嗡颤抖,很快将上面的白色冰晶震碎,恢复了正常。 The person's shadow flashes, Feng Tiandu, Qi Tianxiao, Daoist Hu Yan and the others, these True Immortal existed to fly all, encircled Xiao Jinhan in the middle. 人影闪动,封天都,齐天霄,还有呼言道人等人,还有那些真仙存在尽数飞了过来,将萧晋寒围在了中间。 But the Ouyang Kuishan three people regarding present one, and even Xiao Jinhan were stranded have not revealed what unusual look, does not have the meaning of make a move rescuing, body figure flies to the midair in abundance, looks toward the surroundings, seems ordinary in the security. 欧阳奎山三人对于眼前的一幕,乃至萧晋寒被困并没露出什么异色,也没有出手搭救之意,身形纷纷飞至半空,朝着周围望去,似乎在警戒一般。 Very good, very good! Besides your these people, Dark Blue Stream Palace? Luo Qinghai in I come on the way of this, finds an excuse transfers my person, it seems like it was early was also deliberate, why not to call together?” In ice ball, Xiao Jinhan looks toward surrounding numerous Golden Immortal, in the surface does not have the slight scared look, said lightly. “很好,很好!除了你们这些人,还有苍流宫吧?洛青海在我来此途中,借故调走我的人,看来也是早有预谋了,何不一起叫出来?”冰球之中,萧晋寒朝着周围一众金仙望去,面上没有丝毫惧色,淡淡说道。 The people hear this words, is startled. 众人听闻此话,都是一怔。 Hehe, Palace Master Xiao seemed like the misunderstanding. Actually we this time also conceive a plan temporarily, not and consulted with Dark Blue Stream Palace Palace Master Luo. However it seems like was also the divine intervention, Palace Master Luo helps open your excellency these fans unexpectedly, was actually a coup, exempting me and others were many.” Qi Tianxiao hehe, said. “嘿嘿,萧宫主看来是误会了。其实我们此番也是临时起意,未及与苍流宫洛宫主相商。不过看来也是天意,洛宫主竟帮忙支开了阁下的那些拥趸,却是个意外之喜,免了我等不少麻烦。”齐天霄嘿嘿一声,说道。 Xiao Jinhan, since you wield Northern Cold Immortal Palace, perverse actions, to satisfy a oneself selfish desire, transfers the strength of Immortal Palace willfully, injures to the major influences greatly. Persecuted Torch Dragon Dao, now wants to disintegrate our Concealed Tower Sect, really wild ambition. Today this place, was the day of your death sacrifice.” In the Feng Tiandu eye the ice-cold color flashes through, said slowly. 萧晋寒,自从你执掌北寒仙宫,倒行逆施,为了满足一己私欲,任意调动仙宫之力,对各大势力大加加害。迫害了烛龙道,如今又想瓦解我们伏凌宗,真可谓狼子野心。今日此地,便是你的死祭之日。”封天都眼中冰冷之色闪过,缓缓说道。 Other person eye of accumulated murderous intentions, are staring at Xiao Jinhan all stubbornly. 其他人无不目蕴杀机,死死盯着萧晋寒 Snort! I am Northern Cold Immortal Palace Palace Master, was sealed in Heavenly Court, if you dare to harm me, Heavenly Court will not let off you. At the appointed time sends inspecting envoy, your cannot escape.” Xiao Jinhan sees with own eyes this scenery, cannot help but also is the brow slightly wrinkle, the sinking sound said. “哼!我乃北寒仙宫宫主,受封于天庭,若你们胆敢伤害我,天庭绝不会放过你们。届时派下巡查使者,你们一个都逃不掉。”萧晋寒眼见此景,不由得也是眉头微皱,沉声说道。 correct/good, we do not dare to move you in Northern Cold Immortal Territory, but feels indignant but not daring to speak out. But here is Dark Cold Immortal Residence, here killed you, destroys the corpse and leave no trace , do some who know?” Daoist Hu Yan black bearded old man sneers, said. 不错,在北寒仙域我们是不敢动你,只是敢怒不敢言罢了。但此处乃是冥寒仙府,在这里杀了你,毁尸灭迹,又有何人会知道?”呼言道人所化的黑须老者冷笑一声,说道。
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