RMJTIIW :: Volume #5

#480: Unexpected

Before white stone wall . 白色石壁之前。 Feng Tiandu both eyes shut, two pinch finger joints with the thumb a point, before the body , during is void that dozens chains to tremble simultaneously, then the electricity shoots, changes into the innumerable wisp of heavy lines, the gust of wind sudden downpour generally to covering the light cover of stone wall goes. 封天都双目一闭,两手掐诀一点而出,身前虚空之中那数十根锁链同时一颤,接着电射而出,化为无数缕黑线,疾风骤雨一般冲笼罩石壁的光罩而去。 Pī pī pā pā the rain hits the sound of fallen leaf to transmit, the white light cover surface, exudes the little black halo immediately, continuously, the surroundings swing ripples. 噼噼啪啪”的雨打落叶之声传来,白色光罩表面,顿时泛起一点点的黑色光晕,此起彼伏,周围荡起一圈圈涟漪。 Presenting other cultivator at this moment is also each one or wielding spirit treasure, or uses the secret technique, changes into colorful various types total, wells up to go toward the light cover in abundance crazily. 在场其余修士此刻也是各自或是祭出灵宝,或是施展秘术,化为一道道五颜六色的各式共计,纷纷朝光罩狂涌而去。 So many True Immortal, Golden Immortal attacks jointly, the imposing manner shakes the day to shake, causes a white light cover surface distortion, innumerable rune float from above, circles to dance in the air, tumbling continuous. 如此多真仙,金仙联手攻击,气势撼天震地,引得白色光罩表面一阵扭曲,无数符文从上面漂浮而出,盘旋飞舞,翻滚不休。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! A heaven-shaking, earth-shattering loud sound resounds suddenly! 一声惊天动地巨响蓦然响起! The entire canyon rocks suddenly fiercely, various mountain wall grounds start to reappear thick incomparable cracks, under interlocks mutually, like spider web spread. 整座峡谷突然间剧烈晃动起来,各处山壁地面都开始浮现出一道道粗大无比的裂缝,互相交错之下,如同蜘蛛网般蔓延开来。 After the light cover in white stone wall withstands so attacked, the superficial ray crazily flashes, circling of these rune become somewhat chaotic, the light cover also stopped thickening, above appears cracks. 白色石壁上的光罩承受了如此多攻击后,表面光芒狂闪,那些符文的盘旋变得有些杂乱无章,光罩也随之停止了变厚,上面浮现出一道道裂纹。 The people see this, immediately the spirit inspires, the offensive steps up immediately. 众人见此,顿时精神一振,攻势顿时加紧。 Only listens to Pā dā! 只听“啪嗒”一声! White light cover after withstanding so many attacks, superficial rune explodes in abundance, then the entire light cover weak disruption, changes into the big piece white crystal light finally, revealed the following white stone wall. 白色光罩在承受了如此多的攻击之后,表面的符文纷纷爆裂开来,接着整个光罩终于不支的碎裂开来,化为大片白色晶光,露出了下面的白色石壁。 Feng Tiandu opens both eyes, on the withered face flashes through a happy expression faintly. 封天都睁开双目,枯槁的脸上隐隐闪过一丝喜色。 In his hand pinches finger joints with the thumb, in the mouth talked over anything in a soft voice, the body flashes black light, all black chains flew to shoot to return all, submerged his within the body. 他手中掐诀一点,口中轻声念叨了一句什么,身上黑光一闪,所有黑色锁链尽数飞射而回,没入了他的体内。 He treads a stride forward, will say anything. 紧接着他向前踏出一大步,正要开口说些什么。 At this moment, abnormal changes happen suddenly! 就在此刻,异变陡生 The standard in Qi Tianxiao of Feng Tiandu body week not far away, other three Golden Immortal two suddenly lifts simultaneously, the wrist/skill shakes. 本位于封天都身周不远处的齐天霄,还有其他三位金仙忽的两手同时一抬而起,手腕一抖。 qiang lang lang! 玱啷啷! A grating chains sound gets up, Qi Tianxiao and other in the people of sleeves the golden light puts suddenly greatly, under innumerable rune wind around, four leg-thick golden chains spirit snakes fly to shoot, the volume approached the body four limbs of Feng Tiandu. 一阵刺耳的锁链声响起,齐天霄等四人衣袖之中蓦然间金光大放,无数符文缭绕之下,四条碗口粗细的金色锁链灵蛇般飞射而出,卷向了封天都的身体四肢。 Each chains sends out the bright golden light, in the golden light also golden rune, send out powerful imprisoned power of magical principle. 每一根锁链都散发出明亮金光,金光之中还有一枚枚金色符文,散发出一股强大的禁锢法则之力 The Feng Tiandu complexion changes, how also does not see him to act, the whole body appears up and down unexpectedly the one/1st level/layer jet black ray, immediately forms a black light cover instantaneously, protected the whole body. 封天都面色一变,也不见他如何动作,周身上下蓦地浮现出一层漆黑光芒,随即瞬间形成一个黑色光罩,护住了全身。 Almost in that flash that the black light cover just formed, four golden chains sweep across, but, twined in the black light coated. 几乎在黑色光罩刚刚形成的那一刹那,四根金色锁链席卷而至,缠绕在了黑色光罩上。 The golden chains bumps into the black light cover, superficial golden rune fiercely simultaneously one brightly, then the chains as if the heat sword cuts immediately on the butter, easily broke through the black light cover to enter, then one volume, tied up the body and four limbs of Feng Tiandu in abundance like lightning. 金色锁链一碰到黑色光罩,表面的金色符文猛地同时一亮,接着锁链立刻仿佛烧红的刀剑斩在牛油上,轻易突破了黑色光罩而入,接着纷纷一卷,闪电般捆住了封天都的身体和四肢。 Zī lā lā thunderous! 滋啦啦”一阵雷鸣! Above four golden chains, appears in abundance golden electric arcs, hit on Feng Tiandu, making its whole body high and low exude continuously curling white smoke. 四根金色锁链之上,纷纷浮现出一道道金色电弧,纷纷打在了封天都身上,使得其周身上下泛起了一缕缕袅袅白烟。 Feng Tiandu stuffy snort/hum, the body vanishes without the trace black light immediately, the black light cover disruption of body surface vanishes. 封天都闷哼一声,身上黑光立刻消失无踪,体表的黑色光罩碎裂消失。 Qi Tianxiao four people of facial colors one happy, in the mouth mumbled fast, four golden chains each other linked, interlocked under the winding, formed a square golden prisoner's cage instantaneously, was stranded Feng Tiandu in the center. 齐天霄四人面色一喜,口中飞快念念有词,四根金色锁链彼此连接在一起,一阵交错缠绕之下,瞬间形成了一个四四方方的金色囚笼,将封天都困在了中央。 Strength of the powerful incomparable imprisonment sends out from the golden prisoner's cage, flowing of nearby air, patrolling of Heaven and Earth spiritual energy was also imprisoned, seemed frozen thoroughly generally. 一股强大无比的禁锢之力从金色囚笼之中散发而出,附近的空气的流动,天地灵气的游弋也被禁锢了起来,仿佛被彻底冻结了一般。 A series of accidents complete in the electric light flint, others on the scene see with own eyes this unexpected one, staying there, even the matter of white stone wall also forgets for the time being. 一连串的变故在电光火石之间完成,在场的其他人眼见这猝不及防的一幕,都愣愣的呆在了那里,连白色石壁的事情也暂且忘了。 In the distant place cave, Han Li is also one of the looking at dull. 远处山洞之中,韩立也是看的一呆。 These golden chains, probably......” in his mind suddenly appeared initially the situation of Torch Dragon palace preaching Dao congress. “这些金色锁链,好像是……”他脑海中忽的浮现出当初烛龙殿讲道大会的情形。 At present these four golden chains, aura and past Ouyang Kuishan and the others coped with the Baili Yan eight chains to be exactly the same. 眼前这四根金色锁链,气息和当年的欧阳奎山等人对付百里炎的八根锁链一模一样。 Although at present only then four, compared with previously were also short of half, but these chains obviously compared with initial also wanted thickly several times, the golden prisoner's cage lent the aura also to win initially. 虽然眼前只有四根,比此前还少了一半,但这些锁链明显比当初的还要粗大了数倍,金色囚笼散发出气息也更胜当初。 Qi Tianxiao, what your three make, wanting the rebellion to be inadequate?” Feng Tiandu struggles furiously, the body surface appears one/1st level/layer to be black light, the powerful imprisonment that but is then sent out immediately by the golden prisoner's cage suppressed, huge cultivation base is unable to display the slightest. 齐天霄,还有你们三个做什么,想要造反不成?”封天都奋力挣扎,体表浮现出一层黑光,不过立刻便被金色囚笼散发出的强大禁锢压制了下去,一身庞然修为根本无法施展分毫。 senior brother, offended. However the matter of today, is you have only self to blame, no wonder others. In the past when master just before the end passed on the sect leader imperial throne to me, but your years actually took advantage of cultivation base, did not pay attention to me, captured this real power forcefully, lined one's purse the sect resources. Is goes too far, do not blame me who you do not the fellow apprentices friendship.” Qi Tianxiao coldly said that in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb. “师兄,得罪了。不过今日之事,也是你咎由自取,怪不得他人。当年师傅临终时传掌门大位给我,但你这些年却依仗修为,丝毫不将我放在眼里,强行夺取本门实权,更加将宗门资源中饱私囊。是你做的太过份,可别怪我不将师兄弟情分。”齐天霄冷冷说道,手中掐诀一点。 On the golden prisoner's cage appears again thick golden electric arcs, under flashes changes into seven thick golden nails. 金色囚笼上面再次浮现出一道道粗大金色电弧,一闪之下化为七根粗大金色钉子。 Each nail concentrates, if the material object, has foot permits Chang fully, above inscribing innumerable golden color thunder and lightning rune, lends the scary Thunder and Lightning Principle aura, pricked the Feng Tiandu forehead fiercely, the chest, the lower abdomen and other important spots. 每一根钉子凝若实物,足有尺许长,上面铭刻无数金色雷电符文,散发出骇人的雷电法则气息,猛地刺入了封天都眉心,胸口,小腹等重要部位。 Feng Tiandu stuffy snort/hum, the corners of the mouth flow out a blood. 封天都闷哼一声,嘴角流出一道鲜血。 Chī lā lā! 嗤啦啦 Golden thunder and lightning from gush out on seven golden nails, flees in all directions on Feng Tiandu fast, exudes the sound of a series of Pī pā rupturing. 一道道金色雷电从在七根金色钉子上涌出,在封天都身上飞快流窜,发出一连串噼啪爆裂之声。 On his skin appears immediately cracks, the blood splashes, the aura that the body lends also reduces greatly. 他皮肤上立刻浮现出一道道裂纹,鲜血从中飞溅而出,身上散发出的气息也随之大减。 The Feng Tiandu eye narrows the eyes, in the mouth gets angry snort/hum one suddenly, two make a fist fiercely. 封天都眼睛一眯,口中陡然怒哼一声,两手猛地握拳。 In his mouth reads aloud to recite the incantation fast, the body surface appears immediately black light, the whole body turns into the black immediately, especially by the place that the golden nail spike, emits black rune. 他口中飞快诵念咒语,体表顿时浮现出一片黑光,全身立刻变成黑色,尤其被金色钉子钉入的地方,更是冒出一个个黑色符文 Huā lā lā the sound spreads from Feng Tiandu within the body, seven golden nails tremble, floats slowly upward, as if withstood/top by anything. 哗啦啦”的声音从封天都体内传出,七根金色钉子一颤,缓缓往上浮去,仿佛被什么东西顶了起来。 The Qi Tianxiao complexion changes. 齐天霄面色一变。 Meanwhile, whiz whiz whiz several howl sharply, more than ten black chains projected from various Feng Tiandu whole body places, twine the golden prisoner's cage of week. 与此同时,“嗖嗖嗖”数声锐啸,十几根黑色锁链从封天都全身各处射出,缠绕住了身周的金色囚笼。 The jet black ray spreads from the black chains, blacks the golden prisoner's cage rapidly. 漆黑光芒从黑色锁链上蔓延而出,将金色囚笼迅速染黑。 Locks in the golden light that the Feng Tiandu golden chains sends out to be fast gloomy, and started to have faintly some became less crowded. 锁住封天都的金色锁链散发出的金光飞快暗淡,并且隐隐开始有了些许松动。 The Qi Tianxiao complexion big change, quickly pinches finger joints with the thumb the stimulation of movement golden color chains fast, but has not actually affected. 齐天霄面色大变,急忙飞快掐诀催动金色锁链,但却没有丝毫作用。 Black light spreads rapidly on the golden prisoner's cage, in an instant blacked it half. 黑光迅速在金色囚笼上蔓延开,转眼间将其染黑了一半。 At this moment, Feng Tiandu behind person's shadow flitted, white form appear out of thin air, is Xiao Jinhan. 就在此刻,封天都身后人影一花,一个白色身影凭空浮现而出,正是萧晋寒 But sees his wrist/skill to shake, a spoken parts shadow flies to shoot from his hand, the thorn to the prisoner's cage the throat of Feng Tiandu, is a clear long sword, the sword blade is like lightning partly visible, sends out the dreadful cold air. 但见他手腕一抖,一道白影从他手中飞射而出,闪电般刺向了囚笼内封天都的咽喉,却是一柄晶莹长剑,剑身若隐若现,散发出滔天寒气。 Qi Tianxiao and the others still pinched finger joints with the thumb, regarding the appearance of Xiao Jinhan, has not made any response. 齐天霄等人仍旧掐诀施法,对于萧晋寒的出现,没有做出任何反应。 The Feng Tiandu pupil shrinks, the opens the mouth blowout yellow light, was actually a yellow carapace shape shield, in the shield surface inscribed together mysterious patterns, sent out the intense Earth Attribute Principle fluctuation, was actually rare immortal artifact. 封天都瞳孔一缩,张口喷出一道黄光,却是一面黄色龟甲形状的盾牌,盾面上铭刻了一道道玄奥花纹,散发出强烈的土属性法则波动,却是一件难得的仙器 Carapace shield yellow Mangda puts, instantaneous increasing several times, keep off before his body. 龟甲盾牌黄芒大放,瞬间变大数倍,挡在他的身前。 Ding! 叮! The white long sword punctured on the yellow shield, the white yellow two color rays erupted in the two suddenly, rune tumbled, the shield shivered again and again, was driven back a distance, but kept off the long sword. 白色长剑刺在了黄色盾牌上,白黄两色光芒骤然间在二者间爆发而出,其中符文翻滚,盾牌连连颤抖,被逼退了一段距离,不过还是将长剑挡了下来。 Qi Tianxiao, originally you and Xiao Jinhan collude!” The Feng Tiandu vision sweeps, in the mouth gets angry exclaims. 齐天霄,原来你和萧晋寒勾结!”封天都目光一扫,口中怒吼道。 In the distant place cave, the Han Li facial expression is silent, calmly is looking at the situation in distant place, but looks slightly coldly to the Xiao Jinhan look. 远处山洞内,韩立神情默然,静静望着远处的情况,只是看向萧晋寒的眼神微冷。 This person really merit in the scheme, first uses the Torch Dragon palace 13 Golden Immortal Dao Lord disagreement/not with, removed Baili Yan, now also old trick heavy, instigates Concealed Tower Sect internal fight. 此人果然功于心计,先是利用烛龙殿十三金仙道主不和,除掉了百里炎,如今又故技重施,挑拨伏凌宗内斗。 If Feng Tiandu is also removed today, Northern Cold Immortal Territory three big sect then only have dark blue class/flow palace one, in other these small influence is in a state of disunity, cannot block the expansion of Northern Cold Immortal Palace, only fears soon, entire Northern Cold Immortal Territory will fall into the hand of Immortal Palace thoroughly. 如果今日封天都也被除掉,北寒仙域三大宗门便只剩下沧流宫一个,其余那些中小势力一盘散沙,根本挡不住北寒仙宫的扩张,只怕用不了多久,整个北寒仙域就会彻底落入仙宫之手。 The Xiao Jinhan ambition is big! 萧晋寒野心不小! „, Really hit! Uncle, you have not really deceived people, do we want make a move now?” Golden Child also walked at this moment, sees the situation in distant place, on the small face shows the smile, claps to say. “哇,果然打起来了!大叔,你果然没骗人,我们现在要动手吗?”金童此刻也走了过来,看到远处的情况,小脸上露出笑容,拍手道。 Waits again, splendid also in behind.” In Han Li eye saying of ray twinkle. “再等一下,精彩的还在后面。”韩立眼中光芒闪烁的说道。 At this time, the distant place Southern Dark Race everyone complexion also changes, only then the Daoist Hu Yan look is usual, in the eye has the different glow to flash unclearly. 此时,远处南黎族诸人面色也是一变,只有呼言道人神色如常,眼中却隐然有异芒闪动。 However at this moment, person's shadow flitted, the Ouyang Kuishan three people appears in several people of front, sets up in an array. 不过就在此刻,人影一花,欧阳奎山三人出现在几人前方,一字排开。 Fellow Daoist, this matter and you have nothing to do, but also please do not meddle.” Ouyang Kuishan looks at Southern Dark Race, Daoist Hu Yan and the others, appears on hand one silver light, the tone fills saying of warning. “诸位道友,此事和你们无关,还请勿要插手。”欧阳奎山看着南黎族,呼言道人等人,手边浮现出一片银光,口气充满警告的说道。 Daoist Hu Yan and the others each other look at one mutually, standing is motionless there. 呼言道人等人彼此互望一眼,站在那里一动不动。 The Xiao Jinhan eye split vision sees this, in the heart the slightly loosen, in the hand pinches finger joints with the thumb. 萧晋寒眼睛余光看到此幕,心中微松,手中掐诀一点。 White fog erupts from the white long sword suddenly, innumerable white rune beats, as if innumerable snowflakes dance in the air, one wraps the yellow shield. 一股白雾陡然从白色长剑上爆发而出,无数白色符文在其中跳动,仿佛无数雪花飞舞,一下包裹住黄色盾牌。 Yellow shield surface Hwang Gwang-il is abundant, is wanting to release anything, cover of fluctuation that result contains power of magical principle from snowflake all around, immediately makes Hwang Gwang-il stagnate. 黄色盾牌表面黄光一盛,正欲释放什么,结果一股蕴含法则之力的波动从周遭的雪花之中一罩而下,顿时使得黄光一滞。 The white light flashes, the white ice piece of grinding pan size appears together, glittering and translucent carving, very dazzling attractive. 白光一闪,一块磨盘大小的白色冰块浮现而出,晶莹剔透,很是炫目好看。 That yellow shield was frozen impressively in the ice piece, the spirit strength that sends out all loses, even the fluctuation of power of magical principle could not feel the slightest. 那面黄色盾牌赫然被冻在了冰块里面,散发出的灵力全失,甚至法则之力的波动也感觉不到分毫了。 Pā dā, the ice piece fell on the ground. 啪嗒”一声,冰块掉落在了地上。 Has repaired the principle of ice unexpectedly waits for the situation hence, even power of magical principle can also freeze, this Xiao Jinhan does not owe is the lord of Northern Cold Immortal Palace, is really fierce!” The distant place, Han Li sees with own eyes this scenery, in the eye flashes through an admiration. “竟已将冰之法则修至此等地步,连法则之力也能冻结,这萧晋寒不亏为北寒仙宫之主,果然厉害!”远处,韩立眼见此景,眼中闪过一丝钦佩。
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